Presentation "Reserves of the Khabarovsk Territory" presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 4) on the topic. Presentation "animal world of the Khabarovsk Territory Animal world of the Khabarovsk Territory presentation

The region is distinguished by a rich natural world, due to the fact that vast territories are occupied by light coniferous taiga. In addition, over 60% of the region is occupied by mountain slopes and ridges. The relief is predominantly mountainous. The landscape is picturesque, represented by many species of rare plants.

The Khabarovsk Territory is characterized by rich natural diversity, moderate climatic conditions and attractive forests. This is influenced by the fact that the region borders on the Amur Region. There are many different types of mushrooms in the forests. Winters are quite cold here, but summers are long and hot. Land winds sometimes blow from the west, but they also last a very short time.

Flora of the Khabarovsk Territory

Taiga forests here occupy vast areas and stretch for several kilometers. Huge territories are occupied by coniferous forests, in which there are Dahurian larch, cedar, and spruce. There are rich pine forests that amaze with the majesty of the trees. A small share is given to deciduous forests, such species as lotus, Manchurian walnut, aralia, ginseng, Amur velvet, Dahurian rose, Chinese magnolia vine grow in them.

It is noteworthy that such species as maple, fir, oak and elm grow in these parts. Among the rare plants with extraordinary beauty, Daurian rhododendron, eleutherococcus and pointed yew can be distinguished.

Many mushrooms grow in dense forest areas, for example, yellow mushroom, larch flywheel, ilmak, milk mushrooms, alder, May mushroom, flywheel, butterdish. All these species tend to inhabit the forest from May to September, some of them may also be found in October.
About 155 species of mushrooms and plants that are at the stage of extinction are listed in the Red Book. These include ferns, club mosses, mosses and lichens. Also, there are very few angiosperms left in the Khabarovsk Territory, more than 15 species of mushrooms need protection.

Fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory

The main forest representatives in Khabarovsk are: fox, wolf, lynx. The Amur tiger is a special pride in these parts. Also in the forests there are moose, roe deer, deer, musk deer and wild boars. Fur animals are also available, these are weasel, muskrat, squirrel, otter, wolverine. Near the sea inhabits columns. There is also a variety of birds in these parts, for example, hazel grouse, capercaillie, nutcracker, waxwing, ptarmigan live in forest areas, and pheasant lives in some areas. Of the waterfowl, the region is inhabited by geese, mergansers, and ducks. A little less common are the Indian cuckoo, the Ussuri pheasant, the blue flycatcher, black grouse and blackbirds of two types: gray and stone.

Among the larger forest dwellers are the Manchurian hare, red deer and roe deer. The brown bear is also found in these parts, and there is also a rarer species - the Himalayan bear, the number of which is gradually increasing.

There are a lot of river fish: burbot, pike, grayling, crucian carp, catfish, carp, yellow-cheek, mackerel, flounder.

There are animals Khabarovsk Territory listed in the Red Book. This is a beetle Amur cat, barnacle tern, Amur snake, snowy owl, and also gray crane. There are very few of these representatives left, they need protection. The Japanese snake is unique.

Climate in the Khabarovsk Territory

The climate in the Khabarovsk Territory is temperate. The natural conditions are influenced by the proximity of the sea and the nature of the relief. Autumn here is quite long, as is winter. average temperature in January from -18 to -25, in some areas it can reach -38 degrees. In the southern regions, the temperature in winter can drop to -47 degrees, the winter here is long and cold. In summer, the temperature ranges from +17 to +25, it is warm. During the summer, the humidity usually rises. Spring comes at the end of March, the main peak occurs at the end of April and May, temperatures reach +10-15 degrees. Precipitation per year is approximately 700 mm.

respect for nature; education of independence and responsibility. The methodological conditions for organizing training in an elective course should be friendly communication, a creative approach to information processing. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is divided into 3 components: theoretical, where the main attention is paid to studying the features of the nature of the region and teaching the basic skills of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. The second part is practical, which is aimed at developing the skills to process theoretical knowledge through information technology. The third part is specialized, where the main task is to expand the professional horizons, to comprehend the material from the point of view of its use in various professions (climatologist, hydrologist, programmer, etc.). The main forms of student activity are the organization of individual work or work in small groups. Expected learning outcomes: Students' knowledge of the natural features of their region; Mastering by students the skills of project activities based on information technology; Development of presentations on the topics of the Khabarovsk Territory. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is one of the forms of pedagogical support for students in choosing high school profiles.

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Presentation on the topic: The nature of the Khabarovsk Territory

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Dear Colleagues! I present to your court the developments in organizing and conducting the elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory using the PowerPoint program." This elective course was tested in gymnasium No. 1 during the last academic year (in two semesters), I continue to work on this program this year as well. In 2004/2005 academic year 19 students have been trained. In the 2005/2006 academic year, 26 gymnasium students studied. The level of preparation of the guys is different. Some already have the skills to create presentations, others start from scratch. I am pleased that mutual assistance and mutual assistance reign in the classroom, which allows every high school student who attends an elective course to present their work by the end of the semester.

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“The most difficult thing for me was working with the text. In the presentation, the text should be short, capacious and interesting. And it’s so exciting to process text through animation ... "" Thanks to the elective course, I got acquainted with interesting phenomena in the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory by reading "Stories about Nature" by Makhinov A.M ... "" When I came to the elective classes, I did not know how to work with a computer and was worried that I can't handle. My presentation is not as cool as that of the boys, but I am glad that I learned a lot…” Here are some excerpts from the students' self-assessment after completing the course.

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A few words about the structure of the presentation I divided the presentation into several sections. Their names are presented on the left side of the presentation slide. By means of hyperlinks you will be able to view this or that section in more detail. The works of students are different in terms of level and forms of presentation, but all of them are aimed at a deeper study of the nature of their region and the acquisition of skills in working in Power Point. Program Thematic planning Activity Student work Useful links Recommendations

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Explanatory note The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is designed for 17 hours in the 9th grade. The current stage of development of society is characterized by the global informatization of all spheres of public life, including the education system. The content of education is enriched with new procedural changes, the development of the ability to operate with information, creative solutions to the problems of science and market practice, with an emphasis on the individualization of programs. New technologies are being introduced into the modern education system that make it possible to consider the educational process as the receipt of information by students, its processing and use. Modern quality the content of education "determines" the formation of a new system of universal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, modern key competencies (The concept of modernization of education)

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The content component of the elective course is the expansion of the course "Geography of Russia" for grades 8-9 in the field of studying the Khabarovsk Territory. The basis of the activity of students in the elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is the study of the nature of their native land and the processing of the knowledge gained through information technology. The course "Geography of Russia" is studied in this institution on the basis of integrated approach, which means that ninth-graders have basic knowledge and skills in studying the relationship between nature and the country's economy. In this regard, the elective course is designed for students to independently study the regional component under the guidance of a teacher, generalize knowledge, collapse and expand information, and present it on the basis of information technology in Microsoft Power Point programs.

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The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is an example of the integration of geography and informatics. The content of the course is aimed at increasing interest in geographical science, the development of cognitive interest in the native land, in the modern presentation of the knowledge gained. The course is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, and develop critical and creative thinking. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" performs teaching and educational functions. The content of the course involves working with different sources of information. The textbook by Makhinov A.N., Panevina G.N. was chosen as the basis for the theoretical study of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory", text, illustrations, methodological apparatus, the non-textual elements of which create the most favorable conditions for independent activity of students.

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The purpose of the elective course: teaching independent work with sources of information and practical skills in processing it through computer graphics, assistance in choosing an information technology profile. Course objectives: to expand and deepen ideas about the nature of the native land; develop the ability to independently receive, systematize, creatively process information; develop artistic abilities and creative abilities through computer technology; promote the development of personal qualities of students, create conditions for the formation of responsibility for the choice. Principles of organizing educational activities of students through the program of an elective course: The principle of independence: students learn to search for and collect information on the topics of the course and its processing; The principle of individuality: students choose the topic of studying the nature of their region, learn to plan and implement their educational activities, focused on specific needs and taking into account the experience, psychophysiological, cognitive characteristics of each; The principle of electivity: the choice of course, the provision of a certain freedom in the choice of content, sources, forms of activity and reporting.

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The axiological idea of ​​the course is to cultivate love for the native land and respect for nature; education of independence and responsibility. The methodological conditions for organizing training in an elective course should be friendly communication, a creative approach to information processing. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is divided into 3 components: theoretical, where the main attention is paid to studying the features of the nature of the region and teaching the basic skills of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. The second part is practical, which is aimed at developing the skills to process theoretical knowledge through information technology. The third part is specialized, where the main task is to expand the professional horizons, to comprehend the material from the point of view of its use in various professions (climatologist, hydrologist, programmer, etc.). The main forms of student activity are the organization of individual work or work in small groups. Expected learning outcomes: Students' knowledge of the natural features of their region; Mastering by students the skills of project activities based on information technology; Development of presentations on the topics of the Khabarovsk Territory. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is one of the forms of pedagogical support for students in choosing high school profiles.

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Curriculum and thematic plan No. Title of the topic hours Including The form of the theory. prak Introduction 1 1 1. Basics of working in Microsoft Power Point 2 1 1 Lecture, workshop 2. Features of the nature of the region 2 1 1 3. Topic 3. Collection and processing of information on the selected topic. 2 2 Independent work under the guidance of a teacher. Development of a presentation plan. Selection of factual and illustrative material on the topic. Topic 4. Creating a presentation 8 8 Creating a presentation on a selected topic. 4. Conclusion 2 2 Protection of presentations TOTAL 17 5 12

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Content Introduction (1h). Goals, objectives of the course. Activities. Topic 1. Features of working in the Microsoft Power Point program (2 hours) Acquaintance with the Microsoft Power Point program. How to create a presentation and design template. Creating slides. Working with images: inserting pictures and films, artistic design. Setting up animations and designing presentations.

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Topic 2. Features of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory (2 hours) The uniqueness of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. Causes of Diversity natural conditions. The difference between the nature of northern and southern regions the edges. Practical work. Identification of the reasons for the formation of the "Ussuri taiga" in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory. Topic 3. Collection and processing of information on the selected topic. (2 hours) Practical work. 1. Setting a goal, identifying a problem, formulating tasks; 2. Selection of factual and illustrative material on the topic; 3. Discussion of possible research options, comparison of proposed strategies, choice of methods.

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Topic 4. Creating a presentation (8 hours) Self-education and updating of knowledge with the advisory assistance of a teacher; Thinking through the course of activities, distribution of responsibilities. Research: the solution of individual problems, the layout of the material; Creating a presentation. Protection of projects (2 hours) Viewing and discussion of presentations. Self-assessment: analysis of successes and mistakes.

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Guidelines for the study of the elective course At the introductory lesson, it is recommended to introduce students to the goals, objectives of the course, activities and the form of final certification. The next two lessons are devoted to getting acquainted with the features of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. This program is easy to understand. 1-2 hours are enough to learn how to create presentations: design template, animation settings, inserting pictures and films, artistic design. The next two-hour topic introduces students to common features nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. The work is carried out with sources of knowledge: the textbook Makhinova A.N., Panevina G.N. "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory", encyclopedia of the Khabarovsk Territory, atlas "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory, etc.

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The practical lesson "Collecting and processing information on a selected topic" includes introducing students to project activities, selection of literature, statistical and illustrative materials. In these classes, the individual consultation of the teacher in choosing a topic, structuring the material, and assessing the quality of the selection of information is very important. This is the most important stage in the work of students. The teacher's help is necessary, first of all, to help students not so much in choosing a topic as in posing a problem, so that the work is not of a reproductive nature, but of a search one. With the connection of schools to the Internet, a new opportunity has appeared to obtain information both from the sites of the Khabarovsk Territory and from the sites of the country. In addition, the activity of students in the production of illustrations is stimulated (e.g., photos or drawings of their favorite corner of the city for the presentation “Favorite places in my city”). Training in scanning and editing reproductions and text.

summary of presentations

Khabarovsk region

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Symbols of the cities of the Khabarovsk Territory. Travel route through the cities of the Khabarovsk Territory. Purpose: Station 1 - the city of Khabarovsk. Sights of the city of Khabarovsk. The first coat of arms of the city of Khabarovsk. Highly approved July 5, 1878. The second coat of arms of the city of Khabarovsk was approved by the government Senate on February 1, 1912. Description of the coat of arms: In the free part of the shield - the coat of arms of the Primorsky region. In the lower part of the shield, the date of the formation of the city is 1858. In the south of the Ussuri River is the city of Vyazemsky. Station 2 - the city of Vyazemsky. At the top is the silhouette of the Sinyukha hill. Symbolism of the coat of arms: The lake with a lotus is a natural landmark of the Vyazemsky district. - Khabarovsk Territory.ppt

Khabarovsk Territory of Russia

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Russia starts from the east. Expansion of active cognition. Far Eastern city. Ancient Cupid. Black Dragon River. Daur tribes. Campaigns of Vasily Poyarkov. Long road to Amur. Erofey Khabarov. Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy. Soldiers of the line Siberian battalion. Muravyov-Amursky. Left bank of the Amur River. Monument to Muravyov-Amursky. Tribute to memory. Talented administrator. Symbols of the Khabarovsk Territory. The administrative structure of the region. The area of ​​the land. The transport system of the region. Bridge over the Amur. Natural resources. Khabarovsk Territory of Russia. The nature of the edge. 127 kinds of animals. - Khabarovsk Territory of Russia.ppt

Animals and plants of the Khabarovsk Territory

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The unique edge of the Russian land. The natural world of the Khabarovsk Territory. Animals and plants of the Khabarovsk Territory. Amur tiger. Goral. Far Eastern turtle. Far Eastern forest cat. Izubr. Golden eagle. Japanese crane. Fish owl. Red Wolf. Sable. Black stork. Himalayan bear. Pied harrier. Brown bear. Kaluga. Ginseng. Dahurian rose. Lotus Komarov. Dahurian rhododendron. Yew pointed. Amur velvet. Lemongrass Chinese. Eleutherococcus prickly. - Animals and plants of the Khabarovsk Territory.pptx

Red Data Book of Khabarovsk

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According to the pages of the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory. Nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. Edition. Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory. Plants. Ginseng is real. The ability to heal from all diseases. Rhodiola rosea. Irregular collection. Sikhotinsky rhododendron. Ryabchik Maksimovich. Lily is weak. Lotus Komarov. Lotus. Japanese cup. The lady's slipper is real. beautiful flower. Japanese beard. Peony obovate. Name. Amur fescue. Water chestnut floating. Walnut fruit. Yew pointed. Yew Far East. Hypopterygium japonica. Mushroom. Big tube-nosed. Red Wolf. - Red Book of Khabarovsk.ppt

Quiz about the Khabarovsk Territory

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The native land is the Far East. Rules of the game. Teams. Round 1. Rules of the 1st round. Decoder. The main river of the region. What is the name of the Amur River. How long is the main river? Round 2. Rules of the 2nd round. Native land. Heraldry of the region. How many colors are on the flag. What fish is called the "Queen of the Amur". What plant grows on the roads. Cities and towns. The history of the region. Regional capital. Round 3. Rules of the 3rd round. Snakehead. Results. 1. Miscellaneous about the region. 2. Map of the region. 3. List the cities of the region. 4. Cupid fish. 5. Reserves of the region. 6. Forests of the edge. 7. Zoo Far East. - Quiz about the Khabarovsk Territory.ppt

Big Ussuri

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Priority investment projects Khabarovsk Territory. Area: 788.6 thousand km2 Population: 1,401 thousand people GRP (2009): 289.4 billion rubles Investments (2009): 90 billion rubles Foreign invest. (2009): 265 million dollars Specialization: mechanical engineering, timber, metallurgical, oil refining industries; cargo transit. Khabarovsk region. Enterprises with foreign investments in the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory (as of 01.01.2010). Geographic structure foreign trade of the region in 2009, %. Geographical structure of foreign investments of the region in 2009, %. Principles of investment cooperation with China. - Big Ussuri.ppt

District named after Lazo

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Wealth of the land of Lazovskaya. Goals of the local history excursion. Equal among others. Lazo area. Square. Monument to Sergei Lazo. Photo of the first settlers. Transbaikal Cossacks. Log house. Pathfinders. Taiga master. Tiger. This is interesting. Golden Rigma. Tiger cub. Rehabilitation center. Chipmunk. District named after Lazo. Big honour. Cedar. Squares covered with the famous Ussuri taiga. Children took shelter from the rain. Cedar cones. Korean cedar. Breadfruit. Eat pine nuts. Wood harvesting. Timber-cedar. Action "All-Russian Day of Forest Planting". Thousand Korean cedar trees. - District named after Lazo.pptx

District named after Lazo, Khabarovsk Territory

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Seven wonders of the Lazo area. I love and know. Coat of arms of the Lazo district. Green rhombus. Flag of the Lazo district. Flag of the municipal area. Agriculture. Coat of arms. Municipal area. Luxury and variety. Attractions of the region. Tourist routes. Organized tourism. A wonderful edge. Cliff. Amur tiger. Soul of the tiger. Exotic colored cat. Rehabilitation center for wild animals. Foundation for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. Villager. Taiga tiger. Petroglyphs. Ancient peoples. Kiinsky writings. Damn splash. Alexey Pavlovich Okladnikov. Mount Co. One of the mountain peaks in the Far East. - District named after Lazo Khabarovsk Territory.pptx


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It borders on the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as on the PRC. On average, 1.8 people live per square kilometer. The average age of the inhabitants of the region is 36.74 years. The region is rich in forest, mineral, fish and other natural resources. The Khabarovsk Territory is also an industrial region. Russia made major discoveries on Far East. Amur alloys became the impetus for the economic development of the region. The names of Russian pioneers are not forgotten even in the third millennium. The Khabarovsk Territory was formed on October 20, 1938. At present, the Khabarovsk Territory occupies an area of ​​788.6 thousand square meters. km. - Khabarovsk.ppt


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Khabarovsk. My motherland. City of Military Glory. Regional center. Khabarovsk is a city of military glory. There are seven hero cities in Russia. Leningrad. Cities of military glory. Volokolamsk. Status. Memorial stele project. Festive events. Festive fireworks. Khabarovsk is a city of military glory. Military burial. Memorial bas-relief. Monument to the partisans. Monument to the warriors of Khabarovsk. Black Tulip. Khabarovsk was a front-line city. The ranks of the active army. Khabarovsk formations and units. Severe exam. Khabarovsk. All this is worthy of great respect and eternal memory. - City of Khabarovsk.ppt

Game "Khabarovsk"

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Khabarovsk region. Animal world. Category "Founders of the region". Residents. Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky. Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy. China. Whose administrative territory is the Khabarovsk Territory. What seas is washed by the Khabarovsk Territory. Category "History". What colors is the flag of the region. The coat of arms of which city is shown in the picture. Power and immunity. What do the colors on the national flag mean? large predator. Kaluga. Little animal. Bird. Key dates. Birthday of the Khabarovsk Territory. How old will our city be in 2012. When was the military post of Khabarovsk founded. - Game "Khabarovsk".ppt


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Life and way of life of the indigenous peoples of the Khabarovsk Territory. Modern Komsomolsk. To the 80th anniversary of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. City `s history. Columbus. Perm village. Nanais. The word "nay". Nanai dwelling. Dugout. Winter house. Dimensions. Hearth. Outbuildings. Zhirnik. Huts. Nutrition of the Nanais. Tala made from fresh raw fish. Meat food. Value in nutrition. Nanai cuisine recipe. Nanai clothing. Traditional occupation of the Nanais. A dressing gown served as the upper shoulder garment. Men. Nanai women's wedding dressing gown. Bride. Embroidery ornament. Birch bark conical hat. Headphones "siaptun". Men wore a combined headdress. -

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