Amur leopard cat. Far Eastern forest cat - life in the wild and among people Far Eastern cat

wild nature full of secrets and mysteries, but even well-known representatives of the fauna cause real delight in people. If, of course, you see the animals from afar. For example, meet a Far Eastern (Amur) cat in natural environment Any scientist would like to live there.

Amur forest cat - who is it?

The Amur forest cat first became known in 1871. From about that time, the skins of this animal were exported to China to make collars and hats. The current Red Book (in the Primorsky Territory) status of the animal provides for a decent fine for its extermination. In addition, the cat is included in Appendix II of the CITES Convention. Thanks to nature reserves and zoos, this endangered species of the cat family has been preserved. There is no information on the population size, but it is known that Japanese nature reserves and zoos contain approximately 100 individuals.

In 2004, an anniversary issue was published in Russia. silver coin denomination of 1 ruble with the image of an Amur forest cat.

The Far Eastern Amur forest cat is protected by the state

Amur forest cat classification table

Description of the Amur forest cat

The Amur forest cat is a rather attractive predator. It is slightly larger than a domestic cat. However, first things first.

External features

The weight of the Amur forest cat can reach 15 kg, and its height is 75–90 cm. The animal has:

  • rather long legs;
  • thin tail;
  • small head.

A lush, soft, thick coat allows the cat to feel good in the most harsh winters. The main color of the animal's coat is light yellowish-gray or dull brownish-grayish. Dark blurry or clear round spots are scattered throughout the cat's body. The tip of the animal's tail is dark.

Because of the spots on its back, the Chinese call the Amur cat “money cat.”


Many hunters claim that they are afraid of meeting a Far Eastern forest cat, since if there is danger, the animal can attack for the purpose of protection. According to other sources, this animal, on the contrary, never shows aggression towards people and leads a secretive lifestyle. In zoos, these animals behave warily - what can we say, they are predators.


The Amur forest cat lives next to the famous tigers and Far Eastern leopards. He lives:

The animal is also found in China. It loves to settle in thickets of reeds, reeds and bushes, as well as in dense mountain forests.


The Amur forest cat eats:

  • mice;
  • proteins;
  • birds.

Sometimes the animal attacks major representatives fauna - young roe deer and hares. In snowy winters, it is forced to stay close to human habitations and eat small domestic animals.

The Amur forest cat sometimes feeds on birds


Mating of Amur forest cats occurs in March. At this time, they emit a drawn-out meow, reminiscent of singing, whereas in general it is common for these animals to snort and hiss. IN mating season they live in pairs. Pregnancy in females lasts about 70 days. There are 1–4 blind kittens in a litter. Their eyes open on the 10th day of life.

Far Eastern forest kittens leave the den for the first time at 1.5–2 months

At approximately 1.5–2 months, kittens first leave the shelter - thickets of bushes or a hollow tree, and at 6 months they leave their mother. According to some sources, animals become sexually mature at 8–10 months, according to others - at 18. Interestingly, the kittens are raised by the father along with their mother.

At the beginning of 2000, scientists conducted an experiment by crossing the Amur forest cat with domestic Asian cats. At the same time, the “savages” treated pets quite aggressively. But the scientists still waited for the litter.

Scientists are worried that by crossing the Amur forest cat with its domestic relative, the genetic purity of the species will be lost. On the other hand, this is a good opportunity for breeders to keep hybrids at home.

One of my friends loves wildlife and life in tents, so he often goes to different parts of Russia to get acquainted with their landscapes. One autumn, he and his friends went to the Primorsky Territory - his vacation fell during this period. The guys lived in tents, one might say, in the open air. They often travel with a friend who loves to study animal world, as they say, “in reality” and leaves various treats for the animals near the tents. He does this secretly, because other team members scold him - the hour is uneven, he will come running for a treat dangerous beast. And so, having put down another “yummy”, he began to observe the designated place. We didn’t have to wait long: as soon as it got dark, a small cat approached the treat. At first, the animal thought for a long time whether it was possible to take the treat, watching it from afar. Then it very quickly crept up and took possession of the delicacy, after which it also disappeared behind the tree in no time. The team member feeding the animal placed the treat in the same place every day. And every time the cat returned for food, still afraid. The cat’s benefactor himself did not know whether these were different cats or the same one.

Life in captivity

The population of the Amur forest cat is preserved in zoos. Here the animals reproduce well and have shown themselves to be caring parents. However, they are still not very supportive of people and at the first danger they try to “give it a go.”

In zoos, animals are fed with live birds and small rodents. In captivity, Amur forest cats live up to 17 years, while in the wild they do not live up to 10. Home conditions are not suitable for these animals; they can only be kept in spacious enclosures.

The Amur forest cat is protected by the state, so its acquisition is illegal. But even if you buy such a kitten from sellers of smuggled goods and try to tame it, then in adulthood it will definitely “show its claws.”

In Russia, these animals live in many reserves:

  • Kedrovaya Pad (Primorsky Territory);
  • Khanaisky (Primorsky Territory);
  • Usuriysky (Primorsky Territory);
  • Lazovsky (Primorsky Territory);
  • Bolshekhehtsirsky (Khabarovsk Territory).

Video: Amur forest cat in nature

The Amur forest cat is an endangered species that is under protection. IN Lately its population is increasing due to zoos and nature reserves. This animal is wild and cannot exist at home. Despite the cute appearance, it doesn’t connect well with people.

Order - Carnivores / Suborder - Felidae / Family - Felidae / Subfamily - Small cats

History of the study

The Amur forest cat (lat. Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus or lat. Felis bengalensis euptilura) is a subspecies of the Bengal cat. Another name is “Amur leopard cat”.


Extended to Far East, in the Amur River basin and along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. Near Lake Khanka (lake), the cat was found throughout the entire habitable area. Lives in Bolshekhehtsirsky, Khankaysky, Ussuriysky, Kedrovaya Pad, Lazovsky nature reserves.


Slightly larger than a domestic cat. Its body length is 75-90 cm, its tail is 35-37 cm, its weight is 4-6 kg. The main color of the coat on the upper side is light grayish-yellow or dull grayish-brown with scattered round dark red spots.


Mating occurs in March. Pregnancy lasts 65-70 days. In a litter there are 1-2 (sometimes up to 4) blind and helpless kittens, weighing 75-80 g each. Eyes open on the 10th day. The female actively protects the kittens and, in case of danger, takes them to another place. When the kittens are 45-50 days old, they begin to leave the den and explore the surrounding area. At 4-4.5 months, the weight of young cats reaches 3.2 kg, females up to 2.4 kg. At the age of 6 months (October-November), the kittens leave their mother in search of their hunting area.


The habitat of the Far Eastern forest cat is dense thickets of bushes (hazel) and copses along river and lake valleys; slopes of low mountains (where snow cover in winter does not exceed 30-40 cm), overgrown mixed forest with rocky placers; deaf falls; reed thickets along the shores of lakes and oxbow lakes; deforestation and edges; meadows with tall grass. It rises into the mountains to 500-600 m.a.s.l. The Amur forest cat is often found near human habitation. Solid forest areas and lands with intensive agricultural activity are avoided.

The Far Eastern forest cat leads the crepuscular and night image life. Shy and very cautious, it is difficult to detect. Hunts from ambush (on the ground and trees), catching prey in one jump. IN winter time migrates from the mountains to river and lake valleys, hilltops covered with dense bushes (where the snow is blown away by the wind and is well compacted). IN very coldy can approach human habitation and hunt synanthropic rodents in old buildings. In times of danger, it escapes in the trees. Shelters are made in the hollows of old trees and rock crevices hidden in dense bushes. Willingly uses abandoned fox and badger holes. The bottom of the den is lined with dry grass and leaves, and wood dust. Excellent climber on rocks and trees, swims well. The Amur forest cat has several temporary shelters on its site, which it periodically visits. In winter, it uses only one permanent and safest den.

The Far Eastern forest cat lives in pairs or alone. Only during the breeding season do several cats gather together. The individual home range of one individual occupies on average 5-9 km2 and depends on the abundance of prey.


The basis of the Far Eastern cat's diet is mouse-like rodents (voles) and birds and their eggs (hazel grouse, pheasants). Actively pursues squirrels, chipmunks and Manchurian hares, hunts young roe deer and deer.


The Far Eastern forest cat is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, CITES Convention (Appendix II). Population size in last years started to grow. The main threats to the species: loss of habitat (fires, logging, plowing of virgin land with tall grass, hunting), weather factors, hybridization with domestic cats. The maximum density of the Amur cat population of 3-4 individuals per 10 km2 was observed in Pogranichny, Khankaisky and Khasansky districts of Primorsky Krai. The approximate number in the Primorsky Territory is 2-2.5 thousand individuals.

Far Eastern forest cat and man

The Far Eastern cat is not commercially hunted. Obtained by chance. Not tamed. Sometimes he steals poultry.

The Amur forest cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) is the smallest subspecies of Asian cats - it is only slightly larger than its domestic relatives. In the literature you can find other names for the Amur forest cat: Far Eastern forest cat, Bengal, Tsushima leopard cat. Its length, including the tail, is about 90 cm. The tail accounts for about 40 cm in length. The cat weighs only 2.5-3 kg, and the male cat is slightly larger, weighing 3-4 kg.

The animal is found on the territory of Russia in the Perm and Khabarovsk territories. The Amur cat also lives in Asia. Depending on the region where it lives, its color can be more or less bright and is an excellent camouflage, making the cat difficult to notice, even if you are nearby. Man rarely encounters a leopard cat in the wild. The rare animal is listed in the Red Book.

External features

The Amur cat is beautiful, like all representatives of this family. The body is strong with well-developed muscles, elongated in shape. The head is compact, elongated with long whiskers. There is a fairly wide, hairless stripe running along the nose. The paws are of medium length. The claws are not long, strongly curved downwards. Small round ears do not have tassels at the ends. The tail is not thick, covered with dense fluffy fur. The mouth is strong. The canines of the upper jaw are long and quite powerful.

The Amur cat has abundant, short and thick hair. In winter it is lighter and thicker than in the warm season. The length of the guard hairs reaches 5 cm. The color of the cat is gray-yellow or reddish-brown, less often dirty brown. The belly and sides are lighter than the back. Oval spots with a dark red color and a blurry black edge are visible on the upper part of the body.

On the back of the animal there is one wide dark stripe or 3 narrow ones. In the throat area, transverse red stripes are clearly visible, the number of which is from 4 to 5. Black stripes located transversely are noted on the paws and tail, but on it they are difficult to distinguish. The spots in the abdominal area are much lighter.

Located above the eyes white spot elongated shape that looks like eyebrows. The ears are painted white on the outside, and along their edges there is a border of dark, almost black color. With age, the number of spots on the animal decreases, and the Amur cat acquires a more even color.


The Amur cat chooses for life:

  • low mountain slopes;
  • floodplains;
  • meadows overgrown with tall grass;
  • edges of dense deciduous forests;
  • reed thickets.

Due to changes in the natural landscape as a result of human activity, the leopard cat is forced to adapt to the conditions modern life. Animals can live near quiet, uncrowded villages. In noisy areas where forests are being actively cut down or construction work is underway, the Amur cat is not found.

Lifestyle Features

Sufficient information about the features of life led in natural conditions Amur wild cat, no due to the fact that it has been little studied due to its rarity. Also, such inattention to cats is associated with the fact that the main efforts to study wild animals in the region where they live have always been directed at Amur tigers, and their smaller brothers have not aroused sufficient interest among zoologists.

The exact number of Amur cats has not been established. The main confirmed information related to the Amur cat is as follows::

  • life expectancy up to 17 years;
  • sexual maturity at 1 year of age;
  • pregnancy duration is from 60 to 70 days;
  • maximum number of kittens 4;
  • joint raising of kittens by a cat and a cat.

According to unconfirmed data, we can say that the Amur cat is monogamous. This means that Amur cats always have a permanent pair selected for breeding. They do not change partners throughout their lives. This behavior is not observed in other cats, and therefore it cannot be said with complete confidence that every Amur cat is distinguished by this feature.

Animals hunt mainly at dusk. The increased sense of touch and vision that the Amur cat has allows it to easily find prey, even in the dark. The cat's diet consists mainly of the following prey:

  • rodents;
  • birds;
  • small ungulates.

Summarizing its diet, we can say that the Amur cat hunts everyone who is smaller than it. If necessary, it can catch insects, reptiles and fish, but the Amur cat does this not often, but in cases where it is not possible to catch the usual game.

The Amur cat does not refuse the remains of its prey anymore. large predators. In such a situation, it can remain near food for several days, and in case of danger it can easily hide in the crown of a tree, easily climbing even to the top of its head. The Amur cat is noticeably superior to the domestic cat in its ability to climb trees.

In relation to humans, the animal is recognized as not aggressive, but this has not been precisely confirmed, since when people approach, wild cats simply move away. An Amur cat may appear near human habitation only in emergency circumstances, when food cannot be obtained in the habitat. During the hungry years, especially in 2010, when the winter in the Primorsky Territory turned out to be long and snowy, they began to visit poultry houses, exterminating even large bird. As soon as the snow cover melted, the cats stopped visiting the villages and quickly moved to places natural habitat. Amur cats migrate when this is associated with a change in the food supply.

Because of his great dislike for loose snow, on which it is very inconvenient for a cat to move; during periods of heavy snowfall, he can quite for a long time stay in your lair. As soon as a dense crust forms, the animals feel comfortable again.

In summer, the Amur cat sets up several temporary shelters for itself in the roots of trees and reed thickets, and sometimes uses the burrows of other animals. For winter, only one very warm den is set up, in which the cat will be completely safe. It is always inaccessible to larger predators and is located so that the wind does not blow into it.

Possibility of keeping in captivity

The Amur forest cat does not lose its wild instincts, even if it is raised in captivity with early age. It is almost impossible to tame him. The animal is very cautious by nature. He does not require human society at all, and therefore they almost never try to get a cat in order to make him tame. The Amur cat is not of interest as a pet.

In a number of zoos, Amur cats are not only successfully kept, but also bred. Despite the fact that kittens are born in captivity and raised in the constant presence of humans, they do not lose their wild essence and are very wary of the keepers who care for them. The Far Eastern forest cat is not usually domesticated. It is impossible to communicate with an animal by petting it.

Experts do not recommend keeping Amur forest cats as pets, but sometimes fanciers still keep these animals at home.

The price of the Amur forest cat is high. Finding a kitten for sale is possible, but not easy. If for some reason a person decides to adopt an Amur forest cat, he should take into account a number of mandatory requirements for its maintenance. The main ones are:

  • the need for a spacious enclosure;
  • minimal visits to the animal by people;
  • feeding with live rodents;
  • periodic feeding of chilled poultry.

If you do not follow the necessary rules, the life of an Amur cat will undoubtedly end negatively for both the animal and the owner. You shouldn't choose such a pet if you don't want to have it next to you. wild beast who cannot feel happy in captivity, and friendly human contact with whom is not possible.

Many modern zoologists believe that wild dun Egyptian cat, Bengal cat, European and Far Eastern forest cats are just different subspecies of the same species, which was the ancestor of the domestic cat.

Far Eastern forest cat (lat. Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) is the northernmost subspecies of the Bengal cat. In the world, these Asian cats are called leopard cats, so the Far Eastern cat is also called - "Amur leopard cat". The species is considered rare and is therefore included in the Red Book of Primorsky Krai.

The Far Eastern cat is slightly larger in size than a domestic cat. The length of his body with a tail is up to 90 cm, the length of the tail is up to 40 cm. Our cat’s fur is very thick, fluffy and soft. The main color of the coat on the upper side is light grayish-yellow with scattered round dark red spots. The weight of the cat is 3-5, less often 8 kg. Cats often gain weight in the fall, which helps them survive the winter.

The Far Eastern cat is widespread in the Far East, in the Amur River basin and along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. Near Lake Khanka, the cat was found throughout the habitable area. It lives in the Bolshekhehtsirsky, Khankaysky, Ussuriysky, Kedrovaya Pad, Lazovsky nature reserves. The cat inhabits dense mountain forests, partly thickets of bushes, feeds on small rodents (mice, voles, squirrels, birds), sometimes attacks hares and young roe deer.

The closest relatives, other subspecies of the Bengal cat, live in China, west to Hindustan and south to the Malay Archipelago.

The Far Eastern forest cat (euptilurus bengalensis) is the northernmost representative of the cat family, which lives in Central Asia. The animal is classified as a representative of the Asian small cats. They are often called Far Eastern leopard cats (ALC), due to the fact that the animals’ fur has dark speckles. The Far Eastern cat has been relatively studied, but not as well as representatives of large cats. Its subspecies - the Amur forest cat, the photo of which shows their certain similarities, has also not been studied in detail. IN in rare cases Far Eastern wild cat can be kept as a pet, but his character will not be similar to the usual cats and will not please the owner with pleasant communication, forever retaining his wild instincts.


The Amur wild cat is a fairly large animal, despite the fact that it belongs to small cats. Its weight is about 15 kg, and its body length without tail is 90 cm. The tail adds up to 40 cm.

The cat's legs are long and strong, with well-developed muscles. The head is compact. The tail is thin. The coat is lush and thick. It feels very soft to the touch. The length of the guard hairs is up to 5 centimeters. Fur protects the animal very well from heat, cold and moisture, from which the cat easily tolerates various weather.

The color of the animal’s coat is quite complex and bright, which is why the Far Eastern cat is also called leopard:

  • the main background is yellowish-brown;
  • round spots of dark red color;
  • light belly color.

Along the cat's back there are stripes formed by brown hair. The stripes are not always clearly separated and can merge into one continuous stripe, making the entire back of the animal appear dark. The appearance of the Far Eastern forest cat is beautiful and does not lose its wild features.


The habitat of the Far Eastern forest cat is:

  • Amur River basin;
  • coast of the Sea of ​​Japan;
  • China.

For life, the Amur cat prefers dense forests on the slopes of mountains, as well as thickets of bushes in secluded areas rarely visited by people. By nature, animals are very cautious and therefore strive with all their might to avoid contact with humans. Because of this, the Far Eastern cat immediately tries to leave if any active work begins in its habitat. He moves to a calmer and quiet place, in which human contact is extremely rare.

Features of life and nutrition

The Far Eastern forest cat can navigate well in the twilight and prefers a predominantly nocturnal and evening lifestyle; although in daytime, unlike other nocturnal inhabitants of forests, he sees excellently. Due to the special care of the cat and its color, which allows you to completely merge with environment, it is not so easy to notice the animal, and you can walk very close to the cat and not even suspect its presence.

Like all cats, the Far Eastern cat is a predator. Its size and strength allow it to hunt medium-sized game. The cat's main menu is:

  • hares,
  • birds,
  • small ungulates,
  • herding rats,
  • fish.

In times of famine, the Far Eastern forest cat does not refuse such food as insects, which usually can always be found in the forests. In particularly difficult conditions, the Far Eastern cat can approach human habitation. There the animal can eat the remains of meat food in landfills and hunt domestic cats and even small dogs. It is also not uncommon for a Far Eastern cat to raid poultry houses during times of famine. He is capable of breaking weak buildings and, crushing them, dragging all its inhabitants into his lair overnight.

High hunting abilities, which allow cats to hunt even rats and small dogs, are due to the fact that the predator’s jaws are very strong, and its fangs are sharp, thick and very powerful. Because of this, if the Far Eastern cat is forced to defend itself from a person, it can cause very serious injuries that will require medical care. This should be taken into account not only by those who for some reason visit the forest in the habitat of this predator, but also by those who decide to get such a pet.

The Far Eastern cat hunts mainly from ambush. It can stalk its prey from a tree or hidden in the bush.

Some very large cats can take risks and hunt martens when there is no other prey. However, despite all the power of the predator, the outcome of such a hunt is impossible to imagine, and instead of receiving food, the cat can sometimes lose its life. Due to its preference for hunting from ambush, the cat, if it manages to catch the animal by surprise and make a successful jump, inflicts fatal wounds on its neck and throat, but while the enemy is in agony, it itself is at risk, since if its jaws weaken, the marten can easily kill hurt him.


The Far Eastern cat prefers a solitary lifestyle and does not create a permanent pair. The meeting of a cat with a cat occurs only in early spring, when the mating period begins. Cats call their friends with a very loud and sharp cry. After mating, the cats separate again.

Pregnancy in a female lasts from 65 to 70 days. Kittens are born in May. In a litter there are mainly 1-2 kittens and very rarely 4 cubs. Like all cats, kittens are born blind and completely helpless. They are completely dependent on their mother and begin to leave the nest only after they are 45 days old. In rare cases, the male takes part in raising the offspring, but this is observed mainly in hungry years, when instincts push Far Eastern cats to stay together after mating in order to ensure the birth and survival of kittens.

At the age of six months, kittens can already lead an independent lifestyle and are left with the female. They begin an independent life, choosing a free area of ​​the forest, or conquering it from weaker individuals.

The Far Eastern cat becomes sexually mature at the age of 12 months. The lifespan of this predator is from 8 to 15 years. It is largely influenced by weather conditions during the winter months.

Keeping at home

A Far Eastern cat should not be kept at home. This is highly discouraged, since an animal, even if raised from a small age by a person, in 96% of cases retains its wild habits. The Far Eastern cat will not become affectionate and tame and, having matured, will constantly hide from its owner. When trying to treat an animal like a normal house cat, a person runs the risk of serious injury.

A lover who wants to have a pet at home with a spectacular coloring reminiscent of the color of wild cats is better off purchasing a Bengal cat; and if you have a passion for large cats, Maine Coon. Cats of these breeds resemble wild ones, but are affectionate and cheerful pets.

The exact number of the animal is unknown due to the fact that its special secrecy does not allow full-fledged work to study the species. The animal is classified as conditionally rare, since signs of its presence are not found everywhere in places where the Far Eastern cat would normally live.

Experiments were conducted when a Far Eastern cat was crossed with a domestic cat. As it turned out, the offspring produced by the Far Eastern cat and the domestic one turn out to be partially sterile. Males from such crossings are infertile, but cats can bear offspring.

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