What is most dangerous for forests? With the baby in the forest. Forest dangers. Main causes of deforestation

According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), every year the forest area on the planet is reduced by 13 million hectares. However, in Russia the forest area not only has not decreased, but has even slightly increased over the past decades. That is, deforestation does not threaten us, despite the impressive scale of clear-cutting in many regions.


First of all, thanks to the high capacity of scaffolds temperate zone to self-healing. Most of the clearings are quickly covered by young forests. The quality of these forests is, of course, significantly lower than those that roared here before, both in terms of their ecological value and in terms of timber resources. Pine forests, spruce forests, oak forests are replaced by commercially less valuable small-leaved young forests (birch and aspen), and artificial reforestation, if carried out, is of low quality and volume and practically does not change general situation degradation of forest species composition. However, these are forests, albeit of low value, and there is practically no overall reduction in forest area in the zone due to timber harvesting.

However, in addition to deforestation, forests are also subject to other types of impacts, often having truly destructive, irreversible consequences. These include fires, industrial emissions, cottage development in green and recreational areas, hydraulic construction, construction of roads, oil and gas pipelines, power lines, etc.

Large fires cause the greatest damage to forests in our country. After catastrophic natural fires, forests regenerate very slowly, since not only the main canopy is destroyed, but also tree growth, as well as most of the seeds in the soil. When the area of ​​burned areas increases to several thousand hectares, this significantly complicates the natural regeneration of trees due to the great distance from the remaining forest edge.

Here it is appropriate to recall the sad results of the 2010 fire season: many citizens of our country think that forest and steppe fires were then the most big square behind last years. However, it is not. According to specialists from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Forest Institute named after. V. N. Sukacheva, in 2010 in Russia, about 6 million hectares were covered by fires, while in 2002 this area was more than 11 million hectares. In general, over the last decade in 2000, 2002, 2006, 2008 and 2009, the area forest fires annually exceeded 2 million hectares.

As a result, according to experts, the area of ​​burnt areas in Russian forests is three times greater than the area of ​​clear-cuttings. Moreover, the main causes of fire disasters in Russia are the destruction of the forest protection system, the constant lack of funding and the irresponsible handling of fire by people, and not the weather. Thus, funding for forest fire activities in our country at the state level is 15 times less than in Canada, and 30 times less than in the USA, although the forest area in these countries is smaller than ours. That’s why forests burn over vast areas every year. Thus, the number one enemy for our forests today is not deforestation, but catastrophic fires.

The most serious scourge of densely populated areas is the clearing of forests for construction. Thus, in the Moscow region over the past two decades, 58 thousand hectares of land have been developed, of which 8 thousand hectares are in the forest park belt alone. It seems that the figure is not so large, but in reality these are the territories of the most ecologically and socially valuable plantings (located near settlements and reservoirs, in sanitary protection zones, in places most attractive for recreation of the population). This already exceeds the limits established in 1992 by the government of the Moscow region for reducing the forest area of ​​the forest-park protective belt.

It is worth mentioning the construction of roads and other linear structures in forests, as well as the construction of hydraulic structures. The fight against the construction of a highway through the Khimki forest has already attracted the attention of a significant part of the public, including the world. So Khimki is the most famous example. But throughout the country there are dozens more such situations when the authorities find no other solution than to build a road through the forest. The fate of these forests is sad: as practice shows, after the construction of a highway there is always development of adjacent areas, deforestation by hook or by crook.

As for the construction of hydraulic structures, one cannot help but recall the Boguchanskaya HPP. Here it gets flooded113 thousand hectares of forests. Contrary to what has been stated government agencies According to the standards for the preparation of reservoirs, the bed of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station is prepared for filling without clearing the forest and clearing the cutting areas in full. After the station is launched, 9 million cubic meters of forest may be under water; the water will be poisoned by decaying wood for many years, forming a man-made “dead sea.”

WWF Russia does not call for a drastic reduction in the areas and volumes of timber harvesting. It is impossible to imagine modern civilization without wood. Moreover, rational, sustainable wood harvesting is much more environmentally friendly than the production of many other materials that can replace it - concrete, plastic, aluminum, etc.
However, WWF calls for the exclusion of the most valuable ecologically and socially forest areas and sites, among other measures to implement sustainable forest management, in particular, to carry out FSC certification of forests and supply chains of forest products. It is necessary to take the most radical measures to ensure the prevention and control of forest fires, to protect the most valuable forest areas from loss as a result of development and laying of linear structures, as well as to take a more responsible attitude towards hydropower development plans.

Photo by Anton ZHURAVKOV

The holiday season has come to an end, but the mushroom season, thanks to warm, rainy weather, will last for a long time, forecasts promise. We decided to remind you of the dangers that you need to be prepared for so as not to spoil your pleasant walk through the autumn forest.

Rabid animals

Most cases of rabies among wild animals are recorded in autumn and winter. Foxes, wolves, ferrets - all these animals familiar to our forests are often carriers of the dangerous rabies virus, which, when the first symptoms appear, leads to death in 100% of cases. As a rule, sick animals behave inappropriately and may come close to humans. Therefore, you should beware of wild animals, and if you could not avoid being bitten, you should go to the nearest clinic as soon as possible for vaccination, which will protect against the spread of the virus in the body.

Poisonous mushrooms and berries

There is a golden rule for mushroom pickers: if you don’t know a mushroom, don’t take it. Therefore, if you have any doubts, do not take risks, as such a risk could cost your life. Especially common mistake For beginner mushroom pickers, this is the eaten toadstool, which is mistaken for russula. Eating this mushroom in 100% of cases leads to death from liver destruction. The same rule applies to berries, which, despite their attractive appearance, can be dangerous.

Mosquitoes and ticks

There are slightly fewer mosquitoes and ticks in the fall than in the summer, but at this time they are especially large and sting especially fiercely, so they can cause serious trouble for those who like to relax on the fresh air. There is only one way to fight them: apply a repellent to exposed parts of the body, which will at least somehow scare away annoying insects, which from year to year become less susceptible to chemical compositions. It is also worth wearing thick clothing and a hat during the hike.

If something happens, don’t panic: ticks themselves are completely harmless. If a tick grabbed you only a few hours ago, then it does not pose a serious health hazard, and you can get rid of it in a couple of minutes using tweezers and a few drops of Vaseline. But remember that the danger is posed by tick-borne encephalitis, which these insects are often carriers of. Therefore, a tick that embedded itself more than 12 hours ago should be removed and taken to the clinic for testing.

Danger of getting lost

Chase after beautiful views autumn forest or a passion for collecting numerous honey mushrooms can also be fraught with the danger of getting lost. Every year with the onset mushroom season police, rescuers and volunteers are searching for dozens and hundreds of people in the forests in all regions of Russia. Unfortunately, not everyone is found. So, if you suddenly get lost, first of all, calm down and don’t panic. If you think that someone will start looking for you soon, it is better to stay where you are and periodically call for help or ask others sound signals. If you go into the forest alone and know that no one will miss you soon, listen to the noise and try to isolate the sounds of civilization from it: the sounds of moving vehicles, barking dogs - and move in their direction. It is best to walk along paths or along a stream or river.

You should also remember very important rule, which all guests of the forest, without exception, must adhere to: clean up after yourself. Leave the forest in the same condition it was in before you arrived. There is nothing more unpleasant than watching plastic bottles and plastic bags from Polyana chips. Collect the garbage in a bag and take it with you, taking at the same time the garbage of those who rested before you.

Dangers in the forest and how to avoid them Pavlyuchenko Sasha, School 626, grade 2 - G Project leader: Kalinina I.V. Moscow, 2017 Project work

Purpose We all go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, just to take a walk, breathe some air, swim in a pond or river. But in the forest we face various dangers. I’ll tell you what they are and how to avoid them.

Poisonous snakes There is one poisonous snake in the Moscow region: the viper. This is what it looks like: a small snake up to 75 cm long; in the north there are specimens up to 1 m long. If you see a snake, leave the meeting place, do not touch it, do not pick it up. To prevent snake bites, you should wear thick trousers and closed high shoes when walking in the forest. If you are bitten, the first thing to do is call the rescue service (112) or call ambulance(03 or 103). Next, calm the bitten person; lay the victim down and ensure his immobility; give plenty of fluids.

Rabid animals Rabies is a deadly disease. If the anti-rabies serum is not administered on time, the person will die. Distributed throughout to the globe. Infected animals can be found both in the forest and in the city. Rabid wild animals are characterized by: loss of human fear and increased aggressiveness, partial paralysis of any parts of the body. If you happen to meet a wild animal, your first thought should be the thought of rabies. because Typically, wild animals catch the eye of a person occasionally - and for a very short time. If a wolf, fox or even a squirrel does not run away from you - but on the contrary - runs after you, leave urgently - most likely the rabies virus is already in effect. If you are bitten by any wild animal, be sure to consult a doctor!

Poisonous plants. There are five main ones in the Moscow region poisonous plants. The recipe for protection is the same for everyone - don’t pick, don’t eat, don’t sniff. Hogweed Vekh Hemlock May lily of the valley Hellebore Lobel

Swamp Swamp is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you are alone in the forest. If you understand that there is a swamp ahead, it is best to go back, because... walking through a swamp is a separate complex science. If you have wandered into a swamp, stay close to the trees. If you have climbed so deep that there is only a quagmire around, chop thin branches and bushes and throw them crosswise in front of you. This way you can pave your way out.

Danger of getting lost Before going into the forest, you need to study the area in detail. Tell your relatives and close friends about your plans, mention the place where you are going and when you plan to return. You need to collect everything you need: a fully charged phone, matches in a waterproof package, a knife, you should also take a compass and a flashlight with you. And a map of the area. Definitely take it drinking water and a small supply of food (nuts, chocolate or a pack of cookies), medicines. You shouldn’t go into the forest alone; it’s always more fun with a group, and the chance of getting lost is lower. It is better to visit the forest in the first half of the day and try not to linger until dark.

Poisonous mushrooms and berries In any case, before going into the forest, you need to study which mushrooms and berries are edible and which are poisonous. This data is in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”. Now we just want to talk about the most poisonous mushroom - the pale toadstool or green fly agaric. The lethal dose for an adult is 1/3 of a cap. Even less for children. For poisoning, it is enough to eat mushrooms that were lying next to a basket with a toadstool or put unwashed hands that were holding into your mouth. pale grebe. Remember what she looks like. And don't touch it under any circumstances!

Conclusion So, we have looked at the dangers in our forest. The most important thing is to study the dangers and remember what to do in advance, so that at a difficult moment you don’t panic, but clearly know what and how to do. Good luck and enjoy your walks in the forest!

Parent meeting on the topic:

Forest dangers. Prepared by the teacher of the secondary group 47 of kindergarten Auning Lyubov Yuryevna.

Poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushrooms- mushrooms, the consumption of which can cause poisoning. The most common cases of poisoning are mushrooms that have an external resemblance to edible ones and are accidentally collected together with them. To avoid such a mistake, which can be fatal, you need to study well general signs mushrooms and know characteristic differences poisonous species. Treatment for mushroom poisoning depends on the type. Poisoning with toadstool is accompanied by vomiting and dehydration; after gastric lavage, an exchange blood transfusion is performed. Deadly poisonous mushrooms filled with a thick, slimy and sticky liquid that does not obey the laws of nature and digestion. Such mushrooms are terribly dangerous and should be avoided.

Poisonous berries

When picking berries, do not confuse edible and healthy ones with poisonous ones! There are few poisonous berries. They are worth remembering so as not to harm yourself or your comrades. Poisonous berries can attract the attention of little sweet tooths, because they are so similar to edible ones, even adults can be deceived by them through ignorance or inattention. appearance. The consequences of this error can be severe. Stomach upset, the face becomes pale and the temperature rises, convulsions may appear, pupils may dilate, and hallucinations may appear. Vomiting is usually delayed

Poisonous plants

Plants that produce and accumulate poisons during their life. Causes poisoning of animals and humans. More than 10 thousand species of poisonous plants are known in the world flora, mainly in the tropics and subtropics; there are many of them in countries of temperate and cold climates; V Russian Federation about 400 species. Children are often poisoned by tempting-looking poisonous fruits. Poisoning after eating poisonous plants can appear within a few minutes, for example after eating yew needles, in other cases - after several days or even weeks.

Stinging insects

Stinging insects are most aggressive in July and August. Their bites are very painful and toxic. Some people are more sensitive to stings than others, although children are usually very sensitive. However, the main risk group is 3% of the population, these are people who are allergic to the poison in the sting. An allergy to stings can appear at any time, even if there was no reaction last time.



Among the variety of snakes, there are both harmless and poisonous representatives that are very dangerous for humans and animals. All known snakes are predators. The most active period is poisonous snakes in the second half of August and September - they crawl to the wintering place. Indian summer is the last opportunity for snakes to bask in the sun, which is what they do; wintering is ahead. Disturbing the peace of snakes during this period is extremely dangerous. Before wintering, snakes are aggressive and can attack.


In summer, animals protect their offspring. And they search through the forest in search of prey. Therefore, you need to be very careful and careful.

Summer is the time for picnics in nature and trips to pick mushrooms and berries.
For a city child, going to the forest is both a holiday and a strange unknown. But such a hike is fraught with not only a number of interesting discoveries, but also many unexpected dangers. And it doesn’t matter that you are going into the forest, where predatory animals and snakes have not been seen. Unpleasant surprises can await a child even in a forest park.

Branches. The baby, stunned by the abundance of space, flies forward, not making out the road, and may stumble upon branches sticking out in all directions. If you only warn him about this once, he will definitely forget and, at best, get ripped off, but in the worst case, I don’t even want to talk about it. Therefore, constantly remind him of this trouble.
Take wet wipes, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide with you into the forest so that you can disinfect abrasions and cuts if they cannot be avoided.

Pits. They are not dangerous in themselves, but if you run around without looking at your feet, you can fall painfully. Warn your child that running in the forest is prohibited (and, of course, do not forget to remind him of this once again).

Inedible mushrooms and berries. Strictly speaking, everything a child can find in the forest is inedible. Even if it's an ordinary strawberry. Before the baby puts it in his mouth, an adult needs to confirm the origin of this berry, and it would be a good idea to rinse it with water. Keep in mind that children can call any berries strawberries, including wolfberries. Therefore, you should not take their word for it. Honestly warn your child that there are many poisonous plants, berries and mushrooms in the forest, and therefore, no matter how beautiful the fly agaric and the bush sprinkled with purple berries are, picking and tasting anything is strictly prohibited.
Remember both your own safety and the example you set for your children: if you doubt any mushroom or berry, feel free to throw it out of the basket. And there is no need to convene a “council of experienced mushroom pickers” and lick the cut mushroom. The banal truth is brilliant: health is more valuable.

Insects (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.). When going to the forest, generously coat your child with mosquito repellent cream, put on cool, but closed clothes (T-shirts and shorts are not suitable), sneakers instead of sandals, and be sure to wear a hat. For girls, it is better to put their hair in a ponytail or braid and hide it under clothes. Explain to your child that insidious ticks live on the branches of trees and bushes, so if he shakes or tears these branches, the ticks will end up on him. For the same reason, thickets of tall grass should be avoided.
When you return home, do not forget to examine the child’s body and clothes and comb his hair. If a tick is still found, smear the bite area with oil or rich cream and wait until it falls off on its own. If this does not happen, do not tear it off yourself, as this may only work halfway, but contact the clinic.
In general, seeing a doctor is the most the best option in such a situation, since the child may need a vaccination.

Danger of getting lost. Well what can I say? Under no circumstances should you lose sight of your child, because children, even in two pine trees, can easily get lost. But if you get lost with your child in a really deep forest, don’t panic. Try to go to a road, power line or water (river, stream) and use them to get to settlement. If this fails, park, light a fire, use food and water sparingly, and wait for rescue.
It’s bleak, but you have to be prepared for anything, so when going into the forest, even for a short time, dress warmly and take with you a knife, matches, a supply of water and some provisions.

Don't be afraid of the forest and don't scare a child with it, but we must not forget about the dangers that may await you on such a vacation. Knowing certain rules of behavior in the forest, all these troubles can be completely avoided and you will get from a walk not problems, but such a rare and useful pleasure for a city person.

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