Secrets and the most important rules. Golden rules of life from great people. basic rules of etiquette. Every self-respecting person should know them

Question 1. What rules of communication between people do you know? What hospitality rules do you know?

Rules of communication between people: express yourself clearly; Be polite; listening more than talking; do not lie yourself and do not force the interlocutor to lie; think before you speak; do not make fun of the interlocutor; do not interrupt, giving the opportunity to speak; avoid arrogant, dismissive behavior towards the interlocutor; maintain a confident but friendly tone; respect the point of view of the interlocutor; call the interlocutor by name; when meeting with any person to have a good, positive mood.

Rules of hospitality: all guests are equal, the mood must be upbeat, you must be polite to everyone, you must not force guests to eat if they do not want to, come up with ways to entertain guests.

Question 2. Express your opinion on the dispute between two seventh graders. Peter. Rules interfere with people's lives, so people often break them. Larisa. Rules are needed. If there were no rules, people would simply not know what to do.

I think that in this case, Larisa is absolutely right, because. Rules are essential in our society. We must follow them and observe them. Otherwise it will be very bad.

Question 3. Look at the pictures. The artist joked, and confused all the rules of etiquette. Explain how to follow the rules.

1. Let the elders go ahead. 2. Follow the rules of conduct at the concert. 3. Dress appropriately. 4. In public transport give way to the elderly.

Question 5. What are the rules of conduct? Name it how you can more species such rules.

Rules of conduct at school - polite communication with teachers and peers, discipline, turning off the phone during the lesson, the ability to behave in the canteen, library, gym, classroom.

The norms of behavior on the street and in public transport - the mandatory use of "magic" words in a conversation, compliance with traffic rules, attentive attitude towards people (transfer across the road, give way on the bus), etc.

Rules of conduct in various institutions (hospital, shop, cafe, museum, cinema, etc.).

Compliance with the rules of conduct in a conversation, for example, it is necessary to greet at a meeting, turn to elders on “You”, apologize for missteps, say goodbye at the end of a conversation.

There are many rules in society, or social norms. Direction: prescriptive, prohibitive. What behavior is desirable or required, what behavior is unacceptable. According to the degree of compulsion: norms-rules. What behavior is required for this group of people. Norms-expectations. Behavior that is acceptable, though not desirable. Form: formal. Clearly documented in writing. Informal. Provided by custom and habit.

Question 6. What are habits? Give examples of good and bad habits.

A habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in a certain situation acquires the character of needs for an individual, which “encourage them to perform some actions, deeds”. When a habit is formed, an action is repeatedly performed.

Bad habits: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Good Habits: honesty, diligence, kindness, perseverance.

Question 7. What do you know about customs and rituals? Why do many of them, having arisen in ancient times, still exist today?

A custom is an action that has taken root in a society and has been repeatedly repeated by it. An inherited stereotypical way of behaving that is reproduced in a particular society or social group and is habitual for its members.

Ritual - a set of rites that accompany a religious act, or developed by custom or an established procedure for doing something.

Both have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries, appeared together with the formation of separate ethnic groups, embodying the cultural elements of a particular community.

IN modern world they survived because the ethnic groups to which they belonged also survived. Since each ethnic group strives to preserve its culture, transmitted from its ancestors, it modern life retains separate rituals and customs, which at the same time do not contradict the legal and moral standards under which this ethnic group exists (the country's legislation, modern moral standards).

Question 8. Why are there rules of etiquette in society?

Etiquette is a system of rules of conduct accepted in certain social circles that make up a single whole. These rules have evolved over the centuries, many of them have gone down in history forever, and some have remained. Sometimes new rules of etiquette appear before our eyes.

Etiquette rules exist in order to simplify the process of communication and mutual understanding. The way in which we are perceived by the people around us directly depends on the observance of the norms of behavior. Etiquette is a ready-made set of forms of courtesy that allows you not to think, and almost automatically, to communicate within the human community.

Question 9. Among the many rules that you must comply with, there are the most important. What rules do you consider to be the most-most? Explain why.

Maintaining health, eating right, exercising, studying, learning new things, making money, being able to complete work that you don’t like or don’t want to do, being able to take on as many obligations as you can handle.

Question 10. What are the rules in the following text? “The successor asked him: “With what intention do you want to join the knightly society?” The newly ordained responded to him in accordance with the words previously spoken by the bishop. He immediately took an oath of allegiance to him as his overlord. Then, at the order of the latter, he began to dress him in knightly armor. The knights were engaged in this business, ladies and young girls helped them. First, they attached a left spur to him, then a right one, put on chain mail, and after all they girded him with a sword ... "

Knighting to serve your country.

Question 11. Sanctions are usually applied for violation of established rules. The dictionary defines sanctions as measures of influence, punishments applied to violators of established norms and rules. There may also be positive sanctions, such as applause for an actor or musician for performing skills. But most often, when talking about sanctions, they mean the first meaning of this word.

What sanctions are meant in the following children's rhyme? "Three-four-five, I'm going to look. It's time, not time, I'm coming from the yard. Ready or not, here I come. Whoever stands behind me, to lead three horses.

Sanction - element legal norm, which establishes the adverse consequences of non-compliance with the requirements provided for by this rule. This means that sanctions were imposed on standing behind your back and involve driving three horses in case of detection behind your back.

Question 12. In the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or an Indication for Worldly Behavior, Collected from Various Authors”, compiled at the direction of Peter I, it was said: “No one dares to hang his head and downcast his eyes down the street or look askance at people, but straight, instead of bending down to step, and keep your head straight, and look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with graceful constancy, so that they don’t say: he looks slyly at people.

translate this rule into modern language explain its meaning.

Go through life boldly, walk confidently and look at people with a kind look, and no one will say that you are hiding something.

Question 13. What do you think, what rules of etiquette appeared in XX - early XXI V.? Explain the reasons for their appearance and the significance in people's lives.

Do not talk on the phone in the cinema, theater, performances. Never give yours to a stranger mobile phone. Never send abusive or defiant emails or respond to such emails sent to you.

All these and many other rules appeared in connection with the development of society and technology.

10 golden quotes from Albert Einstein

I always think about what my inner and outer life are based on the works and thoughts of other people, living and dead, and that I must expand myself to give to the world as much as I have received and continue to receive now - Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was an excellent physicist. He discovered many physical laws and was ahead of many scientists of his time. But people call him a genius not only for that. Professor Einstein was a philosopher who clearly understood the laws of success, and explained them as well as he explained his equations. Here are ten quotes from a huge list of his wonderful sayings. Ten golden lessons you can use in your Everyday life.

1. A person who has never made a mistake, has never tried something new.

Most people don't try anything new for fear of making mistakes. But this is not to be feared. Often, a person who has failed will learn more about how to win than someone who immediately succeeds.

2. Education is what remains after you forget everything that was taught in school.

In 30 years, you will absolutely forget everything that you had to learn in school. Only what you have learned will be remembered.
Caricature of Albert Einstein

3. In my imagination, I am free to draw like an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world.

When you realize how far humanity has come since the cave days, the power of the imagination is felt in full force. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our great-grandfathers. What we have in the future will be built with our imagination.

4. The secret of creativity lies in the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration.

The uniqueness of your creativity often depends on how well you can hide your sources. You may be inspired by other great people, but if you are in a position where the whole world is watching you, your ideas should look unique.

5. The value of a person should be determined by what he gives, and not by what he is able to achieve. Try to become not successful, but a valuable person.

If you look at the world famous people, then you can see that each of them gave something to this world. You have to give in order to be able to take. When your goal is to add value to the world, you will rise to the next level of life.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if there are no miracles and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you can do whatever you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is a miracle, then you will be able to enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live in two ways at the same time, then your life will be happy and productive.

7. When I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any ability to think abstractly.

Dreaming of everything you could achieve in life is an important element of a positive life. Let your imagination run wild and create the world you want to live in.

8. To become a perfect member of a flock of sheep, one must first of all be a sheep.

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to start doing business right now. Wanting to start but being afraid of the consequences will get you nowhere. This is true in other areas of life too: in order to win, you first need to play.

9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best.

Learn the rules and play your best. Simple, like all great things.

10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not randomly given to man.

Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and other people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new things and analyze your own growth.

Rules of life of Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali
Champion, 66, Michigan

Muhammad AliGod will not put a burden on the shoulders of a person that this person cannot bear.
My toughest fight is with Parkinson's disease. No, it doesn't hurt. It is hard to explain. They definitely test me: will I continue to pray, will I keep the faith? God tests all great men.
The sun is always shining somewhere.
After the Olympics, I came back to Louisville with my shiny gold medal. Went to a whites-only diner. Thought I'd put them in their place. I sat down at a table and wanted to order something. Olympic champion, gold medal! And they say to me: “We don’t serve nigers.” I say: "It's okay, I'm not a beggar." But they still kicked me out. Then I went ashore, to the Ohio River, and threw my gold medal into the water.
When you're right, no one remembers it. And if you make a mistake, no one will forget it.
Silence is golden if you can't come up with a good answer.
We don't have much life / And all of it will soon pass, / But do something for God, / And it will never die.
Good? My mother.
When a person's mother dies, it really hurts. But over time, he gets used to it. That is life!
My definition of evil: hostility.
Most The best way make your dreams come true - wake up.
Comedy is a way of being serious while pretending to be funny. Joking is my way of telling the truth. There is no funnier joke in the world than the truth.
And one woman can be enough for the heavyweight champion of the world.
Junk to the landfill - it's not a pity.
The more we help others, the more we help ourselves.
When George Foreman got the title back, it hit me hard. I also wanted to return. But then the morning came - it was time to go for a run. I got back into bed and said, "Okay, I'm the greatest anyway."
Who would I like to meet? With Prophet Mohammed.
If you dream of becoming someone, you become them.
Rejoice in your children, even when they do not behave the way you would like.
When I lit the torch in Atlanta, I didn't worry. That's when he spoke to the government - then he was worried.
Wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise.
What I don't understand is wars.
Worrying about past mistakes all the time is the biggest mistake.
I would like to live to be a hundred years old.
I can only wish that people love everyone the way they love me. Then the world would be a better place.

David Bowie's Rules of Life

David Bowie
Musician, 61, New York

Always wear large English shoes with a suit - you know, with a wide welt. There is nothing worse than a pathetic Italian frill at the end of the leg.
At least once in your life, be in the company of a corpse. The complete absence of life is the most serious challenge that can be thrown to a person.
When I am agonizing over the ending of a verse, I resort to the last resort - outright illogicality.
It is said that Lester Bangs, the savage rock critic of the 1970s, once delivered his most flattering compliment, telling members of one band, "Your music made me go crazy like a masochist in a hell of a pan." Then it became clear to me that we are very different.
I do not expect such progress from humanity in all areas. But if your child gets an ear infection, you'll be thankful to the death of whoever discovered antibiotics.
I always regretted that I never learned to speak frankly with my parents, especially with my father.
Fame can make extraordinary people look mediocre.
If I hadn't become a musician and a writer, it wouldn't matter what I do.
I never made friends with a large number of rock musicians and always felt like a complete stranger in their company. Sometimes I regret it.
The universe amazes me with its grandeur, but I do not believe that there must be some kind of intelligence or driving force behind it.
It is sad to realize that in our age of general stupidity, instead of the question "Was Nietzsche right about God?" ask another: "What size was his penis?".
Try to take the best from every moment. We are not developing. We're not going anywhere.
You are never what you seem to be. Once in the eighties, an elderly lady came up to me and asked: "Mr. Elton, would you give me an autograph?" I told her that I'm not Elton, but David Bowie. “Thank God,” she replied. “He has such nasty red hair and makeup to boot.”
And others are never what they seem. When I first came to America, around 1971, my New York guide told me that The Velvet Underground was playing at the Electric Circus in the evening. I must have been their biggest fan in the entire UK. So, I came early and settled down near the stage. The performance was great, I sang along and tried very hard to make Lou Reed notice my enthusiasm. After the concert, I snuck backstage, found one of the band members, and asked if I could talk to Lou. He was a little surprised, but told me to wait. Less than a minute later, Lou showed up - we sat down and talked for about ten minutes about how songs are written. Leaving the club, I was on top of bliss - my dream came true! The next day I told my guide what a thrill it was to listen to The Velvet Underground and meet Lou Reed. He looked at me dumbfounded, and then burst out laughing. “Lou recently left them,” he said. - And you spoke with the new lead singer - Doug Yule.
Trust nothing but your own experience.

Roman Polanski's Rules of Life

Roman Polanski
Director, 75, Paris

I love shadows in movies. But not in life.
People have a short memory. When Kosovo began, they managed to forget about Bosnia, not to mention the Second World War. I remember when the war ended and my father returned from the concentration camp, he said: “You know, in fifty years everyone will forget about this.”
Don't ask yourself too many questions. This is the centipede syndrome. The centipede was asked in what order it moves its legs, and it could no longer walk.
Sex is not fun. It's a force, a stimulus. It changes your way of thinking.
After Sharon's death we are talking about the death of Polanski's pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate, at the hands of members of the Charles Munson gang in 1969. - Esquire) I really had desire give up. But I just survived. Just born like that.
Dealing with adversity is like putting on the brakes on a car. It happens instinctively. Either you survive or you die.
Children accept reality as it is because they have nothing to compare it to. Now that I have a baby, I feel much better about it. She was six - I was that age when the Germans took over Poland. She is five - and at this age, my parents last took me to rest in the village. Do you understand? She's seven - that's when I climbed out of the ghetto and back through a hole in the barbed wire. I look at the past through her eyes, and only now I understand what dangers I was exposed to. But when I myself was a child, I did not understand this. I cried because I was separated from my parents, but not because the food was bad, not because of lice in my hair or fleas with bedbugs.
Movies always cost more than you bargained for.
In my opinion, birth control pills changed women's psychology. If you think about the millions of women who take and take hormones every day, it becomes clear that this could not go unnoticed. I truly believe that without pills, feminism would not have evolved to such an absurdity.
I don't think Hollywood likes to make movies. They love to make deals.
For those who are in the public eye, there is their own justice.
There was no conspiracy against me. I only have myself to blame. And my sin was more serious than that of Bill Clinton (we are talking about a relationship with a minor. - Esquire).
Pleasure is a carrot. And a whip.
Recreational drugs can still be justified. And for the sake of some way out - it's ridiculous. Drugs change perception, and the creator must also be an observer. When creating something, you must hold a lever in your hands. And if your sense of touch is impaired, you can break this lever. Or confuse it with your wife's ass.
Cinema is cinema, and life is life.
Flatter the actors. They cannot resist it.
Never pull a hair from Faye Dunaway's head. Rip it off someone else.
I'm not a masochist, but I always take a cold shower in the morning. This is a great start to the day, because then it certainly will not be anything worse.

Elvis Presley Rules of Life

Elvis Presley
King, died August 16, 1977 at the age of 42

Elvis Presley Girls are not a hobby. Rather, it is entertainment.
Almost any audience prefers fast songs.
When I started singing, I weighed 153 pounds. And now it’s already 184. I didn’t become higher, I’m just getting fat little by little.
I love pork chops and country ham, mashed potatoes and so on. And I eat a lot of jelly. Especially fruity.
I have never tried alcohol.
When I go out in public, I like to dress traditionally, not too flashy. But on the stage, everything should be bright for me - so that there is nowhere brighter.
Now my mother comes to town and buys whatever she wants. It makes me terribly happy.
All my life I lived very well. We never had much money, nothing like that, but you know, we never went hungry. For this you should thank fate.
Except on stage, I don't exercise I do not do. If not for this, I would have a decent tummy, despite the fact that I eat so much.
I got into an unpleasant story only once in my life - in childhood, when I stole eggs. I think I can tell the good from the bad.
What I like about fame is that you have so many friends.
I came to the Sun Records studio, there was some guy sitting there - he wrote down my name and said maybe someday he would call. A year and a half later, I really called, I came and recorded my first song “That's All Right, Mama”.
Someone stamps his foot, someone snaps his fingers, and someone sways back and forth. I just took yes and began to do it all at once.
I look at my viewers and feel that together we are getting rid of something bad. None of us knows why. It is important that we get rid of it and at the same time do not harm anyone.
The first car I bought was the most beautiful car in my life. It was used, but I put it in front of my hotel the same day I bought it. And I didn’t sleep the whole night - I just looked at her, that’s all.
If you want to draw a crowd, you must put on a show for the people. If you just stand there and sing and don't even lift a finger, then people will say: what the hell, I could stay at home and listen to his records. You must put on a show for them.
If they ask me for an autograph, I will definitely give it.
I do not argue with those who like golf and tennis, but I myself love the harsh sports: boxing, football, karate, and so on. Playing football is my cherished dream.
I don't read books that others read. I read a lot of philosophy and sometimes poetry. I'm interested in such things.
If you bring me, I can boil great.
As you get older, you start to look at things a little differently.
It is important to try to have people around who can give you a little happiness - after all, you only live once, my friend.

Bruce Willis Rules of Life

Bruce Willis
53 years old, actor, Los Angeles

Bruce Willis As a child, I stuttered. And strongly - he could hardly finish the phrase. And if you are a stutterer, you are always uncomfortable, something always subconsciously interferes. People with you feel awkward because they want to help you cope with the proposal, and this makes you stumble even more - in a word, vicious circle. My parents helped me simply by not noticing my shortcomings. In such cases, compassion and love are the best medicines.
When things get tough, there are two options: submit or walk through the fire. I thought, okay, I'm a stutterer. But I can make you laugh, so you forget about it. Such a focus. And I always tried to amuse my friends, did numbers to make my peers laugh, although this hardly seemed so funny to our teachers.
I did not want to consider myself inferior and asked for a role in the school play. Eighth grade. I went on stage - and a miracle happened: I stopped stuttering! And after the end of the performance, he began again. As soon as I pretended to be someone else, not myself, my defect disappeared. Because of this, I liked to play on stage more and more. I battled stuttering for years and finally won. When I went to college, I already knew that I wanted to be an actor.
When I was in my early twenties, a few of my friends died by an absurd accident. Around the same time, a brother was hit by a car on the highway. He flew off about twenty meters, and then spent six months in the hospital. Soon, my sister was diagnosed with a severe form of lymphomatosis. She is now in full remission, but there was a short period when we thought she was about to die. So I almost always felt how fragile life is. They say that pain is the privilege of the living: when you die, suffering stops. I believe in it. When you think about death, your own or someone else's, you feel that the mind cannot understand it.
Until the age of thirty I lived in New York - probably the craziest time in my life. I still smile every time I remember. There was only one duty: to get to the theater on time. No worries. At twenty-five, you can squander millions of nerve cells.
Then I became a TV star, then a movie star. I soared up on a wave of fame and then I realized what the minus of such good luck was. It's a loss of anonymity. TV shows, movies, interviews in magazines and TV, gossip - all together create a hologram that people take for you. But this is an illusion. The same as the illusions of religion and power. There was a time when I was terribly angry and protested. Now it's much calmer. And yet - you'll excuse me - I will not say anything about my personal life. I have so little personal left that I would not like to share it.
I know what it's like to be famous, and thanks to this I understand well what true friendship is. Most of my friends knew me when I was much poorer. And every one of them helps me not to take the current situation too seriously.
Before I did not separate life from work. But when I was stoned after the Hudson Hawk, I learned to separate one from the other. Now at work I behave like any other person: I just try to do my best.
When I was a boy, forty-five-year-olds seemed old to me. Now I do not feel the burden of years, but I see wrinkles on my face. Laughed too much! I'm still young at heart, twenty-five years old. But he stopped drinking. When you have your own children, it is not good to get drunk. I want to live longer for my children. I want to run with their children.
There is such a picture with a walking person: he starts from the moment when he was still a tiny baby. And so he goes and goes, becoming tall and strong, and then he gradually grows old, hunches over, his legs give way ... I would advise everyone to hang this picture on their wall. So a person can get up every morning and say: “This is where I am now in my life path.” If you look at this picture every day and ask yourself how many years you still have left, you will learn not to waste time. Life is short, even if you live to be ninety. Live to the fullest - that's what I think. Appreciate every moment, every hour, every day, because you won’t even have time to blink an eye, how everything will end. I am absolutely sure that for most people their death comes as a surprise.

Lou Reed's Rules of Life

Lou Reed
Musician, 66, New York

Lou ReedDo you know the proverb "God saves fools and drunkards"? I go through both categories.
There are things that it would never occur to me to take credit for myself. Pure luck. Blind luck. I didn't get in that car. Or stood two steps to the left. Now I might as well be in jail instead of here. I know it. One failure and that's it, you're gone.
Father of rap? Not really. In no case. You sing to yourself and sing, you think it's a recitative, and then suddenly they say: rap. I didn't invent anything myself.
To tasty and healthy - this does not happen. One day I came to Carnegie and said: "Give me, please, Lenten pastrami." And they answered me: "This does not happen."
I could do 3-4 albums a year. To make one is a trifle; what about the rest of the time? This doesn't stop. It is always with you, it is chasing after you.
My music is considered to be dark through and through, but this is wrong. I think even during The Velvet Underground, some things were really fun. They are unfashionable, so perhaps they will be listened to years from now. What I wanted. I'm proud of them.
It's a shame when you haven't died yet and your albums aren't coming out anymore.
I can't do whatever I want. For example, host your own TV show. Or make your own movie. But inside my small world no one tells me what will be on my albums.
There is always music in my head.
People ask me: “Do you save all these riffs, ideas and so on? Because if so, then to record an album, you just need to get into your collection. And I was always going to start something like that, but I never did. I don't store anything.
Even if you draw the same circle for the thousandth time, it may turn out a little better for you.
Terribly upset big misses or when the decision comes two years after the release of the album, and you say: “Damn, come on!”
I have a lot of favorite songs that people don't even notice or have written them under the department of stupid people. Like Senselessly Cruel and Shooting Star - I really like the orchestral guitar in the beginning. It's pretty much the best thing I've done, and no one - absolutely no one - noticed it.
I don't mind repeating choruses; I am against repetition in the main text. In a sense, your volume remains the same. So why limit yourself to three precious stones if you can get six? When you understand this, only one difficulty will remain: no matter how forty of them turn out to be. That's why it's important to edit, rewrite. This is the whole secret. I am always rewriting.
The fact that I have not read all of Shakespeare's plays is extremely sad.
You either show up or you don't.
More than anything, I want to quit smoking. Honestly. I have already given up a lot of things in my life, but this is not the case. Maybe because the latter.
I've played basketball all my life. I love him. Now I don't play as much anymore because of my knees - they don't like it when they jump so much - but I still love basketball and the Knicks. I have some acquaintances, and sometimes I go to their season tickets. Sitting there with Spike and Woody. Only reporters don't film me.
Get a good lawyer. Hold on tight to your wallet. The laws are not fair.
If you are a musician - play. Nothing more is required of you.

Willem Dafoe Rules of Life

Willem Dafoe
Actor, 53, Wisconsin

Willem Dafoe I work in Hollywood and at the same time I play in the avant-garde theater. It's two around the world, and it turns out that your own world is also changeable - aesthetically, morally, professionally. Traveling between two worlds is a special pleasure, you are always a bit of an outsider. It’s like coming to another country where you can’t rely on habits, because everything is different here, past developments are no good - you have to start living from scratch.
There is a woman in England that I want to kill. She writes about celebrities, and someone told her that all the girls are crazy about me or something. So she just mixed me with shit: "This guy is an empty place, he is a bore, he thinks only of himself, he has red hair, and is five feet three inches tall." In general, she portrayed me as a dwarf with orange hair and a thin mustache. If you see her or decide not to omit my review of English journalists from your interview (oh, and the rotten people in the main, of course!), do not forget to say that she is the rottenest of all. I put it on her with a big smelly device.
Everyone is surprised: “How, did you star in a comedy ?!” To which I reply: "Did you forget Bobby Peru in " wild at heart“? It was also a comedy. What about Shadow of the Vampire? And Spider-Man is also a comedy! I've been told so often that I always play villains, so I decided to check it out. I got on the Internet, downloaded a list of my films and calculated how many good characters I have and how many bad ones. I don't believe in these labels, and yet. And it turned out that there are twice as many good ones.
I love comedies, including those based on stunts, even rough ones - but they often look boring, and the choice of actors in them leaves much to be desired. Comedies are usually filmed by those who did not work out on the stage, and even those who have a funny diction or physiognomy. I don’t fit into these categories, and I don’t really get called there. By the way, I am against dividing actors by type. If you've done something once - and I've made a good villain - you're forced to do the same thing over and over again.
I always dreamed of getting out of my hometown. I even changed my name from William to Willem, but not because I wanted to take on a pseudonym; I think it was necessary for the formation of personality. In my heart I have always felt that my life is divided into two stages. The first - in my homeland in Wisconsin, where nothing depended on me, and the second, completely new - after I left for New York.
Some actors claim to lose themselves in their characters. I think it's a myth. Your character is you yourself, passed through the filters of new circumstances. But of course, you can easily get lost in yourself.
For me, acting is a spiritual quest. This is a terrible cliche, but sometimes all the husks fall off, and you really live here and now. Acting contributes to this, because it gives a structure that directs your efforts and imagination, completely absorbs you. I really love this feeling. The rest of the world ceases to exist, all worries let you go, only pure poetry remains. Even your own imperfections become poetry.
At work, I just do what I like. And I do it consciously. I think it's good to mix things up. It's a healthy approach to acting because if you change activities all the time, you're not only exercising different muscles, but also looking from different points of view. So you can keep the novelty - both in creative and career terms - if fate favors you. People who do the same thing for too long often become cynical. It is important to keep the sharpness of the reaction, curiosity.
When I talk to reporters a lot, I get sick of myself.
I treat the beautiful life with suspicion. I still have not parted with the romantic idea that one should not forget the feeling of hunger. If you live beautiful life, it soon turns out that so many things are entrusted to someone else, to others, from washing your shirts and preparing dinner to taking care of your loved ones.
Ten or fifteen years ago I started doing yoga. I started going to the Jivamukti yoga center, there were very interesting people they taught me the basics. But I wanted to learn how to do it myself, on the road, and I found out that there is Ashtanga yoga, and since then I have been doing it. But I would not like to talk too much about yoga, otherwise I begin to feel like a popularizer. I want to reserve the right not to be a yogi. Every time I take out my rug, some part of me says, “Here it is, again.” Is it true. Because these are difficult exercises. And you have to put up with inconvenience, and often the whole body hurts, and reluctance. But always, every time, by the end I feel clarity, joy and purity. It is always a contact with something outside of myself, not just a physical effort - it is a laboratory where you can study how your consciousness works. It's a habit, but a healthy habit. Better than beer at breakfast.
I played Christ before it was fashionable in The Last Temptation of Christ. It was a very, very low-budget movie - six million dollars, I think, and we shot in Morocco, in absolute isolation. But I remember I ran into Max von Sydow, who played Christ in The Greatest Story Ever Told, and he said, “Nice to meet you. You and I are members of a very elite club.” And now I could answer him: "Not so elitist anymore."
In July I turn 50. But I do not perceive this date as a milestone. There is something of Peter Pan in me, I still feel like a child in a way. On the contrary, I like my age, because now I can think more clearly and calmly. Some say you lose your edge as you age, but I think you learn how to manage it better. The only problem is that my time is running out. This is really a problem. But in my opinion, no one has died in the movies as many times as I did - so I have experience.

George Clooney Rules

George Clooney
actor, director, producer and screenwriter, 47, Kentucky

George Clooney My first memory is at the age of four, when our whole family gathered at my Uncle George's farm. He was a chic uncle, a bright personality, claimed that during World War II he flew a bomber and met with Miss America - in a word, one of those people who enter a room and immediately seem to illuminate it with themselves. Remember what Al Pacino said in "Scent of a Woman" Uncle George used to say the same thing. With complete conviction. Could say something like: “Don't eat mustard! It will give you a heart attack!” He just made it up. But I still have not forgotten - I smear mustard on a hamburger, but my heart is somehow restless ... Uncle Chick was also there - a rogue, what else to look for. As a child, he suffered meningitis, lost one eye, and a glass one was inserted in his place. Throughout the war, he worked in the rear, but when he went into a tavern, he put his glass eye on the bar and said: “Treat a glass to a soldier who lost his eye in battle!”
I remember us kids sitting around Uncle George at a family gathering, and he'd say, "Chick, take off your finger for George, Timothy, and Ada Francis." Uncle Chick had an artificial finger, and he pretended to rip it off and put it on the table. "Now, Chick, take your teeth out." And Chick took out the prostheses and put them on the table too. “Now take out the eye and put it on the table so that the youth can stare at it!” Chick would take out his glass eye and lay it out in front of us. And Uncle George said, "Now, Chick, screw your head off." And we all rushed out of there in all directions, because when you are four years old, you can believe in anything.
The main thing that I adopted from my mother is the ability to be versatile. She was a beauty queen and hosted her own TV show. But for my birthday, I bought myself a circular saw and repaired the roof in our house myself. And more importantly, she taught me to be realistic and survive in difficult situations. I have a friend in Italy, Giovanni. We ride with him in the summer on motorcycles God knows where. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car with a lady behind the wheel takes off and flattens Giovanni's leg. Just horror: instead of a leg, bloody porridge. And for a hundred kilometers in the district there is not a single hospital. People are starting to gather. I don’t speak the language, but somehow I explained to them: “I need this from you. From you something. We got towels, bamboo, a rubber bandage, put a tire on, and then the car was found. Don't freak out, get the job done, that's what I learned from looking at my mother.
When Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, his father was a journalist and was doing a TV show in Columbus, Ohio. Just recently, Martin Luther King died - in general, the time was difficult. So, my father comes to my room, and I see: something has happened. He says, “Give me your toy guns. All come on, what are. And I give him my pistols - plastic, water - everything that I had. He puts them in a bag and then goes to his show and says, “My son gave this to me. He said, "I don't want to play with them anymore." It is clear why he did this: he had to look convincing and the effect was colossal. The father understood that such a statement from the lips of a seven-year-old boy would have a great effect on everyone. Well, that was smart of him, but as a child, you look at everything differently. Then how do you react: hey, this is my favorite gun!
I remember, as a boy, I sometimes went to dinner in a restaurant with my family and with other families. Back then in Kentucky it was a big event to go to a restaurant. We were not rich at all, and I just dreamed how I would get my shrimp salad. And so, it happened, as soon as the waiter put this very salad in front of you, as a man from another family would say something like: “Well, what's the problem with these?” And mom immediately began to rush us: “Eat faster! Eat faster! Because we all knew that "these" means "black", and the father would definitely take their side, make a scandal, and we would all have to leave the restaurant.
My Aunt Rosemary taught me a lot without a single word. She taught me the right attitude to success, although her example was not positive, but negative. In 1951, she was at the height of her fame, on the cover of every magazine. Then there was one singer for nine famous singers. She toured for five years, returned, and then rock and roll came into fashion. Elvis was king, and the stage was dominated by men. She did not sing worse - the situation just changed. The rules have changed. And she felt broken. She believed that she was losing her gift. She had a breakdown, she was addicted to drugs, she had a bad manager who blew a lot of money, and then the IRS ran into her, and she had nothing for the rest of her life. Fortunately, she had the strength to recover and return to normal life. And what can be learned from this? One very useful lesson: you are not as good as they say about you, and you are not as bad as they say about you.
Before I became an actor, I did a lot of things: cut tobacco, sold women's shoes. And you know what I found out when I sold them? All women lie about their size. Everything. You can believe me - all of them. For example, a lady with a size of forty-one comes to me and says: “I have 38 and a half.” I look at her and see that she has a 41st, and I say: "38th and a half will reap." But she shoves her leg into the 38 and a half and says: "I'll take it." It was in Kentucky in 1979. By the way, at the beginning of the century, a whole generation of women grew up there, who cut off a toe on each leg to wear pumps. This pure truth. This should be removed documentary. They cut off not the little fingers, but the fourth fingers, so as not to lose balance. When an eighty-year-old woman appeared in my store, I already knew that it would be a very unpleasant sight.
Real success came to me after thirty. I distinctly remember sitting on the floor in the pantry at my friend's house, completely broken. My friends were going out to dinner, eat a hamburger, and I didn't even have the money for that. Of course, they could pay for me, but I didn't want to. And this happened more than once. I remember one time my friend Brad lent me a hundred dollars. Now he runs our production company. I still haven't given him that hundred, you know?
Al Cowlings is a true friend to me. I admire his behavior at the moment when OJ Simpson called him and said: “Man, they are on my tail. Start the car. Get me some money, twenty grand, and a passport. Gotta get away." It is very easy to be a friend when everything is quiet and peaceful. I admire a man who is able to get behind the wheel and drive his comrade, closing his eyes to the reality and the truth, which is that this comrade killed two people last night. Complete trust is great. I would like to have such friends. I would like to think that I myself can be such a friend. However, the truth is that you are running away with a killer who has two victims on his conscience. When your eyes open, what will you do?
I starred in frankly bad movies. I never expected Batman & Robin to be a great movie. But I saw him as a good chance for me. And so the shooting began. The script doesn't fit. I'm pathetic in this costume of mine, trying to pull out my scenes somehow ... I was beaten for "Batman and Robin" - and rightly so. But the thing is, without Batman & Robin, I wouldn't be who I am today. He taught me that my failure or success depends only on my own taste. I started making Out of Sight and Three Kings and O Brother, Where Art Thou? because those are films that I would go and see myself. Of course, not everything ends well every time. But the Batman and Robin lesson was very important.
Batman & Robin was released during the third season of ER. This series was a real gold mine. In the second month after its launch, we were on the cover of Newsweek. In the first two seasons, I was nominated for an Emmy. And not just me, but all five of us. The third season of ER was the most successful for me. I was like a baseball player who hit a .310 batting average the first season, a .315 batting average the second, and a .328 batting average the third. I'm not saying that I should have been nominated for the third year, but after all, in the first two I was nominated, and I know that in the third I worked no worse. The nominations are announced and my publicist Stan calls early in the morning: "You're not on the list." I answer: “Well, okay. And who is there? And he told me: "Uh-uh ... yes, everyone else who starred there." I come that morning to shoot. All excited, and it is understandable: they were all nominated for an Emmy. We are all great friends and I know they are afraid of embarrassment. I enter - they are silent. I waited a little and said: “Oh yes, it seems that the nominations were announced today. What do they have there? Everyone looks at me. Nobody says anything. Then I told them: “Your mother, yes I know!” And everyone starts laughing.
If I were president? First of all, I would try to do away with the oil problem. Why not? Remember, in 1961, when Kennedy launched the space program, he said that in ten years our astronaut would land on the moon? At that time, our rockets flopped to the ground, monkeys died in them, and some people said: yes, this guy is crazy! But we did land on the moon in 1969. And this paved the way for new technologies. In 10 years, we must abandon cars with internal combustion engines. Someday we will have to do it anyway, because oil reserves are not infinite. So why pull? I also like the way the 1957 Chevrolet grumbles. But the world has changed, and somehow it will be necessary to live when the oil runs out. If we now learn to do without it, then the small countries that came into power in the 30s thanks to the oil under their sands will no longer control our economy. We will remove the source of their power and create new technology along the way. This will be a new era.
If I were president, I would ask: “Are we at war? Yes really? Something doesn't look like this. Usually, if a country is at war, people make sacrifices. But let's face it: our women don't stand at the barre at night. The only ones making sacrifices are those 150,000 boys who went to military service, and the war fell on them like snow on their heads.
About same-sex marriages. Why did the cheese-boron flare up? Does anyone really still believe in the sacrament of marriage? What is the percentage of divorces - fifty, or what? Therefore, all objections to same-sex marriage boil down to the following: “And then what? May I marry a goat?” And you answer: “Well, yes, why not legalize marriage with a goat? Let marriage with a goat be legal! If you are such a psycho that you want to marry a goat, go ahead, take it! Jumping from a skyscraper is prohibited. But if this ban is lifted, it is unlikely that everyone will immediately run to jump from there!
My marriage didn't teach me much because I wasn't in the mood to learn then. This does not mean that I did not love the woman I married. But what I really wasn't prepared for was that if things went really bad, I had to diligently fix everything. I was 28 years old. I didn't have the patience and the willingness to compromise. If I had been older, maybe I would have been able to establish a normal family life.
The best thing in my life is my friends, whom I have considered my real family for twenty-five years now. These are all the same guys who don’t let anything get away with me, and I reciprocate them. They don't care where I work. They have their own jobs, their own lives and their families. But every Sunday we go to the movies, play basketball, go to family gatherings or go somewhere together. We keep our friendship. I protected her much more than my marriage.
My uncle George was a bitter drinker. One day we found him at the River Downs Racecourse in Cincinnati, in the harness closet, sleeping there, an old man with a long gray beard. Thanks to Uncle George, I learned a lot about death because I was with him when he died. And the main lesson is this: death is the most personal thing you have to do. They reproach me: “You don’t want to have children? (And I really don't want to.) Aren't you afraid to die alone? Everyone dies alone. And point. It's a very private matter, and when Uncle George died, he was looking somewhere... I don't know where. After that, I learned to look at life soberly, namely: in life there will be many all sorts of troubles. And I know very well what I'm not going to do. Uncle George was sitting up in bed - he was sixty-eight. He looked at me and said, “How embarrassing…” I still don’t know what he was talking about today: about smoking, which destroyed his lungs, so that in the end he could hardly breathe, or about drinking, or about his whole life - that he did not become what he could become with all his inclinations. But I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to wake up someday at sixty-five and say, "How embarrassing."

Ozzy Osbourne Rules of Life

Ozzy Osbourne
Rockstar, 60, Beverly Hills

Ozzy Osbourne I grew up in Aston and our family was poor. As a child, I was afraid of everyone and constantly pretended to be an idiot in order to make the guys laugh and not get punched in the neck by them.
I began to understand a little about life, only when I almost brought myself to the handle.
Then they said: "If you fly to San Francisco, you should have flowers in your hair." What the hell is San Francisco? And we saw flowers in Aston only at funerals.
When I listened to She Loves You, I just flew away. It was amazing. The world turned over. I kept dreaming that Paul McCartney would marry my sister.
How did my father react to my success in Black Sabbath? Like winning the lottery. This changed the whole balance in the family, because now everyone was waiting for a freebie.
If you want to re-sing a song with a brilliant melody, for God's sake, don't change that melody!
Before Sharon, I had another wife and I was a rabid drug addict, drunk, and I was of no use as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
I can't do anything in moderation. When I smoked, I smoked thirty cigars a day.
I have dyslexia, distraction and something else like a hereditary tremor. In this city, if you're Ozzy Osbourne and there's something wrong with you, you can be sure that you'll be spending a lot of money while you figure out your diagnosis. The last doctor pulled out of me about 720,000 bucks in one year.
Sharon's father was a gangster manager, so she is a real business woman. Once I told her: “It amazes me that you have been in the music business all your life, and you sing like a shot antelope.” She replied: “And it amazes me that you have been in the music business all your life, and you understand contracts like a pig in oranges.”
I'll be a bastard, no one in the world can sing like me.
I tried to do with my son what my dad couldn't do with me and teach him some things. But he still got hooked on drugs. Jack is now nineteen and has been clean for a year and a half.
To lie, you need to have an excellent memory, but I have none.
If a family is willing to have a film crew in their house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week filming everything, eventually any family will make a good film. The main thing here is to mount it correctly.
After the first year of the Osbournes, I did an Ozzfest and people were like, "Why are you here?" I replied: "I'm putting on a show." - "What show?" - "Rock show". And they were surprised: “So you are also in this part?”
Sex with fans? It's like going to a candy store. Everyone says: “I won’t touch this, otherwise I’ll beat off my appetite.” But you will still eat some cake!
You don't accidentally become a freak in life. We have to work here.
I know what will be written on my grave, and there's no getting around it: "Here lies Ozzy Osbourne, the Black Sabbath singer who bit off the head of a bat."
I've just always been myself. And, of course, I was very lucky with the manager.

Al Pacino Rules of Life

Al Pacino
Actor, 68, New York

Al Pacino
I'll tell you one story. I wanted to go to the baseball game. I love going to baseball. I remember spanking at the stadium with my grandfather when I was three years old. True, now everything is a little different: I come, I sit down, and then my name appears on the scoreboard. I don’t find anything wrong with this: that’s how people are arranged. But this time there was one catch. The match took place during the day, and in the evening I had to be somewhere on business. I decided that I would arrive at the stadium early, watch the warm-up, watch one or two innings. But I didn't want to draw attention to the fact that I didn't make it to the end of the match. You see, athletes are also artists. Imagine what they would think if, on Broadway, in the very first minutes of a performance, in front of everyone, I get up and leave the hall? I reasoned as follows: I will come, take my place on the podium, and then I will try to slip away unnoticed. But at the same time, I somehow forgot that the woman with whom I go to the match is the same celebrity as I am. We drive up to the stadium. I get out of the car, I ask the guard: “We don’t have any old hat in the trunk, do we?” He looked, took out some kind of hat and glasses, and then said: “Hey, Al, just look what is lying around here! Old beard! Well, I grabbed her. Where was my head! We came to the stadium, the game starts, and suddenly all the people in the stands begin to turn around in my direction. TV cameras turn in my direction. Everyone on the field turns in my direction. "What the hell? - Think. “I have a beard.” Of course, it was my companion. Everything would be fine, but suddenly I feel: the beard is slipping. The position is idiotic. So what's now? I unhook my beard - what else could I do? And, of course, it all ends up on the 11:00 newscast: “I wonder why Al Pacino went to the stadium with a fake beard on?” This beard should be placed in the puncture museum. When I saw myself on the news, I laughed, but I drew conclusions. This won't happen again. Wherever I go, I appear everywhere as myself.
When I was a boy, my great-grandmother sometimes gave me a silver dollar. She has always been very kind to me. When she handed me a coin, the rest of the family yelled in chorus every time: “No! No! No-e-e-e-t! Don't give him the silver dollar!" This was said in earnest - after all, we were terribly poor. And as soon as the coin was in my hands, everyone started yelling: “Give it back! Give it back! - and I felt embarrassed for taking the gift.
My parents separated when I was very young. I was an only child and lived in an apartment building in the South Bronx with my mother and grandparents. We barely made ends meet. So it was a real treat for me when I found out that you can cut a coupon out of a pack of oatmeal and get Tom Mix spurs for it. And cowboy Tom Mix was a western star. He was wildly famous, wildly! The very fact that the spurs were sent by parcel post made them something extraordinary. In general, we ordered spurs. When my great-grandmother died, I must have been six years old. I remember we returned home from the funeral - and it turned out that a package with Tom Mix's spurs had arrived. I beamed. And then I remembered that my great-grandmother had just died. I so wanted to enjoy the spurs, but ... That day I learned what an internal conflict is.
Although my mother worked, she found time to take me to the cinema for every new film. And the next day, staying at home alone, I played this film for myself from beginning to end, playing all the roles. I saw The Lost Weekend when I was very young, and it made a strong impression on me. I did not understand what was happening on the screen, but I was fascinated by the intensity of passions. No wonder Ray Milland received an Oscar for his performance in this film. There is a scene in The Lost Weekend where Milland is looking for a bottle of whiskey. Drunk, he hid the bottle somewhere in the apartment, and now he has sobered up and wants to find it. She knows she's here somewhere, but she doesn't remember exactly where. He searches for a long time and still finds. I played this scene often. Sometimes when my father came to visit me, he would take me to his relatives in Harlem and say, "Show them the scene with the bottle." I played the scene and everyone laughed. And I thought, “What are they? The scene is serious.
Once, as a child, I went into a street booth, threw a ball and knocked down a couple of bottles, but they didn’t give me a prize. To this day, it doesn't fit in my head that they could have done that. What an injustice! I went home and told my grandfather everything. And he made such a face ... it still stands before my eyes. It was written across his face: “So you think I should go down the stairs from the sixth floor, walk five blocks and try to prove to some guy in the booth that you knocked down bottles and deserved a prize?!” I read it all in his face. At the same time, he tried to explain to me that this sometimes happens in life. In this he was right. Also how it happens.
My mother died before I was successful. I remember I was ten years old. Our apartment is on the top floor. It's wildly cold. From below, from the alleyway, my friends are calling me, calling me to rush through the streets. But my mother won't let me. I was terribly angry and yelled at her incessantly. She bore my reproaches. And thus saved my life. You see, all those guys who then called me to go for a walk are no longer in the world. She wanted me not to wander the streets until late, but to do my homework. And that's why I'm sitting here talking to you now. Everything is very simple, right? But we are so forgetful...
When I was a boy, on the bus, when you change to another route, coupons were issued: yellow, pink and blue. We guys knew the place where we threw away the used coupons and stuffed our pockets with them. Although these pieces of paper were worth nothing, they seemed to us valuable. You could at least imagine what it's like to walk around with pockets full of money.
My first time on the stage was as an actor in elementary school. We put on a performance where there was a huge cauldron on the stage - the notorious "melting pot", and I, as the representative of Italy, stood and stirred it with a spoon. As I remember now: the guys at school asked me for an autograph, and I signed: "Sonny Scott." I came up with a sonorous name, you know?
One of the biggest shocks of my life I experienced in the South Bronx, in one of those halls that once hosted a variety show, and then turned into a movie theater. The performance was given by a traveling troupe. They played "The Seagull" by Chekhov. The play started... and ended immediately. It flew by in an instant. It was magic. I remember thinking: “Who do you have to be to write this, huh?” I immediately got hold of a collection of Chekhov's stories.
One day I went to eat at the Howard Johnson's and saw the actor who starred in that play pouring coffee behind the counter. Then I realized that everything in life is relative: first he conquered me with his game, and now he was standing behind the counter at Howard Johnson and serving me.
There was a time when I was delivering a newspaper called "Showbiz" to the stalls. I'll never forget how much they paid me: twelve dollars. Ten and two dollar bills. I immediately exchanged a ten so that I would have twelve one-dollar bills. Paying at the bar, you drool on a dollar from a pack, and from the outside it seems that you have a lot of money.
When I received my first decent fee in a Boston repertory theater, I must have been twenty-five years old. I went to a bar, ate a steak and drank a martini. And even after that, I still have money!
Do you know what the difference is between acting on stage and acting in a movie? Playing is like walking a tightrope. On the stage, the rope is stretched high, high. Bryakneshsya so bryakneshsya for real. In the cinema, the rope lies on the floor.
One day, standing at a traffic light, I looked at the girl on the other side of the street and smiled at her. And she said, "Oh, hi, Michael." You know, Michael from The Godfather. I had the feeling that in an instant she deprived me of the right to be an ordinary passer-by. She saw me, but she didn't see me in me, you know? "Oscar" I received only the eighth time. Before that, I was included in the list of nominees seven times, but that's all. I don’t know if I can adequately describe my attitude to this, at least in part ... Now I look at the nominees and think: “What if they were neurosurgeons? Which one of them would you trust to operate on your brain, if need be? That's why he should be given an Oscar. But in the past, everything depended on what mood I was in.
There was a year when I was immensely addicted to alcohol and pills. With all this, I have already tied up a long time ago, by the way. But at that time I was sitting at the ceremony and thinking: “Will I even get to the stage if I am awarded? Not sure".
My father was married five times. I have never been married. What conclusion do I draw from this? We are slaves of our habits.
If an actor has too much money, he usually finds a way to spend it. I personally poured my money into my own painting, Local Stigmatist, which I never released.
Once I was walking through Central Park, and a stranger came up to me and asked: “Listen, what happened to you? Why can't we see you?" I started to mumble something: “Well, I ... yes ... I ...” And he: “Come on, Al, I want to see you there, at the top!” And I realized: I am very lucky that I have my gift. And I have to use it.
In one movie, I have to chase the character of Robin Williams over logs that float in the water. Such a scene should not be polished to perfection. For her, the main thing is spontaneity. Spontaneity is the focus.
I went to a Frank Sinatra concert. About twenty years ago. He had Buddy Rich as the opening act. And then Buddy Rich comes out, and I somehow became thoughtful: after all, Buddy Rich was then in his seventies, and he played the drums. I know he's a good drummer. But then I thought, "Well, I'm going to have to sit here, listen to Buddy Rich knock, fidget in place until Sinatra comes out." But then Buddy Rich started to play - and he went, and he went, and he went. It's been ten times stronger than that what I expected from him. In the middle of the riff, the whole room jumped up and yelled with delight. Then Sinatra came out and said a simple thing: “See how this guy plays drums? And you know, sometimes it’s good not to deviate from the chosen path.” Buddy Rich never left his chosen path. Not only did he continue to play drums year after year, but he went his own way on stage that night. He seemed to be saying: “That's how far I went, let's see if I can break through further ...” And suddenly the path itself took him to the right point. That's why we do what we do. We want to find that place. But finding it is not all. You have to not stop. You know, there is a proverb: "He who persists in his madness will one day be a wise man."

Oliver Stone's Rules of Life

Oliver Stone
Director, 62, Santa Monica

Oliver Stone I'm not great. I'm a scumbag just like you, trying to survive in this fucking world.
IN different periods I liked my life different women. Sometimes they were white women. Sometimes black. Sometimes Asians. I was fond of women of all subspecies. And I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to experiment.
Whatever some people think, I'm good at listening.
I have spent 7 of the last 14 years abroad. This allows you to look at America differently. During the Iraq war I was in Morocco, and also in Cuba, Thailand, France and England. I read both American and local newspapers. The difference, let me tell you, is stunning. I was scared and bitter to read what was written about the war in America: people were fooled, the truth was hidden from them. That was incredible. Pure mockery.
Causes of the war in Iraq? Oil and geopolitics. Nothing else.
Bush Jr. is very shy. Afraid of everything. And to the eyeballs stuffed with other people's ideas. His eyes are blank. The most amazing thing is that not everyone notices this!
I don’t want to be a director at seven in the morning if your actress is not one of those for whom morning is - best time day.
De Palma's Scarface taught me how to deal with my ego, to put myself aside. The director is like a baseball catcher. He catches every ball. He must understand the signals correctly. And inject. Work hard like a horse.
I had houses, ranches, women, children - a lot of things. And with the divorce, everything went away. It was a typical Californian divorce, a punitive type of divorce that leaves no opportunity for the breadwinner to get his life back on track. I got divorced at the peak of my earnings and could not return to that level.
Money is very hard to earn, but even harder to keep. So much money slipped through my fingers!
The Korean woman I was lucky to meet gives me a sense of proportion, a sense of grace. This is a tea ceremony, a fragility that can withstand any pressure. For me, one of the greatest joys in life is to see how this woman moves!
I have three children - two boys and a girl. And they all grew up in different conditions. I divorced the mother of the boys, and now I live with the mother of my youngest child, an eight-year-old girl, very smart and lively. She feels independent, she looks at the world in an Asian way, as Koreans and Japanese look at it. They have an understanding of what is important in life and what is not. There is an inner respect for a higher idea that I don't see in American children. There is no spirituality in American children.
All the problems of men originate from their mothers. Mother is very important!
Too much is expected of me. In principle, I am not able to justify such hopes.
Here I sit and talk about myself. I say both good and bad, but at the same time, all conversations come down to one thing: I am proud of who I am. I'm proud to have achieved something. I am proud that I was asked to tell about myself. Well, how can I not be proud?

Benicio Del Toro Rules of Life

Benicio Del Toro
41 years old, actor

Benicio Del Toro You yourself will never determine what you are really worth. Well, someone will tell you: "You are a good actor." And the other: "You're not good enough." Go find out which one is right.
If you've read the script for The Usual Suspects, you know that Fred Fenster was put in the movie, only to die. He did not say anything important and did not influence the development of the plot. And so we decided: let him mumble so that not a word can be understood. The screenwriter and director had the courage to leave the choice to me. Although such things with idiotic characters are a double-edged sword.
What is my favorite movie I've ever been in? "Shorty is a big shot." My first role with words. And even with barking.
I don't consider myself a Latino actor, although I am Latino by name, by blood, and to the core. My school, if you can talk about national traditions at all, is American. Perhaps Russian too: Stella Adler plus Stanislavsky.
I don't compete with others. I compete with myself.
I heard from some writers: I can't write a single line without a cigarette, I can't even imagine how I would work without smoking. Smoking is stupid. Smoking doesn't help. But the work of the actor is very nervous. I heard that baseball players sometimes sneak out to dug out to smoke a cigarette. Filming is like baseball in that sense. That's why I like to hold something in my hand, you know? A cigarette is needed to occupy the hands in order to maintain endurance. That's how nicotine works - it relaxes.
My mother died when I was nine. That's how my life has been.
If you, a representative of a national minority, come to this country, you are stuck in no man's land - neither here nor there. You are no longer at home where you came from, but you have not yet become at home where you are. You may be very lonely. But at the same time, in a new place, you can invent yourself anew.
The boarding school in Pennsylvania where I studied was pretty strict. There are people for whom boarding education suits. For example, it worked for me.
What have I learned in my life about women? Well, brother... It's like an intricate map... I think we're all scratching our heads over this map.
I would like to be monogamous. Is it true. If you already have a relationship with someone, so if you please, you old goat ... well, you understand. Probably, there is no general recipe here.
I never seriously considered becoming a lawyer, but I knew that I would have to become someone.
One day my brother said, "Benny, you should go into acting." I was stunned. "What?" - I say. He must have seen something in me that I didn't see myself.
In my freshman year in college, I enrolled in a course acting skills- just so as to gain the required number of hours and at the same time not overwork.
In acting, I was attracted by the energy. It was natural for me to treat playing on stage as a sport - after all, an athlete also does his job in front of the audience. Jitters, the need to gather strength and speak - everything is similar.
As Stella Adler once said, an addict is a person who turns his body into a letter to society. Informs that something is wrong in society.

1) Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down.

2) Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot

3) If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as you behave alone with yourself, then appreciate him as air

4) If you were told that your train has left, remember - there are still planes and yachts

5) When driving a nail into the soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there, which will overgrow for a long time and torment its owner. don't hurt those who love you with all their heart

6) Never make excuses. Not in front of those who love you, and even more so - in front of those who do not love. The one who does not love will never believe you anyway, and the one who loves - he himself will come up with an excuse for you

7) If there are rumors about you, then you are a person. Remember: Never discuss or envy the bad. Envy the best, discuss the best

Can't make a woman happy? Don't interfere with others. Jarrard Butler

9) Know how to forgive, because this is the property of the strong. The weak never forgive. Mahatma Gandhi

10) Fight, because a woman chooses strong, courageous and
persistent, and not those who, at the slightest quarrel, give up and leave

11) Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level, where they will crush you with their experience.

12) Always remember that people become close gradually, strangers - instantly

13) Learn to be happy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet and be nervous without a cigarette.

14) Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life

15) Don't rely too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark

16) Do not regret your mistakes, because without making them, you will never know how to do it right

17) If you want to have what you never had, you will have to do what you have never done. Coco Chanel

18) When you lose - just smile. The winner loses the taste of victory

19) You must have a dream. Necessarily! So that you can get up in the morning

20) If a bear ties you to a tree, saying something in Latin - go to bed. In any incomprehensible situation, go to bed

21) If you are dissatisfied with the place that you occupy, change it. You are not a tree! Jim Rohn

22) No one can let you down if you don't depend on anyone. Robert Anthony

23) If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. if you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it

24) Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, the remaining 20% ​​are glad that you have them

25) Do what you want. Do what you think is right. You will still be judged for the rest of your life.


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Be cultured and follow simple rules etiquette in everyday life does not mean that you are old-fashioned. In fact, this means that you are a respected and well-mannered person who knows how to behave, likes others. Although the culture of etiquette depends on many factors: cultures, nations, traditions, regions, but there are general rules which should be adhered to. These rules are the basis, they are “respected” in the modern world, regardless of the country of residence, and will be useful to you both in our country and abroad.

Here are the 10 most important rules of etiquette, some old, some new - but all equally important.

Rule #1 - You are responsible for everything

Very often people do not like to be responsible for their actions, to ask for forgiveness, to become lower than others when they are wrong, to pay bills in full. It so happened that whoever pays orders the music, but more importantly, whoever calls to the restaurant pays for the reception. And this rule applies to everything, not only to a restaurant, but also to a trip to a club, cafe, cinema, theater. You may not even suggest to others to help you pay the bill, or in their choice of meals (services).

Rule #2 - Everything has its place

Which fork should I use? We have all been in such a situation, at such a table, when during the experience the thought came to us: “Oh, what kind of tableware (fork, spoon) to use now?”. Relax, there is one simple rule for using cutlery - use the most "external" and move on to cutlery close to the dish.

Short forks are for salads, and according to the rules, they should lie at the furthest distance from the dish. With each new dish served to you, go to the "near" table set. And when you're done taking your meal, simply place the cutlery together at an angle on your plate (the tines of the fork should point up and the blade of the knife should be in front of the center of the plate), this will be a signal to the waiter that you have finished eating.

Another table tip - if you are in a restaurant with a girl or wife, wait until she sits down at the table first. You cannot be the first to start eating, if you are a man, when she raises her fork to start eating, you can start eating - until this moment you need to wait, and not rush.

Rule #3 - Acknowledgments

Messages of gratitude, letters of gratitude - this is one of the important rules in our life, both in the business environment and everyday. If someone gave you a gift, or sent you a greeting card, helped you with something, or just did something good for you - you should always at least say “Thank you”, and even better write down what you are for. so grateful.

But it is advisable not to use template notes for the purpose of gratitude, in which only your name and the word “Thank you” are indicated, or your signature is simply written. It is most correct to indicate the name of the person (and his patronymic, if he is a “superior” person), as well as what you are grateful for. In the modern world, it is permissible to thank by email (or other means of communication through which you most often communicate with this person), but you should not send SMS by phone.

Rule #4 - Handshake

Have you ever had a handshake that made you think "Eww"? Always make sure that your hand is warm, and if it is cold, then that it is not wet. Do not strongly squeeze the hand of another person, especially if he is a musician or a woman. Shaking your hand is also not worth it, 1-2 “wiggles” are enough. In the modern world, a handshake is accepted between both sexes, so shaking hands when greeting a woman is possible, you can also shake her in case of farewell. A man should be the first to extend his hand, if this is a business relationship, when greeting. When parting, it is not so important who will be the first to extend their hand for a handshake.

Rule #5 - Cleanliness and tidiness

Recently we were in a restaurant, and the woman sitting at the next table began to pick her teeth. Is it correct? Of course not - blowing your nose, picking your teeth, gargling - all this can be done at home or with friends, or in the toilet, but not in public. It is not so pleasant for those present to watch you pick out from your teeth. Also, you can’t comb your hair at the table and “strongly” straighten your hair - don’t be a coward with your hair!

Rule #6 - Punctuality

To be late is a big rudeness. In a business setting, being late says, "My time is more expensive and valuable than yours." In addition, when you come to a meeting, you should not throw your things on the table and tell them that you need to go to the toilet or make a phone call.

My advice to you, in the office or in a restaurant, if 4ro are waiting for the 1st (or 1/4 from the group) wait 5-10 minutes and start the meeting, and if you are in a restaurant, you can immediately ask the waiter to bring the menu. You should not wait more than 10 minutes for a person who did not come, if he did not warn you in advance, wait 5-10 minutes and leave.

Rule #7 - Introduction and Welcome

This is another important rule. everyday etiquette. First you need to say hello to the person you respect the most (important to you the most or the oldest). If you feel that your name has been forgotten, just mention it during the conversation. Or you can simply introduce yourself one more time to the person who has forgotten your name, and then shake hands with him.

Rule #8 - Mobile Phones

Never speak too loudly on the phone in public, do not yell into the phone if others are making noise around you.

Turn off the sound on your phone in a restaurant. If you're expecting an important call, just apologize and step aside to talk, but don't talk at the table.

You should not write SMS during a business meeting, with not the closest employees and clients.

And in the cinema, in addition to turning off the sound, it is also worth putting the phone so that others do not see it “blinking” in the dark.

Rule #9 - Death.

When someone dies, their family is in great pain. And you need to express your words of support to them, no matter how anxious you may be, death cannot be described, how it is impossible to reduce the pain from it with words, it is difficult to know what needs to be said or done to reduce the pain. But you need to make every effort to express your sympathy. Your ignoring the problem - in the future, when they look for sympathy from others, will only worsen your relationship.

What can be said? A very philosophical question, alas, but it all depends on the situation. Sometimes you can just hug a person and give him an envelope, it will be better than any words, sometimes - listen.

If you don't want to see your friends in mourning, then you can send them a letter of condolence, even an email. But in no case not SMS by phone!

Rule #10 - Every day

When shopping in a store - do you place your cart in the center of the aisle so that others can't even walk sideways? Do you park your car correctly, or in such a way that it immediately occupies 2 parking spaces, and if you put it horizontally - 3! Why do you honk so often and honk for a long time? Do you interrupt someone when they are talking to you or others? It seems to be such trifles, but if you do this, you are an uncultured person!

27 important rules of modern etiquette

We present you a selection of current rules that every self-respecting person and others should know.

In the modern world, not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive the observance of certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering this a sign of highbrow aesthetes who are very far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and tactless behavior can cause the same reaction in response.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: "I invite you" means you pay. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.
  2. Never do not come to visit without a call. If you are visited unannounced, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
  3. You should not invite a girl on a date through SMS messages and, even more so, to communicate like that with her.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing so, you show how important role a communication device is playing in your life and how much you are not interested in the annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment, you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check the feed on Instagram, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have come to Angry Birds.
  5. Man never does not carry a women's bag. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion greets a stranger, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people think that sushi can only be eaten with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Do not talk on the phone. If you're in need of a heart-to-heart conversation, it's best to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you have been insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Don't get down up to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should go to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers should remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is blatant incivility.
  13. A woman may keep her hat and gloves on indoors, but no hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. Arriving at the cinema, theater, to a concert, you should go to your seats only facing those seated. The man goes first.
  16. The man enters the restaurant always first, main reason- on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. After that, the gentleman finds free places.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), do not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture, educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach an etiquette lesson by your own example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If by the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Keep correspondence confidential. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same with each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is doing extremely ugly.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than fashionable and bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive question again and ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat such mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, talking too loudly, intently looking at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and willingness to offer their help is not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules. good manners. How to pass a plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not open a closed door without knocking. Let the lady go ahead. The purpose of all these countless simple rules is to make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I am careful about my manners. It's not some kind of abstraction. This is for everyone understandable language mutual respect.

10 basic rules of etiquette. Every self-respecting person should know them!

Etiquette is an indispensable part of modern society. Compliance etiquette rules will show your upbringing, politeness and education. It is very important that our society observe them, because then it will become easier to be in society, it will be more pleasant and interesting to interact with each other!

Basic rules of etiquette

  1. How much a handshake can say about a person! The eldest in age should give a hand first, while it is customary to look into each other's eyes. If you look away, this may be perceived as disrespectful or deceitful in your intentions. It is not customary for women to shake hands, but if she extended it, answer the same, but remember that you need to shake no weaker than she. After all, this way a woman may have an opinion that you are a weakling.
  2. What flowers can be given to men?
    It can be: chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, orchids, bamboo, callas, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, daisies, sunflowers. Their color is also important: white, blue, purple, burgundy, green.

When can you give men flowers:

  • publication of a new book
  • publication of a new article,
  • birthday,
  • awarding,
  • sports victory,
  • scientific discovery,
  • movie premiere,
  • concert premiere.
  • During the feast, if soup is served, you cannot tilt the plate. It is permissible to tilt it only away from you, but it is better not to do this at all.
  • When a lady leaves the table, men are required to get up.
  • When in public a husband and wife call each other different affectionate words, this is considered vulgar.
  • If you drink a drink through a straw - do not try to drink everything to the last drop!
  • How to behave in a restaurant:

    • when you eat - do not invade the neighbor's space with your elbows,
    • cut big pieces into small ones,
    • don't blow on hot food
    • don't lick your fingers, use a tissue
    • constantly blot your mouth with a tissue,
    • don't talk with your mouth full
    • Don't put your phone on the table.
  • If you chew chewing gum in public, you run the risk of appearing rude.
  • How to climb stairs:
    • a man must give way to women, children and the elderly at the railing;
    • if a person walks up the stairs with a weight in his hands, then it is worth stopping or getting off the steps;
    • if a man goes up the stairs with a woman, then he should go ahead, giving her his hand.
  • If during a conversation you are tired or you become bored - do not be distracted by your watch, phone, notebook. This can be regarded as a strong disrespect for the interlocutor!
  • Remember that rules of etiquette include not only decent behavior, but also appearance, culture of speech, the ability to manage their emotions.

    Also very important: attentiveness, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to provide assistance to those in need. Unfortunately, only 10% of people are familiar with these rules.

    You have a wonderful opportunity to make your friends aware! Share this post with them and enjoy the courtesy in your surroundings!

    10 useful rules that every cyclist should know (13 photos)

    1. I went out on the road - follow the traffic rules

    Unfortunately, many cyclists like to combine the rules for different road users: either they will drive onto the sidewalk, then again along the side of the road, or they will not stop in front of a zebra.
    Dear cyclists, remember that if you are riding in a stream of cars, then you, as full-fledged participants in the movement, must comply with all the rules that are intended for motorists, in particular:

    - overtaking vehicles on the right - prohibited!
    - Movement can only be carried out on a green traffic light.
    — before the pedestrian crossing, you must stop and let people through.

    The only rule specifically for cyclists is to keep to the right side of the road!

    Only those owners of bicycles who have reached the age of 14 have the right to ride on the carriageway.

    By the way, it would be useful to recall the elementary safety rules, such as wearing a helmet and gloves. A helmet does not guarantee complete safety, but it will still protect against serious injury. Gloves will help you move comfortably.

    3. Bike path

    In most cities, especially for the convenience of all road users, paths are created along which a cyclist should move.

    Of course, bike paths also have their own limitations: you can’t move on it with a load that is more than 1 meter wide.

    4. Passenger transportation

    You can carry additional passengers on your bike if you have special equipment, such as a trailer or a child seat.
    If you have big family, with which you are not used to parting - buy yourself a bicycle - a tandem. It's fun and it's not against the rules.

    But it's better not to do that.

    5. Traveling at night

    The majority of accidents occur during the hours of darkness. All due to the fact that it is very difficult to see a cyclist or a pedestrian on an unlit street or without special reflective elements on clothing.

    Therefore, the cyclist must make sure that he is visible from afar: purchase a front light, special reflective elements or a laser tail light that clearly shows the movement zones.

    6. Movement on the "zebra"

    And again about the zebra, but now on the other side of the barricades. Before us is a picture that clearly shows how a cyclist should cross a zebra. But in the bottom picture there is a violation that you yourself can evaluate.

    7. This is no joke

    Of course, as a child, it was the highest class to drive without holding the steering wheel. But on the road, this stunt can cost you your life.
    Traffic rules prohibit riding a bicycle without holding on to it with at least one hand. So leave those tricks of yours.

    8. Cyclist gestures

    Few cyclists, yes, few motorists know these gestures. On numerous occasions, motorists have been seen giggling at the way the cyclist is waving his arms.
    But that's all you need! The hands replace the cyclist's turn signals. In the picture you can see how to signal the person behind you.

    9. Ready for repair!

    No one canceled sudden breakdowns. But, in order to make minor repairs, you can get by with the tools shown in the picture: a pump, hexagons, a wrench. They will be able to provide first aid, so do not be lazy and take them with you.

    10. Be attentive and careful!

    The road is full of surprises, while driving requires concentration and constant attention.

    All this is to somehow help cyclists navigate the road. Don't think that you are a driving virtuoso. Try to drive carefully, take care of your safety and the safety of other road users.

    Ethics of business correspondence

    In letters smart person reflects the nature of those to whom they are addressed.

    [Lichtenberg Georg Christoph]

    Write letters that you would like to receive.

    Writing is a powerful argument in the business world.

    1. Why have uniform corporate standards in business correspondence?

    E-mail is a mandatory attribute of business communication for any company. There are practically no companies that do not use e-mail. But ask yourself the following questions:

    • Do you ever feel like you're sending an email to a black hole when you send an email to a colleague and you might not get a response?
    • When employees call each other and ask to read an urgent email, and this happens all day
    • When you absolutely cannot understand what exactly they want from you in an email
    • When difficult and difficult questions when discussing e-mail drowning in a sea of ​​information, details, and the issue is still not resolved

    If these questions are relevant to you, then you can save a lot of time every day by introducing uniform rules for electronic correspondence. In this article, we will talk about the etiquette of business correspondence.

    2. Seven main rules of business correspondence ethics

    We conditionally separate the rules of business correspondence on the rules of ethics And rules of communication and information exchange.

    Communication rules are governed by the rules for exchanging information within business processes and projects. We will devote a separate article to them. The rules of ethics form the style of internal relations of company employees and inevitably influence the formation of the image of your company among partners. For example, I recently received a letter from one of our partners beginning with the words, "Good afternoon, Bekhterev." What do you think about our cooperation?

    In order not to "lose face" of the company, leading business correspondence, you must follow the "golden rules" of the ethics of business correspondence:

    1. We always start a letter with an appeal
    2. The subject line of the email must be
    3. Check for spelling, punctuation, and speech errors before sending.
    4. The letter must be structured (NO water!)
    5. The letter must contain the correct wording
    6. If we send attachments in a letter, then we will definitely write that there are attached files (this move will help to avoid situations when you send a letter and the file is not attached; the recipient, having read the letter and not finding the attached document, can quickly respond and write to you that the attached documents that you indicated in the letter are missing).
    7. We never delete messages. One of the most important points. The message history should never be deleted, since a letter is a document. If necessary, you should always be able to raise the history of correspondence. Radislav Gandapas, for example, even included a request not to delete the history of correspondence in his signature.

    3. Types of letters

    There are many different classifications, we propose to distinguish letters according to the design structure:

    1. Letter of communication (letter of refusal, letter of claim, letter of recognition, letter of justification, etc.)
    2. Letter of agreement


    In this type of letter, we include all types of letters that the employee uses in the course of his professional activities.

    The letter should not be formatted in a single text. It should be clearly structured and well-formed so that the recipient does not lose sight of important information. The structure of the letter consists of clear components:

    The subject of the letter should contain the specific action that you expect from the respondent: “negotiate a contract”, “propose issues for consideration”, “send a report”, etc.

    If you are sending documents, then the subject line should contain a clear wording of the documents contained in the letter attachment.

    Why is it important to write the right subject line?

    By the subject of the letter, it is very easy to find the necessary letter in the daily flow of information. No letter will be lost.

    Note: if you send a letter within the company, then the subject of the letter is formatted according to a given standard; if you send a letter outside the company, then it is advisable to format the subject according to the template: Company name: purpose of the letter.

    The more constructive in the body of the letter, the better! One of the key skills in business correspondence that you should develop in your employees is the ability to clearly and concisely articulate your thoughts.

    P.S. If we, when composing a letter, mention a fact from the letter of the interlocutor, it must be quoted, separating it with color or font.

    The corporate signature design template must be the same for all employees of the company.

    The signature should contain all the key details of the addressee so that, if necessary, the recipient of the letter can easily contact you.

    P.S. If we want a warm relationship with a partner / client, then it is worth issuing a personal signature. Any person is pleased to receive a letter with a personal attitude, even in formal correspondence.

    The personal signature always refers to the body of the letter. Example: Have a good day/ Thank you / It was a pleasure to talk today / Thank you for taking the time for such an important issue / Greetings to family and children, etc.

    We fill in the "To" and "Cc" fields last so as not to accidentally send the letter when it is not yet ready.

    What is the difference between the "To" and "Cc" fields?

    In the "To" field, we insert the address of the person from whom we want to perform some action.

    In the "Copy" field, we insert the address of a person who would benefit from reading the contents of the letter.

    P.S. Our experience has proven that the "Copy" field is very useful. If we are negotiating with an ordinary employee, discussing important issues, but do not receive answers on the merits and on time, then it is worth inserting a letter from a director or a higher manager into a copy, as soon as the correspondence begins constructively.

    Unfortunately, in many companies the level corporate culture not at the proper level, as a result of which there are situations when, in order for an employee to do his job well, strict control by the management team is necessary.

    Also in Outlook there is a function like "Bcc" - an important tool that allows you to inform interested parties about the letter, but at the same time not to embarrass the recipient that the letter is not addressed to him alone!

    Letter of agreement

    An important type of letter that allows you to summarize the results of the meeting, in writing to form agreements, designate a time frame for completion and make it clear: did both parties understand correctly what they must do?

    It is useful to write such letters after a meeting, negotiations and meetings in order to have written agreements and a common vision of their implementation.

    1. Greetings, appeal and gratitude to the participants of the discussion.
    2. Repetition of the purpose of the meeting at which the agreements were formed.
    3. A listing of all the issues that were discussed, in conjunction with the decisions made on them and the appointment of a person responsible for execution.
    4. Fixing ideas that do not require urgent implementation for history.
    5. Question to the recipients: Is everything taken into account? Are there any comments or additions?

    Letter design

    The font of the letter should be uniform, key points, headings can be highlighted in italics in the text, but be sure to adhere to uniform style design.

    P.S. Always remember that the words written capital letters, are perceived as an increase in tone. They should be avoided.

    It is desirable to arrange each separate thought in a separate paragraph so that the text is easier to perceive.

    Paragraphs should not merge with each other. To make the letter more readable, indentation should be after the salutation, before each paragraph and before the signature:

    To make the letter visually more attractive, it is better to format the links in the body of the letter as hyperlinks:

    Writing style

    We really like Sasha Karepina's book Art business communication. Laws, tricks, tools”, we recommend reading.

    Sasha suggests "measuring" writing style on a scale from personal to formal. Making the remark that "The more techniques from the left column are found in the letter, the more personal it will be, and the more from the right, the more formal"

    What result can be obtained by implementing the rules of business correspondence etiquette?

    How many emails do you receive per day? Usually 20-30, but it is not uncommon for both 50 and 60. And for each letter we spend a resource of attention - time to understand the essence of the letter and what to answer to it. If you spend at least 10-15 seconds less on understanding the purpose of the letter (and this can be done if each letter has a subject where there is a verb and a result), then the savings on 60 letters will be 10 minutes! We tend to ignore this time by spraying it throughout the day, but when you put it together and improve it, that's exactly how much!

    In the following articles, we'll show you how to win precious daily minutes by implementing communication rules for Skype, phone, and corporate scheduler.

    This article is included in a series of articles on the ethics of communications.

    Read other articles in the series:

    We invite you to a master class by Sergei Bekhterev How to work during working hours.

    Win at least 1 hour of free time every day with this training!

    At the master class you will learn:
    ✓ How to manage tasks so that all tasks are completed 100% and on time
    ✓ How to effectively prepare and conduct meetings
    ✓ How to organize productive work of employees in one office

    Human life is quite complicated and there are a lot of different rules in it. But there are the most important rules of life. On the one hand, they are quite simple, but on the other hand, not every person is able to accept them. Nevertheless, it is useful for all living people to know these rules.

    mirror rule.

    All the people around you are mirrors. They reflect aspects of your personality that you are often unaware of. Everything that irritates you so much in people is also in you. And this is not a reason to be upset, and certainly not a reason to argue. This is an opportunity to work on yourself.

    The advantage of this rule is that everything good that you notice in others is also a reflection of what you have.

    Selection rule.

    Every day, every hour, every minute, every second we make our choice. Even if you do nothing at all, it is also your choice to remain passive.

    Everything that happens (or happened) in your life is the result of a choice you have made. Even if you really don't like it.

    Therefore, it makes no sense to blame someone for your failures, problems, miscalculations. The author of all this is you. It is for the reason that man is given free will. Therefore, if something really does not suit you in your life, just make a different choice. All in your hands.

    Responsibility rule.

    Since a person is given freedom of choice, therefore, the responsibility for this choice lies only with him. It is no one's fault that you, having listened to someone else's advice, took a step in the wrong direction. Responsibility for this choice and for the step taken lies solely with you. Because this is YOUR life. And the sooner you understand this, the easier and easier it will be for you.

    Error rule.

    Everyone sees this world in their own way. Everyone has their own views and judgments regarding everything that happens in this world. Someone's opinion is not the ultimate truth, since in any judgment there is a certain amount of error.

    The ossified belief in one's own rightness will sooner or later lead to a personal disaster. So take it for granted that real world may differ from the image of the world that you have drawn for yourself.

    Match rule.

    Each person has exactly what he corresponds to. No more and no less. Therefore, there is no point in making claims against the world, against God or the people around. Work on yourself, change your inner, grow as a person - and in proportion to your growth and inner fullness, your life will also change.

    presence rule.

    There is only one moment when you can really change something - this is the present moment. The past is no more, the future is not yet. There is only HERE and NOW.

    There is no point in worrying about what has passed - it leads to depression. There is also no point in worrying about what will happen - this increases anxiety. Live in the present.

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