Flexible mind. Selective perception: why people see the world differently

From time immemorial, people think differently, act differently, and succeed in different ways. And therefore, sooner or later, the question arises: why are people different, why are some of them smarter or more decent, and is there something that makes them so once and for all? Expert opinions differ on this matter. Some argue that such differences have physical preconditions and, therefore, they are inevitable and unchanging. For centuries,2 these physical bases included the bumps on the skull (phrenology), the size and shape of the skull (craniology), and today genes.

Other scholars have pointed to vast differences in people's lives, experiences, education, and the way they learn. You may be surprised to learn that Alfred Binet, the inventor of the IQ test, was a vocal advocate of this position. Wasn't the IQ test created to define the "god of data" mental abilities children? Not really. Binet, a Frenchman who worked in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century, compiled this test to identify students in Parisian municipal schools who did not benefit from education, so that new ones were developed for these children. educational programs that can help them get on track. He did not deny the existence of individual intellectual characteristics, but he believed that education and training could lead to fundamental changes in the mental abilities of children. Here is a quote from one of his seminal books, Modern Ideas About Children, in which he summarizes his work with hundreds of students with learning difficulties. educational material:

“Some modern philosophers ... argue that individuals are endowed with a fixed amount of mental faculties and this amount cannot be increased. We must react and protest against such inhuman pessimism... Through practice, learning and above all technique, we are able to improve our attention, memory, judgment and become more intelligent than we were before.

And who is right? Today, most experts are inclined to believe that it is impossible to raise the question "either-or". Nature or nurture, genes or environment. From the moment of conception, there is a constant interaction between the one and the other. Moreover, as the famous neuroscientist Gilbert Gottlieb said, in the course of our development, genes and environment do not just interact - genes require the participation of the environment in order for them to work correctly.

In the meantime, scientists have found that people are endowed with much greater abilities to learn and develop their brains throughout their lives than previously thought. Of course, each person has his own genetic "dowry" inherent only to him. At the start, people may have different characters and different inclinations, but it is already clear that experience, training and their personal efforts can help them bridge the gap. As Robert Sternberg, a modern guru in the field of intelligence studies, writes, the main factor that determines whether a person reaches the level of competence in a particular field is not some pre-given ability, but his purposeful efforts. Or, as his predecessor Binet acknowledged, it is not always the people who are the smartest at the beginning who turn out to be the smartest in the end.

Our expert is the head of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the branch of the City Clinical Hospital named after. V. V. Veresaeva, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, doctor of the highest category Albert Kokin.

Research in the field of neurophysiology, pharmacology and anesthesiology helped to find this out. It turned out that different patients have different degrees of tolerance to pain sensations and, accordingly, anesthetics. Sometimes this difference is very significant.

This is your threshold

Some people experience pain with excruciating regularity, while others hardly feel it. What's the matter?

Now we know that there is a so-called pain threshold. This is a specific, genetically determined level of irritation nervous system in which a person experiences significant discomfort. Depending on the type of nervous system, the threshold for pain is different in all people. This explains the need for individual selection of the dose of analgesics for pain syndromes.

The level of the pain threshold is as important as the blood type, weight, height and other indicators.


In 2012, Dr. Patrick McHugh of the University of Huddersfield started a study biochemical element tetrahydrobiopterin, or BH4, which is responsible for pain relief. The purpose of the study is to understand why 15% of people hardly respond to pain. The results could help develop a drug for people with low level pain threshold. Dr. McHugh's research is not yet complete.

Life is like in a fairy tale

A special device, an algesimeter, helps to determine the pain threshold. The study is carried out on the most delicate area of ​​​​the skin - between the toes or hands. The patient is exposed electric current or high temperature. Based on the readings of the device, scientists have divided people into four main types.

Low pain threshold and low pain tolerance interval ("Princess and the Pea") - people of this type have difficulty tolerating pain and physical exercise. Even the slightest pain in the form of an injection, they cannot endure vaccinations. Unless under anesthesia (pain relief) and after much persuasion. Such people do not like to be in society, they are closer to loneliness.

A low pain threshold and a large pain tolerance interval ("The Little Mermaid") - it is also difficult for such a person to endure pain, but he is able to pull himself together. The most important thing for him is to set himself up psychologically, and then any unpleasant sensations can be endured.

A high pain threshold and a slight tolerance interval ("Sleeping Beauty") - when such a person is subjected to painful manipulations, it seems that he is completely insensitive. That is, his nerve endings almost do not react to injections, blows, cuts and other skin injuries. But he still needs psychological support or the help of sedative drugs.

High pain threshold and long pain tolerance interval ("Persistent tin soldier”) - such patients are not afraid of any pain. They practically do not perceive them. Low sensitivity of nerve endings is characteristic of leaders and very self-confident, successful people.

Increasing resilience!

Pain threshold levels vary throughout life. It can fluctuate depending on social conditions, physical and psychological well-being, and much more. So, for example, during a period of intense nervous tension, our pain threshold drops, and we may burst into tears because of a trifling injection or a fall on the street, even if this usually does not cause us any problems.

And vice versa - you can consciously increase your pain threshold through systematic physical training, willpower, and endurance training. Many military and athletes specifically learn to overcome pain, and it gradually becomes less noticeable.

An example of such a conscious upbringing of an extremely high pain threshold is demonstrated, for example, by yogis who walk barefoot on burning coals or broken glass no visible damage.

How is this possible? Special zones of nerve endings, nociceptors, react to pain sensations. They are located throughout the body - on the skin, mucous membranes and throughout the area. internal organs. How well these cells function determines an individual's pain threshold. If the nociceptors are constantly acted upon with the same or increasing force, this will significantly reduce the susceptibility to pain.

What is it like to be iron?

Doctors note that a high pain threshold in those who are active leads to healthy lifestyle life, is positive and does not succumb to difficulties.

However high level pain tolerance is not always good. It is known, for example, that people with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia or manic-depressive disorder. In addition, a person who is practically invulnerable to pain can overlook dangerous conditions in himself - for example, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, heart attack or stroke, the main symptoms of which are precisely pain syndrome. Therefore, pain is not an enemy at all, but rather our ally, warning of the need to urgently see a doctor.

Our life depends on many different factors, many of which we cannot change. For example, karma is like a certain set of past “merits” that we are forced to work out. But there is something that is subject only to ourselves, and on which our tomorrow depends.

It is said that being determines consciousness. This is true. From where and how we live, our system, our mood is formed. Forms itself, naturally. But still in life reasonable person this proverb works the other way around - consciousness determines being. That is, how we live depends on what we have in our heads.

Human consciousness is either a garbage dump or a flower bed. Some see everywhere only bad, difficulties, differences, contradictions, dirt. Others see good, joyful and kind.

In fact, in this world there is both. In excess. Approximately equal. In any person you can find a lot of good or a lot of bad smelling. In any religion there are holy people and purity, but there are those who dishonor it. Every country has strengths and there are downsides. The only question is what we focus on. Because this is how our life will be.

When I post about India on my Instagram (and I love this country very much, and spend a couple of months here every year), the reaction is different. In the same photos, some see simplicity and lightness, others see poverty and wretchedness, some see cleanliness, others see dirt. And everyone seems to be right, because in India you can find everything at once. But on the other hand, it is worth considering, if I see only this, then what is happening in me? What am I focused on? On shortcomings, problems, ugliness? Or can I see beauty and purity in everything? And this is not only about India, India is just an example.

If we do not know how to see the good and concentrate on it, then our whole life will be joyless. After all, we won’t see virtues in a husband, we won’t be able to thank, and we will see flaws in children and fight them, and even in ourselves - instead of “ Good morning, Sun!" in front of a mirror, we would rather think: “well, hello, old toad!”. Sometimes women who have everything cannot be happy, because there is garbage in their minds. And everything seems to be there - the husband does not drink and does not cheat, but he spreads his socks. Not noticing anything good in her husband, because of some socks, the wife is ready to divorce. There are children - you can rejoice, millions of women dream about it day and night. But if you only see sleepless nights and whims, ignoring the smiles and new skills of the baby, then motherhood will not bring any joy. At all.

Habits are stronger than us. We always value everything. They saw a person - and immediately hung some kind of label. Which? Depends on what we focus on, what we have in our head. For some, a person will be worthy of respect, but for someone, on the contrary, an object of rejection.

The same gift different women will be accepted differently. For some, even a small souvenir is primarily a manifestation of love, and for some, a diamond will be too small.

We (especially women) are mostly tuned in to looking for flaws. We always see flaws in everything, we know what and how to improve. And we sincerely believe that this is right - after all, you can’t only talk about the good, notice only the good! This is not the real picture! You can't wear rose-colored glasses! We were taught this in childhood so that we would not be arrogant, we would definitely put emphasis on shortcomings. Yes and usual life set up in such a way that while you behave well, they do not pay attention to you, do not praise, do not reward. But as soon as you do something wrong, there are a whole bunch of consequences - fines, problems, lectures, courts, investigations. Mistakes are noticed immediately, but good deeds pass by.

We do not know how to give compliments - and accept them from others. But we are very good at criticizing, making fun of others, using sarcasm, humiliating and poking at flaws. It is given to us simply - it is so striking!

I remember that two of my friends, after meeting a young man, tried to convince each other that they were wrong. One screamed that he had a hole in his socks, which means he was a slob. Another spoke of how courteous and caring he was. The first considered him an unworthy candidate for communication, and the second considered him a promising gentleman. The man is the same. They all talked together in a common company. But the conclusions are different. And yes, the first is still not married, looking for the perfect in all respects, and the second is happily married. Yes, her husband does not have enough stars from the sky, but he takes care of his family and loves his children and his wife very much.

Every time I write notes about , I only write about good things. Because there are many good things everywhere. Various good things. And every time some people write, they say, what kind of idealizations, but you know that in India there is dirt, poverty and wretchedness, Muslims beat their wives to death, Balinese women work for a penny and cannot get a divorce, Europeans are ugly, in the States all fat… And so on and so forth. Although it often happens that these people have often never been to India or Muslim countries, they draw their conclusions from some news and stories of "a distant acquaintance." They didn't see anything with their own eyes, they didn't live the experience with their hearts, but they have such an opinion, and it's very firm. Negative.

I do not idealize any country in this world. I know that there are cons everywhere, and there are excesses in many traditional cultures. As in our lack of culture and Western feminism.

But I prefer to see everywhere the good that is not found elsewhere. What you can learn - again, there are such things anywhere in the world.

What can enrich my inner world. Something that can help me become happier. Therefore, I prefer to talk about the good. And in general, and with their readers. Because I want to be happy - and so that you can be happy too.

Washouts are contagious. Garbage dumps are sometimes much more attractive. All sorts of reality shows where people go down and down are becoming incredibly popular. The TV has channels on which scandals-murders-investigations-nightmares-dirt are on around the clock. And people watch all this, get infected, dirty their minds with all this filth, and then they can’t stop - and they also begin to carry it into external world. But why? Stop, look what is happening inside you. Do you really want to live like this, in all this?

Our consciousness determines our being. If consciousness is a garbage dump, then life is a garbage dump. If consciousness is a flower bed (even if in very hard external data, but still a flower bed), then life will be like a flower bed.

The only question is what we focus on and what we collect - in our head, in our heart. What they are used to seeing, what to focus on and what to attach more importance to.

It's easy to have garbage in your head. To do this, you do not need to do anything with yourself, everyone around will be to blame, the world will be unfair and terrible. After all, it is easier to consider men as goats than to learn to understand and accept them. It’s easier to live alone than to adapt to your husband, his parents, while trying not to lose yourself.

And instead of balancing like a tightrope walker, many women consciously choose to be alone. It's easier to work in a hated office than to look for yourself and - well, it's scary, risky, and they will also peck. It’s easier to believe that children are spinognabers, to twist their face and make a sufferer at their every whim. Or not to give birth at all, but to look at them with disgust. Well, it's really easier! It’s easier to believe that everything will grow together than to learn to fulfill your duties and love. It is easier to live like everyone else than to go your own way, which still needs to be found. It's easier to collect around the garbage dump and spread them around. No overreach. True, there is no happiness, and the aromas are so-so.

But to grow flowers - you already need to try. Learn to be grateful and celebrate the good. Even in a husband who spreads his socks, you can find a million good qualities, some of them are still in their infancy, and without food and support may die. Even in someone who does not love you, you can find good things. For example, she gave birth and raised your beloved husband. In any most difficult situation, there is always something for which you can thank God. At a minimum, for the fact that you are alive, that you have a family, there is a place to live and what to eat.

That's what I call - "create your own flower bed" in the mind. It is more difficult, but in the future it is more pleasant and joyful. Want to try?

Writes about interesting and useful things. He studies Adizes and not only. He believes that everyone can do the thing that brings him pleasure. You just have to really want it.

Once Adizes was asked: " Why do people perceive information differently? "

Itzhak Adizes

I learned about perceptions from my own when they were just learning to walk. One day, the eldest of them, Topaz, was sitting on a chair, waving his spoon and scattering the contents of his plate around him. Suddenly, he pointed to something and shouted, "Mine." I was surprised that my son began to show capitalist inclinations in such early age. Why did he turn out to be such a materialist, such a lover of private property? What happens to his upbringing? Why weren't his first words "love" or "give"? Then, about fifteen months later, my second son, Shoham, behaved the same way at about the same age.

A few years later, when I was lecturing all over the world, I learned that children cry "my" at about the same age in all countries and in all languages. I wanted to find out why this is happening.

Having gained many years of experience working in different companies, I realized that adults are just grown-up children. They also constantly shout "mine". After several years of observation, I made the following discovery. The situation can be seen in three different ways or by any combination thereof.

The first perception of reality is defined by the word "is" (exists). This is today's. It exists now. For example, you listen to me in this moment, however, "is" is not necessarily what "should be", which corresponds to the second perception. Perhaps, as you listen to me, it occurs to you that you "should" be working or doing something else at the moment.

Perhaps you "should" be with your children. Some faint voice deep inside you says what you "should" do instead of what you are doing now.

The third perception is determined by what you "want" to do. While you are listening to me and thinking that you should be in the office, in reality you "want" to be on vacation. This is very similar to an internal conflict. It is a conflict between what you "do", what you think you "should" do, and what you "want" to do. And it causes pain.

In history, you can find many examples of wars started as a result. For example, Hitler's actions at the end of World War II. He led the war in Europe, measuring distances on a map with his fingers, ignoring reality, and mercilessly executing people who gave him bad news.

People with different styles perceive reality differently. For example, what trend is Entrepreneurs E showing? What determines their actions: “I want”, “should be” or “is”? They are guided by their desires. They confuse "want" and "eat". Their style is defined the following formula: “Since I “want” this, then this “is”. That's why a typical E might say, "We've sold a million dollars worth of goods." If A asks to show him the contract, then E will answer: "We have to meet with the client next week to make a final decision."

Do you understand what is happening here? E confuses "want" and "eat". “Since I “want” this, then this “is”. E may also state, "We are leaders in our industry." But what does he mean? That we already "are" leaders, that we "should" be leaders or do we "want" to be?

Yes you are right. This reminds me of one who said at a meeting: "We best company in branch". Since these words caused bewilderment of those present, he quickly corrected himself: "We have everything we need in order to become the best."

And who perceives what should be as if it really is? Of course, Administrator (A). If you ask him, "Do we have a solution to this problem?" - then he can answer you: “Of course, there is. We spent a million dollars on it, didn't we?" You may question his statement: “Wait a minute. I know that we “should” have a solution because we spent a million dollars on it, but that is not the point. Do we really have a solution?" After all, in fact, we have a solution only when it works.

What type of manager takes what "is" for granted? Producers (P). For them, there is only what is. Whatever they want and what should be.

And who constantly beats around the bush, so that you cannot understand whether what they believe "is", whether what "is" is what they "want", or what, according to their opinion, "should be"? Integrator (I). He is able to understand differences and what is being said different people because they do not have the exclusive process by which he arrives at the real state of affairs. At the same time, he does not reveal his thoughts, because they want to read yours first. He understands what "is" otherwise. This can create serious confusion. The confusion stems from the fact that different people perceive the world differently.

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