Can pregnant women chew mint gum? Can pregnant women chew gum? The benefits and harms of chewing gum during pregnancy. Why pregnant women shouldn't chew gum

During pregnancy, the woman's body functions for itself and for the child, and most of the nutrients are taken over by the child. During the bearing of a child, trace elements and calcium are transferred to the fetus. From which the bones of the fetus are built. It is not uncommon for expectant mothers to notice thinning of the enamel on their teeth and the first signs of tooth decay.

Why pregnant women shouldn't chew gum

Frequent use chewing gum in a woman in position, it can worsen the destruction of tooth enamel and the tooth itself. It will be difficult to treat a tooth, most often painkillers are contraindicated. Also, most of these gums are contraindicated because of the high sugar content. And if we see the inscription “Sugar Free” on the label, then the composition contains a sugar substitute - sukrazit.

The main content point of this substance is an amino acid that can adversely affect the balance of hormones in the body of a woman and her child. In addition to all this, chewing gum contains various dyes and flavor enhancers that are little studied. In any case, it is best not to abuse chemicals so it is not possible to predict what kind of reaction they may cause.

But if we study in detail what is contained in the chewing gum, then on almost every one we will see the letter “E”, warning of the danger to the unborn child. So if you look at the composition of chewing gums from different manufacturers, almost every contains "E 951". The content of the “E131” component is also of great concern: a rather harmful dye that can cause cancer.

A few more can't...

As everyone knows from an early age, chewing gum causes a discharge. a large number gastric juice. Therefore, doctors do not advise chewing gum for more than ten minutes.

The basis of chewing gum is latex; chewing gum cannot exist without it. And it is not known how it affects the body of a pregnant woman. No experiments have been done with pregnant women.

But main reason to refuse chewing gum is the fact that they contain asparmate, the chemical sweetener. When it is absorbed by the body, the substance methanol is released, which, dissolving in the blood, is transmitted to the child and can interfere with the normal development of the fetus. Methanol can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, and serious problems with the health of the future baby. In many states, information work is carried out with expectant mothers.

It is believed that the chewing reflex is the most ancient and necessary for life. Having lost the ability to chew, a person will face serious trials due to nutritional problems.

Controversial chewing gum

With the advent of chewing gum on the shelves, many fell in love with it, and gradually chewing a small lump became a habit. But, if the fan is a pregnant woman, what should she do? Is it possible to still chew or is it worth giving up your addiction for a while?

Doctors on this occasion are either very categorical, warning about the threatening dangers of this product, or more supportive, not finding any particular concerns. But still in these nine months female body weakened, teeth also suffer from this, so dentists strongly remind you of the need to check their condition while a new life is ripening in the stomach.

Chewing gum, due to its sticking effect, is very easy to remove the filling that is in the tooth over time. There is a so-called "chewing vacuum". Often, it is the gum, and not the doctor, who is to blame for having to turn to dentistry again for help. Since at this time additional stress and anesthesia are not desirable, it is necessary to save the teeth. And if your favorite gum contains a large percentage of sugar, then the enamel will suffer first of all, because in a sweet and sour environment it is very comfortable for various bacteria to multiply, which feast on enamel.

Is the fetus in danger?

But there is no less dangerous fact which can adversely affect the health of the fetus. If you set out to study the composition of each chewing gum, then you will definitely meet the letter “E” to a lesser / greater extent, which in this case turns out to be a formidable warning that the composition implies danger.

For example, the presence of aspartame, that is, "E 951", can be found in almost every gum. It is used instead of sugar, but doctors say that this substance can change the hormonal background due to the ingredient phenylalanine, not only in the female body, but also in the unborn baby. But there is another opinion - it's just a harmless amino acid, and during this period it is especially important for two, but practically does not pass through the placenta.

But discussions around various other components also do not stop when it comes to various flavorings, food colorings. For example, alarm was raised by the evidence that the component "E 131" was present in many known gums, which was listed as a common dye. But in fact, it can push the body to cancer.

And what about latex, without which any chewing gum cannot exist? Even before the end, scientists have not figured out what it is capable of in the human body, especially since no experiments with pregnant women have ever been carried out. It is not clear how this substance affects the embryo. If the female body still requires something like this, then there are natural substitutes - natural resins.

But the positive effects of chewing gum are very significant. And the main thing is that it helps to fight such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis, which helps many pregnant women. In this case, gum with a mint effect is especially in demand, which is enough to chew for several minutes, and nausea recedes. Even on airplanes, when many passengers experience discomfort during the flight, chewing soothes and relieves the gag reflex.

Precautionary measures

  1. But still, you should not use the gum for more than 10 minutes, even if it pleasantly massages the gums. It has been proven in practice that too long a chewing process begins to cause a backlash in the body, then vomiting and nausea appear.
  2. If a woman had problems with the gastrointestinal tract even before conception, then these problems should not be aggravated during pregnancy.
  3. Pregnant women should take into account that during chewing, a signal is sent to the brain that it is time to process food. This means that gastric juice begins to stand out actively. And since this signal is false, the juice begins to aggressively affect the walls of the stomach. As a result, diseases such as ulcers and gastritis appear. Therefore, while chewing gum, the stomach should not be empty.

Why Doctors Are Prejudiced About Chewing Gum

  1. It has a lot of sugar, and he, as you know, provokes elevated level in blood glucose.
  2. Various additives can cause allergic manifestations.
  3. Sugar substitutes sometimes cause pain in the intestines and stomach, provoke diarrhea.
  4. Licorice, which is part of the chewing gum, increases blood pressure and contributes to the rapid leaching of potassium from the body.
  5. Mouth ulcers and inflammation on the outer corners of the mouth are caused by the oils and flavors of the product.

Video: the benefits and harms of chewing gum

I accidentally read that chewing gum should not be consumed during pregnancy. I mean chew. True or false? and got the best answer

Answer from That_grew_that_grew[guru]
Chewing enhances the production of gastric juice, and many pregnant women already have exorbitant zhor. I have not found any other logical explanation for this ban.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I accidentally read that chewing gum should not be consumed during pregnancy. I mean chew. True or false?

Answer from YovetLana[guru]
don't read jokes while pregnant

Answer from Lana Rose[guru]
chewed all pregnancy, didn’t hear anything like that, gave birth to a wonderful baby

Answer from Dunyasha[guru]
Yes, they just don’t write. you can’t walk under the ropes, you can’t knit, you can’t cut your hair ....

Answer from Asalina[guru]

Answer from Olga Olgina[guru]
I chewed and did not even know that it was impossible)

Answer from Imma Khairulina[expert]

Answer from Need neighbors in the game Natives[guru]
Ahh, I remember seeing information for Ukraine on some chewing gum, it was written there. which is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Answer from Lena Deering[guru]
In general, it is better not to eat chemistry, but to eat cottage cheese, milk, fish, chicken.
Meat, eggs, chocolate - make the body less susceptible to physical pain.

Answer from Ylkhan Aliyev[guru]
Is chewing gum harmful during pregnancy?

Pregnancy makes us think about seemingly simple things. For example, how and what to eat, what is possible, what is not? This also raises the question - is chewing gum harmful during pregnancy? After all, many can not do without it.

What is chewing gum for? First of all, in order to clean the surface of the teeth from food debris. It works on the principle that chewing gum leads to salivation and thereby cleanses the oral cavity. Chewing gum is also used to freshen breath. Several factors suggest that chewing gum during pregnancy is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that chewing gum contains a sweetener, during the decay of which alcohol methanol is released. And everyone knows that this alcohol adversely affects the development of the fetus. Another of the minuses of chewing gum is that the human body responds to chewing by secreting gastric juice, this is the norm. But the fact is that nothing gets into the stomach. This means that it can lead to the development of gastritis.

So before you decide to chew gum, think carefully. And if you are still inclined in its favor, then remember that you need to chew it for no more than 7-10 minutes.

Answer from Ўlia Tymoshenko[guru]
Undesirable. There are so many chemistry, read the composition for the sake of interest. Do you want your child to get all these clouding agents, thickeners, artificial flavors and more in the future? And this has nothing to do with superstitious signs. It's just common sense.

Answer from K&N[guru]
rave! and in general, read less about what is possible and impossible. otherwise, you will drive yourself so much that you will weigh the food on the scales before eating it so that you don’t eat an extra gram and you will start going to the toilet according to the schedule. don't beat yourself up at all. you can eat and chew and swallow what the body requires

Answer from Cannon[guru]
I don’t know about chewing gum, but doshiraks-chips-crab sticks, etc. definitely don’t follow chemistry. Here, it would seem stupid, you can’t use antiperspirant deodorant, but no, they proved that aluminum chlorohydrate, which is included in it, causes pathologies in the fetus, and is disturbed. health in children during GV! So it's better naturalninkoe ​​9 months. to endure than to disentangle for the rest of my life.

Answer from ?Pearl?zhinka?--- ?? °?”*° .¦[guru]
well, actually, if you look at the composition, then there are solid E-patches, one way or another it will be passed on to the child, I really like chewing gum, but I decided to refuse during pregnancy.

Answer from Anna[guru]
Here on some chewing gum (popular, I don’t remember already) I read information for Belarus that it was impossible for pregnant women, for Russia there was no such information on the pack)) . In general, the sweetener aspartame is a carcinogen, and phenylalanine is harmful not only to patients with phenylketonuria, but also to children and pregnant women. So think for yourself - to chew, or not to chew. I chewed sometimes, very rarely, when I urgently needed to freshen my breath, before seeing a doctor, for example. I think that a couple of minutes is not so scary.

Answer from Goldiie`[guru]

Answer from Ruslanridj[guru]
It can help with nausea.

Answer from Zhenya[guru]
ia juiu buduci beremenoi, konecno ne dolgo

Gum and teeth

Can pregnant women chew gum? First of all, do not chew it regularly and constantly.

Let's start with the effect of chewing gum on the teeth of a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, all the forces of the body go to the development and growth of the child, including calcium deficiency. The woman's body is mobilized and begins to spend all the resources and reserves. Weakened, including teeth.

If you have fillings, chewing gum regularly is not recommended. Teeth are weakened and fillings can easily fall out.

Chewing gum and its composition

In the production of chewing gum, an artificial sweetener is used, a sugar substitute - aspartame (E951). When we chew gum, aspartame breaks down into substances like phenylalanine and methanol. Methanol is the so-called "harmful", a toxic substance that is dangerous for the unborn baby. Naturally, you should not panic, its amount is terribly small and cannot harm either the mother's body or the development of the fetus. But regular and consistent chewing gum (some people chew it all the time, for example to quit smoking) can create some levels of methanol in the mother's body, which can be dangerous.

Less is known about phenylanine. But it definitely does not penetrate the placental barrier (that is, it does not have a direct effect on the fetus). However, there is evidence that the excessive presence of phenylalanine can change the already unstable hormonal background of the expectant mother.

The gum myth

From the school bench, we all have heard that “if you swallow the gum, there will be a torsion of the intestines.” Can you swallow chewing gum? Of course you can. In our stomach high level acidity that chewing gum calmly digested without harm to your intestines. But there is another point - you should not swallow chewing gum on an empty stomach, so as not to once again provoke the release of gastric juice when, in general, there is nothing to digest. It's better to spit out chewing gum.

Can pregnant women chew gum? Better to refrain. Especially if you have fillings. And you should not swallow it on an empty stomach.

Have you thought about the fact that pregnant women should not chew gum? It would seem that what could be harmful in such a harmless-looking plate, which is highly recommended for preliminary cleaning of teeth after eating? It turns out that not everything is so simple, and when you learn enough Interesting Facts about chewing gum, you will want to get rid of the habit of chewing it not only during pregnancy, but also forever.

So let's start over. Everyone has seen more than once commercials, assuring that only chewing gum can save teeth from caries. If you do not chew gum after eating, the manufacturers assure us, then your teeth will certainly be covered with black spots, and after a while you will lose them altogether.

At the same time, each of us understands that it is impossible to completely clean your teeth with chewing gum, but maybe it really helps to protect your teeth for a while, until you get to the toothbrushes? Breath, in any case, with its help really acquires a pleasant minty smell. The trouble lies elsewhere.

Why can't pregnant women chew gum?

The fillings that were so securely in the teeth, under the action of chewing gum, simply loosen and fall. And the thing is that when chewing gum, a vacuum effect is created, which is stronger than even the most reliable filling.

And since pregnant women's teeth are rather poorly protected, because her body is categorically lacking in calcium, even if it is endlessly replenished, then, as a result, endless visits to the dentist begin. And there, as you know, anesthesia is used. And, although pregnant women are used for dental treatment special types anesthesia, if used too often, for a child, it certainly will not be useful.

Chewing gum during pregnancy

Can you chew gum during pregnancy?

Let's look at the composition of chewing gum. More precisely, on those mysterious numbers that stand there, next to the letter E.

  1. Aspartame - E951 - an artificial element, a sweetener, which replaces sugar in chewing gum. In fact, it is really absolutely harmless, but the trouble is that in the human body, under the influence of metabolism, it breaks down into the amino acid phenylalanine and methanol. Of course, the methanol content after using one plate is completely insignificant and, moreover, methanol is synthesized by the human body itself - it is, so to speak, a by-product of its vital activity. But should you increase the amount of methanol in your body during pregnancy? Decide for yourself.
  2. Phenylanine - the second component of aspartame also raises big questions. There is an opinion that, although it does not pass directly through the placenta, it negatively affects the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, and therefore the hormonal background of the fetus, because they are completely interconnected. Although, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that no serious studies on this topic have yet been conducted, and there are no confirmed data on this matter. So far, only - some assumptions and hypotheses. But is your future child- an object for such experiments?

In general, Belarusian doctors have already written on many chewing gums that they are not recommended for use during pregnancy. They believe that pregnant women should definitely not chew gum. Maybe you should take their advice too?

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