Can pregnant women chew gum? Can pregnant women chew gum? Why doctors are prejudiced against chewing gum

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Here's what I read on the net:
If you think that pregnant women should only drink alcohol and smoke, you are mistaken. For example, Dirol chewing gum is not recommended for them. This is what is stated on the packaging of this product.

“Contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria. Information for sale in Belarus: not recommended for pregnant and lactating women."

Chewing gum contains the sweetener aspartame, which is contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria because it contains phenylalanine.

Phenylketonuria is a disease associated with metabolic disorders, diagnosed in one out of 10 thousand newborns, Lenta.Ru reports. According to food labeling standards in our country, pregnant women must be warned about the danger.

But pay attention to the composition of chewing gum of two well-known brands.

Ingredients of Dirol chewing gum: isomalt, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, maltitol syrup, aspartame, acesulfame-K, rubber base, calcium carbonate 4%, natural flavors: mint, menthol, natural vanillin, artificial refresher, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, hydrogenated rapeseed oil, emulsifier E322, colorant E171, glazing agent E903, antioxidant E321, texturizer E341iii. Ingredients of Orbit chewing gum: sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, rubber base, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, natural, nature-identical and artificial flavors, mannitol E421, emulsifier soy lecithin, color E171, sweeteners aspartame E951, acesulfame K E950, sodium bicarbonate E500ii, glaze E903, antioxidant E320.

It is obvious that “aspartame”, and accordingly phenylalanine, is present in both chewing gum. In addition, aspartame is found in Wrigley's gum, in Coca-Cola, Pepsi drinks, and in diet products that use sugar substitutes.

At the same time, phenylalanine for a person who does not have a history of phenylketonuria is not some kind of potentially dangerous substance. This is an essential amino acid that the human body needs daily.

Moreover, according to the Deputy Director for scientific work Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Baturin, pregnant women and their children are not afraid of phenylalanine: according to studies conducted back in 1979 by American scientists, when the level of this substance in the mother’s blood increases, the placenta almost completely prevents the increase in the level of phenylalanine in the fetal blood. This is precisely what Russian standards are based on, according to which a special warning is not required to be applied to food products.

Belarusian doctors, as we see, in relation to the phenylalanine found in Dirol chewing gum, adhere to the principle that God saves.

In general, talking about a separate ingredient in chewing gum does not exclude the question - what do chewing gum consist of in general? The Fitness portal draws attention to the fact that most of the ingredients, in addition to phenylalanine, are far from harmless.

1.Latex is the basis of chewing gum. So far it is considered harmless. However, complete studies have not been carried out.

2. Flavors, natural and identical to them. They are not always harmless, because they are often obtained chemically (synthesis). Sanitary standards allow this.

3. Dyes. If you see E171 on the packaging, you should know that this is the so-called titanium white. Previously in Russia food products they were banned, but now the ban does not apply (money matters a lot). This dye causes liver and kidney diseases. Stimorol chewing gum contains the dye E-131, which promotes the formation of cancer cells.

There is more and more new information about dyes that is not always reassuring to the consumer. Last year in Belarus, for example, a decree of the chief state sanitary doctor of Belarus introduced a ban on the production, use, import, and circulation of products in the manufacture of which the dye E128, the so-called purple, was used.

4. Sweeteners. There are different ones. The aforementioned aspartame is just one of them.

In general, think about what you chew!

Today, chewing gum has become a habit, otherwise a bad one. Some people keep a small piece of latex in their mouth constantly, although, according to dentists' recommendations, it is enough to spend 10 minutes after eating for this activity. Such short chewing helps cleanse the interdental spaces from food debris. Again, if you have the opportunity to fully brush your teeth, it is better to do just that. Chewing gum is still a last resort option.

Many women, having learned about their interesting position, are in no hurry to give up chewing gum. At the same time, expectant mothers are concerned about the question - is it safe for the fetus? Let's try to figure out whether pregnant women can have gum during toxicosis or just like that.

Should you believe the advertising?

Needless to say, it’s hard to imagine daily life without packaging those little white rectangles. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman is forced to change many habits or give them up altogether. As a rule, alcohol and cigarettes are completely excluded. If earlier future mom smoked, in the name of the baby’s health she will not allow herself a single puff. But if no one doubts the ban on these substances, then mint gum seems harmless and even useful product.

Television advertising caused a lot of confusion. We all remember the promises of white-toothed dentists: chew gum and you will be happy! And then came a convincing list useful properties advertised products: it will freshen your breath, protect against caries, and make your smile snow-white. Many people still believe these marketing promises. Still, the answer to the question of whether chewing gum can be used during pregnancy is not so clear-cut. There is conflicting information on the Internet. Some doctors categorically prohibit, others give relief. However, there are proven facts that speak in favor of giving up chewing gum. But before we talk about them, it’s worth looking at the composition of this product.

What is chewing gum made of?

The base of the elastic is latex, the same material from which many other products are made. It is worth keeping in mind that there is no evidence of a scientifically studied effect of it on the body of expectant mothers. Artificial flavors may cause an allergic reaction. Chewing gum manufacturers often add non-food colorings, sugar and sugar substitutes, in particular E951 (aspartame). This substance contains phenylalanine, which can negatively affect the hormonal levels of the expectant mother and baby. In addition, E951 in some cases causes migraines and nausea. After you have sorted out the composition, you need to ask the question: is it possible for pregnant women to chew gum, is it worth doing it at all?

Is there any benefit?

After reading it, it becomes clear that, in general, there is nothing useful in it. However, this is not quite true. It is worth considering in more detail the question of whether pregnant women can chew Orbit gum or any other gum. There are still some benefits, and they are associated with the psychological effect of chewing. This to some extent helps to calm down when nervous. Some people are accustomed to eating away stress with high-calorie dishes. They can be advised to chew gum for ten to fifteen minutes in an anxious state. The psychological effect will be the same, but without overeating.

In addition, toffee actually freshens breath for a short time and helps the stomach produce gastric juice. Chewing time limit - maximum fifteen minutes until harmful substances did not have time to take full effect.

Possible consequences of chewing gum during pregnancy

Negative effect on the condition of teeth. Frequent use of chewing gum leaches calcium from tooth enamel, contrary to advertising claims, and it quickly deteriorates. This occurs due to a disruption of the acidic environment in the mouth. Tooth enamel is also destroyed by frequent intense chewing movements. The teeth of pregnant women are very vulnerable, because the formation of the child’s bone skeleton goes a large number of building materials. Calcium is one of the main elements, and the fetus “eats” it from the mother’s teeth. Chewing gum only speeds up this process. Chewing gum creates a vacuum between itself and the tooth, which pulls out the fillings. Dentists have had to deal with a lot of work because of fillings that have popped out as a result of chewing gum.

Artificial coloring and flavoring substances that are stuffed into latex products are strong allergens. Chewing on an empty stomach can cause gastritis or ulcers. This is due to the corrosive effect of gastric juice on the walls of the esophagus. Sugar in bubble gum increases blood glucose levels. Monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer) has a detrimental effect on nervous system embryo.

What to do if you really want to chew?

Not every expectant mother has the willpower to instantly change her lifestyle. Many people use the psychological calming effect of chewing, which was discussed earlier in the article. Some still freshen your breath mint gum. In this case, you should think about minimizing the risk of health problems. To begin with, you should make it a rule that you should not keep the gum in your mouth for more than ten to fifteen minutes. This time is enough to clear the mouth from pieces of food.

Expectant mothers can be recommended to reduce the frequency of use of rubber plates to 1-2 pieces per day. Chew gum only after eating. The gastric juice produced during this consumption will facilitate the digestion of food. If you violate this rule systematically, then there is a risk of developing or worsening stomach problems.

Can pregnant women chew gum to relieve nausea or is it better to replace it?

Chewing gum can be substituted natural products such as honeycombs or tree tar. These products are not only harmless, they are a storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. To give freshness to your breath, natural coffee beans are suitable. It is enough to chew 1-2 grains. Regular parsley is an excellent breath freshener after eating. A sprig of this greenery will destroy bacteria in oral cavity and restore the acid-base balance. For a pleasant effect of massaging the gums, carrots and apples are suitable. These natural massagers are faithful companions to healthy teeth.

A woman at any stage of pregnancy is responsible for her health and the health of her unborn baby. The author of the article highlighted possible Negative consequences from the use of chewing gum by expectant mothers. Therefore, it is better not to cause additional harm to two living organisms. If it is not possible to completely abandon the use of bubble gum, then it is worth at least minimizing the negative consequences. The safest solution is to replace the gum with other refreshing products or regular teeth brushing.

Everyone must decide for themselves whether pregnant women can chew gum. The reviews are completely opposite. But it’s worth thinking about the health of your unborn baby and eliminating all low-quality products.

Is the habitual chewing gum, which has been in the mouths of many people for several decades, prohibited for pregnant women? Why? And anyway, where do such strange thoughts come from?

We do not offer simple answers; unfortunately, today there are simply none. However, this does not mean that there is nothing to talk about here, because interesting information complete. This means there is something to think about. This article will provide information that will help you get closer to understanding whether pregnant women can chew gum, and perhaps give up this harmful habit.

Chewing gum during pregnancy and teeth

What can chewing gum give or take away during pregnancy? Let's start from the top - with the teeth.

Every day TV commercials dazzle us with their smiles, telling us that without X chewing gum (Orbit, Dirol, Wrigley's, Airwaves, etc.) they would have a hard time and their teeth would certainly turn black and fall out.

The opinion is interesting, but has little to do with the truth. Because no chewing gum is simply capable of completely cleaning your teeth (unless the distance between adjacent teeth is half a centimeter). And there is probably no need for evidence here. Everyone is already convinced of this. But advertising is no joke and “cleanses” the brain almost to the holes...

True, fashionable chewing gum has one advantage - your breath becomes fresher, but this is a slightly different story. Therefore, in this regard, pregnant women are unlucky.

How can chewing gum during pregnancy cause harm? Since we are talking about teeth, let’s remember about fillings that come out perfectly under the influence of chewing gum. And you shouldn’t put all the blame on dentists who perform their duties poorly, because this also happens with good fillings, which are simply torn off by the “chewing vacuum.” Yes, yes, not only glue is evil, the vacuum between the chewing gum and the tooth is no less harmful.

But the loss of a filling is not main reason, why chewing gum is contraindicated during pregnancy. The whole “salt” is that a pregnant woman before giving birth (or even longer) will not be able to visit the dentist, since it is either painful or involves anesthesia, which is harmful for the child.

By the way, if chewing gum contains sugar, then such chewing gum is doubly dangerous for pregnant women, because it literally “eats” the enamel of the teeth. Well, not by herself, of course. The enamel is eaten by bacteria, which multiply most quickly in a sweet-sugar environment. In addition, a pregnant woman is in great need of calcium, as a result of which there may simply not be enough to patch holes in her teeth. You already know about the dentist...

So, if your teeth could tell whether pregnant women can chew gum, they would definitely tremble in fear. Although this may not have scared you at all.

Well, then let's think some more about why pregnant women shouldn't chew gum.

Is it possible for pregnant women to chew gum, or How many E-shells are in one chewing gum

There is currently a buzz on the Internet about aspartame (E951), which is added to many well-known chewing gums instead of sugar. Some say that phenylalanine, one of the components of aspartame, negatively affects the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman and the fetus. This means that such chewing gum is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Others argue that phenylalanine is a common amino acid that the body needs, and therefore pregnant women can chew gum without any concern (unless they have phenylketonuria). In addition, phenylalanine practically does not pass through the placenta.

In general, there is no clear and unambiguous “possible” or “impossible” to answer this question. But you should still know that Belarusian doctors prescribed “not recommended for pregnant and lactating women” on Dirol chewing gum. Maybe not in vain?

It must be said that aspartame is not the only controversial component of chewing gum. In addition to it, there are a bunch of other “harmless” sweeteners, flavors and dyes, the harmfulness of which we have yet to learn about. Even latex, the basis of chewing gum, has not been fully studied.

Moreover, some chewing gum is harmful not only during pregnancy. Moreover, this is no longer speculation and empty talk, but an immutable fact. Until recently, Stimorol chewing gum contained the dye E131, which can cause cancer. Who knows, maybe in six months it will be discovered that E171 or some other “E” leads to the same consequences (by the way, E171 was already banned, but money helped it return). Such a story recently happened with E128 in the same Belarus.


Can pregnant women chew gum? Actually, no, but each woman decides for herself whether her pregnancy is a contraindication to chewing gum. And I really want to believe that now all pregnant women will be able to correctly assess the threat from chewing gum and will throw away even the packages that have already been started...

Chewing gum has become such a part of our lives that it is difficult to imagine an ordinary lunch or dinner without this thing. Women who find out about pregnancy are not ready to give up their habit at once. Continuing to chew the toffee, they wonder if this sweet thing will harm the baby? Searching on the Internet is not encouraging - the pages are full of bans on chewing gum during pregnancy. Is it really?

The dangers of chewing gum during pregnancy

Is it fashionable for pregnant women to chew gum? To date, experts cannot give an exact answer to this question. One thing is clear: the constant presence of chewing gum in the mouth has an adverse effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Amazing fact, is not it? Contrary to what advertising tells us, regularly chewing gum does not benefit our teeth. The popular toffee is not even capable of truly cleaning teeth from food stuck in it, let alone the mythical protection of the oral cavity and the ill-fated acid-base balance.

Expectant mothers have a more difficult time than other women. During pregnancy, teeth are already actively destroyed. This unpleasant effect is associated with the action of progesterone, a hormone responsible for the normal course of gestation. Under its influence, calcium is intensively washed out of the teeth, destroying their structure. Chewing gum causes a final blow to the enamel, tearing out fillings and promoting the formation of new holes. IN Once again As you reach for the gum, think about whether you really need it?

Another bad news for expectant mothers: chewing gum contains a large amount of... aspartame (E951). This substance is added to all chewing gum instead of sugar. Some experts claim that phenylalanine (an amino acid included in E951) is completely safe for the fetus, while others shout that pregnant women should never consume aspartame. While scientists are understanding possible harm these substances, expectant mothers should take care of themselves and refuse the dubious pleasure of chewing gum.

What if you really want to chew?

What should women in an interesting position do, accustomed to ending every meal with chewing gum? Show willpower and spend a certain amount of nerve cells on getting rid of the habit or brush aside any advice? Be that as it may, there are still benefits from chewing gum. It helps freshen breath and promotes additional production of digestive juices necessary for normal stomach function. In addition, chewing toffee calms you down and helps you collect your thoughts - not every expectant mother is ready to lose this opportunity.

There is an opinion that chewing gum Don't chew for more than five minutes at a time. This is enough to rid your teeth of food debris, but not enough to seriously harm the body. Expectant mothers who do not want to change their habits should at least reduce the duration and frequency of chewing gum use in order to minimize possible negative consequences.

Do not forget that harmful chewing gum can be replaced with healthier natural products. Zabars (honeycomb covers) can be used with the same success, only instead of dangerous chemical compounds The expectant mother’s body will receive delicious vitamins and microelements. Whole coffee beans will help get rid of an unpleasant odor in the mouth, and mint and parsley leaves will silence a rumbling hungry stomach. Instead of chewing gum, you can also use marmalade made from fresh fruit, sugar and water.

Chewing gum promotes the production of gastric juice. It irritates the walls of the stomach, as the body perceives chewing gum as food. In this case, there is a high probability of developing gastritis and ulcers. Therefore, experts disagree on whether chewing gum is harmful or beneficial.

What is included in the chewing gum:

  1. The basis of any chewing gum is latex. It is important to remember that its effects have not been tested on pregnant women;
  2. flavorings;
  3. dyes. Some of them cannot be eaten;
  4. sweeteners such as sugar and sugar substitutes;
  5. many types contain aspartame, which causes headaches and nausea.

Since studies have not been conducted on pregnant women, it is recommended to limit the use of gum for the entire period of pregnancy. It is better to use natural substitutes consisting of resins.

Why pregnant women should not chew gum:

  • First of all, pregnant women should not use chewing gum, because it affects the health of their teeth. Its constant use destroys tooth enamel and negatively affects fillings;
  • chewing in a pregnant woman can cause nausea and vomiting;
  • high sugar content increases blood glucose levels;
  • dyes and flavors can provoke allergic reactions;
  • Any chewing stimulates the production of gastric juice. It is strictly forbidden to consume bubble gum on an empty stomach. This often causes the development of gastritis and ulcers.

During the period of gestation, everything from the mother's body essential vitamins and minerals pass through the umbilical cord to the baby. They are necessary for proper development bone skeleton and organs of the unborn baby.

Pregnant women already notice from the first trimester that their teeth become more fragile. Chewing gum, causing increased salivation, accelerates the process of destruction of tooth enamel due to the sugar content in it.

There is also a high probability of the filling falling out, and as a consequence subsequent treatment. We must not forget that the use of anesthesia is contraindicated in the first trimester. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to chew gum.

If a pregnant woman cannot live without chewing gum, then it is better to replace it with natural cedar gum or chewing gum. It consists of natural ingredients, is not harmful to health and has a pleasant taste.

There are many myths and legends about chewing gum, for example:

  • scientists have found that chewing gum helps the process of losing weight, as it reduces appetite;
  • There is active debate about whether chewing gum affects brain activity. Many believe that its use improves memory and helps concentrate;
  • if you chew gum for no more than 5-7 minutes, a light massage of the gums occurs, which has a beneficial effect on dental health;
  • Chewing gum will never replace brushing your teeth with toothpaste and brush;
  • the product has a destructive effect on fillings and crowns and promotes the formation of interdental caries.

Glutamate and aspartame, according to scientific research, have a negative effect on childbearing, as they contribute to the destruction of nerve cells, especially on later pregnancy.

Every expectant mother should understand that chewing gum will do more harm to the body than good. The only advantage of such a product is that it freshens breath in a fairly short time. In this case, it is better for the expectant mother to replace the elastic band with Mint tea or brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

The pros and cons of chewing gum should help the expectant mother decide whether it is worth chewing. One chewing gum will not harm the body, but its regular use will negatively affect female body and fetal development.

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