Ilya Reznik biography personal life nationality. Ilya Reznik: the long-awaited wedding and three years after. Loud divorce for the sake of a new wife

Russian songwriter, National artist Russian Ilya Reznik was born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad in a family of political emigrants from Denmark who came to Soviet Union build a happy future in the early thirties. The poet's childhood fell on difficult years: he survived the famine in besieged Leningrad, evacuation to the Urals along the Road of Life, the death of his father, who, having been seriously wounded at the front, died of his wounds in the hospital. Ilya was then 6 years old.

The mother quickly married and left for Riga, leaving her son to foster parents - paternal grandparents - Riva Girshevna and Rakhmiel Samuilovich Reznik.

The boys of the post-war years grew up romantics, they united in secret musketeer societies, they loved to play “Cossack robbers”. Ilya Reznik was engaged in ballroom dancing, gymnastics, went to the club of young entertainers in the Palace of Pioneers, attended the "Skilled Hands" circle.

In the fourth grade, Ilya Reznik dreamed of entering the Nakhimov School in order to become an admiral in the future, and after grade 10 he applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. He failed to do either on the first attempt, or on the second, or on the third. 1958 turned out to be a happy year - on the fourth attempt, Ilya Reznik finally became a student at the acting department.

A year before entering the university, in 1957, the main breadwinner of the family, Ilya's grandfather, Rakhmiel Samuilovich Reznik, died. To feed his family, Ilya took on any job: he was an electrician at a metal plant, a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, a stage worker at a theater, washing his hands in blood, rowing a boat for 2 rubles 50 kopecks in the Leningrad Park of Culture.

Theatrical path of Ilya Reznik

After graduating from high school in 1965, Ilya Reznik joined the troupe of the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya. There he was lucky to play diverse roles. At this time, Reznik was in constant creative search: he worked on the word, wrote songs for student and theatrical performances, reprises, and participated in theatrical skits.

In 1969, Reznik wrote his first song "Cinderella", which was performed by Lyudmila Senchina. The song brought the poet all-Union popularity. In 1972, Ilya Reznik left the theater and devoted himself to song poetry.

International recognition of Ilya Reznik

The first international success was brought to Ilya Reznik by the song "Apple Trees in Bloom", which was performed by Sofia Rotaru. Then there were awards for the song "Elegy" to the music of Feltsman, for the song "Prayer" by Zhurbin.

Every year the popularity of the poet grew. Songs based on poems by Ilya Reznik are recognizable and loved. They have entered the repertoire of many famous singers domestic stage. Laima Vaikule performed such hits as "Fiddler on the Roof", "Not Evening" "Charlie", and in a duet by Valery Leontiev - "Vernissage". calling card Vladimir Presnyakov was the song "A stewardess named Zhanna."

Reznik's songs are performed by Edita Piekha, Tatyana Bulanova, Irina Allegrova, Philip Kirkorov and, of course, Alla Pugacheva, with whom Reznik has developed friendly relations.

Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva

Ilya Reznik has been collaborating with Alla Pugacheva for many years. For her, the poet wrote the best songs that are still considered hits.

Pugacheva once insisted that Reznik and his wife move to Moscow. They lived with the singer for nine months until they settled down. In their joint work there are such songs as “Without me, you, my beloved”, “Singer's Monologues”, “Maestro”, “Vintage Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”, “Starry Summer”, “Ballet”.

Books, poems and scripts by Ilya Reznik

In 1969, Reznik's first book for children "Tyapa doesn't want to be a clown" was printed in Riga. In 1972, Ilya Reznik became a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. Ilya Reznik writes poems, fairy tales, funny tales filled with humor, love and tenderness for children. Reznik published books from the series "Cuckoo", "Fidget named Luka", a collection of poems and fairy tales "Here!". Ilya Reznik's books were published in the "Little Country" series: " forest tales”, “Cow from Komarovo”, “Kashalotik-sperm whale”.

Ilya Reznik Love must be kind

In 1999, Reznik became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. He wrote such books as "Monologues of the singer", "Two over the city", "Favorites". The poet wrote 600 quatrains, many epigrams, then distributed them to people and they chose the best ones. So another book came out, for which the poet will not be ashamed, since she passed all the tests. In 2000, Ilya Reznik opened the Ilya Reznik Library publishing house.

Reznik has many poems, scripts, and plays on his account. His opera-mystery "Black Bridle on a White Mare" was staged on the stage of the Film Actor's Theatre. He also wrote the script "Olympic Moscow", the fairy tale-musical "Little Country". In 1991, Ilya Reznik created his own theater, at the premiere of which a musical performance "The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia" was shown. After that, Reznik held a tour of the theater in the United States, and in Russia pleases the audience with the Vernissages of Ilya Reznik on the stage of the Rossiya Concert Hall.

Poems by Ilya Reznik and films

In the cinema, for the first time, Ilya Reznik appeared as a songwriter in the credits of the film The Adventures of Prince Florizel.

Ilya Reznik wrote the script for the film "I Came and I Say" directed by Naum Ardashnikov, created on the basis of documentary material about the singer Alla Pugacheva. main role in this film, the singer herself performed. Ilya Reznik also starred in this film as himself. The film featured songs based on poems by Bella Akhmadulina, Boris Vakhnyuk, Alla Pugacheva, and Ilya Reznik himself. In 2004, another film "Diamonds for Juliet" was released, in which the poet participated.

Personal life of Ilya Reznik

The first wife of Ilya Reznik was the deputy director of the Variety Theater in Leningrad, Regina Reznik. In this marriage, the son Maxim Reznik, who works as a journalist, and daughter Alice were born. The son participated in the program "Shark Pen".

Ilya Reznik met his second wife Munira Argumbaeva, who is an Uzbek choreographer and dancer, in Tashkent when he was recording a program for the Sado group with Aziza and Mila Ramanidi. Reznik believes that the main thing in a woman is femininity, affection, obedience, respect for a man. All this he finds in his oriental woman. Munira gave birth to Ilya Reznik's son Arthur. Ilya Reznik also has an illegitimate son, Evgeny, who lives in Odessa.

“Let them talk” - I. Reznik about divorce

At 74, Ilya Reznik married again after 14 years civil marriage And scandalous divorce. His third wife, Irina Alekseevna Romanova, is the USSR Master of Sports in athletics. There are no children from this marriage.

Ilya Reznik now

People's Artist of Russia, honorary member Russian Academy artist Ilya Rakhmielevich lives in Moscow. He actively creates, participates in TV shows. Reznik loves Russian classics. Especially close to him is the work of Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Blok, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, among the composers - Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Ilya Reznik's love story

Over the years of his career, Ilya Reznik wrote more than two thousand songs, thanks to which many star performers appeared on the national stage. His lyrical heartfelt hits are still remembered and listened to by many music lovers who admire the talent of a songwriter. With age, Ilya Rakhmielevich did not lose interest in his favorite business, and now in his creative biography there are new compositions that attract the attention of his fans. He still feels an unprecedented surge of strength, which allows him to easily spend his concert evening for four hours. Reznik manages not only to write poetry and songs, but also conducts master classes where he teaches the younger generation the basics of acting and writing.

He draws strength and inspiration from communication with family and friends, experiencing happiness and joy from every day he lives. For several years in the personal life of the People's Artist there have been strong family relationships. He is connected with his wife not only general work and hobbies, but also bright love.


The future songwriter was born in 1938 in Leningrad. His early childhood years fell on the harsh front-line battles. The boy's father went to fight the Germans and never returned home, dying in 1944. Little Ilya survived the deadly blockade, and then was evacuated to the Urals. After the end of the war, his mother remarried, and then gave birth to three children: his younger sisters Vera, Marina and brother Vladimir. His stepfather did not want to see someone else's child in his family, so the future poet was raised by his paternal grandparents, who then adopted him. Soon his mother and her family left for Riga, so their communication ended for long years. But over time, Reznik forgave his parent and being famous person Communicated with his family and helped as much as possible.

In his school years, the boy did not even dream of a creative path, but dreamed of the seas and long voyages. He intended to enter the Nakhimov School, and then pursue a military career. However, already in high school, Ilya became interested in acting, thanks to which, after graduating from school, he came to the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema.

young years...

He did not manage to become a student at the chosen university then, but in order not to waste time, he worked as a laboratory assistant for some time, and then got a job in the theater, where he performed various duties. Young Reznik did not forget his dream, but only at the age of 20 he managed to enter the acting department.

Songwriting and acting work

After graduation, the actor played on the stage of the V. F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater and at the same time was engaged in composing poems, which he became interested in back in student years. At first, Ilya Rakhmielevich wrote poems for children, thanks to which the song "Cinderella" was born, performed by Lyudmila Senchina. Realizing his destiny, the young poet left the theater and took up song poetry. In 1972, he met Alla Pugacheva, which became fateful for both. Having performed the poet's song "Let's sit and have a look", the singer became the laureate of the All-Union Song Contest, and then her career went uphill. His composition “Apple Trees in Bloom”, which was sung by Sofia Rotaru, also became successful.

Reznik always wrote poetry in different genres, finding demand for his patriotic, military and lyrical compositions. His songs brought many victories to both the poet himself and his performers, among whom are such stage stars as Edita Piekha, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Irina Allegrova and many others.

Great recognition and love of the audience received such compositions of the poet as:

  • "Not yet evening";
  • "Little country";
  • "Three happy days";
  • "You take me with you";
  • "Edith Piaf" and many others.

His beautiful poems always found their composer, with whom he collaborated over many years of creativity: Raymond Pauls, Maxim Dunaevsky, Evgeny Martynov, Vladimir Feltsman, Igor Nikolaev and others. Ilya Rakhmielevich has always expanded his creative interests, taking part in the TV show "Two Stars", as well as acting in films.

Happiness and idyll in the third marriage

The poet, who has excellent external data (height - 187 cm; weight - about 80 kg), has always been successful with women, but despite this, he was in no hurry to start a family and for a long time had the status of a bachelor. Only at the age of 30 did he meet his future wife Regina, who was more than ten years younger than him. At that time, the spouses were connected by a common work, and soon children appeared in their family: son Maxim was born in 1968, daughter Alice - in 1976. A few years later, this union broke up, and after the separation of the parents, the son stayed with the star father.

Ilya Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbaeva and son Artur

A few years later, Reznik decided to re-establish his personal life, and his new chosen one was the dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbaeva from Uzbekistan. After the birth of his son Arthur (1989), the whole family moved to America, but life in a foreign land did not attract the poet at all, and in 1992 he returned to his homeland. The wife did not want to leave the United States and stayed there to live with her son. Despite the fact that the couple had not even seen each other for many years, their official divorce took place only in 2012.

In the dashing 90s, all the poet's savings disappeared, and he had to start everything from scratch. In addition, Ilya Rakhmielevich had big problems with health: his blood pressure jumped and arthritis progressed. It was at this difficult time that fate brought him to future wife, athlete Irina Romanova. Their acquaintance took place visiting mutual friends. Despite the age difference of more than 20 years, the future lovers immediately liked each other. The athlete struck the poet with her beauty, erudition, and also her ability to behave in society. They exchanged phone numbers, but their first meeting did not happen immediately. But then events developed rapidly, and soon the couple began to live as one family.

Ilya Reznik with his wife Irina Romanova. Photo

According to Reznik himself, his wife became his guardian angel, sent to him by God for all the many years of suffering. It was with her that he found the long-awaited happiness and did not lose interest in life. Irina took care of his health and taught him a healthy lifestyle. Now the 80-year-old poet can quite boast of his excellent shape, which he acquired thanks to good genetics, as well as maintaining healthy lifestyle life. Spouses have breakfast with cereals, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. In addition, they swim in the outdoor pool every day. Irina is now the director of the musical theater of her star husband. But they not only cooperate together, but also have a rest, leaving every year on the Crimean coast.

Reznik does not have his own housing, so the couple lives in a rented house, owned by his longtime admirer. Together with them live three dogs and five cats, which compassionate owners picked up and sheltered at home. In 2018, the couple got married, holding this sacrament in the Yalta church.

Ilya Rakhmielevich is father of many children, since in addition to children from his first and second marriages, he has two illegitimate children: son Eugene and daughter Elena. Of all his offspring, the poet raised only his eldest son, who stayed with him after his divorce from his first wife. Like the star father, Maxim chose creative way, becoming a journalist and playwright. He writes not only poetry, but also theatrical plays, which have already attracted the attention of many actors and directors. Son Eugene took up legal activities, and daughter Alice turned out to be an excellent photographer, whose work has already won many awards. international competitions. The poet also has grandchildren, but he rarely communicates with them. In addition, they have no interest in music and poetry. All these years, Reznik did not forget about his son Arthur, who lives with his second wife in America. He still cares junior heir sending him good money.

Latest events

Despite old age, the artist is constantly working, finding time both for poetry and for the children's group "Little Country". His wards practice six times a week, learning vocals, hip-hop and choreography. Not so long ago, Ilya Rakhmielevich, in close collaboration with Eduard Khank, wrote the anthem of the National Guard, in addition, he continues to publish poetry and prose, among which is the autobiographical book “My Leningrad Childhood”. A large place in his work is devoted to works for children: fables, fairy tales and poems.

Now the poet is writing prayers for the Russian Orthodox Church. This was prompted by the fact that it is difficult for modern youth to understand the Church Slavonic language. The Patriarch himself blessed Reznik for this important work, thanks to which he has already published a book, which includes about a hundred prayers and psalms.

  1. His grandparents, who raised him in childhood, were not his blood relatives. As young adults, they adopted his father.
  2. Having received acting education, the future poet served in the theater, but he himself did not consider himself a talented artist then. Once, in the play "Bolsheviks" he had to portray the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. He so entered the image of a writer that even then he noted to himself that he wanted to write poetry. After this incident, Ilya, without hesitation, left the theater and did what he loved.
  3. In the 90s, the poet organized his own theater, in which not only actors, but also famous gymnasts worked. Having created a production called "Nostalgia for Russia", he, along with the team, went on a long tour of the United States. Soon the producer left them, taking all the money of the troupe, after which many of the participants in the performance and the choreographer decided to stay to work in Las Vegas. Reznik himself also lived there for some time, during which time he wrote several songs for Lyubov Uspenskaya and Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  4. IN Soviet years the poet received about 10 thousand rubles a month, which allowed him to save a large sum to the passbook. Then he dreamed of a comfortable old age, however, the 98th year crossed out all his plans, leaving the poor and without a penny of money.
  5. For a long time, Ilya Rakhmielevich was a colleague and friend of Alla Pugacheva. But soon a conflict occurred between them, which separated them for seven years. According to the poet himself, the money issue became the reason for such relations. For a long time he could not come to terms with the fact that he had almost nothing for his songs, and the artists earned decent money. When the poet fell seriously ill, Pugacheva not only showed attention to him, but also made good gift. Since then, colleagues have always been in touch.
  6. The most beloved and strongest song for Reznik was the composition "Spant on Love", which he wrote in tandem with Primadona. But he does not remember unsuccessful songs. Many of his compositions never reached the audience, as they were commissioned by little-known performers.
  7. Often the poet gave his creations or wrote for free for many artists, the list of which includes Edita Piekha, Iosif Kobzon, Aziza, Soso Pavliashvili. And even for many of his hits he was given small amounts. So, for the "Cabriolet", written for Lyubov Uspenskaya, the artist received only 11 thousand rubles for the year.

There is no such person in Russia who would not be familiar with the work of Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. This legendary songwriter gave the world a lot of real hits that are loved to this day.

According to his biography, Ilya Reznik was born in Leningrad, and this happened in 1938. His parents were immigrants from Denmark. The childhood of the future songwriter can hardly be called happy. Fate was destined for him to survive the blockade, then evacuation to the Urals, early death father. Almost immediately after returning, Ilya's mother got married and went to look for a better life to Riga, leaving him to his father's parents, who later adopted the boy.

Despite everything, as the biography tells, Ilya Reznik grew up curious and talented. He was engaged in both gymnastics and ballroom dancing, and even attended a circle of young entertainers. After graduation, the young man got a job in the theater, but only as an electrician. In parallel, he was a laboratory assistant at the medical institute. Only on the 4th attempt, Ilya managed to join the ranks of the students of the Leningrad state institute theatre, music and cinema. It happened in 1958.

What was his creative path like?

According to the biography, Ilya Reznik actively performed at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, but still devoted a lot of time to poetry. The song that brought him incredible popularity was called "Cinderella", and it was performed by Lyudmila Senchina. After that, Reznik stopped his collaboration with the theater and, being a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers, continued to actively write poetry. Not everyone knows that Ilya Rakhmielevich published several collections of children's poems, among them "Little Country", "Cuckoo" and others. In 1999, the songwriter became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. A year later, he founded a publishing house. Who did Ilya Reznik collaborate with? The biography says that the most active is with Alla Pugacheva. Their collaboration began back in 1979. In addition, his songs were once sung by Laima Vaikule, and many more artists, whom the works of Ilya Reznik glorified.

Personal life

Is Ilya Reznik handsome? Photos confirm that he is enough an interesting man. And it causes a lot of questions and disputes among the public and fans. According to the biography, Ilya Reznik first married Regina Reznik, who was the deputy director of the Variety Theater. In this marriage, two children were born: a son, who became a daughter. The second wife was the dancer Munira Argumbaeva. They also had a son. Around the beginning of the 2000s, the couple unofficially broke up, and Munira and her son moved to the United States. which ended in 2012 was quite scandalous. Ilya Reznik (his biography confirms this) at the age of 74 married for the third time - to Irina Romanova. can come at any age.

The life of a songwriter was quite interesting, and thanks to him the world heard many beautiful pieces of music. His fans sincerely hope that he will continue to create for many years to come, so they wish the poet good health and more strength.

The poet Arseniev said that Reznik writes in gold on marble. Songs based on his poems are known to millions of people. But Ilya Rakhmielevich, as he himself says, did not have fairy tales in his childhood ...

After the family returned from the evacuation, Ilya's mother got married and left him. The boy was adopted by the elderly adoptive parents of his father, who died. “Grandfather and grandmother were immigrants, they barely spoke Russian,” Reznik recalls. “All the time I came up with a biography for myself, that my dad is a scout.”


  • You are now doing a lot of charity work. Are you happy that you can give someone joy?

Certainly. This is a lifestyle, its meaning, it is not discussed. We even have all the dogs and cats matched. Bear butcher-schnauzer, such a breed. Sonechka-foundling, Cherry, who was born in the subway. We all have a difficult fate, including our parents, that is, us. (Laughs.) We held charity events in the Moscow Kremlin eight times. Each time, six thousand children from orphanages, boarding schools and shelters, cadets, children of the deceased employees of various law enforcement agencies came. We have a three-hour concert, I print six thousand new books and release the same number of CDs with new songs, and we give them to the guys. All this is done by my wife Irochka, she CEO and chairman of the organizing committee.

  • Was there a response?

First of all, we ourselves have a sense of satisfaction. The teachers say that the guys look forward to this concert every year. We have a boarding school in Ruza and a school in the village of Kolyubakino, we send buses there at our own expense that bring children. The Kremlin is a holiday for them. Talented girl Anya Shitova from Ruza was given the opportunity to perform at main stage Russia as a laureate of my Little Country competition.

  • I read that you dreamed of being an admiral in the 4th grade.

No, not an admiral, but a cadet at the Nakhimov School. Because then I lived in St. Petersburg, I saw the cadets of this school and I really liked their uniform.

  • What do you remember from your childhood?

From childhood, a friend Eric remained, often flies from Chicago. We have been friends since four years. For the first two years of the war, we lived in besieged St. Petersburg. The siren sounded, and we hid under the tables in kindergarten. I remember my grandmother took me from kindergarten in winter. A crumb of bread fell on me and I was looking for it. I even wrote the song "Children of War". In 1942, we were transported along Ladoga to mainland, we went to Sverdlovsk. Mom worked there at the mill, we lived on its territory. We could see the entrance from our room. The women who worked at the flour mill hid the flour in their bras and socks so that the children could bake pancakes at home. When they left, the guards undressed them and shook out these few grams of flour on the ground.

In general, I was brought up by the Palace of Pioneers. I was there in all circles - and soft toys, and a mechanical toy, and swimming, and gymnastics, and young naturalists. Even an article and a photo appeared in the newspaper with the caption: "Ilyusha Reznik at the school site." And then it all came in handy. True, there were also curiosities. I remember the gymnastics coach asked me to pull myself up, but I couldn’t. He said: “Well, why are you hanging like a muslin young lady?” And I left. I didn't make a gymnast, but I swim well.


  • Do you yourself notice how often they say: “Reznik's song, not a song based on Reznik's verses”? Your poetry carries music in itself.

You know, for some reason it turns out that when great poets pass away, journalists remember not his poems and poems, but songs. If the poet has popular songs, then the people know him, and if not, then, unfortunately, he is not so widely known. By the way, they call me a composer. It's no secret that many composers have famous songs - only on my poems. They also work with talented poets, but seem to exist in two parallel worlds- music separately, poetry separately. For example, when I listen to the compositions of Raimonds Pauls, I fill them with a meaning that he may not even be aware of.

I was brought up by the Palace of Pioneers. I was in all circles - and toys, and swimming, and young naturalists

  • You write a lot for young performers. Aren't you afraid to give them your offspring?

I wrote Cinderella to Senchina when she was 19 years old. And she has been singing it for 42 years. "Little Country" has been performed by Natasha Koroleva for many years. Not so long ago, at some event, she said: “I want to raise a toast to Ilya Reznik - he is my breadwinner. Because two songs - "Little Country" and "Summer of Castanets" - feed me all my life. From the few you will expect such recognition.

Tyapa doesn't want to be a clown

This was the title of his first children's book, published in 1969. For kids, he wrote the works “Kasha-Dunyasha”, “Fidget named Luka”, “Here!” ...

In 2000, the publishing house "Library of Ilya Reznik" was opened. A whole series of books for children has been released, among them "King Arthur", "Why are there golden clouds in the blue sky?", "The Cow from Komarovo", "Forest Tales". Naturally, Reznik writes not only for the smallest. His pen belongs to "Monologues of the singer", "Two over the city", "Alla Pugacheva and others", "My life is a carnival", "Man".

The history of the creation of the book "Prayers" is very interesting. “I recorded them God knows where,” says Reznik. - A month later I began to look for them and did not find a single line. And my memory is leaky. My friend, the artist Igor Kamenev, called me and asked why I was upset. “Remember, I once called at night and read poetry? There's nothing left!" And then Igor says to me: “You know, I never recorded telephone conversations, but here I don’t know why I pressed the answering machine function. It was a miracle. And he became the designer of this book. Patriarch Alexy wrote introduction, and the monks sewed 300 pieces by hand.”

  • How is the creative process going, do you sit down and write right away?

I, firstly, do not sit down, but lie down. (Laughs.) The muse comes at night, and I turn on the light and transfer the poems to paper, then turn off the light bulb. Then I edit, but rarely. For example, it is inconvenient for the performer to sing the letter “u”, he would like it to be at the end of the “a”. The song genre is very difficult. Masters who know this specificity can be counted on the fingers: Leonid Derbenev, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Shaferan…

  • Were you friends with them?

No, they didn't consider me a poet. Zhenya Krylatov told me: “I was in Ruza, in the House of Creativity, and Derbenev arrived. And he asks: “Zhen, who do you work with?” - "With Ilya Reznik." So he began to throw stools at him! Apparently, Derbenev was talented, but very angry and envious. Such a character.

  • Do you have such acting skills, rich texture. Have you been asked to act?

I'm not interested in this right now. I starred in "Prince Florizel", played a paralyzed bandit in a wheelchair. And that was by chance, because Zhenya Tatarsky suggested that I write songs for Lenochka Nightingale and asked: “Do you want to play a paralyzed bandit?” I say: "Come on!" And everyone, oddly enough, remembered this Checkered One. In my youth, I dreamed of filming, but they didn’t take me anywhere, but now they offer me, but I feel sorry for sitting and waiting for 12 hours when they shoot you in some two-minute scene.

I returned to the theater when I wrote "A Black Bridle for a White Mare" to Sherling's music. It was 1977. Now he worked with the brilliant Italian composer Riccardo Cocciante, the author of the famous La belle from Notre dame de Paris, the author of " little prince, Romeo and Juliet. Riccardo had several poets who were offered to him, with whom he tried to work, but did not succeed. He has been looking for me for two years. And we met by the will of God. This is a modern opera, a theme from the history of the Russian state. I wrote 40 scenes, choruses and arias. Everything is ready, now we will determine in which city and in which theater we will stage the premiere.


  • It seems to me that the genre of the song itself is akin to the genre of the musical.

Weber says, "Until I write the central aria, I'm not writing the whole musical. Indeed, in the same musical Cats there is nothing but the aria of this old retired cat. Everything else is applied. And Cocciante is very generous with catchy melodies, we are similar in terms of generosity.

  • Probably inspiration with some feelings. What does love mean in your life?

Love is an inexplicable feeling. This is my wife, the house we rent, the garden. Our adorable three dogs and three cats. Everything that pleases the soul. And all this dictates to me my poems.

  • Does kindness help you in life?

No. On good water carry. (Laughs.) Simply, in order not to be disappointed, one must not be fascinated. But in reality, everything is not so: you are fascinated by the performer, because if you are not fascinated, you will not write anything. And he gets the material and disappoints you with behavior, performance, statements. “This song is naphthalene”, and he himself feeds on it for 20 years. But I'm not one of those who say: "I'm not vindictive, but I'm very angry, and I have a good memory." I am kind, and the memory is full of holes. It happens that I meet one of the offenders. And they say to me: “Remember, did he do meanness to you?” - "And I forgot." You know, Ira and I have a lot in common. We are absolutely, as they say, devoid of the envy gene.

  • Are there any favorites among your songs?

Probably the last one is always a favorite. Right now I have written three songs with Pauls for Aziza. We have been working with her for a long time. There was once an ensemble "Sado" in Tashkent in the late 70s, and I wrote a whole program for them, and with Raymond. Then we created a lot of oriental songs. I myself lived in Tashkent, involuntarily imbued with the East. He even wrote a whole series of poems. And, I think so, we wrote four masterpieces for Elena Vaenga. She will probably do it next year.

  • When did you realize you were famous?

It happened in 8Tm or 82nd. I had a concert in Sochi, in the evening I came to a restaurant, and there the orchestra plays "Starry Summer", then "Crane", but when they sang "Crane" eight times, and "Starry Summer" nine, I thought I would go crazy . I would have run away before, but the service was very slow there. And that's when I realized that I became famous. (Laughs.)

I fucking love this life, however, this truth is not new, but I will repeat it again. Excuse me for being indiscreet

  • Born April 4, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg;
  • From 1965 to 1972 - artist of the Theater. Vera Komissarzhevskaya;
  • In 1969 he wrote his first song, "Cinderella";
  • In 1991 he created the Ilya Reznik Theater. Premiere of the musical performance "The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia";
  • In 1998, he was declared a 22-time laureate of the television competition "Song of the Year";
  • People's Artist of Russia (2003).

From 1967 to 1971 he wrote texts for musical parodies by the famous pop artist Viktor Chistyakov.

The first song on Reznik's verses "Cinderella" (music by Igor Tsvetkov) was performed in 1969 by Lyudmila Senchina. She brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided to further fate. In 1972 Ilya

Reznik left the theater and began to professionally engage in song poetry.

In 1975, the first international success came to Ilya Reznik. He was awarded the "Golden Lyre" prize at the "Bratislava Lyre" song contest (Czechoslovakia) for the song "Apple Trees in Blossom" to the music of Yevgeny Martynov performed by the composer.

Songs based on Reznik's poems were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Valery Leontiev, Philip Kirkorov and others famous singers and teams. Among the composers who wrote music to his texts are Isaak Dunayevsky, Mark Fradkin, Yuri Saulsky, Evgeny Krylatov, Andrey Petrov, Raymond Pauls, Vladimir Matetsky, Igor Krutoy and others.

The most popular works of Ilya Reznik are "Maestro", "Ferryman", "Old Clock", "Without You", "Vernissage", "Not Yet Evening", "Apple Trees in Blossom".

The poet's work was marked by various awards. Ilya Reznik - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2003),

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