Masha Kulikova actress personal life husband. Maria Kulikova's new man: personal life and photos. Development of acting abilities in childhood

Let her be happy!

The personal life of popular artists will always enjoy increased attention from outside and media representatives. Especially if we are talking about some family conflicts, betrayal or similar not the most pleasant things. After all, they can inflate a real scandal!

But there are also stories that end very well. For example, as in the case of actress Maria Kulikova. She first started acting in films in 1999. And since that time, some films or TV shows are extremely difficult to imagine without the participation of this charming woman.

She has about 86 projects to her credit. And on the set of one of them, Maria met her future husband at that time, Denis Matrosov. Already in 2011, the actress gave birth to her son Ivan from her husband.

In 2014, the couple decided to divorce. They were together for 14 years.

At that time, many fans of the actress did not expect at all that such a breakup could happen.

The son stayed with his mother.

Soon the actress began to attribute novels with Maxim Averin.

There were rumors about her relationship with Andrei Chernyshov.

And only recently she admitted that she was actually dating Vitaly Kudryavtsev.

Someone even said that because of Kulikova, the actor left his wife.

But she denied this information, saying that she herself insisted on a divorce.

Then the actors worked on the creation of the series “Too beautiful wife". They played lovers on the screen, and then such feelings smoothly flowed into real life. Vitaly also has a child from a previous marriage.

Neighbors of Maria Kulikova even talked about the fact that she was already the lawful spouse of the actress. But they themselves did not comment on such information. And the thing is that he regularly appeared at the construction site of the actress's house and helped her.

Since Vitaly has a less busy schedule, he followed the builders, bought materials and simply controlled the construction process. This led to the conclusion that the actors already feel strong family. Moreover, they have such wonderful ones.

It is worth saying that Denis Matrosov himself lives not so far from Mary. He lives with his new family. And, obviously, none of the actors are at all embarrassed by this fact. After all, they are so happy together.

It remains only to wish as much happiness and love as possible! After all, fate does not bring people together by chance!

Maria Kulikova is one of the most talented and famous actresses modern theater and television. Tapes with her participation are very popular with fans, as well as artists. Maria Kulikova, whose filmography includes about sixty films and serials, has surprised loved ones with her bright talent since childhood.

The childhood and youth of the actress

Maria Kulikova was born in hot August 1977. The girl's family is inextricably linked with music. Her grandmother long years was the head of the vocal faculty of the famous Gnessin School. The father of the future actress was a singer at the State Radio and Television, and also performed in the church choir. So Mary, one might say, was destined to become an artist.

Also in early childhood the girl was taken to a music school, where she learned to play the piano. However, Maria was not particularly interested in this type of art. Much more, she liked to try on different outfits and arrange home performances for members of her family. It was here, in the home circle, that children's, the first roles of Maria Kulikova were played. Therefore, when the girl turned ten, her parents took her to a theater studio, where Masha could fully show her talent. The first work of the girl was the role of Baba Yaga. And I must say that Maria coped brilliantly.

Finding yourself and choosing a profession

When the time came to choose a profession, Maria hesitated for a long time. She eventually made the decision to study law. Then this profession was considered very prestigious and was popular with applicants. The girl abandoned the theater and, having successfully passed the entrance exams, went headlong into classes. It was only after studying for a while that I realized that I had made a mistake.

A childhood dream of becoming an actress led her to the Shchukin School, which Maria successfully graduated in 1998. Having received a diploma, Kulikova began work at the Satire Theater, where directors appreciated her talent. She immediately began to give the main roles in comedy performances. Thus was born theatrical artist Maria Kulikova. Her filmography as a film actress began almost at the same time.

Career takeoff in cinema

Maria received her first role immediately after graduating from the Shchukin School. It was work in the television series "Turn of the Key". Despite the excitement, Maria coped with the role brilliantly. Most of the scenes were shot on the first take. However, now the actress is fully laid out on the set, making every effort to make the role a success. Perhaps that is why films with the participation of Maria Kulikova look with such pleasure.

The next series where the actress played was The Hermit directed by Yegor Konchalovsky. In it, Mary was given a small role. This was followed by new proposals and interesting work. Over the next four years, the actress starred in several television series, including "Empire Under Attack", "Deadly Force-3" and others.

But real fame came to her in 2002, after the TV series "Two Fates" appeared on television. Having played one of the leading roles in it, Maria immediately found herself in the center of attention of the press, directors and fans.

Main roles. Filmography

After working in the film "Two Fates", the actress began to offer new interesting work. A business woman in the TV series "Blood Sisters", a forest princess in the film of the same name, a conductor in the "Rails of Happiness" - whom Maria Kulikova did not play. The filmography of the actress was rapidly replenished with new paintings, and the performance of the actress could only be envied. After all, in a year she managed to star in a dozen TV shows that immediately won public recognition.

IN Lately Maria is also actively removed. Her filmography is replenished with new roles. Many of the heroines are the characters of the first plan. Over the past two years, the following main roles of Maria Kulikova can be listed. This is work in the TV series "When the Dawn Comes", the paintings "The visiting fellow", "Husband for an hour" and "Where does love go".

Bright, versatile, charismatic and very talented - this is how Maria Kulikova manifests herself in the work. Her filmography includes about sixty feature films and serials. Moreover, she succeeds with the same success in completely different heroines - this is another weighty proof of the actress's talent.

It is worth noting the participation in theatrical works, as well as the television performances "Secretaries" and "Eight Loving Women".

Family and personal life

If the work of your favorite actress is always in full view of the fans, then the personal life of Maria Kulikova is not advertised. It is known that in student years she had many admirers, but, despite the romance of the first loves, Serious relationships Did not work out.

With her chosen one Denis Matrosov, Maria met on the set of the television series "Two Fates". From the first meeting, the couple was inseparable, and soon the lovers got married. Denis, also a popular actor, did not demand that Maria leave her career. Therefore, the girl successfully combined family and creativity.

In the summer of 2011, a happy event took place in the family of actors - the birth of their son Ivan. Everything seemed to be perfect. In general, that's how it was. But a few years later, reports appeared in the press about the imminent divorce of the spouses. Maria and Denis did not comment on the situation in any way, however, in the winter of 2015, the family broke up.

Today, the actress is raising her beloved son. The boy inherited his mother's talent and already in such early age arranges home performances.

Maria Kulikova starred in dozens of serials during her career. Films with the participation of the actress invariably become popular. However, fans are interested not only in creativity, but also in the hobbies and habits of their favorite artist. Here are some interesting details from her life:

  • The actress loves to go to the cinema and can attend several sessions in one day.
  • Maria dreams of giving her son Ivan a sister.
  • On the set of the series "Two Fates", the actress did not know how to drive a car, but in the frame she was driving with might and main. However, today Maria feels great behind the wheel.

talented artist, loving mother, just a beautiful and fragile woman - this is how Maria Kulikova appears before us. Personal life, divorce and the fate of the actress remain the subject of close attention of the press. But still, the best thing about the artist is his work. And Maria does not get tired of confirming this, constantly delighting fans with new bright roles.

Maria Kulikova is not only a very talented actress who was able to win the sympathy of many viewers and continues to do so. But also just a charming woman who can easily arouse sympathy in any man. In addition, she not only acts in films, but also performs in various theater productions.

Throughout her career, she starred in about sixty films and TV shows, and this, apparently, is far from her last work. Fans of her talent for a long time will be able to admire Mary's acting. And looking forward to her new films.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Kulikova (actress)

A lot of fans of this actress are interested in such facts as her height, weight, age. How old is Maria Kulikova (actress) is not so difficult to calculate. This woman was born in 1977, which means that she is now 40 years old. And she is still young and attractive. Well, it’s true what they say that at 40, life is just beginning.

The height and weight of this wonderful actress are not a secret either. With a height of 174 centimeters, which is quite high for an average Russian woman, she weighs about 60 kilograms. However, the weight often varies depending on the role, so you can’t tell the exact numbers here.

Biography of Maria Kulikova (actress)

Maria Kulikova was born in early August 1977. She was born in Moscow. Maria's family was very intelligent and cultured. So, for example, her grandmother was the dean at the Gnessin School, and her father was a talented singer. At first he worked on the radio, and then began to perform in the church choir. Only the girl's mother, who was engaged in engineering, was not connected with music. But even despite this, everyone in the Kulikov family loved music. An interesting fact: Maria had the opportunity to learn how to play the piano, but she was never able to do it, which she now madly regrets.

The biography of Maria Kulikova (actress) sparkled with new colors when she entered the theater studio at the age of ten. The little actress remembered her debut role as Baba Yaga for the rest of her life. After graduating from school, Kulikova decided to go to law school. Moreover, at that time it was very prestigious. However, after some time training courses, the girl was able to understand that this profession was not for her, and decided to become an actress. After her graduation from school, she secretly submitted documents to the Shchukin School and entered there with success.

From this very moment it begins actor career Mary. Just a year after graduating from college, the young actress was offered a role in a TV series called The Turn of the Key. It was far from the main role, but the girl accepted the offer with great enthusiasm. Although later, she began to worry that she would not succeed. Moreover, the scene had to be filmed from the very first take. But it was too late to turn back. Maria worried for nothing. Everything went great and the young actress no longer experienced panic attacks. Later there were a couple of minor minor roles in the series, which, however, did not bring her fame or fame.

Debut main role Maria Kulikova became a role in the TV series "Two Fates". Moreover, it is worth noting that she got to this casting by chance. But, as you know, nothing in life happens just like that. Kulikova was supposed to become a member of a completely different project, but she simply made the wrong door. When she realized that she was mistaken, she went to her casting, but she was not accepted there. One way or another, but a few days later she received a call from the casting of "Two Fates" and was offered the role. For Maria, this was a real surprise, and she agreed without hesitation.

Here's another one interesting fact. The first episodes of the project were filmed in the apartment of Maria's parents. The fact is that the budget of the series was limited, and it was really hard to rent an apartment decorated in the style of the seventies for little money. Then the actress offered them a parental home. The role in this series brought Kulikova a stunning success and real fame. The series gained immense popularity, so after a while it was decided to shoot a couple more seasons.

It is no wonder that after such a success, proposals for roles simply rained down on Maria Kulikova. So she starred in the films "Forest Princess", "Goat in Milk" and many other films.

In 2006, she played a role in the insanely popular TV series at the time called "My Fair Nanny". In the same year, she starred in three more films, which later became popular.

Surprisingly, Maria Kulikova tried to work to the limit of her strength. So, for example, in 2007, she played roles in several more films with her husband. For a couple of years, she starred in twelve films, and in most of them she played the main roles. In addition, over the following years, she was involved in nine more films.

The second surge of fame came after filming in the insanely popular at that time series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka 2". The success was simply stunning. And in 2011, Maria starred in the continuation of this series.

According to the actress herself, the project called Sklifosovsky became the most successful for her. He brought her such fame and popularity that for the third season she has been a part of the cast. Although Kulikova does not hide that the character was not easy for her. After all, she herself real life quite a different character. And yet she did an excellent job with this image.

In addition to serials, the actress managed to star in in large numbers films, but listing them in full would be very troublesome.

Fans of Kulikova are very much looking forward to her new works and the continuation of their favorite adaptations. And they hope that Maria will not delay this.

Despite the busy filming schedule, Maria does not forget about theatrical performances in which she also plays an important role.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress)

On the network you can find a lot of very different information about the new hobbies and novels of Maria Kulikova. But none of them has been proven reliably. The actress was married, but is now divorced and is raising her son alone. The personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress) is not easy to build now. She loved her husband very much and it was difficult to find a replacement for him. But she is still young and attractive, so there is no reason to worry.

For example, there was a rumor that during the Sklifosovsky series she met with Maxim Averin, but the couple denied these rumors, assuring the media that their relationship had been only friendly for twenty years. Her son remains her favorite man. Maria Kulikova: personal life after a divorce does not add up at all. It is also known that her husband wanted a quiet and calm wife, but Maria is far from being like that. The family broke up in 1015. But they kept friendly relations and educate common child together.

Family of Maria Kulikova (actress)

At the moment, the family of Maria Kulikova (actress) consists of herself and her beloved son. Of course, the actress is still quite young and very beautiful. If we talk, for example, about her figure, then there is definitely something for Mary to brag about. So, it is likely that soon she will be able to meet her love again for the rest of her life, and her family will finally become complete again.

One can only hope that Maria Kulikova will really be able to meet worthy man, which will be for her a real hope and support. Fans, of course, want this simple female happiness for the actress.

Children of Maria Kulikova (actress)

The children of Maria Kulikova (actress) are something that a woman's fans can only dream of so far. After all, now Mary has only one son from her first marriage. But one can hope that he will not be her last child. After all, a woman is still only forty years old, and she can still give birth to as many healthy babies as she wants.

It is no secret that Maria herself dreamed of a big and friendly family. True, first you need to find a good man who could become a father for these children, and for already born son actresses - Vanya. Maybe one day the boy will have more brothers or sisters.

The son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov

After a rather painful divorce from her husband, currently the only man in the life of the actress was and remains the son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov.

Since, to date, the actress does not have any officially confirmed novels and serious relationships, one can only express great hope that in the future the actress, in addition to her beloved Vanechka, will have more children. And although Vanya is now being brought up in an incomplete family, and lives with his mother, he does not feel any inferiority, because he is not deprived of his father's love. A man with great pleasure spends as much time as possible with his son.

Former husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) - Denis Matrosov

The couple met on the set of the series "Two Fates" - the one that brought Maria's popularity. Young people fell in love with each other at first sight. The couple lived for about three years civil marriage, but then they decided to legalize the relationship. despite the busy work schedule, she really wanted children. And in 2011 they had a boy - Vanya.

The ex-husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) - Denis Matrosov fell in love with his son very much. Among the actors, their relationship was considered the strongest, but it turned out not to be so. The actors took up the construction of a private house for their family. Denis took the construction too seriously, and it was from this that all conflicts began. He could disappear at a construction site for days on end. And this, of course, could not but have an impact on their relationship with Mary. They say that family relationships become only stronger if the couple survives the joint repair. In a sense, the construction of a family nest can be attributed to such a case. And just his family of actors could not stand it.

Unfortunately or not, there is no photo of Maria Kulikova (actress) in Maxim magazine, and never existed. If you can already see this woman somewhere, for example, in a swimsuit, then, perhaps, in the films and TV shows where she starred. In addition, it is worth noting that Maria Kulikova has never appeared on the set completely naked. Yes and candid photos there are no photo shoots in her collection either.

Thus, if you want to admire the excellent (as for a forty-year-old woman) figure of this charming actress, watch films and TV shows with her - in any case, you will not regret it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress)

Like most modern artists, Maria can also be found on social networks. She has profiles on a variety of sites. Including Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress) have a place to be. It is very important for her to communicate with her fans. And share the events that take place in her life.

On Wikipedia you can see short biography actress, information about her personal life. And among other things, the full filmography of Maria, as well as a list of performances. Both lists indicate the roles she played. On her Instagram, the woman regularly publishes new photos.

Maria Kulikova is a talented and sought-after actress. Over the past 10 years, she has starred in dozens of TV series and feature films. The biography of Maria Kulikova is contained in this article. We touched on the most important moments in the life of an actress: study, career building and marriage.

Biography of Maria Kulikova

The future actress was born on August 4, 1977 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. There were many musicians in her family. Maria's grandmother for a long time headed the vocal department in Gnesinka. My father was a professional bass at all. For many years he worked at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. But Masha's mother has nothing to do with music or the stage. She graduated from the capital's university, having received the specialty "engineer". Today Natalya Ivanovna works at MADI.

At an early age, Masha was sent to a music school so that she could learn to play the piano. But the girl showed no particular interest in this. She liked to dress up and put on home performances. It became clear: she, like her mother, did not want to be a musician. When Maria was 10 years old, her parents sent her to a theater studio. The first role that the girl performed on stage was the role of Baba Yaga. She did brilliantly.

Choosing a future profession

In the senior class, our heroine faced a dilemma. She did not know what profession to choose. As a result, the girl decided to enter the law faculty. Then this profession was considered prestigious and popular. Kulikova left the theater, where she played in her free time. Masha enrolled in Moscow State University courses and began to actively prepare for admission. Her efforts were not in vain. The girl successfully coped with the examination tasks. But during her studies, she realized that she made a mistake with her choice of profession.

Our heroine filed documents for expulsion. But she was not going to sit on the neck of her parents. Maria secretly entered the Shchukin School, fulfilling her old dream of becoming a professional actress. The university was graduated in 1998. Kulikova got a job at the Academic Theater of Satire. Local directors immediately appreciated her acting talent and external data. Maria began to be appointed to leading roles in comedy productions.

Carier start

The biography of Maria Kulikova as a film actress began with a small role in the TV series Turn of the Key. It happened in 1998. Our heroine still remembers with what horror she first came to the set. The girl was afraid to let the director and other artists down. But she underestimated herself. Everything went off without a hitch. Most of the scenes with the participation of Maria Kulikova were filmed from the first take.

In the same year, the film "The Recluse", created by director Yegor Konchalovsky, was released. In it, Kulikova played a small role. Between 1998 and 2002 the actress starred in several TV series, including "Deadly Force-3" and "Empire Under Attack."

"Two Fates"

In the life of every actor comes finest hour. Mary was lucky - she did not have to make a long journey to fame. Popularity came to her in 2002 after the release of the TV series "Two Fates". One of the main roles was brilliantly performed by Maria Kulikova. The biography, personal life and origin of the actress - all this immediately interested her fans.

Our heroine is completely immersed in work. And the result is worth it. With the filming of the series, a lot is connected in the life of Masha. What exactly? Now we will tell about everything.

The director was faced with the task of recreating the atmosphere of the 70s. The whole difficulty was that little money was allocated for the shooting of the picture. The situation was saved by Maria Kulikova. She provided an apartment for her parents, who have worked all their lives in state-owned enterprises. They didn't live well. And the apartment just preserved the furniture of that time.

On the set of the series, Maria met her future husband. But we will talk about this a little later.

Continuing a career

After a brilliantly played role in "Two Fates", Maria began to receive offers from directors and television producers. The actress carefully studied the scripts and tried on various images. In 2006, she played the role of a businesswoman in the TV series Blood Sisters. Then there were shootings in the pictures “Rails of Happiness”, “ Main caliber”, “Swindlers” and others.

Many actresses can envy Masha's efficiency. For a year, she manages to star in a dozen TV shows that are gaining immense popularity with viewers.

Maria Kulikova, biography: children

The actress has always dreamed of big family. But while she has one son, whom she loves madly. Now the boy is 3.5 years old. He is very mobile and developed beyond his years. Mom tries to surround him with care and provide everything necessary. The kid arranges home concerts, as she once did in childhood. But Masha herself does not want her son to follow in her footsteps. After all, she knows what professional difficulties actors face.

Kulikova dreams of having two more children. But age is pressing. In addition, they are no longer together with Denis Matrosov. As soon as Mary appears in life new love, she will certainly think about the children.

Personal life

The blond beauty with sky-blue eyes has always been liked by the guys. During her student years, several guys courted her. But in Masha's head there was only study. The only guy who managed to melt her heart was a classmate of actress Philip Grigoryan. Our heroine has kept the most Nice memories about that time. Walking around the city at night, kissing at the entrance, eating ice cream in the park - all this was deposited in her memory. Masha has developed great relationship with Philip's mother. It would seem that the couple has the brightest future ahead. But the freedom-loving nature of the guy ruined everything. The girl realized that he was not the hero of her novel. Their relationship came to an end. The initiator of the gap was Maria Kulikova.

The biography and husbands of the actress are of interest to many of her fans. We have already talked about the years of her study. Surely you want to know if Masha got married after she broke up with Philip. It happened, but later.

Soon the girl started an affair with another classmate - Lesha Ilyin. But in this case it didn't work. beautiful story love.

Earlier, we reported that on the set, the actress met her future husband, Denis Matrosov. At that time, he did not know who Maria Kulikova was. Biography, personal life and her marital status are of interest to many today. And back in 2002, she was an aspiring actress. But Denis didn't care. Their romance developed rapidly. Literally on the third day of their acquaintance, Matrosov invited Kulikova to live together. She agreed without hesitation. Soon their wedding took place. The husband of Maria Kulikova, whose biography we are considering today, did not insist that her wife give up pursuing a career and become a housewife.

On August 22, 2011, the couple had a son. The baby was named Ivan. Mom and dad doted on their son. Colleagues, friends and relatives considered their family to be ideal. So it was for several years.

Last summer, there were rumors about the imminent divorce of the spouses. Denis and Maria did not give any comments on this matter. However, now we can officially declare: on January 26, 2015, the marriage of Matrosov and Kulikova was terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.


The article contains the most up-to-date and interesting information about the actress - details of her personal life, photo, biography. Maria Kulikova is a real workaholic. She is also a caring mother loving wife. She has had many hardships. But they did not break the actress, but on the contrary, tempered her character. Biography of Maria Kulikova - good example how a person goes to his dream, overcoming obstacles.

Among the mass talented people It is hard to stand out and shine in an immense country, the competition is going through the roof. Actress Maria Kulikova succeeded, moreover, she is one of the most sought-after actresses and cinema.

Having starred in many TV shows, Maria Kulikova forever settled in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of viewers and continues to delight them to this day. Incredibly talented and beautiful woman at the peak of popularity, and many achievements await her ahead.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Kulikova (actress)

At first glance, it is difficult to determine how tall, how old, how old Maria Kulikova is an actress, because she is in excellent shape, and poems can be written about her beauty. However, this information is not a secret. In August this year, the actress will celebrate her 41st birthday.

Her height is 174 cm and her weight is 60 kg. Maria Kulikova cannot boast of a model appearance, but she definitely has an extraordinary appearance and a beautiful figure. I must say that you still need to be able to look like this at 40, like a popular actress.

Biography of Maria Kulikova (actress)

Biography of Maria Kulikova, the actress is very rich and bright. Maria was born into a family of intellectuals, where her mother was an engineer, her father worked as a vocalist on the radio, and her grandmother was the head of the dean's office of the music department at the famous Gnessin School. Mom, although she did not work in the field of music, was her ardent fan, and therefore it is strange that Maria Kulikova did not follow in the footsteps of her family. Despite the love of music, neither parents nor grandmother began to argue with the girl's choice when he fell on acting skills. Although, already now the actress regrets that her parents did not insist on mastering at least one musical instrument, she is especially attracted to the piano.

From the age of ten, the girl was engaged in a theater studio, which her parents were incredibly happy about, because it's much better than spending time with teenagers on the street.

As for academic success, Maria always tried to succeed, although this did not always work out. Exact sciences were badly given, but the humanitarian ones always obeyed her with ease.

Despite the fact that the girl devoted quite a lot of time to theater studies, after receiving a certificate of secondary education, she decided to enter the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University, since then this profession was considered prestigious. But, despite the efforts of Mary, she did not submit to jurisprudence, and therefore, she decided to choose the Shchukin school.

Passing the entrance exams for Maria Kulikova turned out to be a trifling matter. She also got one of the most sought-after courses among applicants.

After high school, the actress worked for 13 years at the Satire Theater. Work here was a good impetus for her into the world of theater and cinema, gave her a lot of experience and valuable knowledge.

The debut of the actress in the film industry happened in the series "Turn of the Key", where she played a small and inconspicuous, but very important role for herself. Soon, the girl was invited to several episodic roles in a couple of films.

In 2002, an important event happened in the career of an actress - she was invited to the main role in the series "Two Fates". The decision that it was Mari Kulikova who would become the main character of the serial melodrama was made spontaneously, but it is quite obvious that this was 100% her role.

Although the melodrama was originally started as a large-scale film project, the budget was strictly limited. That is why the first part of the series was filmed in the apartment of Maria Kulikova's parents. Housing fit perfectly, because according to the plot, the first part took place in the 70s, and here was the corresponding interior.

Interestingly, in the film, the actress often had to drive, but then Maria did not yet know how to drive a car, and therefore, she was often replaced by an understudy. Today, she is a skilled driver and recalls the past with humor.

The melodrama aroused great interest and fell in love with the viewer, which was the impetus for filming the second part. The first part of the series brought fame and fame to Maria Kulikova, as well as fans. Later, with the participation of the actress, the third part of the series was filmed, after which the actress became recognizable and even more popular.

Although Maria Kulikova spent almost all her time filming, she also managed to perform on the stage of the theater. Further, no less bright main roles in several TV series followed. The actress in each film is revealed from the other side, showing how versatile an actress she can be.

Today, Maria Kulikova is one of the most sought-after domestic actresses. Sometimes three or more films a year with her participation are released. The actress is often invited to TV shows and shows, social events and beau monde, her name is on everyone's lips, and most likely, Maria Kulikova will give her fans more than one film and series with her brilliant acting.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress)

An equally discussed topic is the personal life of Maria Kulikova actress. Many probably thought that a woman changed men like gloves, because it is difficult to resist her beauty and charm. But it turns out that her personal life is not so rich, despite the beauty and success of Maria Kulikova.

The actress met her future husband on the set of the popular series "Two Fates". Actor Denis Matrosov won the heart of Mary with his simplicity and sincerity. From the side, the couple seemed perfect, they were never separated for a long time. This was followed by a wedding and the construction of their family nest outside the city. And in 2011, the couple had their first child, Ivan. Since 2014, rumors have spread that Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov are getting a divorce. Officially, the divorce was formalized in 2015.

Recently, the actress was credited romantic relationship with a colleague on the TV series "Sklifasovsky" Maxim Averin, but the actress denied them, declaring a strong and long-standing friendship between them. As Maria Kulikova stated, she has a personal life after the divorce, but she does not intend to discuss it with the press.

Family of Marie Kulikova (actress)

Initially, the family of Maria Kulikova, the actress consisted of her parents, her father's name is Grigory Vladimirovich Kulikov, and her mother is Natalia Ivanovna Kulikova. Parents loved music very much, but they failed to instill in their daughter a love of music. However, her parents approved of Maria's choice to become an actress and are proud of her success and achievements in her career.

Soon, the actress got her own family, marrying actor Denis Matrosov and giving birth to his son Ivan. Unfortunately, the family broke up three years ago. But the spouses equally take part in the upbringing of their son and still maintain warm relations.

Children of Maria Kulikova (actress)

The children of Maria Kulikova, the actress is also one of the most discussed topics on the network. But, as mentioned above, the actress has only one child - son Ivan. He is 7 years old this year.

Since Maria Kulikova has a busy work schedule, her nanny helps with raising her son. Initially, she was very worried, leaving her child with a strange woman, but soon she realized how lucky she was with Galina Nikolaevna. The son fell in love with the nanny very much, now she is like a full-fledged member of the family, without which the actress would not have coped.

In addition to the usual cares of a nanny, Galina Nikolaevna also participated in Ivan's preparation for school.

The son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov

In the family of actors, the birth of a son was a real event, which they had been waiting for a long time. Family life did not develop as cloudlessly as one would like, diluting happiness with jealousy and quarrels. It seemed that the appearance of a son would save their marriage, but over time, he still broke up. Maria and Denis broke up, but did not stop seeing each other, both are trying to pay attention and educate their son Ivan, despite the busy acting schedule.

The son of Maria Kulikova, Ivan Matrosov, celebrated his 7th birthday this year, and in September he is going to go to school for the first time. This milestone in the life of every mother, which is associated with the fact that the child is already growing up and ready for knowledge.

The ex-husband of Maria Kulikova is Denis Matrosov. Life after divorce

Maria and Denis maintain a relationship that has improved since the divorce. It turns out they just don't fit together.

Photo by Maria Kulikova before and after plastic surgery

Often on the net they try to find a photo of Maria Kulikova before and after plastic surgery. But, it will not be possible to find anything, because it is obvious that the actress did not visit plastic surgeons. All that Maria Kulikova can boast of is her natural beauty. Most celebrities are accustomed to often resorting, if not to plastic, then to correction and regular services of cosmetologists. Perhaps the actress also attends beauty parlor, because she looks amazing, but she does not cover this.

The body of Maria Kulikova also gives no reason to doubt that her forms are gifts of nature, which she only competently emphasizes with the help of a well-chosen wardrobe.

The secret of the actress is that she tries to lead healthy lifestyle life, does not abuse alcohol, if possible goes for walks in the park.

By the way, Maria Kulikova is one of those women who look chic and more interesting with age. Of course, youth is best time women, but if you take proper care of yourself and your health, you can preserve beauty for many years, which actress Maria Kulikova took advantage of.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress)

The actress Maria Kulikova is very popular on Instagram and Wikipedia. In the well-known social network Instagram, you can see the page of the actress, a lot of fresh photos and funny descriptions for them. Most often, Maria shares photos from the shooting, but often you can also view photographs from which you can understand how the actress lives outside the stage. The account of Maria Kulikova already has over 114 thousand subscribers. The actress radiates good and positive, and therefore she has many more admirers of creativity and admirers than ill-wishers. Thousands of people visit Maria Kulikova's Instagram every day.

Also detailed information You can find out about the biography of the actress from Wikipedia. Facts from personal life on the Wikipedia website are listed briefly, but you can find out more detailed information about the career of Maria Kulikova. Here, anyone can get acquainted with the full filmography of actress Maria Kulikova.

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