HSE preparatory courses for schoolchildren. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Dormitories of the Higher School of Economics

Dear applicants! The conclusion of contracts for paid educational services for bachelor's degree programs was completed on August 20, 2019. Orders for the enrollment of applicants who paid for the contract and passed the original certificate will be published on the website on August 23, 2019. Unclaimed copies of contracts for students admitted (enrolled by orders) were transferred to the educational offices of faculties as part of the personal student affairs. You will be able to receive the contract in your hands in September, during the course of your studies, at the faculty’s educational office.

The conclusion of contracts for paid educational services for applicants in 2019 will begin from 07/01/2019 to 08/20/2019. Admission by appointment in the applicant’s personal account. The recording will be available after submitting documents for participation in the competition. To conclude an agreement, the personal presence of the applicant and his legal representative (one of the parents) is required. Passports are required (birth certificate for different surnames). Service for concluding agreements for all educational programs, with the exception of the “Double degree program in economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the University of London” (Address: Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard 11, building T, room T808 (metro Kitay-Gorod, Chistye Prudy, Kurskaya ) - Phone for information only under ICEF agreements : +7 495 580 8915) and “Double degree programs of the National Research University Higher School of Economics of the University of London in International Relations” (Myasnitskaya str., 20, room 216) runs from 07/01/2019 to 08/20/2019 from 9:30 to 19:00 Mon-Fri, in the building at the address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20, room 124, consulting - room. 124, address Email for questions and receipts of payments made [email protected].

Payment is made for the first half of the year according to the receipt issued upon conclusion of the contract within 3 working days. The receipt is generated taking into account the discount based on the results of the Unified State Exam without taking into account points for individual achievements, to which the applicant is entitled. The size of the discount can be specified. A discount provided on other grounds (not the sum of points on the Unified State Exam) based on the results of participation in olympiads, based on the results of training: at the HSE Lyceum, at the Faculty of Pre-University Preparation, at the MIEM School of Physics and Mathematics, at Partner educational organizations: basic and key regional schools, regional centers HSE National Research University, schools distributed lyceum, are formalized by an additional agreement, subject to successful completion of all entrance tests, taking into account the points for the individual achievements of the applicant and the shortfall of the established number of points before the passing test from August 8 to August 20.

Enrollment into paid places is carried out from August 10 to August 30, 2019 upon payment of the concluded contract, application for consent to enrollment and the original certificate submitted to the admissions committee. IMPORTANT: after payment has been made, send it to the Contract Service [email protected] check confirming payment.

The double degree program in economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the University of London concludes contracts in the Financial and Contractual Department International Institute of Economics and Finance(ICEF) at the address: (Address: Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard 11, building T, room T808 (metro Kitay-Gorod, Chistye Prudy, Kurskaya) - Phone number for inquiries only for ICEF agreements: +7 495 580 8915).

Registration of contracts for applicants to the double degree program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the University of London "International Relations" is carried out at the address: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 20, room. 216 by separate pre-registration (Not through Personal Area applicant): Korotkin Boris Aleksandrovich, bkorotk [email protected] or Kazakova Victoria Alexandrovna, [email protected]

Cost of education

  • Tuition fees for one academic year for the 2019 intake - Nizhny Novgorod
  • Tuition fees for one academic year for the 2019 intake - Perm
  • Tuition fees for one academic year for the 2019 intake - St. Petersburg

Criteria for concluding contracts 2019

  • Criteria for concluding contracts at ICEF from August 12 to August 20, 2019
  • Conclusion of contracts at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Discounts 2019

  • Regulations on providing discounts on tuition fees for students studying under education agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities
  • Regulations on the provision of discounts for the educational program "Double degree program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the University of London "Applied Data Analysis". Using the link you can download copies of Olympiad diplomas and certificates for participation in the competition for the distribution of discounts for the EP "Applied Data Analysis"
  • Regulations on the provision of discounts for the educational program "Double degree program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Kyung Hee University "Economics and Politics in Asia"
  • Standard form agreement for educational program
Senior Lecturer of the Faculty economic sciences(Department of Theoretical Economics).
Lyceum teacher, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the “School of Economics” course at the HSE Internet School

The HSE Online School is an excellent opportunity for nonresident students to study effectively, in some cases better than full-time students, because the distance learning method fosters independence. Getting into a university through the Olympiad is in some ways easier than using the Unified State Exam, because you only need to prepare for one subject. But the problem of preparing applicants is that there is no literature that would teach how to solve problems in economics. The main objective of the course is training in solving quantitative and qualitative problems in preparation for Olympiads in economics.

Margarita Kosik

Student of the course “Final Composition and Literature”

I want to thank you for helping all of us (and me personally) throughout the year. I was with you from the final essay (for which I received 5 out of 5) until the Unified State Exam. I will definitely write a letter :) You really helped me a lot. Thanks to you I fell in love with many people foreign writers, watched several films (based on your recommendations), which opened my eyes to many things, and, of course, for giving us so much interesting information from all areas of culture.

Even without preparing separately for the Olympiad, I was able to write the Highest Test in Journalism with 86 points, citing in my work some of the material that you gave us. Even though I was 4 points short of winning the prize, I’m still glad that I was able to broaden my horizons during the 11th grade. Thank you for your work!

Mazaev Dmitry Vladimirovich

Deputy Dean for Alumni and Employer Relations, Faculty of Law, Higher School of Economics
Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the “School of Law” course at the HSE Internet School 2016-2017 school year

About 50% of those admitted to the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, as a rule, are winners of Olympiads who did not waste time on other subjects, but prepared deliberately and successfully. The subject “Law” is the same as economics, “branded” HSE subjects. We provide knowledge on the discipline in an expanded form; in a sense, this is also a path to growing up and getting to know life, because knowledge from this area is used at every step, from the implementation and protection of consumer rights to constitutional rights.

Valeria Ismailova

Student of the course “Oriental Studies”

I was not mistaken in choosing a school and have never regretted it. The first thing I noticed was the format of the training. After each topic, a test was offered with which you could test your knowledge, as well as practical work, which was compiled in the format of the Olympiad. From the first classes I became incredibly interested in studying here. Every time you master new topic I was completely immersed in it. I am incredibly glad that I became a student at the Internet School of Oriental Studies. Thanks to classes at the Internet school, I acquired many useful skills: I learned how to properly manage time, work with complex texts, delved into reading serious literature, and, of course, became more disciplined.

Kashkarova Tatyana Petrovna

Deputy Head of the Department of English for Economic and Mathematical Disciplines
Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the English language course at the HSE Internet School

The online school is designed for particularly motivated children who have decided how they see their future. Therefore, our task is to help them achieve their goal as effectively as possible.”

Timur Sharibaevich Adilbaev

Author and teacher of the course “Oriental Studies” at the Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in 2014-2016
Member of the HSE Lyceum initiative group for research activities
Teacher of the course “Oriental Studies” at the HSE Internet School

I myself entered HSE as an Olympiad winner. It’s nice to know already in April that you have been accepted, and this is an attractive option for applicants. In our subject, it is important to develop oriental erudition, to provide an understanding of philosophy, culture, and much depends on the student himself, who is motivated and ready to approach solving tasks systematically and originally, for example: finding Confucian themes in the poems of Korean authors, relying on written sources. In a word, look between the lines. We have very interesting tests - for example, a student can complete it in the form of a letter from a German colonel from Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century, where the student describes the features of culture, mythology or life.

Full name of the educational institution - National research university « graduate School Economics", abbreviated as NRU HSE. Unofficial name - the result of student folk art- “Tower”.

This university is in the top 5 best universities country and is rightly considered the most progressive and prestigious among the capital's institutions.

General information about the National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

The university operates on a budgetary-commercial basis: the institution receives government subsidies and income from its own scientific projects, contract students and from third-party sponsors and organizations. Such multi-channel injections into the university budget enable the institution’s management to constantly improve the material and technical base of HSE and the very quality of education.

The National Research University Higher School of Economics operates 128 research centers, 36 scientific and design laboratories, 32 international laboratories led by foreign researchers. HSE conducts the most intensive international activities among capital universities, cooperates with 298 foreign partners, and has 41 double degree programs with foreign universities.

It is noteworthy that from the very day of its foundation the institution has been headed by a permanent rector - Ya. I. Kuzminov.

“We study not for school, but for life” is the motto of the Higher School of Economics.

History of University

The Higher School of Economics cannot boast of a turbulent history. The first brick of this European-oriented university was not laid by Peter I himself, and its corridors were not trampled by Lomonosov or Nietzsche.

This is a relatively young, but very intensively developing, progressive university. If educational institutions were identified with cities, then HSE would be Singapore or Hong Kong.

So, the school was opened for students from November 17, 1992. Already in 2009, this university received the title of National Research University on a competitive basis.

Faculty of Law. We can safely say that this faculty prepares the best lawyers of Russian modern times. This is not unreasonable, because the university itself was created not without the participation of the administrative and ruling elite. It is important to note that students are taught material with a huge emphasis on practice. Invite specialists from government agencies, practicing lawyers, etc.

Faculty of Humanities. This faculty cannot be called specialized for HSE; reviews from experts also note that humanities students are trained here with the understanding that their specialization is a priori inferior to that of computer scientists or economists. But the faculty has the strongest school of foreign languages. Also, most lectures are public and optional for students of other specialties. Every student who wants to broaden their horizons can come to cultural studies, philosophy and additional courses in foreign languages.

Faculty of Communications, Media and Design. This faculty is the domain of female students; there are even fewer males here than in the pedagogical institute. Apparently, the laurels of Anna Wintour or Carrie Bradshaw no longer give rest to the fair sex. But seriously, the faculty trains not only journalists, but rather full-fledged specialists for media communications with an emphasis on working in the Internet environment, PR companies, and design institutions.

Faculty of Economic Sciences- the most specialized and largest faculty. Student reviews of economics and statistics at HSE as a field of study sound rather ambiguous. Allegedly, the academic workload among students is borderline unbearable. But cooperation with global transnational corporations and universities, which is available at this faculty, gives students access to unique knowledge and the opportunity for unlimited development and successful employment anywhere in the world. Future Henry Fords and Adam Smiths are produced here. Let us lower our eyes to the fact that the well-known S. Mavrodi successfully studied here.

International Institute of Economics and Finance (ICEF)

This faculty should definitely be discussed separately. This is a diamond among pearls. A unique educational institution in the CIS. To create it back in 1997, the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the London School of Economics (one of the three leaders in economic education in the world) joined forces. And it turned out to be such a grandiose creation. Graduates of the institute receive both candy and ice cream - a diploma from the Higher School of Economics and a diploma from the London School of Economics.

The competition is merciless, and the workload at the faculty is impressive. From the very first day of school, all training is conducted in English. Budget places only for winners All-Russian Olympiad. Rave reviews about international relations HSE only fuels public interest in this university. Students spend a third of their course in London, absorbing all the practical knowledge that experience can give similar education. The excitement around admission to this faculty is enormous; even the tuition fee of 600 thousand rubles per year does not stop applicants.

If you don’t have the courage and finances to study at ICEF, you can get a bachelor’s degree at another faculty and enroll in a master’s program through a double degree program. HSE has 40 such programs.

Features of studying at HSE

Exists a large number of educational features at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Reviews from students note that studying at this university is completely different from standard education in our country. But this is easy to explain - the university greedily absorbs the experience of successful global educational institutions. And if we pay attention to the success of HSE graduates, it would also do well for other national universities to broaden their views on teaching and not turn away from successful world experience.

The Higher School of Economics became one of the first national universities who switched to the 4+2 training program (bachelor's, master's). The academic year is divided not into semesters, but into modules, there are four of them, and at the end of each, students receive certification. The sum of the module grades determines the annual grade.

The grading system is ten-point, in the European style.

In the tactics of constructing the educational process, an orientation towards success is visible. Students are immediately trained to be confident, competitive and highly motivated. The university has a rating system. Reviews from HSE students about these same ratings are full of devilish smiley faces, but even dissatisfied, tired students admit that nothing motivates as much as this very rating risk.

So what's the big deal? It's simple. Contractors with high ratings receive discounts or are transferred to the budget. State employees with a high rating retain their stipend, those with an average rating lose their stipend, and those with a low rating are transferred to a contract. This encourages students to be active, study non-stop, and get used to the conditions of a highly competitive environment.

There is no such subject as “Physical Education” at the university. Eat Gym, various sections, courses, etc. Please develop yourself, take care of your health and physical condition. But this is a matter of choice.

Positive feedback from students about HSE

The only thing more subjective than the opinions of students is the opinion of children. Often reviews from HSE students are based on personal success or failure in their studies. But quite a few young people dare to express their opinion about HSE objectively and rationally.

A huge plus for the university - for this circumstance alone, it needs to erect a monument in the form of a happy student - there is practically no corruption at HSE. This is noted by most students. Either the reason is the intensive funding of the university’s activities by sponsors, or loyalty to the principles of “European transparency,” but students agree that it is very possible to obtain a diploma with knowledge alone.

The quality of knowledge, lectures and training of teachers varies among different faculties. If we analyze reviews of HSE in Moscow, students agree that the quality of teaching in the humanities and political science fields is slightly behind.

Not a single review will describe the quality of education as eloquently as the statistics on employment in the field after graduating from this university: 94% of graduates found suitable job. This is despite the fact that 48% found a warm corporate job even before receiving their diploma. Leading companies send their recruits to prestigious universities to scout for valuable talent while they are still in college.

What negative aspects of studying at HSE do students most often mention in their reviews?

Most of all, students complain about the workload and the need to gain knowledge in conditions of constant competition. We can endlessly discuss whether it is possible to pit students who were children just yesterday against each other. But the HSE management has made a choice, and the rating system is not going to be abolished.

Students are also indignant about the Anti-Plagiarism system. There is a university program where every work is checked. In the text, only 20% citations are allowed with an exact indication of the source. Everything else is the author’s personal judgments, conclusions, etc. Naturally, this greatly increases the time for preparing essays and coursework for students.

Dormitories of the Higher School of Economics

HSE buildings are scattered throughout the city, as are the dormitories. Today the Higher School of Economics operates 9 dormitories. Reviews about HSE dormitories are mostly positive, but extremely ironic. The whole humor is that they are located in the Moscow region, and the road from their place of residence to the academic building is inexhaustible ground for student jokes. If we put this inconvenience aside, the rest of the HSE dormitories are made “for the people.” They are apartment type, they have all the amenities. There is one in Moscow. It is cheaper and closer, but is suitable only for residents who are unpretentious in terms of comfort.

All dormitories have free wireless Internet with access at any time of the day.

The atmosphere in the hostel is upbeat, productive and motivating. HSE did an elementally brilliant thing, they paid tribute to the desire of every person for everyday comfort. They made modern classrooms and dormitories for students, and they don’t worry about storing water in basins, washing their hair at the sink, etc. They care about acquiring knowledge and self-development.

Master's programs at HSE: student reviews, master's programs

Documents are accepted in in electronic format. After approval of the electronic application, the originals can be brought to the admissions office or sent by mail.

All applicants undergo a competition in the form of entrance exams (most often economics + English + mathematics, but disciplines vary depending on the faculty).

The enrollment order is issued somewhere in mid-August, two weeks before the start of lectures.

Master's programs at HSE look very attractive. Almost all of them are bilateral and provide students with the opportunity to obtain double diplomas and gain a unique learning experience at Today, HSE cooperates with the universities of Humboldt in Berlin, Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris, Mason in New York, with 10 universities in Britain, including the London School of Political Science, and Also higher institutions in Canada, USA, Luxembourg, Finland, etc.

HSE National Research University is one of the leading and largest universities in Russia. The profile of the university is socio-economic, humanities, as well as mathematics and computer science. The university has over twenty faculties and departments, and there is a military department. In 2012, the Higher School of Economics included the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics and two additional institutions vocational education - The educational center leadership training and State Academy investment specialists.

HSE graduates also have the opportunity to receive diplomas from the best European universities. Within international activities the university has more than 130 international partners. Foreign languages are taught in large quantities in all faculties, and in some faculties teaching is conducted in English.

The Higher School of Economics (in the student community - “HSE”) is distinguished by its openness and transparency of the admissions campaign and financial activities. An indicator of the quality of training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics is the employment of graduates. According to the study career growth of graduates, conducted six months after graduation, 80% of graduates work in their specialty, and 20% continue their studies in master's or graduate school. According to independent ratings, HSE ranks first in Russia in terms of wages graduates. Public ratings of students are compiled - both current and accumulated over the entire period of study. Based on current ratings, discounts of up to 70% of the cost of payment are awarded for students studying on a contractual basis, and scholarships are also awarded to students studying on a contractual basis. budgetary basis. The final ratings are the basis for selection for learning programs next level and a reference point for potential employers.

Of course, for admission to such a university, both paid and budgetary departments, the knowledge acquired at school is not enough. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of learning, it is necessary to study additionally with an experienced teacher. "Unified State Exam - Center" together with teachers from the Higher School of Economics prepare schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam every year.

  • English language

    FDP students are offered a full course of preparation for the Unified State Exam in English language(aspects: writing, speaking, listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar). Teaching is carried out using multimedia teaching aids and author's manuals. The course includes lectures and seminars. Among our teachers are candidates of pedagogical and philological sciences, senior Unified State Examination experts who take part in the work of appeal and conflict commissions.

  • Biology

    The biology course offered to FDP applicants is designed for intensive repetition and consolidation of the material studied in the basic school curriculum. At the same time, the training is aimed at preparing the exam in the form of the Unified State Exam, taking into account the features of this exam format.

    The training is structured as follows: all material is divided into sections corresponding to the school curriculum in biology. Within each course there is a division into large topics that correspond to the codifier of elements in biology, and training tests are also conducted to consolidate the material covered.

    Unlike school curriculum The sequence of biological disciplines has been changed. The course is studied first General biology and Evolution, then the course - Anatomy and Human Physiology, then - Biology of Plants and Animals. Section - Ecology is studied at the end of the course, so that applicants can use the materials studied in all sections, see cause-and-effect relationships and the integrity of living nature. This will allow applicants not only to easily cope with the main part Unified State Exam questions, but also give a more detailed and correct answer to more complex questions in part 2.

  • Computer science

    The course "Informatics" is designed for students in grades 10-11 preparing to enter universities in technical specialties. The purpose of the course is to prepare applicants for passing the Unified State Exam and studying in the first and second years of university. The program is updated annually to take into account changes and updates to the Unified State Examination.

  • Story

    The preparation course for the Unified State Exam in history includes lectures and seminars. The lectures contain information material necessary to pass the exam, including visual material, on the history of Russian culture, as well as historical maps and diagrams. Seminars are an experience practical application knowledge gained from lectures, completing assignments in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Examination, including writing historical essay according to the required criteria, analysis of historiographic concepts, attribution of monuments and work with contour maps.

  • Literature

    The Literature course program is aimed at 11th grade schoolchildren preparing to take the Unified State Exam in Literature. the main task course of 4 modules of 8 weeks - to systematize and supplement knowledge about the authors and works included in the “codifier” of the Unified State Examination, to highlight cross-cutting themes and images, depiction techniques in connection with the historical context and individual traits of each writer. Home written work and modular tests are aimed at training in completing various types of Unified State Examination tasks.

  • Mathematics

    The mathematics course program for 11th grade schoolchildren at the FDP is focused on achieving high Unified State Exam results in mathematics in 2017. The program consists of two parts, studied in parallel, (1) a review course in mathematics corresponding to the program high school and the Unified State Examination program in mathematics (algebra, fundamentals of analysis, trigonometry, geometry), and (2) the study of specific techniques, approaches, and methods for solving Unified State Examination problems in mathematics. Features of the teaching methodology at the FDP, which ensure high efficiency, consist in (1) the use of an interactive approach to learning, the systematic implementation of independent work of varying structure and degree of complexity under the guidance of a teacher, (2) constant operational control of the quality of material mastery, Feedback student-teacher, (3) repeated repetition key methods solving problems in different situations, (4) building an individual learning path for each student.

  • Social science

    The course consists of five sections: Man and Society, Social relations, Politics, Economics and Law. Lectures are devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical sections of social science based on real cases: historical, literary and those that make up the modern agenda social world. Particular attention is paid to bridging the gap between theory and real events, which allows students to develop competencies in scientific description main social facilities, analysis of current information about social facilities, explanation of internal and external connections of social objects, assessment of the actions of subjects social life from point of view social norms, as well as the application of socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on current social problems. Seminar classes are based on solving complex Unified State Examination tasks (original, developed in full accordance with FIPI requirements) using lecture materials in the form of group discussion, moderated by the teacher, as well as individual work. The course will allow you to most effectively prepare for passing the Unified State Exam in social studies in a short time.

  • Russian language

    During Russian language classes during the academic year, in accordance with the program, all tasks will be analyzed and practiced Unified State Exam format. Checking the completed (repeated) material is carried out on the basis of an in-class survey of students, as well as on the basis of completion tests(thematic and diagnostic tests) followed by a detailed analysis of these materials.

    Preparation for writing an essay on the Russian language (part 2 of the Unified State Exam) involves analyzing the so-called source texts with various issues (cultural-historical, spiritual-moral, moral-ethical, socio-linguistic, etc.) and turning to the works of domestic and world classics ( work on the selection of arguments). We also note that one of the lessons of the first module will be devoted to an analysis of the topics of the December essay on literature.

    In general, Russian language classes are not only targeted preparation for the Unified State Exam, but also the formation of certain linguistic (language) skills, increasing the level of the student’s speech culture (and therefore the general culture of a person), and the opportunity to learn something new about their native language ... But all this is achievable only if students (FDP listeners) have a conscientious attitude towards our classes.

  • Physics

    The main objective of the courses is to help schoolchildren master physics at a level sufficient for passing the Unified State Exam. All educational material divided into separate topics and built on the principle “from simple to complex.” Classes consist of a brief review of theory with an emphasis on the most important issues for understanding and practical application and detailed analysis main types of problems for each topic. Students are offered to solve the task independently Unified State Exam level followed by analysis of errors, which helps to thoroughly assimilate and consolidate the material covered. Any questions that arise are discussed with other students and the teacher.

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