Translation of the Swedish anthem into Russian. The national anthem of Sweden is a complex history of perception. English text of the Royal Anthem of Sweden

"Sång till Norden" (Song of the North)
"Du Gamla, Du Fria" (Thou Ancient, Thou Free)

You are ancient, You are free

Words: Richard Dybeck
Music: folk
Used: since 1844

1. Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord
Du tysta, Du glädjerika skona!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,

Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.

2. Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar,
då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad du var.

Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.

Translation of the Swedish anthem into English

1. Thou ancient, thou free and mountainous North
Thou quiet, thou joyful beauty!
I greet thee, most beautiful land upon earth,

Thy sun, Thy sky and meadows green.

2. Thou rest upon memories of great old days,
When honored your name flew across the world,
I know that thou art and will be as thou were,

Yes, I want to live I want to die in the North

Royal Anthem of Sweden

Words : Carl Wilhelm August Strandberg

Music: Otto Lindblad
Used: since 1870

1. Ur svenska hjartans djup en gång
en samfälld och en enkel sång,
som går till kungen fram!
Var honom trofast och hans ätt,
gör kronan på hans hjässa lätt,
och all din tro till honom satt,
du folk av frejdad stam!

2. O konung, folkets majestät
är aven ditt: beskärma det
och värna det från fall!
Stå oss all världens härar mot,
vi blinka ej for deras hot:
vi lägga dem inför din fot -
en kunglig fotapall.

3. Men stundar ock vårt fall en dag,
från dina skuldror purple tag,
lyft av dig kronans tvång
och drag de kära färger på,
det gamla gula och det bla,
och med ett svärd i handen gå
till kamp och undergång!

4. Och grip vår sista fana du
och dristeliga for annu
i doden dina man!
Ditt trogna folk med hjaltemod
skall somma av sitt bästa blod
en kunglig purpur varm och god,
och svepa dig i den.

5. Du himlens Herre, med oss ​​var,
som förr du med oss ​​varit har,
och liva på vår strand
det gamla lynnets art igen
hos sveakungen och hans man.
Och låt din ande vila än
utover nordanland!

The text of the Swedish royal anthem on English language

1. From the depth of swedish hearts,
a joint and a simple song,
which reaches forth to the King!
Be faithful to Him and his House,
make the Crown light upon his Head,
and all your faith in Him invest,
thou, people of high renown.

2. Oh King, Majesty of the people
It is also thin - embrace it
And protect it from fall.
If all the armies of the world against us stand,
We do not fear their threat
We place them before your foot
As a royal footstool

3. But, if one day our fall is near
From your shoulders let the mantle fall
Remove the burden of the crown
And put on the beloved colors
The old yellow and the blue
lift the sword by the hilt and go
Towards war and doom

4. Raise our last banner in your hand
And lead your men yet
To the end and into death
your people faithful of heroes stock,
Of their best blood, they shall sew
A royal robe, warm and pure
And shroud you in it

5. Thou Lord of Heaven, stay with us
Just like you did in the old days
And live on our shores
the old life and spirit
Of the Svea king and his men
And let your spirit rest
Above the Northern Land

"Richard Dybeck, the lyricist of the anthem, wrote two verses, and that's what we usually sing. But there was also Louis Allen, who thought it was strange that Sweden was not mentioned in this song. She wrote two more verses, where Sweden was already featured This version was printed in several songbooks, but later on these two stanzas were forgotten, but they surfaced on the net, in Lately, where there are various rumors that they were supposedly banned. But there was nothing like that, they were simply forgotten."

Let's see for ourselves what is special about these "secret" lines that they were considered forbidden. This is their almost literal translation:

I always want to serve you, my beloved country

I will be faithful to you until death

I will keep your rights with my hands and mind

Your banner, victorious - I will carry

And together with God I will fight for the house and the hearth

Dear Sweden, this native land

I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

No, this is where I want to live and die

Jag städs vill dig tjäna, mitt älskade land, Dig trohet till döden vill jag svära. Din rätt skall jag värna med håg och med hand, Din fana, högt den bragderika bära. Med Gud skall jag kämpa för hem och för härd, för Sverige, den kära fosterjorden. Jag byter Dig ej mot allt i en värld Nej, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden!

Given that these lines were written in 1910, it is not surprising that they sound archaic today, but nothing more. Ultra - patriotic subtext in them is not very readable. Or, no more than in Dubec's original, where although it is not Sweden that is mentioned, but Norden (North), there is plenty of patriotic intensity:

You rise to the glory of the old days

Your name is famous all over the earth

I know you will save yourself and you will be the same

In the North I want to live and die

Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar, Då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden. Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad du var. Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden, Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.

Let's return to the conversation with the authors of the book about the history of the National Anthem and the question of why they did not want to accept it for a very long time and criticized it in every possible way: North - Norden But also a melody for a long time did not generate much enthusiasm.

Music, and this is an old melody, taken as a basis by Dubec, was considered too sluggish, low-energy, not inspiring optimism. "It was the performance that played a big role in the beginning, it was because of it that the melody was considered sluggish and boring." Chanted, slowly performed at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century National anthem Sweden, unlike even the modern classical performance, not to mention more original interpretations. However, the standard tempo for the anthem was developed in 1942, at the Swedish Academy of Music. Since then, the anthem has acquired a familiar sound for us, and is performed, in more, not in connection with the holidays, but in sports arenas.

But how did it happen that the song, which was sharply criticized by the famous Swedish composer Hugo Alven and writer Werner Hedenstam, nevertheless became an anthem. "This song was initially popular. But it reached its apogee of fame when student choirs, these superstars of their time, began to perform it. Then opera singers began to sing it, and the song became a favorite among the people," said Merta Romsten. "It was the people who, almost always, defended this song from the critics," says Eva Danielsson.

But why, nevertheless, was it not officially recognized as the national anthem of the country, with all the consequences? Märtha Romesten says: "During the years of the existence of this song as the National Anthem, proposals were repeatedly made to the Riksdag to make the anthem official, with all the ensuing legal consequences. But the answer was always the same, it seems reasonable to me. The song became an anthem thanks to custom, tradition and perfectly performs the functions of the National Anthem and does not need legal protection.

Sweden noicon instrumental version

"Du gamla, du fria"(You are ancient, You are free) is the national anthem of Sweden. Written by an oral researcher folk art Richard Dubeck(1811-1877) in 1844 to an ancient Swedish melody recorded in the province of Vestmanland. In the original version, instead of "Du gamla, Du fria" was "Du gamla, Du friska" ("You are ancient, You are healthy"). A year later, the text was first published in the collection Selected Swedish Folk Songs.

Unlike many other hymns, the song "Du gamla, Du fria" did not become an anthem as a result of some political decision, but gradually took root in the minds of the Swedes as a national anthem, becoming very popular by the end of the 19th century. It is considered not last role an episode played in this at one of the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of the Swedish Flag, when King Oscar II rose from his seat during the performance of this melody by the orchestra.


Swedish text Russian interlinear translation Rhyming translation
(translated by Igor Kraynyukov)

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjallhöga nord,
Du tysta, Du glädjerika skona!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.

Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar,
Då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad du var.
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden,
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.

O ancient, free, high-headed Nord,
Pleasing with peace and beauty,
I greet you, the most beautiful land on earth,
Your sky, your sun, your green spaces,
Your sky, your sun, your green spaces.

The memory of the greatness of old serves you as a throne,
Days when your glorious name spread over the earth.
I know you are and will continue to be.
Here in the North I want to live and die,
Here, in the North, I want to live and die.

Free, ancient north mountains
They beckon with their calmness.
I praise your sky, sun, lakes,

Oh north, there is no better place anywhere!

I know about the old days
When you became a great power -
You have become famous and you will always be,

Yes, in the north I want to live and die.

There are two more verses that were written by Louise Ahlen in 1910: she thought it strange that Sweden was not mentioned in the national anthem, but only Norden- northern land, Northern Europe. They are rarely performed.

Couplets in Swedish Rhyming translation
(translated by Igor Kraynyukov)

Jag städs vill dig tjäna mitt älskade land,
Din trohet till doden vill jag swara,
Din rätt, skall jag värna, med håg och med hand,
Din fana, högt den bragderika bara,
Din fana, högt den bragderika bära.

Med Gud skall jag kämpa, för hem och för härd,
For Sverige, den kära fosterjorden.
Jag byter Dig ej, mot allt i en värld,
Nej, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden,
Nej, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.

To serve you, motherland, is my will,
And you can firmly believe in me.
With mind and sword I will protect you,
I will proudly carry your banner.
I will proudly carry your banner.

I will fight for our common home,
For Sweden, God help, I know.
All I need is you, I don't need anything else
No, I want to live and die in the north.
No, I want to live and die in the north.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Anthem of Sweden

Of course, it can be said that I don’t know what happened to her and what made her suffer an evil and ruthless fate... But if I knew that someone at the very beginning of life has the same gift who made me suffer so much, I would do everything in my power to somehow help or guide this other gifted person on the right path so that he would not have to “wander in the dark” blindly and also suffer greatly... And she, instead of helping, on the contrary, tried to “punish” me, as others punished, but these others at least did not know what it was and tried to honestly protect their children from what they could not explain or understand.
And now she, as if nothing had happened, came to visit us today with her little son, who turned out to be exactly the same “gifted” as me, and whom she was wildly afraid to show to someone, so that God forbid, someone I didn’t see that her cute baby was exactly the same “curse” that, according to her “ostentatious” concept, I was ... Now I was sure that it didn’t give her much pleasure to come to us, but she didn’t refuse either she could very well, for the simple reason that her eldest son, Algis, was invited to my birthday, and there was no serious reason on her part not to let him in, and it would have been too rude and “not according to neighborly,” if she would go for it. And we invited her for the simple reason that they lived three streets from us, and her son would have to return home alone in the evening, therefore, naturally realizing that the mother would be worried, we decided that it would be more correct to invite her also along with her little son to spend the evening at our festive table. And she was “poor,” as I now understood, she was just tormented here, waiting for the opportunity to leave us as soon as possible, and, if possible, without any incidents, to return home as soon as possible ...
- Are you okay, honey? - sounded near the gentle mother's voice.
I immediately smiled at her as confidently as possible and said that, of course, I in perfect order. And I myself, from everything that was happening, was dizzy, and my soul was already beginning to “go to the heels”, as I saw that the guys were gradually starting to turn around at me and, like it or not, I had to quickly pull myself together and “set "iron control" over my raging emotions ... I was thoroughly "knocked out" of my usual state and, to my great shame, I completely forgot about Stella ... But the little girl immediately tried to remind herself.
“But you said that you don’t have friends, and how many of them are there?! ..” Stella asked, surprised and even a little upset.
“These are not real friends. These are just the guys I live next to or study with. They are not like you. But you are the real one.
Stella immediately shone... And I, smiling "disconnected" at her, frantically tried to find some way out, absolutely not knowing how to get out of this "slippery" situation, and I was already starting to get nervous, because I didn’t want to offend your best friend, but I probably knew that soon my “strange” behavior would definitely begin to be noticed ... And again they would fall Silly questions to which I had no desire to answer today.
- Wow, what a treat you have here! - delightedly looking festive table Stella chirped. - What a pity, I can’t try it anymore! .. And what did you get today? Can I have a look? .. - as usual, questions poured out of her.
- They gave me my favorite horse! .. And a lot more, I haven’t even looked yet. But I will definitely show you everything!
Stella simply sparkled with happiness to be with me here on Earth, and I was more and more lost, unable to find a solution from the created delicate situation.
- How beautiful it all is! .. And how delicious it must be! .. - How happy you are - there is such a thing!
“Well, I don’t get that every day either,” I laughed.
My grandmother was watching me slyly, apparently amused from the bottom of her heart by the situation that had arisen, but so far she was not going to help me, as always, first waiting for what I would do myself. But, probably, because of today's too stormy emotions, as if it were evil, nothing came to mind ... And I was already seriously starting to panic.
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