Primary school curriculum. Educational systems in elementary school: how to decide. Elkonin-Davydov education system

Currently, there are two systems for preparing children in primary school: traditional and developmental. Each has its own programs. Traditional programs include: "Primary School of the 21st Century", "School 2100", "School of Russia", "Harmony", "Perspective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". Two programs belong to developing systems: L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

Within the same school, different programs can be applied. Regardless of the program, the student has the opportunity to receive the same knowledge, assumed by the state standard. Tasks of increased difficulty, which are associated only with developing systems, are in all programs, but are not mandatory for study.

School of Russia

The traditional program "School of Russia" (under the editorship of A. Pleshakov) has existed for decades. The school of Russia is the program by which all Soviet schoolchildren studied. Of course, there have been major changes in terms of content, but the learning objectives have remained the same. The most common misconception about this training program is that it is outdated. This is far from true. The program has been repeatedly updated since 2000, improved and supplemented. This program allows you to thoroughly practice the learning skills (reading, writing, numeracy) that are necessary for success in high school.

Program "Harmony"

Educational and methodical set "Harmony" (under the editorship of N.B. Istomin (mathematics), M.S. Soloveichik and N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian), O.V. Kubasov (literary reading), O.T. Poglazova (the world around), N.M. Konysheva (labor training)) is successfully practiced in many schools. This program singles out common goals and objectives for all academic subjects, defines priority teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities.
Benefits of this program: there is advanced learning, the textbooks included in the kit contain a methodological part, with the help of which parents can study and explain the missed topic to the child. The program uses new learning technologies that allow you to develop the child's ability to think logically. It is also noteworthy that the set offers tasks designed for children of different levels of preparedness. But there are also disadvantages: in mathematics, problem solving begins only in the second grade, and tests are offered the same for all classes.

Primary school XXI century

Primary school XXI century, edited by N.F. Vinogradova. This kit deals very seriously with the problem of forming the educational activity of a younger student, and this is the only kit where there is a parallel program "Learning Activities". The material of this program is designed for strong erudite children. With what baggage of knowledge a student will go to secondary school depends on the primary school teacher. Therefore, the main goal is to teach the child to learn. It is also important that Vinogradova’s kit implements the child’s right to their individuality: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge, apply it, think, fantasize, play (special notebooks are provided “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to know the world around us”)

School 2100

School 2100 edited by A.A. Leontiev. This program, according to some estimates, is the most common in our region. Every year more and more teachers work under this educational program. The main advantage of this program lies in the deep continuity and continuity of education. Under this program, children can study from the age of three until they enter a university. All textbooks of the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the following principle:educational material is offered to students to the maximum, and the student must learn the material according to the minimum standard. Thus, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can.The program teaches children to act independently and is aimed at developing logical thinking, speech, imagination, memory.

classical elementary school

The program "Classical Primary School" is based on a holistic system of teaching younger students, built on a unified psychological and pedagogical foundations.
Why is the proposed model of teaching younger students classical? Because it is based on the classical principles of didactics, the most important theoretical provisions developed and tested by many years of practice. The classical elementary school is a holistic system of teaching younger students, built on a single psychological and pedagogical foundation. It allows you to form the knowledge, skills, abilities and even personality traits of the child, corresponding to the individual needs of each and necessary for their future life.

Promising Elementary School

The main idea of ​​the "Perspective Primary School" program is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a student, or as a teacher, then in the role of the organizer of the educational situation. Pedagogical support of the child's individuality during learning brings to the fore the problem of the relationship between learning and development. The system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, the combination of the child's individual educational activity with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on the level of his actual development and personal interests. What the student cannot do individually, he can do with the help of a classmate or in a small group. And what is difficult for a particular small group becomes understandable in the process of collective activity. A high degree of differentiation of questions and tasks and their number allow the younger student to work in the conditions of his current development and create opportunities for his individual advancement.

Program Perspective

The Perspektiva program was created on the basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education. The program ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. Each of the subjects of EMC "Perspektiva", in addition to the direct effect of learning - the acquisition of certain knowledge, skills, contributes to the formation of universal learning skills: communication skills, including the ability to navigate in a communication situation, adequately understand a partner's speech and build one's speech statement ; the ability to use sign systems and symbols to model objects and relationships between them; the ability to perform logical actions of abstraction, comparison, finding common patterns, analysis, synthesis.

Planet of Knowledge Program

An integral part of the concept of the "Planet of Knowledge" program is subject author's concepts, which take into account modern scientific achievements in the subject area of ​​knowledge and the result of many years of teaching practice. The main feature of this program lies in its integrity - in the unity of the structure of textbooks, in the unity of the forms of the educational process, in the unity of the educational schemes used, in the unity of through lines of standard tasks, in the unity of approaches to the organization of educational and extracurricular activities.
An important role in the formation of universal educational activities is played by the general structure of all textbooks in the set. Route sheets that precede each topic visually represent the educational tasks facing younger students. Highlighting the invariant and variable content of the material on the pages of textbooks, a multi-level system of tasks provide the possibility of organizing the educational process, taking into account the contingent of students, creating individual educational trajectories. All the structural components of the "Planet of Knowledge" kit allow, first of all, to form in students such general educational skills and abilities as: the ability to solve creative problems at the level of combinations and improvisations; work with educational, artistic and popular science texts; master the initial skills of searching for the necessary information; independently establish a sequence of actions to solve a learning problem; determine ways to monitor and evaluate activities; determine the causes of emerging difficulties and ways to eliminate them; the ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate the overall result of activities and their contribution to it.

Zankov system

The Zankov system relies on the independence of the student, his creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give the schoolchildren the truth, but makes them "dig" for themselves. The scheme here is the opposite of the traditional one. First, examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. The acquired material is also fixed by practical tasks. The new didactic principles of this system are the rapid mastering of the material, a high level of difficulty, the leading role of theoretical knowledge, the passage of educational material "in a spiral". For example, already in the first year of study, schoolchildren are introduced to the concept of "Parts of Speech", and they must come to an understanding of these concepts on their own.The task of education is to give a general picture of the world on the basis of science, literature, and art. The program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, it teaches children to extract information themselves, and not to receive ready-made information.

The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

In this program, a special place is given to theoretical knowledge and the logical side of learning. The level of subjects taught is extremely difficult. The Elkonin-Davydov education system involves the formation of a large set of skills in primary school graduates. The child must learn to look for missing information when faced with a new task, to test their own hypotheses. Moreover, the system assumes that the younger student will independently organize interaction with the teacher and other students, analyze and critically evaluate their own actions and partners' points of view. This system is suitable for those who want to develop in a child not so much the ability to analyze, but the ability to think unusually, deeply. In this system, however, the lack of marks can scare away. But experts assure that everything is under control: teachers communicate all the necessary recommendations and wishes to parents and collect a kind of portfolio of students' creative works. It also serves as a performance indicator instead of the usual diary.

In the Elkonin-Davydov system, the emphasis is not on the result - the acquired knowledge, but on the ways to comprehend them. In other words, the student may not remember something, but he must know where and how, if necessary, to fill this gap. Another feature: children learn not only that twice two is four, but also why exactly four, and not seven, eight, nine or twelve.In the class, the principles of building a language, the origin and structure of numbers, etc. are studied. Knowledge of the rules based on an understanding of their causes, of course, is kept in the head more firmly.

For parents, the question logically arises - which program to choose for their child? All existing programs are approved and recommended by the Ministry of Education and tested in practice. Moreover, the learning outcomes for any of the programs are focused on a single educational standard. This means that the list of knowledge and skills that a primary school graduate should have is common to everyone - regardless of which program the child studied.

In traditional programs, educational material is presented in such a way that the child follows the path “from simple to complex”. This material is consolidated with the help of a large number of tasks of the same type, located page by page in the textbook. Solving them, the child remembers the way to solve problems of this type and confidently uses it. It is this teaching methodology that is criticized for the fact that many children as a result do not know how to apply knowledge in non-standard conditions. If the text of the task is formulated atypically, the child cannot use the existing skill. However, no one doubts the many years of experience and the effectiveness of training in traditional programs.

Learning systems L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov still raises many questions and discussions. There are usually two reasons for this. First, in most modern schools it is impossible to create conditions in which these teaching systems will work as the authors intended. The second is that there are few enthusiastic teachers who are ready to comply with the teaching technology, and without this it is impossible to achieve good results. The structure of these programs does not imply a clear division into topics, there is no usual selection of rules that need to be learned, there are no tasks of the same type arranged in a row. These educational programs involve a completely new approach to the learning process - more creative, requiring activity and curiosity from children. The teacher acts not as a mentor, but as a friend and assistant, guiding the train of thought of children. The purpose of these programs is to teach the child to think outside the box. A common drawback of the Zankov and Elkonin-Davydov systems is that they do not receive a worthy continuation at higher levels of school education. And if you choose one of them, be prepared that after elementary school your child will still have to adjust to traditional teaching, and this can create problems for him at first.

Before choosing a school, you need to know everything about it. In Russian schools, from April 1 to August 30, comprehensive interviews are held, which are jointly conducted by: teachers, psychologists, speech therapists. Specialists help parents not only decide on the choice of a particular model of education, but also identify gaps in preschool education and prepare the child for school.

: traditional and developing. Each has its own programs. Traditional programs include: "School of Russia", "Harmony", "Primary School of the 21st Century", "School 2100", "Classic Primary School", "Perspective Primary School", "Perspective", "Planet of Knowledge". Two programs belong to developing systems: L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

In traditional programs, educational material is presented in such a way that the child follows the path “from simple to complex”. This material is consolidated with the help of a large number of tasks of the same type, located page by page in the textbook. Solving them, the child remembers the way to solve problems of this type and confidently uses it. It is this teaching methodology that is criticized for the fact that many children as a result do not know how to apply knowledge in non-standard conditions. If the text of the task is formulated atypically, the child cannot use the existing skill. However, no one doubts the many years of experience and the effectiveness of training in traditional programs.

Learning systems L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov still raises many questions and discussions. There are usually two reasons for this. First, in most modern schools it is impossible to create conditions in which these teaching systems will work as the authors intended. The second is that there are few enthusiastic teachers who are ready to comply with the teaching technology, and without this it is impossible to achieve good results. The structure of these programs does not imply a clear division into topics, there is no usual selection of rules that need to be learned, there are no tasks of the same type arranged in a row. These educational programs involve a completely new approach to the learning process - more creative, requiring activity and curiosity from children. The teacher acts not as a mentor, but as a friend and assistant, guiding the train of thought of children. The purpose of these programs is to teach the child to think outside the box.

A common drawback of the Zankov and Elkonin-Davydov systems is that they do not receive a worthy continuation at higher levels of school education. And if you choose one of them, be prepared that after elementary school your child will still have to adjust to traditional teaching, and this can create problems for him at first.

So, let's look at all the programs.

Program "School of Russia"

The traditional program "School of Russia" (under the editorship of A. Pleshakov) has existed for decades. The "School of Russia" is the program that all Soviet schoolchildren studied. Of course, there have been major changes in terms of content, but the learning objectives have remained the same. The most common misconception about this training program is that it is outdated. This is far from true. The program has been repeatedly updated since 2000, improved and supplemented. This program allows you to thoroughly practice the learning skills (reading, writing, numeracy) that are necessary for success in high school.

The program solves the following tasks:

personal development of younger students;
· civic-oriented education of junior schoolchildren;
formation of globally oriented thinking;
· Ensuring eco-adequate education.

Textbooks of the program “School of Russia”:

Teaching literacy and reading. Russian alphabet. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A., Shanko A.F.

Russian language (2 lines). Zelenina L.M., Khokhlova T.E., Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G.

Literary reading. Klimanova L.F.

Mathematics. Moro M.I. and etc.

The world. Pleshakov A.A.

Visual arts (2 lines):

1st line. Nemenskaya L.A. (Grade 1 and Grade 4); Koroteeva E.I. (grade 2); Goryaeva N.A., Nemenskaya L.A., Piterskikh A.S. (Grade 3).

2nd line. Shpikalova T.Ya. (1 class); Shpikalova T.Ya., Ershova L.V. (grade 2 and grade 4); Shpikalova T.Ya., Ershova L.V., Velichkina G.A. (Grade 3).

Program "Harmony"

Educational and methodical set "Harmony" (under the editorship of N.B. Istomin (mathematics), M.S. Soloveichik and N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian), O.V. Kubasov (literary reading), O.T. Poglazova (the world around), N.M. Konysheva (labor training)) is successfully practiced in many schools. This program singles out common goals and objectives for all academic subjects, defines priority teaching methods and forms of organizing educational activities.

The advantages of this program are: there is advanced learning, the textbooks included in the kit contain a methodological part, with the help of which parents can study and explain the missed topic to the child. The program uses new learning technologies that allow you to develop the child's ability to think logically. It is also noteworthy that the set offers tasks designed for children of different levels of preparedness. But there are also disadvantages: in mathematics, problem solving begins only in the second grade, and tests are offered the same for all classes.

The Harmony program successfully solves such problems as:

· formation of methods of mental activity - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization;
the priority of independent work of students;
Active involvement in cognitive activity through observation, choice, transformation, design;
maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
reliance on the experience of the child;
unity of intellectual and special skills.

Tutorials of the program "Harmony":

Russian language, Literacy, Primer. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, O.E. Kurlygina.

Literary reading. O.V. Kubasov.

Mathematics. N.B. Istomin.

The world. FROM. Poglazova, N.I. Vorozheikin, V.D. Shilin.

Technology. N.M. Konyshev.

English language. M.Z. Biboletova, E.A. Lenskaya, N.V. Dobrynina and others.

Art. T.A. Koptseva, V.P. Koptsev, E.V. Koptsev

Music. M.S. Krasilnikova, O.N. Yashmolkina, O.I. Nekhaev

Physical Culture. R.I. Tarnopolskaya, B.I. Mishin

21st Century Primary School Program

This program is the result of many years of research by a team of employees of the Center for Primary School of the Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education (now ISMO), as well as a number of employees of the Russian Academy of Education. Project manager - N.F. Vinogradova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

In this program, the problem of forming the educational activity of a younger student is very seriously considered, and this is the only set where there is a parallel program "Learning Activity". The material of this program is designed for strong erudite children. With what baggage of knowledge a student will go to secondary school depends on the primary school teacher. Therefore, the main goal is to teach the child to learn. It is also important that Vinogradova's kit implements the child's right to their individuality: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge, apply it, think, fantasize, play.

The tasks that the program "Primary School of the 21st Century" solves:

the use of visual-figurative thinking appropriate for children of this age;
Inclusion of gaming teaching methods.

Textbooks of the program "Primary school of the 21st century"

Considering all of the above, the team of authors created teaching aids for students - textbooks, workbooks. And for the teacher there are books, methodological recommendations, lesson planning, etc. Special notebooks “Learning to think and fantasize”, “Learning to know the world around us” are provided here.

Program "School 2100"

"School 2100" edited by A.A. Leontiev. This program, by some estimates, is the most common. Every year more and more teachers work under this educational program. The main advantage of this program lies in the deep continuity and continuity of education. Under this program, children can study from the age of three until they enter a university. All textbooks of the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the following principle: the educational material is offered to students to the maximum, and the student must learn the material according to the minimum standard. Thus, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can. The program teaches children to act independently and is aimed at developing logical thinking, speech, imagination, memory.

Tasks solved within the framework of the program "School 2100":

Continuity and succession of education in all school subjects;
independent discovery of new knowledge by children;
formation of a unified picture of the world;
· orientation to the creative beginning in educational activity;
The opportunity for each child to progress at their own pace.

School 2100 textbooks:

Informatics in games and tasks. A. V. Goryachev, K. I. Gorina, T. O. Volkova.

Primer, Russian language, Copybooks. R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, O. V. Pronina, M. A. Yakovleva.

The world. A. A. Vakhrushev, O. V. Bursky, A. S. Rautian, O. A. Kurevina.

Literary reading. R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva.

Children's rhetoric. T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, N. V. Ladyzhenskaya, R. I. Nikolskaya, G. I. Sorokina.

Mathematics. T. E. Demidova, S. A. Kozlova, A. P. Tonkikh; etc.

Classic Primary School Program

The program "Classical Primary School" is based on a holistic system of teaching younger students, built on a unified psychological and pedagogical foundations.

Why is the proposed model of teaching younger students classical? Because it is based on the classical principles of didactics, the most important theoretical provisions developed and tested by many years of practice. The classical elementary school is a holistic system of teaching younger students, built on a single psychological and pedagogical foundation.

Tasks solved within the framework of the Classic Primary School program:

to form the knowledge, skills, abilities and even qualities of the child's personality, corresponding to the individual needs of each and necessary for their future life.

Textbooks of the program "Classical Primary School":

Literary reading. Reading and Literature. Dzhezheley O.V.

Russian language. Ramzaeva T.G.

Mathematics. Alexandrova E.I.

The world. World and Man. Vakhrushev A.A. and etc.

The world. Introduction to history (grades 3-4). Saplin A.I., Saplin E.V.

Art. Kubyshkina E.I., Kuzin V.S.

Technology. With my own hands. Malysheva N.A.

Music. Kichak T.N., Aleev V.V.

Promising Elementary School Program

The main idea of ​​the "Perspective Primary School" program is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a student, or as a teacher, then in the role of the organizer of the educational situation.

Pedagogical support of the child's individuality during learning brings to the fore the problem of the relationship between learning and development. The system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, the combination of the child's individual educational activity with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on the level of his actual development and personal interests. What the student cannot do individually, he can do with the help of a classmate or in a small group. And what is difficult for a particular small group becomes understandable in the process of collective activity. A high degree of differentiation of questions and tasks and their number allow the younger student to work in the conditions of his current development and create opportunities for his individual advancement.

Textbooks of the program "Promising elementary school":

ABC. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.

Russian language. Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baikova T.A.

Literary reading. Churakova N.A.

Mathematics. Chekin A.L.

The world. Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.

Music (grades 1-2). Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V.

Technology. Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.

Informatics (grades 2-4). Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.

Program "Perspective"

The Perspektiva program was created on the basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education. The program ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs.

Tasks of the educational system "Perspektiva":

formation of the ability to learn, the inclusion of each child in independent cognitive activity;
Changing the method of teaching from explanatory to activity;
development of logical and figurative thinking, imagination, intuition;
· formation of a system of values ​​of humanism, creation, self-development, morality as the basis for successful self-realization in life.

Textbooks of the program "Perspective":

- Russian language. ABC. Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G., Babushkina T.V.

- Literary reading. Goretsky V.G., Klimanova L.F., Vinogradskaya L.A., Boykina M.V.

English language grades 2-4 "English in focus" ("Spotlight") and "Star English" ("Starlight"). Dooley D., Bykova N.I., Evans V., Pospelova M.D., Baranova K.M., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P.

– German language 2-4 grade. Ryzhova L.I., Fomicheva L.M., Bim I.L.

– Spanish language grades 2-4. Bukharova Yu.A., Voinova A.A., Moreno K.V.

– French language 2-4 grade. Beloselskaya T.V., Kasatkina N.M., Beregovskaya E.M.

- Mathematics. "Learning to learn." Guseva A.V. Peterson L.G.

- Computer science. Semyonova A.L., Rudchenko T.A.

- The world. Novitskaya M.Yu., Pleshakov A.A.

- Music. Sergeeva G.P., Kritskaya E.D., Shmagina T.S.

Planet of Knowledge Program

The main feature of this program lies in its integrity - in the unity of the structure of textbooks, in the unity of the forms of the educational process, in the unity of the educational schemes used, in the unity of through lines of standard tasks, in the unity of approaches to the organization of educational and extracurricular activities.

An important role in the formation of universal educational activities is played by the general structure of all textbooks in the set. Route sheets that precede each topic visually represent the educational tasks facing younger students. Highlighting the invariant and variable content of the material on the pages of textbooks, a multi-level system of tasks provide the possibility of organizing the educational process, taking into account the contingent of students, creating individual educational trajectories.

Tasks of the educational system "Planet of Knowledge":

ability to solve creative problems at the level of combinations and improvisations;
work with educational, artistic and popular science texts;
to master the initial skills of searching for the necessary information;
independently establish a sequence of actions to solve a learning problem;
determine the ways of monitoring and evaluating activities;
Determine the causes of emerging difficulties and ways to eliminate them;
The ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate the overall result of activities and their contribution to it.

Textbooks of the Planet of Knowledge program:

- Teaching literacy and reading. Primer. Andrianova T.M.

- Russian language. Andrianova T.M. and Ilyukhin V.A. (Grade 1), Zheltovskaya L.Ya. (grades 2-4) –

- Literary reading. Katz E.E.

- Mathematics. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G.

- The world. Potapov I.V., Ivchenkova G.G. (grades 1-2), Ivchenkova G.G., Potapov I.V., Saplin A.I., Saplina E.V. (grade 3-4).

– English (grades 2-4). Larkina S.V., Goryacheva N.Yu., Nasonovskaya E.V.

- Music. Baklanova T.I.

– Visual arts (grades 1-2). Sokolnikova N.M., Lomov S.P.

– Technology (grade 1). Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V.

Zankov system

The Zankov system relies on the independence of the student, his creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give the schoolchildren the truth, but makes them "dig" for themselves. The scheme here is the opposite of the traditional one. First, examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. The acquired material is also fixed by practical tasks. The new didactic principles of this system are the rapid mastering of the material, a high level of difficulty, the leading role of theoretical knowledge, the passage of educational material "in a spiral".

For example, already in the first year of study, schoolchildren are introduced to the concept of "Parts of Speech", and they must come to an understanding of these concepts on their own. The program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, it teaches children to extract information themselves, and not to receive ready-made information.

Learning objectives according to the Zankov system:

formation of a holistic broad picture of the world by means of science, literature, art;
creation of conditions for understanding the learning process by each student;
Implementation of active forms of cognition: observation, experiments, discussion;
actualization of the practical significance of the studied material for students;
· development of information culture – carrying out research and design work.

The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

In this program, a special place is given to theoretical knowledge and the logical side of learning.

The level of subjects taught is extremely difficult. The Elkonin-Davydov education system involves the formation of a large set of skills in primary school graduates. The child must learn to look for missing information when faced with a new task, to test their own hypotheses. Moreover, the system assumes that the younger student will independently organize interaction with the teacher and other students, analyze and critically evaluate their own actions and partners' points of view. This system is suitable for those who want to develop in a child not so much the ability to analyze, but the ability to think unusually, deeply.

In this system, however, the lack of marks can scare away. But experts assure that everything is under control: teachers communicate all the necessary recommendations and wishes to parents and collect a kind of portfolio of students' creative works. It also serves as a performance indicator instead of the usual diary.

In the Elkonin-Davydov system, the emphasis is not on the result - the acquired knowledge, but on the ways to comprehend them. In other words, the student may not remember something, but he must know where and how, if necessary, to fill this gap. Another feature: children learn not only that twice two is four, but also why exactly four, and not seven, eight, nine or twelve. In the class, the principles of building a language, the origin and structure of numbers, etc. are studied. Knowledge of the rules based on an understanding of their causes, of course, is kept in the head more firmly.

Tasks solved by the Elkonin-Davydov system:

Creation of a comfortable learning atmosphere (lack of marks: the assessment of the work of students takes place at a qualitative level in the form of recommendations);
children do not overwork, overloading their memory with numerous new information;
development of the ability to think unusually, deeply.

First of all, when choosing a school, parents of a future first-grader need to understand modern educational programs for elementary grades. Unlike the Soviet era, when everyone studied from the same textbooks, now teachers and parents have a choice of how the child will receive all the necessary knowledge. And it will depend on the system of education, according to which the student will study in the primary grades. It is always nice to have a choice, but it is precisely this diversity of educational systems that often confuses us. What to choose when there are definitely several schools near the house that teach children according to different systems? Even within the same school, primary school teachers themselves choose which program to work with, and children from parallel classes can study according to different educational and methodological complexes. Currently, there are several educational systems simultaneously that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards). Each of them has its own characteristics, but in general, the systems are divided into traditional and developing. Most schools choose traditional educational programs, such as "School of Russia", "Primary School of the XXI century", "School 2010", "Harmony", "Perspective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective" . But be prepared for the fact that, perhaps, your child will be offered to study under the developmental programs of L. V. Zankov or D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov. Of course, one should not think that traditional programs are not involved in the development of the student, the name is rather conditional. In general terms, we can say that these types of systems differ in their approach: traditional programs offer an explanatory and illustrative approach to teaching a child, while developing ones offer an active one. All the programs mentioned above are focused on a single educational standard, however, each system has its own way of presenting information and priorities. In addition to the general concept, they differ in the curriculum itself, the degree of workload of the child, the involvement of the parent in the learning process, as well as the overall complexity. Each system offers its own educational and methodological complex, in other words, sets of textbooks, workbooks and didactic materials in all subjects. The most popular among schools are such educational and methodological complexes as "School of Russia", "Perspective", "School 2100", "Planet of Knowledge" and "Harmony". "School of Russia" is considered a classic program. In fact, this is the same system that, with minor changes, was taught in Soviet times. It is designed for the average level, so that every child can easily master such a program. Mathematics develops computational skills, logic and thinking in equal proportions, the Russian language is presented in a standard way: the development of oral and written speech and literate writing skills are balanced. At the same time, one can especially single out the study of the "World Around" according to the textbooks of A. A. Pleshakov. The advantage of the course is that the development of the surrounding world is positioned as a project that the child implements together with his parents. Another educational and methodical complex, which is especially popular, is "Perspective". This program is most suitable for children with a mathematical mindset. This WCU is quite complex and will require parents to actively participate in the education of the child. The main advantage of "Perspektiva" can be called mathematics lessons, which are built on the educational materials of L. G. Peterson. Mathematics is given with elements of geometry and algebra, which allows the child to smoothly move into high school. Teaching materials "School 2100" is built on the principle of minimax, that is, within the framework of one curriculum, children will be able to study at different levels of complexity. All educational materials contain a maximum of additional information that the child can learn with such a need. This program allows the teacher to adjust the level of complexity of the presentation of the material and apply an individual approach to teaching without switching to another teaching materials. The Planet of Knowledge program is considered quite complex, since it was originally developed and used in gymnasium classes, but it is also very popular with teachers and parents. The main advantage of this EMC is its focus on the self-development of the child. His ability to reason is actively stimulated, whether it is an emphasis on logic in the study of mathematics or literary reading, which involves the emergence of a dialogue between a child and an adult. As in "School 2100", the "Planet of Knowledge" textbooks contain tasks of different levels: from basic to creative search. The main principle of EMC "Harmony" is comfortable learning at the intersection of traditional and developing teaching methods. Children initially develop the skills of analysis, classification, comparison and generalization. At the lessons, many problematic developmental tasks are given, which form the ability of students to think, the ability to independently draw conclusions. One of the main advantages of the program is targeted preparation for a smooth transition from primary to secondary school. You can understand the visual difference between one educational system and another by studying the teaching materials offered by the program in the "School Guru" section. Here you can make a selection of goods by educational program, by subjects, types of educational material (textbooks, workbooks, visual aids) or by classes; collect the necessary set of literature when the issue with the choice of the educational system has already been resolved. It should be borne in mind that all EMC programs are regularly revised taking into account current trends, so even if you are not sending your first child to school, keep in mind that the authors of textbooks or the whole concept of teaching could have changed in a couple of years. The educational materials themselves can change significantly, therefore, as a rule, it becomes necessary to buy all the materials of the educational and methodological complex for the class from scratch. The teacher who is currently working on the program will be able to say with confidence how exactly the EMC looks like at the moment and what textbooks and workbooks need to be purchased for the child.

http://www. omc-sinergi. ru/index. php? folder=1&lab=5&dir_id=9 methodological center (here are brief descriptions of all teaching materials) At present, teachers of primary school in Russia carry out the learning process according to the following educational methodological sets: 1. teaching materials of the educational system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov. 2. TMC of the educational system L. V. Zankova. 3. EMC "Classical elementary school". 4. EMC "Primary school of the 21st century". 5. EMC "School 2000". 6. EMC "School of Russia". 7. UMK "Harmony". 8. UMK "Planet of Knowledge". 9. EMC "Promising elementary school". 10. UMK "Perspective"

If earlier the textbook had to correspond to the basic content minimum of the standard, now this content is not in the standard. The new standard is a system of requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program (BEP), for the structure of the BEP, for the conditions in which these results must be achieved. During the period of transition from one standard to another, the question of which educational and methodological kits correspond to the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard, and in particular, the principles of a system-activity approach, becomes especially relevant. A questionnaire was proposed on the main directions of the new standard in order to determine how each of the teaching materials reflects the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO: whether the means of teaching materials form the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their own learning activities of students in primary school.

Questionnaire on educational and methodological kits for compliance with GEF IEO. 1. How does this teaching method implement the principles of the activity approach? 2. Does the teaching materials have a problematic nature of presentation of the content, requiring an activity approach? 3. How does the structure of a separate textbook provide a variety of forms of organization of educational activities? 4. Do you see the system in the variety of forms of organization of educational activities presented in the teaching materials? What is it? 5. Does the EMC provide a combination of results (subject, meta-subject and personal) of mastering the program? 6. Does this EMC reflect the interests and needs of the modern child? What is it expressed in? 7. Does the EMC offer an assessment mechanism that allows you to track the dynamics of students' personal achievements? If yes, what does it mean? 8. Give examples of training tasks that provide the formation of UUD. Present in examples all groups of UUD. 9. How is children's independence formed in this EMC? 10. How are control actions formed in the WCU? 11. Do you think that this EMC really creates conditions for motivating a student to learn? If yes, how is it done? 12. How is educational cooperation presented in the teaching materials with the aim of "achieving the personal, social and cognitive development of students"? 13. How does this EMC provide conditions for the individual development of all students? 14. Do you need to change teaching materials in connection with the transition to the FGOS IEO?

Universal learning activities. Personal development in the education system is ensured primarily through the formation of universal educational activities (UUD), which are the basis of the educational and upbringing process. In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological meaning), the term "universal learning activities" can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as related learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process. APPENDIX: 1. Classification of UUD. 2. Planned results for the formation of UUD of primary school graduates.

1. The system of primary education D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydova (supervisor - B. D. Elkonin). - Teaching literacy and reading (2 lines). Primer. Authors: Repkin V. V., Vostorgova E. V., Levin V. A. Primer. Authors: Elkonin D. B., Tsukerman G. A., Bugrimenko E. A. - Russian language (2 lines). Authors: Repkin V. V., Vostorgova E. V., Nekrasova T. V. Authors: Lomakovich S. V., Timchenko L. I. - Literary reading (2 lines). Authors: Kudina G. N., Novlyanskaya Z. N. Author Matveeva E. I. - Mathematics (2 lines). Authors: Davydov V. V., Gorbov S. F., Mikulina G. G., O. V. Savelyeva. Author Alexandrova E. I. - The world around. Authors: Chudinova E. V., Bukvareva E. N. The principles of developmental education are being implemented.

This EMC fully implements the principles of the activity approach, ensuring the participation of the child in the educational process as a subject of educational activity. The content of the textbooks of the set ensures the organization of work in a group to solve a problem situation, which is associated with the direct activity of each student. Textbooks are full of questions and tasks for independent work. Lots of creative assignments.

2. The system of primary education L. V. Zankova (supervisor - N. V. Nechaeva). - Teaching literacy and reading. ABC. Authors: Nechaeva N. V., Belorusets K. S. - Russian language. Author Nechaeva NV - Literary reading (2 lines). Author Sviridova V. Yu. Author Lazareva V. A. - Mathematics (2 lines). Authors: Arginskaya I. I., Benenson E. P., Itina L. S. (grade 1) and Arginskaya I. I., Ivanovskaya E. I., Kormishina S. N. (grades 2-4). Written by A. G. Vantsyan (Grade 1). - The world. Authors: Dmitrieva N. Ya., Kazakov A. N. - Technology. Authors: Tsirulik N. A., Prosnyakova T. N. - Music. Author Rigina G. S. The principles of developmental education are being implemented.

The principle of activity is that the student does not receive knowledge in finished form, but extracts it himself. The activity of the student is not aimed at obtaining a result - an answer, but at the solution process. The performance of a single task opens up the prospect of understanding and establishing a way for solving similar or typical learning situations for the student, and contributes to the transfer of knowledge to a non-standard situation.

3. "Classical elementary school" - "Literary reading. Reading and Literature". Author Dzhezheley O. V. - "Russian language". Author Ramzaeva T. G. - "Mathematics". Author Alexandrova E. I. - “The world around. The World and Man". Authors: Vakhrushev A. A. and others - “The world around. Introduction to History". Authors: Saplin E. V., Saplin A. I. (Grades 3-4) - “Fine Arts”. Authors: Kuzin V. S., Kubyshkina E. I. - “Technology. With my own hands." Author Malysheva N. A. - "Music". Authors: Aleev V. V., Kichak T. N.

The main principle implemented by the EMC "Classical Primary School" is the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity. Students work according to the scheme: I do-I realize-manage the following actions. Part of the tasks of the set is a phased implementation of actions (work according to the algorithm). The next principle is reliance on the leading activity (teaching). It also implements the principle of advanced development based on the zone of proximal development.

4. "Primary school of the XXI century" (supervisor - N. F. Vinogradova). Primer. Authors: Zhurova L. E., Evdokimova O. A. - Russian language. Authors: Ivanov S. V., Evdokimova O. A., Kuznetsova M. I. - Literary reading. Author Efrosinina L. A. - Mathematics. Authors: Rudnitskaya VN et al. - World around. Authors: Vinogradova N. F. and others - Technology. Author Lutseva E. A. - Music. Authors: Usacheva V. O., Shkolyar L. V. - Visual arts. Authors: Savenkova L. G., Ermolinskaya E. A.

EMC "School of the 21st century" implements the principles of the activity approach: children make discoveries themselves, the task system allows you to express different points of view; but not always new knowledge is discovered by the student himself. The teaching materials have a problematic nature of presentation of the content, requiring an activity approach.

5. "School 2000. . . "- "School 2100" (supervisor L. G. Peterson). - Teaching literacy and reading. Primer. Authors: Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Pronina O. V. - Russian language. Authors: Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Pronina O. V. - Literary reading. Authors: Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V. - Mathematics. Authors: Demidova T. E., Kozlova S. A., Thin A. P. - The world around. Authors: Vakhrushev A. A., Bursky O. V., Rautian A. S. (grades 1-2) and Vakhrushev A. A., Danilov D. D., Bursky O. V. and others S. V. (grades 3-4). - Computer science. Author Goryachev A.V. - Technology. Authors: Kurevina O. A., Luttseva E. A. - Depicts art. Authors: Kurevina O. A., Kovalevskaya E. D. - Rhetoric. Author Ladyzhenskaya T. A.

The open educational and methodical set "School 2100" for elementary school is built on the technological basis of the didactic system of the activity method "School 2000 ..." by the author L. G. Peterson. It contains a theoretical concept of the formation of universal educational actions in students, which implements a system-activity approach. The technology of the activity method is a description of the teacher's management of the systemic passage by each student of an integral structure - all steps of educational activity.

6. "School of Russia" (edited by A. A. Pleshakov) - Teaching literacy and reading. Russian alphabet. Authors: Goretsky V. G., Kiryushkin V. A., Shanko A. F. - Russian language (2 lines). Authors: Zelenina L. M., Khokhlova T. E. Authors: Kanakina V. P., Goretsky V. G. - Literary reading. Author Klimanova L.F. - Mathematics. Authors: Moro M. I. and others - The world around. Author Pleshakov A. A. - Visual arts (2 lines). Authors: Nemenskaya L. A. (1st grade and 4th grade); Koroteeva E. I. (Grade 2); Goryaeva N. A., Nemenskaya L. A., Piterskikh A. S. (Grade 3). Authors: Shpikalova T. Ya. (Grade 1); Shpikalova T. Ya., Ershova L. V. (grade 2 and grade 4); Shpikalova T. Ya., Ershova L. V., Velichkina G. A. (Grade 3).

The activity approach in all textbooks is implemented partially, for example, in those subject areas where there are workbooks on a printed basis.

7. "Harmony" (supervisor - N. B. Istomina). - Teaching literacy and reading (2 lines). ABC. Authors: Betenkova N. M., Goretsky V. G., Fonin D. S. . Primer. Authors: Soloveichik M. S., Kuzmenko N. S., Betenkova N. M., Kurlygina O. E. - Russian language. Authors: Soloveychik M. S., Kuzmenko N. S. - Literary reading. Author Kubasova O. V. . - Mathematics. Author Istomina N. B. . - The world. Authors: Poglazova O. T., Shilin V. D. . - Technology. Author N. M. Konysheva.

The "Harmony" set partially implements the activity approach, in particular, this is manifested in the presentation of educational material and the system of tasks in the Russian language and mathematics.

8. Planet of Knowledge (edited by I. A. Petrova). - Teaching literacy and reading. Primer. Author Andrianova T.M. - Russian language. Grade 1 - authors: Andrianova T. M. and Ilyukhina V. A.; Grades 2-4 - author Zheltovskaya L. Ya. - Literary reading. Author Katz E. E. - Mathematics. Authors: Bashmakov M. I., Nefedova M. G. - The world around. Grade 1-2 - authors: Potapov I. V., Ivchenkova G. G.; Grade 3-4 - authors: Potapov I. V., Ivchenkova G. G., Saplin E. V., Saplin A. I. - English. Authors: Goryacheva N. Yu., Larkina S. V., Nasonovskaya E. V. - Music. Author Baklanova T.I. - Fine arts (grades 1-2). Author Sokolnikova N. M.

The CMC implements the principles of the activity approach by taking into account the leading types of activities and the laws of their change, enrichment, strengthening, deepening of child development, designing, constructing and creating a situation of educational activities, cooperation in organizing and managing various types of activities.

9. "Perspective elementary school" (supervisor N. A. Churakova); - Teaching literacy and reading. ABC. Authors: Agarkova N. G., Agarkov Yu. A. - Russian language. Grade 1-2 - authors: Churakova N. A. and others; Grade 3-4 authors: Kalenchuk M. L. and others - Literary reading. Author Churakova N.A. - Mathematics. Author Chekin A.L. - The world around. Authors: Fedotova O. N., Trafimova G. V., Trafimov S. A. - Technology. Authors: Ragozina T. M., Grineva A. A., Mylova I. B. - Informatics. 2-4 class. Authors: Benenson E. P., Pautova A. G.

The main idea of ​​the EMC "Perspective Primary School" is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality in the conditions of specially organized educational activities. The system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, the combination of the child's individual learning activities with his work in groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on the level of his actual development and personal interests, which allows you to implement the principles of the activity approach. Also, the “Perspective Primary School” EMC implements a student-centered approach to the child based on his life experience, using the general method of projects.

10. "Perspective". Peterson L. G. Mathematics. 1 class in 3 parts; Klimanova L. F., Makeeva S. G. Azbuka. 1 class in 2 parts; Klimanova L. F., Makeeva S. G. Russian language. 1 class ; Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Vinogradskaya L. A. and others. Literary reading. 1 class in 2 parts; Rudchenko T. A. Semenov A. L. (under the editorship of A. L. Semenov). Computer science. 1 class ; Pleshakov A. A., Novitskaya M. Yu. The world around. 1 class in 2 parts; Rogovtseva N.I., Bogdanova N.V., Freytag I.P. Technology. 1 class ; Kritskaya E. D., Sergeeva G. P., Shmagina T. S. Music. 1 class ; Shpikalova T. Ya., Ershova L. V. Visual arts. 1 class ; Matveev A.P. Physical culture. 1 class

Textbooks of teaching materials form children's interest in the history of their family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, cultural heritage, work, etc. The textbooks include theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks are offered that allow you to activate the child's activities, allow to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, create conditions for the realization of the student's creative potential. In the textbooks of UMK "Perspektiva" much attention is paid to the moral and ethical formation of the personality. The principles of advancing learning are being implemented.

It can be seen that not all teaching materials represent a sufficiently complete methodological and content base for mastering the new principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore, they must be finalized in accordance with the requirements of the new standard. UMK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 The system of D. B. Elkonin – V. V. Davydov. Yes Yes Yes No Zankov System Yes Yes Yes No “Classical Primary School” Yes Yes Yes – No “Primary School of the 21st Century” Yes Yes Yes No “School 2100” Yes Yes Yes No “School of Russia” Partly No No No Partially Little Partially No Yes Harmony Partially Yes Yes Yes Partially No Knowledge Planet Yes Yes – Yes Partially No Yes No – – Promising Elementary School Yes Yes Yes No Perspective – – Yes Yes – Yes No L.V. No

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