Map of the historical part of Istanbul in Russian. Useful for tourists: a map of Istanbul with districts in Russian. More about the streets of Istanbul on the map

This map of Istanbul in Russian with sights printed on it and interesting places Istanbul will help you easily navigate the terrain, find the sights you need, areas of Istanbul on the map and, of course, find where Istanbul is located - more precisely, Istanbul on the world map. It's rather tourist map Istanbul.

Here you can find Istanbul airports on the map, or Istanbul Sultanahmet district on the map or, for example, Laleli district on the map of Istanbul. This map of Istanbul is not available for download, but you can embed it on your website or blog using the map menu.

Each point on the map of Istanbul is provided with a photo and description, as well as a link to an article on our website with detailed description one or another sight of Istanbul on the map.

Istanbul Metro Map + Public Transportation

Scheme land transport Istanbul

This map of Istanbul contains a map of the Istanbul metro, bus routes, trams, etc., that is, this is a transport map of Istanbul. You can open it in wide format simply by clicking on it with the mouse. Unfortunately, there is no Istanbul metro map in Russian, as well as an Istanbul metro map in Russian, but you will use Turkish names when using public transport in Istanbul, right?

Hotels on the map of Istanbul

Below you can see the hotels on the map of Istanbul with the price and the ability to book your favorite hotel in Istanbul in a few minutes. You can change the desired price limit per night in the lower right corner of the Istanbul hotel map.

Districts of Istanbul on the map

Also, you can see the districts of Istanbul on the map below.

On the map of the districts of Istanbul, you can see the Asian and European parts of the city and the areas located in them

In order to understand the districts of Istanbul, read these articles:

And here's another one interesting map Istanbul

The map clearly shows the historical districts of Istanbul: Surici, Pera and Yuskyudar

One of the first problems we faced when we arrived in Istanbul was how to get to our hotel. Accustomed to the good, that is, the ability to connect to some wi-fi for free and get access to the Internet, we did not think over our route from Eminonu to the hotel in advance, as we naively believed that we could do it on the spot. However, there was no longer free internet at the airport, just as there was none further in the city. Here we thought how useful a map of Istanbul with districts in Russian and at least some public transport would be useful to us. Since she was not there and there was no one to ask, we had to go from the ferry to the hotel by taxi and significantly overpay. Although later we found out that it was possible to immediately take the tram, drive a few stops and in 15 minutes to be at the hotel (we drove in a taxi through traffic jams for about 20 minutes). I described in more detail about our ordeals on the first day in Istanbul in the article.

Therefore, taught by bitter experience, we began to look for an opportunity to pave the way through Istanbul without access to the Internet. In order to help independent travelers not get lost, I offer a brief overview of map services that can be accessed off-line. You just need to find them by name in iTunes or GooglePlay and download them to your smartphone or tablet, and, voila, you have a free map of Istanbul with districts in Russian.

1. Maps.Me for IOS and Android.

Perhaps the best offline navigator for today. This application has become the main one for us when traveling without internet in Istanbul. Using it, we looked for sights, laid routes, looked for tram, metro, bus stops. A wonderful program that is available in the version for Android devices and apple products. It is not fully Russified, but the main places and popular attractions are translated. In addition, if you are in Turkey, it is useful to see the Turkish name, since only in the center the signs are duplicated in English, and in Russian there are only shop signs.

2. Galileo offline maps.

A good application for using maps off-line from a Russian developer. It is possible to switch the names to one of 15 popular languages, including Russian. Initially, the application was created for IOS devices, but recently it was released in the Android version and the functionality is being gradually improved.

3. Offline maps & navigation.

Another application for moving on foot and by car around different countries. Again there is an opportunity to choose the Russian language for the titles. However, the degree of elaboration of the maps here is lame and the maps themselves are a bit heavy - there is no way to select a specific area, you load the whole country and spend such expensive foreign Internet.

If suddenly you have a Turkish sim card in your phone and 3g, then best app for laying routes and walking around Istanbul and beyond, there will be Yandex.Maps. This application has a map of Istanbul with districts in Russian. It shows all the famous sights in Russian, you can find shopping centers and shops, restaurants and cafes, see routes public transport with the specified stops. Google Maps also provide you with similar opportunities, but there is no detail useful for tourists and only some of the names are translated into Russian, however, as bloggers write, Google uses less traffic than Yandex.

Map of Istanbul with districts in Russian - the city center and its attractions

One disadvantage of on-line maps is that they take a long time to load if you have a slow Internet connection and consume expensive Internet traffic. If you are in Istanbul for a short time and decide to visit its main attractions, then maybe a partial map of Istanbul with central regions in Russian. Click on the images and they will open in a new tab in a larger format.

On this map you can see the sights and streets of the central quarter of Sultanahmet and Eminonu.
The northern side of the European part of Istanbul - from Karakoy and the Galata Tower to Dolmabahce.
The center of the northern side of the European part of Istanbul: Taksim Square, Dolmabahce, Yildiz.

On the Internet, a ready-made map of Istanbul with districts in Russian, which could also be downloaded, will not come across to you. Besides the fact that there are problems with the quality of their compilation and novelty, they are usually sold in tourist places(didn't see scans online). However, in Russian, we only came across maps of sights, that is, mainly of the city center, on websites too. Therefore, download applications with off-line maps for yourself - it's both cheap and convenient.

The city of Istanbul, not being the capital, reserves the title largest city state and leads in the ranking of the first city in Europe in terms of the number of inhabitants.

Map of Istanbul. General information about the city

The map of Istanbul in Russian shows that the city is located in the north-west of Turkey. It was founded on the banks of the Bosporus in 667 BC. The strait divides it into parts, one of which territorially belongs to Asia, the other to the Old World. The uniqueness of the metropolis is that it remains the only city located simultaneously on two continents. The regions located on different coasts are connected with each other by tunnels and bridges.

Until 1930, the city was officially called Constantinople. It received this name back in the 4th century AD, after the name of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, who made the city the capital of the Roman Empire. The name Istanbul, according to one of the assumptions, comes from Greek word"Istinpolin". It was used in the 18th century by the Arabs and was translated as "in the city." Another version connects the modern name with the word "Islambul", meaning "city of Islam".

In 1923, Constantinople lost the title of the capital, which passed to Ankara, and in 1930, the Turkish version of the name was assigned to it. Despite the loss of the status of the main city of the state, Istanbul still remains the largest industrial, commercial and cultural center Turkish Republic.

Istanbul on the map of Turkey: geography, nature and climate

Istanbul on the map of Turkey is a metropolis in the hilly northwestern part of the country. The territory on which it is located is washed by the waters of the Bosphorus and the Sea of ​​Marmara. Its area is 5,343 km2.

The location of Istanbul is very good: the city stands on waterway from Black to Marble and mediterranean sea. Most of it lies on the European continent. It is also divided into several parts by the Golden Horn Bay.

Istanbul is built on 14 hills, the top of each of which is crowned by a mosque or a church. The length of the city is 150 kilometers from west to east and 50 kilometers from north to south. The territory is subdivided into 40 districts. Asian regions keep the traditional measured rhythm of life. The quarters here are cleaner and more respectable than in the European part of the metropolis. Finding a house in the city at an address without a map of Istanbul with streets can be difficult, since different parts of the same street can have different names.

Climate and vegetation of Istanbul

Located in a subtropical climate, Istanbul is influenced by coming from northern latitudes cold winds. winter months it's wet and cool here average temperature air - from +3 0 C to +9 0 C. Snow falls almost every year.

The summer is warm, the air warms up to +19 0 - +28 0 C on average. Heat due to the winds blowing from the Black Sea is rarely observed. During the calendar year, the city receives about 850 mm of precipitation, mostly rain.

The climate is mild in spring and autumn. But during these periods, sharp fluctuations in temperature are often recorded. The maximum temperature recorded in Istanbul is +40.5 0 C, the minimum is -16.1 0 C.

Vegetation characteristic of this area is elms, cypresses, laurels, firs, plane trees, chestnuts. The hills are covered with hornbeams and oaks. The highest hill is Pine forest. Along with these plants, palm trees can also be seen in Istanbul. Once brought from the California coast, the plants have taken root well on the banks of the Bosphorus and serve as a worthy frame for local architectural attractions.

Istanbul is considered to be one of most beautiful cities peace. abundance historical monuments, magnificent palaces, ancient mosques, coupled with a mild subarctic climate and an atmosphere permeated with notes of oriental exoticism, make it incredibly attractive for tourists.

Istanbul is surrounded by the Black and Marble seas from the north and south, and the Bosphorus divides the city across into the Asian, or Anatolian, and younger, European, parts. The population of the city, according to 2011 data, together with the inhabitants of the suburbs, is almost 13.5 million people.

The tourist Mecca for beginners is mainly the areas of the European part of the city. Ilche ​​are especially popular with visitors ( municipal areas) Fatih and Beyoglu.

  1. On the territory of Fatih, the center of ancient Constantinople, are the Topkapi Palace, the Suleymaniye Mosque, the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia, the Basilica Cistern.
  2. Beyoglu, aka Pera, is famous for Taksim Square, Istiklal Street, Galata Tower, many mosques, synagogues and Christian churches.

1 Turkish lira (TL) = $0.30

That is why those who come to Istanbul for the first time are recommended to stay within them: in hotels near Sultanahmet, Laleli, Gulhane or Aksaray stations, close to the most important sights.

The city's attractions

interesting and beautiful places in Turkey, where every tourist wants to go, there are a lot. We have prepared short guide to istanbul with the most significant sights that you must visit. Photo and description is attached to each object.

It is unlikely that you will be able to see the whole city in 3-5 days, but you can still see most of the beauties.

Sultanahmet (Sultanahmet Meydani) is the key square of Istanbul, it will not be difficult to get here even for an inexperienced tourist.

Or Hagia Sophia (Aysofya Meydani) is a wonderful monument of Byzantine architecture. Its construction was completed in 537. For almost a thousand years, the temple remained the largest Christian shrine.

In 1453, it remained perhaps the only undestroyed cathedral in Constantinople captured by the Turks. Sultan Mahmed Fatih the Conqueror ordered to transform it into the Hagia Sophia mosque, later four minarets were added to the main building. After the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist, Hagia Sophia opened its doors to visitors as a museum.

Hagia Sophia is visible to everyone arriving at Sultanahmet Square. He open for visits daily, in the period from April 15 to the end of September, it is open from 9:00 to 19:00, the rest of the year - from 9:00 to 17:00.

Ticket price: 40TL.

(Sultanahmet Camii), or the Blue Mosque, according to the plan of Sultan Ahmet I, who ordered its construction, should exceed in size and outshine Hagia Sophia, standing opposite. The construction lasted seven years and was completed by 1616, causing a scandal in religious circles: due to a misunderstanding, six minarets were built, like at the main shrine in Mecca, instead of four.

You can visit it for free, it is open daily from 9:00 to 17:30. It should be borne in mind that tourists are not allowed inside during prayers; Also be sure to follow the dress code: no open shoulders, stomachs and knees, for women it is mandatory to wear a headdress.

Before entering the mosque, you must take off your shoes and put your shoes in a bag.

Basilica Cistern, or Yerebatan Saray (Yerebatan Sarnici), former reservoir in the center of Istanbul, capable of holding up to one hundred thousand tons of water. It was built by the Byzantines in order to use water during long-term sieges of the city. Since 1987, the place has been transformed into an unusual museum.

The traveler descends the stairs and finds himself in an echoing spacious hall filled with rows of antique columns supporting the ceiling. To move around the hall, wooden floorings were built: the floor is hidden by water flowing into the dungeon; it splashes fish and mirrors the light that illuminates the columns. Thanks to excellent acoustics, concerts of classical music are given here.

The entrance to the Basilica - a small pavilion - is easy to find near Hagia Sophia. The museum is open in summer from 9:00 to 18:30, in winter - an hour shorter.

Ticket price: 20TL.

Topkapi and Gulhane Park

The next metro station after Sultanahmet is Gulhane, where those wishing to visit the Topkapi Palace (Topkapi), before the construction of Dolmabehce, served as the residence of the Ottoman sultans, that is, from 1540 to the middle of the 19th century, go out.

In 1923, by order of Ataturk, the palace began to be used as a museum. Topkapi is incredibly popular with tourists. Who is not interested in looking at the private chambers of the sultans of their harem?

A ticket to the palace costs 40TL, along with a tour of the harem - 65TL.

IN summer time Topkapi is open from 9:00 to 19:00, in winter - from 9:00 to 17:00.

Through the Topkapi Palace you can get to another interesting place - Gulhane Park(Gulhane Parki). It is especially interesting in April, when thousands of tulips are in bloom. In summer, pink bushes will please the eye. During the reconstruction of the park in 2003, 80,000 rose seedlings were planted here!

If you move along the dark blue metro line further from Gulhane and get off at Eminenu, you will have to walk a couple of steps to the stunning Suleymaniye Camil Mosque with its austere luxury. The complex not only delights with its bewitching beauty, but also impresses with the durability of its construction. Suleymaniye withstood 89 major earthquakes!

Suleymaniye is open from 9:00 to 17:00, daily, except Friday. Best time for visiting - from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 13:45 to 15:45.

As in any mosque, during prayers, non-believers are not allowed inside.

Beyoglu main square

A visit to the Beyoglu area starts from Taksim Square (Taksim Meydani). Despite peaceful title(“taksim” is translated as “separation”) the spirit of revolution hovers over the square. Here, at the foot of the monument in honor of the proclamation of Turkey as a Republic, the political life of the city is in full swing. It is on Taksim that demonstrations and rallies take place.

In addition to an important historical role in the life of the city, Taksim is a place of transport interchange. Many bus routes pass through the square, there is one of the metro stations and an underground furunculer line connecting Taksim with the Kabotage pier.

  1. Get to Taksim Square from Sabiha Gokcen Airport the easiest way is by buses of the Khavatash company. The trip will take 1.5 hours without traffic.
  2. From Ataturk Airport there are also regular bus services to Taksim. Another convenient way to get there is to take the metro at Havaliman station, follow the red line to Yenikapi station, where you need to change to the green one, which goes directly to Taksim.

On Taksim, you can take a retro tram and get to the Odakule stop. Here, visitors will get acquainted with the private art museum of Pera, opened under the patronage of the influential Kirach family. The five upper floors of the building of the former Bristol Hotel are reserved for the museum. Visitors note refined taste in the preparation of expositions by employees, as well as a comfortable chamber atmosphere. The museum has a souvenir shop and a cozy cafe. According to legend, intelligence agents from all countries participating in World War II stayed in the former hotel.

The museum is open daily, except Mondays and on the first days of major religious holidays. From Tuesday to Saturday: from 12:00 to! 8:00, on Sunday: from 12:00 to 18:00.

Ticket price: 20TL, for beneficiaries -10 TL. On Fridays from! 8:00 to 22:00 admission is free.

Dolmabahce - a masterpiece of Turkish baroque

Dolmabahce Palace, now a museum, was built from 1842 to 1853. By the 19th century, representatives of the nobility of the Ottoman Empire developed a certain interest in the achievements of the West. Sultan Abdulmejid 1 wished that the new palace complex be completed in a modern and brilliant baroque style. The construction of the complex cost the Sultan a tidy sum: 14 tons of gold were spent on interior decoration! Among other things, the walls of the palace were decorated with paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky.

Come and see how the last sultans lived, perhaps on any day except Monday and Thursday. The museum is open from 9:00 to 16:00.

Self-examination of the museum exposition is completely excluded - only in groups accompanied by a guide. The cost of a full excursion ticket will be 40TL, a separate visit to the selamliki (male part) and the harem will cost 30TL and 20TL, respectively.

You can find the palace-museum in a 10-minute walk from the pier and the Kabatash metro station of the same name, moving along coastline Bosphorus away from the center.

About the Anatolian part of Istanbul

Those who are not visiting Istanbul for the first time will be interested in visiting it. Asian, Anatolian, part. First of all, the Kadikoy district, where the tart authentic atmosphere of the eastern city has been preserved. From the European part, people come here on steamboats or on the Havatas minibus from Sabiha Gokcen Airport.

The first settlements on the site of Kadikoy were founded by the Dorians in 608 BC, so this area is the oldest in Istanbul. Experienced travelers recommend taking a walk along the streets of Sogultu Cesme, ending with Altiyol Square with the famous statue of the Bull (author Jules Boner), Ali Suavi (Artisans Street), which fully justifies its name with many shops and workshops. And, of course, you can not miss the acquaintance with Moda street, popular with local bohemians.

In other areas of the Asian part of the sights, there are not so many sights as in the European part, the influence of Western culture is felt. In addition to Kadikoy, tourists will certainly be interested in Princes' Islands(Adalar), once a place of exile of noble persons objectionable to the court, and today a place with a developed club infrastructure.

Istanbul Map

Several maps necessary for the tourist (clickable):

City map with attractions

Map in Russian

Istanbul metro map

Watch the video, where you will find even more attractions of Istanbul:

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