Gog cards. Google Maps (Google maps)

Google Maps– a set of applications built on the basis of a free mapping service and technologies provided by Google.

World map from Google
(The map can be enlarged or reduced, moved with the mouse in different directions)

Service Google Maps represents interactive map world, which provides personalized maps and information about local businesses and companies, including information on the location of businesses, contact information, driving directions, etc. An application is also associated with the service Google Earth - Google planet earthI. Google Earth Maps also provides the ability to explore maps of any corner of the world.

To move around the map, zoom in and out of the map, change the image angle, use the navigation in the form of arrows and + and – signs at the top of the map. Also try to control the map by holding the right mouse button.

Enter the name of the city:

This is a separate program for Microsoft Windows, as well as GNU/Linux, Mac OS. So does Google Maps.
Program Google Earth allows you to view images of the earth's surface, zoom in and out, and build travel routes. Also, to view Google Maps, use one of the following methods:

  • View a web page with an embedded Google map.
  • View Google Maps on your mobile device.
  • View a personal map created with Google Earth

Google Street View

For example, in the window below you can make virtual walk around the city of Moscow using Google Street View. Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can change the viewing angle using the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the image, you can click in the image area. Arrows on city streets show routes. You can change your position on the city map by dragging the yellow man in the lower right corner of the image with your mouse:

Google Street View allows users Google Maps travel through a three-dimensional projection of the city or some of its streets without leaving your home. This functionality is achieved using circular photography of real terrain using special equipment in real time. As a result, a 3D photograph is created, which is a photographically accurate model of the city. And if you want to walk around such megacities as New York, Paris, London, Madrid, Rome, Barcelona and Prague without leaving your home, then be sure to check out our articles.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I recently wrote about and how you can use them on your website. Now it’s the turn of a similar service from another major player in this market - Google Maps. These two products compete in RuNet, but in the world the undisputed leader is Google.

In addition, they are now transitioning to the new kind maps, where many things have become more understandable and convenient, and it has also become possible to use the capabilities of Google Earth (once it was a separate application for a computer) without installing additional plug-ins in the browser.

In this article, we will also look at ways to insert a Google map on your website, both when using the old interface and when using the new one. Moreover, this is done quite simply, although the capabilities of the API, as in the case of Yandex, will provide the developer with almost limitless possibilities.

Features of Google maps and how to connect the new interface

The Google Maps service itself appeared in 2005. Almost at the same time, the company acquired a program with similar functionality, which a little later received the name Google Earth. What distinguished it from the online version was the ability to display the landscape of the area and the buildings of some cities in 3D.

To render such graphics, it was necessary to use additional computer hardware capabilities. Subsequently, it became possible to obtain the same effect in the online version of the maps, but this required installing a browser plugin. In the new version of Maps this opportunity is integrated into the online version by default and is activated automatically if your computer meets the minimum performance requirements and an acceptable browser is installed. But first things first.

Just like in Yandex, you can add your organization to Google Map and build the optimal travel route (by car, public transport, plane, on foot or by bike). Not all places on our vast planet will be able to use all these methods, but still.

In the new interface, it will be enough to enter the starting point in the search line, and to select the second point, use "How to get there".

By the way, about the new Google Maps interface. It is still being tested (it is possible that by the time you read this publication, it will have already ended) and if the browser you are using supports all the features of the new product, then you will be offered to try it out.

How to add your business to Google Maps

The main type of Google maps lives at maps.google.ru. You will also be asked add your company details :

Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity, because despite the fact that the bulk commercial inquiries users type in Yandex, its bourgeois analogue should not be discounted and skimped on the various opportunities for attracting traffic from it.

In general, all you need to do is check the consent box and click the “Continue” button:

Just in case, you will be asked to search for your company in the Google database, after which you can safely click on “This is not my company. Create a new entry."

After which you will be asked to fill out a form, i.e. enter data about your organization and add it to the Google Maps database so that this information is shown to users who are to some extent interested in receiving this information. In general, this action will not be superfluous.

If for some reason you have not yet been offered use the new version of Google Maps, then invite yourself by following this link - google.com/maps/preview/.

As I understand, the new Google maps may not yet work in all browsers and not on all devices. However, they feel great in Chrome on a desktop computer, and I use this option because, in my opinion, it is much more usable.

If the new Google maps of the future are not to your taste, then return to classic and the familiar interface you can by clicking on the question mark located in the lower right corner and selecting the lowest item:

3D Google Earth objects on Google online maps

And, of course, about 3d Google Earth integrated into the online version is worth mentioning. You can switch to this viewing mode by clicking on the square with the inscription “Earth” in the lower left corner:

After you do this, the toolbar will change its purpose somewhat and will look something like this (a compass will appear and the ability to change the angle at which you can view the map):

It will be possible to look at satellite images not only from above, but also from the side, discretely changing the angle of inclination. Well, what am I telling you - you’ve probably played with Google Earth yourself and understand what’s what:

By default, your computer may have so-called simplified mode enabled when 3D Earth model and other 3D objects are not available. The opposite situation is also possible, when the new mode with support for Google Earth will work too slowly on your hardware and you will want to switch to the simplified one.

No problem, just use the links:

  1. Forced transition to a simplified mode for displaying new Google maps

If you are still using classic map view, then Google Earth option you can select by moving the mouse cursor in the upper right corner to the square labeled “Satellite”, and then clicking on the “Earth” square that appears.

If you have not installed the browser plugin yet, you will be prompted to do so.

Well, in fact, you will eventually get the functionality of Google Earth in your browser.

But this functionality is, by and large, the only difference between Google maps and others. Everything else is available from competitors, but it’s up to you to decide who it works better for. For example, the same routing works more or less acceptably in Yandex on the territory of the former Soviet Union, but outside it everything is not so great.

Traffic, Street View and Google Maps Directions

By the way, Google Maps also has the ability to show road conditions, i.e. traffic jams. On the classic online version, the layer with traffic jams can be connected in the upper right corner:

There you can also connect a layer with photographs to be able to view pictures taken at the place you are interested in. IN new interface for layer maps with photos there is no such thing, but they are always present at the bottom under the search bar or open at the bottom of the window using the corresponding arrows:

On the new Google Maps, the traffic layer is activated in the area below the search bar:

Its legend (color differentiation) will be shown at the bottom of the window that drops out of the search bar. You can also see it there traffic forecast on Google maps for the day and time you need:

Function route planning in the classic interface is available from the right column after clicking the corresponding button:

In general, everything you need is there. You set the starting and ending point of the route, and you get several travel options, which can be different when choosing a method of transportation: car, public transport or your own feet.

In the new Google Maps interface, everything looks more concise, it seems to me. The starting point is taken to be the one you are viewing now, and to enter the final point, just click on the “How to get there” button located at the bottom of the search line:

As a result, Google will display several routes on the map (the main one is shown as a blue line, and the alternative ones as a gray line), the travel time for which will be calculated taking into account the current road situation (traffic jams):

Again, the optimal route can be calculated for traveling by car, walking or traveling by public transport. For some countries, calculations for cycling or flying will still be available. In general, everything is adult.

You can show or hide traffic jams on the route, add some exceptions hidden under the “Parameters” spoiler, and also get a text description of the constructed route using the “Step by Step” link.

And finally, the crazy option of any modern online mapsstreet view(in Yandex this was called panoramas). In Google Maps, it is activated in a rather original way - you will need to drag the yellow man (in the classic version he lives in the upper left corner, and in the new one in the opposite lower corner) to where you want to see the surroundings with your own eyes.

There are a lot of options for using this option - from a banal virtual study of a future route, to a virtual trip to a place where you have never been or where you have been, but want to refresh your memories or get nostalgic. In Google this opportunity is even more wonderful, because the whole world opens up before you, and not just big cities Russia, as it was in Yandex.

In general, we throw the little man in the right place and see street panorama in this place. You can zoom in and out, move forward, look in all directions, up and down using the mouse or arrow keys on the keyboard.

It is clear that you are all used to this, but if you think about it, it becomes clear all the tremendous work that was done by Google Maps employees to implement complete coverage of everything globe(well, not all of it, but a significant part of it). There is even the option of traveling inside buildings, such as hotels, as shown in this video:

To do this, cars with precise geopositioning systems and a number of cameras drove around cities and villages, which then made it possible to assemble a panorama from the photographs taken. People with equipment carried on their backs worked in hard-to-reach places. Faces and license plates included in the photo are deliberately blurred to avoid unnecessary excesses.

How to get a Google map for your website

With Google Maps, the situation is approximately the same - in order to insert a driving map on your website, you don’t need much intelligence, but only a specialist can do more complex ones, or an extension (plugin) for the engine you use (CMS) will help you with this.

As a result, a window will open where on the second tab "Code" you can choose the size of the window in which your map will be inserted (you can change it later, in the code, replacing the numbers in the width="" height="" attributes of the iframe tag).

It will turn out something like this (the diagram is clickable - the mouse and buttons on the keyboard react to your passes):

However, this is not exactly what we need. There is no way to draw a route manually, put markers with captions, or highlight the necessary objects. In fact, everything described can be done, but for this we will need a special tool. It's called Google Maps Engine Lite .

Selecting an option "Create new map» , you will have at your disposal a constructor with tools already familiar to Yandex - adding marks, drawing lines and routes.

To begin with, for example, put a mark where your office is located (give it a name, description and indicate the site URL). Then click on it with the left mouse button and select the route icon. A field will open on the left where you will need to enter a starting point (for example, the nearest metro station), after which Google will provide a route to your office.

If you wish, you can draw a line around the office building and close it to highlight it in the background color (you can also add a name, description and website for this object). As a result, in the Google Maps Engine Lite editor, this whole mess will look something like this:

Select "Public on the Internet" and save your changes.

Click "Ready" in the previous window. After this, click on the folder icon in the upper left corner of Google Maps Engine Lite and select "Add to site":

Actually, that's all. Copy the code, if necessary, adjust the dimensions of the Google map window in width and height (the width="" height="" attributes of the iframe tag) and paste the code directly into any page of your site (the frames should not be cut by the visual editor you use).

How to create a map in the classic interface and add it to the site

In the classic Google Maps interface You can go to the “My places” tab and click on the “Create map” button. As a result, you will be taken to the already familiar Google Maps Engine Lite window. But we have already discussed this a little higher and therefore is not of interest.

However, you can also click on the link "Classic interface", where you will again have extensive opportunities to create a driving map for your website. In the upper left area there are tools for applying your markings to the Google map.

You can put tags of different colors:

You can highlight knowledge by drawing polygons and get directions from the nearest metro using the Draw Line Along Roads tool. For each markup element you create, you can add a title and description.

The same can be done for the card itself, after which you will need to select “ Open access" and press the button "Ready".

After saving, select the created map and click on the “Link” icon at the top left and select the option shown in the screenshot "Setup and Preview":

In the window that opens, you can set the width and height of the diagram, and using the mouse or buttons located in the preview area, you can position the objects you added (by changing the scale of the map and moving it), and you can also click on the label so that the name you specified and description in a pop-up window.

That's all, you copy the code and paste it into the site (the iframe tag is usually not cut by visual editors and there should be no problems with pasting). The issue of insertion is reflected in more detail in the article about Yandex maps mentioned at the beginning. The result should look something like this:

Second part of the code:

View directions on the map bigger size

I removed the extra link as unnecessary. Well, somewhere like that. If these features are not enough for you, then you are welcome to the Google Maps API for developers. Javascript programming skills are required.

Although you can still try to search plugins for your engine(WordPress, Joomla), which can offer you their own map constructor based on the mentioned API. As a result, you can get something original and then inserting the resulting map into the site will not be difficult at all - the plugin will do it for you. If you have something in mind, I will be glad to add your information to the article. Thank you in advance.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Google Virtual Map of Mars is an Internet application that is very similar to Google Earth, the map of Mars is also made on this engine. This color map of Mars is nothing more than topographic map Mars 3d. This gives us an idea of ​​the heights of the area. This Google map of Mars also lets you switch between visible and infrared views in real time. The switch buttons are in the upper right corner.


In Google Maps of Mars, you can move up, down, left, or right using the arrow buttons in the top left corner of the screen. To zoom in and out of the Google Mars map, simply move the tool's slider. It is also on the left side.

This map of Mars, based on images from the Mars Odyssey probe, is a mosaic of images obtained from orbit.

If you're wondering why Google Mars maps are clearer in infrared, it's because the planet's clouds and dust are transparent to infrared light.

Additional features

In the search bar, you can look for objects that interest you, for example Mount Olympus - Olympus mons and read its description and detailed photographs. To return to the map, press "Backspace". There is also a search for pre-selected groups: spacecraft, mountains, volcanoes, craters, canyons, etc. To do this, click on the corresponding link to the right of the Google icon.

Topographic map of Mars

Pyramids and Face on Mars

If you don't know how to Google Mars pyramids, it's pretty easy. The Google Mars program allows you to quickly search. You can view the coordinates on Google Mars, but searching for them does not work.

Region Cydonia

Kydonia, some translate as Cydonia, is a plateau located in the northern hemisphere of the planet and famous for that, that the numerous hills of this region, according to the first images of the Viking 1 orbiter, resembled the Face (by the way, Google Mars allows you to view it in one click), the Sphinx and the pyramids.

Subsequently, more detailed images of the Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft ( Google service Mars also uses their photographs) showed that these hills have nothing to do with the activities of supposedly intelligent representatives of the planet, and what previously seemed quite meaningful figures appeared in the form of an ordinary Martian landscape. However, interest in these formations does not fade and therefore pyramids on Mars are quite easy to find on Google Mars. Just type Cydonia in the search bar and switch to infrared mode. The Google satellite map of Mars shows the Face and just below the pyramid. We hope that with Google Mars you will constantly discover new finds for yourself.

The Google coordinates of the Mars pyramid are as follows - 40.75N, 9.46W. By the way, the Google planet Mars pyramid coordinates allow you to calculate the coordinates quite easily, just select the object you are interested in and the necessary information of interest will appear in the drop-down menu.

Valles Marineris

Valles Marineris is the longest and deepest canyon in the solar system. She is her companion high mountain in the solar system - Olympus volcano, which is also located on the red planet. This couple demonstrates what extremes can be found using Google Mars online. To search for a valley, just type “Valles Marineris” in the map command line.

Valley dimensions

The Valles Marineris is about 4,000 km long and 200 km wide, in some places the depth reaches 7 km. It runs along the equator and covers almost a quarter of the planet's circumference, or 59% of its diameter. The Google map of Mars shows that the Valles Marineris system is a network of interconnected depressions that start in the west and Google shows this well. Noctis Labyrinthus or “Labyrinth of Night” is considered the beginning of the Valles Marineris. Canyon runs through various areas with chaotic terrain (ridges, crevasses, and plains mixed together) before ending in the Chryse Planitia basin.

The most common theory for the formation of such a huge canyon is that it was formed by stretching of the surface layer. The theory is confirmed by erosion and destruction of the rift wall. Rift valleys usually form between and during the formation of two mountain ranges.

History of discovery

The mighty canyon is named after NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft, which first photographed it at close range in 1971-1972. Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, ahead of the Mars 2 and Mars 3 missions.

Valles Marineris on Mars has been the focus of many scientists' attention due to its geological past. It indicates that Mars used to be much wetter and warmer. If you are looking for interesting places on Google Mars, then this valley is rightfully in the TOP5.

Software updates

In 2012, the Google Mars program was significantly updated. The reason for this was that by that time there were as many as three orbital vehicles circling the red planet, leading continuous shooting surfaces in different ranges and with different resolutions.

Much of Google Mars' content is now captured by the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The Google map of Mars has a pretty good resolution - 6 meters per pixel - this is significantly better than most of the images of our Earth in Google Maps (about 15 meters per pixel) and significantly exceeds previous photographs of the planet.

Telescope in orbit

The latest Google Mars map shows individual areas of the surface with a resolution of 25-30 cm per pixel! This is thanks to the HiRISE camera, which is installed on the MRO satellite. The HiRISE camera is actually a telescope with a main mirror diameter of 30 cm! Despite the monstrous detail, it will take many years to completely map the planet with such resolution, so scientists are interested in the most relevant regions of the planet and the work sites of the Mars rovers, of which there are now two (Curiosity and Opportunity).

A collection of photographs captured by the HiRISE camera

To view in full screen mode, use the button at the top right.

Do not forget that such bright colors of the planet are due to the fact that the camera captures part of infrared range. Images taken using different filters and wavelengths are necessary to identify various features surface and mineral deposits.

Google Mars has paid a lot of attention to Gale Crater. A new version Google Mars shows new satellite images in a gray scale, so they are easy to distinguish from old ones, and remember that these are not artifacts of Google Mars, despite the fact that quite a lot of interesting objects were discovered on the Google Mars map.

Lava tubes on the surface

Quite interesting formations are collapsed lava tubes - channels that are formed during the uneven cooling of lava that flows from the slopes of the volcano. So virtual card Mars allows you to look not only at well-known objects, but also at quite rare geological formations. However, the Google Mars map is just high-detail images, so we recommend Google Mars 3D maps, which quite well convey the feeling of being on an alien planet. I’m especially pleased that recently it has become possible to watch Google Mars in Russian. So the Mars app Google Mars is not only good tool visualization and demonstration of technologies, but also a whole multimedia entertainment center that allows you to make exciting trips around the red planet.

3D view

The Google Mars 3D map allows you not only to explore the planet, but also to make a virtual journey, because the relief map of Mars conveys the surface of the distant planet much more realistically. In 3D mode, users can enjoy a bird's eye view of the surface of the planet, and Google's 3D map of Mars makes it possible to virtually move to the most popular objects, consider the “Face on Mars” and Olympus Volcano.

This view from the Google Mars satellite was obtained using NASA's modern Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express, as well as from the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

A little about the planet itself

After Earth, it is practically the only place in the solar system that could shelter people. But there are many things we must overcome on the red planet.


The orbit of the planet of the “god of war” ranks second in eccentricity in the solar system. Only Mercury's orbit has a greater eccentricity. At perihelion it is located at a distance of 206.6 million km from the Sun, and at aphelion 249.2 million km. The average distance from it to the Sun (the so-called semi-major axis) is 228 million km. One revolution of Mars takes 687 earthly days. The distance to the Sun changes depending on the gravitational influence of other planets, and the eccentricity can change over time. As recently as about 1,350 million years ago, it had a nearly circular orbit.

At its closest point, it is located approximately 55.7 million km from Earth. The planets come closest to each other every 26 months. Due to the vast distance, a trip to Mars will take 10 months to a year, depending on how much fuel we use.


Mars is very small and the global topographic map of Mars shows that its area is very small. Mars is only 6,792 km across, about half the diameter, and only 10% of the mass of Earth. Google's satellite map of Mars allows you to view the planet as if you could stand on its surface. Mars, but unfortunately does not convey to us that we would experience only 30% of the gravity on the surface of the Earth.


Mars, like all planets solar system, has an axis tilt of about 25.19 degrees. This tilt is similar to Earth's, so it has seasons. Martian seasons are longer than Earth's because the year on Mars is almost twice as long as the Earth's year. The dramatically varying distance between Mars at aphelion and perihelion means its seasons are out of balance.


One day on Mars is only a few minutes longer than on Earth. You can adapt quickly. Another advantage is that the tilt of the Martian axis is very similar to the Earth's; it is a pity that the online map of Mars from the satellite does not show this.


But Mars has a very inhospitable environment. It is only 1% of the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. It consists mainly of carbon dioxide. You won't be able to breathe in such an atmosphere. Night temperatures can drop to -100°C, even in the height of summer at the equator. A high-resolution interactive map of Mars shows the huge polar ice caps at the planet's poles.

One of the most important problems lies in the absence of a magnetosphere on the planet. Here on Earth, radioactive particles from space are deflected away from the surface, but on Mars there is no protection.

Finally, I recommend watching the popular science film The Mars Underground.

Aerospace engineer and President of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin dreams of sending humans to the red planet in the next 10 years.

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To observe the Earth's surface for free and view satellite images online, you can use several applications. In Russia, two of them are most popular: Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both services boast good quality satellite images high resolution most countries.

Yandex maps is an online application from Russian developers, so Russian cities are more accurately detailed in it. It has built-in functionality for viewing traffic load data (large settlements), demographic and geodata. In Google Maps no less high quality pictures from a satellite of the territory of the Russian Federation, but data on land plots and traffic are available only for the United States.

View a map of Planet Earth from satellite online

Below you can see the Google map built into the site. For more stable operation plugin, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser. If you see an error message, please update the specified plugin and then reload the page.

Watch Google Earth from satellite, in real time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps is the presence of a client application for working with satellite images. This means that the service can be accessed not only through a browser, but also through a pre-downloaded program. It has many more opportunities for viewing and studying satellite images and working with a three-dimensional virtual globe.

A 3D satellite map from Google (a downloadable application, not an online version) allows you to:

  • use a quick search for the desired objects by name or coordinates;
  • take screenshots and record high quality videos;
  • work offline (preliminary synchronization via the Internet is required);
  • use a flight simulator for more convenient movement between objects;
  • save “favorite places” to quickly move between them;
  • view not only the Earth's surface, but also images of other celestial bodies (Mars, Moon, etc.).

You can work with Google satellite maps through a client application or browser. On official page The program has a plugin available that allows you to use an interactive map on any web resource. It is enough to embed its address in the site’s program code. For display, you can select either the entire surface or a specific area (you will have to enter the coordinates). Control - using a computer mouse and keyboard (ctrl+mouse wheel for zooming, cursor for moving) or using the icons indicated on the map (“plus” - zoom in, “minus” - zoom out, move with the cursor).

The Google Earth service in real time allows you to work with several types of maps, each of which reflects certain data on satellite images. It’s convenient to switch between them “without losing progress” (the program remembers where you “were”). Available viewing modes:

The satellite image is automatically loaded at the point of approach, so a stable Internet connection is required for operation. For Google work Planet Earth in offline mode you need to download the application for Windows or another operating system. Its operation also requires the Internet, but only for the first launch, after which the program synchronizes all the necessary data (satellite images of the surface, 3D models of buildings, names of geographical and other objects) after which it will be possible to work with the received data without direct access to the Internet.

What are Google Maps? This is a service that consists of several applications provided for free, and includes the mapping site Google Maps and a route planning program (Google Transit). Google Maps offers satellite views for many cities around the world and includes detailed diagram location of streets, houses, travel routes public transport or a car, a guide to various objects, etc.

Features of work

Google Maps is displayed in two variations:

  • an ordinary traditional map (analogous to Mercator maps)
  • and satellite images (not online, but taken a certain time ago).

The scale of the maps is also based on the Mercator projection, that is, it is constant and changes from the poles to the equator downward.

Another separate project of the corporation is closely related to Google Maps - Google Planet, which corresponds to a globe on which the regions of the Earth's poles are clearly visible.

What locations are satellite imagery available for? Not for everyone, but only for large cities in Russia, England, America, Canada and others.

Not all governments have approved such placement and use of images (since the placement of some objects that are clearly visible on maps can be used by terrorists to plan and carry out attacks).

That is why many objects on maps are shaded. Such “classified” objects include, for example, The White house or the Capitol.

Different places on satellite images are shown in different resolutions - the less populated the area, the less detailed it is. Also, some places in the pictures may be hidden due to cloud shadows.

Google Maps online

  • switch to satellite mode- lower left corner;
  • zoom in/out- lower right corner.

The company barely introduced new service, a wave of interest in satellite images has swept across the world.

The creation of websites began on which satellite images began to be freely available interesting places, unusual architectural landmarks, stadiums, man-made formations. Since 2008, the US Weather Service began using Google Maps to prepare its forecasts.

It should be noted that not all images were taken from satellites - most of the images were obtained through aerial photography from a height of 300 meters.

Google Maps online maps make fairly extensive use of JavaScript. As the user moves around the map by dragging it, new areas are downloaded from the server and displayed on the page.

If the user is looking for specific objects, the search result is inserted into the sidebar, and the page itself does not require a reload. The location on the map is displayed dynamically via a red marker icon.

  • In 2006 year the first version for mobile phones, and in 2007 a second version appeared. A service similar to GPS is used to determine the location of the phone.
  • In 2008 year Google Maps could be used for Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, BlackBerry, Java (from 2+), IOS (Apple), Palm OS (Centro+).
  • In 2011 In 2018, the corporation announced that it provides mapping services to more than 150 million customers.

To allow owners of third-party sites to use Maps, Google announced in 2005 a free Maps API (Application Programming Interface) service.

The map can be placed on any website using this technology for interaction software. Today there are more than 350 thousand such sites around the world.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.