Virtual divination on manar cards. Tarot Manara - the meaning of the cards, how to guess on the tarot Manara? Details of the layout of Tarot divination cards for surprise

There is an opinion that a person who has a clear position in life, firmly standing on his feet, believing in his own strength, cannot have any surprises. His days are scheduled by the minute, his time is a time of success and achievement, and nothing can change or break the well-established rhythm. How ridiculous and naive these judgments are. After all, surprises are not expected, they come by themselves, like good friends or uninvited guests. How confident were you in yourself and your life position people working in their office or shopping in the skyscrapers of America on 9/11. It was a terrible surprise that no one could ever have foreseen. Although there have been attempts. Remember the American action movie in which planes ram into skyscrapers. I don’t presume to judge whether these shots were prophetic or the organizers of the terrorist attack spied on them, but the fact that it was unexpected and scary is for sure. Perhaps this is a terrible example, but surprises can be like that.

Some people divide surprises into two types:

  • those that we are not yet waiting for;
  • the ones we are no longer looking forward to.

In both cases, there is a “not” particle, which speaks of the denial of the very concept of surprise. Nothing good is expected from surprise, as they are often negative news or events. You can figure out what surprises are, why they don’t like them, with the help of Tarot cards. The secret of these divination cards has not yet been revealed to anyone. I don't think she will open up to us. Therefore, we will use the symbols that are printed on the cards, and we will explore the term "surprise". Recently, a new deck of Tarot Manara cards has appeared. Perhaps with her help we can learn something about surprise.

In the studies of modern psychologists, one can come across statements of this kind: from the point of view of common sense there are no and cannot be any accidents in history, everything develops according to the law big numbers. And surprise exists only for those who do not know about future events and do not expect them. So, we are doing the right thing by turning to the cards. If we know that some event is about to happen, then it will not come as a surprise to us, and its negative impact will be somewhat smoothed out. Some tarologists say that Manara is not the most suitable deck of cards to take for the Surprise layout, but these cards will fully reveal certain subtle psychological points.

Details of the layout of Tarot divination cards for surprise

Can the defeat of the Germans in the east be considered a surprise? For the Germans, definitely yes. Because they did not know and did not want to know the military past of Russia. That is how they called surprise our revolution, which they did not expect and did not want to know anything about it. Historians argue that everything that happened to Russia was a fait accompli. And all the dirt that is now happening in Russia has grown out of what has already happened, and is a pattern. What will the deck of cards say about this? The first secret of tarot cards is that they are never wrong. The ability to read information from the subconscious is another great secret hidden behind seven locks. In the layout, the first card to fall out will characterize the situation today. Here we need Manara, as she will accurately describe the nuances of the current moment. The next three cards will consider the possibility of unexpected negative changes. Listen and look at the pictures. And what does not reach your mind will reach your heart. The positions of the next three cards will indicate the occurrence of pleasant surprises, and how these events will be reflected in the material plane. Great Mystery Tarot lies in the fact that divination cards not only read the secret information of your subconscious, but they also influence it. They will certainly tell how these events will affect the emotional sphere, share their recommendations on how to protect yourself from negative surprises, and how it will look general situation in future.

Everyone wants to meet their love, find a source of tenderness and care, or get out of the endless circle of problems in existing relationships and renew the page of their personal happiness. Unfortunately, not everyone has the strength and ability to do this. When you need outside help or just an objective view of the problem, you can resort to Tarot cards. Of all the variety of decks, Tarot Manara, which appeared in 2000, is best suited for solving “heart” issues.

It is important to say that Tarot Manara divination online - unusual view Tarot, the arcana of this deck are illustrated in a love theme with an acute erotic bias and can only talk about interpersonal relationships.

In this article you will learn:

Origin of Manar cards

Origin of cards

The author of this deck is the passionate Italian artist Milo Manara, who created sketches for the design of these Tarots at the end of the 20th century. A simple order from the publishing house Lo Scarabeo interested the famous artist and a new trend of Tarot was born. Milo Manara did not change the classical structure of the Tarot, but only redesigned the visual component.

Despite the fact that Tarot Manara cards are a fairly young deck, she has already managed to establish herself as one of the best in matters related to the psychology of relationships. It is subject to both simple questions relating to the relationship between the sexes, and complex, deeper reasons for certain of our actions. It is the Manara deck that is able to explain what drives your soulmate, is able to understand the intricacies of your spiritual vicissitudes.

Interestingly, this deck is very close to women. Imagine this deck: an experienced, frank, a little harsh, obstinate fortuneteller, her cards are very emotional, talkative and at the same time very accurate, they give answers even to not the most difficult questions, because the psychology of relationships is a rather serious and difficult topic. Beginners are especially interested in interpreting these Tarot cards, the illustrations are read intuitively. Thanks to all these pluses, the young deck gained popularity very quickly.

Types of divination on Tarot Manara

Preparing for divination

The main feature of divination on tarot manara online for relationships is that these cards will not tell you about the global processes of the universe. They are designed to describe interpersonal relationships- love, intimate sphere, hatred, all the feelings and emotions we experience. It is worth noting that Manar's predictions are always very accurate, the cards clearly answer the questions asked.

There are a lot of layouts on Tarot Manara, but there are only seven most popular. The most commonly used is the so-called “Feelings” layout. It is aimed at people who want to know about silent people in love nearby, about those who hide their feelings, and also to clarify what a loved one really feels for you.

The “What to do” layout will help you stop doubting the choice of a partner, understand whether your betrothed is nearby and tell you about your partner’s intentions for a joint future or for his absence. Any divination on tarot manara online is available for free on our website.

Meaning of Tarot cards Manara

Each divination is a whole universe of meanings, therefore, before proceeding with the interpretation of the cards, it is necessary to understand their meanings and structure. As mentioned earlier, Milo Manara did not change the classical structure of the Tarot, he also used a full set of 56 elemental cards and 22 story cards. When divining on tarot manara, each card matters. The Major Arcana are inner world experiences of a person, and the younger ones are the four elements. Cups - the element of Water, reflecting a person's thoughts, feelings and emotions, Wands - Fire, deeds, actions and passion, Pentacles - Earth, the possibility of implementing plans and a symbol of a family hearth, Swords - Air, dreams, fantasies, relationships of lovers.

It is important not only to be able to make layouts of Tarot Manara cards, but also to know the meaning of the cards.

Aces in the Manara deck are special cards, since they characterize the behavior of the weak half of humanity - obstinate young ladies. It is important to say that interpreting Manar cards is not difficult, the main thing is to learn to understand yourself and your partner, to be able to highlight roles in relationships.

Remember that in a relationship the feminine essence is not always inherent in a woman, sometimes in a relationship a man plays the role of a follower, and a woman is in charge. Learn to feel the cards, yourself and listen to intuition, then fortune-telling will go like clockwork.

The main meaning of divination erotic tarot Manara gives 21 cards from the Major Arcana group. It is their meanings that need to be remembered in the first place.

  • For example, Arkan Jester in one scenario tells the fortuneteller that in the relationship being analyzed, one person is completely subordinate to another, ready to fulfill all the requirements and satisfy the needs of another, without demanding anything in return. And in the other, in combination with other cards, broadcast about the imminent parting and the absence of any shadow of understanding between the partners.
  • The Arcane Magician speaks of the questioning person in particular, that he loses his beloved, becoming cold and insensitive.
  • The Empress in combination with other Tarot promises an early pregnancy and happy motherhood, this is a card of true femininity and tenderness, and the Arcana Emperor speaks of the desire of the second half to lead in relationships, that a person makes decisions without consulting, suppressing his partner.
  • These are just a few of the high cards. In fact, the interpretation of the rest, as well as those listed above, is rather vague, they must be considered in combination with each other and the Minor Arcana. Be sure to remember that you need to connect your intuition - it will tell you the right path.
  • Manar deck, with correct use, can become your reliable assistant in solving love issues, help you find a way out, give specific advice in building a happy personal life and return passion to relationships. Listen to Manara, trust the cards and plunge into the world of love.

Love and be happy!

The deck of Tarot cards Manara got its name in honor of the creator - the Italian artist Milo Manara and was created at the very end of the 20th century, and for the first time the deck was published only in 2000. Tarot Manara is designed to find answers to questions related to the sphere of love and sexual relations, the search for your soulmate - in general, everything that relates to the personal (as well as erotic) life of a person.

Taro Manara is included in traditional system maps designed by Ryder White. This is a representative of an erotic deck, which are represented on the world market in very small quantities. The main task of the deck is to help a person find answers to questions of the love, sensual and emotional sphere.

Taro Manara is a graphic (or otherwise artistic) type. It is educated by the Elders and Minor Arcana, the illustration of each card corresponds to its main symbolic meaning.

Knowing what questions you can turn to Manar cards, you should also consider which of the questions the deck will not give the right answer to: this includes financial topics, business issues, health spreads, as well as general plans for the future. At the same time, all topics of love will be answered without fail.

If you are just starting to try your hand at working with Tarot Manara cards, you should use the most simple examples layouts: for example, “Station for two” or “Celtic cross”. There are also many other options for divination by Tarot Manara for a person’s feelings, which will help you find out your true intentions regarding you and save you wasted time.

Overview of the arcana Tarot Manara with a brief description

Next, we consider the main meanings of each of the arcana of Tarot Manara in an abbreviated form. Pay attention to the fact that the meaning of the cards changes based on the arcana located nearby, plus it is important to take into account the overall picture of the alignment. In the process of working with the deck, each master develops his own peculiarities of interpreting the deck, which greatly facilitates the interpretation of the results.

Major arcana group

  • Jester - indicates a game, lack of serious intentions;
  • Magician - will tell about manipulations, the struggle of the mind and feelings;
  • Priestess - a hidden connection, the presence of complexes, feelings are prohibited;
  • Empress - a woman in a pair of dominators; you should be afraid of a strong opponent;
  • Emperor - partners do not understand each other, be afraid of mutual failure;
  • Priest - a person found himself in a foolish position, his actions are rash, he is condemned;
  • Beloved - in a couple, only one of the partners gives love, and the second one receives; dissolution in the beloved, the second lover is inherent in egocentrism;
  • Chariot - old mistakes reappear; the past feeling still lives in the heart; fear of repetition of a traumatic situation;
  • Strength - talk about big sexual desire; partners have problems in the sexual sphere;
  • Hermit - anger; people are physically together, but in fact they are alone; parting;
  • Mirror - the lasso is associated with narcissism, as well as mirroring the behavior of your partner;
  • Justice - Are you interested in married man or a married woman;
  • Punishment is a love affair that causes suffering; sacrificing oneself;
  • Death is a time of crisis, feelings die, people desperately cling to the past;
  • Moderation - comfortable relationship; older woman; pause period;
  • The devil is an ardent passion; feeling of jealousy; people are obsessed with their erotic fantasies;
  • Tower - there is no proximity in a pair; separation is coming; painful relationship;
  • Star - relationships develop in a platonic form; feelings towards an inaccessible person; the desire to find a prince from a fairy tale (or a princess);
  • Moon - the desire to understand your true feelings, to deal with illusions;
  • The sun - the lasso speaks of self-sufficiency, falling in love;
  • Judgment - feelings or relationships change, but in which direction - nearby arcana will tell about this;
  • Peace - there are no obligations in relationships; partners allow themselves too much.

Minor arcana group

fire element

  • Ace of fire - the desire to completely control the partner; the presence of energy vampirism;
  • Two - a person focuses on his availability, plays on instincts;
  • Three - the temperaments of lovers do not match, one seeks to get his own, and the second is content with communication;
  • Four - a secret connection, a secret excites;
  • Five - a person is torn apart by psychological contradictions;
  • Six - tells about unequal relationships (age difference or financial situation); the relationship arose out of boredom;
  • Seven - a person is tired of relationships;
  • Eight - communication occurs only through the Internet without dates in reality;
  • Nine - people unite common interests, but they are too different from each other (according to social status, faith and other indicators);
  • Ten is a union that does not bring satisfaction; the presence of aggression;
  • Fiery servant - connection between colleagues; a person is morally exhausted;
  • Fiery horsewoman - communication at a distance; one of the partners is pushing things too fast;
  • Fiery Queen - the card demonstrates a passionate representative of the fair sex; will indicate the revealing sexuality, getting the first sexual experience;
  • The fiery king - will talk about a very beautiful relationship, but can also describe a man-lovelace.

water element

  • The ace of water is an indicator of a romantic mood; there are new connections, a desire for adventure;
  • Two - one of the partners dreams of being kept, manipulation of leaving;
  • Three - lovers are satisfied with their isolation from each other;
  • Four - worries about your feelings; the presence of alertness, restraint in their emotions;
  • Five - a person needs proof of the feelings of another;
  • Six - interest; one of the lovers is not completely open to the second;
  • Seven - panic fear of contracting a venereal disease;
  • Eight - a person looks at his partner, is jealous of him;
  • Nine - the opportunity to finally let go of your past relationship; realize their true desires;
  • Ten - a person dreams of more, considers further prospects;
  • Water servant - the relationship is more like a friendly one, one of the partners constantly helps the second to solve his problems;
  • Water rider - stagnation in love, the presence of constant thoughts about her lover;
  • Water Queen - loneliness and longing, each partner is more interested in their personal experiences;
  • Water king - exclusively sexual interest, the card describes a male seducer.

air element

  • Ace - speaks of dreaminess, receiving compliments, a candy-bouquet period;
  • Two - manipulation, feelings have cooled;
  • Three - the presence of grievances (often fictional); relationships are destroyed by stupid behavior;
  • Four - infantilism in love; First stage acquaintance;
  • Five - a person is disappointed, wants to break off relations;
  • Six - one of the partners blindly bows to the second, considers his lover ideal, tries to make a good impression on him;
  • Seven - a person lives in invented relationships; there are no feelings in the couple; catch-up game;
  • Eight - escape from fictional phobias; fear of intimacy;
  • Nine - get a pleasant or unpleasant surprise - which one will become known from nearby cards;
  • Ten - a person very meticulously selects a partner for himself; constantly chasing novelty;
  • Air Servant - euphoric experiences, pleasurable communication;
  • Air rider - speaks of affection, friendship;
  • Air queen - associated with flirting, lightness, unwillingness to have a serious relationship;
  • Air King - the relationship (and partner) is too idealized, the card describes a man - a big child.

Earth Elements

  • Ace - tells about stability, in a relationship there is a calculation;
  • Two - using a partner to your advantage;
  • Three - relationships with prohibitions; desire to marry;
  • Four - one of the partners is cheating on the second, the second is afraid of losing him;
  • Five - indicates low self-esteem; lovers seek common sense;
  • Six - relationships based on calculation;
  • Seven - a person yearns for the past; hopes for a relationship are not justified;
  • Eight - a pause in a relationship, partners rest from each other;
  • Nine - fear of being unworthy of your partner, escape from relationships;
  • Ten - the desire to have an idealized relationship, like in movies; calm experience of loneliness; lack of sexual interest;
  • Earthly servant - will tell about surveillance, lies, jealousy, it is best to end the relationship;
  • Earth rider - the card speaks of self-sufficiency; partners are not interested in each other;
  • The earthly queen is an indicator of despair, panic fear of loneliness, painful separation;
  • Earthly king - a person asserts himself through sex; the desire to find out what the partner feels, the presence of perversions; characterizes a male provocateur.

At the end, watch the thematic video.

We offer online divination on the Tarot Manara cards for love, relationships and testing of feelings. The Tarot Manara deck will help in clarifying the relationship between partners. Divination on these cards is aimed at uniting with the subtle energies of divine love and carnal passion. Usually, Tarot Manara is read for lovers and passionate people. With the layouts presented here on the Tarot Manara cards, you can tell fortunes about love and relationships online.

Can fortune-telling with the help of computer technology be considered "real"? Yes - you can. As theory and practice show, when working with a computer, as well as when divination on the usual tarot, your subconscious mind signals to select a card: pressing a key is equivalent to touching the back of a certain card. Cards can answer with varying degrees of depth, which, of course, depends on the ability to understand the problem. If the readings of the cards are outwardly inconsistent, see which values ​​outweigh or seek the help of expert professionals. Try to focus on the Major Arcana.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara test of feelings

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards for relationships and feelings will help you understand an unclear situation, understand what emotions and feelings your partner is experiencing. The "Checking Feelings" layout shows the prospects for the development of your relationship, emotional relationships, feelings and fears. In the layout for relationships on 4 Tarot Manara cards, the following aspects are considered: thoughts, emotions, external and perspectives.

Free online fortune-telling on Manar cards "Distribution of feelings"

To start fortune telling CLICK ON THE CARD

Fortune telling on Manar cards "Partner's Choice"

Fortune telling on Tarot cards to choose between two partners will help you in choosing your partner who is more suitable for you. Love is such a strange thing, sometimes it is very difficult to decide which of them is better and stay with someone alone. By choosing 6 Tarot Manara cards, you will understand how relationships with each partner will develop. Divination will open hidden sides the personality of each partner and it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of the applicant. Manara cards will give a forecast for the development of relations with one and the other partner.

To start a new alignment, or close this one, click again on the card

Fortune telling online on Tarot Manara cards "Partner's Choice"

Fortune telling online "Yes and No" on Manar cards for free

To start fortune telling CLICK ON THE CARD

Fortune telling on Tarot cards Manara "Development of the situation"

Fortune telling on Tarot cards on the situation in relationships and love will give clarity when some kind of difficult situation, which, unfortunately, are not few in love. A 4-card spread will show the possibility of developing a planned plan or a love situation that has arisen in a relationship with your partner. Internal - these are unconscious motives that drive you in this situation. External - external influences that help or hinder in the current situation, these can be actions, behavior or attitudes of people. Fortune telling on the Manara tarot "Development of the situation" will tell you how to act or not to act in this situation.

To start a new alignment, or close this one, click again on the card

Fortune telling on Manar cards online for the development of the situation

Using Tarot Manara cards, it is possible to predict the development of relationships between a man and a woman, the duration and significance of their relationship. Remember that the key to long-term, harmonious relationships is the compatibility of partners on a sensory-emotional level.
If you really love a person, and intimate relationship appreciate and respect as a bright and necessary component of close relationships, then the alignment on Tarot Manara is for you. Professional Experts at any time they will answer all your questions online, suggest the right path to the harmony of relationships in your personal life.

There are a great many Tarot layouts that allow you to consider the current life situation or the person himself, even if something was missed in the question he formulated.

This is certainly an important positive point. Perhaps later, when you have gained sufficient experience, special layouts you won't need. But now you can't do without them.

Those layouts that are given below are suitable for working with Taro Manara for the reason that in their hidden questions they focus on a person, his emotions, feelings, relationships.

We will say a few words about each layout so that you can understand them more accurately, as well as learn how to connect the information received with reality.

Three cards

This is the simplest layout that exists in Tarot. It's hard to do without it. But despite its simplicity, it requires the most important thing from you - a formulated question.

Ask a question and lay out the cards as shown in the picture. Before you is the answer, which you must combine into one related sentence. Remember that it should be capacious and holistic, reflecting the depth of your understanding.


This is the most common spread that is used to evaluate the relationship between two people.

The right column - the cards of the questioner, the left - the cards of the person of interest to him. If viewing is for a third party, then the columns are determined independently, that is, they are assigned by you.

1 - the card indicates the state and relationship of two people. This card is called a test card because it shows what happens between people in reality. If what it reflects coincides with reality, this alignment is considered correct. But if the card speaks about its own, then this indicates an error in the layout.

2, 7 - cards indicate how people think about each other.

3, 6 - cards indicate the emotional part of relationships, feelings, sensations, fears.

4, 5 - a real demonstration of relationships - what everyone sees, and what is shown to each other.

Please note that the process seems to descend from card to card - from the spiritual plane to the sensual plane, and then to the physical. If an imbalance is seen in the analysis of such a scenario, then this means that there is a real problem in the relationship that can be considered.

Also pay attention to card 1, since it is she who links all the cards of the layout together.

Use the alignment in cases where you need information about the relationship between people. It can be not only people who make up a couple, but also a boss / subordinate, business partners, etc.


The alignment is good in cases where you have a plan of action, but doubts or uncertainty do not allow you to do something. It will allow you to examine the situation more closely, pay attention to the hidden or unaccounted for components of your plan.

1 - the plan itself or its reference point.

2 - motive (unconscious) that drives you in the implementation of the plan.

3 - interference or outside help.

4 - so you will not succeed.

5 - and so - it will work.

In fact, you will receive instructions on how to behave in this situation. But it is important not only to know how to behave, but also to be able to do it.

Choice (path) - decision making

This alignment is used primarily when a person is faced with the need to make a decision, make a choice, decide on something in his life. In this case, the schedule is necessary in more in order to build a model of behavior, decide how to position yourself in a particular situation.

Cards 1, 3, 5 indicate an action, an act and its consequences.

Cards 2, 4, 6 indicate inaction, passivity in the situation and its consequences.

7 - the very reason, the essence of choice. This map can also be considered as a control one, which allows assessing the correctness of the prediction itself.

The alignment is important for those situations when a person is ready to accept what will follow his act. After all, if the advice “Act!” and he is faithful, you will have to act, no matter what and no one.

Celtic cross. A layout demonstrating the situation and circumstances

1 - characteristics of the situation on this moment what happens to a person and in his inner world.

2 - an impulse from the outside, which can help the cause, or it can interfere. Most often, this is an influence factor that is not considered by you, but exists on its own. It can be an act, an attitude, a behavior.

3 - the level of consciousness, what the questioner already knows (understands), or what he aspires to.

4 - the level of the subconscious, what is felt, felt by a person in a situation.

5 is a map of the past. It describes what was relatively recent and caused the question itself, indicates the reasons for the occurrence of this situation.

6 - the first map of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - this card personifies the questioner, his own attitude to the situation (i.e., to cards 1 and 2) or his mood in connection with it.

8 - external circumstances. One of the key cards, because it demonstrates what is being formed in reality, on the physical plane.

9 - hopes and fears. It shows how a person evaluates the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears. This is not only the psychological mood of a person, which, of course, is important in any process, but also his attitude to everything that happens. The meaning of this card is important both for the one who is looking for an answer, and for the one who evaluates the other person, since it is here that the real background and motivations of people are assessed.

10 - the second map of the future, describing distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

The alignment is interesting primarily because it describes the prospects for the development of the situation and the reaction of the people involved in it.

fool game

This layout is a simple series of cards that allows you to consider the development of events in chronological order. In addition, it shows at what stage of this development the questioner is, what he has already overcome and what he still has to do. Thus, it is better than all the other layouts presented here for the analysis of long-term development processes. But it is difficult to interpret, because the individual positions do not have names and the meaning of each card follows from the previous one. Another difficulty is that each card may correspond to a different period of time than the adjacent one. The alignment shows only the sequence of events, but not their timing. The main difficulty lies in the usual (and completely wrong) idea of ​​​​people that their life should have some kind of logic. "Playing the Fool" just shows that life is full of contradictions, retreats and delusions, detours and new beginnings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

First, the Jester (Fool) card is taken out of the deck and set aside. The remaining 77 cards are shuffled and laid out on the table like a fan so that the questioner can take out 12 cards from them. The jester is attached to these cards, and they are shuffled again. Next, the questioner must decide whether the cards will be taken from above or below, after which all 13 cards are laid out one by one in a row.

The meaning of the positions is as follows. The jester denotes the present moment. All cards before him show the path traveled, cards after him - the upcoming one. If the Jester fell out first, this means that the questioner is at the very beginning of the path, or that he has yet to take on some business. If it fell out last, it means that some important development process has ended or the questioner is at its last, final stage.

Pay attention to the cards located before the Jester. This will allow you to tune in the right way, because all this has already been. And what will happen - after the Jester - should be considered as a warning, but not as an instruction, since it is in your power to influence the course of events.

The importance of this layout is that you will be shown a picture of human behavior, as well as a forecast for the future.


The alignment is interesting because it allows you to view and, if necessary, plan or adjust the relationship between people.

It shows strength and weak sides relationships and what to avoid.

Cards 1, 2, 3 indicate what a person wants to see in a relationship. What he likes or suits him, and what, perhaps, is not present at the moment.

Cards 4, 5, 6 indicate what a person does not want to see in a relationship. These are both real complaints, discontent, and fears of a person who is not ready for the appearance of what is described in the cards.

Card 7 indicates why a person wants such a relationship.

Card 8 points to the reasons for the limitations in the relationship.

Map 9 shows the result.

Astrological Houses

This is the alignment that we considered in the chapter "Behavioral types of people in 12 astrological Houses."

Characteristics of houses

1st House - House of Life (Personality)

Concepts such as personality And character person.

2nd House - House of profit (Income and possessions)

There are such material concepts as property, income, various types of expenses. Naturally, there is a story about the sources of money.

3rd House - House of brothers (Inner circle, acquaintances)

It stores information about relationships with other people: relatives, neighbors, close relatives, as well as those who are included in the circle of everyday communication of a person.

4th House - House of Parents

Here in question O parents relationships with them and about everything they have and give to the child. First of all, these concepts family, home, traditions, inheritance, intra-family s x agreements.

5th House - House of descendants (Creativity)

Here two directions were combined: children and creativity. Issues of raising children, attitudes towards them and the influence of children. Realization of their internal needs in the outside world. Hobbies, interests, preferences.

6th House - House of Health (Illness)

Here we are talking about what the parents and the family gave to the person, who invested their mite in the genetic chain of this dynasty. Description of the genetic potential, weaknesses and strengths body, as well as what a person deserves at the present time. His attitude towards own health; diseases, including latent ones.

7th House - House of spouse (Partners)

Issues of marriage, as well as partnerships (including business ones) are considered. public relations and alliances are also reflected in this House.

8th House - House of Sex and Death (Realization)

The house reflects a person's sexual preferences, his inclinations and interests, the image of a partner and his desires, including unspoken ones.

9th House - House of Piety (Moral)

It deals with the intellectual life of a person, his religious principles and aspirations, as well as travel.

10th House - House of Kingdom (Career)

These are the professional and social successes of a person, his career, as a way and place to realize his abilities and talents.

The house reflects the real state of affairs at work or in the business that a person is engaged in, as well as the prospects for his growth and development. Of course, if any.

11th House - House of Good Deeds (Plans)

The house tells us what a person really wants from life and from those who are close to him.

Everything that is connected with the perspective that a person thinks about and strives for will be displayed in this House. Here are plans for rest, and meetings, and a change of job, and so on.

12th House - Dungeon (Flaws and Obstacles)

What a person does not like, what limits him, annoys him, but ultimately controls him, forcing him to either solve the problem or change the trajectory of movement if he decides to bypass this problem.

The alignment of 12 astrological Houses is one of the most difficult. At the same time, it gives comprehensive information about the person and his environment. So it's worth taking the time to learn how to use it. This will allow you to see a person, understand him and make more conscious decisions in relation to him, knowing the real state of affairs in his astrological Houses.

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