Jester in the layout of love. The meaning of the jester tarot card in relationships. Special layouts with the Fool Tarot card

Description of the Jester Tarot Card

Among the mountains, on the edge of the cliff, a lone human figure froze. It's evening. The sun has not yet left the sky and brightly illuminates the surroundings, but there, below, darkness is already gathering. Nature silently froze, watching the actions of a man dressed in a jester's outfit. And he, the madman, has already raised one foot over the abyss and is looking not in front of him, but somewhere to the side. He seems to be playing with death. It seems that this game completely captured him: the jester does not notice either the crocodile on the cliff, or the dog trying to warn of danger. When looking at this card, you do not always understand whether this person is really stupid and ready to take a dangerous step, or, knowing about the risk, he simply does not know fear. Or maybe he believes so much in the patronage of the Higher Forces? In any case, his act can be called recklessness, because no one knows what might be behind this faith.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Jester Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

The Jester card means that you are in a situation where fate requires you to “work out” past sins before you are given the opportunity to start building your life again. No matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to be able to see where the road leads along which you go so fast. It will also not be possible to turn off the path - your time to make decisions has already passed, and everything is now in the hands of Fate. And until you again feel like the master of your own life and decisions, you will have to dutifully follow the intended path, relying only on luck and the patronage of the Higher Forces. Believe me, no matter what results you end up with, they will turn out to be the best for you.

Reversed card position

The inverted position of the Jester card indicates that it is not worth taking risks now. There is a high probability that your rash actions can lead to failure. During this period, you can not sit down for gambling. You try your best to cling to your opinion and do not hear others. The result is wasted energy and wasted energy.

The meaning and interpretation of the Jester card in divination for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the card means reckless actions, rash decisions. Leaving things to chance will not lead to the best result. Your career is still at the beginning of the journey. Outdated methods can get in the way. The jester often appears when a period of poverty is coming or coming.

Reversed card position

If you need to make a decision, then you need to think it over very well - there is a high probability that impulsive decisions can lead to disastrous results. Unexpected problems can arise in business. Business trips are coming to an end, contracts are most likely to be signed. You can expect a promotion at work.

The meaning and interpretation of the Jester card in health layouts

Direct card position

The card can talk about a decrease in immunity, indicate a careless attitude to health, mental illness. For women, pregnancy is possible. In questions about the course of the disease, it means recovery.

Reversed card position

In questions about the course of the disease, he speaks of recovery. Women indicate a possible pregnancy, often due to frivolity.

The meaning and interpretation of the Jester card in divination for love and relationships

Direct card position

The lasso Jester symbolizes new perspectives, reckless immersion in a new adventure, obedience to instincts, when awareness occurs after actions. Impulsivity, spontaneity, curiosity and a thirst for vivid impressions - this is the main meaning of this lasso. In relationship layouts, this card means the emergence of something new in life, indicates upcoming important changes, the consequences of which are still unknown or insignificant. The negative qualities associated with the card are infantilism, frivolity, stupidity, excessive gullibility, indulgence of momentary desires.

Reversed card position

It can mean betrayal, both of the asker himself and his partner. Probably the onset of a period of clarifying the relationship or making a new acquaintance.

The meaning and interpretation of the "Jester" card in the layouts for personality assessment

Direct card position

The jester indicates an infant, child, teenager, or simply an innocent and inexperienced person. It can mean a traveler, a vagabond, an eccentric and extraordinary person, a frivolous adventurer.

Reversed card position

Indicates a reckless, fickle person who has committed a rash act, a gambler, a gambler.

The meaning and interpretation of the Jester card as a card of the year

The “Jester” card predicts that the coming year can play an important role in your life as the “first”, from which its new stage will begin. Try to learn and understand all the possibilities that open up before you. May the coming period become for you the time of eternal spring. Let go of seriousness and habitual ways of solving problems, let life give you its surprises. Act instinctively, do not try to foresee the consequences of the chosen path. You have the opportunity to experience something truly unusual, breaking out of the boring routine of everyday existence.

Work and finance. In this area, the Jester card portends some new, as yet unfamiliar area, however, you will have enough curiosity and the ability to cope with new tasks.

Personal relationships. Here, the card predicts, perhaps, excessive frivolity and irresponsibility, which can lead to insecurity in relationships. But it is more likely that in the coming year you will find a new love or a renewal of the old one, which in the latter case most often happens due to the birth of a child.

Health status. Although in general you will be in good health, the card still warns you against an overly frivolous attitude towards yourself and your health, which can result in an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The main board of the card. Before there is a new order, everything must be in chaos for a while.

The meaning and interpretation of the Jester card as a card of the day

You are ready to accept everything new that comes into your life. No biased judgments and assessments, but only joyful curiosity. The less you remember about the usual assessments and ideas, the more creative and unexpected this day can become for you. If today you have to make sure that some business will have to be started anew, from scratch, then do not despair, but, on the contrary, gladly take on a new undertaking.

Advice card "Jester" in divination

You are about to make a choice of the greatest importance. But you will not take everything seriously, for which you can pay by doing it wrong and thereby changing your life for the worse. Gather and focus, review your behavior, pay attention to warning signs, and then you can avoid erroneous views and judgments, wrong actions and dangers.

“... I am getting older, realizing
That my fading youth
Hides itself in my vague wisdom,
Which is becoming more and more childish ... "

Something new awaits the questioner in life, but this will bring chaos. The senior lasso tarot card Jester (Fool) in divination portends good changes, nothing bad will happen. Main meaning: the beginning of a new cycle, the introduction of clean energy into life. A person feels that he has chosen the right path, although not an easy one, but life itself will help to overcome all obstacles. In this material, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of the direct and inverted Jester cards, the interpretation and combination of the Jester with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The appearance of the senior zero lasso of the Tarot Jester (Fool) card in the layout means that life is preparing surprises, an unexpected turn of affairs lies ahead. The detailed meaning depends on the type of divination and other cards in the layout.

The general meaning of the Jester card

The positive meaning of the Jester Tarot card:

  • Unplanned events that will change the usual rhythm. You have no idea about something, but intuition tells you that you need to prepare.
  • The events of the past affect the present, you have to make some important decision.
  • Fool Tarot portends good luck. The querent can choose any path, wherever he wants, he will reach there. Fate blesses him for action and gives him a chance.
  • This is the beginning of a new project, or a new specific stage of being. You have to take the bull by the horns.
  • The jester points to a certain person who can influence the life of the questioner (querent).
  • In some everyday Tarot layouts, the lasso Jester (Fool) means - a successful trip, hike, picnic.

Negative meaning of the Jester Tarot card:

  • In a negative sense, the card indicates thoughtlessness, whims, whims, absurdity, reaching madness. When divining for a young man, infantilism is possible.
  • Extravagance, eccentricity, excitement.
  • Chaos in thoughts, lack of a clear plan of action, complete confusion in deeds and actions.

Description of personality

This archetype is prone to impulsiveness, rash actions. The Jester Tarot card symbolizes a cheerful, cheerful person, he has a lightness of heart, inspiration, openness of life. The task is to figure out whether he is just a fool or really lucky. The stubborn unwillingness to grow up, as well as wise simplicity and experience, lightness at the end of a difficult journey keeps the Fool Tarot in his heart.

Positive features

This person does not have deep knowledge of life, but on an intuitive level understands all its laws and whims. The archetype of a foolish jester in a wise king. This tarot card symbolizes a shrewd, incorruptible personality. Energy, optimism, extraordinary ideas, an extraordinary mind and ingenuity are also characteristic of him, although to a lesser extent. He feels complicity with life, talents for the occult sciences, but at the same time he has a carelessness.

Jester Tarot. This is a cunning, mischievous, living today, frank, sincere, mobile, spontaneous person. He is open to communication, loves life and all that it can give.

Negative Traits

The behavior of a person who is symbolized by the lasso Jester Tarot is radically different from other people. He is fearless to the point of stupidity, does not understand the danger or does not want to see it. Ready to jump off a cliff. But at the same time, he does not know how to cope with life's difficulties, avoiding reality. Naivety, sensitivity, courage border on recklessness, immaturity, infantilism.

Madness, in entertainment can reach frenzy. Not always a rational attitude to life, imprudence, eccentricity. His whole existence is a continuous theatrical performance. Very freedom-loving, and often neglects caution, does not think about the consequences. Windy, loves entertainment, leads a wild life. Often gets into adventures. But at the same time, he has intuition and insight.

0 Arcana Fool Golden Tarot

On a deeper level

The card points to the inner child. Arcana Tarot Jester is a hero who boldly moves towards life. At the end of the road, the world awaits him. He doesn't listen to reason. From the side it seems that he does not know where he is going, that he will fall into the abyss. But this is his path to transformation. His life goes beyond normality and established standards, it is difficult for others to understand him.

  • Meaning 1: "New way". Jester Tarot, the meaning of the card is a new path. The beginning of adventure, spiritual growth. Entry into the realm of the unknown, new and fateful. From such a person does not breathe well-being, but in his soul everything is calm. He has a busy life, despite all his gaiety. He is not attached to conventions, he has no frames and boundaries, he lives for his own pleasure. He is not embarrassed by the condemnation of people. He himself laughs at everyone and knows that everything that is done is for the best.
  • Meaning 2: "Talent". The Jester has many abilities and talents, but he does not use them! He creates his own worlds, but also destroys them himself. Much has been given to him by nature. He needs an impulse or a person to guide him. On the classic Tarot card, the Jester is depicted with a bundle and balancing over the abyss: it is believed that the bundle contains all the wisdom of mankind and higher knowledge.
  • Meaning 3: "Adaptive". The Jester card indicates the ability to adapt to unforeseen situations and to life. He sees everything from an angle with his innovative look, which helps him in life. It personifies a creative person who literally creates his own life. He feels the laws of being well and understands them like no one else.
  • Meaning 4: "The Chosen One". Jester Tarot is a man of God, higher powers. He at a subtle level feels the surrounding space. He can be reborn like a phoenix. Having “burned out” in one deed, he will not lose heart, but with a smile will create a new Universe with his own rules and laws. An innovator in life, an ideological inspirer. He combines both masculine and feminine qualities, in his soul he is a hermaphrodite.

The meaning of the Major Arcana Tarot Jester in various layouts

When divining for a career and work

The start of a new business. There is no clear plan of action, everything is done “at random”. A person may not believe in the success of the case, but he sees the meaning in it. Activity, entrepreneurship. But there is no clear plan, forecast and analysis. Subjective opinion.

Positive sides

The unfolding of the creative process, spontaneity, he does not control the process, he lets everything take its course. Problems arise when such a person works to order, he cannot come to terms with the set frames. For creative people, the presence of the Jester (Fool) Tarot card meaning in the layout is a test of fate.

He has a good receptivity, but lacks professionalism, training and knowledge. The card means that everything must be “started from scratch”. A person does not like to work with proven methods, he does not accept the usual ideas. He is indifferent to material wealth.

Negative sides

It can personify a beginner who has many ideas, but complete chaos in actions, does not know where to start and clings to everything at once. Lack of professionalism, sprayed on trifles. Lack of discipline, spontaneity, does not respond to the comments of the employer, the customer. Lives in his own world. Dancing over the abyss. Lives on a whim, does not think about the future. Avoids responsibility, lives his idea, obsessed with it.

Many abilities, but none of them are realized, because there is no self-discipline. He gave great hopes, not a single one was not justified. Gives out promises, but then forgets about them. The map indicates unreliable partners. Frivolity, unreliability, infantilism, immaturity, negligence. Lazy worker, likes to "play the fool".

0 Arcana Fool Tarot of Marseilles

When fortune telling on finances and property

The value in cash spreads can be represented in two main forms:

  • Personality. The Jester Tarot card represents a person who does not need money to live. He lives as God wills. Those around him condemn him, but in the end, he outlasts them all and will live happily ever after. Extravagance, inability to manage money, stupid in matters related to finances. Frivolity and folly.
  • Prediction. If the Jester card fell out, it is better not to invest money anywhere. The state of affairs is shaky and frivolous. There is no certainty in the situation. The card of the Fool shows that a person needs to be distracted from material issues and relax.

When divining for love and relationships

Tarot card Fool, meaning in a relationship - freedom and lightness. Flirting, frivolity, carelessness. Spontaneity, casual connections. Strong lust, eroticism, thoughts about sex. Love is like a whirlpool. Blind passion, wildness, recklessness. A jester for love can go to the ends of the earth. Adventures, vows of love until death. Nothing is afraid.

In divination for love, the Jester card is considered a harbinger of a new romance with an interesting young man. But what kind of novel it will be - other cards in the layout will tell you.

Tarot card Jester, the value in the relationship depends on the surrounding cards:

  • In the presence of other positive cards, the Jester indicates a new round in the relationship, a new stage, the appearance of a child;
  • In the presence of other negative cards, the Jester indicates a break in relations. Querent indulges in all serious, goes “to the left. If the Fool decides to end the relationship, then this is once and for all. Unwavering in our decision.

Such a person is characterized by inconstancy and windiness. He is a loner for life. The Jester's partner needs to be patient. For him, pleasure is important. You can not hope to marry such a person, it is difficult to create a marriage with him. Responsibility, worries and serious relationships are not for him. He does what he wants, without thinking about the circumstances and consequences. He is content with what he has, free from prejudice, and asks for nothing in return.

When fortune telling for health

In the layouts for the state of health, it may matter:

  • Cheerfulness and a feeling of "young" strength. However, the Jester Taro is careless with his health, but there are no special consequences of such an attitude.
  • The jester is characterized by mental illness, disorder of the mind.
  • If there are negative cards in the layout or the Tarot Jester card is upside down, then this means some kind of mental illness.
  • It may mean alcohol or drug addiction.
  • Give yourself the freedom to be yourself. Deal with situations in an innovative, reckless way.
  • Get rid of borders, frames, patterns.
  • You can start a new direction in work or business, and then boldly move in this direction.
  • Trust life, go with the flow.
  • Forget about the past, live for today and go into the future with faith.
  • Learn to accept life's incidents with humor.

    However, the Fool of the Tarot warns you: do not enter into adventures, do not run away from reality and its problems. Accept the truth, you need to grow up and take responsibility for your existence.

Reversed Jester Card Meaning

Arcanum Jester (Fool) indicates impulsive actions, rash acts, mainly to attract attention to oneself. In other versions of fortune-telling, it may matter:

  • By his actions, the querent wants to annoy others;
  • He takes on many things at once and does not bring one to the end;
  • Looking for company and entertainment: wastes time and money;
  • Fatal decisions, erroneous beginnings, wrong choices;
  • The questioner lives in the past, does not want to open up to others;
  • An unpleasant surprise;
  • I don’t really want to start something new, but I have to;
  • Recklessness in behavior due to fear and uncertainty.


Uranus / Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and some crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of a statement from above.

Direct position:

The SHUT symbolizes idealism, readiness to surprise and be surprised. The card means the beginning of a new cycle of life, you can choose any direction, unexpected events that can turn everything around. It can also mean thoughtlessness, whims, immaturity, defenselessness, remorse after each misconduct, the inevitability of redemption, the inability to calculate the consequences.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: completion of the cycle, achievement of the goal. In addition, this means that rash actions, a waste of energy in vain, the choice is wrong, the decision can be fatal.

0 Jester (straight position)

General meaning:

Obscurity, classified information, possibly a road, theft (a young man with a bag over his shoulders), reckless behavior, youthful stupidity, insanity.


1. Tourism; show business (something related to stage, circus, entertainment); criminal business; petty pickpocketing.

Not the best card for business; reckless actions, letting things take their course, doing business on the principle of "the curve will take you out."

Unformed career. Often talks about changing jobs.

One of the poverty maps.

2. Frivolous attitude to health. Mental illness, poor health.

Possible conception.

One of the cards symbolizing death (upside down in combination with the surrounding cards)

3. Flirting, holiday romances, intrigues. Nothing serious.

4. A frivolous person of an adventurous warehouse. A person with “his own god” (the luck of a drunkard) will carry and save in a difficult situation and get where the other will pass without stumbling.

It can symbolize a person immersed in his own world.

The desire to attract attention, eccentricity.

5. In the position of advice: go with the flow, trust fate. Don't make big plans. Change the environment, work, go to unwind.

In a warning position: the situation is unpredictable and precise recommendations cannot be made. Warns that the question is not formulated accurately.

6. An exact answer cannot be given. The reasons may be different. For example, some circumstances of the case are not taken into account, or it all depends on how the questioner behaves.

0 Jester (inverted position)

General meaning:

gives hope for a clarification of the situation, speaks of the onset of stability.


1. Clarifying the situation for the better (there will be money, the contract will be signed). Finding a job or promotion. A promising project, the end of an internship, a probationary period. Return from business trip.

2. Recovery, conception or birth of a child.

3. Meeting (acquaintance) with prospects. Clarification of circumstances, relationships (what such a clarification will lead to - check)

5. Look at things more seriously. Don't leave things to chance.

6. Probably yes"(possibly with conditions)

General meaning:

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous beginning of something new, openness, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, to which we usually come only at the end of a long and difficult journey. The jester can also be cunning, mischievous. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is it good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn unwillingness to become an adult, or vice versa, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns of something completely new that is ready to break into our lives, causing chaos in it, and we ourselves can get a couple of bumps, but there is really nothing dangerous in this.


The jester shows that we have to enter into some new, as yet unfamiliar area, but we have enough curiosity and the ability to cope with new tasks. On a purely event level, it can also mean mistakes, some extra steps or irresponsibility. However, its deep meaning is the wisdom gained from any, even the most negative experience, the awareness of the limitations of any rules that we are used to following, and the ability to go beyond them in order to achieve satisfaction and success.


Here the Fool means surprise, from which, according to Plato, all knowledge begins. And here again, he can symbolize both a childish inattention to important things, and a deep realization that nothing in the world is worth making a problem out of it - that is, a genuine life experience. And, although the Jester is always an image of a high consciousness, this does not mean that every jester is a sage.

Personal relationships:

Here the Jester is a symbol of the joy of life. True, in this case, too, it can mean excessive frivolity and irresponsibility, which can lead to unreliability, that is, to the collapse of the union; however, in general, he personifies the union of two cheerful, cheerful people who are easy with each other, who are happy to discover something new in a partner every day and love him for his uniqueness and diversity. At the event level, this card can mean a new love or a renewal of an old one, which in the latter case often comes about due to the birth of a child.

In love relationships

Relationships of the period of love interests, which are characterized by the feeling that the relationship is an easy and non-committal affair. Either this will really be true, or lovers are afraid of serious feelings and affections, and therefore I try to bring frivolity into relationships. In general, these relationships can be called young and immature.

One would like to say that this will be a stupid relationship, but if we remember that most of the stupid things in the world are done with a serious facial expression, then we will reject this interpretation as unsuitable. Most likely, it will be a relationship in which no one is responsible for anything. If the Sun lasso falls nearby, then there is a possibility that the relationship can lead to an unwanted or vice versa desirable pregnancy. If the Gebo layout is used, then which side the Jester will be on, he will be prone to a childish and infantile position in a relationship. This is especially obvious if there is any parent card on the other side, like the Pope, Emperor, Empress, the Jester in the center of the Gebo layout will mean an easy relationship, full of unpredictability and, at the same time, optional in relation to each other. Together with the Lovers or the Court, the Jester can mean a civil marriage, and with the Devil or the Lion, a tendency to windy deeds and love betrayals. In general, the Jester is not a good occurrence in the alignment of love, however, love with a touch of the Jester allows the relationship to constantly feel the waves of renewal. Sometimes the Jester can mean that the other side has a child, and the presence of a Priestess or the Moon nearby indicates a desire to hide its existence.

0. Jester in combination with other Tarot cards

With the card "Magician" - a crazy impulse; crazy idea; relentless impulse.

With the card "High Priestess" - an accidental or unexpected discovery.

With the Empress card - an unplanned pregnancy; unexpected income.

With the card "Emperor" - the end of anarchy and lawlessness.

With the card "Hierophant" - a search leading to understanding.

With the card "Lovers" - an open manifestation of feelings; boundless trust in a relationship.

With the card "Chariot" - an uncontrollable situation.

With the card "Strength" - limit your impulse.

With the Hermit card - a futile search.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - unexpected changes.

With the card "Justice" - problems with the law.

With the Hanged Man card - stupidity that can lead to falling into a trap, imprisonment or injury.

With the card "Death" - a shock.

With the "Moderation" card - a successful experiment.

With the card "Devil" - the danger of falling into the clutches of a deceiver, succumbing to impulse; the risk of incurring disaster.

With the Tower card - negligence leading to irreparable consequences.

With the Star card, the divine path.

With the card "Moon" - drug or alcohol intoxication; naive deceit.

With the card "Sun" - creative glory.

With the "Court" card - public speaking.

With the card "Mir" - a trip abroad.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - the danger of arson; crazy orgasm.

With the card "Two of Wands" - intoxicating opportunities.

With the card "Three of Wands" - lack of leadership; the case is left to chance; travel on an unknown route.

With the Four of Wands card - a mess in the house; crazy house.

With the Five of Wands card - provoke a conflict due to the simplicity of the soul.

With the card "Six of Wands" - blindly following the leader; intoxicated with success.

With the Seven of Wands card - envious people who drive you crazy.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - reinforcing madness or irresponsibility.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - connivance.

With the Ten of Wands card - let problems out of your hands.

With the Page of Wands card - skip classes; neglect of learning.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - change the vehicle in order to speed up the movement.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - ignoring professional duties.

With the "King of Wands" card - a midlife crisis.


With the Ace of Cups card - alcohol abuse.

With the card "Two of Cups" - intoxication in love.

With the card "Three of Cups" - "think for three."

With the Four of Cups card - a hangover morning.

With the Five of Cups card - irresponsible behavior that led to the loss.

With the card "Six of Cups" - a journey to his native land, where he spent his childhood.

With the "Seven of Cups" card - get drunk "to hell"; wandering in a narcotic dope.

With the "Eight of Cups" card - vagrancy.

With the Nine of Cups card - love for an excessive feast.

With the Ten of Cups card - a return to the bosom of the family.

With the Page of Cups card - seduce with something.

With the card "Knight of Cups" - offer something from the bottom of your heart.

With the Queen of Cups card - meet a noble woman.

With the card "King of Cups" - find a drinking buddy.


With the card "Ace of Swords" - melee weapons in the hands of a madman.

With the card "Two of Swords" - ignoring problems, avoiding obligations.

With the card "Three of Swords" - a stab in the back.

With the Four of Swords card - an injury during the journey.

With the Five of Swords card - a crazy conflict.

With the card "Six of Swords" - hide from problems.

With the Seven of Swords card - hide your stupidity.

With the "Eight of Swords" card - ignore remorse.

With the card "Nine of Swords" - debauchery, brought to despair.

With the Ten of Swords card - neglect of health has led to a surgical operation or the need for wellness procedures.

With the Page of Swords card - an evil clown.

With the card "Knight of Swords" - an enraged clown.

With the card "Queen of Swords" - a crazy woman.

With the "King of Swords" card - a vengeful simpleton.


With the card "Ace of Pentacles" - easy money.

With the card "Two of Pentacles" - a split personality.

With the card "Three of Pentacles" - health requires consultation with a specialist.

With the Four of Pentacles card - stupid savings.

With the card "Five of Pentacles" - the path through the desert.

With the Six of Pentacles card - a waste of money.

With the Seven of Pentacles card - a meaningless investment.

With the card "Eight of Pentacles" - unwillingness to work and learn a profession.

With the card "Nine of Pentacles" - ignoring material values.

With the card "Ten of Pentacles" - the return of the "prodigal son."

With the Page of Pentacles card - drop out of school.

With the card "Knight of Pentacles" - an unstable exchange rate or quotes; problematic financial flow.

With the card "Queen of Pentacles" - ignoring the economy.

With the "King of Pentacles" card - unstable or unsuccessful financial transactions.

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The Fool card has undergone quite significant changes from deck to deck. So in the first drawings in the Visconti-Sforza maps, the Fool is depicted as a person with physical and mental illnesses: slanting eyes, a swollen thyroid gland. Thyroid diseases can cause cretinism and developmental abnormalities, as well as a number of nervous pathologies. In my opinion, there can be only one meaning, and even in a rather sharp form.

In another drawing, the Fool is also depicted as an outcast - he is half-naked, in a hat with donkey ears, and a bunch of bells, which symbolize his approach. Children (as a symbol of people with immature minds) stone him. Initially, the Fool was very different from the Fool, who could often be the king's favorite and even his ambassador and adviser. The jester was forgiven a lot, and he often told the king what others did not dare. The jester could be the smartest wit, close to the master. With fools in the Middle Ages, things were different: they were shunned not only by people of the upper class, but also by ordinary people.

In modern decks, the image of the Jester-Fool has merged, and it should be interpreted depending on the system. The Rider-White Tarot is more characterized by the image of the Jester, Ivan the Fool, whom the Universe picks up and helps. He trusts the world and boldly steps into the unknown, into the future. Confident that even in the event of a fall, he will fall not down, but up.

In Jester Waite there is also something of the troubadours, who could both ironically mock and praise. The ability to present serious intentions under the guise of innocent jokes, as well as the ability to charm the public, characterizes Jesters very well.

This is perhaps the most dual character of all the Tarot Arcana. Duality and irrationality, the ability to interpret the same symbols in two ways is reflected even in the drawing itself.

On the map, we see a man walking briskly for no reason to the edge of the abyss, while he looks up. Not under your feet. Next to him is a dog, which either tries to bite him and drives him to the abyss, preventing him from returning back, or trying to keep him from falling.

The Fool is the only card from the Major Arcana that has survived in playing decks. In a card deck, the Fool Joker is beyond the rules and conventions.

The Fool is like the Hermit - a wanderer, but he does not look at his feet and refuses to use the light of reason to illuminate the path. The Fool's Arcana is similar to the Wheel of Fortune. Just like the figure falling from the Wheel, the Fool is heading towards falling into the abyss. But in the case of Fortune, indifferent and blind Fate is to blame for the fall, in the case of the Fool, only his own recklessness is to blame.

Looking at this card, it is not clear whether a person is really so stupid that he does not know what he is doing, or whether he knows about the danger, but trusts providence. After all, faith requires a share of deliberate recklessness.

In Hayo Banzhaf's book Tarot and the Hero's Journey, the Fool travels through all the arcana, this is the personification of spiritual growth and self-improvement. He, like a neophyte, comprehends all the levels of wisdom. This is the Divine Spark, which can both create a new world and destroy it. But this world does not yet exist, and then the Jester is zero. It is a void that can be anything, there is the potential and the freedom of becoming.

The Fool or Jester card depicts a man frozen on the edge of a cliff. He spread his arms and looks up at the sky. This posture is ambivalent. Either he is completely mad and it does not matter to him that the next step will lead him straight into the abyss. Or he, looking at the sky, believes in some higher powers, and thus plays with fate. In one hand he holds a stick with a bundle of his things, in the other a flower. And near his feet a little dog jumps, which tries in vain to warn the Fool about the danger.

Zero Arcana of the Fool is an extremely controversial card. Do not rush reading the alignment

The main interpretations of the lasso Fool in layouts

The first card of the Tarot deck is the Fool with the number zero, so it begins and closes the deck at the same time. It symbolizes the beginning of the path, naivety, carelessness, freedom of choice. Another important value is the interpretation of this card in tandem with the rest.

Direct card position

The Fool card appears in the layout when new opportunities open up on the horizon, prospects for starting something anew or simply choosing a different path for the development of events. As a rule, all people are inexperienced at the very beginning of the journey, so it is worth letting go of the situation and relying on chance. For any outcome, the direct position of the card predicts a favorable completion of the case.

Reversed card position

The fool in an inverted position in the scenario speaks of lack of confidence in his abilities, frivolity, stupidity, unwillingness to change something. It is best to refrain from making important decisions, most likely they will not be sufficiently balanced and thoughtless. Impulse decisions will also not be in your favor. It can also mean that you are under the influence of such a person, but do not notice the consequences. Or maybe you're just afraid to take responsibility. Try to stop playing with fire and rethink your tactics.

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Fool's card in the quarry

For creative people who go beyond the usual, not dependent on prejudices, everything will work out as well as possible, a reward for efforts awaits ahead. Otherwise, the card may mean an upcoming crisis, because sometimes it is difficult for such people to hear the client’s desire or focus their thoughts on what is important.

It is better not to start important projects here. It is necessary to weigh all the risks, think over all the steps and ways to bypass, because any step not taken into account can lead to an abyss. But in small matters, you can even let everything take its course, the results will be achieved easily, without pitfalls on the way.

Fool card in love and relationships

This lasso tells us about a storm of emotions ahead, about new feelings or the revival of old ones, about unforgettable sensations, about enjoying your partner. At the same time, all these feelings are absolutely frivolous and windy. In the pool with his head, perhaps, will be the most appropriate interpretation. However, in an inverted card, this pool promises quarrels, betrayals and disappointment. For women, it can mean an unplanned pregnancy due to frivolous behavior.

The uniqueness of the Jester card is also in the fact that it is not calculated in Roman numerals, like the rest of the Arcana

Fool's card for health

Usually means recovery after an illness, cheerfulness of strength and spirit, excellent physical shape. Women can portend pregnancy. An inverted Jester, and even when next to negative cards, indicates depression or a mental disorder, as well as self-destruction and degradation of the personality.

The combination of the Fool with other cards


Star: innocence, faith, trust;

Hanged: gaining faith, a sense of community;

lovers: a harbinger of new love, the emergence of a new partner, harmony between people;

Court: rebirth, inspiration, a new big undertaking, a completely new bright streak in life.


Devil: unbelief, cynicism, crazy actions with bad consequences, obsession;

Death: the end of something, the cessation of work;

Priest: routine;

Tower: danger warning;

Mage: danger of losing one's mind, strange ideas, madness;

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