10 cups tarot meaning. Minor Arcana Tarot Ten of Cups: meaning and combination with other cards. ✚ For the future

In any case, 10 of Cups is a card that portends positive emotions. The appearance of this particular Arcana is always a good sign associated with: new acquaintances, family well-being, happiness, etc. All the changes that await a person can develop rapidly. But this is not always the case.

Ten of Cups - a symbol of positive changes in life

The meaning of an inverted card is associated with problems, sometimes even the loss of loved ones. Understanding the meanings often becomes an obstacle for beginner cartologists. Therefore, it is important to understand what information the Ten of Cups carries in combination with other cards.

Images of dozens of cups in Tarot decks

Each deck of Tarot cards is not only an energetically strong accessory, but also a set of colorful illustrations. Drawn characters may differ in small details, but the main characters always remain unchanged. So, the manifestation of differences is especially noticeable in thematic decks, which have become especially popular in the last few decades.

But if the cards are classified as traditional Tarot schools, then correct interpretation must always match the illustrations. Even when comparing the same Arcana from decks of different eras, one can easily notice something in common in the images. An example would be the Ten of Cups card.

The Ten of Cups, in the literal sense, is a harbinger of happiness and good changes. So, the depicted couple of young people look happy, because they have children. Together they are happiness. And nothing can disturb the family idyll. It is these characters, the creations of the artist, that help to understand the interpretation of the card without any prompts and search for information.

Everything is based on feelings close to each person. Love, children and a family hearth - this is what everyone wants to achieve. So, in the background, ten cups contain a bright and comfortable house, over which ten filled cups hover in the air. Depending on the decks of traditional Tarot schools, some details of the images may vary. But one thing remains unchanged - it is a happy family.

Significant differences in illustrations are rare. The only example of anything else is the Age of Aquarius deck. The Ten of Cups here is an illustration of the happiness of two people. The characters are located in their family nest. A man, kneeling, bows his head at the feet of his beloved.

The woman hugs him tenderly. The first impression of such a card is a feeling of love that no one can break. Two lovers are separated from the whole world. They create their own future. Ten cups hung around the lovers. But unlike other decks, they are located on the sides of the characters.

deep meaning illustrations of dozens of cups

The Ten of Cups is easy to interpret, because all the illustrations on this card carry a huge stream of positive information. The cartologist can only build one mental chain, depending on what combination of cards is in the layout. sacred meaning simple. The family is a union. And it's not just in the physical sense of the word.

Love is feelings and emotions. So, the understanding of the union carries spirituality. Everything is in balance. People are happy in body and spirit, and their merging into a single family whole is harmony. So, in the layouts, 10 Tarot Cups value carries a large flow of information. And you can determine the exact sphere of well-being and good luck only with the help of neighboring cards.

Only exhausting work and striving for something more will bring you happiness.

If you take the time to understand and interpret individual Tarot cards, you can immerse yourself in a whole magical world of the mysterious and unknown. Behind the usual picture hides the energy of centuries. So, 10 of Tarot Cups connects material things with spiritual ones. The appearance of this Arcana in the layout is not just luck, not a gift from heaven. Only exhausting work on oneself and the desire to achieve something more can give a person long-awaited happiness.

How can this not be called an achievement? This interpretation is quite common in the traditional Tarot. And if you build your judgments about any detail of the illustration, the chain of thought leads to more and more new factors and qualities that rarely have negative character. So, most often, the Tarot card of 10 Cups predicts:

  • family happiness;
  • achieving spiritual balance;
  • the beginning of a new and happy life;
  • acquaintance;
  • the success of a group of people;
  • fulfillment of the desired;
  • unity of body and spirit;
  • marriage.

The 10 of Cups card does not randomly appear in front of a person. Her interpretation is not luck, but well-deserved happiness.

The nuances of understanding the card 10 of Cups

Understanding this or that card is what magical predictions are based on. Incorrect information will not bring any benefit to a person, and sometimes it can even harm him. Thus, the meaning of "success" cannot be attributed to personal factors. After all, the card depicts a family or a love union.

A duet, a group of people is a collective, which means that success is common. Behind personal quality answers another, the previous numbered card. Therefore, it is important to read the illustrations correctly. The accuracy of the prediction itself depends on this.

The depicted union is love and family happiness. It is important to understand people's emotions and feel them. family well-being cannot be built because of the striving or hard work of one man. He can only imagine it as his dream. Other cards that have fallen side by side direct the cartologist to one single correct interpretation. And this applies to any sphere of life or human activity.

10 of Cups is a prediction of something positive, in:

  • work;
  • family;
  • friendship
  • spiritual development.

Ten of Cups, the meaning of which is never bad, is comparable to a long-awaited gift. If this card appears in the layout, then you should not worry about the near future. There is only one "BUT". A favorable interpretation of the card will be effective only when 10 of Cups falls in upright position.

Reversed 10 of Cups

Opportunities do not match desires - such general interpretation cards of 10 Cups can be interpreted differently by everyone. But it is not necessary to look for deep meaning in the very image of an inverted card. All decks of Waite and other representatives of the traditional Tarot school often use the opposite meanings of the usual, direct interpretation.

Even in terms of numerology. 10 is the number of fortune. It is often compared to a wheel. So, it can roll in one direction - to success and happiness, and in another - failure and loss. Only in Tarot, such a direction of movement of the “wheel of fortune” is the location of the card itself, straight or inverted.

Most often, the Ten of Cups, which fell out in the upside down scenario, means:

Inverted Ten of Cups - perhaps a parting with a loved one will follow

  • quarreling;
  • betrayal;
  • conflicts of interest;
  • loss;
  • breakup of love relationships;
  • conflict between fathers and sons.

The interpretation of cards in an inverted form may not have the opposite meaning to their direct counterparts. So, with the concept of "luck", the concept of 10 of Cups does not take on the meaning of failure or disappointment. More often, the interpretation of the inverted Arcana means a missed opportunity. So, the time of luck has already passed or it will not come in the near future.

It is also important to be aware of the emotional meaning of the interpretation. In addition to life's problems, 10 of Cups can refer to:

  • rage;
  • indignation;
  • anxiety;
  • anger;
  • irritation.

Any experiences reported by the card are always associated with past happiness. Other Arcana that fell out in the layout can indicate the reason for the changes that have occurred in a person’s life. But one thing remains unchanged. 10 of Cups is a card that can enhance or speed up the energy of events. So, in a normal situation, a person in life comes " white stripe". And an inverted card indicates black.

Opportunity to make a difference

The card of 10 Cups in an inverted position gives a person the opportunity to change the current life situation. Therefore, do not be upset. It all depends on the actions of the person himself. The 10 of Cups is just a vector that indicates what can happen when idle. If the alignment with the ten is interpreted from the negative side, and indicates problems, then everything can be changed by rethinking the situation and certain actions.

So, in case of quarrels, family discord and other problems of human relations, one can understand the cause of indignation, make concessions, etc. This approach will help change the future. It's the same at work. If a person fails, it means that he is doing something wrong. Finding out the cause and eradicating it, the situation can improve.

Creative approach to life and business

Inner mood:

I live in complete harmony with the universe.

This card illustrates a blissful and happy family thanking the rainbow for the happiness they experience in life. Cups are a mask of peace of mind, therefore peace, tranquility and prosperity reign in the house and family. Ten of Cups predicts emotional well-being, harmony, good luck and luck. Each cup has its place and its purpose, which means: all responsibility is poured and "married". Why is a wedding celebrated one or more times? You can get married at least every day, trusting yourself and others. Consider yourself and your fellow tribesmen capable of much, believe in yourself and in those around you, enter into an alliance with many, but unite only with the elect.

Ten of Cups predicts that everything will be fine not only for you, but also for the people around you. The card may mean that someone will take full care and guardianship of you. Since ancient times, the rainbow has been a symbol of man's connection with the cosmos and means fantasies and creative powers. Creative approach to life and business. A person experiences the joy of receiving a gift, he knows how to give and receive.

10 cups


Long-term happiness, contentment and fulfillment cherished desires. Change for the better. New stage in a relationship with a loved one. Luck and luck. Comfort. Declaration of love. Love and emotions come to the fore. A person is surrounded by the love of friends and family, and can enjoy emotional and spiritual harmony and their achievements. Moving or short trip. House, motherland, peaceful marriage, harmony in the family. Honor. Respect. Good reputation. Getting rid of fears and fears. Switching to more high level spiritual development. Pleasant events in the family. Long term luck.

10 of cups upside down:

Insincere relationship. Adaptability. Deep feelings. Unpleasant events in the family. Self-indulgence. Health problems. Loss of friends. Suppression. Family scandals. Anger. Discord. Depression. Losses. Failure in love relationship. Focusing on sexual desires. Feelings and tears. Tendency to self-destruction. Difficulties with the completion of a particular work due to the intervention of third parties. Negative influence of the past. Failure to fulfill promises. Spend time doing things that bring you pleasure, satisfaction and achieving high quality in your work... Enjoy life and create what you believe in.

On the Ten of Cups tarot card, we see a loving couple united by the bonds of true, eternal love. They have everything for a happy life - two children frolicking not far from them, a small but cozy house, a garden planted with trees and a river flowing nearby.

Home has the meaning of protection. This is constancy, family coziness and comfort, a green garden symbolizes fertility, and the river reflects real feelings that flow like a free stream. The rainbow of cups signifies the passing of the storm. The worst is over and now it's time to enjoy the beauty left behind. Cups symbolize heavenly blessings, and the rainbow is considered a very spiritual omen in many religions around the world.

The total value of the card in a straight position


  • harmony,
  • family welfare;
  • marriage;
  • happiness;
  • dreams;
  • emotional satisfaction;

The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, pleasure and emotional satisfaction, especially in the area of ​​personal relationships and family. The card represents an almost idyllic state of peace, harmony and love, where all your dreams and desires come true, and you rejoice in your luck. The number ten indicates the achievement of this idyllic state, so stop for a moment to appreciate all that you have achieved and be grateful for the blessings that fill your life.

With the image of a happy family and a cozy home in the background, the Ten of Cups testifies to a harmonious family life. All family members love and get along with each other. Life goes on without quarrels, scandals, tension and resentment. The presence of this card may reflect the upcoming family celebration where you can relax and unwind with the whole family, creating fun and happy family memories. This is a great time to lay the foundation for a happy and harmonious future together.

The Ten of Cups is a positive card in terms of romantic relationship and can indicate either the beginning of new, happy relationship or marriage (marriage) after long relationship. There is great satisfaction everywhere. Commitment and love are important requirements if you want to experience such satisfaction, so the card promises that with the necessary effort, a strong and lasting union can be built.

Outside of relationships and family, the Ten of Cups reflects your personal value system and what you believe will bring you ultimate fulfillment and happiness in your life. This card represents a time when you are clear about where your personal beliefs and values ​​lie, and you successfully create a life that lives up to those values.

This Arcana can reflect a spiritual or religious person who lives in peace and harmony. Here there are family values and the traditions that were instilled in you in early age and now they are helping you build the foundation for a strong and loving family.

The Ten of Cups encourages you to trust your intuition and follow your heart, and you will feel emotional satisfaction through the fulfillment of deep desires. Your intuitive and brilliant ideas will bring you success. It is at this time that you will begin to feel the actualization of your personal hopes and dreams. All doors will be open for you. Do you feel your inner world. Be open and seize the opportunities and blessings provided by the universe and use them to create the life you desire.

You also have the ability to convey your joy to everyone around you. Your family and the people around you are very important, especially with a family card like this. You will experience family well-being. Protect your household, because in fact they are the main engine of your happiness.

Continue to maintain your individuality even when you are around others, as this a great opportunity stay yourself. In this, you will be emotionally secure and stable, and life will still be rich and meaningful.

Reversed Position


  • anxiety;
  • marriage without love;
  • rejection of family values;
  • separation, divorce;
  • reproaches, scandals, jealousy;
  • abandonment of children.

In an inverted form, the card indicates a lack of harmony in the family, between people. Constant quarrels and scandals, irritation, jealousy, emotional unrest, anxiety, reproaches. Inequality in relationships causes divergence of views and opinions, and this leads to constant rivalry.

If the causes of discord in the family are of an external nature, then the cards lying nearby will help to find out. Usually when any positive card, then here the words from the Gospel come to mind “... And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and to whom much is entrusted, more will be exacted from him, ”and here also“ one step from charm to disappointment. Here a great feeling and a chance for happiness are really lost, and therefore the sadness is huge. The relationship may end in divorce.

In another version, there may be a marriage without love, where there is no emotional and spiritual connection between partners, the relationship is gray, empty, inferior. An alternative to such indifference and indifference can be feigned happiness, hypocrisy, flattery, falsely pretentious relations. All this is strengthened by various family festivities, where happiness and well-being are shown for the outside world, but in fact there are conflicting feelings and states, and even dramatic events.

The card may well predict separation, where a person is forced to leave his home and family, or vice versa after long separation family members cannot be reunited due to some external factors.

The inverted Arkan often reflects the "family nest", which has long been empty, all the children have already grown up and scattered.

The card also interprets your unwillingness to accept family values ​​and traditions, to be a member of family life. You are burdened by family relationships, any attachment to the hearth causes you horror and a desire to escape. You can easily refuse your own children and any participation in their life and upbringing. All this can be explained by the inability to appreciate what is given by fate, and to accept it with dignity.

The card suggests throwing off the veil of dreams, and accepting life as it is given to you, and this will be the most correct decision. Listen! It is foolish to fight fate, let it into your heart, and it will start smiling at you.

The Reversed Ten of Cups suggests that you are neglecting your family in pursuit of more significant goals for you, such as advancement in career ladder, or the desire to earn a lot of money. Your work-family life is out of harmony and balance, and you spend less and less time with your family. Getting your priorities right will help you clearly understand where your personal values ​​are and what is truly achievable. If you continue to distance yourself from your family, relationships will soon begin to suffer, and you may not be able to achieve an overall sense of job satisfaction and family happiness as planned.

Love and relationships

direct position

Ten of Cups - card of love and strong family. She promises strong feelings sexual compatibility, kinship of souls, analysis of life principles, stability of the spiritual state and harmonious union. Perhaps you are seriously interested in someone, which will lead to joy, an explosion positive emotions, physical pleasure and relationships with a happy ending. You may be invited to a family dinner, a celebration, or a surprise meeting with old friends. Do not be surprised if you are offered to join the company and make a small tour.

If you are married, the Ten of Cups is a great omen for a long-term relationship and strong union. This card of relatives, it is possible that you will intermarry with someone and your family will expand. The Ten of Cups represents a happy and harmonious relationship. If you decide to have children, fate will smile at you, and more than once.

Possible reunion with a former partner. If you are single, the Ten of Cups predicts the beginning of a new long-term relationship that will provide you with security and stability, because you want just such a union.

Reversed Position

IN love reading the map is not the best omen. It indicates coldness in a relationship, and the unwillingness of one of the partners to tie the knot, obligations or children. In some cases, the card warns of a breakup, separation, or divorce. Such interpretations depend on the surrounding cards. The Ten of Cups in reverse order also allows non-traditional connections. If you are in a relationship and trying to conceive, the card advises you to take this issue seriously, as there are medical problems with fertility that need to be addressed.

If you are single, the Ten of Cups reversed means that you hold distorted patterns or beliefs about love and family that prevent you from having happy and strong relationships. If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, think about how it affects your life and relationships. personal nature. First of all, you should change yourself, get rid of fears and insecurities, build the right model of relationships and family, and listen to your heart.


direct position

In the professional field, you will be successful and achieve your goals. Ideal relationships with colleagues and management. You work as one team. You don't just work, you love your job, and it gives positive results. Inner harmony helps to feel easy and at ease in negotiations, business meetings, during the signing of contracts. Your sincere friendliness wins companions. You will get new useful acquaintances and connections that will advance your career.

Traditional interpretations of the card reflect your importance in business circles, status, reverence and respect, many merits, productive joint work, ability to achieve positive results thanks to solidarity and mutual assistance. You have learned how to perfectly combine family life with a work schedule. It is possible to create a common business with relatives.

Reversed Position

In terms of career, the reverse Ten of Cups means routine work, unfriendly attitude of colleagues, discontent from the authorities. Work issues and cases accumulate from day to day, remaining unresolved. You have lost yourself, you need inner harmony so that your views and actions are consistent with logic and rationality.

Unsuccessful negotiations, failures in projects, loss of a client base, uncertainty, intrigues and gossip behind your back - you are tired of enduring all this, thoughts appear to change the type of activity, or just temporarily lay low. Perhaps you lack the knowledge and experience to achieve respect and honor in the team. Engage in professional development and self-development. Before you change jobs, try to put things in order within yourself.


direct position

In the context of health, the Ten of Cups represents good health. Your correct lifestyle is the key to excellent health. Your inner harmony creates a sense of proportion in everything: in food, alcohol, entertainment, which allows you to always be in good shape. But it never hurts to once again maintain health with various cleansing and strengthening procedures, adhere to a constant diet, and do not ignore physical activity. The course will not be superfluous restorative massage. If you have recently been ill with some kind of disease, then the result of the treatment will not be long in coming. Ten of Cups is a card of rehabilitation, healing, complex treatment, recovery.

Reversed Position

The inverted Arcana signals about possible diseases respiratory tract (bronchial asthma) associated with increased radioactivity or environmentally polluted place of your residence. You should pay attention to this and take action. restlessness, loss inner harmony, may cause mental disorders, apathy, neurosis, insomnia, nightmares.

Take care of your loved ones. Create a supportive environment where everyone feels loved and safe. Never act alone, contact relatives, close people - they may be more than ready to help you. Do not deny yourself small holidays and recreation, especially since your financial situation allows you to travel without restrictions. Gather your family, get in the car and go on an adventure. You deserve it. You should not deprive yourself of petty joys, smiles and laughter of those around you, because if you lose your taste for life, you will doom yourself and your loved ones to a joyless existence. Welcome to the world. Be inclusive!

Description of the Ten of Cups Tarot Card

The Ten of Cups tarot card most often represents the image of a happy family in full force. An embraced couple raises their hands to a rainbow decorated with ten cups, and two kids play nearby. It symbolizes true love and everything connected with it: prosperity, domestic happiness, satisfaction with one's own achievements and personal life, calmness and mutual understanding.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Ten of Cups in divination and layouts

Direct card position

When the Ten of Cups Tarot card falls to a fortuneteller in an upright position, it expresses the highest harmony and deep, wholesome love. The lasso indicates confidence in oneself and in the future, deep and pure feelings, freedom from any illusions or self-deception. The card means peace of mind, good neighborliness, love and joy in communicating with others, true happiness and a feeling of deep gratitude in a family or partnership. It symbolizes the climax of what is happening, the highest harmony, as well as the full embodiment of desires.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Ten of Cups is unrest, irritation, loss of a sense of harmony. Since the Ten of Cups deals specifically with domestic and family affairs, it can mean quarrels, differences of opinion, the intensity of the psychological atmosphere in the house, up to scandals and quarrels. Dreams and hopes are shattered.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Cups card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The direct Ten of Cups symbolizes great relationship between colleagues, a close-knit team. Equality and friendliness in relations with superiors, subordinates, teachers, comrades. New interesting acquaintances and connections, business contacts that contribute to professional growth. A well-established business, ample opportunities and large profits, success in all endeavors. Arkan speaks of career stability and decent remuneration for work.

Reversed card position

The inverted Ten of Cups predicts a fortuneteller serious disagreements in the team, the inability to find the right solution to the problem, a routine in business that is no longer bearable. Sometimes Arkan points to gossip and intrigue, to insufficient qualifications and the need for training.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Cups card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Remarkable health. If there are minor ailments, then excellent care will be provided.

Reversed card position

Dissatisfaction with one's health, a person complains more than he gets sick.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Cups card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In divination for love and relationships, the Tarot card of the Ten of Cups in the upright position portends a feeling of security, safety and reliability. A period when old grievances and difficulties are forgotten, crises are smoothed out, internal barriers are overcome, and joy, gratitude and calmness come in their place. In partnerships, this means the onset of a bright streak, when love, trust and the best feelings prevail. Often a card means the beginning of a new long-term acquaintance, and sometimes a wedding.

Reversed card position

Having fallen out in a divination or layout in an inverted position, the Ten of Cups can be interpreted as a flash of anger during family conflict, a feeling of emptiness, a joyless union, betrayal, betrayal. Most bad option interpretation of the card - divorce, breakup.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Cups card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Sociable, able to think deeply and objectively perceive both the positive and negative side of life. He radiates a sense of peace, knows how to enter into the position of another, even to the detriment of his own interests.

Reversed card position

The card describes a dissolute, dissolute, wasteful person. It can bring a lot of trouble and problems into the life of a fortuneteller.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Ten of Cups Card as a Card of the Day

Today you have reason to rejoice. Maybe this is a successfully completed job, or maybe a meeting with nice people. Mark for yourself exactly where fate will take you on this day. It is possible that this place or area will become your home for a long time.

Tip of the Ten of Cups card in divination and layouts

Do not deny yourself rest and holidays. You well deserve them. Depriving yourself of pleasures, you risk easily losing your taste for life, or even bringing yourself to stress.


Ten of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - freedom from conventions and obligations regarding the family.
With the card "Magician" - manipulation of public consciousness.
With the card "High Priestess" - completion of training.
With the card "Empress" - the joy of motherhood.
With the Emperor card - a happy family; Friendly team.
With the card "Hierophant" - the unity of souls.
With the card "Lovers" - a wedding.
With the card "Chariot" - a wedding cortege.
With the card "Strength" - the harmony of soul and body.
With the "Hermit" card - ignoring society.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - by joint efforts to move the matter from the "dead" point.
With the card "Justice" - public opinion.
With the Hanged Man card - a victim of society.
With the card "Death" - changes in the family.
With the card "Moderation" - measure "I" with "We".
With the card "Devil" - sick society; sect.
With the "Tower" card - a violation of public order; family destruction.
With the Star card - people united common goal.
With the card "Moon" - keep people in the dark.
With the card "Sun" - happiness in the family, team; general joy.
With the card "Court" - the growth of public consciousness.
With the card "World" - to feel one with the whole world; social network in the Internet.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - conception.
With the card "Two of Wands" - moving; siding.
With the card "Three of Wands" - happy family life; productivity in the team.
With the card "Four of Wands" - a wedding; holiday at home.
With the Five of Wands card - family disagreements; lack of team cohesion.
With the card "Six of Wands" - Honeymoon; friendly staff, family.
With the Seven of Wands card - attacks, criticism, difficulties in everyday life.
With the "Eight of Wands" card - a message from home.
With the Nine of Wands card - interference from relatives or close people.
With the Ten of Wands card - insurmountable contradictions and disagreements in the family.
With the Page of Wands card - news concerning the family.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - a hasty departure from home.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - a significant member of the family, a team with yin qualities.
With the "King of Wands" card - a significant member of the family, a team with yang qualities.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Ten of cups (cups) upright with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - Problems with living space, realtors, buying and selling real estate
Priestess - good sign
Empress - Psychology. Market. All for sale
Emperor - Way Up / High Society Faction
Priest - Lady promises a relationship with someone else's husband
Lovers - Forgiveness of old grievances
Chariot - Passing clouds
Justice - Everything will return to normal
Hermit pr and lane - Troubles go away.
Wheel of Fortune - Forgetting past grievances
Strength - Changes in material terms, you need to borrow money / Loan, credit
Hanged Man - Spying against his country, doom, failure
Death - Financial changes for the worse
Moderation - Steady profits, big money
Devil - Party, presentation, buffet will be held with complications
Tower - Anti-inspiration
Star - Burglary. Deep night
Moon - You misjudge the behavior of people close to you
Sun - Harmony in the family
Judgment - Supreme Harmony
World - Rapid Ascension
Jester - Self-deception

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