Spell for the love of a woman. Effective spells and conspiracies for love. A conspiracy for eternal love without treason

In this article:

Love magic can help a person connect with his beloved and become happy. However, having decided to conduct a magical ritual, it is necessary to understand that the object of sympathy after the spell will be completely at the mercy of the performer or customer.

Therefore, before pronouncing a conspiracy to love, one must think about whether it is really worth seeking love in this way and is it necessary to bind someone who does not reciprocate?

Even in ancient times, conspiracies were often used at home to protect the home, family, get a good harvest, etc. Currently, spells are no less popular, they are used in lapels, love spells, this is the main part of every ritual to enhance the effect. Love magic spells are especially often used.

The text of the spell on mutual relations must be meaningful; it is forbidden to mention words that carry negative information in it. Magic words for love should be read quickly, clearly, in one breath (almost like a tongue twister), but at the same time, pauses and appropriate separators between phrases should be observed. When reading a conspiracy, one should not turn into a cry, on the contrary, it is better to pronounce it quietly, in a half-whisper. The main condition of any spell is a strong belief that the plan will surely come true.

Conspiracies at home for a relationship with a guy

Conspiracy #1

To conduct this ceremony, you need to get a photo of your loved one, then place it on a hard surface and place 2 candles in front of it. Next, pronounce the conspiracy words:

“4 lightnings, 4 sisters. Go and bring sadness and longing to the servant of God (the name of the beloved): from the authorities, bones, people imprisoned, soldiers and from newborn babies who were taken from their mother. Bring here melancholy and great dryness and great sadness on the slave (the name of the beloved). Let the servants (his name), the servant of God (the name of a loved one) be without me, he can neither walk, nor live, nor sleep, nor rest. Always and everywhere only for me, the servant of God (my name), will suffer bitterly and miss. Amen".

After the conspiracy words, it follows, lighting the prepared candles, to say:

“I don’t light a church candle, but I ignite the heart and soul of God’s servant (the name of the beloved). Let him suffer for me, slave (his name), incense forever. As incense burns and melts, so it melts and burns the soul and heart of God's servant (the name of the beloved) behind me, forever, forever. Amen".

Love magic implies only sincere feelings

Conspiracy #2

The girl takes a red piece of fabric and, stitching its edges, pronounce the conspiracy words:

“I sew, I speak the heart of a hot slave (the name of a loved one). It would have beaten strongly, driven the blood furiously, rushed at me as a slave (her name). He will not be able to breathe without me, he will not be able to exhale, he will not be able to hug, he will not be able to calm down the trembling. As long as he doesn’t touch me, the slave (his name), he will suffer in lust, in thoughts, be jealous of the whole world, among all the others I will see only one. Let it always every hour, half an hour, every minute, half a minute, every second, like a hungry animal wandering across the wide steppe, looking for me everywhere. He does not notice others, he only knows me alone. Will not be able to drink and seize neither in food nor in wine. And as soon as he sees me, he will immediately come running to me. Amen".

Conspiracy #3

The conspiracy must be spoken before sunrise, while you should look into the distance and imagine what you want.

“In a wide, endless field, there is a willow-willow, and on it a bird has made a nest. An egg with a chick accidentally dropped into the deep sea. As a poor bird cries for a cub, as her heart hurts, so may God's servant (the name of the object of love) suffer and languish for me God's servant (his name). Any food, so that I could not seize, I could not drink wine, with other girls I could not forget to death I could not stop loving. I would dream of God's servant (the name of the object of love) at night with the moon, and at sunset - with a star. In dry thirst - cold water, and in hunger - delicious food. My arms are wings, my clear eyes are arrows. He will always desire me, love me, but he will not be able to forget and change on the other. I will close the keys with all, I will bury the locks that are heavy in the yellow sands, I will throw the keys into a deep hole. Whoever can get those keys, only he can become an obstacle to me. Amen".

An important condition for the proposed conspiracies is that when reading a spell on a relationship and a guy’s love, you need to concentrate on a dear person and think only about him, and also firmly believe in the fulfillment of your plan.

Conspiracy words at home for a girl's love

Conspiracy #1

This ceremony must be performed 3 times: in the morning, afternoon and evening, stand in front of your beloved and look intently into her eyes and say:

"Nature created the first man on earth thanks to a woman."
In this case, you need to put your left hand on the girl’s shoulder, and the right hand on the heart. As soon as the object of love looks at his interlocutor, one must say: "I attract, I attract."

Conspiracy #2

A guy can cast this spell on a silver knife, spoon or fork:

“Sprouts to sprouts, leaves to leaves, flowers to flowers, hearts to hearts. Bring the blood and juice of the earth to mutual love. Day get away from the night, love me God's servant (name of the beloved) as I love you, while there is strength. The devils will take away, the angels will bring. Amen".

After that, the charmed object should be thrown to the house of the object of love.

Conspiracy #3

It is necessary to perform a magical rite during the waning moon exactly at midnight. Putting a glass filled with water and 2 burning candles in front of you, you should say:

“As these candles burn out, as the dew is destroyed at dawn and the earth dries up, so you will begin to dry the servant of God (the name of the object of love) for me God's servant (your name). You will not be able to find peace, neither on a sunny day, nor on a dark night, nor in joy, nor in sorrow, nor on holidays, nor at work. Your thoughts will always be about me. I conjure you the creation of the world and my birthday. During the day, as soon as I finish all the suffering and joys of the world, I speak to you. With the powers of heaven and earth I speak to you. Amen".

To pronounce the proposed spells on the relationship and love of the girl should be clearly without the slightest hesitation.

Strong love spell

After this ritual, you need to put a thanksgiving candle in the temple

A strong spell for mutual love, proposed below, should be cast in the evening after the sun sets over the horizon. It is necessary to lay a new white tablecloth, put 3 candles and light them. Then speak the plot 3 times and, after the next reading, put out the candles. As soon as all the candles are extinguished, they must be tied with a thread, lit again and wait until they burn out completely. It is better to release smoke and fumes through an open window.

“Oh, Lord Almighty, I beg you, blind you a very high wall, the deepest pit, a prickly impassable fence, irresistible combustible longing. Depth - 3 fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, longing - infinite depth. Block and lock God's servant (name of the beloved). As long as this castle is not opened, until that time God's servant (the name of the beloved) will never stop loving me. Amen".

The spells listed are the most popular and simple, but besides them, magic also involves many other love spells that can be used at home or with the help of an experienced sorcerer.

Often a guy in love would like to read the most powerful conspiracy to love a girl, and get the desired result. But it is not customary to talk about real magic and men, this is obvious. And it's not even hard to understand why this is so. According to the unwritten laws of society, a man must achieve his beloved girlfriend in other ways - explicit, and not secret, like this. But, the fact remains: modern guys and men conjure, and, in addition, they study the psychology of women and NLP, so this is not surprising.

However, it is clear that everything is not so simple, and love witchcraft is not magic or trick at all. But, with a serious approach, desires are fulfilled with the help of magic, so a love plot for a girl is a magical ritual that is spectacular and effective, despite the fact that the issue was studied seriously and the keys were chosen correctly.

Independent love spell to return the girl

It is not enough just to study the theory of love witchcraft; practice is needed in independently conducting home conspiracies on the feelings of a girl. But, it is necessary to practice in real magic systematically, and not from case to case. Moreover, penetrating into the magical world, a person must educate himself spiritually. If the character is weak - to strengthen, if there is a tendency to mental imbalance - to eradicate this defect in oneself.
A hysterical, suspicious, depressive magician who does not believe in his own strength and, casting a strong spell on a girl's love, does not hope for a change and improvement in his condition, is unlikely to have a result. More precisely, it will be, but negative for both. In general, suspiciousness and fearfulness are a big minus for a practicing warlock. It is self-evident that he will not reach heights in witchcraft.

And yet, the magic of love is alternative, and home conspiracies for a girl, as an exception, can give the result that a person was counting on. But, successes can be different, depending on the chosen love plot for a mistress and within which a real magician practices. Now be careful - this is a very curious moment. Let's see how different egregors react to the qualitative shortcomings of a practicing magician.

A strong conspiracy to return your girlfriend - a witchcraft pagan system

A weak magician is trying to return the relationship by reading an effective conspiracy to love his passion. At the same time, he refers to the ancient Vedic gods of our ancestors. Are failures possible in working with the gods? Certainly. Whatever magical tradition you work in, failure is inevitable.

If he is smart enough not to fall into hysterics after each misfire, and not to curse the gods, but to continue his attempts to independently return his mistress, reading the text of conspiracies and making real love spells on the girl at home, then, sooner or later, such a follower of the old Volkhov rituals will succeed, sooner or later they will. For the most part, the gods are indulgent towards their adherents, and over time they will help a person eliminate his shortcomings, improve his psyche, and strengthen his character.

And if a student in magic is superstitious and weak, if prejudice runs ahead of him, while he intrusively turns to the gods with numerous requests, reads the words of a conspiracy to return his beloved girl, not believing in a single gram in success, the gods eventually begin to ignore such people.

Black conspiracies for the love of a girl at home

Demons despise weak people. They use them to the fullest, cloud them with mysterious signs and frightening dreams, force them to bring huge gifts and magical payoffs, while they give nothing in return. No serious results, nothing but false experiences.

What will happen to an adept of black magic if, having not received what he wants, he decides to give up witchcraft practices? But, do not forget that for some time a follower of the Black Book has been practicing magical rites for love, which means that there is already a connection with egregor. So, the demons will not let this go, they will beat at the most vulnerable points, intimidate. And there will be nothing left for the practice, how to continue what has been started, if only the Dark Spirits do not completely ruin his life. Such a black magician will read home conspiracies for his beloved girl, perform love spells and induce severe damage, etc.

Simply put, in order to engage in black magic on your own, namely, to work with demons, in order to read black conspiracies for a girl’s love and get the desired effect from this business, you must have a strong character, otherwise there will be no sense. A weak-hearted person should not work with unclean spirits, because they are looking for the weak in order to suppress them and break them, use them in the dark and then throw them out as useless, like waste material.

Christian white magic - effective conspiracies for a girl's love

Will white spells on a girl’s love give results if an adept practicing white Christian magic is not sufficiently prepared and spiritually unbalanced? The Christian egregore, unlike the Dark Spirits and the old gods, takes to himself everyone who is ready to live for Christ's sake. However, the Christian egregor also needs strong adherents, and he fights for those. As for the weak-willed adherents of white magic, here the selection takes place approximately, as in the case of the Dark Spirits.

White magic will not give real results to the magician. All that a weak sorcerer gets is a false sense of grace, an imaginary tasting of heavenly blessings sent by the Almighty.

A person can believe that his white conspiracies to return his beloved wife are working.

But whether this will actually be the case is highly doubtful. But when such a novice magician loser decides to leave his field, the Christian egregor will instantly begin to build such strange terrible configurations that the poor outsider will instantly return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church, to the darkness and captivity of white magic. He prays, unfortunate, reads white conspiracies to return the former bride or wife, not finding the strength to admit that the line did not come out either with love or with real magic. And instead of working on himself and improving his life, he will sink more and more into the spiritual quagmire.
White magic does not improve the psyche of a weak person, unlike the ancient gods. On the contrary, the weak weakens even more, continuing to feed the Christian egregore. The Christian egregor in this regard behaves like a terrorist. Why did I choose this definition? I will explain to you. Terrorists are marked by a certain chosenness along with a dual attitude to life. On the one hand, they are fair, pious and logical, and on the other hand, they destroy the world around them, killing everyone who does not agree with their views, or is an obstacle to achieving their ideals.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

In the case of the Christian egregor, we observe all the same double standards. To use white magic to return his wife after a breakup that took place some time ago, a simple conspiracy is unlikely to change anything. But constant prayers, sacrifices, vows and everything else that the egregor likes will be accepted by him.

With regard to an adept who is spiritually weak, a Christian egregore acts no better than demons. But, unlike them, which directly indicate their intentions: “you will betray us, we will destroy you,” white magic acts gradually, secretly tightening the noose around a person’s neck. The emphasis is on the fact that if the magician leaves the church, then the demons will certainly seduce him and destroy the immortal soul. So, a seemingly harmless white conspiracy to return a beloved woman may well be the beginning of the tragic path of a person who has recklessly fallen into the net of white witchcraft.

How an independent conspiracy will help bring love back

To be a magician, and at will change the objective reality around you, to control the aspirations and actions of people, to perform a rite with a strong conspiracy to return your beloved woman, and to get what you want, you need to have strong nerves and educate yourself spiritually.

What to do if the nerves are still rather weak, and there is not enough magical practice? You need to take control of your own emotions and feelings. Think before you do anything. Be sure to engage in spiritual practices, strengthen the nerves and body. A psychotic, weak-willed magician is the same as a drinker. Adherence to alcohol means that he will never be a master. The same is true of indifference.

How to read strong conspiracies to return a beloved woman

There are witchcraft rituals for attracting or returning a beloved girl with a ritual part, and there are home conspiracies for the love of a wife. Independent conspiracies for a beloved woman do not have a ritual part. They are used, most often, as an addition to an effective love spell on a girl's love for one guy. A strong conspiracy to love a girl, at a distance. And here it depends on the rite whether there will be a ritual part or not. I want to offer you a working conspiracy to love a girl, which you can read yourself, but not at home, but standing at the crossroads.

This is homemade - a light love spell in the wind.

To do, of course, on the growing moon. Read at a distance, on each side, turning clockwise. After reading the magic words of the conspiracy to your beloved wife, you need to take a pinch of dust from each path and make a lining in the house of the bewitched woman. Or pour under the threshold. It is believed that they do not pay off the elements, but, nevertheless, as a gift, you can throw a handful of flour into the wind.

The text of an independent conspiracy to love a girl

“I will become (name) without praying, I will go without being baptized, I will not leave the hut with doors, I will not leave the courtyard with gates, I will leave as an underground log, a smoky window, a mouse hole in an open field, I don’t go through a road, not paved, through impassable traffic jams, to the east side . There are high mountains in the eastern country, on those mountains there is a damp cracked oak. I will stand under that damp, cracked oak, I will bow to the violent winds. Oh, you violent winds! Breathe on me, wrap around seventy joints with a joint, and seventy lived with a vein, at least flesh and hot blood, and a zealous heart, and you blow away thought and thought, melancholy and dryness. And you, violent winds, wrap around my mistress in her white face, in her clear eyes, in all of her and her flesh, and you, violent winds, set fire to my mistress’ soul and body, thought and thought. Just as any person cannot live without bread, without salt, without drink, so it would not be possible to live (name) without me. How sickening it is for a fish to live on a dry shore without icy water, and how sickening it is for a baby without a mother, and a mother without a child, it would be so sickening (name) without me. Like bulls jumping on a cow, so (name) would run after me, looking for me. I would not be afraid of God, I would not be ashamed of people. I (name) would kiss her on the lips, hug her with my hands, create fornication with her. As hops curl around a stake, so (name) would curl around me. The word is entrusted to the winds, my name is said to the wind, the midnight, midday, dry-hearted, zahid wind is transferred. As the wind does not turn back, so my word does not turn back. Amen".

When the soul is on fire, and in response, “silence”, you see, it’s a shame. If all nature demands to make the capricious happy, lift her to heaven and leave her there forever, and in response she blows her lips and turns away, what should I do?

Of course not. Women are so incomprehensible and unpredictable that it is difficult to predict the reaction.

When the next feat does not bring the desired result, without a doubt turn to the eternal wisdom accumulated by mankind. Why should she waste her time gathering dust in mossy corners and old books?

A conspiracy to love a girl is not alone. There are a great many of them. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories. Some are designed to inspire her with tenderness and craving for a man, others - passion.

Some lead to the first impulse of feeling, the rest flows by itself. Others simply tie a girl to a man forever. With the latter, one should exercise restraint and caution.

Having tied the girl to yourself, you will not be able to get rid of her later. It will hang like a weight on the neck, no matter how life goes on.

Buy scarlet roses. Important! Flowers must be grown in the area where you live. If tender plants do not grow there, then you can use those that were born in your small homeland.

If this does not work, then pick up other flowers. The energy of the ritual is such that it must be based on the earth, which you address through the plants.

If the flower is grown in distant lands, then your strength may simply not be enough to initiate energy.

At midnight, stroking the flower petals, read:

“I’ll call you a swan, I’ll put you in a golden boat, I’ll take you far away, I’ll put you in a yacht mansion! I consecrate the Slave (name) with the light of love! Look at me I conjure! Lord and Mother I call him! I promise happiness on earth! To be a Slave (name) without a Slave (name) in the dark, half asleep, half hungry, eternal cold! Amen!"

The bouquet should be presented to the chosen one the next day.

Awakening passion

Action of the conspiracy: the girl will begin to feel the desire for physical intimacy. Do not be surprised if, under his influence, she will feel some embarrassment in your society.

You can soothe her with a touch, a fleeting caress. As you noticed this, do not get lost. The girl is ready for a closer relationship.

The plot is being read. This must be done late at night. You don't have to donate anything.

Just hang out with a beauty for another day. Look closely at the forehead (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe third eye) and say:

“In the far distance, in the middle of the sea on a stump, sadness sits, beats and screams. Longing is being killed, he says, I, they say, a board, now I will throw myself into the sea, but I will spread into the flame! I will swim and burn, I have no strength to sit here any longer! Yes, the witcher suddenly runs out of the flames around. He yells that he has strength: “Pavushka Lumaney, you break loose and run quickly, Slave (name) blow into the white body, black liver, scarlet lips, pearl teeth, bright eyes, so that you yearn for the night! So that the evil melancholy, that that board in the sea, was near every minute, both at night and in the morning, and in the afternoon and at noon. So that without the name of the Slave (name) that the day is not a day, sleep - do not sleep, eat - do not see, only suffer! So that I am a Slave (name) was a Slave (name) dearer than any young man, purer than water from a well, more reliable than a father, more tender than a mother, better than a clan-tribe. He sealed it with a word, filled it with a seal. Do not bring down, do not break, only think and yearn. Amen!"

If you need a mandatory result, you are a thousand percent sure of yourself, then you can apply more serious "means".

A strong conspiracy to love a girl will definitely work. Here you will face only a matter of time.

On some, it produces an instant effect, others have the strength to resist (but not more than a couple of weeks).

Just keep in mind that the responsibility for the beauty after reading the conspiracy will smoothly migrate to your shoulders. You are holding?

Throwing it on someone else will be extremely difficult. It happened that men who used such a spell then supported a woman who successfully married another until retirement.

Ready? Then a conspiracy.

You need to pronounce it, of course, a gift for your beloved. For example, buy rings or a pendant.

  1. It must be wrapped in a red cloth, placed under the Icon of the Mother of God for a week. If you are not at home, then be sure to buy a consecrated one in the Temple.
  2. On Thursday (men's day) before midnight, you need to get the jewelry, read the plot. Set the time so that you finish your business at midnight.
  3. Then place the ornament back under the Icon. Let him rest there until the time when there is a reason to give.

“On the steep bank, over the deep river, there was a great longing for my black-eyed dove. Crept up, but stayed for a long time. So that there is no smile on the face, so that from the eye - a tear, so that from the lips - a groan, so as not to sleep, not to lie, but only to run! I crown Longing for the Slave (name) not for centuries, but only for now. As soon as (name) falls into the arms of a Slave, so longing will go its own way! I close my soul with a lock, I hide the key under the threshold. No one will take, Slave (name) will not take away from me. Amen!"

There are situations when there is no time for long rituals and ceremonies, sometimes there is no time even to look after. Simply, if she is not interested now, then there may not be another chance.

The roads will diverge in different directions and will never cross. In this case, a quick plot will help. It must be remembered by heart, read to yourself.

Only there are certain conditions for its correct use. This is a look, or rather, its consistent concentration. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out by chance, naturally.

Look into the beauty's eyes, feel how a stream of golden color flows from your eyes into hers. Caught a feeling, quickly look up.

You look a little to the side, fixing out of the corner of your eye the place above her head (thirty centimeters above). Immediately say:

“You live in my soul, as I live in yours! In joy, without quarrels and muck! In love and sweetness! Forever! So the Lord commanded. He wanted well! Amen!"

Only a person can experience such a feeling as love. However, do not think that it only allows you to enjoy it. As a rule, with reciprocal love, two people fall in love with each other and begin to build a relationship. Subsequently, it is possible to create a family. But there are less successful scenarios for the development of love, and perhaps everyone has experienced them in their lives. They are connected with the fact that the object to which feelings are directed does not want to reciprocate. Ignorance occurs, which can lead to negative consequences.

Feeling of love

Since a love feeling can linger for a long time, you have to suffer a lot. Most often, women are affected. By virtue of their nature, they are extremely worried about the lack of attention from the one to whom their feelings are directed. In this case, there are no ways that would help build relationships in the traditional way.

However, you can pay attention to the help of white magic. Many will refuse, because they consider it a frivolous way, or they don’t want to get involved with something that cannot be explained in simple terms. In any case, a guy’s love spell will help solve the problem, and an unsuccessful unrequited situation will instantly change to the opposite.

Conspiracy for a thing

We use a thing

Every person has his field. It is reflected in all the things that the guy wears. Even if he stops wearing it, then a connection remains between them for a long time. In addition to things, you can also use hair, it contains all the biological information about the object. The downside in this conspiracy is that you will need to somehow take a thing from the guy.

So that this does not arouse any suspicion, one must pay attention to the items, the loss of which he did not notice much, or would not become disappointed. As soon as the thing is obtained, you can proceed to the main process. The entire conspiracy must be carried out on the third day of the month, on the other day its strength will be low and ineffective. You will need the following things:

  • your hair or several;
  • red fabric;
  • wax. It can be taken from a candle;
  • warm water;
  • plate or saucer;
  • threads.

You will need to stand in the direction of the moon. Put a saucer in front of you. Lay out all the necessary items nearby. After that, light a candle. Pass a red cloth through its flame. And skip so that it does not ignite, but the swaying of the fire was noticeable.

Tilt the candle and drip into the bottom of the saucer. Wax should fill the bottom. If it fails, then the surface area should allow you to place the guy's thing and your own. After that, take the two main things and tie them with threads. The bond between them must be very strong. Drip wax on top and roll everything into a small ball. Then tie with a red cloth and put in warm water. Don't forget to say the following words:

- let (guy's name) have feelings for me, if I feel them for him;
- things are together and we are together and will not be separated until they are like that.

A ball placed in warm water can be saturated with energy and improve the strength of the conspiracy. The next morning, hide it and do not give it to anyone. The guy to whom he was turned will feel attraction and, in spite of everything, will soon experience no less interest than the girl who is in love with him. There are other spells for a guy's love, and a spell for water will be no less effective.

Man's love spell for water

magical power of water

Water is a powerful energy transmitter that has not yet been fully explored. Many texts have been written about the power of water, and this power can be used in white magic, when you want love to be reciprocated. The whole point is for the guy to drink the water that was previously spoken. Naturally, this method is suitable for those who are constantly next to a person.

After all, those who are only familiar with the object of their love will not be able to add water to him, or give him. So be careful when choosing this method and understand that its application causes some difficulties. This spell is performed at home. Of the most complex substances that will be needed - it will be water only from the spring. In no case do not use flow or tap water. It has a low degree of purification and will not allow you to convey the necessary information to a person. Pour liquid into a glass and put it on the palm of your left hand, put your right hand over the glass. Thus, she will be charged with positive energy. Speak the following words:

- I love you (guy's name) and you love me;

The more times the words are spoken, the higher they will be remembered by the water. From now on, the liquid must be isolated. It will be possible to pour it into a bottle, or put it in a place that is remote from the places of communication. Other information will cause interference in established communications. At any opportunity, add the charmed water to the guy. It should be noted as a big plus that in this case white magic will be used and there will be no negative consequences.

Strong mantra for love

Very strong magic

It happens that all the spells used have no power. The guy doesn't pay any attention. The question immediately arises - what is the reason? After all, everything was done exactly as it was necessary. There is only one way out - this is an appeal to the specialists of white magic. Only he can tell why. As a rule, it is caused by protection from a spell, or by a conspiracy of a rival. In order to change everything, and this circumstance does not become an obstacle, you will need to find some more object - this is a photograph of a guy.

Her age should not be more than one month. A specialist in white magic will perform a rite of purification and then install a lock. Unfortunately, in this case there is no way to do all this yourself. Some experience and skills are required. When the purification is done, you can immediately ask for a spell, or perform it yourself.

Various magical rituals, especially love spells, are considered to be an occupation more suitable for girls and women than for young people. However, if desired, and men can achieve some success in this field, it is enough to make some efforts to make their dream come true. For example, to achieve the love of a chosen one who ignores signs of attention. There are a lot of male magicians in the world - and this is better proof that the representatives of the stronger sex can successfully use magical techniques to achieve specific goals. A beginner should not expect an instant effect from the ritual. Sometimes miracles really happen, but usually, before a noticeable result occurs, the girl’s love plot has to be read again, in general, at least three times.

Another condition for such conspiracies: since they all have a love spell, after their action is manifested, the performer's feelings cool down. This does not always happen, but only if, in those cases, if a man was forced to take up conspiracies by ambition and hurt pride, and not by love. The young man begins to regret what he has done and in every possible way to deny his guilt in what he has done. Meanwhile, the love of the charmed girl is getting stronger, and if the performer leaves her after changing her mind, she is able to decide on the most desperate act. In order not to stir up dramas and not take sins on the soul, the lover should, before starting to read the conspiracy, weigh all the pros and cons, make sure of the seriousness of his intentions.

The best time for this love plot is Thursday or Monday on the growing moon, sunset hours. You need to prepare for the ceremony - focus on what you want, learn the text of the conspiracy in order to read it from memory, and clear the room in which the conspiracy to love the girl will be read. This refers not only to cleaning: during the ceremony, there should be no strangers in the room and not a single living soul in general - even pets and fresh flowers. After waiting for the sunset hour, you need to turn your face to the house of your beloved girl or woman (that is, look in the direction where it is located) and say the following words:

“The dawn-dawn goes through the dark gates, it leads me, the servant of God (name), to the bank of the river. The river is deep, the river is wide, and in the middle there is a blue-stone, on it the servant of God (the name of the girl) sits and drops tear after tear into the river. Sadness-longing and sadness-bad grief fettered her heart. I will stand in front of the blue-stone, I will stretch out my hands and raise the servant of God (name) from the stone. I will caress and console her, disperse sadness and melancholy, relieve sadness and grief. The servant of God (name) will begin to love-have mercy on me, hug-kiss. Let it be so! Amen."

We speak water

This common type of conspiracy is very easy to perform if a man at least occasionally has the opportunity to meet the object of his passion. You can speak both water and other non-alcoholic drinks. In order for the conspiracy to work and awaken love in the heart, it is enough for a woman to take just a small sip. You need to read the words of the conspiracy three times in complete silence, in a loud whisper, pronouncing each word well:

“Voditsa-collarbone, make (name) the girl dream of me, yearn for me, she didn’t utter a word, didn’t look around, she burned in the fire, burned, she couldn’t live without me, neither be, nor eat, nor drink . Amen"

It is important that no one else drinks from the woman's glass, otherwise the conspiracy will be broken.

Conspiracy in the photo

A ceremony with a photograph is suitable for those who can visualize, imagine themselves together with their beloved girl or how to see in reality the streams of love energy penetrating into the heart of the chosen one. It is advisable to choose a photo in full growth, in extreme cases, to the waist. The girl should be alone in the photo, without strangers. The text of the conspiracy is read at dawn:

“The red sun will rise at dawn, rise and flare up. So in the heart of the servant of God (name of the girl), love is crushed and flares up. The earth is illuminated by the light of the sun, and so the love in the heart of the servant of God (name) grows stronger, grows and pours out with pure light, rejoices and has fun. As everyone reaches for the sun, so you would reach for me. My word is strong, Amen!”

After reading the plot, the photo is removed to a safe place - where no one will see it before the result.

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