Dream interpretation according to Freud. Dream interpretation of sigmund freud and his interpretation of dreams. Freud's dream book: general characteristics

Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the Austrian city of Freiberg into the family of a wealthy textile merchant. He grew up as an inquisitive child, read a lot, and the high social status of his parents allowed him to get a good education.

Medicine was not of much interest to the future scientist, but, having no other choice, he trained as a doctor and worked as a therapist for some time.

In 1885, Freud trained with the French psychiatrist Jean Charcot, learned to use hypnosis and free conversation in the treatment of patients. Sigmund theorized that most psychological problems stem from unfulfilled sexual desires.

The scandalous statements of the young doctor caused great resonance and criticism in the scientific community - colleagues claimed that he himself became a victim of psychosis and cocaine addiction, from which he suffered for many years.

Freud wrote several works on human psychology in various aspects, became the founder of an extraordinary trend in medicine, and his books are considered bestsellers in our time. Contemporaries spoke of Sigmund as a complex, selfish person who did not listen to other people's opinions and had many quirks - for example, a psychoanalyst was madly afraid of the numbers 2 and 6, and also avoided looking people in the eye. At the same time, they emphasized his intellect, interest in his own research and phenomenal memory.

The scientist died on September 23, 1939 after a long illness - friend Max Schur injected a sick old man with a lethal dose of morphine at his request.

The main idea of ​​the author

Dreams are a by-product of the work of the brain, “popping up” in the subconscious when the vital functions of the body are the least active. Scientists cannot answer the key questions related to dreams, so people see mystical meaning in them and try to solve them to the best of their ability. Freud was one of the first who tried to explain the nature and mechanisms of dreams with the help of science, and did a great job of it.

Freud's theory of the sexual subtext of dreams was born in puritan times, when everything related to the intimate sphere of human life was denied and hushed up. Accordingly, research has led to the conclusion that mental problems boil down to repressed sexuality.

Freud believed that dreams are a way in which the human psyche compensates for suppressed, forgotten or unfulfilled desires.

In other words, he believed that in a dream we always do something that is inaccessible or unacceptable in real life.

Interpretation method

Freud's method is based on numerous studies involving his own patients. He was the first scientist who proposed to consider the images seen in a dream not in a literal sense, but as metaphors, signs and analogies.

For example, if a person sees a ship floating on the water, he does not think about the journey or the sea, but about something else, which these images indicate. And the method proposed by the scientist comes down to revealing the hidden meaning of the symbols and understanding what desire, complex or problem is hidden behind the images of a dream.

He used free association to interpret dreams. On the basis of the images seen in the dreams, the patient had to form a chain of associations that would eventually lead him to some painful or repressed theme. The narrator had to voice out all the thoughts that came to his mind in connection with the elements of the dream, even if they seemed ridiculous, obscene or inappropriate.

Freud did not interpret dreams like mystics, fortune-tellers or esotericists, but rather helped a person to understand them and find the truth.

The method proposed by Freud has drawbacks, since sooner or later it leads to the most intense internal conflict, which has a sexual overtone. He paid special attention to the period of growing up, since he believed that sexuality and everything connected with it is formed precisely in childhood and adolescence.

Is there a difference - who sees a dream, a woman or a man?

Freud does not have much difference in the interpretation of male and female dreams, but he nevertheless took into account the peculiarities of the psyche of representatives of different sexes. The symbols that a person sees in a dream, he divided into male and female in accordance with the shape and appearance of the genitals.

In accordance with his interpretation, all elongated and oblong objects have a phallic meaning, while round or sinuous objects are feminine symbols.

In addition, the scientist argued that in the sexual sphere, women are guided by emotions, while the desires of men are based on primordial instincts. Freud's most scandalous statement is that most of the problems experienced by the fair sex are based on envy of the male sexual organ.

Book "The Interpretation of Dreams"

Freud's largest and most famous work, which is called The Interpretation of Dreams, was published in 1900 and did not find buyers for a long time, but later turned into a real bestseller.

He talks about the manifestations of the unconscious in everyday life of a person, explains the function and meaning of dreams. According to The Interpretation of Dreams, dreams are a kind of code by which the subconscious satisfies hidden desires, and each of their elements carries a hidden meaning.

Throughout his life, Freud made additions and adjustments to his work, and considered it the key to his work.

The opinions of psychologists and other specialists regarding the book are radically different, but they all say that it has revolutionized the study of the hidden sides of the human mind and touched on issues that were previously ignored.

Differences from interpretations according to Vanga, Miller, ...

Freud's dream book is considered the most scandalous and controversial, but at the same time one of the few that has a scientific basis.

If the dream books of Vanga, Miller or Tsvetkov have a mystical predictive meaning and tell about upcoming events in the dreamer's life, then the psychoanalyst suggests looking for the meaning of dreams in his subconscious. Its purpose is not to warn about pleasant or unpleasant surprises prepared by fate, but to identify a psychological problem and solve it.

Why is Freud's dream book still popular?

The interpretation and meanings of dreams proposed by Freud is controversial in scientific circles, but his dream book is very popular among readers. This is due to people's interest in everything mystical and unknown, and also in the dark side of the human psyche, which is associated with sexuality.

Perhaps Freud was wrong in some assumptions, but the fact that intimate desires and complexes play an important role in our lives cannot be disputed.

Even ardent opponents of the psychoanalyst and his theories agree that the outstanding scientist did a great job and laid the foundation for studying the mechanisms and meaning of dreams. From the point of view of science, any understanding, even erroneous, is much better than no understanding at all.

Useful video

The video below is a detailed analysis of Freud's approach to dream interpretation:

Watch for free online “why dream...”

Each person can decide whether a scientist interpreted dreams correctly or incorrectly - you need to find the appropriate image in his book and compare it with your own feelings. The most convenient way to do this is online, using Freud's free dream book. Just remember your dream, open the interpreter, and the great Sigmund Freud himself will explain to you what the images and symbols you see mean.

The founder of psychoanalysis was the good psychologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). He was a great innovator and also an excellent neurologist. He was born in the small town of Freiburg, which was located on the territory of the Austrian Empire. Despite the fact that he was considered the most controversial scientist in psychological science, he devoted most of his life to work on the localization of brain functions. Dealing with the problem of infantile paralysis, in 1884 he was the first to provide an opportunity to live without pain, discovered the best painkillers on the action of cocaine. Developing methods for treating neuroses in 1895, the scientist found ways to cope with hysteria.

He became one of the first scientists who decided to study the development of sexuality in psychological aspects. He was able to find the dynamics of development, it is based on a conflict between different levels of the psyche, as a rule, this is an unconscious attraction of consciousness, in 1900 he was the first to put forward a hypothesis, the symbolism of which was the structure of the mental apparatus in the form of an energy system.

Interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book

In such a dream book, you can easily find for yourself the necessary interpretation of dreams and interpretations from one of the great psychotherapists. As Hebbel puts it, he disturbed the peace of the world, as Freud often liked to refer to himself, saying that he belongs to a separate class of people. Psychology radically changed its appearance after the release of his work, where he illuminated the deep questions of the structure of the personality. He was able to identify the reasons for the illusory nature of a person's representatives about himself, in particular, by revealing the nature of conflicts between a constant sense of duty and unbridled passion, he found other reasons that indicate spiritual discomfort.

Increasingly reflecting on his dreams, Freud began to think in depth about creating a book on the interpretation of dreams. Thinking about the role dreams play in a person's life, and carefully analyzing the mechanism in 1900, the book was published. After some time, it was remade, and soon became a bestseller of the twentieth century. Dreams are the only product in our mental activity, this became the main thesis of the scientist. Through our own efforts, we can satisfy our imagination, finding peace of mind. Thus, expressing all unrealized, and sometimes unaccountable needs.

If we draw an analogy with other dream books, then with the naked eye we can reveal many radical and fundamental differences. Relying only on scientific data, he excluded a number of mysteries that could be read about in the dream books of Nostradamus, Vanga and Loff.

Expressing the content in absurd and symbolic images, he was able to convey the deepest and most genuine emotional experiences of the sleeper. Trying to deceive the inner mind and give vent to the forbidden passions, he began to call this the production of sleep, this is nothing more than the so-called subconscious trick that seeks to deceive the inner mind. Therefore, all the symbols of dreams began to be called the code of the innermost and hidden desires of human consciousness.

The deeper and more significant the experience was for a person, the more incredible and interesting it acquired its character in a dream. However, to reveal the secret meaning of dreams, Freud believed, is possible only with the help of good psychoanalysis.

The main types of dreams according to Freud

To date, all published Freud's dream books describe and interpret a list of recurring symbols from the dream world. For such dream books, the task is to acquaint the reader with the teachings of the Austrian psychiatrist from a practical point of view.

Stages of Dream Interpretation

To show several stages, he breaks down the censorship process, most commonly called dream work:

  • secondary process.
  • Move.
  • Condensation.
  • Projection.

If you believe his theory, you can unravel a lot and learn about your personal motives and true desires, for this you need to trace how and what you control in your dreams. It is worth considering each stage of work on dreams separately.

Secondary process in interpretation according to Freud. To create a story from a strange and unrelated dream, this method is best suited. By doing a secondary process it is possible to extract meaning from a strange story, thereby trying to mask the primary content of your dream. Often the dream we have is called explicit content, a process that tries to make sense out of all these disparate parts. Freud argued that we need to find the hidden meaning or hidden content of the dream.

Article condensation when interpreted according to Freud. One of the prominent psychoanalysts and writers, Charles Rycroft, concluded that individual details of our dreams can symbolize several themes of the condensation stage. It is distinguished by the ability to identify from a number of hidden thoughts, one clear and concise thought. Eg: if you dream of food ready to burn in the oven reminiscent of childhood, then this may mean that you miss the past or at the moment you have a rather hot state of affairs. Therefore, as a rule, images are of mixed interpretation and can symbolize several themes.

Replacement stage. With this method, it is enough to simply alleviate your anxiety or anxiety, for this you need to imagine them in a safe dream. Expressing any of your needs, you need to redirect it to another object or another person. By making such a substitution, we use the symbol as a substitute for the meaning of the dream.

Projection as a way of interpretation. By shortening the process by just one step, it is a bit like substitution. In your dreams, try to project your negative fantasies onto someone or something. Despite the fact that your dream is about the same anyway, you can take full responsibility for yourself.

Interpretation technique

Many patients, trying to understand what they mean, turned to Freud for help, who offered a rather interesting method of free association. He made them say whatever first came to their mind about their every image or action in the dream. Having analyzed all the associations in this way, one could understand the full content of dreams and an attempt to fulfill all one's desires.

Only one thing is clear what is interpretation according to the theory of dreams by Sigmund Freud the matter is not easy. To begin this business of becoming a good Freudian analyst, you need to go through a long and exhausting preparation. However, it is believed that for many, a simple acquaintance with the methods is enough to help them understand the meaning of sleep.

The role of the subconscious in dreams

What do you think is common between the human soul and an iceberg? They say that their invisible part is much larger than the visible one. It is believed that under consciousness is called precisely that part of their soul, which always remains invisible. But our conscious thoughts can be called the visible part.

For many centuries, writers, thinkers, philosophers have tried to prove and hint at the existence of the subconscious. However, Sigmund Freud who first coined the term "subconscious" was able to develop the concept of the scheme of the human soul. As he argued, nothing happens by chance in our lives. As for our thoughts and actions, we subconsciously motivate them with caused aggression, conflicts, impulses of a sexual nature and a great desire to have fun.

The need to moderate our primitive appetites gives us the opportunity to quietly enter a civilized society. He believed that people are forced to drive them into the depths of the soul, no matter how hard they try to uproot them. These factors are one of the reasons for the difficulty of suppressing power structures such as the id:

  • Seeking the pleasure of the core of his "I".
  • Sexual.
  • Aggressive, was the appearance of her in disguise.

And this cannot be denied. There is always a way to reveal yourself one way or another. We cannot claim to be well aware of our subconscious, as a result of which we often hide our feelings and desires. For by its very nature it must be hidden. But still, according to Freud, the study of your dreams will help to reveal what is hidden in the depths of your subconscious.

Calling it "the royal path of the subconscious", he believed that it is in your dreams that you allow id wishes to be fulfilled that you would never dare in real life. All other parts of your soul, so called "ego" and "super ego" by Freud, will lose their vigilance during sleep.

In order for subconscious desires to have the opportunity to appear in your dreams and break free, your self-control weakens during sleep. If each of us has a chance to fulfill all our hidden and hidden desires, then why do we sometimes dream:

  • Stupid.
  • Terrible.
  • Tragic.
  • Inconsistent dreams.

According to Freud, our inner watchman never leaves his post, however, during sleep, he still loses his vigilance. Therefore, even in a dream, you may be overwhelmed by feelings such as anxiety and regret. As stated earlier, the purpose of dreams is the protection of sleep, your soul makes your censor work tirelessly. Such dreams can be called a compromise, because you get the best of both worlds. While you are sleeping sweetly, your veiled desires do not pose any threat to you.

Freud's dream book from an old grumbler. As a result of insufficiently good disguise, we have disturbing dreams. Freud claimed that they are the fulfillment of our desires. They express the result of the suppression of our sexual impulses.

One of his followers was Carl Jung - often inspired by many in his writings, and also asked for help in interpretation. The most surprising was Freud's attitude to dreams, he believed that they play a big role in the life of every person. However, his thoughts, the presentation of a safe form of wish fulfillment, were often criticized. Having ceased to be an ardent supporter of his idea, he became one among these critics.

Few examples:

Now there are many ways interpretation of your dreams, for example, you can buy a book. However, one of the most common ways in the modern world is Freud's dream book online. You can easily find everything you need on the Internet. To do this, you just need to enter in the search bar, for example: “Sigmund Freud interpretation of dreams read online” and you will be embraced by the world of dreams.

Attention, only TODAY!

"Suppressing your own desires,
we experience them in a dream"
“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road
to the knowledge of the unconscious in mental life"
Z. Freud

If an apple fell on Newton's head when discovering the law of attraction, then the famous Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud received the essence of the theory of dream interpretation on a warm summer evening in 1895 on the terrace of a Viennese restaurant. The scientist considered a significant discovery the idea that sleep is a cipher to understand the hidden desires of a person. Dr. Freud was actively interested in the cause and meaning of dreams, discussed their dreams with patients and tried to interpret them with the help of psychoanalysis. His research was collected in the extensive work The Interpretation of Dreams. The book was published in 1900 and was edited and supplemented several times.

To the question what lies behind dreams, the scientist answered very clearly: our desires. Yes, yes, precisely desires, starting from the moment of birth. People are subject aggressive and sexual instincts and desire to have fun. Society forces from childhood to suppress aggression and sexual impulses in oneself, to control one's desires. But during sleep, these feelings are no longer controlled, and all our subconscious desires emerge from the depths into a dream.

Dream- the result of the struggle of two opposites: consciousness and the unconscious. In our dreams, events can flow smoothly from an impression from what we saw during the day to a hidden mental complex from childhood.

There are a large number of dreams that are similar in sensations and actions in many people. Prior to Freud's research, it was believed that such dreams were the result of physical stimuli. For example, a dream where the sleeper sees himself naked is the result of a thrown blanket, a dream about flying is the result of irritation from the movement of the lungs. Studying and analyzing the dreams of his patients, Sigmund came up with a different explanation for the same dreams. He found that the primary source of the formation of similar dreams is the same for everyone. What will typical dreams according to Freud tell about?

Samples of typical dreams

sample 1. you find yourself naked in front of the people around. You are ashamed and embarrassed, although people do not pay attention to this and do not point fingers at you. However, you tend to hide in a secluded place or cover your nakedness. At the heart of such dreams are memories from early childhood (up to 4 years of age), when you were not ashamed to walk around the house naked. Such a childhood is a kind of paradise (the first people also did not know shame and freely walked naked) and the dream takes the sleeping person into it. However, a person ceases to belong to himself and becomes an object for observation - after all, there are many people around.

Sample #2. you see in a dream death of loved ones: parents, children, brothers or sister, loved ones. The attitude to what they see is divided into two types: some dreamers indifferently observe this fact, the rest are very worried and can wake up in tears.

The first type is not considered by Freud as a typical dream, since it may be based on various disguised desires. About the second type, the psychoanalyst says with confidence that this is a consequence of a secret desire for death to a loved one.

Anticipating cries of indignation, Freud explains that this desire can be long forgotten and ousted from our memory. As an example, he cites the childhood jealousy of the firstborn in relation to newborn brothers or sisters. The child may show aggression towards a new family member and sincerely wish that he left their home. And in early childhood, the concepts of "death" and "care" are replaced by each other. To die for a child means to leave and not interfere with the rest. Therefore, such dreams do not mean that you wish your loved ones to die at the moment. The fact that once, even for a split second, a similar thought flashed through your head pops up in them.

The question immediately arises: If the wish for death on siblings is related to the rivalry for attention in childhood, then how can one explain the death of parents in a dream? Did we ever wish death to people so sincerely loving us? As an answer, the Austrian psychologist cites the assertion that girls see in their mothers, and boys in their fathers, rivals of their love for a parent of the opposite sex. This desire is also associated with the earliest childhood. Consider one of the examples that Freud gave in The Interpretation of Dreams.

Every time the father goes on a business trip, the little boy sleeps with his mother. But when dad returns, he has to go to his bed. Naturally, the child will have a desire for his father to leave (remember the connection between children's concepts of “departure-death”) and not prevent him from being in bed with his beloved mother.

Summing up, the psychiatrist emphasizes that these dreams are a repressed desire without censorship, which can be superimposed by daytime worries and thoughts about loved ones.

It is noteworthy that all Freud's patients at least once saw stories about death.

Sample number 3. Everyone has dreamed at least once exams. Experiences, failure, an unlearned ticket, leaving for the second year - all these elements of a dream are nothing more than childhood fears and memories of punishments for misconduct.

Parents, educators and teachers formed in us a sense of responsibility for our actions, the connection between misconduct and punishment. We know that now we will not be punished, as in childhood, but every time we face a responsible task, we feel the same uncertainty and fear. The meaning of dreams about exams is a kind of encouragement, consolation and reassurance of ourselves before a responsible act. The subconscious, as it were, says to the dreamer: “Remember how you were afraid of the exam and still passed it! So tomorrow everything will work out!

To the same group of typical dreams, Freud includes night visions of late for the train. He considers departure a symbol of death, and the dream itself is a consolation - "do not be afraid, you will not leave (you will not die)".

Sample No. 4. Flights and falls in a dream. According to the research of a psychoanalyst, the sensations of floating in the air appear in our dreams thanks to children's games with adults. Remember how often parents throw a laughing child up, circle him by the arms around the room, pretend to fall, swing him on a swing. Dizziness and slight fear that children experience is replaced by a feeling of joy and pleasure.

It happens that during such games the child may experience sexual sensations. One of Freud's patients spoke of a voluptuous feeling experienced when swinging on a swing. Our subconscious mind reproduces these sensations and childhood impressions in dreams about flights and falls.

Sample number 5. Dreams with feeling fear when swimming in water or walking (crawling) along a narrow street or passage. They are based on memories of being in the womb and childbirth. These memories carry an unconscious belief in life after death (similar to the unknown life after birth from the womb).

Symbols in dreams

Working with one of his early followers, Wilhelm Stekel, and studying typical dreams, Freud came to the conclusion that great attention should be paid to symbols when interpreting dreams. Symbols- these are the hidden elements of a dream, they carry the same meaning for all people. They can be found not only in dreams, but also in literary works, legends and myths, and ordinary speech.

In his work "The Interpretation of Dreams", the scientist explains the meaning of some symbols:
King and queen- the father and mother of the sleeping
prince or princess- sleeping himself
house- the human body
oblong objects (sticks, canes, umbrellas, trees) and sharp objects (knives, pikes, daggers)- male genitalia
boxes, cabinets, crates, caves- female genitalia
climbing and descending stairs- sexual intercourse
complex mechanisms and devices, as well as natural landscapes- sexual organs
water and everything related to it- birth

Based on the interpretation of dream symbols, a common on the Internet was compiled dream book according to Freud. It is not by chance that it is called erotic, because the Austrian psychiatrist considered most of the symbols of dreams as a manifestation of the sexual instinct. Using Freud's dream book, one should not forget that in addition to symbols, the emotions that you experienced in dreams play an important role in interpreting sleep.

Sigmund Freud was a famous psychiatrist, neurologist and psychotherapist, the founder of psychoanalysis. His contribution to this field of science is almost impossible to overestimate. He is the ancestor, founder and kind of progenitor of psychoanalysis and the therapeutic direction of the psychoanalytic school.

For the first time in the history of mankind, Freud decided to look at sleep and dreams as a chain of logical and encrypted messages from our subconscious. He explained dreams not as a meaningless set of pictures and stories, but as, albeit unconscious, but amenable to analysis, the work of the brain. He first looked at dreams as a logically built series of encrypted messages from the subconscious. For that time, this was an unheard-of innovation, many denied its conclusions. But time has put everything in its place, and now he takes pride of place in the hall of the great scientists of his time.

His book "The Interpretation of Dreams" is a world treasure that every self-respecting psychologist or psychiatrist has, this work is studied in institutes. His dream book is a simplified, modernized version of this book.

Search in Freud's dream book alphabetically:

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know if your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether to trust what you saw in a dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Sigmund Freud's dream book is one of the most popular and reliable interpreters of dreams. The reason is that the great psychoanalyst in his writings relied solely on the psychology of the unconscious, while other authors preferred to take into account signs, beliefs and esotericism.

In 1900, Sigmund Freud's monograph The Interpretation of Dreams was published. Surprisingly, this book was not wildly popular at the time. In his work, the psychoanalyst first told the world about such a concept as. What is it?

The unconscious is an area of ​​our mentality that remains invisible to consciousness, but at the same time it directly affects our behavior and thinking. In many ways, its formation is influenced by upbringing, psychological trauma, and attitudes. Let's give an example: if the mother in the boy's family was authoritarian, then in the future he will look for a strong and powerful wife, because in childhood he learned the installation - a woman in a family should be a leader.

The main provisions of the theory of dreams

Thirdly, Sigmund was sure that the unconscious clothes its signs in specific images and symbols, which must be interpreted independently. For two different people, a symbol such as, for example, can have completely different meanings. Therefore, when the psychoanalyst's patients asked to reveal the secret of their night vision, he began the session with the same question: "What comes to your mind about the element that you saw in a dream?"

However, later the psychoanalyst realized that many symbols have the same meaning for people, and as a result, Freud's dream book was created. At present, any person without the personal participation of the great thinker can receive his consultation free of charge. To do this, you need to purchase his book or find Freud's dream book online on the Internet.

How to interpret dreams on your own

Next, we will tell you how to reveal the meaning of dreams, if you chose Freud's dream book for this, the interpretation of dreams should mainly consist in revealing not only individual characters, but the entire plot of the vision. During sleep, a person completely turns off the filters of consciousness and gives free rein to his unconscious, which includes a “speaking” symbol in every nuance.

The character encoding scheme in our dreams is as follows:

  • The unconscious chooses a dream, desire, fear that it wants to demonstrate to the dreamer today.
  • Further, it “encodes” it into specific association symbols.
  • There is a confusion of symbols, which often looks in dreams like the delirium of a madman.

Thus, the unconscious shows a person a strange vision, consisting of a mix of images. By the way, most often at night it causes a feeling of satisfaction in a person, since in a veiled form it shows the dreamer the fulfillment of his secret desires or overcoming phobias. However, in the morning, after turning on consciousness, night vision causes only a feeling of bewilderment, since it looks completely illogical.

So, you have woken up and are determined to unravel the mysteries of your unconscious:

2. Write down the main symbols of sleep in a column and write in front of each of the associations that come to your mind in connection with them. The most correct interpretations are usually the first options.

3. Complete your associations with values ​​from Freud's dream book. Sometimes we are afraid to admit to ourselves the thoughts that come to mind, as a result, this leads to a false interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation will avoid such moments.

4. Finish the interpretation of dreams according to Freud by linking all the symbols together. Remember what happened to the images in the plot. This will allow you to see the big picture and the signals of your unconscious.

Psychoanalysts recommend that newcomers to the interpretation of their dreams read the works of Freud, as well as use the services of psychoanalysts. After 2-5 sessions, you will learn to easily see the secret signs of your night dreams. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

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