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Imagine the average office worker is distracted every three minutes. According to a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University, once distracted, we spend up to 25 minutes on average just trying to regain the lost focus.

It is very easy to get distracted from work, sometimes we do not even notice how this happens, but it is very difficult to concentrate and maintain attention at an adequate level. And, despite the fact that almost everyone faces the problem of scattered attention at work, we do almost nothing to change our environment, mood and block external stimuli.

How the brain chooses what to focus on

Our brain is active at any time of the day or night. He constantly perceives information that continuously comes from outside. This means that the brain must constantly choose what to pay attention to and what to filter out and ignore. Neuroscientists call this process “selective attention,” and there are two types of it:

  • Controlled attention is the process when we ourselves control what our attention is focused on. Whether we need to solve a problem, finish a project, or listen carefully to a presentation, we literally force our brains to focus on what we need.
  • Uncontrolled attention is the process when the focus is distracted by an unexpected external or internal stimulus, whether it is a strange thought that has crept into the head, the smell of coffee, or a sharp, unexpected noise. The uncontrolled movement of focus is out of our control.

What is the problem?

The difficulty in maintaining focus and controlling attention is that we cannot control what type of selective attention our brain uses in certain moment. Despite the desire to maintain control, the normal functioning of the brain simply obliges the nervous system to respond to external stimuli. This is all connected with instincts, animal comfort and the correct, timely response to danger. If you are cold or hungry, it will be extremely difficult to force yourself to focus on exam preparation. If you hear an unexpected loud noise, the brain perceives it as a potential danger, and the danger is always more important than the quarterly report.

In addition, studies have shown that willpower and attention cannot be endless - the more often we are distracted, the harder it is to regain lost focus. However, some researchers have concluded that there are several ways to help the brain maintain controlled focus longer and more effectively.

Seven ways to focus on work

If you've ever been distracted at work, you know that you risk getting stuck in an endless and fruitless attempt to get back in the right mood. Who among us does not know how difficult it is to ignore notifications in in social networks, not be distracted by calls and conversations of colleagues and not be distracted by your own thoughts and dreams? IN Once again when external and internal stimuli are accepted with new force rob you of your precious will to focus, remember the following helpful tips.

Determine your ideal schedule

You have probably noticed that you are more or less concentrated in different time day and night. It depends on the activity of the brain. No wonder people are divided into larks and owls, and the point here is not always only in developed habits. Some people really find it easier to focus in the afternoon rather than early in the morning. For most people, the peak time of brain activity is in the late morning, and the maximum propensity to lose attention is at lunchtime.

If you are a night owl, it is easier for you to focus after lunch, and that is when you should take on more complex tasks that require maximum attention. If you are a morning person, on the contrary, start the day with the most difficult tasks, and in the afternoon, do routine activities.

Control standard distractions

Our brains learn by doing. The more we practice small momentary distractions like checking Email or Twitter a hundred times a day, the more habitual the behavior becomes and the harder it is to get rid of.

Instead of getting distracted every 10 minutes, train your brain to stay focused by pulling yourself up every time your hand reaches for your phone and your eyes go to the new messages icon.

Take quality breaks

Most of our waking time passes at the pace of receiving maximum number information in the shortest possible time. We have 15 tabs open at once, we spend the day at work in an endless stream of emails, phone calls, messages from colleagues. Max speed work does not make this work more efficient. In fact, just the opposite.

To increase your ability to stay focused at work, take a break. Find a place where you will not be haunted by constant stimuli that require your attention. Spend some time in a park or cafe where there is no internet, while leaving the phone at work, in half an hour the apocalypse will not come, and your brain will have a long-awaited chance to recharge.

Forget about multitasking

Multitasking is nothing more than a myth. In the entire history of mankind, there have been only a dozen people who were able to effectively and simultaneously perform several tasks that require concentration.

Our brains are incapable of focusing on more than one thing at a time, in fact, "multitasking" simply means quickly switching attention from one problem to another. And the more often we switch, the more energy we spend. And the more energy we expend, the faster we get tired.

Make a list of tasks in order of importance and stick to it as closely as possible. The fewer tasks you try to complete at once, the more effective your overall work will be.

Choose tasks that match your energy level

If the task at hand isn't important enough to warrant your undivided attention, the brain quickly shifts to another object. If you are going to take on a very important presentation, and the brain is constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts, maybe it is worth postponing an important task for that period of the working day when your energy is not at a minimum level?

Don't give in to stress

Tension and stress have a very bad effect on concentration, and not only on it. Typically, stress at work is highest when the cool-headed ability to put aside everything unnecessary and fully concentrate on what is important is most needed.

The breaks and meditation mentioned above will help to avoid stress. Try to take five minutes for yourself, and focus only on what you feel: focus on the heartbeat, smell, breath and tactile sensations. This practice will help you quickly calm down and recover in a stressful situation.

Have snacks or chew gum

This method seems a bit odd, but studies show that chewing gum increases oxygen flow to the parts of the brain that are responsible for attention. Chewing also improves long-term memory and injects a small amount of insulin into the bloodstream, which increases brain activity. In addition, the chewing process helps nervous system relax and calm down - it's all about instincts - if we chew, then we eat, and if we eat, then we are safe.

If you are not a fan chewing gum, snack on nuts, fruits and dried fruits, and to give your brain a little extra energy, eat something sweet. However, it is best to get carried away with sweets at the end of the working day, because after a quick influx of energy, its same rapid fall follows, and then forgive both concentration and focus.

We live in information world. This is the world where every minute, even second, something happens that insistently demands our attention. Video, audio, Internet, mobile connection make us real information eaters. But our attention is becoming more and more scattered. We get used to “grab on top”, and are no longer able to concentrate on one thing, even when it is important and necessary. Try it - will you be able to finish reading, without being distracted, at least this text?

Today we will talk about how to learn to focus, definitely - without this skill it is impossible to make our life purposeful and productive.

Let's start simple, because difficult problems there are always easy solutions. There is a universal recipe for concentration. He is like this: make the object of attention become interesting to you.

Interest is the most effective method focus on something. The load of attention when washing floors is about 9%, and when counting money - more than 80%.

But here's the problem simple solutions usually is that they are difficult to implement. What to do if you need to keep your attention for a long time, for example, during the period of passing exams or writing a scientific work?

Connect physiology

Our ability to concentrate directly depends on how we feel. There are a few rules to follow during periods that require concentration. Here are the rules:

1. Replace your usual cup of coffee with a few aerobic exercises. It is believed that coffee is the best activator of thought processes. But this is not so, in large quantities this drink will defocus attention.

In fact, the most effective stimulant - physical exercise. In our brain they release chemical substances affecting learning and memory. If you do not like physical education, replace the exercises with a 15-minute walk.

2. Drink more water while reading or absorbing information. There are at least two reasons for this.

One - physiological - is based on the fact that our brain recognizes the slightest changes in the body. And it starts to work not in the most optimal way to attract our attention, it is difficult for us to concentrate. And the lack of fluid is the first thing the brain reacts to (after the lack of air).

The second reason is esoteric. Water as a carrier of information helps to better assimilate new things. Drink clean water follows in small sips.

3. Get enough sleep. The reason for the inability to focus is often a simple lack of sleep. On days of intense mental activity, 7-9 hours of sleep are needed, this time will pay off later with excellent performance.

Accept orgmeasures

In the information world, we must be in time everywhere, do several things at once and keep a lot in memory. The tension resulting from such multitasking turns into constant stress. And it is one of the reasons for our inability to concentrate. We seem to be missing something all the time. You can “fly up above the hustle and bustle” with the help of organizational measures.

1. Make a list of all the things that are "spinning" in your head. Break it into 3 lists according to the principle:

- the most urgent (first priority);

- what can be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow;

- things that can be postponed for a certain time.

Every day, make this list in a new way, cross out what you have done as you complete it. Difficult tasks try to do it in the morning.

2. Organize your workspace or the place where you will study. There should not be anything distracting in this place. Don't try to focus while the TV is on or in between commenting on social media. The maximum that you will achieve is an inexplicable feeling of fatigue in the evening.

3. Include breaks in your schedule. This time can be used for phone calls, browsing social networks, walking on fresh air or workouts. The main thing is to switch from concentration to relaxation from time to time.


AND - good news Our brains can develop the ability to ignore distractions! Therefore, in conclusion, how to learn to concentrate with the help of special exercises. They are contained in yoga complexes and in auto-training. But the most accessible and enjoyable way to develop the ability to concentrate is reading.

Read a book non-stop for 30 minutes. Every few pages, retell what you have read to yourself, making sure you are focused on the text. Every day increase the time of continuous reading, gradually bringing it up to an hour or even two.

Attention switching training. Read alternately two books on related topics. Page - in one, then - in another. After 30 minutes of such reading, you need to make a plan for what you read in each book.

So, the main thing is that the ability to concentrate can and should be developed. Try it and thanks for watching!

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The ability to focus is an important part of the arsenal successful person. Having learned to concentrate, to concentrate on a particular goal, certain form activities, you have a very good chance of achieving success in this.

In this article we:
A) Discuss why the ability to focus is so important.
B) Let's figure out what factors prevent us from focusing.
C) Let's think about how to eliminate factors that interfere with concentration.
D) Finally, we will develop a common strategy that will help us learn to focus.

What is the role of the ability to focus?

(Perhaps you will immediately scream to yourself: what is the role in this?!!! And so it is clear!!! Let's get down to business!!! Have a little patience: let's deal with everything in order. We want to learn how to concentrate, right? So, no need to digress, you need to read in order. Well, sir, I’m finishing the protracted introduction.)

Scientists-physiologists have established that a person's working capacity changes in the process of work. The first ten to fifteen minutes is the so-called work-in period, the next 20-30 minutes is optimal performance, and after some time exhaustion sets in.

How is the performance and efficiency of work during these periods?

Working in: increased
Middle phase: highest
Exhaustion: reduced

Given this, you should work for periods of about an hour, so that, firstly, a good working out occurs, then you work hard and practice a little to deal with slight fatigue. Then you need to pause, rest a little and start a new cycle.

I think there is no need to explain that by being distracted, we disrupt the natural course of this cycle. Distracting once every 15 minutes, we risk never reaching maximum performance - which means not seeing decent results. What an efficient job...

As you can see, a person purely physiologically (that is, if we consider him as a kind of “biorobot” :)))) must work with concentration, without being distracted.

And what about from the point of view of psychology? It's easy to guess. The business that captivates us, the business that captures us, occupies all our thoughts (that is, the one on which you are focused) is made much easier, the process of work itself gives you pleasure - it is interesting to work!
So, perhaps the first commandment of a person who wants to succeed in a particular business: productivity requires focusing on one subject!

What prevents us from concentrating?

1. External factors that impede concentration
- noise, music
- neighbors and colleagues climbing with questions
- ICQ and phone
- something else that requires your attention, competes for attention with a task that needs to be done.

2. Internal factors that interfere with concentration (ATTENTION!!!)
- general feeling unwell
- lack of a clear action plan
- unbalanced emotional condition
- lack of interest in work

The lists can go on. By the way, if you really want to learn how to concentrate properly, I advise you to minimize the browser window here, open a Word or notepad sheet and write a short list under the heading "What prevents me from concentrating." I emphasize - it doesn’t interfere at all, but what prevents you from doing a specific thing, focusing on a specific job.

I got this list:
1. I have more interesting things to do (surf the Net, drive a fresh toy). I don't do it, but my thoughts keep coming back.
2. Work does not give me satisfaction.
3. I did it yesterday and it just gets bored - the routine drags on.

However, I understand that it needs to be done. Here we do not discuss how to force yourself to do this or that thing (victory over laziness and the acquisition of motivation is a topic for a separate discussion).

So, smoothly, we got to the main point.

How can you focus anyway?

How to learn not to be distracted, to do your job effectively, to focus on important things and not waste time?

Now I'll try to be brief;))) Everything that is written above can be considered an introduction, but here is the essence.

1. We provide ourselves with good workplace. Ask relatives and friends not to disturb you if you work at home, gently make it clear to colleagues that you don’t really like it when you are torn off. Explain to them that you yourself are distracted every hour and are ready to discuss with them whatever they want. You can also casually explain to them why it is important (for you and for them) to focus on work.

2. We work in periods of an hour, with a break of 10 minutes. This organization of work in the best way contributes to concentration. It may be difficult at first not to be distracted for an entire hour - be patient, developing the ability to concentrate is not so easy.

3. We provide ourselves with the necessary psychological attitude. It is necessary to remove all internal factors that interfere with concentration. Feel that work is really important to you. Focus on the results it brings (salary, promotion position in society).

4. Always have a clear work plan: you must know how much, what and when you have to do. This will help you focus not just on work, but on the result and you will strive for it, because after reaching the goal for the day (not necessarily for the day), you will receive a reward. Did the job - go to ICQ boldly! =)))

5. Get started as soon as possible!!! Start your planned business in the morning or from the very arrival at work. Let there be no distractions between starting work and waking up. Don't let yourself check your email as soon as you sit down at your computer. Do not open ICQ or reader. How you start your day will be reflected throughout it. It is worth setting a working, businesslike tone - and it will become much easier to concentrate (For me, this item turned out to be the most effective. Perhaps the fact is that it came with experience, and was not deduced logically. Therefore, I advise you not only to read and apply my or someone else's then still advice, but also try to find your own methods by observing yourself and setting up experiments).

6. Another secret from me personally, continuation of the previous one. You need to focus on important matters not when you sit down at the table, but even in bed. Think about your work, try to evoke in yourself positive emotions towards her. Tell yourself that you will do it with interest, with passion, with passion. That show creativity and a truly original approach that will be appreciated by colleagues and clients.

P.S. Notice that in this article we talked about how to learn to concentrate, about what prevents you from concentrating on work, etc. - it seems to be a narrow topic, a kind of life hack that fits into standard recommendations like “10 ways to unscrew an electric light bulb” (“10 tips on how to focus on work”)))), but in the end it turned out that this “narrow topic” is very closely associated with motivation in a healthy way life (to concentrate you need to have good health- see above), planning and time management.

Hence the main conclusion: if you want to be successful in general, and not just be able to screw light bulbs well, then you need to constantly see such relationships and, while optimizing one area of ​​your life, casually clean up the rest. And, of course, do not rely only on someone else's advice. Even mine;))))) Think and experiment! And yes, still comment;)) If you have something to say about concentration and not only - welcome to the comments!

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