How to persuade a person? Rules for successful persuasion. The art of persuasion or how to manipulate people correctly and without malice

How can you persuade a person? This question is asked by many people who want to learn how to defend their point of view. Convincing your interlocutor of something can sometimes seem like an extremely difficult task that is incomparable with other efforts. The fact is that each individual has his own opinion on this or that issue. In order to be able to convey the necessary information to him, it is necessary to update the internal forces as much as possible. How to do it right? What work should be done? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Reflection technique

It is about instilling the maximum degree of trust in your opponent. This The best way gently and painlessly influence the situation. The reflection technique works in all cases when there is a desire to influence the situation. How to persuade a person?

You just need to try to speak his language. This is the best way to build trust in yourself. If you contrast your beliefs with your opponent, it is unlikely to lead to a satisfactory result. You must act carefully, trying not to go too far. All hypocrisy should be avoided, since it never leads to the desired goal.

To speak fast

The pace of speech also matters. This is not surprising, since people subconsciously take this point into account in conversations. If you speak quickly, without stretching out your sentences, the person will begin to listen more carefully to your words. Short, abrupt speech helps to increase concentration and has a positive effect on the individual.

If the subject of the conversation concerns some important things, then it becomes much easier to convince a person of something. Rapid speech forces a person to drop his thoughts and seriously concentrate on what is being said.

Soft questions

Having thought about how to properly persuade a person, decide to act unobtrusively. You can ask your interlocutor soft questions that will prepare your opponent for a certain decision. It is best to try not to get into your soul right away, but to learn about everything gradually. Questions that require an affirmative answer work very well.


How to persuade a person to do something? You need to praise him personal qualities. It is recommended to say pleasant words. This puts people at ease and allows the conversation to be directed in the right direction. In this case, there is no need to be embarrassed to pronounce words of praise: there are never too many of them. Compliments are necessary in order to get closer to the very essence of a person. If an individual lets you get so close, it means that, most likely, he will be able to be persuaded to take certain actions.

Any praise almost always works flawlessly. The main thing is that the words are spoken with the necessary sincerity. Falsity is felt immediately, and a wise person is unlikely to respond to it. Deception destroys any relationship and contributes to the formation of spiritual coldness and rejection. Everyone wants to feel important and self-sufficient. For this reason, you need to try to act gently and be patient.

Good mood

It is known that a smile disarms like nothing else. When we share part of our energy with people, we receive visible benefits in return. This is why it is so important to be able to save good mood and be positive.

Try to control your own emotions, do not allow conflict situations to arise against the backdrop of rejection of certain points. How to persuade a person? It is necessary to sincerely smile at him, strive to demonstrate a kind disposition towards him. Only in this case will your opponent begin to trust you.

Useful stuff

When we do something good for our interlocutor, he begins to feel gratitude. A useful deed gives a person the grounds to start listening to your words. Feelings of gratitude help bring people closer together. And only then you can use this feeling to try to bring it to definite decision. But first you should always try to give something important to your interlocutor. Only in this case will he listen to your words and, perhaps, change his mind.

Advantages of the offer

If there is an intention to lead an individual to some decision, then it is necessary to show positive sides from cooperation. It is necessary to demonstrate all the benefits of the offer, so much so that it is impossible to refuse it. A person may agree only because he becomes interested in seeing the visible benefits. If a person does not find anything beneficial for himself, then he is unlikely to delve into the details at all.

Nice appearance

People always pay attention to this, although sometimes they try to pretend that they are not interested in appearance. Having thought about how to persuade a person, you need to take care of your appearance. No one likes to communicate with a slob in a greasy jacket. Attractive appearance It is very attractive and helps build trust. Once the desired impression has been created, you can submit any information. Charm is of great importance; it literally attracts people to you.

Elderly people

How to persuade an elderly person? It is important to follow several rules here. Firstly, you should not try to force your position on them too actively. This will only cause rejection and further rejection. Secondly, you need to be prepared for failure.

Older people are quite suspicious and will not want to waste time on something that will not be useful to them in the long term. It is necessary to present the proposal in such a way that it seems not only correct, but also sounds quite noble. A person who has lived many years in the world is very sensitive to such concepts as honor and dignity. If he is deceived and not restrained this promise, he will stop believing you completely.

Thus, in the question of how to persuade a person, you need to be careful and use common sense. It is necessary to act confidently and at the same time unobtrusively. Great importance has the mood of the interlocutor and his willingness to accept proposals from you.

We often wonder how to convince a person? How to convince him that you are right? how to convince him that it will be better this way. Often positive result Any business directly depends on the ability to convince a person that you are right.

It is a pity that we acquire the ability to persuade people in the process of life, and not from the cradle. Pretty hard convince a person something he doesn't believe in. Therefore, to be more likely to convince, you need to practice more. Before answering the question “How to convince a person?” you need to correctly argue this or that situation.

As they like to say: “You cannot force a person to do what he does not want.” Actually it is possible. You just need to try really hard for this.

The skill of persuading a person is useful in all areas of life: at work, at home, in leisure.

Great way to persuade- this means telling the truth, looking into the eyes and not gesticulating. Calling him by name will help convince a person. This will endear the interlocutor to you and your requests. After all, everyone likes it when they call you by name. Can be used pet names. This skill makes a person like you much more strongly. The person becomes like an “open book” and it is much easier for you to win him over.

How to convince a person that you are right and quit smoking

The best way to persuade- these are explanations. It is rare that your interlocutor will agree with your solution to a problem only after asking a question. When convincing a person that he is right, that he is wrong, or in quitting drinking, you must explain to him all the positive aspects decision taken, negative aspects and only after that give him the opportunity to choose.

It is more difficult to convince over the phone, because you cannot look at the person (which allows you to better win the person over), the interlocutor cannot understand whether you are lying to him or not. The phone changes its voice a little. Therefore, even if you tell the truth, your interlocutor, on the other side of the phone, may think that he is being lied to and will not listen further. But if they trust you, then convincing a person of anything will not be difficult.

Everyone should have the skill of persuasion. After all, how else can you persuade your boss to give you a raise? wages how to get your husband to quit smoking. This opportunity will help you in all your endeavors.

How to convince a person not to drink anything

No matter how much a person is interested in studying this skill, probably, this science will never be fully studied. Each time, in response, new blockers of this art are studied. That is, no matter how much you can convince a person, situations will happen when either you will not succeed, or someone will counterattack, and you will simply accept his point of view of some situation.

In order to be a master of this matter, you need to practice more, study literature on this topic and try to lie to others as little as possible. And before insisting on your point of view, answer yourself: “Is my position correct?”

We also recommend reading the book: Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public speaking. This book will help you learn how to convince any person.

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In our lives, situations often arise when our point of view does not agree with our interlocutor (this can apply to both the relationship between a man and a woman, and any relationship). But at the same time, we really want to convince a person to do what we need. We can have more information, knowledge, experience, and other advantages, including confidence that you are right - but will this help in the dispute?

So how do you convince someone to do what you want? Which psychological techniques Should we use it so that the other person takes our side, and does not argue, does not defend his point of view to the last drop of blood?

Do the arguments convince anyone?

Most people strive to convince another person that they are right, using arguments and logic. They try to force the other person to do what they want, based on their conclusions and a clear opinion that they are trying to impose on the other.

This method only works in one case: when the person is already on your side!

This is surprising, but arguments in persuasion only help when the person himself, before talking to you, has already decided for himself that his point of view is this and no other. And when you come and simply voice his thoughts, he can only agree! After all, he had already thought about it himself.

At the same time, no effort is required from you to persuade - you just speak, the person agrees. All.

But the situation changes dramatically if a person’s point of view is different from yours. In this case, can you convince the person to do what you want using arguments and logic?

Try it sometime :) It always ends in failure)

Psychological defense mechanisms

Each of us contains certain psychological mechanisms that protect our psyche. Without diving deeply, I will only say that they allow us to preserve our emotional condition stable, and repel attacks that could harm us. In essence, they give us confidence that we are right, and the conviction to act the way we ourselves want.

It is in each of us. And what happens when a person already has a point of view, a certain picture of the world, and you come and present an argument that refutes the person’s point of view?

For any person it sounds something like this: “he refutes my thoughts, my point of view, he is trying to break me. He thinks that I don’t understand something, he thinks I’m a fool. Therefore, we must defend ourselves."

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This, of course, is a slightly primitive description, and no one consciously thinks so, but subconsciously this is exactly the mechanism that works. By bringing new and new arguments, you are showing emotional aggression. And the person begins to defend himself - defending one's conviction and rightness.

As a result, no matter what you say, no matter what “iron” arguments you give, each additional argument you make will confirm your interlocutor that he is right, giving him additional confidence. He will look for all possible flaws in your logic, attribute to you what you did not say, distort information - but he will find a way to convince, first of all himself, that you are wrong and he is right.

How to convince someone to do what you want

If you think about how to convince a person to do something, then there will actually be only one answer: the person himself must want to do it. And if he doesn’t want to, at least convince yourself, but it won’t do any good.

Okay, there is an option - put a gun to a person’s head and force him to do something by force. But usually such behavior has certain consequences, in the form of your prolonged departure to places not so distant.

Well, well, there is a difficult task: to convince a person, or at least to plant the seeds of doubt in his confidence that he is right. How to do it?

It’s not arguments that convince, it’s questions

Based on what I wrote above - that a person can only decide for himself that he wants to do something, then we need to think about how we can try to direct a person in the right direction without emotional aggression.

And the first thing that helps us with this is questions.

Yes it amazing thing, which many people don’t use very often. The ability to ask correct and appropriate questions, the ability to build a dialogue so that a person answers them.

What is the advantage of asking questions? Right asked question not emotionally aggressive. You are interested in the person’s opinion, and do not push your point of view onto him. This immediately calms the ego and removes protective barriers. Psychologically, a person relaxes, opens the gate, and is ready to receive information.

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Next, the one who asks questions in a conversation actually controls the conversation. That is, it may seem that the person who speaks more controls the conversation, but this is not the case. After all, it is questions that set the direction, show the path, and the one who speaks more follows the path you have built.

Then - questions activate a person's thinking. When you speak, your interlocutor is floating on his own wavelength and in his own thoughts. But when he is asked a question, he needs to react, he needs to build his argument based on the question, and do it quickly. The person turns on and begins to develop a thought. And becomes more active and involved.

What do the right questions do? If you ask questions in a certain sequence, step by step, then a person, answering them correctly, seems to be walking along a path.

He draws certain conclusions for himself and argues his point of view. And he can come to unexpected conclusions for himself.

The most important word here is himself. That is, this was not done by force or coercion, but you convince the person by the fact that he convinces himself. He himself pronounces the answer to the question, and he himself, reasoning logically, goes to the correct thought.

Persuasion is a real art

But theory is theory - and practice, of course, is very different. To convince a person that you are right, you need to have very cool skills and the ability to ask the right questions.

This is a proactive skill when the mind must work in such a fast mode in order to respond to the phrases of your interlocutor, adapt to his argumentation, his words - and issue the right questions at the right time.

Plus, you need to do this with the correct intonation, facial expressions and body languages. This is all very, very difficult and requires regular practice.

What other practices are there to persuade an interlocutor?

There is another good technique that can increase the chances that your interlocutor will take your side. And this, again, is not your confidence in your rightness, and the desire to convince.

This is the ability to mimic. What does it mean?

If you look at the greatest negotiators on earth, you will notice one very interesting feature, which unites them all. And this feature is that they are very “inconspicuous”.

That is, you look at a person and see that he does not have a bright color, harsh features, or defiant behavior. He's kind of a no-no. After meeting such a person, sometimes you feel like you don’t remember him, he’s so vague.

Why does this quality unite great negotiators? Because it allows you to change your shape and become like your interlocutor!

After all, each of us loves our own kind. If we speak loudly, then we will respect people who speak also loudly. If our speech is quiet, polite and sedate, then if a screamer appears on the horizon, he will irritate us. And if a person is of our type, then we will be on the same wavelength.

Therefore, great negotiators are those people who adapt to each interlocutor separately. They mimic like chameleons. They adopt facial expressions, gestures, behavior and tone of conversation of the interlocutor, resonating with him. This resonance allows them to win over the interlocutor, make contact, and reach the heart and soul.

And ultimately convince the person to do what the negotiator needs. Even if the person was in a different position and with a different point of view, he had confidence in his rightness.

A good negotiator can change this position.

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Your whole life is an attempt to convince someone of something.

Convince the beauty that it is worth sleeping with you.

Convince your boss that he should pay you more.

Convince the client that you should give money.

Convince the teacher to give you a test. And so on and so forth.

Give me any area where - and I will tell you that you will need the art of persuasion in it.

This is one of the most important skills you can develop.

I recently read best book how to convince people.

And no, this is not Robert Cialdini.

Almost no one knows about his books, and no one knows that the art of persuasion is a simple thing.

If you know these prohibited ways of influencing people during communication, then it will be easier for you to succeed.

Why are they “forbidden”?

Do you want to master the methods psychological impact real sectarians?

These are the methods used by charismatic leaders to build totalitarian empires and by crazy gurus to force people to commit mass suicide.

The book is called Forbidden Keys to Persuasion.

Blair Warren says we all have hidden addictions.

These are desires that haunt a person throughout his life. He wants to satisfy these desires no matter what.

Cults and dictators used these methods to ingratiate themselves and control people.

And if we are not aware of them, then we leave ourselves at the mercy of fate and those people who are ready to take advantage of them.

Warren said that every person has seven hidden addictions. And a person will do anything to satisfy these addictions.

Most of this article is written as a translation. I tried to translate this masterpiece as accurately as possible.

So if you want to know how to convince people to do what you want, here are seven forbidden ways...

7 Prohibited Ways to Persuade People

1. People need to feel needed.

The cult leader, standing in front of future adherents, senses that one woman is not ready to join the sect.

He instantly stops talking to the entire group and turns his full attention to the woman. He praises her intellectual abilities and skill in making connections in society.

“These are truly rare abilities,” he assures her, and tells her how much the group needs the help of people with such outstanding qualities.

The woman smiles and, blushing, thanks the leader for the compliment. She soon becomes a fully involved cult member.

Give the person the feeling that they are truly needed. Not because you are desperate, but because he is special and you will give him one of the greatest gifts on earth.

One former cult member put it this way: “I was fed worship; food of the gods."

How to use this method:

  1. Emphasize the importance of the role
  2. Openly admit that your request will require sacrifice (effort) on his part.

An example of this psychological belief read above.

Keep in mind that the request you are asking to be fulfilled should not be significant.

She just has to seem significant to another person.

2. When people are stuck, they will do anything to get a feeling of hope.

It doesn't matter whether you know how to help and solve a person's problem.

All sorts of gurus provide feeling of hope without necessarily keeping their promises.

You can see this in business courses.

They say: “You will create a business in 3 days on our course.”

And I honestly don’t know a single person who would do this.

But they provide hope on the fact that the person will also be the boss, and therefore they are swimming in money.

They use phrases that persuade.

It’s the same with fortune tellers, mediums, and psychics.

They don't change absolutely nothing In human life, but they give him hope.

Think for a second how much of our lives we spend searching for answers to our problems.

Go to a bookstore and look at the “How to [make friends/influence people/make money]” section and the “self-help” section.

In moments when there is no hope, we are vulnerable to anyone who can give us that essential element our life.

To master this method of persuasion, we must stop and ask ourselves: “What are other people's problems? What circumstances do they want to get out of? How can agreeing with my proposal rekindle their hope?

Scammers give people hope for financial freedom. Cults offer adherents a solution to all their problems.

What sense of hope can you offer to those you want to persuade?

3. People need a scapegoat.

Prize-winner Nobel Prize, Elias Canetti, in his book Crowds and Power, says that one of the surest ways to keep a certain group alive is to focus their attention on another group of people whom they see as their enemies.

In other words, the crowd needs a scapegoat.

You might have seen how federal television is trying to focus attention on the “bad Americans.”

This is just one of the methods of psychological influence.

When we feel that something is wrong with us, . Why?

Because this “wrong” threatens our psychological stability.

And there is no faster way to restore stability and a sense of security than to find out that the cause of our problem lies outside of us.

Our problems lie in the scapegoat.

How to use this idea ethically? Very simple.

We must understand that the scapegoat should not be a person or a group of people.

The scapegoat must be an opposing force to be effective.

For example, it could be an idea, a philosophy, or an unfortunate set of circumstances that cannot be controlled.

One landscape designer said that when he first meets potential clients, they are often embarrassed by the condition of their property.

He tells them that the drought is to blame and bad condition soil.

That is, he found a scapegoat. It’s not people’s fault that their land is in this condition!

And when he began to shift the blame from the owners to bad conditions, the number of clients has increased.

Find a way to shift responsibility - and the person will be more receptive to your proposal.

4. People need to feel like they are noticed and understood.

When cult members were asked why they joined the cult, they responded that for the first time in their lives they felt like they were being paid attention to and understood.

That's why teenagers from good families can unite into gangs, subcultures, groups.

They want attention and understanding.

Don't underestimate this important method of persuasion.

5. People need to know things others don't know/things they shouldn't know.

Do you want to know the secret? You're not alone.

The idea of ​​learning something that few people know, or learning something you shouldn't know, is extraordinarily tempting.

Many cult leaders claim to have secret knowledge.

They say they have connections with mystical sources of knowledge. They can summon spirits, communicate with aliens, and they have solved the mystery of human cloning.

The power of mystery is all around us, waiting for us to use it.

What is there in your product, service or idea that has shades of secrecy or mystery?

When you discover this, you will have another powerful resource for persuasion.

6. People need to feel they are right.

How to convince a person to do what you want?

Let him feel that he is right.

Abraham Lincoln asked his son, “If you call a tail a leg, how many legs will a dog have?”

The answer, according to President Lincoln, was not five, but four, since calling a tail a leg does not make it one.

At the same time, such logic is the last thing needed in .

If a friend, girlfriend, or anyone else calls the tail a leg, then the right way to lose favor is to say that a person is wrong.

Often we will get nothing out of it and the person will not suffer for his mistake, but we still feel a burning desire to correct him.

Because it already comes into force our need feel right.

How to apply this in life?

How do you get a person to change their mind, but still allow the person to be right?

Here are two simple but absolutely effective strategies.

First, put aside the question being raised, without showing that you are doing it.

I once heard a three-hour radio show with a guru who was attacked by almost every caller. “You’re a swindler,” they said. "Your philosophy does more harm than good."

The Guru fought off their attacks with magical words. These are the words:

“Your point of view is justified. I understand your position. you raised important question. I'm glad you asked this question."

He used these and similar expressions before he began to speak about his position.

If you look closely at these phrases, you will notice two things:

  1. Phrases do not say that a person is wrong

Many of us would say things like, “It’s a pity you think that way, but you’re wrong,” or “That’s completely wrong.”

You said you were right and the other person was wrong. Now it's a fight between two egos and someone has to lose. Both often lose.

  1. Phrases express agreement with a person

“Your point of view is justified” - what does that even mean?! Nothing. But it sounds like agreement.

The same goes for “I understand your position.” This doesn't mean I accept it, just that I understand it.

Callers' defenses dropped and persuasion became possible.

What is the result?

Almost every caller calmed down, and some even apologized for the misunderstanding.

This is the first way - to express agreement and put the conflict aside.

The second way is to use a scapegoat.

When you simply need to correct a person, show him that he is to blame for his mistake not him, but the scapegoat.

This way you won't make the person wrong.

You do another man wrong. The one from whom he received the information initially.

It is always easier to admit that someone else is wrong than to accept that we ourselves are wrong.

7. People need to feel empowered.

People don't resist change. They resist being changed.

At the heart of this resistance is the need for one's own power.

When this feeling is threatened, we often resist new ideas and proposals that we would otherwise welcome.

So the question is: how can we strike a balance between providing a person with a sense of power and still convincing the person that we are right?

Here's how sects and cults deal with it:

Instead of deny another person's sense of power emphasize his.

They say that a person is always free, and that they do not take this right away from him.

To join or not to join, to participate or not to participate is his and only his decision.

Thus, when an adept doubts his allegiance to the sect, a simple reminder that he joined voluntarily often makes all doubts evaporate.

This is a risky method.

When you emphasize a person's voluntary choice, you seem to be inviting him to reconsider, and he may refuse.

But while this is risky for the persuader, it is often more effective than alternative methods.

The ability to choose not only gives a person a sense of power, but also increases the sense of obligation to make a perfect choice.

Conclusion and testing of methods

You will have several tasks to practice these techniques.

First, look for examples of these seven methods of persuasion in your Everyday life, where they can be used to convince a person.

Second, choose a personal or professional relationship that you want to improve, and.

You shouldn't add something to a relationship that isn't there. There is no need to artificially create situations that fit one of the seven methods.

Instead, you should listen to the person and try to determine which of the seven needs is driving him.

If you can determine it, you can use it.

Often the use of these hidden needs of a person is the most quick way build deep relationships.

But don't take my word for it.

Look around and see for yourself!

Let's recap what we learned today:

  1. People need to feel needed

How to use this method:

  1. Explain the situation as a whole. What's at stake? What is the problem?
  2. Explain the specific role the person may play in the situation.
  3. Emphasize the importance of the role
  4. Note why the person is uniquely suited to the role.
  5. Openly admit that your request will require sacrifice on his part.
  6. Ask if you can count on him
  1. When people are aware of a dead end, they will do anything to get a feeling of hope

How to use: Evoke a feeling of hope.

  1. People need a scapegoat

How to apply: Blame someone or something else for their problems and wrongs, not them.

  1. People need to feel like they are being paid attention to and understood.

How to apply: provide support, tell/show that you understand them.

  1. People need to know things others don't know/things they shouldn't know

How to use: show the person that you can tell him some secret, a secret that almost no one knows.

  1. People need to feel they are right

How to apply: do not say that the person is wrong and express agreement, and only then try to convince.

Say what it is, he was misinformed by another person/source, i.e. use a scapegoat.

  1. People need to feel empowered

How to apply: emphasize that you are not forcing anyone to do anything, and the person makes his choice voluntarily.

That's all, friend.

I hope you enjoyed this little-known masterpiece of the art of persuasion.

I'm only halfway through the book and maybe I'll find something even cooler.

Think about these methods. You will realize that either you used them unconsciously or they were used on you.

These are methods that we regularly use in our lives, and especially the leaders of sects/cults like to use these methods.

If you master these methods perfectly, you will significantly improve your life and be able to convince people that you are right.

Now go and improve your life.

See you later.

Sometimes the success of our endeavors largely depends on our ability to convince people to accept our point of view.

But, unfortunately, this is not so easy to do, even if we have the truth on our side and common sense. The ability to persuade is a rare but very useful gift. How to convince a person? Persuasion is a way of influencing people's consciousness, directed towards their own critical perception.

The essence of persuasion is to first achieve internal agreement with certain conclusions from the interlocutor using logical argumentation, and then, on this basis, create and consolidate new ones or transform old ones that correspond to a worthwhile goal.

Persuasive communication skills can be learned both at various trainings and on your own. The principles and techniques of persuasive speech given below will teach you the ability to persuade, and they are equally effective in persuading one person or an entire audience.

A clear understanding of your own intentions

In order to change or shape the opinions of people, or in order to induce them to take any action, you yourself need to clearly understand your intentions and be deeply confident in the truth of your ideas, concepts and ideas.

Confidence helps to make unambiguous decisions and implement them without hesitation, taking an unshakable position in assessing certain phenomena and facts.

Structured speech

The persuasiveness of speech depends on its structure - thoughtfulness, consistency and logic. The structured nature of speech allows you to explain the main points in a more accessible and understandable way, helps to clearly follow the intended plan, such speech is better perceived and remembered by the listener.


An effective introduction will help to interest and attract a person’s attention, establish trust and create an atmosphere of goodwill. The introduction should be brief and consist of three or four sentences indicating the subject of speech and telling the reason why you should know what will be discussed.

The introduction sets the mood and tone of the speech. A serious beginning gives the speech a restrained and thoughtful tone. The humorous beginning is laid positive mood, but here you should understand that starting with a joke, setting the audience in a playful mood, it will be difficult to talk about serious things.

It must be understandable, clear and meaningful - persuasive speech cannot be incomprehensible and chaotic. Break down your main points, thoughts and ideas into several parts. Consider smooth transitions that show the connection between one part of the speech and another.

  • statement of facts that can be verified;
  • expert opinions, judgments of people with authority in this field;
  • , revitalizing and explaining the material;
  • specific cases and examples that can explain and illustrate facts;
  • description of your own experience and your theory;
  • statistics that can be verified;
  • reflections and forecasts about future events;
  • funny stories and anecdotes (in a small dose), meaningfully reinforcing or revealing the points in question;
  • literal or figurative comparisons and contrasts that illustrate statements by showing differences and similarities.


The conclusion is the most difficult and important point persuasive speech. It should repeat what was said and enhance the effect of the entire speech. What is said in conclusion, a person will remember longer. As a rule, it is at the end, along with a summary of what has been said, that a call to action sounds, which describes the actions and behavior of people necessary for the speaker.

Evidence-based arguments to support your idea

For the most part, people are rational and rarely do anything that is not beneficial to them. Therefore, in order to convince a person, you need to find good arguments explaining the justification and expediency of the proposal.

Arguments are thoughts, statements and arguments used to support a particular point of view. They answer the question of why we should believe something or act in a certain way. The persuasiveness of a speech largely depends on the correctness of the selected arguments and evidence.

What should be the criteria for evaluating and selecting arguments:

  1. The best arguments are those that are supported by solid evidence. It happens that a speech sounds convincing, but is not supported by facts. When preparing your speech, make sure your arguments are sound.
  2. Good arguments must be intelligently and concisely built into the proposal. They shouldn't sound out of place.
  3. Even if your argument is well supported and justified, it may not be accepted by a person. People react differently. For some, your facts and arguments will sound convincing, while others will not consider the arguments you used to be the main ones for assessing the situation. Of course, you cannot know for sure what impact your argument will have on the person being persuaded, but you can at least approximately guess and estimate what the result will be based on the analysis of the personality (audience).

To ensure that you present a truly compelling case, you should ask yourself at least three questions:

  1. Where did the information come from, from what source? If evidence comes from a biased or unreliable source, it is best to either exclude the evidence from your speech or seek confirmation from other sources. Just as one person's words are more trustworthy than another's, so some printed sources are more reliable than others.
  2. Is the information current? Ideas and statistics should not be outdated. What was true three years ago may not be true today. Your generally persuasive speech may be questioned due to one inaccuracy. This should not be allowed!
  3. What relevance does this information have to the case? Make sure the evidence clearly supports the arguments you are making.

Presenting information and formulating goals with a focus on attitudes and audiences

An attitude is a stable or predominant feeling, negative or positive, associated with a particular issue, object or person. Usually people verbally express such attitudes in the form of opinions.

For example, the phrase: “I think that memory development is very important both for everyday life and for professional activity“This is an opinion that expresses a person’s positive attitude towards developing and maintaining a good memory.

To convince a person to believe, you first need to find out what positions he occupies. The more information you gather about it, the better your chances of making a correct assessment. The more experienced you are in the field of audience analysis, the easier it will be to make your speech persuasive.

The attitudes of a person or group of people (audience) can be distributed on a scale, from openly hostile to extremely supportive.

Describe your audience as: having a negative attitude (people have a completely opposite point of view); does not have a clear opinion on this matter (listeners are neutral, they have no information); positive attitude (listeners share this point vision).

The difference of opinion can be represented in this way: hostility, disagreement, restrained disagreement, neither for nor against, restrained favor, favor, exceptional favor.

1. If the listeners completely and completely share your opinion, understand what you are talking about and agree with you in everything, then you need to adjust your goal and concentrate on a specific plan of action.

2. If you think that your listeners do not have a definite opinion on your topic, set the goal of convincing them to act by forming an opinion:

  • If you believe that your audience doesn't have a point of view because it's uninformed, then your first priority is to give them enough information to help them understand the point, and only then make compelling calls to action.
  • If the audience is neutral in relation to the subject, it means that it is capable of objective reasoning and can perceive reasonable arguments. Then your strategy is to present the best arguments available and back them up with the best information.
  • If you believe that those listening to you do not have a clear position because the subject is deeply indifferent to them, you must direct all efforts to move them from this indifferent position. When speaking to such an audience, you should not focus their attention on the information and use material that confirms the logical chain of your evidence, it is better to focus on motivation and address the needs of the listeners.

3. If you assume that people disagree with you, then the strategy should depend on whether the attitude is completely hostile or moderately negative:

  • If you assume that a person is aggressive towards your goal, it is definitely better to go from afar or set a less global goal. It makes no sense to count on persuasive speech and a complete revolution in attitude and behavior after the first conversation. First, you need to change your attitude a little, “plant a seed”, make you think that your words have some importance. And later, when the idea settles in a person’s head and “takes root,” you can move forward.
  • If a person has a position of moderate disagreement, simply give him your reasons, hoping that their weight will force him to take your side. When talking with negative people, try to present the material clearly and objectively, so that those who slightly disagree will want to think about your proposal, and those who completely disagree will at least understand your point of view.

The power of motivation

Motivation, which initiates and guides behavior, often arises as a result of the use of incentives that have a certain value and significance.

The impact of an incentive is greatest when it is part of a meaningful goal and indicates a favorable reward-cost ratio. Imagine asking people to donate a few hours to participate in a charity program.

Most likely, the time you convince them to spend will not be perceived as an incentive reward, but as a cost. How to convince people? you can present this charitable work as a significant incentive that provides rewards.

For example, you can make the public feel the importance of the cause, feel socially responsible, people with a sense of civic duty, feel like noble helpers. Always show that the incentives and rewards outweigh the costs.

Use incentives that match people's basic needs, they work better. According to one of popular theories In the needs domain, people express a greater propensity to act when the stimulus offered by the speaker can satisfy one of the listeners' important unsatisfied needs.

Correct manner and intonation of speech

Persuasiveness of speech and the ability to persuade presupposes the rhythmic and melodic structure of speech. Speech intonation consists of: sound strength, pitch, tempo, pauses and stress.

Disadvantages of intonation:

  • Monotony has a depressing effect even on a person who has the ability to listen and does not allow him to perceive even very interesting and useful information.
  • Too high a tone is annoying and unpleasant to the ear.
  • Too low a tone can cast doubt on what you are saying and convey your disinterest.

Try to use your voice to make your speech beautiful, expressive and emotionally rich. Fill your voice with optimistic notes. In this case, a slightly slower, measured and calm pace of speech is preferable. Between semantic segments and at the end of the sentence, clearly pause. And pronounce the words inside the segment and small sentences as one long word, together.

It’s never too late to start developing your voice and diction, but if you want to convince someone who knows you well, sometimes it’s better to speak in a tone that’s familiar to you, without experimenting. Otherwise, those around you may think that you are not telling the truth if you speak in a tone that is uncharacteristic for you.

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