Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems). Logical questions for children Questions that a 6 year old child should answer

We train logical thinking(for children 5-7 years old)

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ... (scales)
Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile -...
Teacher - school. Doctor -...
Table - tablecloth. Floor -...
Morning - breakfast. Evening -...
Man - hands. Cat -...
Fish-water. Bird -...
Red - stand. Green - ...
Autumn - rain. Winter -...

Who is this? What is this? Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)
Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)
Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)
New, interesting, library. (book)
Small, gray, shy. (mouse)
White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black White.
Big -...
Funny -...
Wide -...
High -...
Kind -...
Cold -...
Good -...
Thick -...
Solid -...
Smart -...
Fast -...
Healthy -...
Bitter -...

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Day Night.
Winter - ...
North -...
Cold - ...
A lot of - ...
Start - ...
First - ...
Welcome -...
Joy - ...
Far - ...

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?
Who builds houses?
Who writes poetry?
Who sings the songs?
Who treats children?
Who sews the clothes?
Who paints the pictures?
Who paints the walls?
Who flies into space?
Who drives the car?

Think and solve logical problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
2) Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months?
3) Marina and Tanya drank different juices - grape and apple. Marina didn't drink Apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?
4) Kostya and Artem were wearing jackets different color: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and solve logical problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?
2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?
4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook one egg?
5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?
6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?
7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How much is left?
8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and exclaimed in surprise: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?
2) Looking out the window, Vera said to her mother: “Mom, you need to dress warmer, it’s so bad outside.” strong wind!" How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?
3) An ant descends from a mountain, and a donkey meets it. The donkey asks the ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pinch the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?
4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and says:
-Catch, big, big fish!
And Vaska quietly mutters:
- Little catch, little one!
Why does he say that?

Think and solve problems.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?
2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?
3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?
4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All kids need to know:
Two plus two, of course... (five?)

Everyone in the whole world knows:
Fingers on the hand... (four?)

All the guys know for sure:
Cats are very loud...(barking?)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He really loves...(carrots?)

Our Seryozha is very smart,
He always laughs...(sad?)

They took the cat's fish,
Should he say... (thank you?)

Riddles and questions related to the animal world and environment, are of great interest to children of any age. It is important for children to have their own idea of ​​nature and its inhabitants, which they will express along with their answers.

Interesting tasks for reflection can be built on different topics:

  • animal world;
  • plants;
  • natural phenomena;
  • music;
  • literature;
  • logic and attentiveness;
  • thoughts about life.

Games and competitions aimed at attracting the interest and erudition of children have a lot of beneficial properties:

  • They develop a passion for the world around them.
  • Awakens love and kindness towards loved ones and animals.
  • Increases the level of knowledge.

Questions for children with answers are successfully used in school and preschool institutions for educational and entertainment purposes. Quizzes and riddles are often included in the scenario of a holiday party or other event aimed at learning certain skills.

Riddles for children 4-5 years old about animals

The game method teaches children to recognize animal species, their habitat, habits and characteristics.

  • In the summer he wanders along the path near the spruce and birch trees, he sleeps winter time and hides his nose from the cold. ( Bear)
  • There is a snout on the face, a small hook on the back, a round back, and bristles on it. ( Pig)
  • He wears a fluffy fur coat and lives in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak tree, he is gnawing on nuts. ( Squirrel)
  • What kind of animal is this playing? He doesn't growl or bark. It attacks the ball and hides its claw in its paw. ( Kitty)
  • She lives in the forest and steals village chickens. Her tail is fluffy and her fur is golden. ( Fox)
  • Not a kitten, not a raccoon, he lives in the thicket of the forest. In summer the fur is gray, and in winter it is white. ( Hare)
  • Gray predator, very angry, walks through the forest hungry. He's all over the fields, looking for chickens and sheep. ( Wolf)
  • They build a house without an axe, these river craftsmen will make a dam from brushwood and mud. ( Beavers)
  • He lives under the porch and guards the house all the time. He is friends with his owners and serves him faithfully. ( Dog)

A long tail, and short legs, chews seeds and is afraid of cats. (Mouse)

  • He likes to treat himself to acorns under oak trees. Although he is a relative of pigs, he is tougher and stronger. ( Boar)
  • Well, tell me, who is she? Even though it's a mouse, it flies. It wanders in the night sky, feeding on flies. ( Bat )
  • A terrible creep, just a bully. He imitates everyone and loves bananas. ( Monkey)
  • Hooves clatter, he rushes across the field, smells that the owner has brought him oats. ( Horse)
  • Shaggy and horned, eats cabbage and tomatoes. He climbs into the garden to chew and loves dill. ( Goat)

Easy riddles for preschoolers

Simple encryption for children younger age develop knowledge of nature and household items.

  • She watered all the gardens and vegetable gardens in the area, made a loud noise, washed everything and left. ( Storm)
  • In winter it warms the neck, usually knitted. ( Scarf)
  • It flies like a bird, and howls like an animal, and when it touches, the door sways. ( Wind)
  • An iron ladder lies in the fields, and a long house runs along this ladder. ( Train)
  • In summer it is dressed in green, in autumn it is covered in gold, and in winter it is covered with snow. ( Tree)
  • He is silent all the time, but he teaches science. ( Book)
  • It ticks and beats, but won’t budge. ( Watch)
  • He lies round and bright to the side, you touch him with your foot and he runs. ( Ball)
  • It shines brightly, warms with warmth, looks like a melon, but shines very strongly. ( Sun)

With a thin leg he walks across an open field, draws something, leaves traces. (Pencil)

  • magic glass, unusual look from him. You can look at yourself from the outside. ( Mirror)
  • As soon as the deep night came, it began to shine in the dark sky. ( Moon)
  • They are like butterflies, sleeping until summer. They bloom, show off, people look at them and admire them. ( Flowers)
  • They bake and boil, put in pies and fry. ( Potato)
  • White joy, cold sweetness, attracts all the children, only the throat hurts. ( Ice cream)

Logic and attentiveness riddles for little ones

Riddles will help the teacher teach children to be attentive and resourceful while completing tasks.

Video riddles for children to test their intelligence:

  • Dad Andrey has 4 sons: Sasha, Lyosha, Zhenya... What is the name of the fourth son? ( Andrey)
  • It can be small or large, a piece of iron will attract anyone. Anyone who takes it will find a needle in the hay. ( Magnet)
  • Is he in the forest or among high mountains, on different languages ready to answer. ( Echo)
  • He lives on the window and doesn’t allow himself to be pulled together. ( Cactus)
  • If a yellow ball is thrown into the Black Sea, what will it become? ( Wet)
  • What is with us in the morning, gets up early with the roosters? ( Sun)
  • Vanya's grandmother has a dog Barbos, a kitten Murzik and a parrot Roma. How many grandchildren does she have? ( One)

What is the correct way to say: “the green sky is not visible” or “the green sky is not visible”? (The sky is never green)

  • How much milk is there in an empty mug? ( there's nothing in the mug)
  • There are 2 apples, 6 pears, 3 plums and 1 grapes on the plate. How many apples are there in the plate? ( 2 apples)
  • Can an ostrich say that it is a bird? ( Ostriches can't talk).
  • Why do children go to kindergarten? ( Walking along the road)
  • Which hand should you comb your hair with? ( You need to comb your head with a comb)
  • Why is the rain drumming all day long without letting up? ( On the roof)
  • What is the name of the boy who was lost in the forest? ( Loud)
  • What does the wind do in the pipes? ( howls)

Logic riddles for children 6-7 years old

Intelligence and logic mature in children's thinking during game tasks built according to a “cunning” system.

  • Sveta closed her eyes. What will a girl see if her eyes are closed? ( Dreams)
  • What types of stones cannot be found on seabed? (Dry)
  • Which month has 28 days? ( Every month has 28 days)
  • How can a black cat get into the house? ( Through open front door )
  • At the river - 1, at the cuckoo - 2, at the fox - none. What is this? ( Letter K)
  • What won't fit in the largest saucepan? ( Its cover)
  • How does eternity end? ( With a soft sign )
  • Natasha's father had 7 sons. How many daughters did he have? ( One)
  • What insects have become “domestic”? ( Bees)

If it’s raw, it’s not eaten, but if it’s boiled, it’s thrown away. ( Bay leaf)

  • How many “g”s are needed to make a big pile of hay?
  • (hundred - g)
  • Why is the cow lying on the ground? ( She can't sit)
  • What do you need for dinner? ( Plate)
  • What is the stork in front and the seagull behind? ( The letter a)
  • Where do people always go? ( Forward)

Mathematical riddles for children 6-7 years old

Questions for children with answers in the field of mathematics will introduce the child to the first knowledge of arithmetic.

  • A sharp-nosed bird like a one-legged gentleman is called ... (one), but is counted as ... (1).
  • Like a swan arches its neck, it barely looks like a duck, and every lazy person knows it when the teacher puts it... (2).
  • It looks like the letter “Z”, like a twin, look, two squiggles put it together, and it turns out like this... (3).
  • It will bring joy to the student - a weasel; it will only upset the excellent student, hard... (4).
  • It’s not at all difficult to count, three plus two gives birth to... (5).
  • He arches his head as if he wants to eat, his belly is huge, it’s a number... (6).
  • How many days in a week are known to all people, or in a fairy tale of gnomes, children will say... (7).

It reminds me of a snowman, or an Eskimo, and every child knows that this is a number... (8).

  • Six, out of boredom, had nothing to do, stood on its head, turned into... (9).
  • She put everyone in order and stood at the end, proudly... (ten).
  • To delicious pie I was able to treat everyone, I need it right... (share).
  • I’m not at all afraid of crunching numbers, I need numbers, and a badge... (plus).
  • In the first grade, during a math lesson, all the kids start loudly speaking... (counting).
  • Measure out the required segment as quickly as possible - here it is: pencil, grater, ... (ruler).
  • He is round and important, like a king, with an “O”, so it seems, but only he is ... (zero).

Educational riddles for children 6-7 years old

The information obtained in the field of nature will be useful to the children when performing the following game exercises.

Vegetable world:

  • Juicy, big, children love to eat, a figure from a light bulb, but it’s called... ( pear).
  • It comes in red, yellow, and green, and in fairy tales it is “rejuvenating”, pourable, the juice from the fruit is excellent, and everyone loves to enjoy it. ( Apple)

A huge, green, not a vegetable, not a fruit, but a juicy and sweet plant - a product. (Watermelon).

  • Spiky and lush, forever young, on holidays in winter, so elegant. ( Christmas tree)
  • The most important vegetable for borscht is how crunchy it is, how good the green beauty is! ( Cabbage).
  • Spicy, delicious for a gourmet, it will show everyone without deception, “well done” is not at all simple and cannot be cleaned without tears. ( Onion)
  • A giant among the trees, his frame is very powerful, acorns fly from the branches, and everyone calls him... ( oak).
  • I pick red fruits, from higher branches, put them in my mouth, and cook compote. I love it very much...( cherries).
  • Children love them so much, and even monkeys, yellow and sweet in Africa... ( bananas).
  • Bright as the sun, for tea - Baron, I’ll cut this into pieces... ( lemon).

Seasons, natural phenomena

  • White cotton wool will decorate the city, fir trees and houses, foreshadows a bright holiday, snow-white... ( winter).
  • The ice melted and the frost disappeared, the trees woke up from sleep, the sun's rays became warmer, brighter, and finally it came to us... ( spring).
  • Flowers and fruits grow all around, butterflies fly, children laugh, the rivers and the sea fill the beaches, oh, how beautiful... ( summer time).

It was noticeably colder outside the window, the rain was pattering on the roof like millet, and now the time of golden leaves has come, which everyone calls ... (autumn).

  • On a frosty day he will raid, cover the ground with a blanket... ( snow).
  • Usually in May she is born, and a strong wind appears, rain pours from the sky, thunders and lightning, orders her to stay at home and scares everyone. ( Storm)
  • People are happy to go to the skating rink, everyone loves it so much, under the skates... ( ice)
  • Early in the morning, when the sky is blue, ... appears on the grass ( frost)
  • Gray, gloomy, looks powerful, a cloudy one sits in the gloomy sky... ( cloud)
  • It crackles and stings the cheeks, nose, decorates the windows with everything... ( freezing)

Math Quiz

Arithmetic tasks consolidate children's knowledge and form mathematical thinking.

For children 7-8 years old

  • Three fox faces poked out of the hole. Which total the ears of these little foxes? (6)
  • In January, 2 apricots, 3 cherries and 1 apple tree bloomed in our garden. How many trees have bloomed? (Not at all, not in January flowering plants)
  • There were 8 little rabbits sitting in the clearing. It began to rain, and all the hares, except 3, rushed off. How long are the bunnies left to sit still? (3)
  • Dasha, Ella and Nina played outside for 2 hours. How much time did each girl spend outside? (2 hours)
  • Igor invited 15 guests to his birthday. But 3 children could not come. How many parts should a birthday cake be divided into? (On the 13th there will be 12 guests and a birthday boy)

Piglet measured his height and turned out to be taller than the Owl and shorter than Eeyore the Donkey. Which one is the tallest? (Donkey Eeyore)

  • Malvina took 4 apples and distributed them equally: to Pierrot, Pinocchio, Artemon and Harlequin. How many apples did each person get? (1)
  • 6 girlfriends were sent to New Year a postcard to each other. How many postcards will each girl receive? (5)
  • The cat sits on the right side of the dog, and the mouse sits on the left side of the cat. Who is in the middle? (Cat)
  • 1 thermometer shows 22 degrees. How many degrees will be indicated on two thermometers? (22)

For children 9 - 10 years old

  • What is the name of the number in the teacher's journal? ( Grade).
  • There are 10 fingers on two palms. How many fingers are there on 10 palms? ( 50 )
  • The bus covers the distance from city A to village B in 1 hour and 30 minutes. On way back he only spends 90 minutes, why? ( 1 hour 30 min. and 90 min. - same time).
  • Which number, in a horizontal position, is associated with infinity? ( 8 )

What geometric figure do parents use to punish their children? (Corner)

  • Continue the chain: 2, 5, 7, 9… ( the number 2 is added to the numbers)
  • Grandma Lyuba walks her dogs every day. After a walk she washes 8 paws. How many dogs does grandma Lyuba have? ( 2 )
  • To hard boil an egg, you need to keep it in boiling water for 5 minutes. 6 eggs were placed in a saucepan at 7 o'clock. What time do you need to turn off the stove after the eggs are ready? ( 7 hours, 5 minutes).
  • Vera and Anton received 6 each chocolates. The girl ate 2, and the boy 4. Who has more candies left? ( At Vera's)
  • If you add 5 flowers of rose, chrysanthemum and chamomile, how many flowers will be in the bouquet? ( 15 )

Literary quiz

Questions for children with answers from the book genre will teach children to appreciate literature and show interest in reading.

  • The creator of such characters as Cheburashka, Samodelkin, Professor Chaynikov and Uncle Fedor? ( Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky)
  • This writer, in his wonderful works, teaches sacrificial love, relentless loyalty, the victory of good over evil, and the hope that every ugly duckling can become a beautiful swan in the future. ( Hans Christian Andersen)

  • She wrote many children's and educational poems for very young children. ( Agnia Lvovna Barto)
  • From his books, the children's community learned about the worthy actions of Timur and his team of children. ( Arkady Petrovich Gaidar)
  • Funny stories about a living hat, dreamers and the restless Dunno came from the pen of this man. ( Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov)
  • The creator of amusing and instructive rhymed tales about the sloppy Fedora, the good doctor of animals and the persistent Moidodyr. ( Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky)
  • The main character of his fairy tales is the mistress of Copper Mountain. ( Pavel Petrovich Bazhov)
  • This author created wonderful works “12 months” and “Cat House”, which teach justice and kindness. ( Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak)
  • He is the author of the funny stories of the boy Deniska. ( Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky)
  • He wrote a large volume of fables, stories and proverbs for the young reader. A touching story“The Lion and the Dog” or “Bulka” teach devotion and friendship. ( Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
  • Author of mysterious and funny stories and thrilling tales. Known for the Christmas story, which features the beautiful Oksana, the blacksmith Vakula and the cunning devil. ( Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)
  • Famous prose writer of life stories and satire. He told the children about the adventures of the dog Kashtanka. ( Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

Questions for children with answers will help increase your child's knowledge about literature

He created a magnificent fairy tale, where the main character is a boy - an onion. (Gianni Rodari)

  • He wrote about animals, nature and the forest world. ( Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich)
  • Creator large quantity fable that told the story of a monkey with glasses, a crow with a piece of cheese, a crane and a fox. ( Krylov Ivan Andreevich)
  • Told the world amazing stories about the life of the jungle and its inhabitants, about the upbringing of a boy by a wolf herd and his human qualities. ( Rudyard Kipling)
  • Reading his warm works, the child will learn and love amazing world nature. ( Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich)
  • Deep poems, imbued with desperate love for native land, were written by a poet born into a simple peasant family. ( Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich)
  • In funny poems he showed the personality of an extraordinary tall citizen named Stepan. ( Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov)

Ecological quiz

In a playful way, a child can reason about useful qualities plants, the specifics of animals, which will entail careful attitude To natural environment.

  • This plant can heal a wound. ( Plantain)
  • Matches are made from this tree. ( Aspen)
  • What plant substances can be used to make tasty and healthy honey? ( Linden, elderberry, dandelion)
  • By cutting its bark, you can get nutritious juice. ( Birch)
  • In a word, name the cover of planet Earth. ( Grass)
  • What is a baby horse called? ( Foal)
  • What benefit does a woodpecker bring to a tree, because it chisels at it? ( Gets midges)
  • What animal changes skin color? ( Chameleon)
  • This herb stings your feet, heals your hair, and is suitable for some dishes? ( Nettle)
  • When is a hedgehog not prickly? ( When is born)

Music quiz

Questions for children with answers for a journey into the world of music show children's deep interest in musical works and composers.

  • How many strings does a balalaika have? ( 3 )
  • What instrument did the Troubadour from The Town of Bremen play? ( Guitar)
  • Famous violin maker. ( Antonio Stradivari)
  • Composer who wrote the famous “Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “Swan Lake”. ( Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

The most famous violinist from Italy of the 19th century. (Nicola Paganini)

  • The man who founded the orchestra of Russian instruments. ( Vasily Vasilievich Andreev)
  • An ancient instrument shaped like a trapezoid. ( Gusli)
  • The name of this composer was the name of a huge St. Bernard from a foreign film. ( Beethoven)
  • The simplest instrument, consisting of sticks and plates of different sizes. ( Xylophone)
  • Who dedicated several works to the seasons? ( Vivaldi)

Educational quiz

Fun ways engage children in a world of reasoning and comparison, increasing and expanding knowledge.

  • What category of trees do they belong to: pine, fir, spruce? ( Conifers)
  • With its onset, do the animals go into hibernation? ( Winter)
  • This country is considered the birthplace of kangaroos. ( Australia)
  • Her appearance heralds the imminent end heavy rain. (Rainbow)
  • This bird easily replaces an alarm clock in rural areas. (Rooster)
  • The insect serves as an example of great hard work. ( Ant)

This is what they call candy and berries with sourness. (Barberry)

  • Another name for the forest. ( Bor)
  • A bird “giving solo concerts” in a thicket. ( Nightingale)
  • Quickly loses its tail in times of danger. ( Lizard)
  • Unusual food camels. ( spines)
  • What do roses turn into when they are deprived of the necessary care? ( Rose hip)
  • A body of water created by people. ( Rates)
  • It comes in violin, gold, spring and metal. ( Key)
  • Huge sea animal. ( Whale)

Complex logic riddles for children 9-10 years old

Questions constructed with cunning phrases are useful for children because they involve ingenuity and attention, which are manifested with the answers of little experts.

  • Can a person stay awake for 8 days? ( Yes, he will only sleep at night)
  • A silent language spoken by many. ( Gestures)

When this insect appears, loud applause awaits it. (Mosquito)

  • Does this word contain the letter "O" and the measurement of length? ( Metro: meter - O)
  • What elephant doesn't have a trunk? ( At the chess)
  • Two mansions are burning: a rich one and a poor one. Arrived ambulance. Which mansion will they put out first? ( None: ambulances do not put out fires, this is done by the fire inspectorate)
  • The pear produced 7 apples, the cherry 5, and the apricot only 2. How many pears were produced in total? ( Apples don't grow on these trees.)
  • The day that never comes. ( Tomorrow)
  • There were 5 boys sitting on a bench. 2 of them decided to leave. How many boys are left sitting on the bench? ( Five. They just decided to leave, but didn't leave)
  • What every person does continuously. ( Breathes)

Its temperature determines the health status of cats. (Cat nose)

  • They happen to people, grapes and next to the palette. ( Brushes)
  • It comes from the mouth small child and a very old man. ( Babbling)
  • When does the letter "A" appear 4 dozen times? ( in the word “forty”: forty – a)
  • They cook it every day, but don’t eat it. ( Hometasks)

Philosophical questions

Questions of a philosophical nature shed light on an area of ​​knowledge that can secretly worry every child.

Item No. Mystery Answer
1 Are the Moon and the Sun the same size? The sun is much larger than the night light source, but is located at a very great distance from it. Observing luminaries from Earth, it seems to people that they are the same size
2 What is friendship? Warm relationships between people based on common interests, support and understanding of each other
3 Who is God? According to scripture ancient book In the Bible, God is a Spirit who has omnipotent power and all-forgiving love. He is the Supreme Mind and the Creator of all living things
4 What is "evil"? Evil is the complete absence of good
5 What is the price of the best things in the world? The best thing in the world: love, friendship and warmth come to a person for free
6 Can you see the wind? The wind cannot be seen, but we can observe its actions
7 Is it possible for one person to change the whole world? A person can change himself. By radiating warmth and a kind attitude towards others, he will receive what he gives. This will improve “his personal world”
8 How does a person acquire a habit? For a month he needs to do the same action to which he wants to get used. For example, doing exercises

Riddles for ingenuity

Resourcefulness of reasoning on intricate tasks is useful for both children and adults. They teach deep and innovative thinking.

  • She always meets and sees off everyone. ( Door)
  • When young, he looks like a sickle, and when he grows up, he gets very fat. ( month)

Found near the eye and among fruits. (Apple)

  • They say that a thief bird brings it on its tail. ( News)
  • The name of the river, which is associated with teeth. ( Gum)
  • "Mummy" grape berry. ( Raisin)
  • This part of the body provides its animal with 9 lives. ( cat paws)
  • For a bright personality, life “beats” with this object. ( Key)
  • Rain that rushes upward. ( Fountain)
  • It can be tied, but not untied. ( Dialogue)

Any questions prepared for young children and preschoolers, with interesting answers, will help prepare educational leisure time and satisfy children's curiosity. The main thing is to awaken in children the desire to explore the world, its environment and awaken their logical thinking.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about riddles for children

Video containing tricky riddles:

Children's quiz script, games and competitions, questions and answers for children

1: Birds of our region

1.Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)
2. Why do rooks arrive first in spring? (The first thawed patch is enough for the rooks to reach food - larvae - with their beaks.)
3. Which bird's chicks incubate their eggs? (Northern snowy owl. Owls hatch at different times.)
4. Which bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)
5. Why does the crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there are a lot of spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring.)
6. Who plants trees with their nose? (Kedrovka - pine nuts, jay - acorns.)
7. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers? (Birch with its sap.)
8. Which bird has the most big family? (The gray partridge has 26 - 28 chicks.)
9. Which migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migrating geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days.)
10. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)
11. Which bird can tease? (Parrot.)
12. Which bird is proud of its multi-colored tail? (Peacock.)
13. What bird flies with “glasses” on its nose? (Owl.)

2: Smart guys and smart girls

The teacher asks the student a question, and within a certain time (1 minute for example) he must give the correct answer. The guys who answer the questions quickly and correctly receive honorary title"Clever" or "Clever",...

1. “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely...”. - Which of the fairy-tale characters belongs to such wise saying? (Winnie the Pooh)
2. What was the name of the little wooden man who really didn’t want to study and even sold his “ABC” for a few gold pieces? (Pinocchio)
3. What was the name of the cheerful, fat man with a propeller on his back who loved Jam Days and adventures? (Carlson)
4. Name musical instrument, in which Papa Carlo. (Hurdy organ)
5. What was the name of the tiny boy from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (Boy-Thumb)
6. What is the middle of spring? (April)
7. The old woman received this title from the goldfish after purchasing the hut. (Noblewoman)

3:Forest Dwellers

Students are asked a series of questions that they must answer. The best experts receive a "prize".

1. Who hibernates in winter? (Bear)
2. The fairy tale "... Tsekatukha." (Fly)
3. Small, gray, cat treat. (Mouse)
4. Green, small, inhabitant of the pond. (Toad)
5. Red-haired, cunning and lives in the forest. (Fox)
6. Gray coward. (Hare)
7. Groom chicken. (Rooster) .

4: Country "Guess It"

This quiz is designed to be administered to junior (1-2) grades at the beginning of the academic code.

1. What is the name of the smallest girl in the fairy tale? (Thumbelina)
2. What time of year is it now? (Autumn)
3. What falls from the trees in the fall? (Leaves)
4. Where do the children go to study every morning? (To school)
5. What falls in winter? (Snow)
6. Complete the song: “May there always be sun, may there always be...” (Sky)
7. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)
8. Which animal in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” broke the egg? (Mouse)
9. What color is the snow? (White)

5: ABC of roads

1. A police unit that monitors traffic rules. (traffic police)
2. The place where the roads intersect. (Crossroads)
3. What is a road trip called? (Drive)
4. The person who drives the car. (Driver)
5. A person who rides in a place with a driver in a vehicle. (Passenger)

6: Journey through fairy tales

1. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (Hans Christian Andersen)
2. In which fairy tale is the fox not red, but blue? (Painted fox)
3. Which fairy tale heroine could fit in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
4. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
5. What was Pinocchio made from? (Log).

7: Travel and discovery

This quiz is designed for high school students.


1. Which of the following people is the inventor of scuba gear:
- captain Nemo
- Krusernshtern
- Jacques Cousteau
Answer: Jacques Cousteau

2. In boxing, judges are called:
- referee
- breakers
- ringers
Answer: referee

3. What was the name in Rus' for money in denominations of 15 rubles made of silver?
- pound
- imperial
- incom
Answer: imperial

4. Which of these words was stated by Kai in the fairy tale “ The Snow Queen»?
- snowflake
- eternity
- warmth
Answer: eternity

5. Why did Arab travelers, going to distant countries in a caravan, move through the desert at night?
- to navigate by the stars
- to avoid meeting with robbers
- because it’s cooler at night
Answer: to navigate by the stars

6. Which of these goods were usually transported along the Great silk road?
- wood, cotton, iron
- shoes, socks, slippers
- porcelain, jade, spices
Answer: porcelain, jade, spices

7. Which European was the first to reach Australia?
- Captain Cook
- Dirk Hartoch
- Abel Tasman.
Answer: captain cook

8. What disease can be prevented by eating lemons?
- scabies
- rabies
- scurvy
Answer: scurvy

9. What is the climate on Mars?
- very hot
- very cold
- about the same as on Earth
Answer: very cold

10. What are the names of huge pieces of moving ice?
- hummocks
- ice fields
- wormwood
Answer: ice fields

8:The world around us

The teacher asks the children questions that were previously written, and they must answer them within a minute.
1. What season comes after summer? (Autumn)
2. Which tree has the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
3. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest)
4. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear)
5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)
6. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (Mole)
7. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch)
8. Which flower has thorns? (Rose)

9: Red summer sang

1. When are the longest school holidays? (In summer)
2. Do they swim in the sea in winter or summer? (In summer)
3. Is it warm or cold in summer? (Warm)
4. At what time of year are the days longer than the nights? (In summer)
5. When do hares change the color of their fur? (In summer)
6. When is the sun warmest? (In summer)

10: Gate of Discovery

1. ... currants. (Bush)
2. Red flower. (Poppy)
3. They wash in it. (pelvis)
4. Disco for princes and princesses. (Ball)
5. What did the swan, crayfish and pike share? (WHO)
6. Scratch. (Cat)
7. Where do the actors work? (Theater)
8. They write on the board. (Chalk)
9. "Aw!" (Call)
10. tall structure. (Tower)
11. Kings live in it. (Lock)

Ivanova Olga Yurievna
Quiz for children 6–7 years old

Station "Warm-up".

Questions for the 1st team:

Last month of the year? (December)

Cow as a child? (calf)

A bun overgrown with needles? (hedgehog)

A device for measuring time? (watch)

List the 7 days of the week?

What day of the week was yesterday?

How to cross the road correctly if there is no traffic light nearby?

What means "bite your tongue"? (shut up)

What is the name of our city? (Cheboksary)

Questions for team 2.

Last day of the week? (Sunday)

How many months are there in a year? (12) List it.

Chicken as a child? (chick)

Appliance for washing clothes? (Washing machine)

What 7 colors does a rainbow consist of?

What means "beat the buck"? (sit back)

What should you do if there is a fire?

At what time of year do birds build nests? (spring)

Name of the country where we live? (Russia)

Station "Fairy tale".

Questions for the 1st team:

What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (into pumpkin)

What color is Malvina's hair? (blue)

Who was the owner of the house in the village of Prostokvashino? (Uncle Fedor)

What did Pinocchio get from the turtle? (Golden Key)

Who had size 45 feet? (Uncle Styopa)

What is the name of the fairy tale in which the cat wore shoes? (Puss in Boots)

What was the name of the hen that laid the golden egg? (Ryaba)

Questions for the 2nd team:

Who grew up in the jungle? (Maungli)

Gena's crocodile friend? (Cheburashka)

Which fairy tale character ate Kolobok? (Fox)

Most "the best flyer in the world"? (Carlson)

What is the name of the girl to whom her grandmother gave a red riding hood? (Little Red Riding Hood)

How many dwarves did Snow White have? (seven)

The most terrible and treacherous hero of fairy tales? (Baba Yaga)

Station "Folk Crafts"

Questions for the 1st team:

Let me be your best friend

It will become a Russian toy.

And it’s not for nothing that all the museums

They value it and are proud of it.

The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Scarlet silk handkerchief

Bright sundress with flowers,

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe 3, or maybe 6.

The first doll is fat, but inside it is empty,

It splits into two halves.

There is another doll living in it in the middle.

Got a little flushed

Our Russian (matryoshka).

Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it,

Goats and lambs are funny,

A herd of colorful horses,

Nurses and water bearers,

And the riders and the children,

Dogs, hussars and fish.

Well, call me!


This painting

On white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea

Blue cornflowers,

Ringing bells.


On thin branches.


The dishes are not simple,

And it’s definitely golden!

With bright patterns

Berries and leaves.

It's called-

(Golden Khokhloma)

Questions for the 2nd team:

In blue swimsuits,

In red buds,

Large and small

Green leaves

They brought a casket

From the city …. (Gorodets).

It’s not flashy, it’s round – not open... (bud).

She won't feel hot in the heat. She is in the water, she is... (kupavka).

It’s like a miracle is blooming here and there... (rosan).

She is round, like a cup, and her name is... (chamomile).

Stripes red, green,

There are pine branches on the legs.

Striped goat,

Very attractive.

(Filimonovskaya toy)

Who will answer the question

What a fabulous tray?

There is a large, bright bouquet in it

In the middle the color is hot

He shines, and around,

It's like children stood in a circle

Many small flowers

And blades of grass and leaves

And a patterned border

Slipped across the tray

We answer the question -

This is a Zhostovo tray.

You saw it, you saw it

To make the bears dance?

Didn't you see anything?

I'll show it to you -

He's a little clumsy

And shy too.

He can't resist

He really wants to dance.

(Bogorodskaya toy)

Publications on the topic:

Quiz for children on traffic rules for older children Traffic rules quiz with older children preschool age V kindergarten“Children are supposed to know the rules of the road” Goal: developing skills.

Quiz for preparatory children “Experts of transport” children of preparatory group No. 4 on the topic: “Experts of transport.” Compiled by: Shipitsyna L. S. 2016 Abstract "Experts of Transport".

Some questions are aimed at the intelligence of a child under 5 years old.

The main part of the questions is information-oriented. When a child is not familiar with an object or phenomenon, he finds himself in a dead end situation, and the conclusion about the child’s preparedness may not be in his favor... This is an unofficial list, therefore other questions can be asked...
*—questions that secure the child’s identification are marked.

A psychoneurologist asks when determining a child’s level of development and evaluates communication skills...
If a child is prepared, then he does not shy away... When moving from nursery to kindergarten, from kindergarten to school... When contacting him as a specialist... Gradually, children learn about the world...

Do you see the words: identification, testing, information basis! After reading the questions and mentally answering some, I thought with a smile that some of them really weren’t that difficult. But then I got stuck on classification, for example this one:
(28. What is odd in the group: chicken, crow, goose?) At first I answered, crow! Because they don’t eat crow... Then, after thinking, she answered that it was chicken! Why? Because chicken doesn't fly! ...That's the question! You might think that domestic geese fly. Those who have kept domestic geese know how to clip their wings, and so do chickens... So, in terms of my development, I do not reach the level of a 5-year-old child!?) That's how I lived... Maybe we, the parents, should be tested too? Or maybe it’s easier to look at such questions?

Let `s start?

A. Personal identification (know from a very early age)

1.* State your last name, first name, patronymic.
2.* Full name, age.
3.* Full name of parents.
4.* The city in which you live.
5.* Where do you live? Give your address.
6.* What city do you live in, what country do you live in?
7.* Name the capital of our Motherland.

B. Time

8. Name the days of the week. What days are the weekends? What will happen when the week ends? What day is after Sunday? (other options)
9. How many days are there in a week? What day is before Saturday? What lasts longer: a week or one day? A week or seven days?
10. Name the seasons. Which season follows which?
11. Which ones do you know? seasonal phenomena? Describe the seasons
their differences, natural changes, animal behavior... What time of year is it now? What will come next? After what time of year does winter begin?

12. What time of year is it now? Prove it.
13. How many months are there in a year? Which? What is longer: a year or a month, a month or a week, a day or a week?
14. Name it summer months, winter...
15. When leaves appear (fall off) on trees, fly (fly away) migratory birds). What birds come in winter? What is leaf fall?
16. Name the migratory (wintering) birds. Where do migratory birds fly?
17. What is a day? What is the difference between day and night?
18. What time of day: sleep, have breakfast, have lunch... Is it morning now? Day? Evening? Night? What do you do in the morning and evening? What comes before lunch or dinner?
19. How to distinguish: today, tomorrow, yesterday...

B. Comparative concepts

20. Parse examples into concepts: more or less; wider or narrower;
older or younger; higher or lower; faster or slower, lighter or heavier, right or left, top, bottom, side, front or back, earlier or later, equally...
21.In a year, will you be older or younger? How old will you be in a year, in two years. How old were you last year?
22. Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster? How long?

D. Classification

23.What unites a group of objects? (purpose, presence of similar signs...) Name 5 items of clothing (shoes, dishes, transport, animals...)
24. Name the objects in one word: tools (saw, axe, screwdriver...), clothes (coat, dress, trousers...), transport (car, plane, train...), etc.
25. Types within groups: transport - ground, underground, air, water); animals (domestic, wild); furniture, clothing, electrical appliances...
26. Name domestic animals, wild animals. Why are they called that? Name the baby sheep, horse, dog, chicken....
27. Comparison of two groups of objects.
28. What is the odd one out in the group: chicken, crow, goose? Monday, Tuesday, September? Why?…
29. Are there more pikes or fish in the river? What is more in the closet: plates or dishes?

D. Colors

30. Name the colors of paints, including shades (gray, purple, pink, red, blue, ...)

E. Outlook and logic

31. What cities do you know? Countries?…
32. What is the difference between an airplane and a bird? Girl from a doll? Why does a car have brakes?
33. Why doesn't the tree fall?
34. Aunt has a daughter Masha, a cat Murka, and a dog Druzhok. How many children does your aunt have?
35. What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?
36. Who will swim to the shore faster: the chicken or the duckling?

G. Speech development

37. Read the poem by heart.
38. Make a riddle.
39. Make up a story based on a picture or several pictures.
40. Game “in reverse” (day - night, black - white....)
41. Say one word
42. The girl is playing. Is it a word or a sentence?
43. Complete the sentence: “If it starts to rain, then...”
44. Name the sounds and syllables in the words: chair, porridge, table, smoke, etc.
45. How many syllables are in the word Masha, machine? how many sounds are in the word -dom?

H. Arithmetic

46. ​​Counting forward and backward from 1 to 20, as well as counting within specified limits (from 3 to 7, from 7 to 3)….
47. Name the neighbors of the number 3.
48. What is greater than 8 or 5?
49. Problems involving plus and minus one (how much is more or less?)
You had three cars, your mother bought another one. How many cars are there? More or less? How long?
You had 5 candies, you gave one to a friend. How many candies do you have?
Has it become smaller or larger? How long?
50. Composition of numbers 4, 5.
51. Level two numbers (how to make them equal) in two ways: +1 and -1.
51. Four paws are visible from under the curtain. How many kittens are behind the curtain?
52. Name the geometric shapes.
53. Grouping geometric shapes by the presence of similar signs.

I. Etiquette

53. Polite words and how they are used.

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