What do they give if there is a medal for the mother of the heroine? Stories of heroine mothers, touching and scary. Such different mothers

Nothing can compare to the emotions that literally overwhelm a woman after the birth of a child.

After all, giving life to a tiny creature that develops and grows under the heart over the course of 9 months is essentially happiness in its purest form, shared with mothers and the state. Moreover, taking into account that raising even one child, as well as providing for all his needs, is not easy, a number of preferences have been established at the legislative level for women who, within the framework of the law, are heroines due to the birth of more than 4 children.

History of the title

At the beginning of the last century, for ordinary families It was the norm to raise from 8 to 10 children, and this despite the fact that there were no comfortable homes, no high-quality children's things, no nutritious diet, not to mention kindergartens, which were not accessible to everyone. Of course, it was not easy to feed such a number of children, as well as provide for their daily needs, but the parents tried, which actually, several decades later, was expressed in caring for the elderly mother and father of their now grown-up children.

Naturally, the state could not stand aside and, in gratitude for the birth of 10 children or more, as well as their decent upbringing, established the first award for motherhood - “Mother Heroine”. This distinctive sign in the form of an order was provided with the aim of increasing the demographic level and, accordingly, the birth rate, which during the war years not only decreased significantly, but was also difficult due to the death of many young people during the war who were never able to become parents.

Also, with the introduction of this award, women recognized as heroines received not only a diploma from the Presidium of the Armed Forces, but also a number of benefits, both material in the form of an increased amount of benefits, and household benefits, in particular, the same extraordinary admission of children to children. gardens and improving living conditions by receiving apartments from the state. It should be noted that honorary title women received not only for children born to her personally, but also for those adopted, but provided that they were raising at least 10 children in total, and by the time they received the honorary title, the youngest was at least a year old, and the remaining children were alive.

Naturally, with the collapse of the USSR, many of the privileges sank into oblivion, including the honorary title of Mother Heroine, which, due to the nuances of legislation, was valid only during the time of the union, and after the formation of the Russian Federation was leveled, as well as a number of benefits that during its existence About half a million mothers were able to receive this award.

About the “Mother Heroine” award, see the following video:

Modern analogue awards

In Soviet times, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of 1944, in addition to the Order of the Mother Heroine, a few more awards, namely:

  • Motherhood Medal 1st and 2nd degree for raising 6 and 5 children, respectively;
  • Order of "Maternal Glory" 1-3 degrees for the birth of 9 to 7 children.

That is, in fact, motherhood has been rewarded for half a century high level and was encouraged through a number of preferences, which were canceled with the collapse of the USSR and, accordingly, were not applied for more than 15 years until the adoption of Presidential Decree No. 775 in 2008 on the establishment of the order " Parental glory» , through which women are currently rewarded for giving birth and raising children in the Russian Federation. By the way, in 2010, another award was established by Decree No. 1099, namely Medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

It is worth noting that, unlike the previous legislative act on remuneration for motherhood, applied in Soviet times, the current law provides for gratitude for raising children not only in relation to the mother, but also to the father , considering that the birth of babies, as well as their upbringing, rests with both parents, and not just with the mother.

Another innovation was the strict selection of families who can qualify for the stipulated gratitude at the state level, because previously certain conditions, except for the number of children, were not established in the law, unlike now.

So, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1099, parents can only apply for an honorary title and order subject to following conditions :

  • being in an officially registered marriage;
  • creating favorable conditions for children that imply healthy image life, spiritual and physical development, as well as the appropriate level of care and concern for all the needs of children, both their own and adopted ones;
  • the youngest child reaches at least 3 years of age;
  • raising adopted children for at least 5 years.

Another significant difference should be noted, namely the number of families that are nominated for the award. Indeed, earlier during the USSR, more than 10 thousand women a year received the honorary title “Mother Heroine”, while at the moment we're talking about only about two families per region. And even then, after a thorough check of the living conditions, maintenance and satisfaction of all the needs of the children, from clothing and diet, to cultural development in the form of visiting museums, exhibitions and water parks.

Family size

In 2008, since the issuance of Decree 775, parents initially received the right to compensation for raising four or more children, however, since a third of the families fell under the agreed parameters, selection was quite difficult.

It was also taken into account that the birth and upbringing of 4 children, in comparison with a large number of children, is much more difficult to implement, both morally and materially, which is why the need to amend this act arose.

In particular, since 2010 Decree No. 1099 it was established that Order of "Parental Glory" can be assigned only to those parents in whose family raising at least 7 children, and with the condition that all children are alive at the time of selection and registration of documents and the youngest child has reached 3 years of age. Moreover, if one or more children out of seven died as a result of performing military duty or died in connection with receiving or illness, the parents do not lose the right to receive the order, given that their child, in fact, fulfilled his public duty in relation to the Russian Federation .

But expect to receive medals of the Order of "Parental Glory" in pursuance of the stipulated Decree, parents who are supported by there are 4 or more children, but provided that the family is complete, self-sufficient and, one might say, exemplary, in view of compliance with all criteria for raising and providing children with proper upbringing, and material benefits, and cultural and moral development.

Moreover, both in relation to applicants for the order and for the medal, the order several conditions apply. In particular:

  • applicant families must be citizens of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, have supporting documents of birth of the Russian type;
  • cannot reside outside of Russia;
  • must be a complete and ideal family.

Award procedure

Of course, not all families, even if they have 7 children, can qualify for state awards in view of the list of criteria that are approved by Letter of the Presidential Administration No. AK-3560.

In particular, parents are nominated for an award based on a request from the authorities local government , to which is attached the following package of documents:

That is, in essence, the above documents must confirm that children are not only kept in ideal conditions, but also brought up in love and care, and also fully develop in all respects from intellectual to moral.

Wherein cannot claim for an order or medal parents who:

  • were deprived or limited in parental rights;
  • children were placed in state care;
  • have a criminal record or other problems with the law.

The above package of documents is submitted for consideration at the regional level to specially created commissions, which study the provided data and make a decision after 30 days. Then the commission’s decision with a petition and supporting data on consistency is submitted for consideration in the form of a submission to the President through authorized representatives regional level.

Over the next 3 months, regulations for presenting awards to parents are being developed, according to which the entire family is invited to an official meeting and receive the order or medal “Parental Glory” in Moscow.

Benefits and allowances

In most cases, large families strive to receive the Order of “Parental Glory” not at all because this gratitude is the highest state award, but in connection with the benefits that come with it. So, in pursuance of Decree No. 775, the award is accompanied by one-time benefit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, which is paid in the manner approved by Resolution No. 1438.

Also, taking into account that even if there are three children, the family is recognized, but at the local level, parents are offered a number of social benefits, in particular:

The ceremonial presentation of these orders in St. Petersburg is shown in this video:

The first Mother Hero Award was presented in 1944, when mothers raising 10 or more children were required to make a lot of effort to adequately raise and support their children in the post-war period. Then the woman received a certificate from the Presidium of the Armed Forces, benefits, increased benefits, enrollment of children in a preschool educational institution without a queue, an apartment from the state, and so on. With the collapse of the USSR, the honorary title was no longer awarded, as were benefits and other privileges given to women.

What analogues does the Mother Heroine award have?

Along with the “Mother Heroine” award, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in 1944 also approved a motherhood medal of two degrees for raising 5-6 children and an Order of Maternal Glory of three degrees for raising 7-9 children. None of the three awards listed in given time does not apply, but in 2008 the President of the Russian Federation (at that time the President was D.A. Medvedev) established the Order of “Parental Glory” by his decree, and 2 years later the second award was approved - the medal of the Order of “Parental Glory”.

The only condition for receiving the award was previously the raising of a certain number of children - this was enough for the woman to receive the order. Nowadays, many stringent requirements are imposed on applicants, but not only the mother of children, but also the father of the family can receive the award.

Conditions for receiving awards for raising children

Previously, the Mother Heroine award was awarded to more than 10,000 women annually, but today only 2 families from each region can apply for the order, and only if the following conditions are met:

  • all children, mother and father must be citizens Russian Federation;
  • the family lives permanently in Russia;
  • Stillborn children are not taken into account, as well as those who died after birth (only daughters and sons who died during the performance of civil, military, official duties, missing under similar circumstances and who died due to work-related injuries and illnesses can be taken into account);
  • the youngest child must be at least 3 years old;
  • adopted children must be raised by adoptive parents for at least 5 years;
  • children must be provided with all amenities, all their needs must be taken into account, they must be brought up with dignity, attend cultural events, etc.;
  • parents should not have a criminal record, and children should not be registered with the commission for minors;
  • the family must be complete, parents must register an official marriage.

For raising how many children the Mother Heroine award was awarded?

The title of mother-heroine was awarded for raising 4 or more children, but in modern world a third belong to this category Russian families, and therefore the conditions for receiving the Order of Parental Glory have become more stringent - now to receive the order you need to raise at least seven children. In this case, the degree of relationship between children and parents does not play a role.

The medal of the Order of “Parental Glory” can be awarded to a family with only 4 children. Again, the family must meet all the requirements, be complete, self-sufficient, exemplary.

How is the Order of Parental Glory awarded?

Parents, in order to become applicants for the Order of Parental Glory, must have a petition from the leadership of the Municipal Administration. Parents should not:

  • have a criminal record or violated laws;
  • give all or some children full state support;
  • be deprived of parental rights or have limited rights in relation to children.

The settlement administration or USZN employees submit documents for consideration to special commissions, which make a decision within a month. Then the resolution is approved by the regional governor and sent for consideration to the President of the Russian Federation.

After 3 months it becomes known whether the family will be awarded the award or not. If the decision of the Head of Russia is positive, parents and all children are invited to the ceremonial presentation of the Order of Parental Glory in the Kremlin, in Moscow.

What documents are needed to receive the Order of “Parental Glory”

Benefits and allowances for holders of the Order of “Maternal Glory”

Firstly, immediately upon presentation of the order, the family is entitled to a payment of 100 thousand rubles. Secondly, the family has the opportunity to receive a number of benefits that significantly make life and raising children easier:

  • tax deductions for children, education, treatment;
  • registration of a mortgage, farm and own enterprise on preferential terms;
  • discounts on travel to public transport within the region;
  • restriction of the employer's right to dismiss a parent with many children;
  • priority right to obtain a permanent job (mother, father, children);
  • admission to a university on a preferential basis;
  • visiting cultural events once a month without payment;
  • vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts for parents and children;
  • walk-in service at the clinic;
  • free medicines for children under 6 years of age;
  • the right to improved living conditions;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • breakfasts and lunches at school without payment;
  • enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions in the first place.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: The mother, who has a criminal record, has become an exemplary teacher of her 7 children and is applying for the Order of Parental Glory.

Russia, becoming the legal successor Soviet Union, for some reason I immediately forgot about mothers of many children and really remembered it relatively recently, when faced with a demographic crisis called “Women don’t want to give birth,” caused, first of all, by the difficult economic situation. The “Mother Heroine” was replaced by the Order of “Parental Glory”, awarded, unlike its Soviet counterpart, to both parents. Another difference between “Slava” is that it is awarded to families with not ten, but four children. And, most importantly, it is complemented by not the most serious, according to experts, benefits and allowances.

Thus, while supporting several children, their parents have the right to pay 50% of the amount of utilities and, to have the latter installed out of turn, to reduce the amount of income taxation, to earlier retirement (though subject to a certain length of service), to save for mothers with working experience. For children, there is a 50% discount on kindergarten fees, free travel on municipal public transport, free treatment and examination in government medical institutions, free summer rest in children's camps and some privileges when entering universities. Which, given modern realities, often remains on paper. True, regions have their own assistance programs. For example, in the Altai Territory, parents do not have to pay to purchase medications intended for use in pharmacies. Children from such families also have priority rights to admission to a country holiday camp.

Will “Mother Heroine” be brought back?

In 2013, the State Duma of the Russian Federation began to consider a bill providing for the restoration of the title and order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia. The document, in particular, stipulates that the main basis for their delivery will be the presence in the family of at least five children aged from one to five years. And the benefits will have to become, according to one of the authors of the bill, Mikhail Serdyuk, no less significant than those in the Soviet Union.

Started with the letter "A"

The heroic title and the order attached to it appeared in the USSR on July 8, 1944, almost a year before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Having irretrievably lost millions of men, most of whom were young, the country then also found itself on the edge of a demographic abyss. A way out of this could be to encourage Soviet women to give birth as often as possible, including providing them with serious social benefits. And in the fall of 1944, the first 14 mothers who gave birth and raised at least ten children were awarded in Moscow.

It is symbolic that order number 1 was awarded to a woman whose first and last name began with the letter “A” - Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region, the mother of 12 children. Eight sons of Anna Savelyevna became participants in the Great Patriotic War, half of them did not return home. Subsequently, Aleksakhina’s order was transferred by her children to the State historical Museum. By the way, at the same time with the Order of “Mother Heroine”, two more awards appeared for Soviet women with many children - the Medal of Motherhood (for the birth of five or six children) and the Order of Maternal Glory (from seven to nine).

"Seven Simeons"

In addition to their own children, including those killed or missing during hostilities, service in the army or police, when saving a person’s life, or those who died due to occupational illness and work injury, the state also took into account those whom their mothers adopted. The Soviet government should be given its due; it strictly fulfilled its material obligations. All women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” were allocated separate multi-room apartments in cities or houses in rural areas, monthly cash benefits were paid. And their children had the opportunity to receive free a good education and profession.

At one time, for example, the musical family of Irkutsk Ovechkins was not deprived of state attention. The heroine mother, Ninel Sergeevna, who headed it, single-handedly raised 11 children who created the family ensemble “Seven Simeons,” famous almost throughout the Union. That, however, did not prevent them, almost in full force, from committing a particularly dangerous crime and trying to hijack a civilian plane abroad.

Historians claim that the latest awards Soviet mothers in November 1991, it was presented by the president of the fading USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev. However, from time to time, Russian media publish materials that provide a completely unique and not very plausible-looking fact that in the early 90s, another person was awarded the Order of Mother Heroine. Moreover, a man named Veniamin Makarov, who raised in his Yekaterinburg four-room apartment, received in the form of a state benefit, several dozen adopted boys from the street and from orphanages. By the way, Makarov is now suing one of them over this apartment.

Over the past few years, the role of women in the modern world has changed significantly. Today she can be a politician, an astronaut, the owner of a large company - it all depends only on her desire. However, almost every girl still dreams of becoming a mother. Despite the difficult financial and social conditions in the country, in many families husband and wife decide to raise more than one child. How many children must the heroine mother give birth to in order to receive this honorary status?

The tradition of the honorary title of mother-heroine originated in the 19th century. Thus, the authorities tried to influence the birth rate in the country, promising certain benefits and privileges to those who dared to take such a serious step. The order to present the corresponding medal was signed in the summer of 1944. To obtain it, it was necessary to give birth and raise at least 10 children. At the same time, there was one more required condition: the youngest child must be one year old, all other children in the family must be alive.

For the calculation, it is also taken into account how many children the heroine’s mother adopted. Among other things, if one of the older children died in the performance of military duties or is listed as missing for the same reasons, he is also taken into account when awarding the mother with a medal and rank.

What other medals and orders are provided for heroine mothers?

Now that we know how many children the mother-heroine has, it will be necessary to mention other honorary titles. Thus, the motherhood medal was awarded to women who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. There were several degrees of this order or medal; they were awarded depending on the number of children in the family. Briefly, the scheme invented by the Soviet government looked like this:

  • 5 children - second degree medal;
  • 6 children - first class medal;
  • 7 children - order of the third degree;
  • 8 children - second degree order;
  • 9 children - first degree order.

New initiative of Russian deputies

Unfortunately, this good tradition has been forgotten. IN modern society a large number of children, housekeeping and home improvement became a very unpopular activity. However, over time, we return to many correct values, including this one. People first started talking about reviving this good tradition in 2013. IN State Duma A bill on the need to revive the honorary title - the title of "Mother Heroine" - was submitted to the Russian Federation for consideration.

How many children must be born and raised today to receive such a great honor? Deputy Mikhail Serdyuk, the initiator of the return to traditions, believes that this requires the following conditions to be met:

  • have at least 5 children;
  • the age of the youngest is from one year, the oldest - up to 8 years.

The first mother-heroine in the USSR

It should be recalled that the last real order was awarded on November 14, 1991. According to dry statistics, over the years of the existence of this unique title, it has been awarded to more than 430 thousand women who have accomplished the great feat of motherhood. One of the most famous mothers was the first woman to receive an honorary order. Her name was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna. All her life she lived in the tiny village of Mamontovka, not far from the capital. In total, Anna Savelyevna had 12 children, 4 of whom died during the Great Patriotic War, defending the borders of their Motherland. At the moment, this first order has been transferred by the relatives of the heroine’s mother to the State Historical Museum and is available for viewing to everyone in the numismatics department.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, as in many other republics, honorary titles, orders and medals were no longer issued. Instead, they were awarded the Order of Friendship or the medal "For Services to the Fatherland", but all these awards did not reflect main point, feat and labor accomplished by hundreds and thousands of Russian women.

Revival of correct traditions

The revival of worthy traditions in our country began only in the 21st century. The prerequisite for this was the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory for Russian parents with many children. What is fundamental difference between the new award established under President Medvedev and the previous title? How many children must the mother-heroine give birth to be considered such in this case? According to the new conditions, the order is awarded to both parents - both mother and father - if there are 4 or more natural or officially adopted children in their family. Additionally, such a married couple can count on receiving a certificate and a financial sum of 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Appearance of the new order

However, this information does not answer the question of how many children the mother-heroine must have to receive such an honorable status. Families where parents are raising more than 7 children are also awarded a new order. It is unique and stylish appearance. Yes, it represents a cross blue color, on which the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located.

What benefits have been and will be provided?

In the Soviet Union, information about how many children the mother-heroine had was extremely important, because in addition to honorary titles, the holders of this title could count on a significant improvement in their living conditions. Thus, many women received separate spacious housing, as well as financial benefits. There is no similar scheme, debugged in a similar way, in the Russian Federation. However, our country, Russia, also grants certain benefits to mothers with many children. The heroine mother has to give birth to how many children to be able to take advantage of them? There is no exact answer to this question; it is determined depending on each specific benefit or benefit. Thus, children from families with three or more children can get into kindergarten out of turn. In general, the list of privileges includes:

  • discount on utilities (depending on the region);
  • trips to camps and resorts.

Programs for state support are constantly being modernized. Thus, it is planned to provide:

  • benefits of various levels;
  • benefits for receiving higher education for children;
  • reducing the cost of paying for utilities (in those regions where there is no such subsidy yet);
  • provision of minibuses, land plots and much more.

How many children should the heroine's mother have to receive all these benefits? this moment not specified.

Mother-heroine in the CIS countries

The tradition of awarding such honorary titles has been preserved since Soviet times in Ukraine. Thus, in this country the title “Mother Heroine” is still awarded. How many children in 2013 were able to benefit from such social support! A similar policy is followed in Belarus. Women who give birth to 5 or more children are awarded the title "Heroine Mother". How many children of 2014 can count on such support, and how will it be expressed? So, as already mentioned, a woman must have 5 or more children to receive the honorary title. For all children, a regular general allowance is issued, totaling about 700,000 rubles in local currency; in terms of dollars, this amount looks much less significant and amounts to only 80 dollars. However, heroine mothers can also count on one-time support from President Lukashenko in the amount of 2.5 million. An honorary order is also a pleasant bonus.

Tenderness and affection, love and care are associated with a person dear to the heart. For many, mother is the closest and dear person who will understand under any circumstances, accept under any conditions and forgive any mistakes.

This is a man with a huge heart, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his children. In addition to grateful smiles and mutual love children, which are considered the most valuable reward for a woman, she is entitled to an honorary title from the state. In what cases can a woman in modern society count on a special status? How many children must the heroine mother raise, and not just give birth to?

History of the title

For the first time, the need to celebrate the merits of a mother who is able to give birth, raise and uncomplainingly give her children to the state was felt at the end of the Second World War, back in 1944. The Soviet leaders, without suspecting it themselves, established the high rank and the accompanying order “Mother Heroine” on July 8. By Orthodox calendar It is considered Valentine's Day, also celebrated as Family Day. The latter is venerated in memory of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, known for their loyalty and love for each other, standing despite prohibitions both during their lives and after their death.

Initially, the question was discussed about how many children the mother-heroine should give birth to and raise in order to receive a distinctive title. The plans were to reward communist women who gave birth and raised more than 10 children, one from each friendly republic of the USSR. But there were none, because those caring for so many children had no time for joining the party and no time for party concerns.

Which woman was the first to receive status?

It is not without reason that we remembered mothers at the end of the war. Given the huge losses, it was necessary to improve the demographic situation in the country.

Worthy applicants were sought throughout the country. The award ceremony was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution. The orders were awarded to those mothers who, having given birth and raised more than 10 children, lost sons and daughters at the front. The first woman to receive the order was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna, who had 12 children, 8 of whom fought for their homeland at the front, and four of them died in battle. This order was given to the State Historical Museum by the children of Anna Savelyevna. In the museum's collections, if you wish, you can look at the first award in the state. The award ceremony took place in the Kremlin with all honors. The greatest joy for the family was the increase in living space in the barracks where a large family lived. After the war, a year later, they were given two whole rooms, allowing them to live in spacious apartments, but their life could not be called easy: the time was hungry and difficult.

What benefits did women have in the past?

A woman was awarded an honorary title if she achieved youngest child one year of age, and all older children had to be alive at the time of assignment of special status. Women with many children Soviet time tangible help was relied upon, and this applied not only to those who had the title “mother heroine”. How many children did you need to raise for this?

With the birth of the third child, the state was already supporting the family. These include good benefits for children and an increase in maternity leave. And also this is a priority registration in a nursery and a reduced fee for kindergarten, free food At school.

A awarded the order women retired five years earlier, had free travel on public transport upon retirement and significant benefits when paying utility bills. Separate living space is the main privilege of heroine mothers, which they had the right to claim even after their older children reached adulthood. No one dared to remove such a woman from the housing queue, so she was guaranteed to receive the apartments provided by the state.

How the work of the mother-heroine is celebrated today

The last award of the order took place on November 14, 1991. With the collapse of the USSR, they forgot about the merits of mothers and preferred to for a long time forget about the benefits for them. In some regions, they tried to single out women who decided to take on such a feat of motherhood, honoring them with the medal “For Services to the Fatherland” or the Order of Friendship. But they did not give benefits and the main essence high rank did not reflect.

How many children does the heroine mother have today? What are its costs for raising worthy citizens? Understanding the relevance of the issues within modern Russia, legislators drew attention to the demographic situation and the invaluable role of a woman who selflessly devotes herself to motherhood. The Order of “Heroine Mother” was not returned, but a new award for heroic parents in modern Russia exists - this is the Order of Parental Glory. Attached to it is also certificate of honor. But is this enough?

How many children must a heroine mother have in Russia to receive status?

Established in 2008, a new honorary state award is due to parents who raised 4-7 children. These may not necessarily be born children; adopted children are also taken into account. The Orthodox community also made its contribution and established the Order of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom; since 2007, it has recognized worthy people in six categories. This award honors mothers whose children have become heroes of Russia, and also honors entire families, teams and prominent figures who made a huge contribution to strengthening the institution of family in Russia.

What benefits and rights do modern heroine mothers have?

Mothers who have taken on the difficult task of raising and round-the-clock care in large families enjoy benefits that do not exist in all regions. Local governments in a number of areas have provided for:

Discount on utilities from 30%;
free travel on public transport;
registration of a child in a preschool institution out of turn;
for those who want to organize their own business (farming, small commercial enterprise) tax exemption is provided for a certain period of time, and in the future you can count on loyal taxation and an interest-free loan for the development of the enterprise;
subsidies, benefits for housing construction.

But the main help is maternity capital, which allows a woman to wisely manage funds that can become the foundation financial independence women. Her future prosperity depends on how wisely she manages this opportunity.

“Mother-heroine” status: privileges in Ukraine

How are things going in Ukraine? Women who have given birth or adopted, in accordance with the legislation of the country, 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 6, have the right to count on a pension for special services to the state, and when children reach the age of 8 - to the honorary title “Mother Heroine” , which is confirmed by the head of state. How many children can a heroine mother make happy? Ukraine is a country that deeply respects the role of a mother of many children in society. Such women have the right to:
one-time remuneration in the form of ten times the state subsistence minimum;
providing housing first;
can count on a 25% bonus to the basic pension;
for early retirement, but with a reservation, if the experience is at least 15 years;
at 58 years of age social help in 100% of the subsistence minimum, which a woman has the right to count on in the absence of the necessary work experience and loss of working capacity.

Titles and awards today: Order of “Parental Glory”

Thoroughly finding out and answering the question of how many children the mother-heroine has (Russia is a country that cares about its future, where issues of family education in large families and it is important to solve them at the state level), it is important to note the following.

The modern insignia, the Order of Parental Glory, is intended for two parents, obliging them to make equal efforts to raise their children. The monetary award that comes with the title is a good help for family budget. But in Russia today it is not enough to have 7 or more children to obtain status, because the procedure for processing documents to obtain such a title is not easy. It is necessary to collect a whole package of documents confirming the right to proudly wear such an order. It is legitimate for the state to cut off unreliable parents who are not involved in upbringing, but only give birth to children. But parents who conscientiously fulfill their fatherly duty do not have enough free time to spend it collecting documents confirming their integrity. Therefore, not many parents deserving of the award received it today.

Titles are good, but what is the real support of the state?

The heroine mother in Russia, even with a new order, needs state support. It is not for nothing that legislators are talking about returning privileges for this category of citizens. After all, round-the-clock work and endless care is a feat that must be taken into account and, in addition to an extraordinary place for a child in kindergarten, it is necessary to think about the rest of the mother herself, who should be rewarded personally, at least with a health trip to the resort.

A woman who gives so much warmth and tenderness should also be fully gifted, because her contribution to the state is great, so benefits for heroine mothers should be agreed upon today. And the state will receive a return, because prosperous children, under the care of a responsible mother, will soon pay taxes regularly and be useful, contributing to the prosperity of the country.

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