modern pioneers. Always ready again. How modern pioneers live and study. Pioneers in modern Russia

I went to this school with my 10 year old son. Vanya. Too bad he's interested in Lately era of the USSR. I dug up old things in my grandfather's garage: a Soviet-style first-aid kit, a gas mask, badges and coins. Therefore, he really wanted to look at the real pioneers.

The Modern Pioneers are the largest organization in Volgograd region- live in the village of Primorsk. The population here is only 3,200 people. There is practically no asphalt here, mostly dirt roads. Cows and horses crawled across the steppe. There are no apartment buildings. Only private courtyards, next to which chickens walk. There is a school in the very center of the village.

The inscription on the facade of the school. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

The school is the same age as the village itself, which was formed during the construction of the Volga hydroelectric power station. Soviet slogans are still preserved on its facade (“Citizens of the USSR have the right to free education" And " Lenin bequeathed to us: study, study and study").

And the students themselves are a real international, like greetings from former USSR. Russians, Uzbeks, Turks, Kalmyks, Koreans, Azerbaijanis - all as one proudly wear red ties.

Volgaryats first

The first pioneer detachment in the seaside school appeared in 2004. Senior counselor Olga Naslednikova and does not hide the fact that partly it was her dream. After all, she was also once a pioneer, then - the chairman of the detachment, the secretary of the Komsomol organization.

“In 1995, pioneering was revived in the Volgograd region. Then schools began to join, detachments appeared. We, too, having learned about this, in 2004 revived our pioneer organization. At first we had only one detachment, then two. Now there is already such a large organization: 7 detachments according to the number of classes from 4 to 8, ”says the teacher.

Regardless of nationality, all schoolchildren wear red ties. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Before becoming pioneers, elementary school students wear Volgaryats. It's like October, which were before. The duties of the Volgarians are similar to those of the Octobrists: to love the Motherland, help each other, be honest and study well. And only in the 4th grade, a Volgarenka has the right to wear a red tie. To join the pioneers, four-graders write applications addressed to the senior counselor, and at the bottom of the sheet the parents put their signatures, confirming that they agree with the choice of their son or daughter.

Statement of a future pioneer. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

About how they like to be pioneers, schoolchildren are in a hurry to tell each other.

“A pioneer in everything. Helps the defenseless, say the sisters Dadashovs, Gunay and Vusala. We help everyone who needs help: veterans, children, the village. We are organizing some events." However, they cannot tell about their actions in more detail: they look like chicks at the counselor. Even about the largest event - Victory Day - they remember with a hint.

“We don’t worship Lenin”

On May 9, in Primorsk, as well as throughout the country, there was a parade, and the Immortal Regiment, and the banner of Victory, on which the students wrote the names of all their relatives who went through the war. And, of course, the most honored guests: veterans. In total, four participants in the war supervise schoolchildren. They get special attention. But schoolchildren do not forget about the simple old people of the village, about those who are lonely or just need help. To whom they will raise potatoes from the cellar, to whom they will bring food from the store, or they will dig in the trees in the garden. Olga Naslednikova says that it is a great joy for children to be needed by someone.

Olga Naslednikova herself was a pioneer and Komsomol member. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

“We have no worship of Lenin. We live by such laws: you need to be the best. Pioneer is the first. We want our children to be the first, the leaders, - says Olga Naslednikova. “Pioneers look after single people, not necessarily veterans. They themselves are looking for “addresses of care”. Like Timur and his team. But we do not idealize any party. We have public organization, we do not bear the name of Lenin.

“But I know who Lenin is,” Vanya suddenly raises his voice. - This is like a president or a sovereign during the USSR. He helped his people a lot, signed all sorts of agreements at the factories.”

"They want to be together"

“See how to properly tie a tie. First you make a vertical knot, then a horizontal one, ”the girls from the pioneer asset demonstrate the intricacies of tying pioneer tie. They also know how to play pioneer marches on drums. True, for 6 young drummers there is only one drummer: Serezha Egorov. He is especially appreciated here, because he also knows how to play the bugle.

“Children are interested in this, probably because they want to be together,” Olga Naslednikova answers the question of why young people today are so drawn to an already seemingly obsolete ideology. - There is not enough communication, the Internet takes a lot of time. And all such pioneering activities are joint activities. We went somewhere together to the veterans, together we went to collect waste paper, they compete for something. Each squad has squads. They compete with each other, like squads. We have a Pioneer of the Year competition. They evaluate both studies, and the office, and duty at the school, the condition of the school grounds. They try to be leaders in everything. This is a very good competition, and not just going and punching someone.”

Ilyich strictly observes everything that happens from the height of the closet. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Revive Komsomol

Olga shows cards with questions to which exemplary pioneers should know the answers: “When does the salute go off?”, “Play a drum march”, “What do you know about Sasha Filippov?”, “Insert the missing words into the text of the pioneer song.” Winners school competition they will go to the district, and from there the best will go to the region and, if they are lucky, to Moscow. Primorsky Pioneers have already represented the Volgograd land at a rally of the best pioneers in the capital. Hope to win now.

Schoolchildren are preparing for the Pioneer of the Year competition. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

“Our organization is the largest in the region. So that the whole school participated, I did not meet, - says the senior counselor, teacher-organizer Olga Naslednikova. “But every year there are less and less events for us. We brew in our own juice. About 10 years ago, the movement was more extensive. Pioneers met with Maresyev, went to Zvezdny, where they met with an astronaut Malyshev».

And they dream of reviving the Komsomol. Photo: / Nadezhda Kuzmina

But at Primorsky School they are not accustomed to despair. To the start of a new school year Here they plan to revive the Komsomol. In the meantime, students starting from the 9th grade here are simply called high school students.

All the time, while I was talking with schoolchildren and the senior counselor, who gave me a tour of the school, my son listened carefully and took a photo. And then he said: “Mom, please, let's move here. I want to be a pioneer too.”

May 19 marks the anniversary of the founding of the Children's pioneer organization named after Spartacus. Initially, it was called that way, and after the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was adopted, it appeared All-Union Pioneer Organization, named after V.I. Lenin in 1924. IN Soviet time she was so all-encompassing that the word " pioneer"was synonymous with the concept" child school age ". Being a part of the pioneers itself did not promise any special charms, and even burdened with boring events, but there was no worse threat than "you will be expelled from the pioneers!"

Another match - Kid `s camp was designated by the term "pioneer camp", and its pupils - "pioneers". Until now, the same capacious definition has not been found, and many adults still say "counselors and pioneers."

The forerunner of the pioneers was the scouting movement, well developed in Russia, including after the Revolution. There were detachments of young communist scouts. The Komsomol declared war on scouting, seeing in it a competitor and bearer of an alien Western ideology. At the first congress of the RKSM, the dissolution of the scout detachments was announced. Later, when it turned out that children were not covered by ideological education, N.K. Krupskaya put forward the idea of ​​using scout methods among children who have not reached Komsomol age. The Komsomol became the leader of the Pioneer. Pioneers, especially initial stage, largely borrowed the paraphernalia of scouts, replacing an important component - religious education with communist ideology.

Initially pioneering in more took place outside the school - mainly as a sports and tourism and elementary military training. Pioneers, like scouts, went on hikes, lived in tents, baked potatoes, bathed, and overcame obstacles. Gradually, pioneer work became more formal, "ceremonial". Basically, pioneer events took place within the walls of a school or a pioneer home, and pioneer camps turned from tented and full of adventures into sanatorium-and-spa institutions. Adventure Crisis and fighting spirit children's camps are well shown in the movie "Welcome or No Trespassing".

Many now have no idea what the pioneer life was like.

Firstly, under this "brand" almost any activity of schoolchildren was carried out that was not directly related to study: work at the school site, quizzes, disputes, hikes, competitions, games, and, of course, stay in children's camps. The class was divided into links, and each received some kind of "pioneer position" - he was an academician, a fizorg, a florist, a bugler, a political informer, an editor of a wall newspaper, even a certain mass entertainer. There were cadets, the best of which were honored to be published in Pionerskaya Pravda or the magazines Pioneer and Koster (by the way, the now famous TV journalist Leonid Parfyonov was once the best cadet of this newspaper). I was a political informant - a huge responsibility. He made clippings from the newspaper "Abroad", and in the morning he made speeches with an important look. Branded the imperialist military from some South Africa looking out the window where the sun was rising over the Bering Sea. The absurdity of this situation did not even cross my mind.
Usually the most accurate, beautiful and diligent girl was proudly called the "chairman of the detachment council" and went to school-wide meetings. The detachment came up with a motto, chants, a corner was made out.

Secondly, there were special "pioneer assignments". It was the kind of work that can now be described by the terms "PR" and "management". They prepared for reviews and concerts of political songs. They smeared their faces with soot to portray on the stage the pioneers from southern countries(by the way, more than 30 countries had pioneer organizations). We performed search tasks: walk around the district, find out where the veterans live (despite the fact that the list was in the military enlistment office), and then invite them to the collection, dedicated to the day Victory. Sometimes they even fought for a veteran - there wasn’t enough for everyone. Collected scrap metal and waste paper. They did Timurov's work (they didn't know the word "action" then). Participated in war game"Zarnitsa". They carried out educational "study" of lagging behind, arrogant, violating the pioneer oath.

The biggest reward for the pioneer was a ticket to the camp "Artek" or at worst "Ocean". But we did not know such lucky ones, we only read about them in books. By the way, we also glued the books as part of the "pioneer assignment".

IN Pioneer Day we were taken to the main square to take part in the line-up, lay flowers at the monument to Lenin and wander around the city center, rattling the drum with chopsticks. At this time, the Kamchatka hills were still covered with snow, but grass was already appearing by the sea and the first dandelions were blooming. If the weather was sunny and classes were canceled at school, we just rejoiced!

The pioneers carried out and environmental activities- they planted trees, worked in gardens, cleaned up the territory, created detachments of the "green patrol", participated in tourist and youth rallies, in the youth movement.

In the Soviet Union, tens of thousands of pioneer camps were created, in which millions of children rested, gained strength, and developed. The most prestigious were the camp of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "Artek", the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" ( Krasnodar region, RSFSR), recreation camps "Ocean" (Primorsky Krai, RSFSR), "Young Guard" (Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR) and "Zubrenok" (Minsk region, BSSR). Pioneer ideology was the core educational work. After the collapse of the USSR, the pioneer organization was reorganized, and the camps lost their ideological axis. The problem arose of how to raise children, what to do with them, what values ​​to appeal to. Modern camps successfully cope with this by organizing specialized programs, carrying out patriotic, environmental, physical, spiritual and moral education.

However, pioneer organizations have not disappeared, but are actively working, such as the Moscow City Pioneer Organization. They are united in the International Union of Children's Public Associations "Union of Pioneer Organizations - Federation of Children's Organizations", chaired by Dr. pedagogical sciences Elena Chepurnykh. This union includes both pioneer and specialized organizations - "Young Sailors", "Young Paratroopers", "Young Fashion Designers", "Young Correspondents". The Union holds international children's forums, festivals, profile shifts and much more. Its activities can be found on the website In total, the Union unites more than 2.5 million children of Russia, plus 2 million 100 thousand children from the CIS countries.

The leaders of the modern pioneers claim that the emphasis is not on ideology, but on the development of children. Modern pioneers participate in training camps, campaigns, Timurovsky landings, tourslets, and developmental activities. For them, summer shifts are organized on the basis of children's health camps.

"Children's and pioneer organizations today are a powerful progressive movement of different, but equal, caring citizens who are ready to cooperate in good and useful deeds", as it is said in holiday greetings guides International Union children's public associations.

History of the All-Union Pioneer Organization

At the end of 1921, the Central Committee of the RKSM created a special commission to develop a program and principles for the activities of a new children's organization. Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya took a direct part in the work of the commission. One of the ideologists of scouting I.N. Zhukov, striving to embody the positive aspects of the scouting movement in the children's organization, proposed the motto "Be ready!"

May 19, 1922- The 2nd All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere.

October 1922
- The 5th All-Russian Congress of the RKSM decided to unite all pioneer detachments organized in different cities Russia, in the nursery communist organization"Young Pioneers named after Spartak".

January 21, 1924- By the decision of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the pioneer organization was named after V.I. Lenin.

March 1926- The pioneer organization became known as the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V.I. Lenin.

The first pioneer detachments, uniting the children of workers and peasants, worked at the Komsomol cells of factories, factories, institutions; participated in subbotniks, helped in the fight against child homelessness, in the elimination of illiteracy.

1923- Outposts and bases began to be created in schools - associations of the pioneers of a given school, regardless of their place of residence. There were up to 75,000 pioneers in the pioneer organization.

Late 1930s- The restructuring of the All-Union Pioneer Organization was completed according to the so-called school principle: a class - a detachment, a school - a pioneer team. Military defense work was launched in the pioneer collectives; circles of young shooters, orderlies, signalmen were created, military sports games were held.

1941-1945- A mass Timurov movement unfolded throughout the country, the emergence of which is associated with the name of the writer Arkady Gaidar and his story "Timur and his team."

Young pioneers helped the families of veterans, collected medicinal herbs, scrap metal, funds for tank columns, were on duty in hospitals, worked at the harvest. For courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, the pioneers Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, thousands of pioneers were awarded orders and medals.

1962- The All-Union Pioneer Organization was awarded the Order of Lenin for the great work in the communist education of children and in connection with the 40th anniversary.

1970- In the World Pioneer Organization, there were more than 118 thousand squads, uniting 23 million pioneers. During the entire existence of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, more than 210 million people have visited its ranks.

After "perestroika", the All-Union Pioneer Organization abandoned its political overtones, adopting a new motto: "For the Motherland, goodness and justice."

Mid 1980s- Attempts were made to reform the pioneer organization, but the children's and youth organization on the same scale was not created.

October 1990- The successor to the pioneer organization - "Union of Pioneer Organizations - Federation of Children's Unions" - an international voluntary independent union uniting children's public organizations, associations and others public associations formed with the participation of children and in their interests.

The Union of Pioneer Organizations was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 1992 as a non-governmental public organization independent of political parties and movements.

Symbols and rituals in the pioneer organization

Pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to a pioneer organization, a particle of the banner of a pioneer organization. The three ends of the tie symbolized the unbreakable bond of three generations: communists, Komsomol members, and pioneers. The tie was tied with a special knot. The chairman of the squad had a red tie with a yellow border. In the pre-war years, one of the attributes pioneer form there was a special clip that fastened the ends of the pioneer tie. This attribute was desirable, but not required. The symbolism of the clamp is interesting. Five logs of fire means five continents. Three tongues of flame - Comintern (3rd International). The disappearance of clamps from everyday life in the post-war years has several reasons. First of all, this is the dissolution of the Comintern itself, in the flame of which logs-continents are burned (respectively, the symbolism lost its meaning). This was also facilitated by the mass psychosis that engulfed the broad pioneer masses in the late thirties. It suddenly seemed to someone that in the flames of a fire, upon careful examination, one could find everything - from the Nazi swastika to the profile of Trotsky.

Pioneers badge
was described in the Regulations on the children's communist groups named after Spartak (the old name of the pioneers) of August 28, 1923: a sickle and a hammer, a burning fire, the motto "Be ready!" are depicted on a red waving flag.
On December 14, 1925, the second version of the badge appeared (the Lenin Mausoleum was added to it). In 1927, the image of Lenin appeared on the badge. In 1934, the badge was changed again - the motto changed to "Always ready!". In September 1942, the badge took the form of a five-pointed star, with a bonfire and the motto "Always ready!" in the center. In 1944, instead of a bonfire, a sickle and a hammer appeared in the center of the star, and three flames began to be depicted above the star. In 1962, the last sample of the badge was adopted: in the center of the five-pointed star is Lenin's profile, below it is the motto "Always ready!", above the star there are three flames. There were detachment badges of the pioneers - red with the image of a pioneer badge.

Firework- Welcome to the pioneers. The hand raised just above the head showed that the pioneer was putting public interest above personal.

The pioneer saluted, being in the ranks and out of order: during the performance of the "Internationale", the Anthem of the Soviet Union and the anthems of the union republics, in response to the pioneer motto, at the command "Leading on the banner!", "Leading on the flag!", At the Mausoleum, at the monuments to V.I. Lenin and monuments and obelisks to the fallen heroes. When submitting a report, when changing the guard at the banner, when declaring gratitude before the ranks, awarding, upon receiving the Red Banner, detachment flag or pioneer attributes, welcoming the military and pioneer ranks. At the parade, the line, passing by the stands, the pioneers carried out the command "Attention!" aligned to the right or left. During the greeting of the leaders of the pioneer organization, honorary pioneers, the salute was given only by the senior leader leading the column, the chairman of the squad council, detachment leaders, chairmen of the detachment councils, assistants at the banner.

Pioneer banner- a red cloth, which depicted a pioneer badge and the motto "Be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!". Two Orders of Lenin were pinned to the main banner of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. Even the pioneer detachments had banners (at the household level, this is a school class) - red with a pioneer badge, the detachment number and the honorary name of the detachment.

Squad flag was a symbol of honor and unity of the pioneers, a sign of their belonging to a specific pioneer team. With a detachment flag, the pioneers went to training camps, lines, parades, holidays, campaigns, excursions, and labor affairs. On the march, the flag officer walked directly behind the leader and the chairman of the detachment council, ahead of the bugler and drummer. On Sunday, a tourist halt, the flag was installed or fixed in a conspicuous place.

Flag had to be able to carry out the following commands: “Equal!”, “Attention!”, “At ease!”, “Step march!” The flag was stored in the pioneer room next to the banner of the squad. Here, as a rule, bugles and drums were kept.
The names pioneer horn and drum appeared almost simultaneously with the word "pioneer". The history of these musical instruments is as great as the history of mankind. But it's more than just musical instruments. The sounds of the bugle and the drum are a call to the pioneers, to their unity, to their activities aimed at protecting the Motherland, serving the good, seeking and establishing justice.

Horn convened the pioneers with signals: “Listen to everyone”, “Gathering”, “To the banner”, “March”, “To the line”, “Alarm” and some others. The bugler of the detachment - this was a responsible pioneer assignment, he had to be able to perform drill techniques with a bugle and give signals: “Listen to everyone”, “Gathering”, “To the banner”, “Camping march”, “To the line”, “Alarm” and some others. On the pioneer line, the place of the bugler was on the right flank of the formation next to the drummer, in the column of the detachment - behind the flag.

Drum accompanied the system during campaigns, processions, parades. The drummer of the detachment (he, like the bugler, was elected by the assembly or the council of the detachment) had to be able to perform drill techniques, perform "March", "Fraction".

All these symbols and rituals were borrowed by the organizers from scouting, as well as the division into squads, the institute of counselors, campfire gatherings, symbolic elements (for example, in the pioneer badge, three flames of a fire replaced the three petals of a scout badge, 3 ends of a tie began to mean 3 generations - pioneers, Komsomol members and communists, etc.).

Oath uttered by everyone joining the ranks of the organization.

It sounded like this: “I, I.F., joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, in the face of my comrades, solemnly swear: to love my Motherland passionately; live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as he teaches communist party; always comply with the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union."
"Be ready!"
"Always ready!"

The law of the pioneers of the Soviet Union all pioneers should have known by heart.
The pioneer is devoted to the motherland, the party, communism.
Pioneer is preparing to become a member of the Komsomol.
The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor.
Pioneer honors the memory of the dead fighters and is preparing to become a defender of the Fatherland.
Pioneer is the best in studies, work and sports.
The Pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing up for the truth.
Pioneer - comrade and counselor of the October.
Pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of working people of all countries.

"It's done!" - resounded over the country when it became known that on October 29, the President of the country signed a decree on the creation of the "Russian Movement of Schoolchildren". Many felt that the time had come for the revival of the pioneers, and it can be seen from the interview that this decision was perceived precisely as the creation of a new all-Russian organization of children and adolescents, similar in goals and principles of work with the pioneer organization.

Initially, I was also delighted with this decision - after all, for several decades I have heard more than once that a uniting organization of teenagers (similar to the pioneers) is needed, which could help education solve educational problems and ensure the integrity of work with youth in the country, region or at the level of the municipality and a specific city/village/village.

However, when the first emotional "outburst" of joy left, it was replaced by conclusions that are by no means encouraging...
So, the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren (hereinafter - RDSh) sets itself the goal of "improving public policy in the field of educating the younger generation, promoting the formation of personality on the basis of the inherent Russian society systems of cultural values". It seems to sound good, but somewhere there is "falseness". It seems to me that today the "system of cultural values ​​inherent in Russian society" does not correspond to what it is in public and non-public terms.

Let me make a simple comparison:

Country in the period of the pioneer organization: patriotism, responsibility, friendship, mutual assistance, pioneering, leadership, diligence

The current situation: consumerism, individualism, success, modernity, tolerance
I think that by comparing these "values" we are unlikely to be able to get for the rising modern "pioneers" those examples that will educate them and form motivation for a positive movement towards self-development and self-realization for the good of the country or their region.

The fact that Rossmolodezh will supervise the Russian Children's School does not inspire much confidence either. Behind last years this structure did not show itself in any way in terms of the formation of a single and integral state youth policy, having reduced all its activities to the so-called "forum campaign", thereby actually removing responsibility for the systemic network approach in the implementation of the GMF. Unfortunately, by analogy with the agency, a similar position is being used by regional youth affairs bodies, reducing the entire youth team to holding regional "forums" and events (events, activities). And if on regional levels there is still some money for such actions, then at the municipal level the youth policy has actually ceased to exist due to lack of funds and personnel.

Thirdly, the ideology of the RDS should become part of the state ideology, thereby shaping the strategic direction of the created youth movement. But today, as well as 15 and 20 years ago, the country still lacks a law on GMF, and there is no clear strategy for the development of the country and youth policy in general. And the point is not in the crisis and sanctions, but in the fact that there is no interest in young people on the part of the authorities and the oligarchs who "rule". The youth for them is "meat" for political "games" and technologies. Suffice it to recall "Nashi", "Young Guard", youth parliaments, etc. And with this approach, it can be assumed that the RDS will again become an element of the next year's election campaign with an emphasis on supporting "some" and opposing "others" in the struggle for deputy mandates.
And, finally, when they announce the creation of something large-scale, large and ideologically demanded, the need for funding cannot be ignored. So far, Moscow is considering the issue of financing the special organization created under the RDSH, but there is no talk of financing the construction of regional and municipal divisions of the RDSH. And without them there will be no all-Russian organization. There will be another "ostentatious" network of several organizations and structures forcibly formalized in the RDS. We went through this too.

Most likely, Moscow will drop funding to the regions and municipalities. Everything is clear with the municipalities - the entire young population will be enrolled and enrolled in the organization with "tying ties" (as was the case with the development of volunteers). Again, it is clear that under the "active work" of these municipal departments of the RDSh all activities from the plans of education, culture, etc. will be written off, as is done today. However, it is possible to understand the municipalities - as I said above, there is neither money nor personnel who could be fully responsible for this work and at a high professional level.

The situation is no better in the regions either. In 2016, in our region, the regional youth program goes into oblivion (it becomes a subprogram within the framework of education), budgetary funds are provided at the level of "the cat cried", there is neither infrastructure nor network work between the UDM and municipalities, respectively, there is no GMP strategy, there are no priorities in working with youth, there is no methodological base, in 2015 there was an actual rejection of the systematic approach, etc. It is not clear what can be expected from the region in such conditions ...

But I will repeat the original idea that work on the creation of an all-Russian unifying youth organization must be carried out and the sooner it is carried out, the more likely it is that the country will stop "sausage" both socially and economically.

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