How to raise the morale of employees? Western experience... Strength of mind and its development

Engaged employees work harder and better, invest in their labor activity additional enthusiasm (for which they are generally not paid), come up with new ideas (which are based on excellent knowledge of the internal processes in the company), captivate customers and increase their loyalty to the company.

The leaders of the involved teams, in addition, save a lot on recruitment: there is no staff turnover, and most of the opening vacancies are filled by their own employees. If there are no suitable candidates inside, the number of applications for a position in your company is amazing: everyone wants to work with you. And, by the way, for the usual "market" money! In the West, it has already been calculated that salaries in companies that differ high level employee engagement are at the average level in the market. And the profit in such firms is higher by 10-20%.

According to Gallup, the annual losses from the lack of involvement of employees of American companies range from $ 272 to 340 billion. The most serious losses come from reduced productivity and customer service.

Do we have problems?

So, it's time to think about whether your team is suffering from low engagement.

Let's name the alarming symptoms:

  • high staff turnover and a high percentage of absenteeism due to illness (employees do not even have to feign a headache or heat a thermometer on a battery, since a lack of work enthusiasm often leads to psychosomatic disorders);
  • regular failure to meet project deadlines;
  • lack of initiatives “from below” (in any work, something can be improved, and an active worker who knows everything about his site will certainly offer something; such initiatives only need to be able to notice)
  • lack of interest among employees in training in their specialty.

Research on your own

There are many consultants on the market today offering employee engagement analysis. If you can afford their services, great. In case you are not sure that the problems are so serious, or do not have free funds, you can try to start use "materials from open sources". For example, a questionnaire developed by the same Gallup agency.

12 questions from Gallup:

  1. Do you know exactly what results are expected of you at work?
  2. Do you have all the materials and equipment you need to get the job done right?
  3. Do you have the opportunity every day in the workplace to do what you do best?
  4. Have you received any praise or award for Good work last week?
  5. Does your boss or any of your colleagues care about your personal development?
  6. Is there an employee who encourages your Professional Development?
  7. Do colleagues and management take into account your professional opinion?
  8. Do you feel that the mission/purpose of your company helps you realize the importance of your work?
  9. Are your colleagues committed to high standards of work quality?
  10. Do you have a friend at work?
  11. Has anyone at work discussed your progress in the last six months with you?
  12. Have you had the opportunity to learn new things and grow professionally in the last year?

It is up to you to conduct such surveys personally or anonymously. There are pros and cons to both options. The most important thing is to draw the right conclusions.

Analyzing the results

David McLeod and Nita Clark, authors of the report Engaging for Success: enhancing performance through employee engagement, candidly admit: “Measurements of employee engagement are far from scientific research". You should not think that on the basis of a standard questionnaire you will receive exact figures and graphs. But areas requiring special attention can be calculated.

Evaluate the results of the survey in the areas of engagement management:

Attitude towards company management and direct supervisors (“inspiring leadership”);

Confidence that the company is not indifferent to the fate of employees (“trust”);

Supporting the values ​​of the company and the ways in which it develops (“ideology”);

The level of awareness about the events and plans of the company (“common path”);

Satisfaction with the organization of the work process and the workplace (“occupational health”).

We start to act. Informing

Evgenia Udalova, Head of Human Resources at Custis, advises: “If the company is just starting to think about the need for targeted work with involvement, then I would recommend starting with raising staff awareness about what is happening in the company, how it lives.”

This work should begin with the creation of an information environment - channels for disseminating information within the team, determining the main areas for informing employees (corporate news, ideology and values, promising areas for the development of the activities of departments), forming a pool of speakers (people whose opinions and judgments will be broadcast through the channels of the intracorporate communication - from the head of the company to the leaders of departments).

The most popular channels for informing employees today are the intranet and the corporate publication. You may also choose other options: corporate blog, mailing list, Twitter account, group in social network- or a combination of them.

We continue to act. Feedback

The next task is to encourage employees to make independent decisions in the workplace and make suggestions for improving the activities of departments and the company as a whole.

Natalia Bereza, MTS Vice President for Human Resources, says: “It is important for us that people not only be satisfied with their work and be loyal to the company, but show activity that goes beyond their official duties and were willing to put in the extra effort to achieve super results. This combination of loyalty, satisfaction and proactivity can only come from employees who are involved in the company's affairs.”

Faced with the first consequences of the 2008 crisis, MTS introduced a new tool for increasing engagement and business development - the "Idea Factory". Each MTS employee got the opportunity to express his idea, which is submitted to the experts for consideration and, if approved, is replicated throughout all divisions of the company. In 2011, the "Idea Factory", which proved its success, was modernized: the company created a single automated system for processing incoming initiatives. Authors best ideas receive both intangible and material rewards.

"The most important element non-material motivation is the direct impact of the participation of employees in the "Idea Factory" on their careers," explains Natalia Bereza. - “Innovators are included in the personnel reserve of MTS and move forward an order of magnitude faster career ladder. In 2011, more than 80% of managerial vacancies at MTS were filled by internal candidates, while an open competition is announced for most managerial positions.”

In the 2008 crisis, Marks and Spencer took a slightly different path: they created the Business Involvement Group, a committee of nominees from the workforce, which began to advise management. Committee members develop proposals for optimizing business processes, which are then submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration. Thanks to this mechanism, Marks and Spencer was able, among other things, to reduce warehouse costs in Europe by 4 million euros per year.

All engagement researchers say that inspiring leadership is essential to success. So, the leader must pay attention to himself. Close your office door and start self-coaching. Believe me, it will benefit the whole team.

Elena Agafonova, General Director of Solution Management Group, suggests dividing this work into four stages:
1. Check the relevance of the goal. Answer the question: “How ready are you to engage in increasing employee engagement?” and rate yourself on a scale from 0 to 10: zero - "I don't care", 10 - "I can't work without the involvement of employees." If the score is below 5 points, the goal is "cold", it is better to do something else. From 6 to 8 - you should work on yourself before you act. Reading business literature, consulting with the personnel department, business development specialists, etc. will help. Score from 8 to 10 points - the goal is a priority, you are ready to act.
2. Answer yourself the following questions: what have you already done to change the engagement situation? What resources were involved? What worked and what didn't? How did you figure out where you succeeded and where you failed?
3. Think about what can be done to manage engagement. Make a list of all possible options for action, even those that seem unrealistic to you. It is impossible for some managers to imagine a direct conversation with a key specialist who works “in a slipshod manner”, or the introduction of a free schedule for a part of employees. However, absolutely all options should be on your list - turn off the internal censor for a while, because you are just fantasizing.
4.Make a plan for the next 3 days. Choose from the resulting list one, two or five steps that you consider acceptable at this stage. Implement. Be patient: both you and your colleagues need time to adapt. The results can be both very fast and long-term - depending on the level of tasks. A conversation with a specific employee can bring returns in just a few days, while the effectiveness of a large corporate program can only be evaluated after weeks and months.
5. In order not to lose your own motivation, record every slightest success.

Employee engagement management is a big and difficult task. However, here, as in an ancient Chinese proverb, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." Work at your own pace. Don't try to cover all tasks at once.

Report of the consulting company Towers Watson “The Power of Three. Taking Engagement to New Heights” dated February 2011 confirms that working with each of the engagement factors brings a tangible effect in the form of improving the company's financial performance.

The next financial report will strengthen you in the consciousness of your rightness. And then you will inevitably get a taste and eventually bring the level of involvement of your company's employees to the coveted 90%.

Based on materials from the site

Everyone at least once heard the phrase "strength of the spirit." What does it mean? Why do some people have it and others don't, and how can one tell if each particular individual has it? Is it possible to develop it, and how much effort is needed for this?

The strength of the spirit is very important in modern world. It is thanks to the presence of it that a person manages to overcome all life's difficulties, cope with the difficulties that have piled up, overcome the obstacles that are encountered on the way, and just live. It is to live, and not to exist, as most people do, to live fully, happily, with dignity.

Many are interested in how to develop fortitude, but it is worth noting here that this is not so easy. This cannot be done in a week, it may take months, or even years of hard training, and the most diverse: from physical preparation to psychological and moral.


Of course, it is difficult to imagine an abstract expression without specifics. To do this, below are examples of the fortitude shown by people in critical situations.

Example 1

Ship, storm, rocks. Out of a team of ten, only one survived. He was washed ashore by a small one in the middle of a huge salty sea, so he was doomed to a long painful death (unlike his comrades, who died quickly and almost painlessly).

What would a person do in such a situation? Someone, for example, would wait for help, hope for a speedy arrival of someone with " mainland” and would not make any attempts to find the tools necessary for survival. But not our man. He began to think what to do and how to be saved. Thanks to the developed fortitude, the situation did not break him, so instead of hysteria and sitting on the deserted shore, the man moved deep into the island, into the forest, to find food and drink. Soon he discovered a stream and a small waterfall with fresh water and also some fruit. He made it through the first day.

A month has passed. During this time, most people would have come to terms with the situation. Our man quickly learned to make a fire, and therefore every day in the late afternoon he lit a fire. When it got dark, he increased the size of the fire to attract the attention of potential rescuers. He learned to hunt improvised weapon and built a dwelling. He did not give up, but continued to act and believe in the best, and one fine day his hopes were justified. The man survived thanks to himself and the inner core, fortitude.

Example 2

Another small version taken from the movie: the girl got into a cage with a crazy man. He was not going to kill her, but she understood that this was for the time being, and one day she would come to an end. The cage is strong, it will not be possible to get out of it. Every day, the girl slowly tried to pull out a nail that was slightly sticking out between the bars. She pretended to be an obedient girl so as not to anger the maniac, and he did not suspect what thoughts were hidden in the head of his captive. Once, as you probably guessed, the girl managed to get a nail. Big, sharp. She plunged him straight into the body of the villain. As a result, the girl survived, taking out the key to the cage.

In horror films and thrillers, by the way, in general, you can often see heroes whose fortitude is worthy of respect and praise.


From the examples given, we can conclude what the power of the spirit is. This is the absence of fear and the presence of determination, perseverance and courage. This is the ability not to give up in any, even the most difficult situations that seem hopeless. This is an irresistible will to win, which cannot be broken by anything. This is an endless hope and faith in the best.

Development of fortitude

Well, let's move on from examples to action. The upbringing of fortitude, as mentioned earlier, is a long, complex and time-consuming process. But it is worth it, because the person himself will notice how it will change in positive side if you learn to do things right. It should also be recalled that with successful development, in no case should you stop. Nothing lasts forever, but everything that concerns a person, especially. You need to improve and become better not for a couple of years, but for your whole life, until your death. So, how to develop fortitude? Here are the steps to success.

Physical training

For the development of fortitude, a mountain of muscles and skill is not required, but elementary physical exercise will help you. in general is important for every person, regardless of his strength of mind. But those who want to develop it must understand that this is not just an addition, but a necessity.

Perfectly suited for the development of both strength of mind and physical fitness for mountaineering, swimming, equestrian or other sports. If it is not possible, then your minimum is daily exercises, exercises, jogging. Start doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but any excuses are meaningless. Since you have firmly decided to develop, act! This is exactly what you need. This is where the second step begins.

Self-discipline and self-improvement

Learn to do everything through "I can't". Start getting up and going to bed at a specific time each day. Stop eating junk food. Start doing physical exercises. Find yourself an entertaining hobby that will help you learn how to search for information and give yourself entirely to your favorite business.

Discipline yourself, improve, stop being afraid and look for excuses. You are capable of much, you are capable of everything, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it. By the way, about "to be afraid": the third point comes from here.

Getting rid of complexes and fears

This is an extremely important step. Fortitude means the absence of fear and complexes that constantly prevent a person from doing something and limit him. Could you run through a crowded street in your underwear to survive? In the absence of complexes, probably yes, but if you have them, you can linger in critical situation not be saved. Could you jump from the second floor to the street to escape the killer? Fear can get in the way. True, physical training, which was mentioned earlier, is also useful here. If we consider more vital and less terrible examples: could you right now take and gather in unfamiliar city? No? Why? The lack of money, connections and the inability to take time off from work are all excuses, in fact, you are simply afraid to change your life, afraid to break away from your familiar place.

Get rid of all your fears and complexes, this will lead to success in the volitional field. This is useful not only for the development of fortitude in particular, but also in life, because it is better to be free from prejudices, other people's opinions and diverse than to constantly shake and not be able to do something.

These three steps will be quite enough for the full development of fortitude. Act, and also do not forget that the better you strengthen your spirit, the easier it will become for you to live.

WITH willpower is considered a quality that is inherent in some special people: heroes, outstanding athletes, famous scientists. Success is often associated with it, emphasizing that it is impossible to achieve anything if you do not overcome difficulties and your own laziness. Willpower is combined with strength of mind, considering everything together as integral signs of a strong, persistent personality. These valuable qualities are not inherent in the human character from birth; training of willpower is necessary for many. This requires a simple desire and not much simple work above oneself.

Strong will and strong spirit

Strength of mind and willpower (their definition) are different from each other. Despite the fact that both qualities are considered to belong to a person with character, not every strong-willed individual has the strength of mind. But the opposite happens very often: a spiritually strong personality most often also has developed willpower.

So, willpower: what is it and how can it be useful modern man? This term implies firmness in carrying out one's decisions. More often will (this is in psychology) can be considered as a tendency to follow the intended goal. Sometimes it happens that any undertaking causes a surge of enthusiasm only at the initial stage, until the desire has cooled down. A little later, faced with inevitable difficulties, a person who has made a certain decision begins to perform actions related to his intention, with some degree of doubt.

At this time, a person needs to know how to develop willpower in order to overcome reluctance and laziness, painful sensations (for example, in sports training or dancing), an increasing craving for the usual pastime before making a decision (when losing weight or giving up bad habits). In the absence of a conscious desire to achieve the goal (as psychology calls it, will), a person loses interest in performing the actions necessary for this and refuses to further follow his dream.

Such individuals are not in vain called weak-willed or weak-willed. Undeveloped, weak willpower is a character trait of such individuals. And the distant goal turns out to be unattainable not at all because there are no abilities or heredity is not the best: it is the lack of will and firmness in the implementation of one’s own decisions that leads to the rejection of what one would like to have. Then people wonder how to cultivate willpower in themselves.

Under the power of the spirit, they usually mean something completely different: it is the ability to maintain faith in one's strength and moral principles. Without relying on the strength of the spirit, a strong will (the concept is given above) can make a real tyrant out of a person. Such a “strong” personality will be able both to suppress the will of a person in order to achieve his goals, and to stoop to betrayal or meanness, if it is beneficial.

spiritually strong man will follow his moral principles, no matter what it costs him. In fulfilling one's decision, the predominant motive may be just faith in one's own strength, and then no difficulties can prevent one from achieving a result. But, unlike an unspiritual egoist who values ​​only his own interests, morality also defines the boundaries of what is permissible in relation to others: in fulfilling his own decisions, a strong spirit will not allow the humiliation of others. The strength of a person's spirit will help to overcome the difficulties that the observance of other people's interests and their own moral standards will cause.

Is it possible to develop willpower and spirit?

When strength and will are combined in one phrase, a comparison with muscle strength suggests itself. From this it is often concluded that there are ways to train willpower and spirit. Indeed, there are numerous methods for the formation of these useful qualities in children and adults. It will be necessary to consider the development of willpower or spirit separately, since these are very different concepts both in psychology and in the ordinary idea of ​​​​people.

Ways to develop willpower can be very different. Depending on what goal a person is pursuing, methods may also change on how to train willpower while simultaneously performing part decision. For example, if you want to learn how to play the musical instrument, you can develop perseverance as a quality that makes it possible to focus for a long time on performing a monotonous action (play scales). When trying to lose weight, a technique for working on willpower can be based on a reasonable rejection of sweets or adherence to diet and exercise.

Formation of volitional qualities in children

For mothers who are interested in how to cultivate willpower in a child, the methods should include a game moment. It is not at all necessary to try to make a giant of spirit out of a little man, forbidding him to enjoy the natural joys of his age. Compliance with the rules of the game, which contains elements of achieving the task (go through the maze, write the required number of hooks in the recipe, etc.), gradually prepares the child to perform more complex actions related to overcoming certain obstacles.

With the successful achievement of the ultimate goal of the task, encouragement must necessarily follow. This will continue to form a direct link between the result and satisfaction from it. It is advisable to discuss with the child in advance certain kind this reward: a walk, watching a cartoon, a treat, or something else. But when completing a task, it is worth demanding a responsible approach and focusing not on encouragement, but on actions.

If the baby does not cope with the task, then the reason may be in too high requirements for him. An adult should soberly analyze the capabilities of his child and take this into account when selecting the following tasks. Their complication should occur gradually and only after the future strong-willed personality learns to overcome difficulties. initial stage. Otherwise, education positive qualities a child can turn into his confidence in his own impotence and inability to do something right. In the future, this will only turn into the ability to give up in time before the most insignificant difficulties and lead to a refusal to fulfill your decision.

How to develop willpower on your own?

Where to get willpower if a person first thought about its absence, already being an adult? The easiest way is to sign up for some kind of training: sometimes it is possible to collect the necessary amount of money only at the cost of self-restraint.

But you can go the more difficult way, and make the education of your will main task. You will have to do everything on your own and rely only on your own strength, having understood well what willpower is, because the coach will no longer be here.

You can develop your own methodology according to the principles mentioned above: losing weight, giving up something, observing the regimen and attending sports training. One of the heroes of the American writer S. King, trying to lose weight, was even forced to own mother to convince him that he needs to cook completely certain food. And our Olympic champions overcome themselves every day, trying to reach new heights in their chosen sports.

How willpower is formed, how to develop and strengthen it in yourself useful quality, American psychologists also argue:

  1. A common task (for example, to do a general cleaning in the pantry) can be broken down into several smaller ones.
  2. For each stage, a clear deadline should be determined and be sure to complete it. For example, within 1 week, work up the courage to open the back door and assess the level of clutter, in 2 weeks, take apart the top shelves, in 3 - move to the middle ones, then throw out things that are older than 10 years.
  3. Do not forget to feel satisfaction from the work done. Even a small effort made on your own is already worthy of pride. Moreover, as a result of it, some kind of work was done, to which the hands did not reach, and now she no longer bothers with her presence.

Employees of Northwestern University (USA) noted that as a result of compiling such schedules, the experimental group began to smoke less, eat regularly, and attend sports training. The cadets admitted that they had more free time.

Will exercises

Another technique for strengthening willpower is to perform simple tasks:

As a result of following the decision, a habit is formed to pay attention to one's actions, and the willpower of a person is strengthened. The simplicity and accessibility of tasks to oneself in this case will only be useful: you won’t have to reproach yourself too much for not holding back, forgot to write down the cost of ice cream in a notebook, or didn’t take out the trash. When performing exercises to develop willpower, you need to pay attention only to observing your own rules of the game, not particularly focusing on the result and ways to pump willpower. Most likely, it will manifest itself at the moment when you have to face a real problem: the ability to break it down into separate elements, solving small problems, and the habit of following the changed rules of behavior will come in handy.

How to make your spirit strong?

They say that the main strength in a person is the strength of the spirit. Indeed, a spiritually strong person is able not to give in to difficulties and try to find a way out even in a hopeless situation. If a strong will leads a person to a goal, then the strength of the spirit allows him to find opportunities for this.

You can only develop methods for training the strength of the spirit on your own. It is impossible to develop the spirit of a child who does not yet have clear moral guidelines. But even an adult can be helped only by the most general advice on how to strengthen the strength of the spirit.

To gain a truly strong spirit, you need to analyze the strong and weak sides of his nature. This must be done with the utmost honesty, without trying to embellish yourself. The ability to change something in your life depends on the awareness of your qualities.

After the initial conclusions are made, you need to make a decision and clearly follow the intended goal. This may be one of the minor tasks, like exercises to train the will. But you will have to fulfill it, despite the possible shame, deprivation of some conveniences for yourself. All ways to develop fortitude are aimed at defining your moral criteria and imply the predominance of spiritual values ​​over the comfort of a lower order.

You should not indulge in self-abasement if at first it is difficult to decide on an act. You should allow yourself to realize that the achievement of the goal in this case can get rid of a long overdue problem. Feelings of guilt, self-pity or envy, jealousy and other states that exhaust our soul can be stopped only by turning to face our own fear. For religious people, their faith may be decisive, and an atheist will have to look for support in himself.

You need to pay attention to your circle of friends: good relations with people whose moral character is not approved, cripples the spirit of a person, forcing him to look for excuses for the actions of friends, while sacrificing his own moral principles. In the future, there can only be a search for an excuse for one's own vile trick and a betrayal of one's own convictions. What kind of strength of mind will have to be discussed in this case?

If friends do not correspond to the ideal that a person has, it is best to go for a conscious break in relations with them. The result will be the preservation of the purity of your spirit. The gap can be painful and deprive a person of some of the comforts that such an association provided him. But talking about the strength of the spirit is useless if one's own values ​​are exchanged for the satisfaction of base needs or lost for the sake of the crowd.

Why is all this necessary?

The development of a person's will necessarily makes him pay attention to some energy-consuming states. Having discovered the emergence of self-pity due to deprivation or fatigue, it is easy to notice how much time and effort goes into this feeling. By replacing it with satisfaction from the fulfillment of a decision, a person increases self-esteem.

Trying to avoid unpleasant actions, the problem cannot be solved. In some cases, it can be aggravated (for example, a bad tooth). But the education of the will is like a victory over own fears, allows you to perform these actions without much strain, solve the existing problem and enjoy the result.

The often arising feeling of pride and own exclusiveness interferes with open communication. developed strength spirit, which makes it possible to adequately evaluate others, allows you to adequately relate to both their strength and their weaknesses. As a result, a strong personality acquires the ability to constantly remain in a calm and confident state, without blaming others for their own failures and miscalculations. But these are precisely the traits that are characteristic of a successful and able to achieve success individual.

In military psychology, fighting spirit plays a very important role. It is formed in advance in each person for a qualitative attitude towards the result. Many eastern countries practice its increase without fail, and this noticeably affects the result of hostilities.

What is fighting spirit?

It is believed that fighting spirit is the main concept that forms the moral and physical preparation of a soldier, including all the hardships and hardships during the period of service. The following methods are used to achieve the goal:

  • physical exercise;
  • increased endurance and courage;
  • following military disciplines;
  • teamwork and cohesion training.

If the morale in the military unit has gone down, then this problem will affect even the highest ranks. The right attitude gives you the strength to move on and not give up, while pursuing your personal goals. A properly formed psyche helps to organize yourself and the team, carry out the first actions correctly and develop a strategy, but the result of confrontations will also depend on skills.

morale problem

Proper morale support does not only have an impact in a war setting. Morally strong people develop better in their careers, develop well, and in general, their implementation in society is going well. If a person’s morale is unstable and there are problems with him, then the result can be:

  • isolation;
  • loneliness;
  • pessimism;
  • uncertainty about the future.

How to increase morale?

It is worth remembering that the morale of life tends to constantly decrease. This is influenced by many factors, such as:

  • place of residence;
  • Job;
  • relationship in the family;
  • problems with friends
  • health problems.

Knowing how to raise morale, a person will be able to control his condition on his own. The first thing to do is to identify the cause that affects internal state. As a rule, this is an event that happened recently, but jammed all the attention of the opponent. Experts advise to return to the problem and try again to get rid of the load, until it is completely tightened.

How to raise the morale of employees?

Many employers faced the problem of raising fighting spirit from their employees. Often these problems occur after long holidays, bad deals or delays. wages. The main thing in this problem is the motivation that every employer must provide.

  1. Financial reward for a job well done.
  2. Granting days off when working overtime.
  3. Promoting top performers.

The main thing is to tune the fighting spirit so that the work brings a collective result. If only one out of a hundred people works well, then no matter how much you pay bonuses to him, there will be no changes in business. A common approach can be achieved with frequent joint meetings and discussion of problems with each employee, including him in his work and setting him up for the result. The time spent will show itself in a few days and work efficiency will increase.

How to improve morale?

Psychologists divide the strengthening of morale into three main steps, after which it becomes almost impossible to break a person. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not go off.

  1. Get rid of your fears, both internal and external. They project in their heads many situations that are not even destined to happen, but constant panic kills a person’s self-esteem.
  2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Constant worries about their unfortunate fate will easily cross out a normal future.
  3. Completely let go and forget the bad events from the past life. Painful resentment against oneself and the environment will pull back, closing the road to a happy future.

What is the power of the spirit? - This is one of the defining qualities that make a person a HUMAN. And we are persistently looking for ways to strengthen the strength of the spirit.

Even the most developed animal cannot boast of what we have. And the amazing and admiring miracles of courage " younger brothers” in obviously losing situations are dictated only by the cold need for survival.

A strong person, unlike a weak one, knows what he wants. His life position and goals are stable and durable. Having started something to put into practice, he brings the matter to the end without writing excuses.

At the same time, the weakness of the spirit betrays itself "with a head" by lack of confidence in one's strength, timidity, unprincipledness, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, envy.

Fortunately, we can “sculpt” ourselves according to our own standards. There would be a desire and a bit of willpower.

How to strengthen the strength of the spirit

  1. positive attitude and program for success.

We ourselves choose the “color” of absolutely all events in accordance with our personal and social settings. Therefore, we stock up on a palette and repaint everything in our favorite colors.

“I made a profit - excellent, a loss - I “bought” invaluable experience for the lost funds,” - this is approximately the way of reasoning of a positively thinking person.

Veto - on negative thoughts and doubts. Doubts are good only as a "handy tool" to Once again convince yourself of the right path.

Sorry - no! Self-pity is humiliating, energy-consuming and unacceptable for a strong spirit.

  1. We get rid of fear and get rid of suspiciousness.

Life is beautiful in every moment, and there is no need to spoil it with the expectation of something bad.

The vast majority of fears are unfounded and unrealistic. However, starting to "scroll" them in ourselves, we start the mechanism of materialization.

Another thing is if a negative event is inevitable. "Hiding your head in the sand" and trying to avoid trouble does not achieve anything good. The best way conquer fear - face the situation face to face. And then you will understand that "And" the devil is not so terrible as he is painted.

A striking example is the first parachute jump.

Many days before the jump, a beginner skydiver becomes afraid. He is afraid of everything from his own reaction (whether I will be afraid to jump out of the plane) and ending with the landing (and whether I will break my leg).

The peak of fear, sometimes comparable to horror, falls on the day of the jump.

After a safe landing, having received a charge of the brightest emotion, first from the opening of the dome, and then from a safe landing, a person on "emotions" would jump and jump until the exhaustion of physical strength.

The departure of fear and overcoming oneself causes such an upliftment, with which little can be compared.

A person who values ​​himself respects his choice, his work, his hobby. And what is worthy of respect and love is done with pleasure, quality and is a source of pride. And at the same time it is a source of inner strength.

  1. Trust is a source of strength.

Trust people, even strangers . Trust gives rise to mutual trust and opens up new sources of fortitude. And even if your openness is deceived, this trouble will be more than covered by the reciprocity of honest people.

  1. We forgive.

One of the characteristics of weakness is vindictiveness. Therefore, we learn to forgive others and ourselves.

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