Circle of power or how to raise morale using the method of the ancient Indians. Fighting spirit and fortitude. How to boost morale and not lose heart

Imagine that in your company everything is already going along its well-worn path, there are sales, there are a lot of professional workers. Great, right? But one day something may start to be missing. Your team's morale may drop. So what should you do about it now? Let's look at how professional managers deal with this problem in the West.

What should I watch? We are definitely no worse!

Western countries differ from our country in that they consider motivation much more broadly. Look at many American films characters read books on motivation, watch videos. Someone will say that motivation is nonsense; I want to and will do everything myself. The question is, of course, controversial. Your Western colleagues also differ in that they do not always consider material methods, leaning more towards intangible ones. If you think about it, this option is good! You will save money and cheer up your staff.

How do they do it there?

American motivation

Americans love "individualism." Here is one simple example: any American boss, in addition to monetary rewards, literally takes care of the family affairs of his employees! Yes Yes! He creates flexible schedules for them so that American parents can pick up their children from kindergartens and schools on time, attend all their holidays, matinees, and help them choose a nanny and housekeeper. Yeah, you've already started to think! Moreover, Americans love self-development and education. According to statistics, any large corporation spends up to 100 million dollars a year on the education of its own employees. Yes, with this approach, any employee will start working at 5+! Moreover, American bosses are creative in their approach to the reward system.

Let's reel it in... What other options?

What will the French tell us?

The French say about themselves that they are lazy. These slackers even have 35 working hours a week, and in Europe 40. They even look at attention from their boss as something generally accepted and taken for granted. These guys have excellent self-esteem. According to statistics, almost 70% of the French population consider flexible schedules or the ability to work remotely to be better motivation. But they educate themselves, the boss doesn’t pay anything.

Japanese motivation

Since ancient times, the Japanese have lived in clans, that is, groups. If an ordinary Japanese gets into large company, it becomes a second home for him. Japanese companies do miracles: they pay for the education of not only the employee, but also all his children, pay for his expensive holidays (anniversaries, birthdays), issue interest-free loans, and can even give him an apartment forever.

The Japanese are not bored at all at work. They encourage office romances between employees, since for a person in this case work becomes family. Why not?

Swedish version

Partners, friendship and team come first in this country. Next, it is important for a Swede that his work is interesting, and only then does he think about making money. Today, most Swedish companies allow employees to work from home online, pioneering the idea of ​​organizing “home offices” in Europe.

Russian carrot and stick method

There is no way around this without sarcasm, but this country is ahead of the rest of the planet. Russian companies pay absolutely no attention to their employees, recalling the old saying “no one is irreplaceable.” Absolutely calm, any educated and valuable employee can be sent straight to the labor exchange. That's why you see chaos, faceless managers and sad waiters everywhere.

Companies not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine spend huge amounts of money on luring “golden workers”, from whom they then expect miracles. But miracles don’t happen, so... read above. They also like to scare people with salary cuts.

Let's learn a lesson!

We hope that this article will help you choose the necessary methods for motivating your staff.


Any person finds himself in a situation where he gives up and it seems that there is no way out of the current situation. The feeling of despair, confusion and hopelessness in these moments consumes and does not allow you to straighten your back and analyze the problem in order to find a way out of it.

There are three types of people: the first are strong in spirit and recover from the blows of fate in a matter of moments; the second - true, but they clearly look for a way out and find it. But there is a third type - such people are unsettled by ambiguous situations. They withdraw into themselves for a long time, stop living fully, consider themselves worthless and failures, and often get sick, drink, or become depressed.

What to do in such a situation? How to get out of it correctly without losing your human appearance? How to learn not to lose heart?

Raising morale in accessible ways

In order not to give in to panic, not to despair and not to fall into a state of blues, you can use effective ways to raise morale.

And your strength. Even just by believing, you can withstand and overcome a lot. Understand that you are not a “cog” in the system, but an individual. And even if you don’t succeed the first time, you will definitely succeed the second or third time.
Firmly assess your strengths and capabilities. You have a basic level of skill, and you should understand that there are people more experienced and knowledgeable than you. A balanced, objective assessment of your knowledge will help you avoid possible disappointments and will encourage you to increase your level of professionalism and skill.
Analyze the situation with a sober head. Analyzing the situation in a calm environment will help you evaluate bad experiences and make constructive decisions for the future. In addition, when you evaluate, this is already, and not melancholy and distrust of yourself.

Lessons learned. Develop an attitude towards various kinds of situations in which failure is perceived as a bitter experience. Take something important and valuable from failure that will prevent you from stepping on the same “rake” in the future. This knowledge will lead to success in your next attempt.
Don't refuse support. By withdrawing into yourself, you make the situation worse. The support of friends, family, and colleagues will make it easier to bear all the hardships. And by discussing the situation out loud, you will better understand and accept the main problems.
Searching for positive notes in any, even the most depressing situation. The main thing is that all your loved ones are healthy and alive, and everything else is a stage and the next step, which is also surmountable. And even if it didn’t work out today, it will definitely work out later.
Honor generally accepted moral and government laws. This circumstance will not make it possible to come to any irreparable situations.
Take a break. Any intractable task is just a part of life, which sooner or later will come to its logical conclusion. Do something you like - it will distract you from heavy thoughts and prevent you from bending under the weight of life's difficulties.
Negativity, feelings of shame and guilt will complicate the task. They block the view to see the situation with a sober look and prevent you from making a correct and thoughtful decision. In addition, it is the accumulated negativity that most often becomes the cause of alcohol or drug addiction.

Be responsible for your actions. By taking responsibility for your actions, you take your life into your own hands. on other people - this is not a way out of the situation, but only burying it in the deep subconscious, which will come up someday anyway.
Smile. Even if you feel bad, try to smile as often as possible: at a flower, at the sun, at a child passing by. Then you yourself will not notice how the heaviness will recede, leaving room in your soul for positive, bright feelings. And under such circumstances, any situation will no longer seem so sad and insoluble.

In the first case, a person does not strive, but runs away with all his might from situations that could lead to changes in life, but the fear of being driven into a corner again will prevent him from taking a step towards his dream. In the second case, previous failures, on the contrary, will help to cope with new, possibly more serious, tests.

Lovely human life is that everyone has a choice: be strong or go with the flow. Good luck.

February 26, 2014

People learn what fortitude is when they face difficulties. Some people give up and fears arise, while others seem to have a second wind and resources to overcome, and the person becomes even stronger after overcoming the trials.

What does fortitude mean?

The moral and spiritual concept of fortitude denotes a qualitative phenomenon characteristic of a person who has embarked on the path of spiritual improvement or has gone through adversity with honor, but has not broken down and remained human. The strength of the spirit must be cultivated consciously, as was done in ancient times by people of the military class, and by people who devoted themselves to communication with the Divine.

What kind of strength of spirit is there?

To understand the phenomenon of fortitude, there are many descriptive words, each of which, like the facet of a diamond, highlights qualitative components, for example, invincible fortitude, immediately evokes an association with valiant warriors fighting for their land. What other epithets can describe the strength of spirit:

  • unbending;
  • indestructible;
  • majestic;
  • amazing;
  • mighty;
  • extraordinary;
  • endless.

The problem of fortitude

People who survived severe hardships and adversity, but remained human in the high human understanding of this word, grew spiritually and acquired an inner, unbending core. The problem of fortitude is a confrontation with a reality when a weak person may not be able to bear the burden, but a strong person will, but at the cost of what effort? Nobody would want to be in his place. The problem with the strength of the human spirit is that no matter how strong a person is in spirit, the pain of overcoming remains a companion to this strength.

What is the difference between fortitude and willpower?

Strength of spirit and willpower are complementary concepts. If we analyze these two phenomena into their components, then about willpower we can say that this is overcoming constant inertia, following discipline and the intended path, without turning off, without giving yourself concessions, with a lack of self-pity. Strength of spirit is going beyond the ordinary understanding of oneself only as a body, strength of spirit does not allow one to drown in despair and heavy thoughts, it is the force that lifts a person above existence.

How to develop fortitude?

People with an inner core who have achieved success regardless of circumstances and hardships evoke respect and admiration. Many people want to be like such people, discarding all the difficulties they have faced, but they would not have become like this if they had not gone through all this. Others understand the cost of this and ask the question: how to increase the strength of spirit in yourself and cope with all life’s tasks? There is only one answer: start developing the strength of spirit in yourself consciously.

Developing mental strength - exercises

Training for fortitude is not some kind of single, one-sided repetition of certain rituals and exercises; in total, it is both exercise and conscious placement of oneself within the framework of difficult trials and circumstances, being true to oneself, no matter what happens around, nothing should relax or lead away from the goal cultivating your spirit. Exercises play their role, they are necessary and important, they are part of conscious tests and building discipline, without which it is difficult to cultivate the spirit.

Exercises to develop fortitude:

  1. Reconsidering Beliefs. Templates are the enemy of spiritual growth. Find time to write down all your limiting beliefs and say goodbye to them gradually.
  2. Positive intelligence. Negative thoughts are ineffective and control a person, because fear negates all noble motives. It is important to practice affirmations for fortitude, for example: “I can handle this!” “My spirit is growing and strengthening every day, I am becoming a stronger person in spirit!”
  3. Energy control. It is important to learn to control your mental energy and not waste it; an excellent solution would be to start practicing qigong.
  4. Physical strengthening of body and spirit. Sports activities, hiking Going to the mountains and mountaineering strengthen a person's endurance.

Mantra of fortitude and energy

The development of spiritual strength occurs through self-testing, overcoming obstacles, and the spirit needs energy, which can be carried out by certain mantras. People who practice mantras have long been convinced of their effective power. The practice of mantras itself requires discipline and concentration, which already has a beneficial effect on the strength of the spirit. For powerful results, it is recommended to read any mantra at least 108 times a day for a month.

The mantra “Govinda Hare” has strong energetic vibrations, by practicing it a person improves spiritually, the mantra is easy to remember and very melodic: “Govinda Hare, om namah Shivaya.” This is a direct praise of the gods Krishna and Shiva. Chanting their names increases the strength of the spirit to the skies, as the Indians believe, for whom the names of the creators Krishna and Shiva are sacred.

Prayer to strengthen fortitude and willpower

The best prayer is the one that comes from the heart. Sometimes a person lacks support from the outside, which means the time has come to turn to the Divine and a prayer for strength of spirit addressed to the saints will do its job, you just need to believe in it. What prayers and appeals to saints can you read to strengthen your spiritual strength:

  • prayer to your guardian angel;
  • prayer of the Optina elders;
  • prayer of St. Dmitry of Rostov from despair;
  • prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Tattoo meaning fortitude

Tattoo artists claim that one of the most popular tattoos among male and female clients is the fortitude tattoo with an image of a dragon on the shoulder or back. Why dragon? In Chinese mythology, this is a mythical animal with power over two worlds: the above-ground and underground. It carries magic, spirituality, nobility and strength. The victory of the spirit over the physicality is the dragon. The owner of a dragon tattoo receives its qualities: fortitude, endurance, magic, perseverance in achieving their goals.

Films about fortitude

When there is no one around in difficult moments of trials, you can watch films about willpower and spirit, and this will be an excellent motivation to move on in life and not lose heart, but to cultivate it. The heroes of these films know from their own experience what fortitude is:

  1. « Pollyanna / Pollyanna" This girl Polianna faced a lot of challenges. But her loving heart and fortitude melted the hearts of the small town and its callous inhabitants.
  2. « Three days to escape / The Next Three Days“His wife is guilty of murder, but he doesn’t believe it and tries in every possible way to get her out of prison. A film about the power of love and fortitude in the face of vicissitudes of fate.
  3. « Favorite / Seabiscuit" In this drama there are victories and defeats, love of life and despair, and the horse Sukhari, homely and not stately, a continuation of his master, together they are one powerful force spirit. The film helps you feel the taste of life again when it’s bad and hard.
  4. « Soul Surfer" This real story famous American surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm due to a shark attack during training. But Bethany did not give in to the circumstances and continued training and participating in competitions.
  5. « Wild" True stories always motivate, this wonderful film is based on the biography of Cheryl Strayed, an American writer and screenwriter. IN difficult period In her life, Sharyl decides to go on a difficult journey on foot and return a different person.

Books about fortitude

They exude confidence and inflexibility, they have gone through many tests and emerged from them with honor, and they know that only through obstacles does the strength of the human spirit grow; they are the heroes of books that have become bestsellers. What is power and fortitude in the books of famous writers:

  1. « Wolfhound» M. Semenova. A series of books about a man nicknamed Wolfhound, he is a warrior who has nothing to lose, because all his relatives were destroyed. He will pass through worlds, time, space, hard labor and wars, and this will only strengthen his fortitude.
  2. « See you soon» J. Moyes. The main characters are the girl Lou Clark, who was left without work, and he is Will, a young guy who made the most of life and suddenly became disabled. Lou gets a job as a nurse for Will, but he is sarcastic and constantly makes fun of the girl. But Lou does not despair and strives to arrange Will’s life so that he stops feeling outside active life. They are both strong-willed individuals, both are beautiful and their love is the most beautiful thing that could happen to them, even if only for a short time.
  3. « You changed my life" A. Sellu. The acclaimed film “1+1” was based on this book. Sometimes fate brings together people who seem to be so different and all that remains is to throw up your hands “for what?” Both heroes will learn a lot from each other and both will grow spiritually.
  4. « Spark of life" EM. Remarque. War is the most cruel test of life; it squeezes a person into circumstances where the choice is negligible, and the person is completely vulnerable. But even under these conditions, a person learns, passes tests, and his fortitude grows stronger.
  5. « Notes on napkins» G. Callahan. True strength of spirit manifests itself in difficult times for a person. This book is a true story in which the author writes about himself and his family. Garth lived ordinary life the average American until he found out he had cancer. And every day became like his last. The diagnosis did not break him and several years have passed, and Garth continues to make every day of his life and the lives of his loved ones unforgettable.

WITH silt of will is considered a quality that is inherent in some special people: heroes, outstanding athletes, famous scientists. Success is often associated with it, emphasizing that it is impossible to achieve anything if you do not overcome difficulties and your own laziness. Willpower is combined with fortitude, considering all together as integral signs of a strong, persistent personality. These valuable qualities are not inherent in human character from birth; training of willpower is necessary for many. This requires a simple desire and not very simple work above oneself.

Strong will and strong spirit

Fortitude and willpower (their definition) are different from each other. Despite the fact that both qualities are considered to belong to a person with character, not every strong-willed individual has fortitude. But the opposite happens very often: spiritually strong personality most often has developed strength will.

So, willpower: what is it and how can it be useful? to modern man? This term implies firmness in carrying out one's decisions. More often, will (this is in psychology) can be considered as the tendency to follow the intended goal. Sometimes it happens that any undertaking causes a surge of enthusiasm only in the initial stage, until the desire has cooled down. A little later, when faced with inevitable difficulties, a person who has made a certain decision begins to carry out actions related to his intention with some doubt.

At this time, a person needs to know how to develop willpower in order to overcome reluctance and laziness, painful sensations (for example, during sports training or when dancing), an increasing craving for a pastime that is familiar before making a decision (when losing weight or refusing to bad habits). In the absence of a conscious desire to achieve a goal (as psychology calls it, will), a person loses interest in performing the actions necessary for this and refuses to further pursue his dream.

It is not for nothing that such individuals are called weak-willed or weak-willed. Undeveloped, weak willpower is a character trait of such individuals. And the distant goal turns out to be unattainable not at all because there are no abilities or heredity is not the best: it is the lack of will and firmness in carrying out one’s own decisions that leads to the abandonment of what one would like to have. Then people wonder how to cultivate willpower.

By fortitude they usually mean something completely different: it is the ability to maintain faith in one’s strengths and moral principles. Without support for fortitude, a strong will (the concept given above) can make a real tyrant out of a person. Such a “strong” personality will be able to both suppress a person’s will in order to achieve his goals, and stoop to betrayal or meanness if this is beneficial.

Spiritually strong man will follow his moral principles, no matter what the cost. In carrying out your decision, the predominant motive can be just faith in your own strength, and then no difficulties can prevent you from achieving a result. But, unlike a soulless egoist who values ​​only his own interests, morality also determines the boundaries of what is acceptable in relation to others: in carrying out his own decisions, a strong spirit will not allow the humiliation of others. The strength of a person’s spirit will help to overcome the difficulties that will arise from respecting other people’s interests and one’s own moral standards.

Is it possible to develop willpower and spirit?

When strength and will are combined in one phrase, a comparison with muscle strength suggests itself. From this they often conclude that there are ways to train willpower and spirit. Indeed, there are numerous methods for developing these useful qualities in children and adults. The development of willpower or spirit will have to be considered separately, since these are very different concepts both in psychology and in the everyday imagination of people.

Ways to develop willpower can be very different. Depending on what goal a person is pursuing, the methods of how to train willpower while simultaneously performing part of the task may also change. decision taken. For example, if you intend to learn to play musical instrument, you can develop perseverance as a quality that makes it possible to concentrate for a long time on performing a monotonous action (playing scales). When trying to lose weight, the method of working on willpower can be based on a reasonable refusal of sweets or adherence to a diet and exercise.

Formation of volitional qualities in children

For mothers interested in how to cultivate willpower in a child, the methods should include a playful moment. It is not at all necessary to try to make a giant of spirit out of a little man, forbidding him to enjoy the natural joys of his age. Compliance with the rules of the game, which contains elements of achieving a given task (go through a maze, write the required number of hooks in a copybook, etc.), gradually prepares the child to perform more complex actions related to overcoming certain obstacles.

Upon successful achievement of the final goal of the task, encouragement must follow. This will continue to form a direct connection between the result and satisfaction from it. It is advisable to discuss this with your child in advance. certain type this reward: a walk, watching a cartoon, a treat, or something else. But when completing a task, it is worth demanding a responsible approach and focusing not on encouragement, but on actions.

If the child does not cope with the task, then the reason may be that the demands placed on him are too high. An adult should soberly analyze the capabilities of his child and take this into account when selecting the next tasks. Their complication should occur gradually and only after the future strong-willed personality learns to overcome difficulties initial stage. Otherwise, nurturing positive qualities in a child may result in his confidence in his own powerlessness and inability to do something right. In the future, this will only result in the ability to give up in time in the face of the most insignificant difficulties and will lead to a refusal to carry out your decision.

How to develop willpower on your own?

Where to get willpower if a person first thought about its absence when he was already an adult? The easiest way is to sign up for some kind of training: sometimes you can collect the required amount of money only at the cost of self-restraint.

But you can take a more difficult path and make the education of your will main task. You will have to do everything yourself and rely only on your own strength, having well understood what willpower is, because the coach will no longer be here.

You can develop your own methodology according to the principles mentioned above: when losing weight, give up something, follow a regime and attend sports training. One of the heroes of the American writer S. King, trying to lose weight, was even forced own mother convince him that he needs to cook completely certain food. And our Olympic champions surpass themselves every day, trying to reach new heights in their chosen sports.

How willpower is formed, how to develop and strengthen it in yourself useful quality, American psychologists also argue:

  1. A general task (for example, deep cleaning the pantry) can be broken down into several smaller ones.
  2. For each stage, you should define a clear deadline and be sure to complete it. For example, within 1 week, pluck up the courage to open the utility room door and assess the level of clutter, in 2 weeks, dismantle the top shelves, in 3, move on to the middle ones, then throw away things that are older than 10 years.
  3. Don't forget to feel satisfied with the work done. Even a small effort made on your own is worthy of pride. Moreover, as a result, some work was completed that he never got around to, and now it no longer bothers him with its presence.

Employees of Northwestern University (USA) noted that as a result of drawing up such schedules, the experimental group began to smoke less, eat regularly, and attend sports training. The cadets admitted that they now have more free time.

Exercises for the will

Another technique for strengthening willpower is to complete simple tasks:

As a result of following the decision, the habit of paying attention to one’s actions is formed, and the person’s willpower is strengthened. The simplicity and accessibility of tasks for yourself in this case will only be useful: you won’t have to reproach yourself too much for not restraining yourself, forgot to write down the spending on ice cream in your notebook, or for not taking out the trash. When performing exercises to develop willpower, you need to pay attention only to following your own rules of the game, without particularly focusing on the result and ways to pump up willpower. Most likely, it will manifest itself at the moment when you have to face a real problem: the ability to break it down into separate elements, solving small problems, and the habit of following changed rules of behavior will also come in handy.

How to make your spirit strong?

They say that the main strength in a person is the strength of spirit. Indeed, a spiritually strong person is capable of not giving in to difficulties and trying to find a way out even in a hopeless situation. If a strong will leads a person to a goal, then the strength of spirit allows him to find opportunities for this.

You can only develop methods for training your fortitude on your own. It is impossible to develop the spirit of a child who does not yet have clear moral guidelines. But even an adult can only be helped with the most general advice on how to strengthen fortitude.

To gain a truly strong spirit, you need to analyze the strengths and weak sides of your nature. This must be done with utmost honesty, without trying to embellish yourself. The ability to change something in your life also depends on awareness of your qualities.

After the primary conclusions are made, you need to make a decision and clearly follow the intended goal. This may be one of the minor tasks, like exercises to train the will. But you will have to carry it out, despite the possible shame and deprivation of some amenities for yourself. All ways to develop fortitude are aimed at determining one’s moral criteria and imply the predominance of spiritual values ​​over the comfort of a lower order.

You should not indulge in self-abasement if at first it is difficult to decide to act. You should allow yourself to realize that achieving your goal in this case can get rid of a long-standing problem. Feelings of guilt, self-pity or envy, jealousy and other states that exhaust our soul can be stopped only by turning our face to our own fear. For religious people, their faith may be decisive, but an atheist will have to look for support in himself.

You also need to pay attention to your social circle: good relationships with people whose moral character is not approved, cripples a person’s spirit, forcing him to look for excuses for the actions of his friends, while compromising his own moral principles. In the future, there can only be a search for justification for one’s own vile behavior and a betrayal of one’s own beliefs. What kind of fortitude will we have to talk about in this case?

If friends do not correspond to the ideal that an individual has, it is best to consciously break off relations with them. The result will be maintaining the purity of your spirit. A breakup can be painful and deprive a person of some of the comforts that such communication provided him. But talking about fortitude is useless if one’s own values ​​are exchanged for the satisfaction of base needs or lost to please the crowd.

Why is all this needed?

The development of a person’s will necessarily forces him to pay attention to certain energy-consuming conditions. Having discovered the emergence of self-pity due to deprivation or fatigue, it is easy to notice how much time and effort is spent on this feeling. By replacing it with satisfaction from fulfilling a decision, a person increases self-esteem.

Trying to avoid unpleasant actions, it is impossible to solve the problem. In some cases, it can get worse (for example, a bad tooth). But education of the will is like victory over your own fears, allows you to perform these actions without much strain, solve the existing problem and enjoy the result.

Often a feeling of pride and personal exclusivity interferes with open communication. Developed fortitude, which makes it possible to adequately evaluate others, allows you to adequately relate to both their strength and their weaknesses. As a result, a strong personality gains the ability to constantly remain in a calm and confident state, without blaming others for their own failures and miscalculations. But these are precisely the traits that are characteristic of a successful individual who knows how to achieve success.


The first step that needs to be taken to gain inner integrity is to accept the full degree of responsibility for. Do not look for the guilty and face the blows of fate with your head held high. Everything that happens is actually your doing, it’s just sometimes difficult to admit it. No one can force us to do something against our will. Each choice is an independent decision. Once you realize this, life will become much easier.

Try to understand. Most often, when communicating with people, we hear only what they tell us, without paying attention to the words spoken. However, not one is born out of nowhere. Anger and sarcasm most often hide the fear of showing weakness. And feigned neglect is nothing more than the fear of being rejected. Try to hear and sympathize. Strength lies in the ability to recognize your own and forgive someone else's weakness.

Act according to your conscience. When we start pretending and looking for excuses for our actions, it is only because something is going wrong. You often have to pay too dearly for momentary success. Don't do this to people. By committing unsightly acts, we thereby saw off the branch on which we sit. As a rule, all committed actions come back to us like a boomerang.

Be yourself and don't regret anything. Sometimes, getting into new person, tries to adapt, breaks his foundations and principles for the sake of society. Of course, there is no point in showing “stupid stubbornness” either. But if you, stepping over yourself, start doing something or not doing something just because everyone else is doing it, that’s a completely different question. Be yourself, calm and reasonable, and people with a similar worldview will be drawn to you, and those with whom you are not on the same path will fall away on their own.

Video on the topic


It is important to prepare the body for a strength load, and the preceding set of exercises with light dumbbells will strengthen the muscles and tendons, increasing the effectiveness of strength exercises.

Helpful advice

To develop physical strength, exercises with heavy dumbbells and barbells are used. To get a good result, you need to dose the weight of dumbbells or the number of movements, taking into account your physical development and individual characteristics of the body. Work carefully and systematically. Gradually, this will improve your health and muscles.


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You can get a really strong one if you apply it with a relaxed hand. In this case, it will be sharp and biting. But how to relax your arm muscles? This is quite difficult, because during an attack the muscles tense automatically. There was a belief among boxers that in order to win, you need to forge a horseshoe for luck before the fight. The point, of course, is not the horseshoe, but the fact that when hit Using a hammer or sledgehammer relaxes exactly the right muscles. Add a few exercises to this and your hit will gain the necessary strength.

You will need

  • - car tire;
  • - sledgehammer;
  • - tight wrist expander;
  • - light dumbbells;
  • - parallel bars.


Replace work in the forge hit ami on a rubber tire. Let it be dug into the ground or just lie on a flat surface. Hit the tire with a sledgehammer from all sides to develop the muscles involved in applying various hit ov. Choose a tool with a welded handle, this way you will protect yourself from the sledgehammer flying off during hit ov.

To relax your biceps, do push-ups. Take the “parallel emphasis” position. Legs crossed at the ankles and slightly bent. Slowly bending your arms, lower your body so that your shoulder joints drop just below your elbows. With a sharp push, return to the starting position.
Do three sets of 10-12 push-ups.

In order to make your hands more prepared, work with them for a long time every day. Choose the tightest one. Squeeze it sharply, with all your strength, and release it just as sharply. The load during this exercise is comparable to lifting a heavy barbell. Most of the effort falls on the muscles of the hand, this will allow you to get rid of the fat layer between the muscles and strengthen thumb, which suffers the most when hit e. Work with both hands alternately.

Anyone strong hit not from shoulder movement. First, the leg muscles are involved in the work, then the movement is transferred to the body and, through a turn, the energy goes to the arm. Practice the correct movement every day for at least 10 minutes in front of the mirror. Take light dumbbells in your hands. Half a kilo will help you develop sufficient speed hit and not pump over the muscles at the same time.

Very effective exercise to develop pushing power and relax the biceps - explosive push-ups. The simplest version of such push-ups is push-ups with cotton. Starting position – lying down. Hands slightly wider than shoulders, elbows straight. The back is straight.
Slowly lower your body until your chest touches the floor. After this, sharply push your body up, during the flight phase, have time to clap your hands under your chest and return to the starting position again. To avoid damaging your elbow joints, land with your arms bent.
Perform three sets of 8-10 repetitions. For the last set, perform as many push-ups as possible.

Helpful advice

If the expander is too soft for you, replace it with a piece of thick rubber measuring 8x4x1 cm.


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Humans use their eyes to receive most of the information about the world around them. But he can also give it away with his gaze. A person with a developed power of vision has an almost hypnotic ability to persuade other people. Such people are very persistent in their decisions. In order to develop such an ability, months of training are needed.

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