A calling makes you special. What makes a person special? What makes you a special person? Makes you special

Who you are? What makes you a special person? For some people, these questions cause stress and anxiety. However, being special does not mean being exceptional or being better than others in some skills or knowledge. To be special means to be worthy of respect and to be loved. If you want to stand out from the crowd and be a special person, you should work on your personality and learn to respect yourself. You can also learn to stand out and be memorable, a special person worthy of the admiration of others and your own admiration.


How to be a person

    Find yourself. No one can teach you to be special. To become a special person, you need to find what makes you who you are and start developing those qualities in yourself. Whatever you call your inner essence(soul, essence, qi), you should learn to accept yourself, define yourself and work on yourself. It takes effort. What does it mean to you to be yourself? Who you are? And how can you get better? People are looking for answers to these questions all their lives. To understand yourself, try answering the following questions:

    • When do you feel the calmest? What makes you feel comfortable?
    • Describe your ideal day. What will it consist of?
    • What do other people praise about your work and behavior? What are you good at?
    • Remember why in last time you argued with someone and with which you did not agree. How did your point of view differ from others?
    • How would you change yourself if you could? Why?
  1. Make a list of your principles. Knowing your life values ​​will help you become a person and live in harmony with yourself. Consider what your life values, and write them down. Then place them in descending order of importance. Think about the following when making a list:

    • Happiness. For example, if you felt happy surrounded by understanding friends and family, then healthy relationships are one of your values.
    • Pride. For example, if you felt proud when you graduated from university, this may indicate that education is your life value.
    • Satisfaction with yourself. For example, if you feel good about yourself after a productive day at work, it could mean that you value hard work.
  2. Look for special qualities in other people. What does it mean to be special? Study the people you think worthy of emulation, outstanding or special in some way, and try to understand due to what quality a person makes such an impression. It may turn out that you consider people special who can stand up for themselves, or who give their all at work, or who can maintain composure in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. We all have different ideas, so it is important to understand what you value in your grandfather, close friend or close person rather than what seems important to others.

    • Try not to look up to celebrities and reach out to people you know in real life. In the case of celebrities, you can pay attention to superficial things (suppose you can decide that Brad Pitt is special because he is rich and handsome), without being able to appreciate the true essence of a person. We only see the public image that reflects the superficial prestige of the celebrity, not the real person.
    • Think about how people's personalities relate to your values, and don't pay attention to superficial things. To be special means to know who you are deep inside and not be guided by the ideas of others.
    • Power does not make a person special. If someone has more power than you, or is more successful, or is more famous and respected, this does not mean that you should take an example from a person.
  3. Take off your masks. We all wear masks. At work you put on a professional mask, on a date after work - a date mask. In the circle of friends you may wear one mask, with your family - another. Once you understand the things that make you who you are, these masks will no longer be useful. If you want to be special, it's important to understand what's behind the mask.

    • To understand what kind of masks you wear, remember when you felt like you were faking or behaving insincerely. What were the circumstances? What did you feel after everything?
    • View your feeds in in social networks. There, people usually wear certain masks. They want to show a certain image of themselves, influencing it in the way they need. Most often, this image is not true. You don't see a real person.
  4. Control your ego. The desire to be special is most often the desire to be recognized by others. We want to be respected, considered successful and happy people who can only be envied. However, being special does not mean being exceptional in everything. The best tennis player, the author of the most a large number publications or the richest lawyer in a law firm does not automatically become special. It is important to stay true to yourself and your values. Fulfill your own needs and do not rely on the approval of others.

    • Psychologists often talk about internal and external locus of control. A person with an internal locus of control finds satisfaction in himself, looking for a way to enjoy his work and actions. People with an external locus of control rely on others. Which category do you belong to?
    • Do not look for confirmation of your importance in other people. Affirm yourself in your qualities, because in order to feel special, you only need this.
  5. Surprise yourself. Special people change all the time and surprise themselves with their ability to grow and develop. If you want to be special, realize that you are in a rut and try to look at the situation in a new way.

    • Learn new skills, read new books and challenge yourself. You will never be too old, too smart, or too experienced to change your beliefs. You will never be too special a person to be wrong.

How to stand out from others

  1. Put in 10,000 hours of work. Many people have a certain gift from nature, but this does not make them special. A natural inclination towards something will be helpful, but developing talent into something truly outstanding takes effort. Make a promise to yourself to work on developing your natural inclinations and skills until you become an expert at something.

    Be a lion or a lioness. Special people don't wait for something good to happen to them. They look for what they need and take it. Special people have claws. Think about what will make you feel satisfied and what will improve your condition. Then decide what steps you need to take to get what you want. Continuously go in your goals, tasks and new stages. Get what you need.

    • Don't make excuses for yourself. People who are nothing special like to talk about what happened before and speculate what would happen if... Don't let yourself think about it.
  2. Silence your inner censor. Let everything you have inside out. Be yourself. Allow yourself to not restrain yourself alone with yourself and surrounded by people. If you don't show people a part of you, try to become a more open and vulnerable person. If you usually prefer to remain silent, try to state your opinion when necessary.

    • Don't just agree with everything silently. If you disagree, state your opinion. People respect those who dare to speak their minds and are not afraid to seek the truth. If you are surrounded by people who need to fuel their egos with a bunch of sycophants, they are not special. Refuse to communicate with them.
    • Getting rid of internal censorship does not mean starting to say everything that comes into your head. It doesn't mean being intentionally weird, cruel, or rude. It just means that you should stop being silent when you should be speaking, acting or thinking. If something needs to be said, say it. If you need to think, think.
  3. Surround yourself with new people. Everyone likes the company of close friends and relatives, with whom it is always comfortable. However, special people try to confront themselves with new experiences and new beliefs, so they get to know the most different people and try to understand them. Be ready to listen.

    • If you are very young, find a job. This will allow you to learn a lot of new things and learn empathy. Try to work after school for a few hours every week so that you take this activity seriously.
    • Associate with people with whom you disagree on religion, politics, and moral issues. Don't try to convince people that they are wrong. Try to understand them. Be open to other opinions.
  4. Find your own style. Give yourself a chance to feel confident and special and start taking your appearance seriously. Buy things that fit you well and that you enjoy wearing. Take care of yourself to feel more confident. If that means short hair and cowboy boots, great. If dreadlocks to the waist and sandals are also good. You don't have to be a Gucci model or a hipster jock to look special. There is no particular style. Wear what looks good on you and what makes you feel confident.

How to be a memorable person

    Be a positive person or come to terms with your inner curmudgeon. There is no single true attitude to life, just as there is no special way of being. A special person does not have to constantly smile like an idiot or keep a serious and straight face like a monk. Whatever you're leaning towards, know that it's all okay. Be yourself. If you like to hug, hug. If not, tell people so. Special and outstanding people are very different in character and temperament.

    Stop telling people what you think they want to hear. There is nothing that can be said to make you special in the eyes of others. If you agree with everything, it does not make you a special person. You just agree with everything. It can help you achieve certain goals, but do you really want to? Be true to yourself, and you will be able to reach a more valuable and important goal. Say what you think. Tell the truth.

  1. Be prepared to be defeated. To allow yourself to speak out, to be a special and unique person, you need to take risks. Don't let the possibility of failure stop you from reaching your goal. Be prepared to be defeated. Fail quickly and often. Make mistakes to get closer and closer to what you need.

    • In Silicon Valley, there is a special convention for failed startups - Fail-Con. It allows people to communicate and discuss failed business ideas. Every failure brings you closer to success. Failure is much better than inaction.
  2. Learn to see the special qualities of other people and pay attention to them. Although you will need to work hard on yourself to become a special person, it is very important to notice special qualities in others as well. Appreciate special properties and the uniqueness of the surrounding people. Don't let your ego get in the way of respecting and enjoying special people. Thanks to this, you yourself will become a special person.

    • Respecting others means helping other people feel special. Respect the people around you and treat them the way you treat yourself.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. includes a mechanism different characteristics, corresponding to the parameters of your character. Each parameter is calculated in units on a scale from 1 to 10. Each parameter affects the gameplay in its own way, opening up access to sets of ten perks.

Vault-Tec wants to know more about you. Allocate 21 points to the various stats in the SPECIAL section using the book in the Sanctuary Hills house (after leaving Vault 111).

Strength (Strength)- measures brute force and pure damage. This parameter affects how many items you can carry, as well as how much damage you will deal with melee weapons. Given that everything in your inventory has a weight, if you pick up too much junk, you run the risk of gaining extra cargo, which will significantly reduce your movement speed. A melee weapon is the weapon with which you will beat the enemy. For example, a baseball bat can be attributed to this type of weapon. The higher you pump the strength parameter, the more damage will inflict by attacking enemies.

Perception (Perception)- this parameter determines your ability to navigate in space. This is a kind of "sixth sense" that affects the accuracy of your weapons in VATS mode. In other words, the higher the level of your perception, the easier it will be for you to hit the target in battle. In addition, a high level of perception will display on your radar more enemies located nearby.

Endurance- measures your physical fatigue. Affects general level your health and the number of action points needed to run. That is, if you have great endurance you can run long distances.

Charisma (Charisma)- the ability to charm and convince other characters. Allows you to win in disputes and affects the price during the auction. In dialogs, individual menu items will be displayed in the appropriate color - the effectiveness of the answer is marked in yellow (the answer will work easily), orange (medium difficulty) and red (the opponent will hardly accept your answer).

Intelligence (Intelligence)- shows the general level of your reasonable thinking. The higher this parameter, the more experience points you will receive. From high developed intellect you can get the Hacker perk, which will allow you to hack terminals with ease. The higher the intelligence, the faster you will get new perks.

Agility- displays your reaction and reflexes. Affects the amount of action points in VATS mode and the ability to sneak. This parameter is especially important for those who prefer to play the game in stealth.

Luck (Luck)- luck affects your luck and how often you will make a critical hit. The higher the luck, the greater the chance of finding useful loot.

The benefits of being dumb

If you wish, you can ignore the intelligence parameter, given the presence of the Idiot Savant perk in the game. Do not forget that the higher your level becomes, the stronger the opponents become. If you level up fast, you'll run into the strong enemies capable of giving you trouble.

Self improvement

What makes a person special? What makes you a special person?

December 28, 2014

Some people consider themselves completely different from others, special and unique. Someone, on the contrary, does not see any differences from the rest and identifies himself with the "gray mass". Is every person unique? What makes a person special?

What is individuality?

In psychology, the term "individuality" is defined as a set of character traits and other features that distinguish one person from another. It manifests itself in the difference in people's temperaments, appearance, behavior, clothing style, interests and hobbies, desires, needs, physical and mental capabilities.

Each person is special not only due to the presence or absence of one of the listed qualities, but also due to various options their combinations. So, for example, often people have nothing similar to each other, except for temperament, and two people with completely different interests can have the same character.

Is every person special?

You can often hear the phrase that all men, women, and indeed all people are the same. How true is this statement? Some people think that a person can be considered special only in those cases when he has achieved some incredible success, reached unprecedented heights, or has phenomenal abilities. From this point of view, "ordinary" people should not differ from each other in any way, but prominent personalities units in the world.

In fact, every person is special in their own way. Even people who are very similar in character will not be completely the same. Their perception of reality, attitude to certain things, dreams and desires are always different. If a person does not seek to openly show his individuality, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. Inner world each of us is so unique and inimitable that among the several billion inhabitants of the planet it is impossible to find two identical people.

As you know, a person becomes a person only in the process of education and the influence of society. At birth, a child has an individuality only in terms of appearance, physical and biochemical properties of the body. In the process of development, the character and temperament of a person is formed. This expands the boundaries of individuality. A person becomes more and more unlike the others, acquires features peculiar only to him.

Character and temperament are not all that make you a special person. Adults, as a rule, have formed social and moral values, take a certain social position, express their opinion on certain issues. Socio-psychological properties of personality are highest level manifestations of individuality. Thus, absolutely all the qualities inherent in him, from his appearance to his opinion on each specific problem, make him special.

Does appearance make a person special?

When a child is born into the world, his character, life principles and views are not yet formed. The only thing that at this moment distinguishes him from other people is external data. Even newly born babies are completely different from each other.

In adulthood appearance is also what makes you special. People differ in eye color, hair length, hairstyle, figure. Getting acquainted with a person, we first of all look at his appearance and evaluate it. The style of clothing and manner of behavior in society complement our appearance and bring into it their individuality. Even very similar people will never be exactly the same.

Twin personality problem

If for ordinary people it is not so difficult to realize one's individuality, then children born in a pair with a brother or sister really face the problem of understanding their own characteristics. WITH early childhood they are constantly confused, dressed the same way, many parents also make an irreparable mistake, perceiving their children as a single whole.

Growing up, twins often cannot imagine their life without a brother or sister. At the same time, it is difficult for them to single out their positive and negative qualities, to figure out if they really are somehow different from their twin. If one of the couple achieves great success, the second becomes depressed, considers himself a failure, does not realize that he can achieve something in a completely different area.

To prevent such a situation, parents of twins should emphasize the differences between them from childhood. It would be nice if everyone had their own room. When children grow up, they should not be prevented from wanting to dress differently or have different hairstyles. In some situations, the twins need to be separated, for example, by sending them to study in different classes, or at least sitting at different desks. This is necessary so that everyone learns to exist in the world independently, can find friends for himself and realize himself as a separate person.

Fear of being special

It seems to some that a special person who is trying to express all his qualities and is completely different from others is sure to get himself a lot of problems. So, for example, in a work team where nothing has changed for years, a creative newcomer who wants to show his Creative skills and embody original ideas is unlikely to be approved. People tend to perceive negatively those who are not like the rest, who violate their usual way of life.

For this reason, many people extinguish their individuality in themselves, try to merge with the main mass of people and “not stick out”. As a rule, when a person cannot express himself, he feels depressed and dissatisfied with life. Perhaps you should not pretend to be someone you are not? Change jobs, change your social circle. Elsewhere, your ideas may be appreciated, and you will not have to hide that you are a special person.

Is striving to stand out from the crowd what makes you special?

Many people do not want to be like the rest. by all possible ways they are trying to emphasize their individuality. To do this, some people put on ridiculous clothes, get tattoos, piercings, apply defiant makeup on their faces, behave strangely in in public places. Very often, such a manifestation of individuality causes bewilderment and aggression on the part of other people.

Is it really unusual appearance Is that what makes you special? Everyone gives the answer to this question for himself. Someone believes that in this way individuality is expressed only by those who cannot express themselves differently, but for someone it is an opportunity to present themselves and prove that they are not like others.

How to express your individuality in everyday life

People who don't dress provocatively, don't attract everyone's attention with their appearance, however, also want to feel special. In what way in Everyday life can you express yourself?

In fact, every person is unique in some way. To seem special to others, it is not necessary to do shocking things. It is enough just to be yourself, not to hide and not hide your distinctive features. What makes you a special person is sure to be noticed by others.

Incredible Facts

"The more you love yourself, the less you look like anyone else, and that makes you unique." - Walt Disney

Most people suffer from low self-esteem. But there are many special people among us who do not even realize that they are unique.

The reason for this is that sometimes there can be people in our lives who underestimate us and make us feel useless and flawed.

It's nice to know that you are special.

To be a special person good sense words, each of us strives. However, only a few can be classified as such.

But there are signs that indicate that you are the chosen one, about whom you can safely say: he (she) is indeed a special person.

Here are the 10 signs:

Special person

1. You think there is always something to learn in life.

"The only true wisdom lies in the realization that we essentially know nothing." (Socrates)

You are not arrogant, like many people, and you are interested in what is happening around the world. In addition, you are an inquisitive person, and you always feel that you have to learn something new, because it is always useful to improve your own skills.

2. You are kind to others.

When you meet new people or when you are dealing with someone you already know, such as chatting with friends or colleagues, you smile and are always kind to them.

And rightly so, because there is no reason to be negative and have a negative attitude towards others.

Never try to imitate people who are always angry and dissatisfied with everything, those who are rude and ignorant, those who disrespect others, even if they themselves are physically stronger.

As a rule, such people have a lot of personal problems and internal complexes.

It is how you treat others that defines you as a person. Your kindness and positivity make you special and unique.

3. You understand other people's feelings

You do not know how, but when someone shares with you the details of his personal life, talks about his problems and troubles, you perfectly understand how this person feels at that moment.

You share feelings and experiences and are able to guess the mood of people.

For example, if someone says to you: "I in perfect order", you know for sure whether the person is in order or is it just a phrase to calm down, but in fact everything is much more serious. After all, by the face and intonation in your voice you are able to determine the experiences of your interlocutor, his thoughts and mood.

4. You know how to enjoy music

"There's a beautiful thing about music - when it hits you, you don't feel pain." - Bob Marley.

The human brain is very sensitive and especially receptive to music. We not only enjoy music, but also need it in our daily lives, and it always evokes deep emotions in us.

These emotions can be good or bad, but they are always very strong emotions.

Rare Qualities

5. You know how to listen

"I like to listen. I learned a lot by listening carefully to others. And most people just don't know how to listen." - Ernest Hemingway

This is one of the rarest qualities in a person. Anyone can talk about themselves for hours. But the talent to hear another is not given to everyone.

If you know how to hear and listen to others, while being sincerely interested in what the interlocutor says to you, then you are truly a special person.

6. You enjoy making others happy.

You feel good every time you manage to please someone or make them happy.

You think a lot about how to make people smile more and live better. And most importantly, you put a lot of effort into it. From your side it could be unexpected gift, a smile, a surprise, or any good deed that will make someone happy in this world.

Some people consider themselves completely different from others, special and unique. Someone, on the contrary, does not see any differences from the rest and identifies himself with the "gray mass". Is every person unique? What makes a person special?

What is individuality?

In psychology, the term "individuality" is defined as a set of character traits and other features that distinguish one person from another. It manifests itself in the difference in appearance, demeanor, style of clothing, interests and hobbies, desires, needs, physical and mental capabilities.

Each person is special not only due to the presence or absence of one of the listed qualities, but also due to various combinations of them. So, for example, often people have nothing similar to each other, except for temperament, and two people with completely different interests can have the same character.

Is every person special?

You can often hear the phrase that all men, women, and indeed all people are the same. How true is this statement? Some people think that a person can be considered special only in those cases when he has achieved some incredible success, reached unprecedented heights, or has phenomenal abilities. From this point of view, “ordinary” people should not differ from each other in any way, and there are only a few outstanding personalities in the world.

In fact, every person is special in their own way. Even people who are very similar in character will not be completely the same. Their perception of reality, attitude to certain things, dreams and desires are always different. If a person does not seek to openly express his own, it does not mean that it does not exist at all. The inner world of each of us is so unique and inimitable that among the several billion inhabitants of the planet it is impossible to find two identical people.

As you know, only in the process of education and the influence of society. At birth, a child has an individuality only in terms of appearance, physical and biochemical properties of the body. In the process of development, the character and temperament of a person is formed. This expands the boundaries of individuality. A person becomes more and more unlike the others, acquires features peculiar only to him.

Character and temperament are not all that make you a special person. Adults, as a rule, have formed social and moral values, take a certain social position, express their opinion on certain issues. Socio-psychological represent the highest level of manifestation of individuality. Thus, absolutely all the qualities inherent in him, from his appearance to his opinion on each specific problem, make him special.

Does appearance make a person special?

When a child is born into the world, his character and views are not yet formed. The only thing that at this moment distinguishes him from other people is external data. Even newly born babies are completely different from each other.

As an adult, appearance is also what makes you special. People differ in eye color, hair length, hairstyle, figure. Getting acquainted with a person, we first of all look at his appearance and evaluate it. The style of clothing and manner of behavior in society complement our appearance and bring into it their individuality. They will never even be exactly the same.

Twin personality problem

If it is not so difficult for ordinary people to realize their individuality, then children born in a pair with a brother or sister really face the problem of understanding their features. From early childhood, they are constantly confused, dressed the same, many parents also make an irreparable mistake, perceiving their children as a single whole.

Growing up, twins often cannot imagine their life without a brother or sister. At the same time, it is difficult for them to single out their positive and negative qualities, to figure out whether they really differ from their twin in some way. If one of the couple achieves great success, the second becomes depressed, considers himself a failure, does not realize that he can achieve something in a completely different area.

To prevent such a situation, parents of twins should emphasize the differences between them from childhood. It would be nice if everyone had their own room. When children grow up, they should not be prevented from wanting to dress differently or have different hairstyles. In some situations, the twins need to be separated, for example, by sending them to study in different classes, or at least sitting at different desks. This is necessary so that everyone learns to exist in the world independently, can find friends for himself and realize himself as a separate person.

Fear of being special

It seems to some that a special person who is trying to express all his qualities and is completely different from others is sure to get himself a lot of problems. So, for example, in a work team where nothing has changed for years, a creative newcomer who wants to show his creative abilities and embody original ideas is unlikely to deserve approval. People tend to perceive negatively those who are not like the rest, who violate their usual way of life.

For this reason, many people extinguish their individuality in themselves, try to merge with the main mass of people and “not stick out”. As a rule, when a person cannot express himself, he feels depressed and dissatisfied with life. Perhaps you should not pretend to be someone you are not? Change jobs, change your social circle. Elsewhere, your ideas may be appreciated, and you will not have to hide that you are a special person.

Is striving to stand out from the crowd what makes you special?

Many people do not want to be like the rest. In every possible way they try to emphasize their individuality. To do this, some people put on ridiculous clothes, get tattoos, piercings, apply defiant makeup on their faces, behave strangely in public places. Very often, such a manifestation of individuality causes bewilderment and aggression on the part of other people.

Is an unusual appearance really what makes you a special person? Everyone gives the answer to this question for himself. Someone believes that in this way individuality is expressed only by those who cannot express themselves differently, but for someone it is an opportunity to present themselves and prove that they are not like others.

How to express your individuality in everyday life

People who don't dress provocatively, don't attract everyone's attention with their appearance, however, also want to feel special. How can you express yourself in everyday life?

In fact, every person is unique in some way. To seem special to others, it is not necessary to do shocking things. It is enough just to be yourself, not to hide or hide your distinctive features. What makes you a special person is sure to be noticed by others.

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