The name Irina in different languages. Famous people with this name. The meaning of the name Irina for life

Each name has its own meaning. It determines the character, features, as well as the fate of its owner. What is the meaning of the name Irina? What is the future of this girl?

The origin of the name is ancient Greek. It translates as "peaceful", "calm". Previously, this was the name of girls in upper-class families.

Variants and forms of the name: Ira, Irinka, Irisha, Irusya, Irochka, Iren, Iruha, Irchik, Eirena. Full: Irina.

As a child, Irochka is a sweet and calm child. She prefers reading fairy tales and “talking” with dolls to noisy games with her peers. She can be alone for hours without disturbing adults.

Also, the meaning of the name Irina for a girl implies housekeeping and a desire for order. The baby's room is always clean, all the toys are neatly arranged on the shelves. She also loves to help her mother in the kitchen.

Young Irochka is a diligent student. Often she graduates from school with a gold medal. She is especially interested in geography and history. She flawlessly remembers all the dates and dates, knows the biographies of all historical figures perfectly.

Women bearing the name Irina are wonderful wives and mistresses. When guests come to Ira, a perfectly clean house and delicious food are always waiting for them. And Irochka's husband jokingly calls her "holy", because she never minds his home gatherings with friends, she even prepares various goodies for them.

What has fate prepared for the girl?

The fate of this woman is characterized in the same way as the translation of the name Irina - peaceful and calm. Many events will happen by themselves, without much effort. All her life, Ira seems to go with the flow, taking everything that happens around her for granted.

The origin and history of the name Ira suggests that the girl has a sense of beauty.. This means that she will try to surround herself with beautiful, unusual things. Therefore, on Irina's name day, it is best for her to give something original.

Ira's work is often associated with creativity. Fate rewarded her with excellent musical ear and artistic abilities. When she works in her element, she is filled with energy, and the woman seems to blossom.

Adult Irina has many friends. Often these are completely different people. The fact is that Ira is a very versatile person, and it is interesting for her to communicate with everyone. Also, the interpretation of the name suggests that in the life of a girl there will be a devoted best friend.

The female name Irina characterizes her mistress as a good mother. From early childhood, she teaches her little ones to cleanliness and order. Her children grow up well-mannered and educated.

Most often, Ira has two children - a boy and a girl. Mom prefers to choose names for them according to the church calendar. On the day of which saint her baby will be born, she will call him that.

In the family of Ira, church holidays and traditions are sacredly honored. On the day of Irina's angel, she arranges a special feast. The girl invites the closest people and prepares their favorite dishes. Guests are always satisfied with the efforts of the hostess.

Irusya starts a family early. Her chosen one is a man a little older than her. He must have such personal qualities as kindness, a sense of humor and a desire for improvement. The financial situation of a man is not very important for Ira.

The beautiful name Irina gives her owner intuition and the ability to enter into someone else's position. That is why there are practically no quarrels and misunderstandings in the girl's family. She sincerely loves and understands her household members.

Irusya will travel a lot to different countries. She is inspired by new places, the description of which she carefully studies in advance. In her photo album you can see many photos against the backdrop of mountains, the sea and various attractions.


The characteristic of the name Irina determines its compatibility with the names of the representatives of the stronger sex. With some men, the girl will develop an easy, pleasant relationship, with others, it may be more difficult.

Suitable for Irina:

  • Vladimir.
  • Oleg.
  • Igor.
  • Novel.
  • Alexei.

And Eugene, Ivan, Denis and Nikolai with the girl Ira are a little different.

Mikhail is one of those who can make Irochka happy. In this case, compatibility can be called ideal. Vladimir, like Mikhail, is also able to make Irusya happy and accept her for who she is. Vladimir will also become a good friend for her.

Alexei and Irisha are made for each other. The secret of the name Irina suggests that they will become wonderful spouses, lovers and friends for each other. Alexander will be a patron for Ira: he will always take care of her and protect her from trouble. The compatibility of these names is excellent.

Maxim will always support Ira, find the right words to comfort her. Irina and Maxim are a couple who have every chance to live a long, happy family life. Igor understands Irochka perfectly. He will fulfill her every desire, even the most insane.

The compatibility of the names Ira and Roman is quite successful. Partners, although different, will ideally complement each other. The fate of Irina and Oleg will turn out favorably if Oleg treats the creative inclinations of his chosen one with understanding.

The abbreviated name Ira and Irina do not have very good compatibility with the names Dmitry, Sergey, Andrey, Denis and Evgeny. These young people will try to "tame" Ira, but they are unlikely to succeed.

Nikolai and Irinka rarely find a common language. The reason for this is Kolya's somewhat skeptical outlook on life. Ivan treats Irochka with caution: the guy is a little scared by her inexhaustible energy and charisma.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Irina's name day falls on the following dates: 29.04 (Holy Martyr Irina), 18.05 (Holy Great Martyr Irina), 01.10 (Saint Irina of Egypt).

When a child is born in a family, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for him. It is imperative to find out its origin, interpretation and compatibility with other names. So you can independently determine the fate of your child. And if you make the right choice, then your child's life will be beautiful and happy!

The meaning of the name Irina (Arina): this name for a girl means "calm", "peace".

Origin of the name Irina (Arina): Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.

What does the name Irina (Arina) mean? The energy of the word is simple, joyful and bright. The meaning of the name Irina is hope, intelligence and decency. She wins people over, is successful in her career, surrounded by friends and happily married. Practical Irochka is not prone to daydreaming and sentimentality, so it is difficult for vulnerable people to deal with her.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Irina celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 29 (16) - St. Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, in the 4th century. martyred for the faith of Christ.
  • May 18 (5) - The Holy Great Martyr was of a noble family; baptized St. the apostle Timothy; by preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ; suffered great torments for this, but remained among them unharmed; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

Signs: April 29 - Irina - tear the coast, snatch the snow: around this time, according to the popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: "Hollow water washes away the coast." May 18 - Arina-hotbed: they burn grass in the fields - "On Irina, the thin grass is out of the field!" - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be ankle-sized, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don’t be red, but be tasty; don’t be old, but be young; don’t be small, but be great.” !"


  • Zodiac - Taurus
  • Planet - Venus
  • Irina's color is pale blue
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - opal

Characteristics of the name Irina

Positive features: The name Irina gives decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, balance, endurance, reliability. She grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. It does not cause trouble for parents or teachers. She is a good student and is often an excellent student. In her youth, she is independent, can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. She is a materialist, objectively assesses the situation, does not give in to illusions. Ira does not have unrealizable desires or dreams. She really evaluates her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. She is sociable, strives to enter high society.

Negative Traits: The name Irina brings excessive prudence. She is also characterized by skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, hidden pride. Irochka is alien to subtle manifestations of the soul, her poise and skepticism can repel people, interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name Irina is the desire to always try to enter the society of influential people and for the sake of this give up even heartfelt affection.

The nature of the name Irina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Irina? She grows up as a timid, submissive girl, most of all she is afraid of dogs and boys. He studies well, attends circles, likes to splash in the lake, in the pool. She is attracted by contemplative sciences: geography, astronomy, botany, but it is possible that she will become a children's doctor, lawyer, politician.

Already in childhood, Ira felt some kind of adulthood, independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a company of adults in the house, he does not interfere, he prefers to do his own thing. It is better not to pay attention to Ira, not to require reading poetry or demonstration dances. Arina knows all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades and “swallows her tongue”.

At school, the girl studies well and it does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws well, sews, knits. He likes to read detective novels, watch Hollywood movies. She is not sentimental, she will not sob over the suffering of the heroes of foreign serials, they are simply ridiculous to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the society of boys, she also finds a common language with them. He likes to attend sports sections, more like a pool, swimming.

Irina knows how to control herself, balance is felt in her words and actions, but in certain situations she is often aggressive. There is a lot of common sense in her words and actions, she has her own opinion, delicate taste.

She always knows what she wants. If a girl named Ira does not marry early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - to learn the language, work on a computer, photographing. She does everything slowly, for her thoroughness is of particular importance. A girl with this name is an intelligent leader, she will never raise her voice to a subordinate, internal poise and prudence will allow her to get along well with both her subordinates and her superiors. Ira gravitates towards purely female professions: she works in a design office, as a music teacher, salesperson, cashier, nurse, designer, fashion designer, hairdresser, etc. Ira does not always work with concentration and brings the matter to the end, but she always brings a personal attitude to the matter, works better when she is praised. She is a good diplomat and psychologist, she knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully uses it.

Irina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The marriage of the name with Alexei, Andrey, Anton, Bazhen, Bashilo, Belyay, Bogolyub, Boris, Danila, Ivan, Igor, Lubomir is successful. The name Irina is also combined with Miroslav, Sergey. Complex relations of the name are likely with Anatoly, Denis, Kirill, Nikita, Oleg, Leonid, Rostislav, Stepan.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Irina promise happiness in love? She has an amorous nature, but she never loses her head. As a husband, he chooses, if not a wealthy, then a promising man. She is a devoted, faithful wife. A woman named Irina attaches great importance to the latest pedagogical methods.

A girl named Ira is an amorous nature, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irochka is rather cold, but she does not know about it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober-minded person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices, just not to be left alone. In men, the name Irina is very successful. A girl with this name loves a man's company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

In marriage, there is almost always a faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for her child, but at the same time she will never completely subordinate herself to the hearth. A woman named Irina does not seek to become the head of the family, she will completely rely on her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Career and profession are of great importance for Ira. A high standard of living is an incentive to study at school, to enter a prestigious university. She can become a highly qualified specialist in the field of exact and technical sciences. The meaning of the name Irina is tact, pragmatism, a sharp mind. Ira's ability to communicate in high society is conducive to the profession of a diplomat and a lawyer. Ira, who failed to get a prestigious profession, tries to improve in any other chosen field of activity.

Business and career: She needs a high standard of living, tries to maintain it with honest work and with the help of connections in society. She is alien to speculation, fraud, risk and adventure.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Irina: In infancy, a child with this name is very calm, but does not eat very well, which is why the girl does not gain weight well. When teeth appear, her temperature rises. In general, the girl is developing well. She has a disposition to tonsillitis, dermatitis.

Weak organs of the "September" Ira: throat, stomach, bronchi. "Summer" - prone to stress, eyesight falls early, is located to dermatitis, dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In summer, she suffers from angina more often than in winter. However, tonsils should not be removed, they serve as a protective barrier.

"Noyabrskaya" - is disposed to disorders in the cardiovascular system, already at an early age she has heart murmurs. In school years, the name Irochka can get whooping cough.

She Irina is prone to metabolic disorders, many become very stout with age, do not adhere to a diet, do not limit themselves in nutrition. From early childhood, you should not overfeed her, Ira does not suffer from a lack of appetite anyway. Fullness is characteristic mainly of the "December", "June" and "July" Ira.

"Summer" - during the ripening period, it is subject to stress, very vulnerable, sensitive to resentment. Considering the name for your child, pay attention to the fact that "winter" Ira has frequent cases of ectopic pregnancy, mastopathy develops with age, vision drops sharply, and may suffer from liver disease. In the postpartum period, mastitis occurs. Weakened intestines. The "spring" Ira has problems with gynecology, her ovaries are often inflamed. Mostly girls are born to them, rarely boys.

The fate of Irina in history

What does the name Irina mean for women's fate?

  1. Irina Fedorovna - sister of Boris Godunov, wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Her marriage took place at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in 1580 and served as a new step in the rise of Godunov, whose influence on Fyodor Ivanovich was largely based on the tsar's love for Ira. She did not interfere with her brother's plans, but she was not his active assistant either. Died in 1603
  2. Arina Rodionovna - beloved nanny of A.S. Pushkin, about which he writes with love in his poems.
  3. Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous animal trainer, the first woman in our country who began to train predators. I. Bugrimova came to the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical performance "Sled Flight". Since 1976, Bugrimova did not work in the arena, but led an active social life. She was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the Presidium of the Central House of Arts, the Society for the Protection of Animals. In 2000 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
  4. Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova (1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization, the Council for Aid to Jews (Żegota), often visited the Warsaw ghetto, where she monitored sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children out of the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.
  5. Irina Slutskaya is a Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports.
  6. Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  7. Irina Muravyova - theater and film actress.
  8. Irina Rodnina is an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure.
  9. Irina Chashchina is an athlete in rhythmic gymnastics.
  10. Irina Bogacheva - singer of the Mariinsky Theater.
  11. Irina Arkhipova - Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher.
  12. Irina Alferova - theater and film actress.
  13. Irina Kupchenko - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Irina Rozanova - theater and film actress.

Irina in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English, the name is translated as Irene (Irene), in German: Irene (Irene), in French: Irina (Irin).

Short form of the name Irina. Ira, Irinka, Irisha, Arinka, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Rina, Ina, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha, Reni, Rena.
Synonyms for the name Irina. Irini, Irena, Arina, Orina, Yarina, Airin, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irin, Erin.
Origin of the name Irina The name Irina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Irina in translation from the ancient Greek language means "peace, peace." It came from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, the goddess of peace and tranquility. The name Irina also has a male form - Irenaeus and Irenius (Orthodox saints), and in Catholic saints as Irenaeus.

The name Irina in Rus' in the Middle Ages was widespread, a confirmation of this is the abundance of proverbs where this name is used. In the common people, the name Irina was very often pronounced as Arina - “Aunt Arina spoke in two”, “Three Arinas live in a year: Arina - open the shores, Arina is a nursery and Arina is a crane flight” (this is a folk sign for the days of commemoration of saints Irin). Among the peasants and merchants in the 18th century, it was the appeal of Arin, and not Irina, that was widespread. The name Irina was more often used among the nobility.

The name Irina has various colloquial forms - Arina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya (most often among the Slavic and Russian peoples), as well as those that arose under the influence of Western European languages ​​- Irena, Irena, Iren, Iren. Used, but less often, and the ancient church forms of the name Irina - Orina, Irinia. Arina, Yarina became independent names and are used regardless of the name Irina.

Short forms of the name Irina - Ira, Rina, Rena - became independent names.

Irina is a very sensitive child. She performs her duties perfectly, showing her parents a lot of love. Otherwise, Irina may show laziness, carelessness and seek isolation. She does not tolerate injustice, and because of her susceptibility, she can get very angry, hard to forgive insults.

Irina is a sensitive woman, has a natural grace and has an idea of ​​balance and harmony. Irina values ​​family values ​​very much, she is a noble woman who loves to please and does not tolerate violence and aggression. Irina often reconcile everyone - they love peace and tranquility around them. She highly values ​​loyalty, grandeur, beauty, and will work to achieve her dreams. Courage does not fail her when she is motivated. Irina is a perfectionist. Thus, the man of her life will be handsome, refined, witty, intelligent, and of course, with a good character.

Irina has a strong will, but also timidity before making decisions. But if a decision has already been made, then it will be implemented. She is an intellectual and spiritual person, loves to read.

Irina chooses a profession that requires communication with people. These are doctors, teachers, salespeople, lawyers, actresses, psychologists. At the same time, Irina loves a busy life very much. She loves to be praised, after receiving praise she is ready to work with even greater zeal. Ira responsibly treats any business she takes on. The owner of the name Irina does not lose faith in herself, in her strength, no matter how thorny her path may be. Ira easily converges with different people, it is not difficult for her to establish various business contacts, but she just does not always bring things to the end.

Irina is a very active, receptive and intelligent woman. She soberly looks at things, does not hover in the clouds, so she is rarely sentimental. Ira is a decisive, independent, strong-willed, uninhibited girl in her actions and judgments. You can imagine her as a cold, independent woman, but she really needs affection and human warmth, then Irina will blossom and be able to fully give her love and her heart to her chosen one.

Irina is not devoid of common sense, although sometimes she can make rash acts, make purchases dictated by a fleeting desire. In general, Ira has a balanced approach to things, knows how to control herself.

Ira has had good creative abilities since childhood, studying does not require much effort from her. She realistically assesses reality, always knows what is preferable to do at the moment. She is usually attractive, attracts the attention of men. Most often, Irina is an extrovert. It easily adapts to any conditions. Feels better among men than in the company of women. With friends, she can behave very relaxedly, she will not refuse to drink wine, she loves holidays and feasts.

Her attitude, her main life goal is to devote herself entirely to some business. This can be both her family and social activities, sometimes even religion. Irina is very patient, always guided by the so-called female logic and knows how to control herself well. Ira has a well-developed inner instinct, it is not at all easy to deceive or deceive her. Most often, Irina is diversified, she has an excellent memory. Ira is a very subtle and delicate diplomat, and she uses this strong character trait very actively.

Irina can often be imagined as an impeccable person, but one of her negative traits is her touchiness. It is very easy to hurt Ira with a word, she is not vindictive, but at the moment of resentment she can commit many rash and bad deeds. Irina is a selfless friend.

Irina is always a loving, caring mother and faithful wife. She is highly respected by her husband and children, her opinion in the family and when making decisions are always listened to. However, Ira does not want to fully devote her life to the interests of her husband and the hearth. She strives to be independent from home, although she loves her family very much. Her favorite hobby is reading, she prefers exciting adventures, fantasy novels and detective stories. Ira tries to keep up with fashion trends in various areas of life.

Irina's name day

Irina celebrates name days on January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1.

Famous people named Irina

  • Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova ((1910 - 2008) Polish activist of the resistance movement. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization - the Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota), often visited The Warsaw ghetto, where she monitored sick children Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children out of the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.Irena Sendler recorded the data of all rescued children on narrow strips of thin paper and hid this list in a glass bottle.The bottle was buried under an apple tree in a friend's garden in order to find the children's relatives after the war.On October 20, 1943, she was arrested on an anonymous denunciation.After torture, she was sentenced to death, but she was saved: the guards who accompanied her to the place of execution, were bribed.In official papers, she was declared executed.Until the end of the war, Irena Sendler was in hiding, but continued to help Jewish children. In 1965, the Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem awarded Irena Sendler the title of Righteous Among the Nations. In 2003 she was awarded the Order of the White Eagle. In 2007, the Polish President and Israeli Prime Minister nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the prize was awarded to US Vice President Al Gore. In 2007, she was awarded the International Order of the Smile. Honorary citizen of the city of Warsaw and the city of Tarczyn. The portrait of Irena Sendler, together with Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and Matilda Getter, is placed on the Polish silver coins of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations.
  • Irina Slutskaya (Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports)
  • Irina Khakamada (politician)
  • Irina Muravieva (actress of theater and cinema)
  • Irina Rodnina (an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure)
  • Irina Chashchina (rhythmic gymnastics athlete)
  • Irina Bugrimova (first female raptor trainer)
  • Irina Bogacheva (singer of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Irina Arkhipova (Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher)
  • Irina Alferova (actress of theater and cinema)
  • Irina Kupchenko (actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Irina Rozanova (actress of theater and cinema)

Irina is a beautiful name, striking in its simplicity and magnificence. It has been popular for hundreds of years. For a long time, the name was given to women from aristocratic families.

Translated from Greek, Irina means peace, peace, which means that the girl has a wonderful character. She treats everything with understanding and sincere interest. The origin of the name is from the goddess of justice Eirene, daughter of Zeus and Themis. It came to Slavic culture with the adoption of Christianity, representatives of the merchant and peasant class liked to call them girls.

The Holy Martyr Irina, who suffered for her faith, patronizes women with this name, Memorial Day - May 18. This saint converted a large number of pagans to Christianity, acting with kindness and sermons. Under torture, she did not give up, but remained alive. She spent the rest of her life in seclusion in a cave.

Irina also has other patrons - Irina of Macedon, burned by the pagans for her faith, the martyr Irina of Egypt and Irina of Aquileia. Name days are celebrated on a day close to the birthday: January 12 and 16, May 18 and 26, September 30, August 17 and 22, February 26, April 29, October 1 and November 2.

For a woman with this name, plants - chestnut and lily of the valley - will become a talisman. Chestnut gives strength and energy for life, protects from pain and disease, and lily of the valley is a symbol of love and fidelity. Termite, as a totem animal, symbolizes change and vital activity, and the owl bestows wisdom and loneliness.

Stone as a talisman for Irina - opal and rock crystal. Opal treats diseases of the nerves and depression, eliminates insomnia, relieves negativity, and rock crystal personifies joy and love. The most successful time of the year for Ira is spring, and important events always take place on Friday.

Decisiveness and some sharpness are given to the name by the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius and Taurus, the planet is Jupiter. But Irishka gets femininity and grace from Venus. Luck bring her brown, steel, blue, yellow and red.

Affectionately this girl is called Ira, Irishka, Irochka, Irinka, Irisha, Irinochka, Rina, Rinochka, Irusya, Irishechka, Irusya.

Meaning of the name

The secret of the name lies in the fact that it gives the owner great determination, the will to act and achieve goals, self-confidence. Sentimentality and sensuality are not her traits; rather, she is guided by reason in making important decisions.


The main characteristic of the name is independence. On all issues, Irina has her own opinion, which can radically differ from the opinions of others. It is based on convictions and own experience, Ira actively defends her views, is responsible for actions and actions.

The sociable Irochka easily finds a common language with strangers, but communication is easier with men, because she feels uncomfortable among women. He has many friends, and he can be sure of everyone. Irishka's abilities allow her to easily gain knowledge at school and in life., she quickly learns new things, is inquisitive.

Irina's kindness knows no bounds. As a person, she does not remember evil and is not inclined to avenge insults. But she is easy enough to hurt, this trait often brings her a lot of unpleasant moments. He endures deceit and betrayal for a long time, in his soul he feels a lack of attention and love, although outwardly he looks quite cold.

The meaning of the name “peaceful” does not really fit with the characteristics that fate endowed Irina with, such as strong will and optimism. She is ready to confront enemies, in some cases can be cruel. Thanks to endurance, he never loses his composure. She will come out of any life situation with dignity.

In judgments and statements it can be quite harsh, which shows an independent nature. Diplomacy is her creed, she is smart, has a great sense of humor. Feels people, and understands when they are trying to deceive her. As a true extrovert, he easily adapts to new circumstances. Educated, constantly developing, reading and traveling a lot.

Despite an active life position, he will never get involved in an adventure. This is hindered by her pathological honesty.


The owner of the name Irina is a father's daughter, in childhood she does not leave him a single step, she helps and is interested in male hobbies. Inspirationally fiddles with dad in the garage, goes fishing. He loves sports and prefers reading detective stories and science fiction.

Balance and purposefulness, cheerfulness and fortitude allow her to find a way out of any situation, and her character will make her happy in life, bring success. External carelessness and even coldness hides the storm raging inside. Until old age, she remains an attractive woman who is successful with the opposite sex. But he really appreciates his family.

She is persistent in her career, which allows her to quickly grow professionally. Getting a good education and career growth are important for Irina, this is a necessary condition for a good, prosperous life. Ira is able, unexpectedly for others, to change her lifestyle, to break away somewhere, despite the circumstances. She completely controls her life, not allowing anyone to interfere in it.


Attractiveness and the ability to communicate are highly valued by members of the opposite sex. Irochka is always gorgeous, well-groomed and looks great. She loves coquetry and light flirting, appreciates beautiful courtship, but she will only feel a truly deep feeling for one man. And the fans allow her to assert herself, so Irina rarely suffers from unrequited or unhappy love.

Despite the fact that Irishka is an amorous nature, she is more interested in love itself than in a man as its object. She is a loner in life, and it is difficult for her to get rid of this feeling. Although the woman herself with this name can give a man a lot of tenderness and affection.

Despite the amorousness, he approaches the choice of a spouse thoroughly. For her, the family means a lot, she is interested in the affairs of her husband and children, self-realization is no less important for Irina. A woman will never devote herself to the family completely, without a trace. For her relatives, she will arrange a cozy home, she will take care of everyone, and she will leave the supremacy to her spouse.

Irina will be happy if she becomes a beloved and necessary wife and mother in the family. If this does not happen, then the moral principles of Irochka will completely allow adultery. The owner of this name treats divorces negatively, she values ​​\u200b\u200bstability very much. Financial issues in this case will come to the fore, she does not like to share what she has acquired.

In the upbringing of children will adhere to new methods. In cooking, she is exquisite, she will always please her family with interesting dishes. Ready to help her husband in his career and all endeavors. Unshakable authority in the family deserves, but relations with the mother-in-law rarely develop successfully. Rather, they can be called a policy of non-intervention.

Irochka is waiting for a successful relationship with Andrei, Sergei, Yuri, Alexei, Anton, Boris, Daniil, Edward, Nikolai, Efim. An alliance with Stepan, Nikita, Anatoly, Oleg, Denis, Leonid, Roman promises to be difficult, if possible, close relationships with men who are called that should be avoided.


Irishka does not like to live in poverty, she strives with all her might for well-being, but she can only achieve her goal with her own work. Honesty is her life credo, so she will not get involved in dubious matters, take risks. At the same time, a woman has great insight and easily establishes contacts. These qualities will allow her to succeed in her own business.

Irochka has a good memory and an analytical mindset, so she will be successful in professions related to numbers and reports - economics and accounting. This is a valuable employee on whom you can rely on everything. But she does not strive for leadership, the leadership role depresses her more, but Irina will make an excellent deputy.

If she manages to reach heights in the career ladder, her subordinates love and respect her. She will never raise her voice, she is in perfect control of herself, while everyone obeys her unquestioningly. Often strive to master several professions at once. Thanks to a sharp mind and diplomacy, success can be achieved in the field of politics, advocacy, she will make a good diplomat. You can try yourself in the field of technical sciences, engineering.

Whatever path Irina chooses, she will always be a very responsible worker who is valued by colleagues and management. Creativity allows her to choose such professions as a teacher, artist, biologist, pediatrician. And natural charm, the ability to feel people and tact will help Irochka become an excellent psychologist.

It is worth noting that if Irochka does not tie herself up with an early marriage, she quickly moves up the career ladder and reaches professional heights. In the case when Ira has a family and children, she never loses her zeal for work anyway. This sphere of life is important for her, where she can be realized as a person. Therefore, a woman tries to combine work and family, and in most cases she successfully manages to do this.


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    used to be a very common name (h-4 girls in the class); the name is sharp, sonorous (everyday “rr” excites, does not let you relax, focuses attention - it tempers character, disciplines; “and” - subtle taste ...) they prefer to be friends with the same strong ones, but they will not give up leadership. that I surprisingly sexually preoccupied (two classmates gave birth at 14 and 16 years old; a neighbor cheated on her husband at her own housewarming party, who reacted as if it were a common thing; the worst thing is that my relative, because of another rejected love, took her own life, leaving the child an orphan .. .) I think that in our fast-paced time, this name is the most successful, this “locomotive” will make its way for itself, and infantile husbands, and inert colleagues, and capricious children (you decide for them and do everything .., but then many take an example from moms ...). I wish you, Irina, good luck and sober thinking!

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    I’m also very jealous) As a child, for some reason, I didn’t really like my name, but I fell in love with age. I’m a Sagittarius and in many respects I agree with all the compliments addressed to Irina, but with completeness, a clear miss! All the Irinas I know are very attractive, good-looking, beautiful, slender, well-groomed and proud! As a child, I gave preference to cars, pistols and the company of robber boys, and now it’s easy for me in a male company! I think that all Irina, like me, are freedom-loving and it’s true that it’s easier for me to hammer in a nail or nail a shelf to the wall than to stand by the stove! Irina is strong in character and brave owners of this beautiful name, but very vulnerable! I think many will agree with me! IRINA is a very beautiful and feminine name! To all the owners of this beautiful name, I wish good luck and prosperity! Peace to your home!

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    Yes, Irky are prostitutes, definitely! Irka studied in our group, such a dumb cut!!! I can't stand your name! What dumb you are, I have very bad associations with the name Ira. A life story about Ir: from the first year she was known as a klutz, did not communicate with the team, studied so-so, was constantly late everywhere. This Ira was ugly and with Fatty complexes! The guys would not have approached her anyway, and she was still constantly hung up on this. Well, she terribly infuriated everyone, especially me and my girlfriends. What did she forget at the institute? Let her go to the market as a seller or wash the floors. Oh no, I got excited. Only the floors are her vocation, because in the market it is necessary to competently offer and sell goods, as well as correctly count the change, but she is not enough brains for this! Conclusion: Irka is a fool and the name is the same!

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    • Look at the meaning of the name Julia! Ambitious Sheep.

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      Hello everyone!!! My name is also Irinka)) I have read so much here and didn’t miss the comments either))) I completely agree with everything and with many Irinkas too! I’m Rybka… I’m 26… I have a little son… that’s true, there’s no way to be complete)) and it pleases, but in general I agree we all love sports… I personally was engaged in professional dancing))) We got to the point with the company)) and about family and about work) )) I have even been called a Guardian Angel since childhood… and even those who have known me for a couple of days)) Even so, we really bring Peace and Tranquility!)) Irishki are strong personalities!

      Huge love to all of you

      And happiness is not earthly ...

      Bring peace to the world...

      In the hearts of all those who are close to you ...

      And let them answer you kindly ...

      A smile of light and warmth...

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      Hello to all Irochka:*

      About the tendency to be overweight, I think that this does not refer to the name, but to the genes. I'm still in a transitional age on this, I think now it's not even worth thinking about it)

      About cruelty, yes. I like to make fun of people) I don’t quite agree about sentimentality. I remember watching Titanic sobbing! About the husband and family, I think, is also not true. I dream of a family. I will give her a lot of time! About a career to the point.

      My zodiac sign is Virgo :)) Society of men… well, I don’t know. But take off quickly find a common language if there is a mood to communicate with someone)

      In general, there is a lot of truth, but I do not agree with much. And so the article is super! *

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      Completeness is a lie. I can't even put on extra pounds. About attractiveness - everything is true. Pro-technical inclinations and a preference for male companies over female ones, the same is true. I love my father! I didn’t like the name in childhood, but now I’m already used to it and it’s like nothing. I like that it’s short. About the preference of work and career to the family, lies! Family comes first for me! About sharpness and restraint - true. About sentimentality is true. About the underestimation of the husband and betrayal in the end, everything is a lie! we are Irina-faithful, patient even too much and prone to sacrifice! If we are loved, we will break into a cake for this person so that he is happy!

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      height 173 weight 54. fullness does not threaten the next ... years. son 18. You need to eat less!!! chef by training. but in general: I'm nasty, mean, creepy, but such a charm))) that I like myself like that)))!!! I agree with the names Irina, Irinka, Irishka, Irochka, Risha, Irisha. I love diminutive suffixes. Almost everything in the article is correct. We are strong and this is a fact. And the fact that the boys are also true. For friends, I am the sun in the window. for enemies, the last bitch. according to the horoscope, a scorpion-rat, in general, an abomination. who does not agree that Irishki are like that, let the gold be better to be silent)))) it will be healthier !!!)))

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      Hello All Irks! =Ъ At first I didn't really like my name... In principle, as it is said there, but when I found out its meaning, I am a thousand times grateful to my mother, Oksana. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING TRUE COMPLETENESS I AM THIN, and all the Ira I know are THIN!!! My paternal grandmother, aunt, 4 friends of Irishka, all thin! And everyone is learning well, but like me =b About character, right in YablO4ko, everything is true))) Irishki are the most independent! I will never obey anyone) I am Gemini, May 27, everything fits, only fullness and 6.7 spun nonsense to the fairy)

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      Almost everything is true, except that I am a cancer, not inclined to be overweight. I also do not agree that I do not dissolve in a loved one and the hearth does not have priority. I have just the opposite. Family is the most important thing for me. The first marriage is not successful. Now I live in a civil marriage, and completely dissolved in the person with whom I live. He is the most important thing for me. And as for the fact that Irina is jealous, this is to the point, at least I judge by myself. Mine is MINE. Although I suffer a lot from this feeling and my loved one suffers.

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      But I’m plump, although Irina I don’t know what you can’t look at yourself from the outside, but it still seems to me that I don’t have enough beautiful clothes for full ones; that this name doesn’t suit me, I don’t really like it, I especially hate when they call me Ira, tell me how to lose weight, I tell myself that I won’t eat, but I don’t eat myself, I don’t have willpower, although I’m so mobile, but about the sign of the zodiac is nowhere true I am a fish

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      And I met a lot of Irina full, and terribly what, it just depends on genetics, and on human health. For example, I’m 166 height, and weight 84 kg, and I can’t say that fullness disfigures me a lot, I have very large breasts, so if it’s normal to watch. And so the girls don’t be upset who needs us and they will love them. I’m 24 years old. and nothing. I found a guy and he is not afraid of my forms. And whoever the girls write that they don’t work out with their personal lives, you will be patient and your time will come and you will be happy. Good luck to everyone.

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      And I'm Leo, I'm inclined to be overweight, but I try not to overeat - I go to the gym, and this is what unites us. I don’t like the name Ira - it’s annoying, so I’m writing Arina. I was not lucky with my husbands, I lived with the second for 29 years, gave birth to 4 children to him, the men turn around and look into their eyes, and this male robbed the children and dumped him! I don't know how to dress - nonsense! Not a needlewoman - nonsense! I can even build! Devoted to self-destruction, but unhappy. Probably you need to spit on them and have everyone to the fullest!

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      fullness absolutely does not depend on the name - this is sheer nonsense (my height is 160 cm, weight is 45 kg). here the main thing is heredity, the ability to limit oneself in food and the state of health! I agree that Irina prefer male company. Personally, I can't find a common language with women. men with the name Roman do not suit us at all (verified). this name is the only favorite among all the others. but I can agree with the rest. I wish I could find another worthy Sergei, Andrei or Ivan ...

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      All people have two names, but I only have one. Because my parents called me Irina and in the church they gave me the name Irina. Sometimes my name and surname just infuriates me to horror (Irina (9th place in the prevalence of female names) Ivanova (2nd place) Alexandrovna (1st place). I don’t know how fullness depends on the name, but personally I have a big risk of getting fat due to And you know there personally my character is described very accurately, no additions and amendments, except that I am a scale.

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      Everything is 99.9% true. In addition to cruelty - this is not about us. Very sentimental! It can be seen from the comments that there are many rakins among Irina, and I am also Cancer =) Men love us because we understand them and are happy to be friends with them, because we are really MUCH more interesting with men than with women! I don't like it when they call me Ira, it just sounds awful!!! Irina is really beautiful and always loved by men. Be happy: Irishki, Irochki, Irinki!!!

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      Almost everything is correct, especially about the fact that not only a house and family is required, but also a job. Preferably not in last place and not in the last roles. Studying was really easy, and since childhood I have been in companies only with boys, and to this day it is really easier to communicate with men than with women. Well, I have been struggling with a tendency to be overweight for 5 years already, with varying success, but for now I keep the weight, what will happen later, we'll see.

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      Hello from Prague. As a child, I didn’t really like my name, especially when they called Ira. As I got older, I probably didn't pay attention to it. I do not agree with the tendency to be overweight and according to the horoscope I am Virgo, I really like needlework. I love it when everything is peaceful and calm ... it's very accurate. It's funny that in Czech our name is Irzhina, from the male Irzhi in Russian George, irzhinka is translated as a dahlia flower. I really like these flowers. Good luck to all!!!

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      There doesn't seem to be much to me. I am a twin and was born on June 1, but I agree about my favorite color. but I’m not sure about completeness, although I had a grandmother about her, the same name was Irina, she was full. Well, maybe it's because of the fact that she gave birth to many children. it’s a pity that there is nothing about possible pro fesias! but in spite of all this, the second meaning suits me the most. I think we have a very beautiful name!!!))))))))))))

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      Option 1 and 4 for me is almost the complete truth. I am also inclined to be overweight, but I think it does not depend on the name, rather on the genes)))))))) I especially liked this: “Irina has been busy all her life working to create the image of a cold, independent, business woman, hiding a jealous and vulnerable soul, a loving heart, a wild imagination and a thirst for solitude and peace. in variant 5, this is the purest truth !!!

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      Hi all! My name is Irina too! "Business woman", has a son, divorced, because I didn’t tolerate a loser next to me, I’m also slim and I can’t get better (even after the birth of a child!). The sign of the zodiac is Aries. I consider myself the happiest person with a wonderful name (although I hated my own name as a child!). Everything is true! Good luck and love to all! And the "namesake" - a separate hello !!!

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      I agree about fullness. After 2 births, I got very fat. I would strongly argue at the expense of needlework. I can’t live without knitting! I have been knitting and doing other types of needlework for 20 years. I read all the information. Somewhere 80% converges. On the contrary, I love home and family. And my career is not important to me. Maybe because my sign is Virgo. , but I found my Sergey!

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      It even looks like it. For me, it is easier to make repairs or organize the construction of a house than to do ironing, wipe every speck of dust, etc. I just disagree about the fullness, I'm thin. And about sentimentality: very sentimental, sorry for every bug and every flower. Well, I will never invite a man first, I will make sure that he does it himself. And my sign is Scorpio.

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      Almost everything is on point! But with sentimentality and completeness, I categorically disagree! When I was a child, I didn't like my name, but now I love it! As for the trinkets, that's right, I can't help but put some interesting little thing on myself :)) And in general, I think that we are Irish, the most unpredictable and irresistible, and therefore the most desirable! Therefore, we deserve great and pure LOVE! :)))

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      Irina herself is familiar with girls and women with the same name. All of them and I tend to be overweight. Nobody writes that we are fat, they write about a predisposition, that's all. We all control ourselves, do not relax and therefore look great.

      Almost everything is true, there are some inaccuracies, but mostly about me. And I don’t like my name - you got right to the point here)))

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      Almost everything about me. I create the impression of a cold lady. Not true, I really like needlework, everything that comes to hand. Yes, I love men's company, I can't find a common language with women, especially with young ones. Sentimental, I can cry over the series, well, this is from my mother. I love films about love. I am conscientious, I do everything thoroughly. By the sign of the zodiac - Aquarius.

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      I'm Gemini by zodiac sign, I really prefer a male society and give preference to a career, but ... I'm not inclined to be overweight, that's for sure :) not so harsh, I can be sentimental. I also believe that character and further life depend not only on the name, but also on upbringing, social circle, etc. A lot of this article is just about me :) but a lot of it is nonsense :)

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      yes, there really are a lot of coincidences, I didn’t think about the meaning of my own name and its influence on my behavior before ... I don’t suffer from fullness yet. I love sports, I like male society more, they say I have a zest ... I believe that I was born for some special mission ...;))) I love my name !!! Hello to all Irinkas!!!

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      A lot of things coincided, almost everything ... And as for the tendency to be overweight, girls, I have no doubt that you are now young, beautiful, and slender ... She herself;) But ... I have a lot of acquaintances Irina, who, with age, and with the birth of a child could not keep their slim figure ... I myself am afraid of this, and my best friend is the gym! and I advise you

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      Everything coincides, almost. As for completeness, some people doubt it, I’ll tell you personally about myself: until the age of 35, my weight was 46 kg, and after giving birth (before giving birth 52), after 35 I began to gain weight. As it turned out later, a gynecological disease affected. So, completeness is quite possible for reasons independent of us.

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      Basically everything is correct. Even about fullness, I have recently begun to get better, and for me this is a disaster. With a height of 170 cm, my weight has always been 56-60 kg, even after giving birth it quickly returned to normal, but over the past 2 years I have gained almost 15 kg. I really want to lose weight, although they say that it’s even better.

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      A lot of things are true. About the character ... and external data ... this cannot be taken away ... although I would not say that all Irina are beautiful ...

      I am twins. At the expense of completeness ... mb in the distant future ... or after childbirth ... but obviously not now ... Very slim ... no matter how much I eat.)

      At first they wanted to call Alexandra)

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      I am Capricorn according to the horoscope, there are many coincidences, especially that Irina is seemingly tough and arrogant, but sentimental and vulnerable inside. But at the expense of love for dad - no, I love my mommy more. As a child, I didn’t like the name either, but now nothing! All Irishki health and all earthly blessings!!!

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      Everything is written correctly, I am very proud of my Irishka! Only now, not complete, but very slender and indescribable beauty, and smart, and independent, and she made a great career (that's all about her). And she leaves the guys instantly, as soon as she sees that they underestimate her. In general, everything is correct!

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      I have almost nothing to the point about both the company of men and about beauty ... Everything seems to me Irinka is charming *** But they just got to the point on a personal note ... I have difficulties ... I still can’t find a suitable one for myself ((( (And so I live and rejoice, life is simply beautiful.

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      I adore my name, I love male company, my mother-in-law loves me, my husband is Sergey, I dissolve in my family, the 1st option suits me better and was generally born on Friday January 13 and I am proud of it, Irina has a lot of acquaintances and they are almost all slender, There are exceptions to every rule!

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      Several options apply to me!!! I'm really a Capricorn, and about fullness, go in for sports, dance and you will have a great figure !!! I've been dancing for 9 years and I like to quit, I like them and the figure is great!!! If you decide to lose weight "GOOD LUCK"

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      About completeness, whoever, at least you are Irina, at least Karina, at least Marina ... I personally don’t suffer from this) About taste, I think it’s nonsense. Irishki are the first modens:) A LITTLE sentimental... The characteristics do not match in some places, but only SOMEWHERE :)) According to the Sign of the Zodiac, I am Libra. Respect to all Irks! :D***

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      I fully agree, but everyone in my family is like that, so I don’t know if this is connected with the name or not. I'm terribly sentimental, although I try to hide it. It doesn’t work, probably due to the fact that I’m Pisces according to the horoscope. As for amorousness, independence and work, I completely agree.

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      Something converges. The advantage in our name is that in fact IRINA can be compatible with almost every man, because she understands them much more than others! Irina, first of all, is the best friend for a man! And this is very important and a very good start...:-)

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      option 3 suited me the most ... I don’t agree about taste ... although I’m inclined to be overweight, I have an ideal weight ... and about sentimentality is also not true ... and about science fiction and detective stories are nonsense ... and I also feel great in any company, except for girls who are younger me

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      Irina Ivanovna works for us, she is already over forty, her daughter is my age. Looks super sexy))) I so WANT to tear it off. There really is a husband Volodya (stupid boar) I'll tear it off anyway. Oh fuck, hold on Irina Ivanovna, you haven’t known such tenderness yet)))

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      Everything matches, almost about fullness can be corrected. More drawn to dad than to mom. Mom's chores in the kitchen will prefer the repair of her father's car. She feels more comfortable and easier in a male company, among women Irina quickly gets bored.

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      I used to approach all options exactly, and then I changed a lot for the worse and now everything is exactly the opposite (((

      And about the fullness ... I also haven’t met the full Irina yet))) I’m slim myself and my friend Irishka is just thin)

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      matches 95%

      I'm cruel, not sentimental... just an iron lady... on the outside!

      I do not dissolve in my beloved ... I tend to be overweight ...

      Sincere, since childhood I love dad more than mom! it just so happened!

      I didn't like the name before, but now I love it!

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      And here are the inaccuracies. I love my name very much, I have long crossed the line of 40 and I am slim and beautiful, and my skin is soft, smooth and not one wrinkle. I live in Tbilisi, I eat tasty and meat, and khachapuri, and pastries. Height 170 cm, weight 55 kg.


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      About needlework and lack of taste, I would argue. And the zodiac sign is different. Yes, and a partner from those “who do not fit.” Everything else is on point. Even about fullness. Although I am skinny, I am very prone to fullness. Diet - DO NOT EAT. And I chose the wrong profession ...

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      Salute to all Irins! I love my name very much. I tell those Irins who do not like their name. It is not the name that adorns a person, but a person's name. I myself am from Dagestan, here if they call girls, then you will break your tongue to pronounce it. For example, Suparnat is terrible!

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      According to the horoscope, I am a scolpion and was born in the year of the bull. I agree with almost everything, I have met only one full Irin in my whole life. I can stand up for myself and will not let myself be offended. She chose her husband herself (although he thinks that he chose it), but she is jealous. I love my name.

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