School competitions by February 23. Need to "collect" proverbs. Competition "Soldier's Song"

Game for students in grades 1-4, dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland "Tournament on a chess field"


The chess king is black.

The chess king is white.

The chess queen is white.

The chess queen is black.

2 white pawns.

2 black pawns.

Equipment: demonstration board with chess pieces; poster with the name of the event and the slogan:

Event progress

Leading. People say that the earth can feed us with its fruits and give us water from its sources, but it cannot protect itself. Protecting the land that feeds and waters you has always been the sacred duty of the person living on it.

Our tournament is dedicated to the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Most of you are future defenders, and today you will show the will to win, your knowledge, courage, and support your captains - chess kings.

Now the black and white queen will introduce you.

The queens are out.

White Queen. Chess is one of the most ancient games. It has been in existence for many centuries. The game is played on a board divided into 64 black and white cells. The events of our tournament will be reflected on the demo board, and you will be able to see all the moves.

Black queen. The game of chess was invented in India. When the Hindu king met her, he admired her wit and the variety of possible combinations.

The chess kings come out and choose their fans one by one from among the spectators. Players and spectators take their places (players at the chessboard).

The pawns stand near the demonstration board and expose the pieces.

There is a game.

Quiz for fans

1st round - the quiz "Serves the motherland of the soldiers", dedicated to the holiday.

1. What is the name of the building where the soldiers live? (Barracks.)

2. Army punishment. (Outfit out of order.)

3. What is the name of the tube for cartridges in the machine? (Shop.)

4. What is the name of the caterpillar war machine? (Tank.)

5. What inventors do you know firearms? (Makarov, Kalashnikov, Tokarev.)

6. With what device can you protect yourself from poisonous gases? (Mask.)

7. What is the name of the warehouse of military equipment? (Arsenal.)

8. What kind of hats do soldiers wear? (Caps, caps, helmets.)

9. What do you know military ranks? (Lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general.)

2nd round - quiz " A dark horse”, dedicated to the knight chess piece.

1. A fairy tale in which, at the behest of a sorceress, they were turned into horses gray mice. (Cinderella.)

2. Traditional harness of horses in Rus'. (Troika.)

3. A horse that can be saddled but cannot be forced to move. (Gymnastic.)

4. winged horse, a symbol of poetry. (Pegasus.)

5. Horse blanket. (The blanket.)

6. Information program, the screensaver of which is three running horses. ("News")

8. "Shoes" for a horse. (Horseshoe.)

9. Three white horses from the famous New Year's song. (December January February.)

10. Sports equipment, which is named after the horse. (Skates.)

11. Construction for horse races and races. (Hippodrome.)

Game with spectators

For each phrase of the presenter, the audience responds with certain actions:

. “Horses go to the start” - clapping hands on the knees. (Developing a single rhythm.)

. “Horses run on the ground” - punches in the chest.

. "Horses run on the grass" - the participants rub their hands against each other.

. “Horses run on water” - slapping palms on the cheeks.

. “Horses take an obstacle” - the participants get up and shout: “Hurrah!”

Announcement of winners.


1. To educate children in love for their homeland; develop a sense of patriotism and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. Develop the ability to work in a team.

3. Develop mental capacity students.

Competition progress

Presenter 1

Dear Guys! Today our country celebrates a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a national holiday. At home, at work, at school - everywhere on this day congratulations are heard to those who once served or are now serving the cause of defending the Fatherland.

Lead 2

The winds are blowing in february.

Howling loudly in the pipes!

Snake rushes along the ground

Light ground.

Presenter 1

The date has a special meaning -

Sons of the brave birthday.

All the Russian people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

Lead 2

I really want our the boys grew up honest, good-

native and courageous people. Real men.

Presenter 1

You will have to show cohesion, ingenuity, ingenuity, dexterity in order to complete everything. competitive tasks.

Lead 2

boys, you need to split into 2 teams. To do this, each of you will get tokens with signs from the box. Each team must choose a captain.

Presenter 1

So let's start. First contest"Intellectual"

Each team needs to solve 4 riddles. For a correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

The watchman is bad: blind and deaf, if you don’t touch it, it’s silent, but if you touch it, it screams. (call)

Golden mountains grow in the summer. (Mop)

Small, round, but not lifted by the tail. (Clew)

They beat me, beat me, toss and turn, cut me, but I endure everything and cry with all kindness. (Earth)

What medicine does Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Where did the seventh goat hide? (In the oven)

An object that makes a person invisible? (Invisible hat)

What did Cinderella lose? (shoe)

Lead 2

Second contest"Creative"

Each team has 1 member. For creativity for each image receives 1 point. Need to portray pantomime:

1. A person who finishes a long distance.

2. An athlete approaching the bar.

3. Gymnast on the balance beam.

4. A boxer who misses a punch.

5. Football, goalkeeper, tense situation at the gate.

6. Figure swimming.

7. Rider.

8. Pole vaulting.

9. Fencing.

10. Tennis player.

Presenter 1

Third contest"Ingenuity, wit and humor"

We must answer the most confusing questions. All team members can respond. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

2. Why do lions eat raw meat? (Because they don't know how to cook)

3. What is the very first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)

4. How to write a mousetrap in five letters? (Cat)

Fourth contest"Sports"

Lead 2

One participant per team is invited.

1. "Push-up." (1 point for each completed exercise)

Fifth contest"Remember the proverb"

Presenter 1

The Russian people are a great people, wise, they notice everything and transform it into precise short expressions. Have you guessed what I'm talking about?

Well, of course, about proverbs.

The competition is that the team gets proverb halves. In one minute you must connect the pairs and read popular expression. 1 point for each proverb.

For the first team:

Hard to learn / easy to fight.

There is safety in numbers.

The soldier is sleeping, / and the service is going on.

For the second team:

Friendship is friendship, and / service is service.

Stand up for each other, / and you will win the battle.

Courage / city takes.

Lead 2

Sixth contest« Captains competition»

As you know, in the army, soldiers do everything themselves: and cook, and wash, and sew on buttons. You need to sew on the button quickly and accurately. For high-quality performance 1 point + for speed 1 point.

Seventh contest"Military Cunning"

Presenter 1

From the word "subdivision" you have to make a lot of other words. 1 point for each word.

Lead 2

Here we come to the end of our competitive program. Now we will name the winning team, and the participants will be awarded medals: "Strongest", "The cleverest", "Most dexterous", "The most daring", "Most Witty", "Most Active", "The most charming", "Most artistic".

Presenter 1

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition

Ensuring success.

"Come on, boys!" Scenario for younger students

(The girls enter the class in formation and sing the song “A soldier is walking through the city” (verse 1). They stop and read poetry.)

Though you don't wear a uniform,

But we know that in difficult times

You, like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland and us.

Yes, there are men in the Fatherland,

And the spirit of the brave did not fade away!

We are a good reason

We count to congratulate you.

We wish you good luck in everything,

Let them be good

All daily tasks

May your home be happy.

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex,

A man is a protector, a man is a support!

And there are many more reasons

So that women glorify men today!

We congratulate you warmly

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy

That honors and loves someone.

And let the smile flash

And let the wrinkles disappear

And let spring sing in my soul

Today is your day, men.

We congratulate you today

We sincerely wish you

Happy days and gentle caresses,

A cute princess from a fairy tale

A difficult victory in the struggle -

Let everything be yours!

May trouble not meet you,

Well, if you meet failure along the way,

That fate-villain surrender

You will be able to find.

Winning and in trouble

And in his great work,

Breaking down all barriers

Never discouraged

The stronger sex is always ahead

Suitable for a clear purpose.

Don't forget the weaker sex

Love us, respect us!

It will be difficult to live without us,

Uncomfortable, boring, boring.

After all, your ancestor Adam

Could not live in paradise without ladies!

(Girls give gifts to boys and Balloons. The hosts divide the boys into 2 teams according to the color of the balls.)

Leading. Team captains will be girls today. (Teams choose their captains and come up with a name. The host announces the first competition.)

First competition

1 representative per team is invited. Participants of the competition peel potatoes. The essence of the competition is that the strip of peel is not interrupted, and who will peel faster.

(The jury evaluates the teams on a 5-point system. The host announces the next competition.)

Second competition

5 chairs are placed in a row. Team members must recognize their captains blindfolded. 2 participants from each team are invited. All the girls, except for the leaders, sit on the chairs. Competitors must find their captain by touch on the hand. The other 2 representatives of the teams must recognize their captains by their ears, also by touch. The girls put on their hats, and when the contestants are blindfolded, the girls change hats. There should be no hints during the contest.

(The jury gives marks.)

Third competition

For the next competition, 2 participants from each team will be required. Everyone sits on chairs with their backs to the audience. Pre-prepared signs are hung on the backs of chairs (“Kremlin”, “Theater”, “School”, “Buffet” ...). The facilitators ask the participants questions: What are you doing now? Do you often go there? What do you see from the window? Do you like being there? Etc.

Fourth competition

presenter. This contest is for boys. Men should be able to find a way out even in the most extreme situations. This is what our boys will demonstrate to us now.

One participant per team is invited. Baby dolls are swaddled for time and quality.

Fifth competition

Leading. Men should be able to cope with all the hardships of life, be strong, courageous, hardy. Now we will check how ready our boys are to become real men.

1 participant from each team is invited. They weave braids for girls for speed and accuracy.

Sixth competition

presenter. For the next competition, each team needs 1 participant. In this competition, the strongest spirit will be determined.

Participants sit at the table opposite each other. A balloon is placed in the middle of the table. Participants blow on the ball, who is stronger. The contestants' eyes are blindfolded. After blindfolding, the ball is replaced with a plate of flour.

(The jury puts marks for competitions.)

Seventh competition

Leading. For the next competition, 1 representative from the teams is invited.

Participants must draw a blindfolded tank.

Eighth competition

Leading. And now the competition of captains. The captains should please us with a dance.

Newspaper is on the floor. The girls dance on it, then the newspaper must be folded in half, the dance continues, then in half again, and so on - until one of the girls leaves the newspaper.

(Jury puts marks.)

Leading. Competition "Come on, boys!", dedicated to the day defenders of the Fatherland, is coming to an end. I ask the distinguished jury to sum up.

(Winners and contestants will be awarded prizes.)

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Goal and tasks:

  • to develop in children a sense of patriotism, to cultivate love for the Motherland;
  • to acquaint the children with the hard work of military personnel, to cultivate respect for them;
  • to convey to the children that they are the future defenders of the Motherland

Event progress

I. Introduction

Leading: Hello our dear guests! Today we have gathered to congratulate all boys and men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. There are defenders in every family - these are grandfathers, older brothers, and, of course, your beloved dads! And for each of us, the Motherland is the place where you were born and live.

  1. There is such a miracle:
    The edge, forever beloved,
    Over the river under the maple
    Father's home dear ...
    Seeing this miracle
    The heart beats hot
    In life, this is a miracle -
  2. There is a word
    There is none more expensive:
    In it are fields and mountains,
    It has gardens and groves...
    Remembering this word
    The heart beats sweetly
    In life, this word -
    It's called!

But in Hard time We are all ready to defend our Motherland.

  1. Our Army is dear,
    And brave and strong.
    Not threatening anyone
    She protects the world.
    From that we love from childhood
    This holiday is in February.
    Glory to the Russian Army.
    The most peaceful on earth.

II. Competition program

Leading: There are many professions on Earth, but one of the main professions is to defend the Motherland. On February 23, we glorify the warrior-defenders. With courage and valor, not sparing life, they defend the independence of the Motherland at all times.

Soon our boys will join the army and become soldiers. It is not easy to teach military wisdom to a recruit, today you will have such a wonderful opportunity - to feel like a soldier.

And now it's time to try your hand. For each competition, you will be given dry rations that will be useful to you for the last competition.

The first competition is announced.

Sharp arrows

Everyone can participate in the competition. Participants are divided into 2 teams. And everyone in turn throws a "grenade" (crumpled sheets of paper). A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must hit the box with a “grenade” in three attempts, while standing with his back. The team can give two hints, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target gets a point.

Mini football

Two teams of "football players" are recruited. A belt is tied to each player's waist, on which a belt is hung at the level of the knees. plastic bottle with a little water. These are football players. And the ball will be Matchbox. Players can only touch boxes with bottles. You can play for time, you can - until the first goal scored.


The participants are divided into teams. The facilitator prepares one word for each team (the number of letters must correspond to the number of participants) and tablets with letters (letters can be written on sheets of paper). Each player receives one letter. The task of the team is to make a word from the received letters and line up with the tablets in the appropriate order. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. (Example of words: tank, grenade, plane, machine gun)

Our soldier is rich in mind

Proverbs on military subjects are distributed. But the trouble is that proverbs fell and crumbled. You need to collect them. The speed and correctness of execution is evaluated.

  1. Difficult in teaching - easy in combat.
  2. There is safety in numbers.
  3. Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy.
  4. The will of the commander is a great force.
  5. Where there is courage, there is victory.
  6. I swore an oath - not a step back.

Military aviation

Participants receive one colored sheet of paper (each has its own color). Questions are written on the sheets. At the signal of the leader, the participants must make an airplane out of a sheet of paper and launch it to the audience. The speed and correctness of the aircraft manufacturing is evaluated. The spectator who caught the plane reads out the question and answers it. If the answer is correct, an additional point is awarded.

In what year did WWII start?

In what year did WWII end?

What great generals do you know?

How many days did the siege of Leningrad last?

army kitchen

This joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave warriors to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

And now you are probably already hungry, let's see what you got in your dry rations.

At the leader's command, you must open the rations and make a festive salad out of them.

While the defenders are preparing, the Guess the Melody contest is being held for the guests
Songs sound (see appendices). Spectators guess and sing songs.

III. Summarizing


Leading: So your one day in the army has come to an end. The call has taken place, it's time to swear in the recruits and hand over the military cards of the real knights of our class! Girls, line up your chosen ones on the parade ground. To the oath - get ready! Step march!

We are the future defenders of the Motherland, in the face of our comrades we solemnly promise: to protect, protect and defend our Motherland!
Congratulations to the winners, presentation of prizes.

February 23 in elementary school. Scenario of the competitive program for grade 4


Today is a holiday, but not an easy holiday.

Day of the Russian Army -

Invincible and steel

So, this is a man's day! ..

And today we have gathered to congratulate future men - future glorious defenders of the Fatherland, our boys! So, let's begin!

Student 1.

The date has a special meaning -

Sons of the brave birthday.

All the Russian people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

V. Matveev

Student 2.

The buckle on the belt sparkles

And shine from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called a vest.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

Waves crash here and there

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded.

K. Vanshenkin

Student 3.

The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky don't shine...

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border

Our sea, our land,

Our heaven is the watchman!

S. Marshak

Student 4.

Long live the artillerymen -

Defenders of our lands

Carriers of our shells,

Gunners hitting the target!

M. Matusovsky

Student 5.

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only in the exercises

The soldier went on the attack.

Let spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature awakens from sleep

And our children sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always!

Leading. Attention guys! Today we have prepared competitions for our girls and boys. Girls go first to the competition.

Competition for girls. Blitz poll "Men, men, men..."

2. What was the name of the prince from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"? (Elise.)

3. What was the name of the Russian commander, who was a very frail child in childhood? (A. Suvorov.)

4. Male name He is also the king of beasts. (A lion.)

5. A man in his prime. (Carlson.)

6. A young sailor serving on a ship. (Cabin boy.)

7. The captain of the Nautilus from the book by Jules Verne. (Nemo.)

8. Heroic act of a soldier. (Feat.)

9. The name of Gagarin. (Yuri.)

10. What is another name for a pilot? (Pilot.)

11. The hero of the Nosov trilogy, who knows nothing. (Dunno.)

12. Heroes of legends about the life and exploits of the Russian people. (Heroes.)

13. The villain from the book by K. Chukovsky, who lives in Africa. (Barmaley.)

14. Cook on a sea vessel. (Cook.)

15. The name of the boy, the main character of the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Denis Korablev.)

16. Main character story A. Gaidar, who created his team. (Timur.)

17. Russian prince, under whose leadership a victory was won over the Mongol-Tatars on the Don. (Dmitry Donskoy.)

18. The Russian tsar, who studied shipbuilding in Europe, was a joiner and carpenter. (Peter /.)

19. Clothes ancient Russian warriors that protected their body from injury. (Mail.)

20. List the three heroes depicted in Vasnetsov's painting. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

21. Who was in love with Malvina? (Pierrot.)

22. What is the name of the sea robber? (Pirate.)

23. Russian fabulist. (I. Krylov.)

24. Hero of Russian folk tale who cooked porridge from an ax. (Soldier.)

For boys, we have prepared competitions - tests for strength, ingenuity, endurance. Boys, are you ready? (Choose 2-3 teams of 4-8 players.)

Competition 1. "Collect a proverb"

Collect a proverb, the text of which is cut into words. Put it together and explain its meaning.

. "It's hard to learn - easy to fight."

. "A coward will consider a cockroach a giant."

. "There is safety in numbers".

Competition 2. "Make words"

Who will quickly and more make up words from the letters of the word "soldier". Time - 3 min. Then each team takes turns reading their words, avoiding repetition. Whoever has the most words wins.

Competition 3. "On duty"

Choose 3 players per team. They must quickly put on the uniform of the kitchen attendants (apron, sleeves and hat) and peel 3 potatoes. The team that does it most accurately and quickly wins.

Competition 4. "Cook"

The cook is preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

Bream cook takes

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

Putting jam in the oven

It interferes with the soup with a stalk,

Ugli beats with a ladle,

Sugar pours into the broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette

When the light was fixed.

O. Grigoriev

The next competition will be dedicated to vinaigrette. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and put in the dish only those that are included in the vinaigrette recipe.

Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickle, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, onions, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, jam, tomato.

Competition 5. "Crossing"

2 players from each team are selected. For the competition, you will need 6 sheets of cardboard or old plasticine boards.

It is necessary to go the distance, shifting the sheets of cardboard in front of you and alternately stepping strictly on the sheets either with your left or right foot. Return back running, holding sheets of cardboard in your hand. If the participant stumbles on the floor, then the team is awarded a penalty point. The team whose player completes the entire path faster and does not score a single penalty point wins.

Competition 6. "On a halt"

Selected from a team of 6 people. For the competition, you need 1 piece of paper for each team, 6 pencils. The first player receives a piece of paper and writes on it the first sentence on the topic "How we passed the minefield." Then the sheet is folded so that the written is not seen by other players. Each next player does the same. After all the sentences are written down, the whole story is read out. The team whose story is more interesting and funnier wins.

Competition 7. "Darts"

For the competition, teams line up in columns and alternately throw darts at targets attached to the board. The team that gets more points.

Competition 8. "Song"

Each team performs an army-themed song.


You showed courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, to everyone's surprise,

To stand guard over your Motherland

And honorably defend Russia from enemies!


Presentation of medals to the boys: “The most dexterous”, “The most courageous”, “The fastest”, “The most quick-witted”, “The most erudite”, “The most accurate”, “The most cheerful”, “The loudest”, “The most economic”, etc. .

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