The meaning of the name Stanislav (Stas). Name interpretation. Origin and character of the name Stanislav Male name Stanislav

The full name of Stas is Stanislav. This is a Polish nickname, however, it is formed by merging two words: "stan" - to become and "glory" - glory, glorious. Hence, several translation variations: "establishing glory", "becoming glorious." This name was ubiquitous in Poland, but eventually became fashionable in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Because the full name Stasa is Stanislav, then the female form of this nickname was originally formed by adding the ending to the male full name female. The result is Stanislava!

Stasya is Nastya? But why?

In general, the name Stasya is a derivative diminutive of the male Stas. This is what is commonly called in the family. little boy. Along with Stasya, a child can be called Stasik or Stasyushka ... Today, you can often hear from a teenage girl or a young woman that her name is Stasya ... At the same time, she is not Stanislava at all! She is the most ordinary... What happened? Where did the relationship between these names suddenly come from?

The fact is that the full name of Stas does not always sound like it was indicated earlier. Often he remains Stas according to his passport (this will be discussed later). In this case, we can talk about the adjacency of the two names. It is interesting that a third name is involved here - Anastas! Look here: Anastasia is the female form from Anastas (everyone remembers the politician Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan). However, this name has long been outdated and simplified to Stas. It turns out that both of these nicknames have the same root - "stas", only in the first case it is supplemented with other morphemes, turning into Anastasia, and in the second it becomes an independent name (Stas). The full name of a man is not similar to that of a woman. But on the other hand, their abbreviated forms are considered related to each other. The fact is that on the basis of the two main letters of the root "stas" - "s" and "t" there is a certain play on words: Anastasia = Stasu. This fact was put into the new fashion trends for names, namely, the simplification of the name Nastya to Stasya.

Some sources claim that it happened thanks to the Russian singer. She was one of the first to take the stage name "Stasya". And then, as they say, let's go... Today, every second girl named Nastya prefers to respond to Stasya... Here is such "arithmetic", friends!

Stanislav - is it Stas or Slava?

This problem can be viewed in two ways. The thing is, it's a paradox. Look: in most cases, an independent short has one or another full form: Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Borislav, Mstislav, Dobroslav, Vladislav and even ... Stanislav!

But this does not mean at all that all the above forms of names will necessarily be reduced to Glory!

Where did such a contradiction come from? It's all relative, friends. From the point of view of the laws of origin and combination of names, each of the above long form has its own abbreviation, for example, Yaroslav is Yarik, and Svyatoslav is Svyatik, Vladislav is Vlad, and Rostislav is Rostik. Another thing is when the parents of a baby, not heeding any rules and principles, from the very beginning can agree and agree on a short form of his name - Glory. In this case, they enter, for example, Vladislav on the birth certificate, while they call him Slava for short. It's the same with Stanislav... Subsequently, it is this "tacit" short form that becomes dominant.

By the way, the full name of Stas, for the same reason, can coincide with the short one: the happy dad goes to the registry office and enters Stas into the documents, and not Stanislav. When a child reaches the age of 14, he receives a passport in the name of, say, Stas Sergeevich, and not Stanislav Sergeevich. And one more thing: along with Stasy, the name Slava in the female variation of the same name is now gaining its popularity! Remember the singer Slava?

Details Created: 21/01/2016 19:15 Updated: 25/08/2017 12:35

Stanislav or Stas, as he likes to call himself in this, 2016 July 02, will celebrate his 31st birthday. He was born in ordinary family, where he was not a single child. Stas has a brother Sashenka, who is older than him and sisters - twins Snezhana and Svetlana.

And if you notice, you can see that the parents carefully chose the names of their children, because they all begin with the letter "S". According to many sources, Stas himself comes from Ukraine, the Zaporozhye region, and only when he was 11 years old, by coincidence, the whole family decided to move to Moscow and stay to live there. So, Bondarenko is considered both a Ukrainian and a Russian actor.

Stanislav with twin sisters


According to the media, Stas is the only one of the children who firmly decided that he would do acting skills. Although his parents have nothing to do with this area, because his mother is an assistant stylist, and his father is a builder. And their opinion was greatly divided after the son chose an acting profession for himself: mom was against it, dad was for it.

Stas with father and son

Stas' mom

Since childhood, Stas was a very athletic boy. From the age of 6, his mother took him to ballroom dancing, he also went in for sports and even went to karate. Instilled in him a love for sports early age grandfather, because he constantly dragged him to the gym in the morning.

Bondarenko quits smoking

When I entered GITIS and began to study, for some reason I abandoned sports - there was not enough time. But there is no dancing - he continued, even began to perform with the show studio "Vyzance".And here he was noticed. They asked for screen tests and the first leading role he receives in the serial series "Talisman of Love". Stas admitted more than once that he was terribly afraid, did not memorize the texts well and thought that nothing would work out. But just went on stage - away we go.

Stanislav's father celebrates his 50th birthday


But the real sensation and glory to Stas was brought by the picture " Give back my love". She appeared on television in 2014. There he played a major role in love triangle together with Olesya Fattakhova.He also starred in such films as "Provincial", "Street Racers", "Looking for You" and others.

Stanislav in the gym

Stas loves outdoor activities


According to sources, everything is fine in Stanislav's personal life. With my future wife- Yulechka, Stas met back in student years. He studied at GITIS, and Yulia was busy in the theater studio. Stas fell in love with her at first sight. This is understandable, because such a beauty is hard not to notice!

Stas's wife - Julia

Photo by Stanislav Bondarenko and Yulia Chiplieva

But a serious relationship in them began only after the second chance meeting where they met at a mutual friend's birthday party. And it all happened because, due to distraction, Stas lost Yulia's number. But fate brought them together again and Stas did not miss his moment.And in 2008, Stas and Yulia decided that they could no longer wait and got married.

Stanislav - sonorous and beautiful name. It endows its owner with activity, perseverance and sociability. But from time to time such a man can show excessive selfishness and excessive willfulness.

Name origin

The name Stanislav is of Polish origin and consists of two bases: "stan" ("become", "establish") and "slav" ("glory", "fame"). In translation, it means "become glorious", "gain glory."

Forms of the name Stanislav

Short forms of the name:

  • Stas;
  • Glory;
  • Stan;
  • Stasyan.

The short form Slava, like one of the bases of the word "glory", makes this name related to many others: Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, etc.

Diminutive forms:

  • Stanislavka;
  • Stanislavushka;
  • Stasechek;
  • Stanislavchik;
  • Stasik;
  • Stasechka;
  • Stasyushka;
  • Stasenka.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Stanislav - alloy, temper, crafty, curly; Stas - bass, hour, voice, pegasus, story.

Photo gallery: name forms

Stanislav - full name form
Stas - the most common short form of the name Stasik - one of the options for an affectionate appeal to Stanislav

IN Orthodox saints there is no name Stanislav. Such boys are most often baptized with Stachias, Stefans or Vyacheslavs.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - STANISLAV.

The patronymics formed from this name are Stanislavovich and Stanislavovna.

The Stanislavoviches are kind, but principled. Men with such a patronymic are reasonable, reliable and flexible. Stanislavovnas are charming, impressionable and responsive. Such women seem infantile, but they have a steel will.

Table: name variations in different languages

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Stanislav:

  • Aleksandrovich;
  • Valerievich;
  • Dmitrievich;
  • Leonidovich;
  • Sergeevich.
  • stasik;
  • stan;
  • stas;
  • s.tanislav;
  • st_as.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits of Stanislav:

  • leadership skills;
  • strong-willed character;
  • the desire to achieve the desired goal by all means;
  • selflessness and devotion;
  • willingness to help and support a loved one.

Negative qualities:

  • secrecy;
  • reticence;
  • touchiness;
  • stubbornness;
  • excessive self-criticism.

Stasik in childhood

Little Stasik is a friendly and cheerful boy who willingly makes contact with everyone. True, the attitude to the world around depends on his mood. He is capricious and demanding, easily manipulates his parents, achieving what he wants. This child is vulnerable, any comments addressed to him can bring the baby to hysterics.

Stas is difficult to educate, he tries in any way to attract the attention of others. But parents should not consider their son a selfish and capricious child. Behind his rebelliousness lies a struggle with himself and a desire to become stronger and more self-confident.

As a child, Stasik is capricious and demanding.

Stasik studies satisfactorily, it is easy for him to exact sciences He willingly answers the questions of teachers. Good grades do not motivate a boy to work harder. He is fascinated by other activities: sports, games, model building. Little Stanislav is very talented, he has good hearing, has acting skills.


The transitional age is extremely difficult for Stanislav. He is energetic and constantly fights for justice, sometimes using brute force. This guy prefers to make friends much older than himself, but often this is to the detriment of Stas. Due to the lack of attention of parents, imaginary comrades can easily drag him into big trouble.

Youth is a difficult period for Stas

The young owner of this name is resourceful, likes to play a trick on others. In his jokes, he most often makes fun of human shortcomings, and he does it in a rather rude way. Stanislav is extremely hostile to such witticisms in his address. If this guy does not reconsider his priorities, he can become a real bully, a real threat to society. Stubbornness and self-will prevent him from establishing relationships with other people. Due to the explosive nature, Stas makes many mistakes.

Despite everything, Stanislav is an optimistic and sympathetic guy. He has a rich imagination and a good-natured disposition. This young man never exposes his true feelings for show, fearing lies and betrayal. He is not upset because of failures, on the contrary, defeats harden him and make him stronger. Stas is always proud and pleased with himself. He prefers independence and freedom in everything.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of an adult man

According to Boris Khigir, Stanislav is a rude, arrogant and stubborn man who does not admit his mistakes. But the complex nature does not prevent him from being virtuous, helping and supporting others. This can attract selfish people to him. The owner of this name has many oddities that society often considers eccentricities. Such a feature can bring Stas the glory of a braggart and a pushover.

Stanislav, one of my former employees, was known among colleagues and those with whom he came across, just the way Boris Khigir describes the owner of this name, an eccentric and a pushover. He could well leave work and spend several hours on his cot, motivating this with a search for inspiration. This man believed that his tasks and requests should always be paramount, because he is engaged in truly important matters, and others are nonsense. The bosses and employees put up with these features of Stas thanks to his professionalism and charm.

According to Higir, Stanislav can show excessive arrogance and incredible stubbornness

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that such a name endows its owner with irascibility and energy. He cannot be called overly active, but such a man does not hold perseverance. Another feature of Stanislav is his wit, sometimes too harsh and merciless towards other people.

Pierre Rouget claims that Stas is a closed and insecure man. He has a rich inner world. The owner of this name is stubborn, it is impossible to convince him of anything. If someone tries to impose his own opinion on him, he may respond with undisguised irritation. Often Stanislav is cruel and rude to others. He likes to appropriate other people's merits and demonstrate his superiority. He loves luxury, strives to get the best out of life. Such a man is not without cunning and deceit, perhaps that is why he wins in any situation.

Talents and hobbies

Stanislav loves books. Sometimes he just goes headlong into reading. fantasy stories, adventures, stories of the struggle between good and evil fascinate him. Also, this man loves to spend time with friends and family. Stas constantly needs communication, loneliness depresses him.

Stanislav loves to read

Career and business of Stanislav

Erudition and the ability to adapt to any circumstances help Stanislav achieve success in any field. But he prefers professions that allow him to fully reveal his creative potential. True, the owner of this name will cope well with monotonous work.

For Stas, material reward is not as important as getting pleasure from the work done. Therefore, if the chosen profession turns out to be profitable, but will not morally satisfy him, most likely the man will change it to a more interesting activity. Stanislav is full of different ideas, ready to experiment. He does not want to depend on anyone and considers himself the main link, without which the company will not succeed.

Stas prefers creative professions, he can become a good photographer or journalist

As a boss, the owner of this name is demanding and despotic. He is hard to please, as Stas's mood can change several times a day. This man is inclined to give himself completely to work, he requires the same attitude from his subordinates. Often unrestrained, despotic, does not forgive anyone for mistakes. In a fit of anger, he becomes uncontrollable.

Freedom-loving and independent Stanislav can open his own business, but his pride and selfishness can destroy all plans at once. Such a man prefers to make decisions on his own, while he pursues only personal goals, which ultimately leads to large losses.


Stanislav is not distinguished by good health. It is vulnerable to colds and infectious diseases. To strengthen the immune system, a man should lead healthy lifestyle life, monitor your diet, avoid drafts and hypothermia. The owner of such a name tends to work hard, and the absence good rest leads to nervous breakdown.

It is important for Stanislav to adhere to a healthy lifestyle

Stanislav in love and marriage

Stanislav is accustomed to independence, he appreciates his freedom. Such a man does not want to take responsibility, preferring short-term relationships. Although his charm and good-natured disposition does not leave girls indifferent. The owner of this name is too passionate about himself and his interests. But still, if Stas truly loves, he will become a reliable shoulder for his beloved.

To attract the attention of Stas, a woman must be patient, versatile, delicate and wise. His chosen one needs to support a man in everything and sincerely rejoice at his achievements. Praise from the chosen one makes the bearer of this name more self-confident and motivates to achieve new goals.

Stanislav needs a calm and complaisant wife

Stanislav may marry his first love, but such a marriage is unlikely to last. IN adulthood this man will opt for a calm and complaisant woman who is able to please her husband in everything. Marriage the owner of this name ends in divorce, not because of his complex nature, but because of betrayal. The feelings of the owner of this name flare up very quickly, but just as quickly cool down. And with an unloved woman, Stas will not live even for the sake of joint children.

The family for this man is another opportunity to realize himself. In public, he plays the role of caring and loving husband and father, but in fact Stas is extremely demanding and tough. If something does not suit him, he is able to arrange loud scandal. This person sets clear personal boundaries that neither his wife nor children allow him to violate. Stanislav's wife must be aware that her husband's independence and love of freedom will not disappear even after decades of marriage.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship Features
Olga60% 70% In this union, harmonious relations are established. The partners have a lot in common, they like to spend time together. Despite the temper of Stanislav and Olga, their marriage bonds are strong and unbreakable.
Anna70% 60% Compliant and prudent Anna condescendingly refers to the shortcomings of her husband. Stanislav does not try to teach and remake the girl for himself. Mutual understanding reigns in their family.
Elena80% 20% Passionate and charming Elena strives to be in the center of everyone's attention. Jealous Stanislav is annoyed. Due to endless quarrels and scandals, they quickly part.
Julia50% 80% The relationship of these people can only be envied. Partners understand each other perfectly. There is no place for quarrels in their house, Stas and Yulia are ready to give in and seek compromises. Their union is usually strong and durable.
Anastasia80% 40% Stanislav is an independent and freedom-loving man, he does not want to reckon with the opinion of the chosen one. Anastasia, on the other hand, tends to show leadership qualities and control her partner in everything. Such relationships don't last long.
Tatiana70% 40% Calm Tatyana strives to get to know her partner as best as possible. She is attracted by the good-natured disposition and sense of humor of Stas. But the man is unnerved by the indecision of the girl, and she lacks care and attention from her beloved.
Catherine100% 40% For such people, not so much romance is important as exciting adventures, the joint embodiment of common ideas and plans. Their relationship is not devoid of passion, it's just that in the life of Stanislav and Ekaterina this is not the main thing.
Natalia60% 30% Stanislav gallantly takes care of Natalya, gives her original gifts. Partners strive for vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. But routine and everyday life can destroy their union.
Maria80% 90% This woman is perfect for Stanislav. Maria is smart, flexible, she will not limit her beloved in his interests and hobbies. Such an alliance promises them a happy family future.
Irina100% 60% The relationship of this couple is built solely on friendship. Partners fully trust each other, they have similar views and beliefs. Together, they overcome all obstacles and achieve their desired goals.
Svetlana90% 50% In this union, two creative personalities converge, who always have something to talk about and something to discuss. Stas and Sveta get along well with each other, and regular violent outbursts of emotions only provoke and inspire them.
Hope60% 40% Such an alliance is shaky and unstable. Purposeful and responsible Nadezhda is annoyed by the frivolity and selfishness of Stanislav, who does not want to take responsibility and make important decisions.
Victoria100% 40% They shine in public, they are considered a strong and happy couple. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Stanislav and Victoria often break off relations due to financial difficulties.
Ksenia90% 60% Such people study each other for a long time before getting married. Only being completely confident in their choice, Stanislav and Ksenia decide to create a family in which both will be loved and happy.
Evgenia50% 30% Stas and Zhenya value their freedom, they are stubborn and independent, constantly in conflict with each other, proving their case. Frequent showdowns do not lead to anything good, the couple usually decides to break up.
Daria60% 90% Daria is a modest girl who bewitches Stanislav at first sight. They have a harmonious relationship filled with love, care and mutual understanding. Such a marriage is once and for all life.

The meaning of each letter of the name

C - the desire to achieve financial well-being in order to live a life of luxury and not deny yourself anything. Strict and demanding, do not forgive mistakes. There are two of these letters in the name Stanislav, and one of them is the first, so the influence of such a sign is enhanced.

T - creativity, resourcefulness, versatility. They do their best to turn their ideas into reality.

A - activity, leadership, vigor. Active creators in all spheres of life. Due to the fact that there are two letters "A" in the name, their influence is doubled.

N - critical thinking, pickiness in choosing friends. They lead a healthy lifestyle. Conscientious and diligent workers.

And - subtle connoisseurs of beauty. Carefully think over the image, monitor their appearance. They are harsh and arrogant, because of this, relations with others deteriorate.

L - extraordinary personalities, have their own vision of beauty. Diversely developed, have a rich imagination.

B - emotionality, responsiveness, interest, optimism, vanity.

The name Stanislav consists of nine letters, which means that such a man loves luxury, an idle lifestyle. His casual aristocratic manners and ability to subtly feel the situation make Stas extremely attractive to girls.

Table: name matches

StoneMalachitepersonification vital energy. Malachite is believed to bring good luck. An amulet made of this stone improves oratory skills and harmonizes relationships with other people.
ColorGreenSuccessful and financially secure people. At the same time, finances play a secondary role in their lives. They love silence. Free time spend outdoors with friends and family. They quickly forget the unpleasant moments of life. Failures temper them and give them strength.
Number2 Reasonable and pragmatic people. Responsive, sincere and communicative. Conscientious employees always do their job well. often reach high altitudes in a career.
PlanetUranusCreative, freedom-loving, resourceful and fickle people. Sometimes they can be overly assertive.
ElementWaterThey trust their inner instinct, which never fails them. Under any circumstances, they win. Creative personalities, strive to implement as many of their ideas as possible. They can violently show discontent, they are easily pissed off.
AnimalCamelA symbol of endurance, power and perseverance, but at the same time - arrogance and lust for power. A figurine of a pair of camels, each with one hump on its back, attracts wealth to the family. A couple of two-humped people contributes to wealth and success.
Zodiac signTwinsThese people are dualistic. Their actions often depend on mood. This spoils relationships with others, but it makes them more resistant to failure. They cannot stand loneliness, they need regular communication with relatives and friends.
TreeAshThe personification of youth, prosperity and vitality. This tree is able to direct a person on the right path. It is believed that the ash opens the gift of divination. True, an amulet made of such wood will be useless for those who pursue evil goals.
PlantNarcissusA symbol of selfishness and pride. At the same time, this flower is the personification of fertility, spring and eternal youth. Believe that the narcissist is able to restore happy relationship in family.
MetalSilverA symbol of purity, prosperity, eternal youth and peace. This metal clears the mind of negative thoughts and absorbs bad emotions. Silver can warn of various ailments. If the chain, ring or talisman began to change its shade, you should pay attention to your health.
auspicious dayMonday
Important years of life15, 23, 35

When was Stanislav born?

Stanislav, who was born in winter, is prudent, reasonable, silent and unperturbed. This man lives in his own fantasy world. He is very attractive to the fair sex. In a team and among friends, he acts as an authority, an example to follow. People around him listen to his advice.

Winter Stanislav calm and unruffled

Spring Stas is in a continuous struggle for superiority. He considers himself impeccable, beyond any competition. For such a man, only his own interests are important, he is not interested in the desires of others. Even in relations with a woman, he shows gallantry only until he receives from a beautiful person what he needs.

Spring Stanislav selfish and narcissistic

Stanislav, who was born in one of summer days, sociable, responsive and charming. He is able to adapt to any company, while feeling comfortable. Honors friendship, not capable of betrayal. Such a man is a pleasant conversationalist, he is always ready to listen and give useful advice.

Summer Stas is charming and sociable

Autumn Stas is a modest, vulnerable and insecure man. It is very easy to offend him, he experiences betrayal for a long time. Often he cannot solve problems on his own, usually he needs the advice of relatives and friends. He's hard to find with women mutual language. Soft, friendly and discreet.

Autumn Stanislav is quiet and vulnerable

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn active, extraordinary and resourceful man with pronounced leadership qualities. His desire to make a good impression is sometimes manifested by talkativeness and inability to keep other people's secrets. Stas-Aries does not like to talk about himself.
TaurusAttentive, reasonable and disciplined man who does not tend to make reckless decisions. He carefully plans his actions. Stanislav-Taurus seems boring to many, but constancy is important for him, to which he constantly strives.
TwinsCheerful, sympathetic, good-natured and peaceful. This man takes life lightly. He is restless and constantly craves new experiences. In relations with women, he is frivolous, does not want to take responsibility, because of this, his novels are short-lived.
CancerA temperamental, quick-tempered, wayward and unpredictable man, his mood often changes. Stanislav-Rak is easy to offend, he worries about failures for a long time, and is prone to prolonged depression.
a lionA charming, graceful, and intelligent man who easily wins the respect of others. Fair, delicate, under any circumstances able to remain calm. Stanislav-Lev is an excellent interlocutor, an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener. His optimism energizes everyone around him.
VirgoThe pragmatic and prudent Stanislav-Virgo will never miss his advantage. This is a cunning and agile man, able to circle anyone around his finger. Well versed in psychology, easily gains trust influential people. With women, he is cold and arrogant.
ScalesA hot-tempered man with a controversial character. It is difficult for him to sit in one place, but at the same time he loves peace and homeliness. Stanislav-Libra is easy to piss off, but he will not show violent emotions. Knows how to appreciate friendship and selflessly love.
ScorpionOptimistic, good-natured and sociable man. The soul of the company, he is always and everywhere a welcome guest. His zest for life motivates others to achieve their goals. The advice of Stas-Scorpio is very valuable for others. Gets very frustrated with failure. It is unusual for him to plan his future, he lives here and now.
SagittariusAn unpredictable, quick-tempered and irritable man. Jealous and envious, does not know how to rejoice in the success of others. Stanislav-Sagittarius cannot be called the master of his word, he easily forgets about the promises he made. Because of this, he has problems in relationships with other people.
CapricornThe prudent, prudent and pragmatic Stanislav-Capricorn is used to being always and everywhere the first. He does not like to lose, for the sake of his goal he is capable of anything. This man has everything planned for years to come, he is not afraid of difficulties and is rapidly moving towards success.
AquariusA simple-hearted, optimistic and sympathetic man who never loses heart and perceives everything with irony. His main quality is an excellent sense of humor, which attracts others to him. He takes on any job with great enthusiasm, but quickly loses interest in it, often leaving the job unfinished.
FishAn open and cheerful man. His ability to subtly persuade people to his opinion helps him achieve considerable success in life. It is impossible to deceive Stanislav-Pisces himself, since he is well versed in people.

Famous people

Notable men with this name:

  • Stanislav Leshchinsky - Polish king;
  • Stanisław Lem - Polish writer, philosopher, science fiction writer, satirist and futurist; his books have been translated into 41 languages, with over 30 million copies sold;
  • Stanislav Govorukhin - Russian film director, Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, public figure;
  • Stas Namin - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, producer, artist and photographer, theater and film director, president of SNC Corporation, creator and leader of the Flowers group;
  • Stanislav Rostotsky - Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter, teacher, National artist USSR, author of the films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, “White Bim Black Ear” and many others;
  • Stanislav Mikhailov - Russian crooner, songwriter, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Stanislav Vostokov - children's writer, naturalist;
  • Stas Piekha - Russian singer, grandson of the singer Edita Piekha;
  • Stanislav Zhuk - Russian athlete and figure skating coach, master of sports, honored coach of the USSR, champion of the USSR in pair skating;
  • Stanislav Lyubshin - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Songs with this name: "Love, which is under current" by the group "Ranetki", "Papa Stas" by Mikhail Basaev.

Photo gallery: famous Stanislavs

Stanislav Vostokov - children's writer Stanislav Govorukhin - Russian film director Stanislav Zhuk - Russian athlete and figure skating coach Stanislav Lem - Polish writer, philosopher, science fiction writer Stanislav Leshchinsky - Polish king Stanislav Lyubshin - Soviet and Russian actor
Stanislav Mikhailov - Russian pop singer Stanislav Rostotsky - Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter Stas Namin - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, producer Stas Piekha - Russian singer

Stanislav is active, optimistic, purposeful, persistent, sociable and responsive. But at the same time, it can show irritability and selfishness. Such a man does not know how to show delicacy, because of this, he often offends the pride of others. Thanks to charm, perseverance and leadership qualities, Stas usually achieves a lot in life.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Sexual life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy, happiness, and therefore, he believes, it cannot be burned through. In Stanislav's hierarchy of values, the ability to live a full-blooded sexual life, experiencing the fullness of sensory sensations, is given one of the first places.

Sex for him is an excellent mystery, which he raises almost to the level of a cult. Stanislav loves emotional experiences, in which not only the body is involved. Appreciating physical pleasure, he always longs for something more. He receives complete satisfaction if he can plunge headlong into his experiences and sensations. His emotionality does not allow him to have several partners at the same time, he opposes new hobbies and strives, as long as possible, to remain faithful to one girlfriend.

"Winter" Stanislav is somewhat cold and reserved compared to "summer", he is able to be a good partner only for very few women. Those around him admire him, but know little about him, since he is closed in himself, "Summer" Stanislav is a broad nature, loved by everyone, spends money left and right, loves to show off his generosity to a woman. "Autumn" Stanislavs often experience in their youth the tragedy of unrequited love, which remains in their memory for a long time and greatly interferes with their relationships with other women.

Stanislav is proud in everything related to his own success. He marries for love, but there is always some calculation in his choice. Short-term meetings with other women, as a rule, pass without a trace and practically do not affect his married life. His intimate life is always hidden from prying eyes; he does not like to talk about sex.

By Higiru

Borrowed from Polish: Stanislav - become glorious.

Stanislav is a somewhat psychopathic child, he achieves his goal at any cost, stubborn and unrestrained. And although he a kind person, these traits hinder him all his life. He is impudent, biased in assessing the current situation, and does not always admit his guilt. He may have trouble with the district police officer, fights with peers. And he will easily offend the girl, because, without showing the necessary restraint, he will act rudely and straightforwardly.

Stanislav should not choose professions that require unquestioning obedience to the leader. But the team, where Stanislav will be the boss, will have a hard time: it is difficult to please him, it is not easy to adapt to the changing mood and a peculiar train of thought that is not clear to everyone. However, the complexity of the character does not prevent him from being a broad and generous nature. True, Stanislav often does not know the measure, and selfish people can take advantage of this.

Sometimes Stanislavs are reputed to be eccentrics, and this dissimilarity to others is not a game or panache - they really are. Even when caring for his future wife, Stanislav does this differently than anything that can cause ridicule and banter from friends and acquaintances. Stanislav's wife is usually timid and accommodating. He does not get along with a stubborn and domineering woman. He usually treats his wife well and often repents of his intemperance. The wife sometimes suffers from the impracticality of her husband. Relations with the wife's parents are usually good.

Stanislav drinks very moderately. Able to surprise his wife with a completely unexpected gift for her. Moderately jealous. He should take care of his nerves and it is better not to drive a car.

His marriage with Aurora, Aza, Borislav, Veronica, Vesta, Elena, Larisa, Lily, Oksana, Rimma, Roxana, Tamara, Ella, Yulia, Yana will be successful. Marriage with Ada, Berta, Bogdana, Valentina, Venus, Veta, Gella, Juliet, Eugenia, Zinaida, Lada, Marina, Marta, Svetlana, Sophia, Khristina will not be happy.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Glorious" (Slavic)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name involves significant excitability and mobility. Of course, this does not mean that Stas will not be able to sit still at all, but nevertheless, such traits are somehow reflected in his character. Also, compared to other names, it resembles light cavalry among heavier brethren. No offense will be said, but such lightness and mobility of the word even led to the fact that in some regions of Russia and the CIS "stasiks" are called nimble domestic cockroaches. Interestingly, such qualities often make Stas himself behave in an emphatically rude and firm manner, as if by his behavior he seeks to refute the sound energy of his name. This state of affairs is especially characteristic of adolescence "transitional" age and, combined with Stas's significant excitability, can make him rather hooligan and even pugnacious. Alas, this is the way of many sensitive people with rather painful pride.

Most likely, at school, Stas will have many problems with both study and behavior, however, his agile mind usually quickly helps to catch up on lost knowledge, and developed (sometimes even too much) pride gives him perseverance to achieve his goals. So it is hardly surprising if the lagging school curriculum Stas will suddenly enter some prestigious institute. Another one characteristic, associated with the name of Stas, is his penchant for wit, which in his mouth can be very caustic, while he himself, due to his touchiness, can react very painfully to other people's witticisms. If his boyish pride develops into ambitious aspirations with age, Stas is able to start his own promotion to fame through a scandal. Indeed, it is not uncommon for people to become famous on the crest of any scandalous stories, the main thing is that there really is some value behind this, otherwise nothing but trouble is expected. However, the scandalous path, although it is fast, is still quite difficult not to notice its obvious inconveniences, it is too easy to lose friends, warmth, and even talent along the way.

Be that as it may, no matter which path Stas chooses, it will not hurt him to control his vulnerability and ability to be offended, otherwise these qualities can lead him far and pretty ruin his life.

Secrets of communication: Often, when a conflict situation arises in communication with Stas, it is useful to remember that the reason for this is just his vulnerability. If behind the mask of a witty mocker you can see his emotional experiences and show him a little warmth, then it is quite possible that you will find a true reliable friend.

The trace of a name in history:

Stanislav Govorukhin

“And now Humpbacked! I said, Hunchbacked!”, “Purse, purse… What kind of purse is this?” - without exaggeration, we can say that the lines from the cult film "The meeting place cannot be changed" at one time were literally stolen by the whole country into quotes. And until now, decades after the release of the picture on the screen, it is watched with pleasure and great interest not only by the older generation, but also by young people brought up on American blockbusters and animated series. And no wonder: the plot of the picture keeps you in suspense, and the acting makes you forget about reality not only at the first, but also at the second, tenth viewing...

What is the secret of the attraction of this brilliant film? In the charisma of Vladimir Vysotsky or the skill of the script writers? To some extent, both, but the unwritten law says that the film is primarily the director's autograph. His face, his business card. After all, it is the director who chooses the script, selects the actors for the role, and manages the entire process at his own peril and risk. And only the director is able to make his film real. Or fail to do it, as happens with the vast majority of films - even if they are filmed in Hollywood, for hundreds of millions of dollars.

So the director Stanislav Govorukhin (born in 1936), who shot the famous "Meeting Place", managed the almost impossible, and many of his other films - such as "Angel's Day", "You Can't Live Like This", "Russia, which we Lost”, “Ten Little Indians”, “Bless the Woman” – also managed to take their rightful place in Russian cinema.

Despite the fact that he is known more as a director, Stanislav Govorukhin himself does not consider this his only vocation. On the contrary, the scope of his activities is so wide that one can only be surprised. So, in addition to directing and acting in films, at one time he was actively interested in painting, and he had a solo exhibition. In addition, Govorukhin is the author of the book "The Great Criminal Revolution", writes articles in newspapers and magazines. However, his favorite pastime by far is politics.

This energetic, versatile man greatest demands presents first of all to himself. "I treat myself as a bad, scary and annoying person," he explains to reporters, either jokingly or seriously. But it seems unlikely that these sensations have much in common with reality.

1. Personality: the secret flowers of the earth

2. Color: purple

3. Main features: susceptibility - sexuality - sociability - intelligence

4. Totem plant: orange tree

5. Spirit animal: camel

6. Sign: Capricorn

7. Type. Secretive, indecisive, with a difficult character. Cholerics who are constantly in a state of boiling - only one cycle passes, as another approaches. Appreciate only the pleasant aspects of life.

8. Psyche. Such people need to communicate, although they themselves live rich inner life. Do not give in to the influence of others, often just stubborn.

9. Will. It prevails over other character traits, but it manifests itself too selectively. It happens that these people skimp on their duties in order to completely surrender to some minor hobbies.

10. Imagination. It serves them only to tell in all colors about their real or imaginary adventures.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. High. They love to contradict favorite word- "No". They react calmly to failures, do not get angry, they do not see their fault in that, believing that others are to blame for their failures.

12. Field of activity. They can be merchants, mining engineers, farmers, military doctors, veterinarians. They like to be in the thick of life, they choose a profession without any problems, because from a young age they know what they want.

13. Intuition. It borders on foresight, although these people are more guided by reason than sixth sense.

14. Intelligence. Strong, but somewhat superficial. Prone to generalizations, solve the problem as a whole, without going into details. They love to give speeches and reports.

15. Susceptibility. They use the word “mine” too often: “my wife”, “my car”, “my house” ... They are somewhat despotic, they believe that everything around belongs to them. Family is of great importance to them.

16. Morality. They conduct themselves prudently. But still, these men are not very reliable... They are opportunists who adapt to circumstances.

17. Health. Surprisingly excellent. However, they should not forget about the liver and therefore should not abuse alcohol. You may be allergic to antibiotics.

18. Sexuality. They have unlimited needs, they are always ready to enter into a love affair to put out their heat. IN sexual life- always very stormy and early beginning - they go ahead to the goal, which often ends in trouble.

19. Activity. There is a huge difference between what they want to do and what they tell everyone in a row, and what they actually do.

20. Sociability. They are cheerful interlocutors, like to eat tasty food with friends.

21. Conclusion. These men do everything for their own comfort, they are looking for an easy and have a nice life, besides, they are too self-confident, but in general - they are very nice and nice people.

Lunar calendar for today

Day of love, increased female sexual energy. Energy of the 17th lunar day contributes to the acquisition inner freedom, on this day stereotypes break, you can get rid of bad habits. It's a fun day...

After the release of the melodramatic series "Talisman of Love" on TV actor Stanislav Bondarenko loved by many. Carefree and charming, smart and cheerful ... Why not an object for the night dreams of young romantic ladies? Like most actors, the first successful role stuck to him for a long time. Despite the fact that there are more than forty films shot in his filmography, the audience still believes that Stas is very similar to his hero Pavel Uvarov. What Stanislav Bondarenko in real life? Interesting? Then, read on...

A brief tour of the biography of Stas Bondarenko

An artist is born July 2, 1985 in the small Ukrainian town of Dneproprudny, Zaporozhye region. His childhood passed among ordinary boys, who in the summer with loud cries ran to swim in the Kakhovka reservoir. He studied at school so-so, so he deservedly was a C student. He was raised by his stepfather, as his parents divorced early. The Bondarenko family was big. Stas grew up with twin sisters and stepbrother. When the boy was eleven years old, his whole family moved to Moscow for permanent residence, where he still lives.

About artistic career Stanislav Bondarenko never dreamed. Even in his school years, he wanted to become a doctor, and then an engineer. Parents strongly supported his undertakings and new "Wishlist". At first, the guy was engaged in martial arts. And then, having fallen deeply in love with a girl, Stasik wanted to study ballroom dancing with her. Learning the waltz and foxtrot, quickstep and tango captivated the young man so much that he soon became an enviable dancer!

The story of Stanislav proves once again that there are no accidents in our life...

If it wasn't for that girl future actor would never go dancing. If he had not gone to dance, the GITIS teachers would not have noticed him ... But it was during his performance on the stage of the evening theater that his plasticity and artistry in dance interested one of the artistic directors of the institute, Vladimir Teplyakov.

From that day on, the guy left the dream of entering the aviation institute, and easily passed the audition for the acting department. In GITIS, Bondarenko was noted as an extremely diligent student. Moreover, Stas, as best student received an increased stipend. After finishing studies young actor was invited to work in the Theater. Moscow City Council.

Since 2004, the artist has been playing on the theater stage and successfully acting in films. There are about fifty roles in his repertoire. And in the filmography there are such famous series and melodramas as:

  • "Talisman of love";
  • "Waiting for a miracle";
  • "Happy together";
  • "My mother is against";
  • "Provincial";
  • "Return my love";
  • "I am looking for you";
  • "Princess from Khrushchev";
  • « golden cage»;
  • "Provocateur" and many others.

Recently, a new film was released with the participation of Stanislav Bondarenko "Do not offer intimacy". In the two-part romantic comedy, the actor got the role of a handsome man leading a cheerful bachelor lifestyle. Surprisingly, in real life Stanislav was not single for long. Already at the age of 23 he became a married man ...

Personal life of Stanislav Bondarenko

The young actor met his future wife as a student. Yulia Chiklieva attended a theater studio, and passion immediately broke out between the young people. In 2008, they officially got married.

Soon the couple had their first child. The newborn son was named Mark.

But, unfortunately, seven years later, Julia and Stas divorced.

Stanislav Bondarenko with his wife saved friendly relations. The popular actor often sees his son, and together with Yulia participates in all important events for the child.

As often happens, the reason for the divorce of Yulia and Stas was another woman ... Probably most of the actors at least once, but start an affair with a stage partner. So it happened with Stas. On the set of the film "Golden Cage", the artist met a beautiful model, the former "Miss Russia 2010" Irina Antonenko. It was hard for the young womanizer to resist the beautiful model. This was the beginning of the end of their marriages ... Like Stas, Irina also divorced her husband, but a little earlier, in 2014.

After the divorce of the actor, everyone around it became aware that Stanislav Bondarenko and Irina Antonenko meet. The couple stopped hiding their close relationship. Now they can often be seen at social events. Yes, and their joint photos from the rest regularly appear on the network.

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