Meladze showed how happy he is with Dzhanabaeva media. Albina dzhanabaeva first spoke about her relationship with Valery Meladze and showed her eldest son. Getting out of the love triangle

0 June 28, 2018, 21:05

Recently, Albina Dzhanabaeva congratulated Valery Meladze on June 23, the popular singer turned 53 years old, and now she spoke about family life with him in an interview with the Russian edition of Telenedelya.

In 2014, Valery and Albina registered their relationship, which began long before that. Now the couple is raising two sons, 14-year-old Konstantin and Luka, who will turn four next week.

On the birth of children and difficulties:
In my life there were different periods. With my youngest son, Luka, I sat for a long time in maternity leave— this is my own decision, and it was a pleasure for me. With the eldest, Kostya, it turned out differently: I started touring very early - at that time he was not even six months old. And the work is so intensive that it was difficult to combine it with the upbringing of a baby. The VIA Gra group was in its prime, we traveled a lot - we gave concerts almost every day. Of course, when I came home, I tried my best to compensate Kostya for my absence. But what can you do when you have two days left with your child, and he has not seen you for a week before? Of course, I was nervous all the time because of the whole situation. But I became part of the group and could not say: "You know, I need to stay at home - I'll probably miss this tour, I won't go with you."

About the hobbies of the eldest son Konstantin:
While doing a little of everything. Swimming - here he has serious successes, medals and awards. Golf, teaches languages. We try to encourage his interests. Surprisingly, with a complete, it would seem, lack of free time (studying at school, lessons at home, sections), he manages to watch movies and manages to show us knowledge about these films - both premieres and old films, 1970-80s . Maybe he mastered some secret way to watch movies at high speed? Don't know. But when we discuss what we saw with him, I understand that he has his own special view of cinema - the view of a film critic. He knows how to clearly and correctly discuss what he has seen, to see the goals and objectives, their implementation, he structures everything very competently. And maybe that's his future.

About younger son Luke:
He is a very energetic child. We recently sent him to gymnastics, for an hour a day he runs there, jumps, jumps on trampolines, and only after that, after leaving the training session, he slightly loses his excess energy, and you can communicate with him like a human being. Otherwise, he does not sit still for a second.

On the influence of Valery Meladze on his sons:
It seems to me that in general, any dad is connected to the upbringing of children when they are already becoming a little older. They love to go to the pool together, walk, watch movies. Sometimes Kostya comes with some kind of microcircuits, light bulbs, the two of them sit down and figure out how everything works.

Source "Telenedelya"

Instagram photo

Opposites attract. This law of nature is once again confirmed by famous artists in their first joint interview.

ABOUT neither enter the frame, and the only thing left for the camera is to click the shutter. Any angle is good, in front of the lens is a real movie, what is called the chemistry of relationships. The retro style is close to them - it seems that the observers have fallen into the past and see the usual picture at the bar, and not modern artists who have tried on the images of Bonnie and Clyde. Valery showers Albina with compliments. “I told Albina many times that I would like to see her in this image,” he notes. “It is quite possible that this photo shoot will help her adopt this style. In my life, shooting a video or photo shoot often led to image changes. a secondary thing comes to the fore. Many years ago I had a similar photo session, but the main thing was missing - a woman. A shadow in the background, a female silhouette - and everything would have worked out. When there is a mood in the frame, it immediately works on the image. With duet songs too.If a real duet happens between a man and a woman, no one pulls the blanket over himself, then the song shoots powerfully.In the case of Albina, we don’t even need to agree, everything worked out for us a long time ago ( laughs)".

At the "Heat" festival in Baku, you and Albina presented a duet. How did you choose the song "No fuss"?

We prepared it for a TV program, and then decided to sing it at my evening at the festival. They did not take it seriously - they thought it was a one-time action. But the success of the duo suggests that it may be worth continuing in this direction.

Before that, Albina sang your song "Samba" of the white moth ...

Yes, she chose it herself, she always liked this song very much. She did a great arrangement.

Albina and Valery have different tastes, outlook on the world, temperament, but this does not prevent them from "looking in the same direction"
(Albina: blouse, Alberta Ferretti; trench coat, Escada; beret with veil, Bessarion; earrings, ring, Mercury. Valery: shirt, Kiton; suit, Brioni; coat, Ermenegildo Zegna; chain watch, Patek Philippe)

I am surprised by the comments "Do you really want to cover Valery?". Not at all, no one can do it. We have different temperaments and I wanted to sing it my own way. I invited the arranger Alex Davia, and we created a dance composition.

On November 16, the anniversary concert "Valery Meladze" was held in the Kremlin. The program turned out not to be too strict, as one might think ...

I am strict and restrained only when I bring up children. But in life, and especially on stage, I am very emotional person. Spectators are convinced every time that emotions at the concert are overflowing. After all, my songs are about love, about relationships. With a touch of sadness and humor. The concert in the Kremlin consisted of the best songs that were invented in those 20 extra years that I take the stage, and a block of new compositions. Sometimes I consult with the audience, choosing the repertoire, I ask what they want to hear.

Many artists go to different experiments to "catch the hype", to attract attention. It's hard to imagine you in their place. Is this path unacceptable for you?

As much as I don't like the word "hype", I don't like everything that it means. And many for the sake of this make inappropriate steps. My brother Kostya and I never succumb to the general flow. Some time ago, even a duet with the VIA Gra group was perceived as a challenge. Like, how can you, an adult solid singer, sing with a frivolous team. But it turned out two great works that I'm proud of. Especially "Attraction No More". Then Kostya and I don’t have the feeling that we have reached a creative dead end. I have a certain image, a creative reputation, which I did not easily get, which I cherish, and there are great prospect for activity. Why take drastic steps away from what is already so good?

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva in the shooting of HELLO!
(Valery: shirt, Kiton; suit, tie, Brioni. Albina: dress, Dolce watch, Patek Philippe; ring, Garrard)

In understanding your personality, it is important to take into account the fact that you are the son of Georgia, although you have been living in Moscow for a long time, and in terms of the amount of talent you have long become a man of the world. Or have you moved away from your small homeland?

In no case did I move away from her, but I met many people who were consonant with me, with the same views on life, who were born and raised in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Baltic States ... Then we all influenced each other. Now they see more negative things in the USSR, but, in my opinion, there were many positive things: the penetration of cultures. This merger gave a very interesting powerful effect in art, music, literature... Of course, I have a partly Georgian mentality, but my life principles are not so much national as universal. I look at everything simply - from the point of view of a responsible person. And my children take an example from me.

Every man is pleased when a bright woman is next to him. But is it hard for you to accept that she is so independent, brave?

I like it. Once I realized that human relationships are based on freedom. Either you trust a person, or you don't, then at least surround him with fences, don't let him go anywhere - nothing makes sense. The high of a relationship is in a situation where you give a person complete freedom, and he chooses you. If allowed to be realized, he will be happy. And not to give - he will feel inferior. I like everything in our relationship.

Your work requires a lot of dedication. Both you and Albina need a rear. Have you ever discussed the question that having two stars under the same roof is incompatible with ordinary life?

There is such an opinion. Not only did we not face this problem, we just adapted. When I have concerts, Albina is waiting for me at home, where comfort and order reign. When she has concerts, I am waiting for her: I sit quietly at the TV in home clothes. And it happens that we go to some kind of "Heat", and both are already in the role of people who are preparing for the stage. Everything human is forgotten, the artistic comes to the fore, but this requires a certain concentration. It is necessary that no one touches you, does not interfere. We have different dressing rooms, and we can arrive on different flights and not even cross paths backstage. Everyone on their own, at their own pace.

Albina, your comment is simply needed here. Valery destroyed the stereotypes about the Georgian man...

From the very beginning of our relationship, he understood that freedom and realization were important to me, and he supported me in everything. I know that he will always wait, listen. He is really the rear for me in this regard. Maybe this role was not so easy for him. After the birth of Luke, our younger son, in my creative life there was a pause. So comfortable for me, I even caught myself thinking that I had disappeared into the family. I think Valerie was fine with that. I was at home for as long as I wanted. A year later, she gradually began to work, everything went naturally, and there were no obstacles on his part. And now, having returned to the stage, I have not given up my female role. There are people who help, but a woman needs some functions to maintain the right energy. I love doing housework and cooking. The man feels it.

Albina took place not only as a singer, but also as an actress. In 2012 she played leading role in the film "Treason" by Kirill Serebrennikov, she can also be seen in a private performance " Bad habits", where she performs with Igor Ugolnikov, Sergei Shakurov and Daniil Spivakovsky.
(Shirt, trousers, Chapurin)

Can Valery insist on something?

Can explain so that I will listen. For me, of course, his opinion is important. So - do not insist, but convince.

Albina, does your education as a psychologist help in life?

Interferes! ( Laughs.)

I must say that I am not a real psychologist. It’s just that once in my life a not very simple moment came, and I wanted to help myself figure it out, switch, get to know new people. Sometimes you are so obsessed with the problems in your world that you need a look from the outside to look at the situation from a different angle. I continued to work on stage, and during my studies my problems began to resolve themselves. But I was brought up in such a way that I bring things to the end. Therefore, I finished my studies, defended my diploma. Valery acted directly as a tempter. I have an exam, I'm sitting at the computer, lined with books, and he: "Let's go to the cinema? Let's go to a restaurant?" I so wanted! But I refused.

In fact, I was surprised, delighted. I am an inconsistent person in this regard. I don’t like it - I’ll suffer, suffer and break off.

Well, how can you like a session? 15 credits... I wanted to drop everything and go to the movies with you! When I entered, it seemed to me that it was something easy, but there were so many different disciplines! And this is a directly academic education - a psychological and pedagogical institute, people conduct receptions after graduation.

Russia is a country where they don't go to psychologists. People go to the baths, go hunting, fishing, gather at the table, chat with friends.

Not true!

I tried. Talking with friends is much easier to decide. In general, the further you go, the more clearly you see the whole matrix of life: why complicate everything, everything is so simple! Sometimes I get downright insights about this. I even wrote down my thoughts one evening. In the morning I read - what nonsense!

But the introspection session took place. Albina, the theme of your diploma is devoted to relationships with teenagers. Does this study help you live with your 14 year old son?

Maybe yes. As a child, Kostya was more accommodating, but now he is rebellious.

He rebels delicately but persistently. Kostya is calm, scrupulous. If he is interested in something, he can enthusiastically study the subject. He read a lot of technical adult books. Whatever we talk about - and it's very different areas He is able to carry on a conversation at a deep level. It pleasantly surprises me how today's youth can assimilate and analyze a huge amount of information. But if he doesn't want to do something, we can't force him. He is a strong guy, and we are sympathetic to this.

It took me a lot of effort to get into this position. I was brought up differently. In addition to the diploma of a psychologist, Valery helps, he has enough patience, love and attention. I admire the way he communicates with the guys. I would be more emotional.

Albina and Valery are raising two sons: 14-year-old Konstantin and four-year-old Luka. After the birth of her youngest son, Albina took a year off, now her career is actively developing

It turns out that Valery acts as a senior comrade, wise with experience ...

This is a slightly exaggerated image, we do not particularly feel the difference in age. In some matters related to the house, life, I feel more competent. We are like communicating vessels. And over time, they generally turned into a single whole.

Do kids distract you from each other or make the relationship richer?

We always find time for ourselves. Children fill our lives, with the birth of Luka, she shone with all the colors of the rainbow. This new level, and our relations as well. Like all parents, we had sleepless nights, and Valera was very helpful. Opened up to me like a dad. He was fully engaged, intercepted the initiative.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meldaze in the shooting of HELLO!
(Albina: dress, Chanel; trench coat, Yana; earrings, Pasquale Bruni; ring, Garrard; necklace, Messika. Valery: shirt, Kiton; suit, Brioni; coat, Ermenegildo Zegna; hat, Borsalino)

Some perfect man...

Valery is a very responsible person. And the fact that we chose each other was a conscious decision that did not relieve him of responsibility in relation to all those with whom his life connected him.

If we talk about Bonnie and Clyde, then their relationship was fueled by criminal stories, in your case, what is it? When you look at your photos or performances on stage, it seems that you just met. You have an enthusiastic attitude towards each other.

Maybe it's just true?

I'm sure it's true because it's true. ( Laughs.)

Albina: trench coat, Yana; dress, Chanel; shoes, Ekonika; earrings, Pasquale Bruni; ring, Garrard. Valery: shirt, Kiton; suit, Brioni; coat, Ermenegildo Zegna; hat, Borsalino; boots, Pantanetti

What allows you to look at each other in a new way?

You know, I want the first love to last longer, so the inner mood is important. Then I realized that you definitely need to talk if something is wrong. Pouting and being silent, freaking out, slamming the door, harboring only resentment and the thought “they don’t understand me” is the road to nowhere. We are with different planets, this should be taken for granted. You can’t wait for a person who fully understands you, this will not happen. We must talk. Another thing is that in order to start communicating first after a quarrel, you need to step over yourself. Probably because I am older, wiser, as a rule, I start the conversation first. Although Albina also now, sometimes, initiates a movement towards, and this makes me very happy. To be honest, I don’t need anything else, the essence of the conversation is secondary to the desire to communicate in principle. You can not talk at all, just sit next to each other, look at each other. But I hope we will master this level in 20-30 years.

Albina: dress, YAKUBoWITCH; coat, Ulyana Sergeenko Couture; shoes, Ekonika; necklace, Messika; earrings, Mercury. Valery: shirt, Kiton; suit, Brioni; coat, Ermenegildo Zegna

Style: Maria Kolosova. Producer: Olga Zakatova Make-up and hairstyles: Tatyana Preobrazhenskaya. Stylist assistant: Alena Gazarova. Producer assistant: Elizaveta Popova. We thank the Hartwell Hotel and Alexey Prupes for help in organizing the shooting

For four years now, Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva have not tired of demonstrating a family idyll. Spouses appear together at creative events, but they rarely talk about their relationship and with restraint. The reason for that is scandalous divorce singer.

When Valery parted with ex-wife Irina, it became known that the artist has been in a relationship with Albina Dzhanabaeva since 2004. Of course, the secret romance of two popular stars became a sensation and a reason for loud scandal. The ex-soloist herself VIA Gra"Does not hide the fact that the beginning of her married life with Meladze was extremely difficult.

Then, in 2014, Albina was accused of destroying someone else's family, of wanting to build personal happiness on someone else's grief. The singer herself is sure that their love with Valery has passed the test of strength, so now there is no point in condemning them for an affair. Next to Dzhanabaeva, Meladze found peace of mind, and now he is trying in every way to please his wife.

“I believe that love conquers all! This probably gives me the strength not to enter into these discussions at all. The situation is ambiguous and difficult for most. That's probably why they judge me. I will not be able to talk to everyone personally, I will not be able to explain something to everyone personally. Therefore, I chose not to talk about it at all, ”Albina emphasized.

Despite the fact that the couple is already raising two sons, artists still have to face the anger and even hatred of haters every day. A few weeks ago, Valery Meladze could not withstand public pressure, harshly responding to ill-wishers in social network. “fell in love with Albina many years ago and did everything to make her fall in love with me. We have been together for over 15 years. Daughters are not deprived of my love. I adore them and take care of them like the most dear people! Albina and I have two sons, whom I am proud of. Get away from our family and take care of your loved ones. It's time for everyone to calm down, ”the singer said on Instagram.

In an interview for Channel Five, Dzhanabaeva stressed that she had not been worried about the comments of ill-wishers for a long time. The artist is happy next to her husband, and for his sake she is ready to go through any trials.

Valeriy Meladze lived soul to soul with Irina Meladze who bore him three daughters. Over time, the relationship of the spouses began to deteriorate, and the public became aware that the singer had an illegitimate son.

Irina for a long time she could not understand her husband's behavior - it seemed to her that Meladze had a midlife crisis. Only later did the woman find out that Valery had an affair with a former member of the VIA Gra group. Albina Dzhanabaeva.

The ex-wife of the pop singer does not understand how the quiet Dzhanabaeva managed to take her husband away from her. “It was hard to look at her without tears ... She didn’t have any special voice talents”, - Irina spoke about Albina, who acted as a backing vocalist in the group “ VIA Gra».

The news that two musician brothers almost overnight left their former wives for the sake of young members of the pop group upset many fans. Fans are divided into two camps: some support the choice of the Meladze brothers, others reproach for the destruction of happy families.

It is upsetting that the children of Valery from different wives practically do not contact each other. The thing is that Albina and Irina do not get along with each other, and the singer himself would be very happy to introduce the children to each other.

Irina spoke about relations with Valery Meladze and a further divorce in the program “ New Russian sensations". You can watch the full episode of the show if you have time.

The mother of three children is sure that sooner or later fate will punish the lovebird and she will find herself in a similar situation. “It doesn’t matter how much time passes, maybe a year, two or 10 years”- added Irina.

The daughters of Irina and Valery are in no hurry to get acquainted with stepbrothers. Firstly, they are not yet ready to meet with half-blooded relatives, and Konstantin and Luka are still quite small - you won’t talk much.

Worth the credit ex-wife Valery Shotaevich. For a long time she did not take dirty linen out of the hut, and breaking the silence, she spoke about the divorce in a delicate tone. Irina is a strong woman who raised three Meladze daughters and never denigrated her husband's honor with rumors and scandals.

Article author

Sergei Stasyuk

The most frank and vigilant editor of the team, a truth-seeker. Before publishing an article, he carefully checks the facts, and takes the reliability of the information for granted. A true expert in computer games from where he draws knowledge of English. When it comes to technology, Sergey will certainly present interesting material in a way that is easy to understand.

The former soloist of the VIA Gra group Albina Dzhanabaeva and the famous musician Valery Meladze began dating back in 2003. Their first joint child, son Konstantin, was born in 2004. At that time, the singer was married and raised three daughters.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

Celebrities hid their connection from everyone for a long time. In 2011, Valery divorced and began to officially live with Dzhanabaeva. Three years later, in July 2014, their second son, Luka, was born.

Konstantin was born in 2004

Both artists do not comment on the numerous questions from fans regarding their personal lives. By the way, there are a lot of negative statements on Instagram. Albina is blamed for the fact that she destroyed the family, Valery is called "stupid henpecked".

Personal life of Valery and Albina

Celebrities generally do not talk about each other, but apparently in star family something happened. The singer decided to speak about her life with Meladze.

“For the sake of Valery, I went to a lot. Do you think I liked living in mistress status? Not at all. But I couldn't cut him out of my life."

Albina noticed that she never hid her personal life, she just tried not to make it widely publicized. "We don't live in public, but we consider private life really private."

Photo: Instagram @albinadzhanabaeva

According to Dzhanabaeva, Meladze - Difficult person. She also has a difficult character, and celebrities often quarrel. But between them there is an important thing - mutual love and respect. In addition, they both adore their sons.

"I'll be honest, I'm happy. married woman. Next to me is a man who loves me. He is the best father in the world. Our family has gone through a lot, but we are together and continue to delight and love each other.”

Photos of the sons of Dzhanabaeva and Meladze rarely appear in their microblogs. Boys don't want to be recognized. famous parents respect their right to privacy.

Albina with her eldest son Konstantin

The elder Konstantin took part in a big photo shoot with his mother a few years ago. “Then he was interested in it, but not now. He often says that you and dad are public people, and I want to live an ordinary life. Luka, 4, doesn't pose for Instagram either. He walks to kindergarten, teaches English.

They often go out together

IN Lately Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva often go out together. Young people have ceased to hide their relationship, and look happy and in love. Loyal fans wish them for long years life together.

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