Maria Shukshina: personal life, children (photo). Creative personality: Boris Vishnyakov about his strange marriage Family life failed

Maria Shukshina

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:

TV presenter and actress

65 kg

180 cm

Biography of Maria Shukshina

Maria - eldest daughter famous writer and actor Vasily Shukshin and actress Lidia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina. She appeared on the screen when she was only a year old - in the film almanac "Strange People", the short story "Brother". And the next exit was in six years. Then the girl starred in the film "Birds over the city" by Sergei Nikonenko.
Mary, of course, was predicted to become an actress. Thus, she continued the dynasty. However, the wise mother said: “If you are lucky, you will marry the director. Then he will shoot you. And if not, then you will remain unemployed and you will be in limbo all the time. And it was after such words that the girl decided to choose another, more stable profession for herself. She went to college foreign languages. After graduation, Maria Shukshina worked as a secretary-translator for several years. After that she worked as a broker. But still, the call of the ancestors was strong.
Movie. 90s
In the mid-90s of the last century, Maria Shukshina appeared in several films. The most notable was the role of Annie in the melodrama "American Daughter" by Karen Shakhnazarov. The actress became a beautiful bitch who left her husband and took her daughter to live in America. At the same time, she did not even bother to warn her husband about this, and without even divorcing him. A similar role was in the drama "What wonderful game» Petr Todorovsky. Here she also played an attractive girl with a bitchy character. She pledged her classmates to state security officers.
After Shukshin, she left the cinema for a while. The reason for this was the birth of a son.
"Wait for me"
In 1998, Maria Shukshina became a TV presenter. She appeared in the Looking for You program, which was later renamed Wait for Me. Maria came to this program, rejecting several very promising offers from other television companies. In the program, the actress was very fond of the audience. She sincerely empathized with someone else's misfortune, could find the necessary comforting words for everyone, thereby arousing sympathy for herself. The girl herself claims that this program revealed a simple truth for her: "There is no such thing as someone else's misfortune."

Famous daughter of a famous father
Maria recalls how she got into the program “Wait for me”. After two years maternity leave Shukshina thought about what she would do next. After all, there were problems in the movie - it was almost never filmed. Then the actress began to think about television. The invitation to work there fell like a bolt from the blue. And simultaneously from four channels. First, the girl auditioned for the talk show "Two", she was approved. Then an invitation came from ORT. And the topic of the program is close to the people, besides, they were invited without trial. Trust on the part of representatives of the television industry - bribed. Therefore, Maria leaned in favor of the program about finding people.
By the way, Maria admits that this work is quite difficult. But she is pleased that the program has already made hundreds of people happy.
New Age. New roles
At the beginning of the new century, Maria Shukshina decided to return to cinema. At first she played in the comedy television series " The perfect couple". There she got a small, but very funny role - a journalist who interviews Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. The main role followed in the TV series “People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater. The actress says that her character is not at all like her. The girls have completely different mannerisms, gaits. The image caught a passionate, fatal, vampire. And the role in a very wide emotional range. Such roles are very interesting to play, Maria admits.
Since 2004, Maria Shukshina begins acting in films with enviable regularity. At the same time, her heroines are completely different, but they all have one thing in common - these are women with strong character. For example, in the series “Dear Masha Berezina”, the actress embodied the image of Katya, who independently makes a career for herself in a difficult modeling business. A naturally decent girl absolutely refuses to play the dirty games of show business. But in the series "Brezhnev" Shukshina became a nurse Nina Korovyakova - she is the last romantic passion of Leonid Ilyich. A woman who had a certain influence on the Secretary General.
Maria Shukshina on video
The actress admits that she likes to experiment in movies.
“As an actress, it’s very interesting for me to experiment, as the range expands. Without it, life and work would seem boring. And each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that not only outwardly, but also in the manner of playing, they would not be recognized, ”says Maria Shukshina.
In the acting piggy bank of Maria Shukshina there is a circus performer, a femme fatale, and even a homeless woman.
In the popular TV series Take Me With You, Shukshina got the main role. Her heroine, Maria Karetnikova, is a wealthy woman, moreover, beloved, but not happy. Luxurious life she has nothing to do, and she finds her happiness by helping the kids from the orphanage.
Maria Shukshina at the Kinotavr
Almost all the heroines of Maria Shukshina get a difficult fate. For example, everything was fine with her Alexandra in the TV series “I Love You”. But for the time being. At one fine moment, a woman discovers that her husband has been cheating on her for many years and the question arises before her - how to live on. The psychologically difficult role goes to the actress in the melodrama "Terrorist Ivanova" by Vlad Furman, which comes out on the screen in 2009. The son of Polina Ivanova becomes disabled because of an influential businessman, her husband dies in jail and the woman begins to take revenge.
Personal life
However, like the life of the heroines of Mary, the personal life of the actress herself is far from cloudless. Shukshina's first husband is a classmate Artem. The actress gave birth to a daughter to him, but the marriage was unsuccessful. A few years later, the couple broke up.
And the second husband of Maria Shukshina studied at the same university. And this marriage was not strong. When the couple divorced, the father kidnapped a 2-year-old son named Makar. Mary contacted law enforcement only after that the boy returned home. Maria recalls that this is the most terrible period in her life.
But the twins Foka and Foma were born to the actress out of wedlock. Their father is lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. They say that Mary refused to marry him, because she was quite satisfied with a civil marriage. But a year later, the girl nevertheless became the wife of a lawyer.

Maria Shukshina - strict mother
Maria Shukshina brings up her children strictly. Just the way her parents raised her. Even when the family had enough money to buy beautiful things, even abroad, they did not fail their daughter. Thus instilling modesty. Maria Shukshina always dreamed of several children. So we can say that her dream came true.
“Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop so that they are not ashamed of me, ”says the actress. Maria Vasilievna Shukshina - Russian actress and TV presenter, known to viewers for the films "American Daughter", "I Love You", "Bury Me Behind the Plinth", "Burnt by the Sun-2", "Your Alien", etc. She has hosted the TV show "Wait for me" on Channel One since 1998 to 2014. Honored Artist of Russia (title awarded in 2008).

Childhood and family

Maria is the eldest daughter of the famous writer and actor Vasily Shukshin and actress Lidia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina. The actress also has an older half-sister, Anastasia (born 1960, her father is actor Vyacheslav Voronin), and a sister, Olga, a year younger. By nature, the sisters were complete opposites. According to Maria, she went to her mother: quiet, collected and shy. Olga, on the other hand, had an explosive temperament, so conflicts often broke out between the sisters.

Masha made her debut on the screen when she was only a year old - in the film almanac "Strange People" (short story "Brother"). At the age of six, she starred in the film "Birds over the City" by Sergei Nikonenko.

When she was 7, her father passed away. Mom continued her career, toured a lot, and therefore her daughters were left to their own devices and became independent early.

As a child, Maria Shukshina wanted to become an actress, but her mother dissuaded her: “If you are lucky, you will marry a director. Then he will shoot you. And if not, then you will remain unemployed and you will be in limbo all the time. After these words, the girl decided to choose another, more stable profession for herself, and entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez.

First roles

After graduation, Maria Shukshina worked for several years as a secretary-translator from English and Spanish (later she learned German and French), after she graduated from courses where she learned driving, working with a computer and office work, and got a job as a stock broker. But still, the "call of the ancestors" could not be drowned out - in 1990, the girl appeared in the film "Eternal Husband" by Evgeny Markovsky.

The role of Annie in the melodrama "American Daughter" by Karen Shakhnazarov in 1995 became noticeable. The actress reincarnated as a beautiful bitch who left her husband for a rich American and took her daughter to America without informing her husband (Vladimir Mashkov).

A similar role was in the drama "What a wonderful game" by Peter Todorovsky. Here, too, she played an attractive girl who "mortgaged" her classmates to state security officers. This was followed by work in the film by Vladimir Bortko "The circus burned down and the clowns fled" (1998).

"Wait for me"

In 1998, Maria Shukshina became the co-host of Igor Kvasha in the touching program “Looking for You” (later it was renamed “Wait for Me”). Maria recalls how she got into the program “Wait for me”. The invitation to work on television fell like a bolt from the blue, and simultaneously from four channels. First, the girl auditioned for the talk show "Two", where she was eventually approved. Then an invitation came from ORT. And the topic of the program is close to the people, besides, they were invited without trial. Trust on the part of representatives of the television sphere bribed, and Maria made her choice.

The actress was very fond of the audience: she sincerely empathized with someone else's misfortune, could find the right comforting words for everyone, thereby arousing sympathy for herself. Shukshina herself claims that this program revealed a simple truth for her: "There is no other person's misfortune." Sometimes a woman could not stand it, and ran out of the studio with tears in her eyes, as in an issue about a grandmother whose relatives died from an apartment building explosion.

In 2014, the TV presenter left the program. There were rumors in the press about a disagreement between Shukshina and the channel's management, but the reason lay in banal emotional fatigue. Over the years, hundreds of people have passed through the “Wait for me” studio, each with their own heart and soul tearing story.

Film career

In 2001, Maria Shukshina returned to cinema after a 3-year break - in the comedy television series "The Perfect Pair" directed by Alla Surikova, she got a small, but very funny role - a journalist who interviews Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Then, one after another, roles in the TV series “People and Shadows. Secrets of the Puppet Theater" (beautiful Larisa Streletskaya), "The Adventures of a Magician" (passionate, fatal witch Katerina), "Dear Masha Berezina" (punchy Ekaterina Kruglova, director of a modeling agency). But in the series "Brezhnev" Shukshina became a nurse Nina Korovyakova - she is the last romantic passion of Leonid Ilyich. A woman who had a certain influence on the Secretary General.

Her heroines turned out to be completely different, with the exception of one - they all independent women with a strong character, and almost all of them will face a difficult fate. For example, everything was fine with her Alexandra (TV series “I Love You”), until one day she discovered that her husband had been cheating on her for many years, and she faced the question - how to live on?

The audience also remembered the mother of little Sasha from the drama based on the novel by Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the plinth” - she gave her son to be raised by a tyrant grandmother (Svetlana Kryuchkova), doing personal happiness. Her heart aches from the forced separation from her son, but she cannot do anything.

The psychologically difficult role goes to the actress in the melodrama "Terrorist Ivanova" by Vlad Furman, which was released in 2009. Her son Polina Ivanova becomes disabled because of an influential businessman, her husband dies in jail, and the woman begins to take revenge.

As an actress, it's very interesting for me to experiment as the range expands. Without it, life and work would seem boring. And each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that not only outwardly, but also in the manner of playing

In the popular TV series Take Me With You, Shukshina also got the main role. Her heroine - Margarita Karetnikova - is a wealthy woman who cannot find happiness in any way. She no longer needs a luxurious life, and she finds herself helping the kids from the orphanage.

Maria Shukshina. Visiting Dmitry Gordon

In 2013, the audience saw Maria in the image of a simple woman who managed to be both an actress, and the wife of a venerable director, and a milkmaid (the series "The Departing Nature"). For the role, she even had to learn how to milk a cow.

At the same time, the shooting of the serial drama "The Village" was underway, in which Shukshina embodied the image of a selfless mother who risked going against a criminal gang in order to save her daughter in trouble. Nina Usatova, Pavel Trubiner and Maxim Drozd worked with her on the set.

In 2014, the premiere of the detective series “My Alien” took place, where the heroine Shukshina, police officer Alexandra Marinets, had to not only unravel complex crimes, but also gain authority among male colleagues.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

Like the life of the heroines of Mary, the personal life of the actress herself is far from cloudless. Shukshina's first husband was her classmate Artem Tregubenko. Witness at the wedding... future husband actresses - Alexei Kasatkin, who studied at the same institute. As eyewitnesses recalled, at the celebration the bride danced more with him than with the groom. In 1989, the couple had a daughter, Anya, but soon the marriage broke up.

In 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition, Maria accidentally met Kasatkin, a successful entrepreneur at that time. Former classmates remembered the past, and it began to spin ... For more than a year, Alexey courted the girl, and finally she accepted his marriage proposal. On November 20, 1998, their common son Makar was born, almost on the same day they signed at the registry office.

Maria and Alexei lived for about 4 years. Family life was full of conflict. The husband did not want to put up with the specifics of the acting profession, his parents completely accepted the daughter-in-law coolly. When Makar was about 1.5 months old, Maria had to go to shoot in another country and leave her son with a nanny in a cottage by the lake. Upon learning of this, the mother-in-law rushed to "save" her grandson, but the nanny decided that Makar had been kidnapped - the boy had to be "rescued" with the police. And this is just one of the few scandals that overshadowed family happiness Shukshina. In the end, Maria decided to file for divorce.

Name: Maria Shukshina (Maria Schukschina)

Age: 50 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 180

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: film actress and TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Maria Shukshina - biography

They say that on children talented people nature is resting. This certainly does not apply to Maria Shukshina: the daughter of actress Lidia Fedoseeva and actor, director, screenwriter Vasily Shukshin herself built successful career and personal life, and she has much to be proud of.

famous surname

Maria has always been considered a mother's daughter: Vasily Shushkin was busy with creativity and disappeared on the set, festivals, wrote. Masha was a year old when the second daughter Olga appeared in the family - her father's favorite. This is probably why there was no warm relationship between the sisters either in childhood or when they grew up.

Masha was similar to Fedoseeva-Shukshina not only in appearance, but also in character: calm, reasonable, but at the same time grasping. It was she who instilled in Mary the main life credo: men come and go, and you can only rely on your own strength. If you want to love someone, take care of your children.

In the future, Mary will be convinced by her own experience of the correctness of these words. The mother taught her daughters that the acting profession is unreliable. Neither personal happiness nor creative success. Units are knocked out, and this does not depend on labor or talent. If you're lucky, you'll marry a director, and he'll shoot you in his films. No - you will remain a third-rate actress, even a famous surname will not help.

Masha in the family was generally taught not to trump her surname: they say, it is indecent and even ashamed. Therefore, after school, she thought about a practical life profession and entered the faculty of translators of the Institute of Foreign Languages. In her fourth year, she met her, as it seemed then, fate. Tall curly classmate Artem Tregubenko excited the heart of a young girl. And then everything was lightning fast: a modest student wedding, the birth of Anechka's daughter and a divorce.

She finished her studies, for some time she worked in her specialty, and then the turbulent 90s came. To feed myself and my daughter, I had to get a job as a broker on the Russian Commodity Exchange, and then as a secretary-translator. The place is not bad, but... "Not mine!" Maria will say later. And then she got depressed.

Maria Shukshina - movies

All the main moments in life turned out to be a mistake - marriage, profession ... But fate did not allow the future actress to become limp. Maria herself did not notice how she ended up on the set. And so began her filmography. At first small, but what includes notable work!
These are “American Daughter” by Karen Shakhnazarov, and “What a wonderful game” by Pyotr Todorovsky, “The circus burned down and the clowns fled” by Vladimir Bortko.

1998 Romance with businessman Alexei Kasatkin is in full swing. He graduated from the same institute with her and was even a witness at her wedding. Alexey courted beautifully: he gave expensive gifts, fur coats, took him abroad. Masha suddenly thought: here it is, happiness! To the offer to live together, she answered “Yes!”. A year later, the couple had a son, Makar, after which he and Alexei went to the registry office and signed, without any celebration.

Maria Shukshina - television

She was not at all embarrassed that she became the third wife of Kasatkin. For two years, Masha sat at home, taking care of her son. But this brought little joy: she was used to working and earning money, and the role of a housewife turned out to be ungrateful and boring. And then, as if by magic, offers from different TV channels rained down. I chose one thing - the TV program "Wait for me", and did not lose.

Program "Wait for me". Millions of people drop everything and watch the program without interruption. Some out of curiosity, some out of hope. And the host... Like no one else, she knows how to sympathize with someone else's grief, especially when it comes to abandoned children. Her tears are sincere, because the fate of this woman cannot be called happy either.

In the blink of an eye, Maria became a national favorite. The audience appreciated her simplicity in communicating with the program participants, genuine empathy and sincere tears - so truly Shukshin ... Maria herself admits that working on each issue is hard, almost overwhelming work. And not only physical, but also psychological. It is simply impossible not to let through life's tragedies and dramas.

A bottle of valerian, one hundred grams of cognac before filming, special psychological tricks the suspensions she was taught didn't help. And then she thought: maybe that’s how it should be, you can’t move away? But how many broken human destinies can a young woman pass through herself, even if she is strong in spirit?..

And her own life can not be called ideal. It so happened that Maria was forced to give Makar to be raised by her mother-in-law: she herself shoots late every day, Alexei has work in Spain. It soon became clear that the mother-in-law was also a burden to take care of her grandson. One day, returning home late at night after the program, Maria realized: yes, she, in fact, does not have a family.

Rare meetings with her son, quarrels with her mother-in-law, scenes of jealousy and scandals on the phone with her husband who is always absent - is this a family? Maria sharply turned the car around and headed for the mother-in-law's house. She woke up Makar, gathered his things and announced to her mother-in-law that she was taking her son on vacation to Bulgaria. Hide, protect, protect - such thoughts were spinning in her head when she was looking for a nanny for Makar and a rented dacha in Vladimir region.

It seems that everything turned out as planned, but ... Once, having arrived at her son, Maria did not find him. Shukshina was in shock. It turned out that her ex-husband Aleksey Kasatkin stole the child. I had to raise all connections, disturb a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that in two weeks the boy would return home. But her ex-husband and mother-in-law continued to harass her and slander her in the press.

It got to the point that once in the editorial office of the TV program “Wait for me” there was a phone call. Elderly woman complained that her grandson had been stolen from her. She called her lover ex-daughter-in-law, host of the program Maria Shukshina.

Near distant happiness

Frustrated by the failures in her personal biography, Maria decided to raise the children herself. Fortunately, her career went up: she was the permanent host of "Wait for me", starred in TV shows where she played strong-willed, successful and wealthy women. And the fact that her children see their mother only on holidays did not bother her.

She herself was not spoiled by parental love: her father, mother, and stepfather always put work in the first place. But, as always happens in life, it is worth giving up something, and it goes into your hands on its own. One day, Maria and her mother went to the dacha to oversee the construction of the house. By coincidence, there was a lawyer on the site at that time construction company, charming businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

Despite the fact that the lover's income could not provide Mary with her usual existence, she accepted his courtship. And then it turned out that she was pregnant. "I will give birth!" - decided the actress. But the proposal of the hand and heart of the stunned from good news She rejected Boris.

For a long time, Maria hid her father's name from the press. When the twins Foka and Foma were born on January 3, 2005, Boris was given a condition: she herself is engaged in a career, but he must choose - either business or children. The decision was not easy, but the man in love preferred a family.

He took the one and a half year old twins to him, and while Maria smiled at the children from the TV screen, for four years he turned into a housewife and a nanny. Not surprisingly, his business soon crumbled. And then Mary appeared on his doorstep and took away her sons. "For what? Why?" Many were lost in conjecture.

Vishnyakov decided to defend his right to communicate with children in court. The father of the twins won the process. And along the way, he and his mother gladly gave interviews to the press, telling how Maria Shukshina is bitchy, mercenary, greedy for money, and besides, the worst mother in the world. The actress was silent, did without comment.

And only once she explained her actions. She believes that a woman survives better in difficult situations because she has developed an instinct to preserve her family. woman in critical situation, When we are talking about the need to feed children, is ready to start small and continue to grow. But a man will not agree to work, for example, as a cleaner.

He will wait to be given some kind of leadership position, and during the waiting period lie on the couch. “Unfortunately, men quite often take this position,” Shukshina admits, “and, frankly, I don’t understand what they are waiting for at a time when you need to act and achieve something in life.”

Maria Shukshina - The main thing is children

Now Maria often recalls the words of her mother. She herself says: “Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop myself so that they are not ashamed of me.”

Maria Shukshina - filmography, films

"American Daughter"
"What a wonderful game"
Perfect couple"
"Dear Masha Berezina"
"Take me with you"
"I love you"
"Terrorist Ivanova"

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is not only a famous and incredibly talented actress and TV presenter, but also a bright representative of the creative “golden” youth of the Soviet Union. She never enjoyed the glory of her mother and father, because she believed that it would be more pleasant to achieve everything on her own and not depend on anyone.

Maria calls her favorite work not shooting in films and TV shows, but the program "Wait for me". In it, she, together with the late Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha, united those people whose fates had long since diverged. At the same time, she sincerely wished the participants in the transmission of happiness, because she knew how important it was to make people kinder and happier.

Fans constantly tried to find data such as height, weight, age on the Internet. How old Maria Shukshina can be found out by the date of her birth, from which no one makes secrets.

The future famous actress was born in 1967, so this spring she celebrated her fiftieth birthday. The zodiacal celestial circle endowed Mary with character traits characteristic of Gemini, namely, duality, inconstancy, and a penchant for creativity.

The eastern horoscope, on the contrary, gave the sign of a charming, creative, economic, active, friendly, kind, smiling Goat.

Maria Shukshina: photos in her youth and now have not changed at all, many spiteful critics associate this with a huge number plastic surgery that she did. The growth of the national favorite is 180 centimeters, and the beauty weighs no more than 65 kilograms.

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The biography of Maria Shukshina has always been similar to fairy tale. At the same time, the actress was an active and incredibly creative girl who has her own opinion on everything. Mashenka was born in the capital of the USSR in a famous and creative family, therefore, as soon as she was one year old, she made her debut in the movie novel "Bratka". At the age of five, she and her younger sister starred in famous movie own father "Pechki-benches". And in the elementary grades, she added work in the film "Birds over the City" to the creative list.

Father - Shukshin Vasily - a man whom every citizen of the USSR knows and Russian Federation because he became famous writer and an actor, director and screenwriter, as well as a person who symbolized an entire era, but died suddenly, as soon as his beloved daughter turned seven.

Mother - Fedoseeva-Shukshina Lydia - an incredibly bright and talented actress who starred not only in films, but played in theatrical performances. It was she who inspired her daughters with the idea that filming in films is an ordinary hobby, and for self-sufficiency, you need to get higher education, so Masha graduated from the Maurice Thorez Institute, becoming a translator and secretary.

Sister - Olga Shukshina - was a year younger than her sister, while her mother for some reason did not really love her. The woman entered the Faculty of Literature, therefore, she is known for essays on the history of her family. At the same time, she fell into religion, taught kids in an orphanage at Orthodox church. Olga is divorced, she is raising her son Vasya and prefers not to communicate with star relatives at all.

Half-sister - Anastasia Voronina - Francisco - was born in 1960, so she was seven years older than Masha and did not really communicate with her. The girl successfully married an Angolan who held a high position in the country's counterintelligence. She has a daughter, Laura, who gave her mother a grandson, Martin.

Oddly enough, the young beauty Maria has a beloved grandson - Vyacheslav Tregubenko, who was given to her by her daughter Anya. The boy was born in 2014, and his father was an unknown guy named Konstantin, whom she met at the theater skit. Maria easily got used to the role of a young grandmother, she often takes Slavik to her place and already teaches foreign languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shushkina

Since about 1995, Shukshina's filmography has been rapidly replenished with series and films "American Daughter", "Dear Masha Berezina", "Guilty Without Guilt", "Brezhnev", "Justice of the Wolves", "Indigo", "Deli Case No. 1", " Village”, “Such work”, “Not all cats are gray”. At the same time, Maria constantly tries herself in new areas, so she dubbed the heroines of “Love is Evil” and “Doctor Zhivago”, and also starred in the video of Nikolai Trubach.

She spent about fifteen years leading the project “Wait for me”, in which she did everything so that lost relatives and friends could find each other. Maria claims that for her it was a real test, the program was exhausting and taught that helping is nice.

From December 2017, Masha will become the host new transmission"Recipes for happiness", but information about it is kept in the strictest confidence.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

The personal life of Maria Shukshina is a rather strange area, which often becomes a secret. On the Internet, it’s really possible to find stories about stormy romances and secret dates. famous actress and the presenter, most of which turned out to be ordinary gossip and ridiculous rumors.

Masha is often given attention by fans, but she treats them with respect and understanding, while not singling out anyone in particular. By the way, next to Shukshina quite often turned out to be influential and rich, powers of the world this, but she was never able to find her family happiness.

Family of Maria Shukshina

The family of Maria Shukshina is very unusual and creative, since her parents belonged to the Soviet bohemia. Relatives supported the girl in every possible way, and famous father simply adored her. At the same time, Mashenka had a hard time tragic death her daddy, she waited a long time for him to return home.

Masha was very fond of her mother, they were real girlfriends, until now she can trust herself close person all the most terrible secrets. Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina claims that she often consults with her daughter, but cannot find contact with her daughter Olya. That is why Masha is worried that she herself cannot improve relations with her eldest son Makar, who is a difficult teenager.

Children of Maria Shukshina

The children of Maria Shukshina were born with big difference aged, they are born from three completely different fathers. Masha says that she never took out evil on the kids because of her relationship with their fathers, but, on the contrary, tried to establish friendly relations.

At the same time, Shukshina's mother is both persistent, and caring, and understanding, and demanding. She tries to instill in children a love for music and literature, her state and the people living in it.

Maria is very sensitive to everything that happens to her children, she was very worried about the abduction of two-year-old Makar. Currently, Shukshina is very busy filming films and television programs, but she always finds time to talk with children.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin - was born in 1998, he was named after Maria's beloved paternal grandfather. The boy's father was fellow student Shukshina, but the love story of young people is rather strange. The fact is that the sports manager and businessman Alexei was a witness at the conclusion of the first marriage.

Makar is a difficult child, he was stolen by his own dad, while ransom demands were put forward, but the police intervened in time, and the baby was returned home. Currently, the guy is in the cadet corps, but he constantly runs away from him to his father, which upsets his famous mother.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Foma Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina, Foma Vishnyakov, is one of the twins, who was born in 2005. The boy's father was Shukshina's common-law husband, Boris Vishnyakov.

Thomas first tries to do something, and then he will think about all the possible consequences that may occur due to the action. The boy is a big bully, so he constantly incites his brother to various tricks, but Thomas respects only his older sister.

The younger Vishnyakov is studying in the cadet corps, he is more attached to his own mother than his twin brother.

The son of Maria Shukshina - Foka Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina - Foka Vishnyakov - the twin brother of the above-named son of a famous actress from civil husband Boris Vishnyakov.

At the same time, this boy is more thoughtful and calm than his brother. He constantly wants to get to the very essence of each issue or process, only after Fock thinks everything through, he begins to do so that he does not have to redo anything later.

The boy is also brought up in patriotic traditions, he studies in the cadet corps with his brother. The mother clarifies that the twins were sent to this educational institution only because of his unbearable nature. They are hyperactive and incredibly hooligan guys.

Daughter of Maria Shukshina - Anna Tregubenko

The daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, is the first child of a famous actress who was born in 1989. She appeared in the legal marriage of her mother with classmate Artem. The fact is that the father was not happy that he would have a daughter, so he disappeared from the family immediately after Anyuta was born.

Artem Tregubenko tried to prove that the baby was not his own daughter, so she did not want to communicate with him, even as an adult.

Anya is a talented and self-sufficient girl, she graduated from the production department of VGIK. At the same time, Shukshina's daughter was able to successfully marry and give birth to little Vyacheslav.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko - received higher education along with his future wife. He literally turned the head of an inexperienced girl, she melted and married him in her penultimate year.

Shukshina pointed out that her husband began to treat her and the newborn child differently soon after the wedding. However, she almost never tells what was the impetus for the dissolution of the marriage.

Artem could not stand the constant reproaches and quarrels, so he simply left the family, while declaring that he did not want to communicate with his daughter.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Alexei Kasatkin

The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Alexei Kasatkin, became the new legal spouse of a clever and beautiful woman, but this happened only ten years after the dissolution of her first marriage. He was not only a classmate of young people, but also a witness at their wedding.

At the same time, Alexei entered Masha's family as a friend and assistant, since he lived in civil marriage with another woman. After some time, young people began to live together, and then got married.

Kasatkin worked as a sports manager and was an influential businessman. The divorce occurred with a scandal, Maria hid her son from him, but then relented and allowed them to spend time together.

Civil husband of Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov

The civil husband of Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov - appeared in the life of actresses in 2004, it was to this well-known metropolitan businessman and lawyer that she left her previous spouse.

At the same time, Boris was in no hurry to offer his chosen hand and heart, but they lived together. It is worth clarifying that the birth of the twins opened Vishnyakov from the other side, he completely replaced the mother of the guys, who traveled on tour and filming films.

Boris, who refused to lead own business, took the four-year-old boys to the dacha, but Shukshina took them without permission. Since the couple no longer lived together, the actress and the businessman filed an application with the court, which managed to establish the process of the kids staying with each of the parents.

Photo by Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are quite real, but they do not refer to radical plastic surgery. It is worth clarifying that Maria, in general, is not very good at this kind of intervention in her own body, even for the sake of youth.

However, Masha claims that she is not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, therefore she accepts only mesotherapy, a Russian bathhouse and rational nutrition.

Woman making an injection hyaluronic acid in an elite clinic plastic surgery at professional doctors with a crystal clear reputation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina have existed for a long time and at the official level. At the same time, it has the same profiles in most social networks, it’s worth drowning out that Masha tries to regularly post posts in them and tell what exactly impressed her.

The Wikipedia article contains only relevant and reliable data, from which it is realistic to obtain information about childhood, parents, family, spouses, children, filmography and other creative activities.

Photos and videos from the star's personal archive constantly appear on Instagram. Most of which are dedicated to children and beloved grandson, as well as filming new projects or series.

Mashenka Shukshina was born in a very creative and well-known Soviet Union family. Her father, writer Vasily Shukshin, acted in films, gave concerts and read excerpts from his books from the stage. He was a complex and at the same time very kind person.

Acting dynasty

Masha's mother, Shukshin's second wife - Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina - was a sociable, bright and colorful woman. Popular Soviet actress, recognized by all the beauty and beloved wife famous person. Even as a child, on the example of her parents, Maria learned the whole "kitchen" of theater and cinema, and choosing the path to the stage, she already knew what hard work lay ahead.

Vasily Shukshin died early, the children were raised by Lidia Nikolaevna and she was against her daughter becoming an actress. Masha easily entered and for 5 years she studied conscientiously at the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages. Despite the fact that it was not her personal choice, studying was easy. Now Maria knows four foreign languages ​​- English paired with Spanish (mastered at the institute), German, and French (learned on her own). Having received a diploma, Maria got a job at a prestigious office position, performing the duties of a translator and secretary, then she decided to go "into free swimming" and got a job as a broker.

First roles

In 1990, Masha's life changed dramatically. Young Shukshina was invited to star in the film "Eternal Husband" directed by Evgeny Markovsky. Her appearance was simply created for the camera - Maria looked organic and attracted attention. After the film by Karen Shakhnazarov about the desire to find oneself in the "land of great opportunities" "American Daughter", filmed in 1995, the aspiring actress became the idol of the younger generation. Maria was filmed by Pyotr Todorovsky and Vladimir Bortko, and in each film her heroines were women femme fatale, bright, controversial and conquering.

The television period began for Maria Shukshina in the year the dollar fell - in 1998. She was invited as the second host in the Wait for Me program. Maria again quickly won the love and appreciation of millions. The program found missing people, helped reunite those who broke up, so it was in prime time and was very popular. The ORT TV channel beat all popularity ratings when the invariably elegant Maria Shukshina appeared on the screens.

By the way, in 1998, the actress received invitations to 4 programs on various TV channels at the same time, but she intuitively chose “Wait for me” and never regretted it. Her sincerity and ability to empathize bribed both the participants of the program and the audience. Maria left the program in 2014 due to emotional fatigue. She experienced every story with the characters and left the studio in tears more than once.

Restless zero

Noting the advent of the new century, in 2001, inspired by her first successes, Maria Shukshina played in Alla Surikova's dynamic series about family worries “The Perfect Couple”. The role was small, but the actress was actively invited to appear and she shone in serials on everyday and mystical themes “People and shadows. Secrets of the Puppet Theatre”, “The Adventures of a Magician”, about the everyday life of the modeling agency “Dear Masha Berezina” (her role is director Ekaterina Kruglova). A journalist, a witch, a business woman - the images of Shukshina became bright, passionate, bewitching. In the historical series Brezhnev, Maria played last love General Secretary, nurse Nina Korovyakova.

Of the films in which Maria Shukshina appeared in the last decade, critics praised the drama Bury Me Behind the Baseboard. The actress deeply organically conveyed the throwing of a woman of complex fate, torn apart by contradictions, desires and aspirations, a sense of duty and a strict internal censor - conscience. The series about love and fidelity "Take me with you", "Leaving nature" allowed Shukshina to immerse herself in creative search, create a portrait of a modern Russian woman that is understandable and close to many.

Maria has participated in projects since the beginning of the 2000s:

  • "People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater";
  • "Take me with you";
  • "The Adventures of a Magician";
  • "Dear Masha Berezina";
  • "Departing nature";
  • "Brezhnev";
  • "Station".

The personal life of the actress and her four children

No wonder it is believed that children repeat the fate of their parents. In family life and love, Maria Shukshina went through an equally difficult and bumpy path. She got married several times.

Maria's first husband was a classmate at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Artem Tregubenko. The wedding was truly a fateful day, as her future second husband, the handsome Aleksey Kasatkin, turned out to be a witness from the groom's side. None of them were connected with cinema or theater at that time.

From her first husband in 1989, Maria had a daughter, Anya, but this could not strengthen the marriage, which was very shaky from the very beginning. The actress divorced her husband and in 1995 met with Alexei Kasatkin at the capital's exhibition. Kasatkin was able to capture the spirit of the 90s and by that time was already a successful businessman. The romance between them developed rapidly. However, before moving to life together It's been over a year of courtship.

On November 20, 1998, a baby, son Makar, was born to a happy and still in love couple. Almost at the same time, they got married, but from that moment on, a crack appeared in the relationship. The husband's parents took the actress Shukshina cool. She actively starred, toured, worked a lot. Almost all 4 years of family life scandals broke out every now and then. A few years later, Maria again expected a divorce.

The next husband of the actress was Boris Vishnevsky. She feared now marital relations and agreed to go to the registry office only after the birth of her sons, the twins Thomas and Foka in 2005. This time the reason for the divorce was the collapsed business of the husband, who took out his business failures on his wife.

Mary had to for a long time fight Boris for the right to keep the children. In the end, she won, but the past years were very difficult.

Life is theater

After going through a divorce litigation and ordeal with children, Mary finally lost faith in traditional marriage. Now she plays in the theater "Russian Song". The actress got a role in the play "Kalina Krasnaya". The same role more than 40 years ago was played in the cinema by her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. More recently, Shukshina devoted a lot of time to filming in the historical series called Silver Forest. Maria Vasilievna appeared before the audience in one of the main roles in this detailed narrative about the choice between personal and general, between love and duty, between eternal values ​​and earthly blessings.

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