Son of Peter Alexandra Zavyalova. Alexandra Zavyalova: biography and cause of death of the Soviet actress. “He does not associate himself with these events”

“He does not associate himself with these events”

Eight years in a maximum security colony. Pyotr Zavyalov listened to the verdict of Judge Marina Krutko indifferently. He just smiled sadly at his relatives and offered his hands to the guards to take him away.

He was found guilty of murdering his mother, the star of the film “Shadows Vanish at Noon,” Alexandra Zavyalova.

On the night of February 3, 2016, in an apartment on Gavrskaya Street, due to a sudden personal hostile relationship, Zavyalov stabbed his mother. She died on the spot, the press service of the prosecutor’s office commented.

Earlier in the debate, the state prosecutor insisted on ten years in prison. The judge knocked off two years and satisfied only the civil claim of the prosecutor in the amount of 3,071 rubles for the work of the ambulance crew. But even this option did not please Zavyalov’s defense.

“We will appeal the court’s decision,” said his lawyer Valentin Pyshkin. “My client does not admit guilt and does not in any way associate himself with these events.

In the coming days, the defender will file an appeal in the city court. He has something to cling to. As Pyshkin says, the investigative actions were carried out with violations. In particular, Zavyalov was taken for interrogation while he was still drunk.

Mocker - fate

Since February last year, Zavyalov has been under arrest, sitting in Kresty. When the sentence comes into force, his sentence will include these long months of serving in a detention center.

In court, the son of a popular actress stated that he did not remember what could have happened in their apartment on Gavrskaya Street, that he did not know why his mother was dead. True, Zavyalov had not complained about such serious memory loss before.

On February 4, Alexandra Zavyalova was preparing to celebrate her anniversary. She would have turned 80 years old. The actress received wide recognition from the public after her role as Pistimea Morozova in the film “Shadows Vanish at Noon.” Among the films with her participation are “People on the Bridge”, “Wait for Letters”, “Alyoshka’s Love”, “Bread and Roses”, “Everyday Life and Holidays”.

Zavyalova played in “Shadows Disappear at Noon” when she was 35 years old. Her colleagues remember how her character changed along with the heroine. Gloomy, taciturn, she took herself very seriously. And I was worried about my appearance. She didn’t want to look like an old woman even for the role.

Fate took a cruel toll on Alexandra Semyonovna. After wild popularity in the 70s, she disappeared from the screens for twenty years. In 1994, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. But rather by inertia...Zavyalova did not have any more serious roles.

I didn’t love it, I didn’t live long enough

The artist’s personal life also did not work out. In 1963, Alexandra Zavyalova married the artist Dmitry Buchkin, and they had a daughter, Tatyana - outwardly a copy of her mother. But in the mid-60s, Alexandra Semyonovna met 50-year-old foreign businessman Othello Ceresolli. The romance did not last even two weeks. The American was being followed by KGB officers. He was suspected of being a spy and expelled from Soviet Union.

After this story, Zavyalova’s husband filed for divorce. Alexandra Semyonovna fell into a terrible depression. She was treated several times at the neurosis clinic. The only outlet she still held on to was his little son Peter.

Peter was a late child; his actress gave birth at the age of forty.

“I needed a child to whom I would give all my unspent tenderness,” Zavyalova later admitted.

But even after the birth of Peter, life did not go well. The actress was placed in a mental hospital for two months. And when she checked out, it turned out that their apartment had been robbed. They brought out diamonds, porcelain, furs, money... Daughter Tatyana was taken in by her artist father, and little Peter was sent to an orphanage.

For a long time Zavyalova did not want to return her son, but a year later she was again taken to a hospital... After that she received disability.

And yet Peter lived with his mother. By the age of forty, he had achieved nothing special in life: neither a specific job, nor a woman. He drank a lot and they constantly had quarrels because of it.

According to investigators, on the night of February 3, Peter came home drunk again. The mother began to voice complaints...Then he grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the elderly woman in the chest. After that, he called his sister and said: “I think I killed her.” Everyone learned about Zavyalova’s death only four days later. And only on February 8, investigators announced the cause of the tragedy.


Press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg:

- The investigation and court established that Zavyalov, being in a state of alcohol intoxication, on the night of February 3, 2016, in one of the apartments of building 6 on Gavrskaya Street, due to a sudden personal hostility, he stabbed his mother, Alexandra Zavyalova, born in 1936, an Honored Artist of Russia, who died at the scene from a stab wound.

Investigators of investigative bodies Investigative Committee Russia has carried out a large volume of investigative actions in St. Petersburg aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident. As a result, Zavyalov’s guilt in committing this crime was fully proven, despite the fact that the accused himself did not admit his guilt. For example, after committing a crime, Zavyalov wrote an SMS to his friend saying that he had killed his mother. During the investigation, analysis of Zavyalov’s telephone conversations, and seizure of the phone itself, this SMS message was restored.


Alexandra Semenovna ZAVYALOVA was born on February 4, 1936 in the village of Titovka, Tambov region. Graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute named after. Ostrovsky.

She entered the cinema in 1959 - she starred at the personal invitation of director Alexander Zachry in his film “People on the Bridge”. Afterwards there were “Song about Koltsov” (1959), “Aleshkina’s Love” (1960), “Bread and Roses” (1960).

In 1961, Alexandra's photograph appeared on the pages of the American Life magazine. Photographer Philippe Halsman decided to photograph the most famous people Soviet Union - including rising star movie.

In 1963, she married the artist Dmitry Buchkin and had a daughter, Tatyana.

In total she starred in 14 films. After the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” (1972), Zavyalova was not invited to the cinema for more than 20 years. Which resulted in deep depression.

She was placed in mental asylum for two months. Daughter Tatyana was taken in by her father, and little Petya was sent to an orphanage. For a long time, Zavyalova did not want to return her son, and a year later she was again taken to a hospital. Therefore, Dmitry Petrovich Buchkin adopted Peter.

In 1994, Zavyalova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.”

Son Peter took the money that was given to the actress as financial assistance

The body of Honored Actress of Russia Alexandra Zavyalova was discovered on February 3 in a St. Petersburg apartment.

That a woman's death is her fault native son, investigators did not immediately find out.

On February 7, 40-year-old Pyotr Zavyalov confessed: “I was drunk. A quarrel arose. Stabbed his mother. I don’t remember anything else"

Evgeniy LEONOV-GLADYSHEV, a popular actor, president of the St. Petersburg Film Actors Guild, told MK about how Zavyalova lived in recent years.

Last time“I saw Shura about 15 years ago,” Evgeny Borisovich began, “The fact is that Alexandra Semyonovna at some point distanced herself so much from outside world, from people that even I, a theater colleague, the president public organization Guild of Screen Actors of St. Petersburg, could not reach her. She didn’t want to communicate with anyone, much less meet. In this case I was powerless. All my attempts to bring her into the public ended in failure. I tried to lobby her several times, invited her somewhere, but she did not give in to persuasion. I remember that she even hid from us, we were constantly looking for her. This behavior of hers was not related to her age; now actresses older than her are working.

- With what?

At some point, she found herself on the sidelines - she was not filmed, she was not offered roles. That was the time. The older generation of actors found themselves out of work. Zavyalova was not in demand, she was left without work, if you like, she eked out a miserable existence. Well, besides, she was seriously ill. I won’t name the diagnosis, it’s a sensitive issue.

- It’s no secret that she underwent long-term treatment in a psychiatric clinic...

That's what I mean. I wouldn't want the diagnosis to come out of my mouth. I respected and loved Shura. The first time I saw her was when I was 22 years old, as a boy I came to the theater where she served. Then the premiere of “Shadows Disappear at Noon” had just taken place. I was shocked by her beauty, absolutely impenetrable face. There were 172 of us in the theater of the film actor's studio. We were always arguing, having polemics, debating how to live, what to do, what concerts to play, who would go where. And only Alexandra Semyonovna always sat silently.

- Did you once offer her a creative evening at the cinema house?

Yes, I approached her with such a proposal, found sponsors, and allocated a good platform. But she said: “I don’t need this.” No matter how much I tried to persuade her, she flatly refused. Understand, Zavyalova was one of those actresses who did not walk along the corridors of the film studio and did not knock on the doors of film crews.

- Really, none of the directors over the past 30 years have offered Alexandra Zavyalova a single role?

There was nothing like that. Everyone just remembered her and admired her: “Oh, recently they showed the film “People on the Bridge”, what a Zavyalova it is!” I wanted to scream, well, dial her phone and invite her. No, by.

- When did it come in her life? crucial moment and she stopped working in the theater?

It's hard to remember now. It was the 80s. I remember she just left the theater. It started with rumors spreading in the theater: “Alexandra Semyonovna is sick.” She was often sick. How? They didn't speak out loud. But it's not that. At some point, Zavyalova consciously distanced herself. I didn't really know anything about her life. I heard that he needs it. And then our organization began sending her money, small financial assistance for medicines and food. I called Zavyalova at home, but she never answered the phone. Her son Peter answered. He came to our office to pick up an envelope. He signed the statement and swore that he would deliver the money to my mother. One day I decided to check whether the amount had reached the addressee. I contacted Shura. She was surprised: “No, no one brought me money.” I then had a serious talk with Peter and realized that he could not be trusted.

-Did he drink heavily then?

I found out about his abuse a week ago. My friends said that Zavyalova’s daughter, Tatyana, decided to move her mother to her apartment in Gatchina so that she would be under supervision. Apparently, living with her son was already unbearable for the actress. It seems that the daughter took her mother with her. I don’t understand why Alexandra Semyonovna came back?

- How much money did Zavyalova live on?

For a pension, which amounted to no more than 12 thousand rubles. I heard that she was starving for a while. But I can’t say for sure. In any case, after her death they called me from the Union of Cinematographers and said that they would collect money for the funeral great actress. So, there’s nothing to bury her with?

The bright roles of strong heroines instantly earned Alexandra Zavyalova the fame of a “star” of Soviet cinema. The pinnacle of her work was the role of the nun Pistimea in the epic “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” and then the actress disappeared from the screens. The unspoken boycott by directors and studios lasted for decades.

Already in old age, Zavyalova played in the film “White Clothes,” but then oblivion set in again. Tragic fate the artist, who was never able to recover from creative isolation, ended no less sadly. She was killed on the eve of her birthday, and her own son was accused of the crime.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Semenovna Zavyalova was born in 1936 into a family of peasants in the village of Titovki in the Tambov region. Date of birth: February 4th. The girl was an average student and could have missed a lesson or failed to complete homework. As the future artist’s fellow countrymen recall in the documentary “Alexandra Zavyalova. Recluse" (TVC), Sasha was "combatant, with a naglinka."

Already in my school years I enjoyed participating in productions, concerts, performances, reading poetry and, telling stories, showing them in person. Many of her classmates liked the girl, but the boys were afraid to approach her.

After graduating from school, the girl moved to Leningrad and entered the theater institute (later renamed LGITMiK). Studying here, she does not imagine herself as a film actress - she is attracted to work on the theater stage. And when she is assigned to serve at the Brest Drama Theater, Zavyalova is pleased with the turn of fate.


While playing in the theater, the actress rejects offers to act in films. But director Alexander Zarkhi manages to persuade the artist: in independent Alexandra, the filmmaker sees the wayward Lena, the heroine of his upcoming film “People on the Bridge.” And for sure: Zavyalova, who flew to Krasnoyarsk for filming, fits into the character so well that after her, screenwriter Sergei Antonov, who saw the footage, arrives in Siberia. Later he will remember that the heroine embodied by Zavyalova turned out to be more lively and more voluminous than the image he created.

Already in Moscow, Antonov introduces Alexandra to writers and film masters. Her fans also become. After her debut in 1959, filming offers poured in on the 23-year-old actress as if from a cornucopia. In the same year, he released “Song about Koltsov” - a biographical film about the poet, where Zavyalova again gets the main female role.

In 1960, the artist’s biography was replenished with three films at once, the most notable of which was Aleshkina’s Love. The melodrama, filmed by two directors under the direction, was watched by 24 million viewers. Alexandra Zavyalova, who starred in the film with the famous, turns into a star of Soviet cinema.

Her face never leaves the covers of magazines and the front pages of newspapers. The actress is photographed by an American Life photographer who works only with heads of state and Hollywood artists. The photo session takes place in one of the rooms of the National Hotel. During a film festival in Moscow, she is invited to a dinner party at the US Embassy.

The actress’s favorite role is Fro, the main character of the film of the same name by Rezo Esadze. The basis of the script is the story. Unlike previous works, when Zavyalova played capricious, complex characters, in Esadze’s melodrama she plays a gentle, loving heroine. For the sake of this role, Alexandra agrees to become a blonde.

An affair with the director of the film led to the fact that in 1967 Zavyalova appeared in another of his films - the film “Four Pages of One Young Life”. But the peak of his career was the multi-part film “,” which shows the life of the people in the first half of the 20th century.

The performance of Zavyalova, who is invited to play the role of Serafima Klychkova, impresses not only the filmmakers, but also the actress’s colleagues on the set. In an interview for the film “The Recluse,” the actors say that Alexandra Semyonovna did not act, but actually lived every episode in front of the camera.

At the same time, she managed to convey the nuances of age: in the first episodes, Seraphim appears as a 17-year-old heir to the owner of Siberian mines, and as the film progresses she turns into an evil, repulsive old nun.

After a resounding success, silence falls: Zavyalova suddenly finds herself in unspoken isolation. She is no longer offered roles or invited to social events. The artist is going through a severe crisis. Trying to get out of it, a few years later Zavyalova visits film studios, but no one gives a clear answer about the reason for the unofficial boycott.

Only 30 years later, when the artist is invited to a meeting with film fans, director Leonid Belozorovich notices her. The filmmaker includes Zavyalova in the cast of the upcoming film “White Clothes” with and starring. Alas, this return to the screen in 1992 turns out to be the last for the actress. Alexandra Semyonovna is no longer acting.

Personal life

While still studying at the institute, Alexandra met her future husband Dmitry Buchkin. The young man studied at the art school named after V.I. Mukhina, where LGITMiK students came to cultural events. In 1963, the couple married, although Dmitry's parents opposed his choice, foreseeing future difficulties.

In the same year, daughter Tanya was born. Taking care of her, Alexandra takes a break in her career. But already next year she began an affair with Rezo Esadze. Zavyalova confesses these feelings to her husband, and, despite the small daughter, the couple decides to divorce two years after registering the marriage.

Relations with Esadze turn out to be equally short-lived. On the one hand, Zavyalova is not satisfied with her lover’s jealousy, on the other hand, daughter Tatyana refuses to perceive her mother’s new companion as a father. The couple breaks up.

Zavyalova's next novel costs her career. A businessman from the United States who has turned her head spends two weeks with the actress in Odessa. However, it is clear to both that the romance is doomed: Alexandra will not move to America, and her chosen one will not remain in the USSR.

After the foreigner returns to his homeland, Zavyalova is summoned for questioning by the KGB, and then surveillance is established. Coincidentally or not, the flow of filming offers dries up after interrogation in law enforcement agencies.

In 1976, Alexandra’s son Peter was born. The actress does not admit who the father of the child is to journalists or relatives. In the 90s, Tatyana became a mother - Zavyalova had a grandson, Dmitry, and a granddaughter, Darina. And in the last years of the actress’s life, Alexandra’s great-granddaughter, named Anna, was born into Dmitry’s family.

Death of Alexandra Zavyalova

In 2016, on the eve of her 80th birthday, the actress in her apartment. Death occurred from a wound inflicted by a knife. As investigators later found out, the tragedy occurred during a quarrel between mother and son. It is known that Peter embezzled money that was allocated to Zavyalova as financial assistance.

Documentary"Alexandra Zavyalova. Recluse"

Peter was found guilty of murder. The court sentence determined him. Alexandra’s son will spend eight years in a maximum security colony.

The actress’s grave is located at the Smolensk cemetery in the Northern capital. The Union of Cinematographers collected funds for the funeral.


  • 1959 – “People on the Bridge”
  • 1959 – “Song about Koltsov”
  • 1960 – “Alyoshka’s Love”
  • 1960 – “Wait for letters”
  • 1964 – “Fro”
  • 1967 – “The Hippocratic Oath”
  • 1967 – “Sergei Lazo”
  • 1971 – “Shadows Disappear at Noon”
  • 1992 – “White Clothes”

Alexandra Zavyalova, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. She played in the TV movie “Shadows Vanish at Noon” and in many others.

The name of Alexandra Zavyalova is known to many people, not only to connoisseurs of Soviet cinema. She shone in the sixties, many compared her to Greta Garbo. But, of course, she had her own inimitable beauty and creative gait. Alexandra Zavyalova was born in February 1936. Her parents had nothing to do with art and were simple workers, so many were surprised where she got such a noble aristocratic appearance.

Photo by Alexander Zavyalov

Little is known about her childhood, but she had no doubt that she would become an actress and passed a very serious competition at the Ostrovsky Leningrad Theater Institute, which she successfully graduated in 1958.

First steps in art

Many people say that Alexandra Zavyalova considered herself not a cinema actress, but a purely theatrical one. She worked for some time at the Brest Drama Theater, honing her skills. Her attractive appearance and strong-willed traits attracted directors; they saw in her a talent that would look great on the screen. For a long time she refused offers, but Alexander Zachry managed to persuade her to star in his film “Men on the Bridge.”

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova in her youth

This became the actress’s debut, after which directors were able to see with their own eyes that her talent and colorful appearance were ideal for cinema. Offers began to pour in one after another, and the actress smoothly but organically moved into cinema.

This was followed by the film “Song of Koltsov”, where she got the main role, which she coped with perfectly. “The Song of Koltsov” is a difficult film that tells the story of the fate of a poet who was forced to engage in business and merchant life all his life in order to follow in his father’s footsteps. But the only outlet for his life is poetry and love for a simple peasant girl. The poet was never allowed to be happy; he died at the age of 33. Alexandra Zavyalova played the main role in the film and did it so masterfully that people started talking about her seriously, and the public began to recognize her and show more attention to her work.

Peak of Glory

Further in the filmography followed the films “Aleshkina’s Love”, “Wait for Letters”, “Bread and Roses”, “Weekdays and Holidays” and many others. These films were released one after another, and the directors relied on the woman’s beautiful appearance, her magical gaze, which seemed to hypnotize the audience.

Without a doubt, Alexandra Zavyalova real actress cinema, although, as she initially thought, she was purely theater actress. Life has put everything in its place. Its popularity peaked in the mid-sixties.

In the melodrama “Alyoshkina Love” she played a charming and mischievous girl who worked as a simple switchwoman, but skillfully made men fall in love with her. We can say that this is a psychological drama that is in tune with many ordinary people countries. The actress got used to the role so delicately that the wife of the leading male role was very jealous and always found a reason to be present on the set.

The most important film

One of the most iconic films in her filmography is “Shadows Vanish at Noon.” This is a very complex painting that requires great skill and dedication. Perhaps this work affected the actress’s psyche, because it is known that she was repeatedly in a psychiatric clinic in the early 70s of the last century. In this film, she played a beautiful heiress of a rich family, but very cunning and smart. The actress transformed herself into different age categories: she appeared as a young person and as a woman of advanced age. She was very convincing on screen.

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova in the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon”

Unfortunately, in many ways this image also left its mark, as they say now, on the image of the actress. In addition, the State Security Committee recognized her as unreliable, and soon all opportunities to act in films were blocked. So, if you look at the actress’s filmography, the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” filmed in 1971, became the penultimate film in the filmography. After that, the actress disappeared from the screens for almost 20 years; she appeared only in 1992 in the film “White Clothes,” which became the last in her filmography. This film was made after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the KGB's grip and state control over creativity weakened.


Unfortunately, the actress was included in the list of unreliable people, and this happened because of her affair with an American citizen. The actress was considered business card USSR, she was well-known in many circles, and attended various events organized by the Soviet embassy.

As a result, an affair broke out with an American businessman, a major entrepreneur, who was so fascinated by the actress that he was even ready to leave his wife in the USA. Certainly, Soviet intelligence services They couldn’t allow this to happen; he was immediately expelled from the country. And Alexandra Zavyalov received the stigma of being unreliable. This also affected her subsequent professional path, which is noticeable in her filmography.

Personal life

Officially, Alexandra Zavyalova has only one marriage. She married the artist Dmitry Buchkin, and in this marriage a daughter, Tatyana, was born. They lived together until the early 60s, and then this stormy meeting and affair with an American citizen took place.

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova and her husband

It is known that the actress also had a son, Peter, but who his real father is is unknown, and the artist herself carefully hid this secret. However, the relationship with her first husband Dmitry was good, and when she later began to have problems with her career, with the KGB, she was in a psychiatric hospital, her first husband adopted Peter.

In 1975, she was admitted to a psychiatric clinic and was not allowed to see her children. This was a huge blow for her. It is not known for certain what caused this breakdown, but one can guess that the actress was tired of constant pressure, surveillance and the stigma of being unreliable. This placement in the hospital was not the only one.

Tragic death

In recent years, the talented performer has led closed image life. Perhaps she’s just tired of the increased attention, maybe it’s time to rethink her destiny and biography. Her daughter Tatyana began working as a graphic designer, following in the footsteps of her father. But son Peter did not show Creative skills, he worked in ordinary construction-related jobs. It is known that due to the actress’s problems with the authorities, for some time Peter was brought up in orphanage. Perhaps the tragic biography of Alexandra Zavyalova also affected his psyche. It is believed that her son was somewhat strange, aloof, and abused alcohol. In recent years, the woman looked after him, they lived together. Of course, she understood that it would be difficult for him in life and, perhaps, he would never recover, recover and get rid of bad habits. Of course, she was worried about this.

Photo: grave of Alexandra Zavyalova

It’s difficult to say what kind of relationship she had with her son, but in 2016 a tragedy occurred. Alexandra Zavyalova was killed, and, as the investigation showed, it was the work of her son. The investigation lasted a long time, many people could not believe the reality of what happened. But, one way or another, the court found Peter guilty of this act and sentenced him to 8 years in prison.

The actress died at the age of 79; she was buried in the city of St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery. Interest in her still hasn't subsided. creative biography, personal life and to this tragedy. Articles appear periodically, memoir films are released, and the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” is perhaps one of the best that was shot during the existence of the USSR.

One can consider the amazing creativity of Alexandra Zavyalova, in particular in this film, as tutorial for aspiring artists, because this is a real aerobatics in art, a role model.

Selected filmography

  • 1959 - People on the Bridge
  • 1960 - Alyoshka love
  • 1961 - Weekdays and holidays
  • 1964 - Loneliness
  • 1964 - Fro
  • 1965 - Hippocratic Oath
  • 1969 - Meeting at the old mosque
  • 1992 - White clothes

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Alexandra Zavyalova is a talented Soviet actress with an extensive list of fans. This woman of witchcraft beauty with bright and unusual appearance has earned recognition not only in her country, but also abroad. No one could imagine that fate famous actress It will be difficult and will end so tragically.


Zavyalova Alexandra Semenovna - Soviet theater and film actress, since 1994 Honored Artist of Russia. Dates of life: 02/04/1936 – 02/03/2016, died at the age of 79 years. Zodiac sign - Aquarius, marital status - divorced.

ABOUT early childhood Nothing is known about Alexandra Semyonovna, there is only information that she was born in the Tambov region, the village of Titovka.

The actress had pronounced features of an aristocratic appearance, but grew up in a family of ordinary workers. Probably yours extraordinary beauty The girl inherited it from her Greek grandmother.

The artist’s fellow countrymen convey their memories of the little girl in the film “The Recluse”: “Sasha was bright, with a naglinka,” sometimes she skipped classes and did not do her homework, but she took part in school plays and concerts with pleasure. Even then, the young talent masterfully showed stories in person and read poetry from the stage.

The “star” of Soviet cinema gained wide fame by starring in the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon.” Then a dark streak came in Alexandra’s life, which lasted for decades. Zavyalova starred in her latest film, “White Clothes,” when she was old woman, after which it fell into oblivion.

Creative career

At the age of 22, young Zavyalova graduated from the Ostrovsky Leningrad Institute and was assigned to the Brest Drama Theater. Even then, she received offers to act in films, but the actress considered herself created exclusively for the theater stage.

First roles

Filming did not attract Alexandra, especially since she had nothing to compare it with. While still a student, she played the role of the serf girl Dunya, the poet’s lover, in the film “The Song of Koltsov.”

Despite the actress’s refusal to act, director Alexander Zarkha still offered her the main role in the film “People on the Bridge.” Zavyalova agreed. Since then, a creatively active time began, followed by a role in the lyrical melodrama “Alyoshka’s Love,” where the actress played the heroine switchman Zina, with whom a timid guy, drilling geologist Alyoshka, is madly in love.

The way the young actress Alexandra Zavyalova and the famous Leonid Bykov were able to convey touching story, amazed the audience. The actress's face appears on the covers of magazines and the front pages of newspapers, and new filming offers follow.

In 1960, the melodramas “Wait for Letters” and “Bread and Roses” were released. In 1961, an American photographer photographed Zavyalova for Life magazine; the photo shoot took place in one of the rooms of the National Hotel.

During the international film festival in Moscow, Alexandra is invited to a dinner party at the US Embassy. On behalf of the management of the film festival, the actress received the Italian delegation at her home in Leningrad. Her communication with foreigners seemed natural and at ease.

The actress's favorite role is Fro. She was able to play tender, loving girl, for the sake of this Zavyalova agreed to become a blonde. An affair with the director of the film leads her to the next leading role in the film "Four Pages of a Young Life" in 1967.

Shadows disappear at noon

When Alexandra turned 35, she was invited to audition for the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon.” The directors were shocked by the performance, the transfer of feelings, the outgoing magnetism and beauty of the artist. The decision was made immediately, Alexandra Semenovna was approved for the role of Serafima Klychkova (Pistimeya Morozova).

Playing Pistimea Makarovna was the dream of many talented actresses, but only Zavyalova was able to convey the enormous inner strength, outer softness and charm of the heroine.

In Morozov's film, there are 3 ages: youth, maturity and old age. She did not act, colleagues on the set recall, but lived every episode. She managed to convey the image of a 17-year-old heiress to the Siberian mines, who turned into an evil old nun.

The incredible efforts and talent of the actress helped to accurately show the audience life and the development of a person. Despite the fact that the actress played a negative character, an enemy of the Soviet regime, she becomes the favorite of millions.

However, after this role, Zavyalova is no longer invited to film shooting, parties and dinners; she goes into seclusion, experiencing a severe crisis. She has been declared an unspoken boycott, the reasons for which are not given.

Only 30 years later, Alexandra Semyonovna is invited to a meeting with fans, where she is noticed by cinematographer Leonid Belozorovich. The elderly Zavyalova finds herself in the cast of the 1992 film “White Clothes”. Alas, this return to the screen was the last.


The actress starred in 14 films. Her heroines are strong, tough, beautiful women. Only in Fro's film was the star of Soviet cinema able to play a gentle, loving girl. Zavyalova attracted with her magical gaze not only the audience, but also her colleagues on the set. The wife of Leonid Bykov (partner in the film “Aleshkina Love”) was very jealous of her husband and was even present at the filming.

  • 1959 - the role of Lena “People on the Bridge”, “Song about Koltsov” (Dunya);
  • 1960 - “Alyoshkina’s Love” (Zina); “Wait for letters” (Rimma); “Bread and Roses” (Lyubasha);
  • 1961 - “Everyday life and holidays”;
  • 1964 - “Loneliness”;
  • 1964 - “Fro”;
  • 1965 - “The Hippocratic Oath”;
  • 1967 - “Sergei Lazo”; "Four Pages of One Young Life"; "Viy";
  • 1969 - “Meeting at the old mosque”;
  • 1971 - “Shadows disappear at noon”;
  • 1992 - “White clothes”.

Personal life

Despite her many admirers, there was only one marriage in Alexandra Semyonovna’s life. The actress met her future husband Dmitry Buchkin while still a student. He painted her portraits, gave her flowers, and looked after her beautifully. Zavyalova was accustomed to signs of attention from men, so she did not attach much importance to Dmitry’s advances.

But the young man was persistent, he “lost his head” from the girl’s beauty. Alexandra appreciated his devotion, and a few years later they got married. In 1963, the young family moved to Leningrad.

Family happiness was not destined to last long; acting fame and millions of fans made themselves felt. The affair with Rezo Esadze ended family life Alexandra. Dmitry could not forgive the betrayal and the couple divorced.

But even in the relationship with Esadze, happiness did not last long; the reason for the separation was Rezo’s jealousy and the little daughter’s refusal to perceive her mother’s admirer as a father.

In 1964, she met an American businessman, co-owner of a shipping company, and a romance broke out between them. The intelligence services suspected the businessman of espionage and asked him to leave the country. The American admirer was married, but was preparing to divorce for the sake of happiness with the Russian beauty. He prophesied for her foreign fame and a long life together.

The unexpected expulsion of her lover from the country destroyed the joyful life of the actress, the fame of an unreliable person was attached to her, they stopped inviting her to act in films, a crowd of fans disappeared, only deep depression and treatment in psychiatric hospitals.

Housemates remember how, during the days of exacerbations, she ran disheveled, in untidy home clothes through the streets and asked passers-by to take her to her husband in the USA, called the intercom and demanded to be connected to America. In these difficult years next to her was hers ex-husband Dmitry Buchkin, who loved Alexandra until the end of his days.


In a legal marriage with Buchkin, Zavyalova had a daughter, Tatyana. A few years later, a second child is born - son Peter. Alexandra Semyonovna refused to name the boy’s father.

In 1975, she was placed in a psychiatric hospital for 2 months, during which time her daughter Tatyana was taken in by her father Dmitry Buchkin, and little Peter was sent to an orphanage. Zavyalova had difficulty getting her son back, but within a year she was taken to the hospital again, this time along with little Peter.

Buchkin adopted the baby, taking him from the hospital. Years passed, and the once star of Soviet cinema was in complete seclusion, eking out a miserable existence.

Daughter Tatyana became an artist-designer and gave birth to children Darina and Dmitry in the 90s.

The son tried to work in construction, but caring for his mother required him to stay at home all the time; due to unemployment, he slowly began to become an alcoholic.

Peter was married once, after the death of his wife he started several affairs, which ended unsuccessfully, since his mother Alexandra Semyonovna “knocked out all her son’s chosen ones.”

Cause of death

On February 3, 2016, actress Alexandra Semenovna Zavyalova was killed in her apartment located in the city of St. Petersburg on Gavrskaya Street, house No. 6, the day before her 80th birthday.

Death occurred as a result of a knife blow. The grave of the “star” of Soviet cinema is located at the Smolensk cemetery.

In the last years of his life, the screen star was unrecognizable. She walked around disheveled in sloppy clothes, and on days when her mental illness worsened, she ran through the streets, pestering passers-by. Who would have thought that a beauty who took such careful care of her appearance will turn into a toothless, slovenly old woman. The press was filled with rumors and speculation about what happened to the actress, how and who killed her.

Is the son guilty?

Investigators' suspicions fell on the 40-year-old son Peter, who suffered from alcoholism.

It is assumed that the quarrel between mother and son broke out due to the fact that Peter embezzled money that was regularly donated by colleagues and friends of the actress in order to somehow help her buy medicine and food.

Later during the investigation, Zavyalova’s son confesses to his crime. He testifies that he hit his mother with a knife, but he cannot remember how it all happened. Relatives and neighbors refuse to believe that Peter is capable of murder. He is known as a friendly and non-aggressive person.

Neighbors recall that while intoxicated, he became soft and good-natured. He constantly took care of his mother, unlike his daughter Tatyana, who rarely visited them.

The chairman of the board of the house in which the Zavyalovs lived wrote positive characterization on Peter with the signature of 30 people. “Pistimeya” lived to such an age only thanks to her son, neighbors believe; he had long been advised to send his mother to a hospital.

But Peter felt sorry for her, he had a deep childhood trauma - a picture of orderlies taking his mother to a psychiatric hospital appeared before his eyes. Shortly before her death, Alexandra transferred her apartment to her daughter Tatyana, depriving Peter of his legal share.

Residents of the house who knew the Zavyalovs say that the investigation has yet to understand the legality of the fact of issuing a deed of gift for the apartment for their daughter Tatyana. Whether Alexandra Semyonovna was adequate at the time of signing the contract is unknown. The court found Peter Zavyalov guilty and sentenced him to 8 years in a maximum security colony.

It’s hard to judge who is to blame for the fact that the actress’s life turned out this way. Alexandra Semyonovna will remain in the memory of connoisseurs of Soviet cinema as an incredibly beautiful and talented actress.

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