Questions from Marcel Proust. Towards Proust. Your favorite heroines in real life

Did the work: studied what I found different variants Marcel Proust's questionnaire or passed off as him or built specifically on his basis (including the questionnaire used by Posner in his Monday broadcast), compiled a consolidated questionnaire, added logically missing questions to it (if there is a question about a favorite bird, logically there should be and a question about your favorite animal), and also allowed myself to add a few questions that arise logically and philosophy of this questionnaire and distribute all the questions according to their internal logic and topics.
In total there were exactly 50 questions, which I am publishing in anticipation of your answers, ladies and gentlemen!
Highlighted in red most popular questions, lilac - controversial or supplemented, blue - rare. If anyone wishes, he can respond selectively, only to red ones or excluding lilac ones.

1. Yours favorite hobby?

2. What is your least favorite activity?

3. What do you love most?

4. What do you hate most?

5. What do you dream about?

6. What are you afraid of?

7. What is your main character trait?

8. What is your main weakness?

9. What is your main strength?

10. What natural quality (talent, ability) would you like to have?

11. By whom and hknown to you of people Would you like to be (visit)?


12. What quality do you value most in men?

13. What quality do you value most in women?

14. What What do you value most about your friends?

15. Favorite heroes in (modern times) real life?

16. P an achievement that made a lasting impression on you?

17. Who is your favorite historical figure?

18. Historian ic character you despise most?

19. Which human virtues are most attractive to you?

20. O mistakes, weaknesses, misdeeds that cause you the greatest leniency?


21. B your dream of happiness? What is the highest happiness for you?

22. What would be your greatest misfortune?

23. The most severe test to which need exposes us?

24. What is your ideal of earthly paradise?

25. Which country would you like to live in?

26. Which country would you like to visit?

27. What is your favorite color? Why?

28. What is your favorite sound?

29. What is your favorite smell?

30. What is your favorite taste?

31. What is your favorite feeling?

32. What needs to be done to ensure that you have the oil to your heart’s content?

33. B your favorite bird?

34. What is your favorite animal?

35. What is your favorite subject?

36. Who did you love most in this life?

37. Three objects that you would take to the ends of the universe if you couldn’t take anything else?

38. Name three people, real or fictitious, with whom you would go to the edge of the universe, on reconnaissance, in battle?

39. Who is your favorite poet?

40. Who is your favorite writer?

41. Who is your favorite artist?

42. Who is your favorite composer?

43. What work of art, literature, or science would you first introduce an alien to?

44. Three books that you would definitely save at the end of the world?

45. Three works of art, which ones would you save?

46. ​​Three last wishes at the end of the world?

47. What will you ask God when you die?

48. State of mind at the moment?

49. How would you like to die?

50. What is your life motto?

I learned about the existence of this questionnaire only, alas, just a few years ago from the program of Posner, who every time ends his program with it, for some reason stubbornly calling Proust his short acquaintance and great friend- although, of course, he has the right to be considered a friend to everyone. How Proust himself would have looked at this is still unknown :) Posner arranges questions, apparently based on the personality of the interlocutor? Wikipedia states that there are two versions of the Proust Questionnaire. These are questionnaires compiled in 1886 and 1891. - neither one nor the other actually belongs to Proust - they began to be called by his name only because of his witty answers. I will give here the first (short) version of the questionnaire with my answers. Perhaps some of the readers will also be interested in filling out this questionnaire in the comments.

Questionnaire No. 1

What virtues do you value most?

Honesty, generosity, mercy.

Qualities that you value most in a man?

Generosity, gratitude, wit.

Qualities that you value most in a woman?

Kindness, femininity, fidelity.

What is your main feature?


What is your idea of ​​happiness?

Happiness is when God kisses you.

Your idea of ​​unhappiness?

When you give up and despondency takes over

What is your favorite color and flower?

Favorite colors: black and red. Favorite flower is rose.

If not yourself, then who would you like to be?

Perhaps Johann Wolfgang Goethe :)

Where would you like to live?

I am too Russian to the core to feel comfortable in another country. But from foreign countries I especially like France, although I haven't been there :)

Who are your favorite writers?

Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Gogol

Who are your favorite poets?

Pushkin, Blok, Shakespeare, Daniil Andreev, Arseny Tarkovsky.

Who are your favorite artists and composers?

Among the artists - Leonardo, Bosch, W. Blake. I don’t dare to single out any composers.

What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?

To vices that do not involve violence against another person.

What are your favorite literary characters?

Don Quixote, Faust, Rabelais' heroes, Lucius in Apuleius's "The Golden Ass", Chichikov.

Who are your favorite heroes in real life?

Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon, Caesar.

Who are your favorite heroines in real life?

Hypatia of Alexandria, Tatiana Kasatkina.

Your favorite literary female characters?

Margarita from the novel by M. Bulgakov

What is your favorite dish or drink?

Good fried or baked meat with vegetables and dry red wine - a must in good and small company!

What are your favorite names?

From the men: Nikolai, Alexey, Alexander. From women: Elena, Tatyana, Maria.

What are you disgusted by?

To fanaticism in any form; to condemn other people based on sanctimonious morality; to the base instincts of the crowd; to the violence of the strong over the weak; to the persecution of a person by jackals; to groveling before those in power; and a lot more.

Which historical figures cause your greatest antipathy?

Stalin, tyrants of all stripes.

What is your current state of mind?

It’s complex and multidimensional, but I try to look into the future with optimism.

What is your favorite saying?

“I don’t care what you think about me - I don’t think about you at all” (Coco Chanel), “Eyes and ears are bad witnesses for those who have a barbaric soul” (Heraclitus), “If you want to know a person, don’t listen what others say about him, better listen to what he says about others" (I don’t know who the author is).

Ecology of knowledge: As one famous Russian proverb says, someone else's soul is in the dark. And this is actually true, because each person is an individual; each has its own unique set personal qualities and characteristics;

As one famous Russian proverb says, someone else's soul is in the dark. And this is actually true, because each person is an individual; everyone has their own unique set of personal qualities and characteristics; Each person has his own tastes, interests, desires, worldview. And today, to study the individual characteristics of a person, there is a huge amount of all kinds of x tests , questionnaires, questionnaires and other tools. Moreover, they can all have completely different directions, thanks to which you can study personality every single person with maximum quantity angles. However, if you do not get attached to any specific area, then we can say that the most popular and interesting are those questionnaires that characterize exactly inner world of a person, reveal the peculiarities of his worldview, etc.

Knowing what makes another person different from the rest is always interesting. And it has always been like this. It is quite possible that you remember the time when boys and girls you knew (and maybe even you yourself) invited each other to visit and offered to fill out a self-made questionnaire, which was an ordinary notebook, on each page of which were written various questions. Answering these questions was quite a fun pastime, and reading the results of such a “questionnaire” brought a lot of pleasure and positivity. But, of course, this also made it possible to learn a lot of interesting things about your comrade.

But such questionnaires were popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. And among all these questionnaires, the questionnaire or, as it is also called, Marcel Proust’s questionnaire deserves special attention. And then we will tell you why, but first we will say a few words about the man himself named Marcel Proust.

Who is Marcel Proust?

Marcel Proust was a famous French writer, short story writer and critic, one of the most prominent representatives modernism in literature. He gained popularity thanks to the seven-volume epic entitled “In Search of Lost Time,” which gained fame as one of the most significant works in world literature of the 20th century. Many people considered Marcel Proust to be truly a genius man. However, in addition to his literary works, this was also facilitated by the story connecting his name and the questionnaire that he filled out and which we are talking about in our article.

A Brief History of Marcel Proust's Questionnaire

In the Victorian era (1837-1907) in England, an unusual parlor game began to gain popularity, the point of which was to answer several questions in a special album called “Album for recording thoughts, feelings, etc.” This game quickly spread throughout Europe and remained relevant for a very long time among representatives of various social strata. Among the people who answered the questionnaire are German philosopher Karl Marx, French actor Gerard Philip, American writer John Updike, Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky, American scientist Arthur Heller and other famous people.

But the questionnaire would probably have sunk into oblivion if not for Marcel Proust, who glorified it with his answers. At the end of the 19th century, when Marcel Proust was still in his teens, his friend Antoinette suggested he fill out this form. ex-daughter Felix Faure - President of France in 1895-1899. And it was the answers of the hero of our article that began to be considered and are still considered the most original of all, for which reason the questionnaire, in fact, received the name “Questionnaire (or questionnaire) of Marcel Proust”, and also became famous throughout the world.

Marcel Proust answered the questionnaire several times throughout his life, and each time he did it with great inspiration and enthusiasm. To this day, only two questionnaires that he filled out have survived intact: one dates back to 1886, which means it was filled out by Marcel at the age of 13 or 14, and the other - in 1891 or 1892 (there is no exact data), i.e. . was completed by the novelist when he was 19 or 20 years old.

Today, Marcel Proust's questionnaire does not lose its relevance. A huge number of people have been and are being asked to answer it, although not everyone agrees to this, considering it simply inappropriate and stupid, or even calling such activity “mental striptease.” But most people, of course, do not see anything wrong with the questionnaire and are happy to answer its questions. This can be evidenced by the fact that in 1969, even a special album of answers was created, “One Hundred French Writers Answer the Proust Questionnaire,” compiled by the French literary critic Leyonce Peillard. And here's another one interesting fact: Almost every Russian resident knows the TV show “Posner,” hosted by Vladimir Pozner - at the end of each episode, the host invites the invited guest to answer several questions from Marcel Proust’s questionnaire.

Answering survey questions helps you find out not only the tastes, aspirations and beliefs of other people, but also your own. For this reason, we invite you to answer the questions of Marcel Proust’s questionnaire.

Below are two versions of the questionnaire: the first version is dated 1886 and contains 24 questions, and the second is dated 1891/1892 and contains 31 questions. It was these questions that Marcel Proust himself answered in his time.

Questionnaire by Marcel Proust 1886 (24 questions)

  1. What virtues do you value most?
  2. What is your favorite activity?
  3. What is your main feature?
  4. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
  5. Your idea of ​​unhappiness?
  6. What is your favorite color and flower?
  7. If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
  8. Where would you like to live?
  9. Who are your favorite writers?
  10. Who are your favorite poets?
  11. Who are your favorite artists and composers?
  12. What are your favorite literary characters?
  13. Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
  14. Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
  15. Who are your favorite literary female characters?
  16. What is your favorite dish or drink?
  17. What are your favorite names?
  18. What are you disgusted by?
  19. Which historical figures cause your greatest antipathy?
  20. What is your favorite saying?

Questionnaire by Marcel Proust 1891/1892 (31 questions)

  1. Your most characteristic?
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
  5. What is your main weakness?
  6. What is your favorite activity?
  7. What is your dream of happiness?
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
  9. What kind of person would you like to be?
  10. What country would you like to live in?
  11. What's your favorite color?
  12. What is your favorite flower?
  13. What is your favorite bird?
  14. Who are your favorite writers?
  15. Who are your favorite poets?
  16. Darling literary hero?
  17. Favorite literary heroines?
  18. Favorite composers?
  19. Favorite artists?
  20. Favorite heroes in real life?
  21. Favorite heroine in history?
  22. Favorite names?
  23. What do you hate most?
  24. Historical figures you despise?
  25. What moment in military history What do you value most?
  26. Reform that you value most highly?
  27. An ability you wish you had?
  28. How would you like to die?
  29. What is your current state of mind?
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
  31. What is your motto?

You can continue, so to speak, the tradition that originated at the end of the 19th century in England: create a personal “Album for recording thoughts, feelings, etc.”, and offer to fill it out to your friends, acquaintances, and work colleagues. You will undoubtedly learn a lot of new and interesting things about the people around you. And this, in turn, will help you make your interaction with them much more effective. In addition, answering the questions of Marcel Proust's questionnaire is fun and unusual activity, which can lift your spirits, create a positive atmosphere and a favorable emotional microclimate. published

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As one famous Russian proverb says, someone else's soul is in the dark. And this is actually true, because each person is an individual; each has its own unique set and characteristics; Each person has his own tastes, interests, desires, worldview. And today, to study the individual characteristics of a person, there are a huge number of questionnaires, questionnaires and other tools. Moreover, they can all have completely different directions, thanks to which you can study each individual person from a maximum number of angles. However, if you do not get attached to any specific area, then we can say that the most popular and interesting are those questionnaires that characterize the inner world of a person, reveal the features of his worldview, etc.

Knowing what makes another person different from the rest is always interesting. And it has always been like this. It is quite possible that you remember a time when boys and girls you knew (and maybe even you yourself) invited each other to visit and offered to fill out a self-made questionnaire, which was an ordinary notebook, on each page of which different questions were written. Answering these questions was quite a fun pastime, and reading the results of such a “” brought a lot of pleasure and positivity. But, of course, this also made it possible to learn a lot of interesting things about your comrade.

But such questionnaires were popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. And among all these questionnaires, the questionnaire or, as it is also called, Marcel Proust’s questionnaire deserves special attention. And then we will tell you why, but first we will say a few words about the man himself named Marcel Proust.

Who is Marcel Proust?

Marcel Proust was a famous French writer, short story writer and critic, one of the most prominent representatives of modernism in literature. He gained popularity thanks to the seven-volume epic entitled “In Search of Lost Time,” which gained fame as one of the most significant works in world literature of the 20th century. Many people considered Marcel Proust to be a truly brilliant man. However, in addition to his literary works, this was also facilitated by the story connecting his name and the questionnaire that he filled out and which we are talking about in our article.

A Brief History of Marcel Proust's Questionnaire

In the Victorian era (1837-1907) in England, an unusual parlor game began to gain popularity, the point of which was to answer several questions in a special album called “Album for recording thoughts, feelings, etc.” This game quickly spread throughout Europe and remained relevant for a very long time among representatives of various social strata. Among the people who answered the questionnaire are German philosopher Karl Marx, French actor Gerard Philip, American writer John Updike, Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky, American scientist Arthur Heller and other famous people.

But the questionnaire would probably have sunk into oblivion if not for Marcel Proust, who glorified it with his answers. At the end of the 19th century, when Marcel Proust was still in his teens, he was asked to fill out this questionnaire by his friend Antoinette, who was the daughter of Felix Faure, President of France in 1895-1899. And it was the answers of the hero of our article that began to be considered and are still considered the most original of all, for which reason the questionnaire, in fact, received the name “Questionnaire (or questionnaire) of Marcel Proust”, and also became famous throughout the world.

Marcel Proust answered the questionnaire several times throughout his life, and each time he did it with great inspiration and enthusiasm. To this day, only two questionnaires that he filled out have survived intact: one dates back to 1886, which means it was filled out by Marcel at the age of 13 or 14, and the other - in 1891 or 1892 (there is no exact data), i.e. . was completed by the novelist when he was 19 or 20 years old.

Today, Marcel Proust's questionnaire does not lose its relevance. A huge number of people have been and are being asked to answer it, although not everyone agrees to this, considering it simply inappropriate and stupid, or even calling such activity “mental striptease.” But most people, of course, do not see anything wrong with the questionnaire and are happy to answer its questions. This can be evidenced by the fact that in 1969, even a special album of answers was created, “One Hundred French Writers Answer the Proust Questionnaire,” compiled by the French literary critic Leyonce Peillard. And here’s another interesting fact: almost every Russian resident knows the TV show “Posner,” hosted by Vladimir Pozner - at the end of each episode, the host invites the invited guest to answer several questions from Marcel Proust’s questionnaire.

Answering survey questions helps you find out not only the tastes, aspirations and beliefs of other people, but also your own. For this reason, we invite you to answer the questions of Marcel Proust’s questionnaire.

Below are two versions of the questionnaire: the first version is dated 1886 and contains 24 questions, and the second is dated 1891/1892 and contains 31 questions. It was these questions that Marcel Proust himself answered in his time.

Questionnaire by Marcel Proust 1886 (24 questions)

  1. What virtues do you value most?
  2. What is your favorite activity?
  3. What is your main feature?
  4. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
  5. Your idea of ​​unhappiness?
  6. What is your favorite color and flower?
  7. If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
  8. Where would you like to live?
  9. Who are your favorite writers?
  10. Who are your favorite poets?
  11. Who are your favorite artists and composers?
  12. What are your favorite literary characters?
  13. Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
  14. Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
  15. Who are your favorite literary female characters?
  16. What is your favorite dish or drink?
  17. What are your favorite names?
  18. What are you disgusted by?
  19. Which historical figures cause your greatest antipathy?
  20. What is your favorite saying?

Questionnaire by Marcel Proust 1891/1892 (31 questions)

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
  5. What is your main weakness?
  6. What is your favorite activity?
  7. What is your dream of happiness?
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
  9. What kind of person would you like to be?
  10. What country would you like to live in?
  11. What's your favorite color?
  12. What is your favorite flower?
  13. What is your favorite bird?
  14. Who are your favorite writers?
  15. Who are your favorite poets?
  16. Favorite literary character?
  17. Favorite literary heroines?
  18. Favorite composers?
  19. Favorite artists?
  20. Favorite heroes in real life?
  21. Favorite heroine in history?
  22. Favorite names?
  23. What do you hate most?
  24. Historical figures you despise?
  25. What moment in military history do you value most?
  26. Reform that you value most highly?
  27. An ability you wish you had?
  28. How would you like to die?
  29. What is your current state of mind?
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
  31. What is your motto?

You can continue, so to speak, the tradition that originated at the end of the 19th century in England: create a personal “Album for recording thoughts, feelings, etc.”, and offer to fill it out to your friends, acquaintances, and work colleagues. You will undoubtedly learn a lot of new and interesting things about the people around you. And this, in turn, will help you make your interaction with them much more effective. In addition, answering the questions of Marcel Proust’s questionnaire is a fun and unusual activity that can lift your spirits, create a positive atmosphere and a favorable emotional microclimate.

Questionnaire No. 1

  1. What is your favorite activity?
  2. What is your main feature?
  3. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
  4. Your idea of ​​unhappiness?
  5. What is your favorite color and flower?
  6. Where would you like to live?
  7. Who are your favorite writers?
  8. Who are your favorite poets?
  9. Yours
  10. What is your favorite dish or drink?
  11. What are your favorite names?
  12. What are you disgusted by?
  13. What is your favorite saying?

Answers of 13-year-old Marcel Proust

  1. What virtues do you value most?
    Those that are not limited by belonging to any sect, that is, universal.
    (Toutes celles qui ne sont pas particulières à une secte, les universelles.)
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
    Intelligence, sense of morality.
    (L'intelligence, le sens moral.)
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
    Tenderness, naturalness, intelligence.
    (La douceur, le naturel, l’intelligence.)
  4. What is your favorite activity?
    Read, dream, study poetry, history, attend the theater.
    (La lecture, la rêverie, les vers, l’histoire, le théâtre.)
  5. What is your main feature?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  6. What is your idea of ​​happiness?
    Living with the people I love, surrounded by beautiful nature, among many books and music, and not far from the French theater.
    (Vivre près de tous ceux que j'aime avec les charmes de la nature, une quantité de livres et de partitions, et pas loin un théâtre français.)
  7. Your idea of ​​unhappiness
    Being separated from your mother.
    (Etre séparé de maman.)
  8. What is your favorite color and flower?
    I love all colors, but I don’t know about colors.
    (Je les aime toutes, et pour les fleurs, je ne sais pas.)
  9. If not yourself, then who would you like to be?
    Since this question is not relevant, I would prefer not to answer it. At the same time, I wouldn't mind being Pliny the Younger.
    (N'ayant pas à me poser la question, je préfère ne pas la résoudre. J'aurais cependant bien aimé être Pline le jeune.)
  10. Where would you like to live?
    In the country of the ideal, or, more precisely, my ideal.
    (Au pays de l'idéal, ou plutôt de mon idéal.)
  11. Who are your favorite writers?
    George Sand, Augustin Thierry
    (George Sand, Aug. Thierry.)
  12. Who are your favorite poets?
    Musset. (Musset.)
  13. Who are your favorite artists and composers?
    Meyssonnier, Mozart, Gounod.
    (Meissonnier, Mozart, Gounod.)
  14. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
    TO privacy geniuses.
    (Pour la vie privée des génies.)
  15. What are your favorite literary characters?
    Those of novels and lyrics that express an ideal rather than serve as an example to follow.
    (Les héros romanesques poétiques, ceux qui sont un idéal plutôt qu’un modèle.)

  16. Something between Socrates, Pericles, Mohammed, Musset, Pliny the Younger and Augustin Thierry.
    (Un milieu entre Socrate, Périclès, Mahomet, Musset, Pline le Jeune, Aug. Thierry.)
  17. Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
    Brilliant woman presenter ordinary image life.
    (Une femme de génie ayant l’existence d’une femme ordinaire.)
  18. Who are your favorite literary female characters?
    Those who are more than women, but who have not lost their femininity: gentle, poetic, pure and beautiful in every way.
    (Celles qui sont plus que des femmes sans sortir de leur sexe, tout ce qui est tendre poétique, pur, beau dans tous les genres.)
  19. What is your favorite dish or drink?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  20. What are your favorite names?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  21. Who are you disgusted with?
    To people who do not feel that there is goodness, who neglect the happiness of love.
    (Les gens qui ne sentent pas ce qui est bien, qui ignorent les douceurs de l'affection.)
  22. Which historical figures cause your greatest antipathy?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  23. What is your current state of mind?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  24. What is your favorite saying?
    A favorite saying is one that cannot be summarized (or retold briefly) because its simplest expression represents everything that is best, beautiful and great in nature.
    (Une qui ne peut pas se résumer parce que sa plus simple expression est ce qu" a de beau, de bon, de grand dans la nature.)

Questionnaire No. 2

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
  4. What is your favorite activity?
  5. What is your dream of happiness?
  6. What kind of person would you like to be?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. What is your favorite flower?
  9. What is your favorite bird?
  10. Who are your favorite writers?
  11. Who are your favorite poets?
  12. Favorite literary character?
  13. Favorite literary heroines?
  14. Favorite composers?
  15. Favorite artists?
  16. Favorite heroes in real life?
  17. Favorite heroine in history?
  18. Favorite names?
  19. Historical figures you despise?
  20. Reform that you value most highly?
  21. How would you like to die?
  22. What is your current state of mind?
  23. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
  24. What is your motto?

Answers of 20-year-old Marcel Proust

  1. What is your most characteristic feature?
    The desire to be loved, or rather, to be caressed and spoiled, rather than to serve as an object of admiration.
    (Le besoin d"être aimé et, pour préciser, le besoin d"être caressé et gâté bien plus que le besoin d"être admiré.)
  2. Qualities that you value most in a man?
    Feminine charm.
    (Des charmes feminins.)
  3. Qualities that you value most in a woman?
    Manifestations of masculinity, as well as sincerity in friendship.
    (Des vertus d'homme et la franchise dans la camaraderie.)
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
    Tenderness towards me, while their personalities are so subtle that their tenderness is worth cherishing.
    (D"être tendre pour moi, si leur personne est assez exquise pour donner un grand prix à leur tendresse.)
  5. What is your main weakness?
    Inability, inability to “will.”
    (Ne pas savoir, ne pas pouvoir "vouloir").
  6. What is your favorite activity?
    Be in love.
  7. What is your dream of happiness?
    I am afraid that it is not sublime enough, and besides, I am afraid of destroying it with words.
    (J'ai peur qu'il ne soit pas assez élevé, je n'ose pas le dire, j'ai peur de le détruire en le disant.)
  8. What do you consider the biggest misfortune?
    Never know my mother or grandmother.
    (ne pas avoir connu ma mère ni ma grand-mère.)
  9. What kind of person would you like to be?
    Myself - who the people I admire would like me to be.
  10. What country would you like to live in?
    In the one where my wishes would come true, as if by magic, and where the feeling of tenderness would always be mutual[emphasis by Proust].
    (Celui où certaines choses que je voudrais se réaliseraient comme par un enchantement et où les tendresses seraient toujours partagées.)
  11. What's your favorite color?
    Beauty lies not in one color, but in their harmony.
    (La beauté n’est pas dans les couleurs, mais dans leur harmonie.)
  12. What is your favorite flower?
    A loved one's favorite flower, and then all the others.
    (La sienne- et après, toutes.)
  13. What is your favorite bird?
  14. Who are your favorite writers?
    Today they are Anatole France and Pierre Loti.
    (Aujourd'hui Anatole France et Pierre Loti.)
  15. Who are your favorite poets?
    Baudelaire and Alfred de Vigny.
    (Baudelaire et Alfred de Vigny.)
  16. Favorite literary character?
  17. Favorite literary heroines?
    Phaedra [crossed out], Berenice.
  18. Favorite composers?
    Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann.
    (Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann.)
  19. Favorite artists?
    Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt.
    (Léonard de Vinci, Rembrandt.)
  20. Favorite heroes in real life?
    Monsieur Darlu, Monsieur Boutroux
    (M. Darlu, M. Boutroux.)
  21. Favorite heroine in history?
  22. Favorite names?
    In every this moment I only have one favorite name.
    (Je n'en ai qu'un à la fois.)
  23. What do you hate most?
    The bad that is in me.
    (Ce qu'il y a de mal en moi.)
  24. Historical figures you despise? I don't have enough knowledge to answer this question. (Je ne suis pas assez instruit.)
  25. What moment in military history do you value most?
    When I signed up to volunteer!
    (Mon volontariat!)
  26. Reform that you value most highly?
    <Ответ отсутствует.>
  27. An ability you wish you had?
    Willpower and the ability to charm.
    (La volonté, et des séductions.)
  28. How would you like to die?
    Becoming better than I am now, and loved.
    (Meilleur - et aimé.)
  29. What is your current state of mind?
    It’s a shame that I had to think about myself for so long to answer all these questions.
    (L'ennui d'avoir pensé à moi pour répondre à toutes ces questions.)
  30. What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?
    To those which I understand[emphasis by Proust].
    (Celles que je comprends.)
  31. What is your motto?
    I prefer not to reveal it so that it does not bring me misfortune.
    (J'aurais trop peur qu'elle ne me porte malheur.)

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