Russian multiple launch rocket systems. Multiple launch rocket systems of Russia and foreign countries (rating) Modern MLRS

On Damansky Island, during the conflict with the Chinese invaders, it was tested for the first time new system volley fire"Grad", the use of which served as the beginning of peace negotiations. A salvo of this weapon completely destroyed enemy troops in a square of 7 x 10 kilometers.

This formidable weapon, which is the prototype of the legendary Katyushas, ​​is called a multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). It contains several types, the most powerful of which is the Smerch rocket launcher, the characteristics of which make NATO hawks think twice about an attack on Russia.

It has no analogues in the world, and has become the crown of evolution of this formidable weapon.

The history of the creation of the Smerch multiple launch rocket system

The use of gunpowder for flight has a long history. In the Middle Ages, the Chinese used rocket arrows. At first they were launched from a bow. Later they used a device - a prototype of a launcher.

The creation of jet technology in Russia arose at the beginning of the 19th century. A rocket technology laboratory was created in Moscow, one of the first developments of which was an illumination rocket, adopted for service in 1717. A lighting element was placed in the upper part. In flight, he scattered luminous stars to the sides.

The first combat missiles appeared in the 20s of the 19th century. The head section contained either an incendiary mixture or an explosive grenade. Wooden “tails” were used to stabilize the flight. They were intended for shelling siege fortresses.

The firing range of such a missile was up to 2700 m. This option was used during the war with Turkey in 1828, during the siege of the fortress.

Russian scientist Konstantinov created missiles with a flight distance of over 4000 m, the use of which was planned on submarines of that time. The launchers were attached to the sides of the boat.

In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the development of rocket artillery stopped due to the spread of rifled weapons and cannon systems, which were superior in accuracy and range.

With the advent of pyroxylin powder, which was superior in properties to smoke, rocket artillery received a new round of development.

  • In 1919 the year scientist N.I. Tikhomirov proposed a project for a torpedo missile;
  • In 1928 the first Soviet rocket using pyroxylin gunpowder was tested;
  • In 1933 The Scientific Research Institute of Jet Technology was formed, which began the era of rocket science.

The first missiles that were put into production and adopted into aviation were the RS-82 and RS-132. The numbers indicate the diameter of the projectile in mm.

Testing of the shells continued until 1933. In 1938 they were put into service. Since 1938, one of the main directions has been the creation of field multiple launch rocket artillery.

Initially, the designers proposed an individual anti-aircraft launcher.

However, the starting systems were finally decided to be installed in rows on the vehicle.

As a result, the analogue of this option - the well-known Katyusha rocket mortar - finally got a start in life.

The launcher structure was placed on a ZIS-6 truck. In 1941, it was put into service and immediately used on the war fronts. The index system received BM-13.

BM-13 Katyusha system

During World War 2, the new kind artillery loudly announced itself. She became an integral part of the troops. During the Battle of Berlin, 219 Katyusha divisions, or over 2,500 multiple launch rocket systems, were used.

However, a number of additionally developed post-war modifications had a significant drawback - a short firing range. The task was to create more powerful systems with a larger range. The task was completed. The firing range of Smerch is above 120 km.

In the early 50s, the Grad system was developed. Today it is the most widespread installation in the world, in service in many countries. In terms of efficiency, ease of manufacture, parameters and low price, it still has no equal. The cost of the Smerch MLRS is more expensive than the BM-21, but the damage to the enemy caused by the new generation rocket launcher is much higher than previous systems.

In the 70s of the last century, the third generation system 9K57 “Hurricane” (Grad-3), 220 mm caliber, was created. Production of the modification began in 1975.

The Smerch combat systems replaced the existing Grad and Hurricane systems. They were developed in the early 80s at the Tula enterprise "Splav". For comparison, 2 Smerch installations hit an area that would require an entire regiment of the legendary Katyushas.

Initially, the Smerch system was created as a weapon that was in the reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. His task is to engage in battle only at the most decisive moments of the battle.

Having received the target coordinates from the satellite to the on-board computer, the system delivers a high-precision strike, covering an area of ​​70 hectares in one salvo. Before the enemy discovers where the salvo was fired from, the crew changes its location.

Tactical and technical characteristics (performance characteristics of the MLRS Smerch)

Thanks to the designers, the Smerch complex’s characteristics of defeating manpower exceed all known types of similar foreign and domestic weapons.

TTX multiple launch rocket system Smerch

Rocket launcher design

Main elements of the system

Ammunition device

The most important element of the complex is the projectile.

Structurally, it can be divided into 2 parts:

  • combat;
  • motor part, with a stabilization device.

The engine housing contains a powder charge to create jet thrust. The head part contains a projectile with a contact fuse, a detonator and an explosive.

A special feature of modern military rockets is their detonation system. Each Smerch missile is equipped with an emitter, which, when approaching the target, determines the distance, and at a certain distance (5-20 m) the electronic fuse detonates combat unit.

The force of the explosion and the fragments are directed downward, which makes it possible to “cover” most of the area and guarantee the destruction of enemy personnel in the trenches.

When launched, the projectile spins along guides in the launch barrel. Then the stabilizers open, which have a curved appearance to maintain rotation in flight, which increases stability and accuracy of hits.

Types and description of missiles

A general drawing of the ammunition is shown in the figure.

The complex contains the following types of ammunition.

Projectile type Short description Performance characteristics of the projectile

Cassette warhead (MC) of a projectile.

Fragmentation combat elements 9N235

  • Number of combat elements - 72;

Defeat of manpower:

  • Shards: 96 pcs. 4.5 g/360 pcs. 0.75 g each;

Self-aiming combat elements 9N142

  • Number of combat elements - 5

Defeat of armored vehicles:

  • Armor penetration 70 mm;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 70/20

Cassette warhead of the projectile.

Combat elements anti-tank mines

  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 800/243
  • Number of combat elements - 25

Anti-tank mining:

  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 70/20

Cassette warhead of the projectile.

Cumulative-fragmentation combat elements

  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 800/243;
  • Number of combat elements - 646 (588)

Defeat of armored infantry:

  • Armor penetration: 120 (160) mm;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 70/20

High-explosive, detachable head of the projectile.
  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 810/258
  • Shards: 1100 pcs. 50 g each;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 70/20

Thermobaric warhead of the projectile.
  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 800/243

Damage to manpower by temperature:

  • Diameter with T>+1000 °C: 25 m;
  • Duration: 1.44 s;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 70/20

High-explosive fragmentation head of the projectile.
  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 815/258

Destruction of infrastructure and equipment:

  • Shards: 800 pcs. 50 g each;

Projectile with reconnaissance aircraft small dimensions
  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 815/243;
  • UAV viewing area - up to 25 sq. km;
  • Information transmission range - 70 km;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 90/25
Cassette / High-explosive fragmentation warhead.
  • Projectile/warhead mass (kg) - 820/150;
  • Destruction of infrastructure and equipment;
  • Defeat of manpower;
  • Firing radius, max/min (km) - 120/40

Development of new missiles

Today, at the SPLAV enterprise in Tula, work continues to modernize combat systems in the areas of accuracy and firing range. The accuracy of missile guidance is determined by installing a control unit that uses the system satellite guidance.

Also, in parallel, work is underway to increase the maneuverability of the projectile with the help of aerodynamic rudders, which make it possible to adjust the flight and direction to the target under the control of the ProNav computer. The implementation of this project will increase accuracy to 10 m.

In order to increase the flight radius, work is being done to reduce weight and use a fundamentally new type of engine with a different aerodynamic design. It consists of a solid propellant booster, separated during flight, and a ramjet engine (ramjet engine).

Modifications of missile systems

The Smerch family of combat systems includes three main types of modifications:

  • 9K58 based on MAZ-543M. This is a classic 12-barrel version of the system;
  • MLRS "Kama" 9K58 based on a KAMAZ vehicle. This is a 6-barrel version. Designed to be lighter, smaller and more portable;
  • 9K515 "Tornado-S". The complex represents a deep modernization of the Smerch system. It embodies all the ideas for increasing range and upgrading the engine described above. The range has been increased to 120 km, with the prospect of increasing to 200 km. The flight of the projectile is equipped with a satellite guidance system with flight correction. Rolling time - 1 minute, crew - 3 people.

Combat chassis options

Type Description of the complex
9A52B Combat vehicle of the structure for automated control of MLRS parts 9K58B
9A52-2 9K58 MLRS complex based on MAZ-543M
9A52-2T Combat complex Smerch on the Tatra chassis of the 9K58 MLRS system
9A52-4 Lightweight version of the Kama MLRS system based on KamAZ
9A52-2K 9K58 MLRS complex based on MAZ-543M, modernized command version
9A52 Basic version based on the MAZ-79111 vehicle
9A53 Complex "Uragan-1M", MLRS 9K512
9A54 New system 9K515 "Tornado-S"

Transport-charging machines

To store, equip launchers and transport ammunition of the Smerch system, special auxiliary equipment is used.

List of charging equipment:

View Chassis type TZM type
9T234 MAZ-79112 BM 9A52
9Т234-2 MAZ-543A BM 9A52-2
9T234-2T Tatra BM 9A52-2
9Т234-4 KamAZ BM 9A52-4
9T255 BM 9A54

Military equipment Smerch in service with different countries

A country Quantity
Russia 100
Armenia Some amount
Algeria 18
Azerbaijan 30
Venezuela 12
Belarus 72
Kazakhstan 6
Georgia 3
India 28
Kuwait 27
China Produces a copy
Syria Some amount
Peru 10
Ukraine 75
Turkmenistan 6

Photos of combat shooting

Firing of Smerch launchers
Firing of Smerch launchers
Firing of Smerch launchers
Firing of Smerch launchers

Documentary video about MLRS


The Smerch MLRS system is the most powerful weapon after nuclear. Its area of ​​destruction is approximately equal to 10 football fields.

After shelling in this territory, it is not possible for enemy personnel and any equipment to survive.

The Smerch weapon can hardly be called just a multiple launch rocket system. rocket launcher is a completely new type of reactive complexes. The shells were almost equal to combat tactical missiles.

For many states with a small territory, this weapon is the most effective among all available army funds according to the capabilities of defense and defense of the state. Having a great modernization perspective to improve the characteristics of the Smerch weapon, with the support and funding of the state, this power of the rocket launcher will restrain enemy aggressive impulses for many decades to come.

Due to the ongoing clashes in different countries of the world, television screens are constantly broadcasting news reports from one or another hot spot. And very often there are alarming messages about military operations, during which various multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) are actively involved. It is difficult for a person who is in no way connected with the army or military to navigate the wide variety of all kinds of military equipment, so in this article we will tell the common man in detail about such death machines as:

  • Heavy flamethrower system based on a tank (TOS) - the Buratino multiple launch rocket system (an infrequently used but very effective weapon).
  • Multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) "Grad" - widely used
  • The modernized and improved “sister” of the Grad MLRS is a reactive one (which the media and ordinary people often call “Typhoon” because of the chassis from the Typhoon truck used in the combat vehicle).
  • The multiple launch rocket system is a powerful weapon with a long range, used to destroy almost any target.
  • Having no analogues in the whole world, unique, awe-inspiring and used for total annihilation, the Smerch multiple launch rocket system (MLRS).

"Pinocchio" from a bad fairy tale

In the relatively distant year 1971, in the USSR, engineers from the Transport Engineering Design Bureau, located in Omsk, presented another masterpiece military power. It was a heavy flamethrower multiple rocket launcher system "Buratino" (TOSZO). The creation and subsequent improvement of this flamethrower complex was kept top secret. Development lasted 9 years, and in 1980 the combat complex, which was a kind of tandem of the T-72 tank and a launcher with 24 guides, was finally approved and delivered to the Armed Forces Soviet army.

"Pinocchio": application

TOSZO "Buratino" is used for arson and significant damage:

  • enemy equipment (except armored);
  • multi-storey buildings and other construction sites;
  • various protective structures;
  • manpower.

MLRS (TOS) "Buratino": description

Like the Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, the Buratino TOSZO was first used in the Afghan and second Chechen wars. According to 2014 data, such combat vehicles The military forces of Russia, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have them.

The Buratino multiple launch rocket system has the following characteristics:

  • The weight of the TOS with a complete set for combat is about 46 tons.
  • The length of "Pinocchio" is 6.86 meters, width - 3.46 meters, height - 2.6 meters.
  • The caliber of the shells is 220 millimeters (22 cm).
  • The shooting uses uncontrolled rockets that cannot be controlled after they are fired.
  • The longest firing distance is 13.6 kilometers.
  • The maximum affected area after one salvo is 4 hectares.
  • The number of charges and guides is 24 pieces.
  • The salvo is aimed directly from the cockpit using a special fire control system, which consists of a sight, a roll sensor and a ballistic computer.
  • The shells for completing the ROZZO after the salvos are fired are carried out using a transport-loading (TZM) machine model 9T234-2, with a crane and a loading device.
  • "Buratino" is managed by 3 people.

As can be seen from the characteristics, just one salvo of "Pinocchio" is capable of turning 4 hectares into a blazing hell. Impressive power, isn't it?

Precipitation in the form of "Hail"

In 1960, the USSR monopolist in the production of multiple launch rocket systems and other weapons mass destruction NPO "Splav" launched another secret project and began to develop a completely new MLRS at that time called “Grad”. Making adjustments lasted 3 years, and the MLRS entered the ranks of the Soviet Army in 1963, but its improvement did not stop there; it continued until 1988.

"Grad": application

Like the Uragan MLRS, the Grad multiple launch rocket system showed such good results in battle that, despite its “advanced age,” it continues to be widely used to this day. "Grad" is used to deliver a very impressive blow to:

  • artillery batteries;
  • any military equipment, including armored;
  • manpower;
  • command posts;
  • military-industrial facilities;
  • anti-aircraft complexes.

In addition to the aircraft Russian Federation, the Grad multiple launch rocket system is in service with almost all countries of the world, including almost all continents of the globe. Largest quantity combat vehicles of this type are located in the USA, Hungary, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Germany, Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Iran, Cuba, Yemen. Ukraine's multiple launch rocket systems also contain 90 Grad units.

MLRS "Grad": description

The Grad multiple launch rocket system has the following characteristics:

  • The total weight of the Grad MLRS, ready for combat and equipped with all shells, is 13.7 tons.
  • The length of the MLRS is 7.35 meters, width - 2.4 meters, height - 3.09 meters.
  • The caliber of the shells is 122 millimeters (just over 12 cm).
  • For firing, basic 122 mm caliber rockets are used, as well as fragmentation high explosive shells, chemical, incendiary and smoke warheads.
  • from 4 to 42 kilometers.
  • The maximum affected area after one salvo is 14.5 hectares.
  • One salvo is carried out in just 20 seconds.
  • A full reload of the Grad MLRS takes about 7 minutes.
  • The reactive system is brought into firing position in no more than 3.5 minutes.
  • Reloading the MLRS is only possible using a transport-loading machine.
  • The sight is implemented using a gun panorama.
  • The Grad is controlled by 3 people.

"Grad" is a multiple launch rocket system, the characteristics of which even today receive the highest rating from the military. Throughout its existence, it has been used in Afghan war, in the clashes between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, in both Chechen wars, during the period of hostilities in Libya, South Ossetia and Syria, as well as in civil war in Donbass (Ukraine), which broke out in 2014.

Attention! "Tornado" is approaching

"Tornado-G" (as mentioned above, this MLRS is sometimes mistakenly called "Typhoon", so for convenience both names are given here) is a multiple launch rocket system, which is a modernized version of the Grad MLRS. The design engineers of the Splav plant worked on the creation of this powerful hybrid. Development began in 1990 and lasted 8 years. For the first time, the capabilities and power of the reactive system were demonstrated in 1998 at a training ground near Orenburg, after which it was decided to further improve this MLRS. To get the final result, the developers improved the Tornado-G (Typhoon) over the next 5 years. The multiple launch rocket system was entered into service with the Russian Federation in 2013. this moment For now, this combat vehicle is only in service with the Russian Federation. "Tornado-G" ("Typhoon") is a multiple launch rocket system that has no analogues anywhere.

"Tornado": application

MLRS is used in combat to destroy targets such as:

  • artillery;
  • all types of enemy equipment;
  • military and industrial buildings;
  • anti-aircraft complexes.

MLRS "Tornado-G" ("Typhoon"): description

"Tornado-G" ("Typhoon") - a multiple launch rocket system, which, due to the increased power of ammunition, greater range and built-in satellite guidance system, has surpassed its so-called " older sister" - MLRS "Grad" - 3 times.


  • The weight of the fully loaded MLRS is 15.1 tons.
  • The length of "Tornado-G" is 7.35 meters, width - 2.4 meters, height - 3 meters.
  • The caliber of the shells is 122 millimeters (12.2 cm).
  • The Tornado-G MLRS is universal in that, in addition to the basic shells from the Grad MLRS, you can use new generation ammunition with detachable cumulative combat elements filled with cluster exploding elements, as well as
  • The firing range under favorable landscape conditions reaches 100 kilometers.
  • The maximum area subject to destruction after one salvo is 14.5 hectares.
  • The number of charges and guides is 40 pieces.
  • The sight is carried out using several hydraulic drives.
  • One salvo is carried out in 20 seconds.
  • The deadly machine is ready to work within 6 minutes.
  • Firing is carried out using a remote control unit (RC) and a fully automated fire control system located in the cockpit.
  • Crew - 2 people.

Fierce "Hurricane"

As happened with most MLRS, the history of the Uragan began in the USSR, or more precisely, in 1957. The “fathers” of the Uragan MLRS were Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev and Yuri Nikolaevich Kalachnikov. Moreover, the first designed the system itself, and the second developed the combat vehicle.

"Hurricane": application

The Uragan MLRS is designed to destroy targets such as:

  • artillery batteries;
  • any enemy equipment, including armored;
  • living force;
  • all kinds of construction projects;
  • anti-aircraft missile systems;
  • tactical missiles.

MLRS "Hurricane": description

The Uragan was used for the first time in the Afghan War. They say that the Mujahideen were afraid of this MLRS until they fainted and even gave it a formidable nickname - “Shaitan-pipe”.

In addition, the Hurricane multiple launch rocket system, the characteristics of which inspire respect among soldiers, has seen combat in South Africa. This is what prompted the military of the African continent to develop developments in the field of MLRS.

At the moment, this MLRS is in service with countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Poland, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Syria, Tajikistan, Eritrea, Slovakia.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system has the following characteristics:

  • The weight of the MLRS when fully equipped and in combat readiness is 20 tons.
  • The Hurricane is 9.63 meters long, 2.8 meters wide, and 3.225 meters high.
  • The caliber of the shells is 220 millimeters (22 cm). It is possible to use projectiles with a monolithic high-explosive warhead, with high-explosive fragmentation elements, with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
  • The firing range is 8-35 kilometers.
  • The maximum affected area after one salvo is 29 hectares.
  • The number of charges and guides is 16 pieces, the guides themselves are capable of rotating 240 degrees.
  • One salvo is carried out in 30 seconds.
  • A full reload of the Uragan MLRS takes about 15 minutes.
  • The combat vehicle goes into combat position in just 3 minutes.
  • Reloading the MLRS is possible only when interacting with the TZ vehicle.
  • Shooting is carried out either using a portable control panel, or directly from the cockpit.
  • The crew is 6 people.

Like the Smerch multiple launch rocket system, the Uragan operates in any military conditions, as well as in the case when the enemy uses nuclear, bacteriological or other weapons. In addition, the complex is capable of functioning at any time of the day, regardless of the season and temperature fluctuations. "Hurricane" is capable of regularly participating in combat operations both in cold weather (-40°C) and in sweltering heat (+50°C). The Uragan MLRS can be delivered to its destination by water, air or rail.

Deadly "Smerch"

The Smerch multiple launch rocket system, whose characteristics surpass all existing MLRS in the world, was created in 1986 and put into service with the USSR military forces in 1989. To this day, this mighty death machine has no analogues in any country in the world.

"Smerch": application

This MLRS is rarely used, mainly for total annihilation:

  • artillery batteries of all types;
  • absolutely any military equipment;
  • manpower;
  • communication centers and command posts;
  • construction projects, including military and industrial;
  • anti-aircraft complexes.

MLRS "Smerch": description

MLRS "Smerch" is available in armed forces Russia, Ukraine, UAE, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Algeria, Venezuela, Peru, China, Georgia, Kuwait.

The Smerch multiple launch rocket system has the following characteristics:

  • The weight of the MLRS when fully equipped and in firing position is 43.7 tons.
  • The length of the "Smerch" is 12.1 meters, width - 3.05 meters, height - 3.59 meters.
  • The caliber of the shells is impressive - 300 millimeters.
  • For firing, cluster rockets are used with a built-in control system unit and an additional engine that corrects the direction of the charge on the way to the target. The purpose of shells can be different: from fragmentation to thermobaric.
  • The firing range of the Smerch MLRS is from 20 to 120 kilometers.
  • The maximum affected area after one salvo is 67.2 hectares.
  • The number of charges and guides is 12 pieces.
  • One salvo is carried out in 38 seconds.
  • Complete re-equipment of the Smerch MLRS with shells takes about 20 minutes.
  • "Smerch" is ready for combat feats in a maximum of 3 minutes.
  • Reloading of the MLRS is carried out only when interacting with a TZ-vehicle equipped with a crane and a charging device.
  • The crew consists of 3 people.

The Smerch MLRS is an ideal weapon of mass destruction, capable of operating in almost any temperature conditions, day and night. In addition, shells fired by the Smerch MLRS fall strictly vertically, thereby easily destroying the roofs of houses and armored vehicles. It is almost impossible to hide from the Smerch; the MLRS burns out and destroys everything within its radius of action. Of course, this is not the power of a nuclear bomb, but still, the one who owns the Smerch owns the world.

The idea of ​​"world peace" is a dream. And as long as MLRS exist, unattainable...

Much has changed since the days of the famous Katyushas. Battle tactics, weapons, state borders... But Russia's multiple launch rocket systems are still extremely important on the battlefield to this day. With their help, you can throw shells of enormous destructive power over tens of kilometers, destroying and disabling fortified areas, enemy armored vehicles and manpower.

Our country occupies a leading position in the development of MLRS: old developments are constantly being improved and new models of these weapons are appearing. Today we will look at what Russian multiple launch rocket systems are in service with the army today.


MLRS 122 mm caliber. Designed to destroy enemy personnel, remotely lay minefields, and destroy enemy fortified positions. Can fight mild and medium armored vehicles. When creating the vehicle, the Ural-4320 chassis was used, on which guides for 122 mm caliber shells are placed. You can transport ammunition to the Grad using any vehicle that has suitable dimensions.

The number of guides for projectiles is 40 pieces, arranged in four rows of ten pieces each. Fire can be fired either in single shots or in a one-shot salvo, which takes less than a minute (no more than 20 seconds). The maximum firing range is up to 20.5 kilometers. The affected area is four hectares. "Grad" can be successfully operated in a wide range of temperatures: from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Fire control is possible both from the cockpit and outside it, and in the latter case, the crew uses a remote wired remote control (range of action - up to 50 meters). Since the designers provided for the sequential deflection of the projectiles from the guides, the combat vehicle sways relatively weakly during firing. It takes no more than three to four minutes to bring the installation into firing position. The chassis can overcome fords up to one and a half meters deep.

Combat use

Where were these Russian multiple launch rocket systems used? Firstly, their baptism of fire took place in Afghanistan. As the Mujahideen who survived the shelling (and there were very few of them) recall: “There was real hell all around, clods of earth were rising to the skies. We thought it was the end of the world." The installation was widely used during both Chechen campaigns, during the “war of three eights”, when forcing Georgia to peace.

However, the first experience of using these, then still secret, installations was obtained long before the events described. This happened during the incident on the Damansky Peninsula, which was later given to China. When the second wave of Chinese troops was able to break into its territory and gain a foothold there, the order was given to use Grads. First Soviet Union I actually wanted to use it atomic weapons, but there were concerns about the reaction from the outside international community. Be that as it may, this was enough for the PLA: a directed salvo of dozens of Grads simply plowed up this piece of disputed territory.

It is probably impossible to know how many Chinese died there. Soviet military leaders believed that at least three thousand people crossed into the peninsula. In any case, there were definitely no survivors.

Current state of affairs

Today it is believed that the Grads are morally and technically outdated. Many of these vehicles that are in service with our army today have almost completely exhausted their service life. In addition, the troops are now being rearmed and equipped with Tornado MLRS. But for the “old guys” it’s still a long way off. The fact is that the Ministry of Defense still wants to leave in the ranks of the army a proven, cheap and effective machine.

In this regard, a special project was created to modernize them and bring them to modern look and efficiency. In particular, a normal satellite navigation system was finally installed on the old model, as well as a Baguette computer that controls the process of launching projectiles. According to the military, the relatively simple update procedure benefited the Grads, as their combat potential increased several times at once.

This technique is used by all parties to the conflict on Ukrainian territory. Warlike Africans who received MLRS from the USSR also love these weapons. In short, the installation’s geographical distribution is enormous. This is what characterizes the Grad multiple launch rocket system. The “tornado”, which we will describe below, is many times more powerful and has terrible destructive power.


A truly terrifying weapon. In comparison, the “Grad” is really similar in effectiveness to the one of the same name. Judge for yourself: the Americans believe that the “Smerch” is a multiple rocket launcher, the characteristics of which would be more suitable for a compact complex with nuclear weapons.

And they are absolutely right. This installation, in just one salvo, “covers” an unrealistic 629 hectares of area with a firing range of up to 70 kilometers. And that's not it. Today, new types of projectiles are being developed that will fly a hundred kilometers. In the area covered by these Russian multiple launch rocket systems, everything is burning, including heavy armored vehicles. Like the previous MLRS, Smerch can be operated in the widest temperature range.

Designed for large-scale processing of enemy positions before an offensive, destruction of particularly strong bunkers and bunkers, destruction of large concentrations of enemy manpower and enemy equipment.

Chassis, guides for launching projectiles

The chassis is based on the MAZ-543 all-terrain vehicle. Unlike the Grad, this installation is much more dangerous for the enemy due to the fact that the battery includes the Vivarium fire control system, which allows achieving the highest efficiency, which is more typical for cannon artillery systems.

These multiple rocket launchers have 12 tubular projectile guides. Each of them weighs 80 kilograms, with 280 of them coming from a powerful charge. Weapons experts believe that this ratio is ideal option for unguided projectiles, since it allows you to combine powerful propulsion engines and enormous destructive potential in ammunition.

And one more feature of Smerch shells. The designers worked on this for a long time, but they achieved that the angle of their fall to the ground was equal to 90 degrees. Such a “meteorite” will easily penetrate through any MBT of a probable enemy, and concrete structures are unlikely to withstand such power. At present, there are no plans to produce new Smerchs (most likely), since they will be replaced at the combat post by new Tornados.

However, there is some probability that the old complexes will still be modernized. It is absolutely certain that their ammunition can include new types of active-guided missiles, so the combat capabilities of the complex are far from being exhausted today.

What other multiple rocket launchers do we have?


Adopted into service in the 70s of the last century. In terms of combat effectiveness, it occupies an intermediate position between the Grad and Smerch. Thus, the maximum firing range is 35 kilometers. In general, the “Hurricane” is a multiple rocket launcher, the design of which laid down many principles that still guide the developers of this type of weapon in our country. It was created by the famous designer Yuri Nikolaevich Kalachnikov.

By the way, “Hurricane” is a multiple rocket launcher, which at one time the Soviet Union supplied in considerable quantities to Yemen, where they are now beginning to conduct intensive fighting. Surely we will soon find out how effective the old Soviet technology was in battle. At the same time as the Grad, the Russian armed forces also used the Uragan during the war in Afghanistan.

The installation was also widely used in Chechnya, and then in Georgia. There is information that with the help of Hurricanes, a column of advancing Georgian tanks was once completely destroyed (according to other sources, these were Grads).

Composition of the complex

There are 16 tubular guides mounted on the chassis of the ZIL-135LM all-terrain vehicle (initially it was planned that there would be 20 of them). The Ukrainians at one time modernized the cars they inherited, placing them on the chassis of their own fighting compartment These installations include the following components:

    The 9P140 machine itself.

    Transport for transporting and loading 9T452 shells.

    Ammunition kit.

    Fire control vehicle based on the 1V126 "Kapustnik-B" installation.

    Tools for teaching and training calculations.

    Topographic reconnaissance station 1T12-2M.

    Direction finding and meteorology complex 1B44.

    A complete set of equipment and tools 9F381, designed for repair and maintenance of machines from the complex.

What else characterizes the Russian Uragan multiple launch rocket systems? The artillery part is made on a rotating mechanism base for balancing, and is also equipped with hydraulic and electromechanical drives. The massive package of guides can be aimed from 5 to 55 degrees.

Horizontal aiming can be carried out at an angle of 30 degrees to the right and left of the central axis of the combat vehicle. To prevent the risk of the heavy chassis collapsing during a massive salvo, two powerful combat lugs are provided at the rear of the chassis. The complex is also equipped with night vision devices, and therefore can be operated in the dark.

Currently, about one and a half hundred of these machines are still in use in the Russian Armed Forces. Most likely, they will not be modernized, but will be written off immediately after their combat life is fully exhausted. This is due to the fact that a new MLRS was adopted for service, which includes all the advantages of the old models.


This is Russia's new multiple launch rocket system. Its development began due to the fact that the old Grads, which had been in service for more than forty years, urgently needed replacement. As a result of intense design work, this machine appeared.

Unlike its predecessors, Russia's Tornado multiple launch rocket systems are much more advanced in the field of guidance and firing accuracy, as they can use topographic data transmitted from satellites. But this is not the only thing that makes the newly created MLRS unique.

The fact is that previously, for each task, Soviet industry created a separate installation: in fact, this is exactly how the meteorological “zoo” appeared in the form of “Grad”, “Smerch” and “Hurricane”. But modern Russian multiple launch rocket systems (“Tornado”) will be produced in three versions at once, using shells from all three vehicles described above. It is assumed that the designers will provide the ability to quickly replace the artillery unit, so that one chassis can be used in different capacities.

New shells

In addition, all previous systems had one big drawback associated with the uncontrollability of ammunition. Simply put, it was impossible to correct the course of already fired shells. All this was quite suitable for the wars of past decades, but in current conditions it is no longer acceptable. To solve this problem, new types of projectiles with active optical and laser guidance were created for the Tornado. From now on, MLRS have become a fundamentally new, extremely dangerous look weapons.

Thus, modern Russian multiple launch rocket systems can now be compared in effectiveness with the most advanced examples of cannon artillery, hitting a target tens of kilometers away. Unlike the most advanced “Smerch” in this regard, the firing range of the “Tornado” is already up to 100 kilometers (when using the appropriate projectiles).

Meeting new and old

As we already wrote at the very beginning of the article, work is also currently underway to improve the old Grads, of which there are still many left in service. And then the designers thought: “What if we use a simple, technologically advanced chassis from the Grad, installing a new combat module from the Tornado of the appropriate caliber?” The plan was quickly brought to life.

This is how the world was born new car"Tornado-G". It was officially put into service in 2013, and deliveries to the troops began at the same time. At the Tank Biathlon 2014, the new MLRS was demonstrated to everyone.

Unlike both predecessors of this technology, the design includes the Kapustnik-BM control system, which increases the combat capabilities of the complex several times. In addition, the process of aiming and live firing has been significantly simplified: now the crew does not need to go outside at all, since all the necessary topographical data is displayed in real time on monitors installed inside the cabin. From there you can set a target and launch projectiles.

Such modernizations not only modernized old complex, but also significantly protected the crew. Now the vehicle can quickly fire a salvo from a closed position and leave it, spending no more than a minute and a half. This sharply reduces the risk of detection and destruction of the complex by an enemy retaliatory strike. In addition, through the use of new projectiles with a detachable warhead, it is now possible to significantly expand the range of possible combat modules.

Here are the multiple launch rocket systems in Russia today. Photos of them are given in the article, so you can get a rough idea of ​​their power.

Despite the development of aviation and the emergence of increasingly advanced guided munitions, work on which is being carried out in many countries around the world, the importance of cannon and rocket artillery does not become less. Moreover, the experience of local conflicts in recent decades shows the high efficiency of using multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). All more countries strive to acquire own samples similar weapons. One of the most powerful multiple launch rocket systems today is the Smerch MLRS, developed back in the USSR.

"Smerch" can send 300 mm caliber rockets at a distance of up to 90 km and combines firepower the legendary "Katyusha" and the range of destruction tactical missiles. In one gulp, the installation covers an area almost equal to 70 hectares.

The Smerch MLRS belongs to the third generation of multiple launch rocket systems. The installation was put into service in 1987, it is currently in operation in the Russian army, and is also used by the armed forces of fifteen other countries.

One of the main disadvantages of the Smerch MLRS is its high cost. One rocket costs 2 million rubles (as of 2005), the price of the complex is 22 million dollars.

History of creation

The first generation of Soviet multiple launch rocket systems includes the famous BM-13 “Katyusha” and a number of post-war vehicles (BM-20, BM-24, BM-14-16), which were developed taking into account the experience of the recent war. All of the above samples had one significant drawback - a short firing range, that is, they were, in fact, battlefield vehicles. This fact did not suit the military at all, so developments in this direction did not stop.

In 1963, the world's first second-generation MLRS was put into service - the famous BM-21 Grad combat vehicle, which is still used today by the Russian and many other armies of the world. To say that the BM-21 turned out well is to say nothing. In terms of simplicity, efficiency and manufacturability, this MLRS has no analogues today.

However, the Soviet military wanted to get more powerful system, which could destroy targets at considerable distances.

Back in the late 60s, the designers of SNPP Splav (Tulgosniitochmash) began work on creating a 300 mm MLRS that could hit the enemy at a range of up to 70 km. In 1976, a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers appeared on the start of work on the creation of the Smerch multiple launch rocket system. About 20 enterprises of the USSR took part in this project.

The biggest problem when creating MLRS long range is a significant spread of rockets. When the Americans were working on creating their MLRS MLRS, they came to the conclusion that there was no point in making a system with a firing range of more than 40 kilometers, because it simply would not be able to hit its targets.

It should be noted that the United States paid little attention to the development of multiple launch rocket systems, considering them exclusively battlefield weapons that should directly support their troops in attack or defense. "Smerch" in its characteristics is closer to tactical missile systems and a salvo of six installations is quite capable of stopping a division or destroying a small locality. We can safely say that the Smerch MLRS is the most destructive weapon ground forces, not counting nuclear. Sometimes the power of this complex is called excessive.

Soviet designers solved the problem of missile scattering: they made adjustable ammunition for the Smerch. This solution increased the accuracy of the complex by 2-3 times.

It is the rockets that are the main highlight of the Smerch. Each rocket has a control system that directs its flight along its active trajectory.

The Smerch MLRS was put into service in 1987. During its operation, the machine was modernized several times, which significantly improved it. performance characteristics(TTX). Until 1990 (this year the Chinese WS-1 MLRS appeared), the Smerch was the most powerful combat vehicle of its class. Today it remains the longest-range multiple launch rocket system in the world.

In 1989, a modification of the Smerch MLRS appeared with a 9A52-2 combat vehicle and a new transport-loading vehicle.

Since 1993, the Smerch MLRS has been actively promoting itself on the global arms market and it must be said that there is always an increased interest in this technology. These complexes are in service with many countries, including China and India.


The Smerch multiple launch rocket system is designed to destroy almost any group targets at distances from 20 to 90 km. This could be the enemy’s armored and unarmored equipment, his manpower, communication centers, tactical missile batteries, command posts, enemy jump airfields. The target engagement range allows firing from distances that make the Smerch invulnerable to enemy artillery.

The missile's deviation is only 0.21% of its flight range, which gives an error of 150 meters at a distance of 70 km. This is very high accuracy for such a weapon; it is achieved due to the high speed of rotation of the rocket in flight, as well as thanks to its control system.

MLRS consists of the following elements:

  • combat vehicle;
  • 300 mm caliber rockets;
  • transport-charging machine;
  • radio direction finding meteorological complex;
  • car for topographic survey;
  • a set of special equipment.

The combat vehicle consists of an all-terrain vehicle: MAZ-79111, MAZ-543M, Tatra 816 (India) and an artillery component, which is located in the rear of the vehicle. In front is the driver's cabin, engine compartment and crew cabin, which houses the fire control system and communications equipment.

The loading vehicle is equipped with crane equipment and is capable of carrying 12 missiles.

The artillery unit consists of twelve tubular guides, a rotating base, lifting and turning mechanisms, as well as sighting and electrical equipment.

Each of the tubular guides is equipped with a U-shaped groove, which is needed to impart rotational motion to the missile. The lifting and rotating mechanism provides aiming in the vertical plane from 0 to 55° and a horizontal aiming sector of 60° (30° to the right and left of the longitudinal axis of the combat vehicle).

The combat vehicle is equipped with hydraulic supports on which the rear of the vehicle hangs during firing. This improves its accuracy.

Both the launcher and the loading machine are almost identical. They are equipped with a twelve-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 525 hp. With. The wheel formula is 8x8, the first two pairs of wheels are rotary. On the highway, these cars can move at a speed of 60 km/h, they have high maneuverability and can use any type of road, overcome fords with a depth of one meter. The power reserve is 850 km.

The Smerch MLRS missiles are manufactured according to a classic aerodynamic design with a detachable warhead. This design solution significantly reduces the missile's visibility on radar screens, making them even deadlier.

Each missile is equipped with an inertial control system, which corrects its flight in yaw and pitch during the active part of the trajectory. Correction is carried out using gas-dynamic rudders located in the front part of the rocket. To ensure their operation, a gas generator is installed on the rocket. In addition, the rocket is stabilized due to its rotation, as well as stabilizers, which open immediately after the shot and are located at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the missile.

The rocket engine is solid fuel and runs on mixed fuel. The head part can be monoblock or with separable parts. Fire can be carried out either in single shots or in a volley. Each rocket is 7.5 meters long and weighs 800 kg, of which 280 kg is the warhead.

The warhead can contain up to 72 combat elements, which, due to a special mechanism, hit targets at an angle of 90°, which significantly increases their effectiveness.

The Smerch multiple launch rocket system fires one salvo in 38 seconds. The launch is carried out from the cockpit or using remote control. Preparation for a salvo after receiving the target coordinates takes three minutes. In just a minute the installation can be abandoned fighting position, which makes it even less vulnerable to enemy return fire.

The process of loading the complex is extremely mechanized and takes about twenty minutes.

"Smerch" can use a wide variety of ammunition: high-explosive fragmentation, cluster, thermobaric. The MLRS is capable of remotely mining an area with both anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. There is an experimental ammunition with reconnaissance unmanned vehicle“Tipchak”, which scans the area and transmits information over a distance of 70 km.

Ammunition with a flight range of 70 and 90 km has been developed for this complex. Several years ago, information appeared about the creation of a new high-explosive fragmentation ammunition with a flight range of 120 km and a warhead mass of 150 kg.

The modernization of the MLRS (the creation of 9A52-2 combat vehicles) consisted of the installation of more advanced fire control and communications equipment. This allowed us to ensure high speed receiving and transmitting data, protecting it from unauthorized access and more convenient display of information for crew members. This equipment also links the combat vehicle to the terrain, calculates firing settings and flight missions.

The automated control system "Vivarium" combines several command and staff vehicles, which are at the disposal of the brigade commander, its chief of staff, as well as division commanders. Each of these machines is equipped with computing equipment, communications and data encryption. Such headquarters vehicles can collect information, process it, and exchange data with other control units for planning and carrying out combat missions.

Another modification of this complex can be called the Kama MLRS, which was demonstrated to the general public in 2007. "Kama" has only six guides for 300-mm missiles, which are installed on a four-axle KamAZ truck. The Kama MLRS combat and loading vehicle was demonstrated in 2009.

Experts say the main goal of creating the Kama is to increase the mobility of the complex by reducing its size and weight. There are also opinions that the new MLRS have good commercial prospects.

Currently, Splav specialists are working on the creation of the next generation multiple launch rocket system - Tornado. There is very little information about its characteristics, but, probably, this MLRS will be even closer in accuracy to tactical missile systems. Most likely, the Tornado MLRS will be two-caliber, that is, it will be able to solve the tasks that the Uragan and Smerch perform today. Automation of Tornado firing will reach such a level that combat vehicles will be able to leave positions even before the missiles hit the target.


Video about MLRS

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Directory "Domestic rocket weapons"contains information about 520 combat, experienced and experimental missile systems, missiles, multiple launch rocket systems and their modifications, which were or are in service with the Soviet Army and the Russian Army, as well as about missile projects created in 38 leading design bureaus (main development enterprises) of the USSR, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Includes data on ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, missiles medium range, operational-tactical, tactical, cruise, aeroballistic, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, anti-submarine missiles and anti-missiles on the following points: Short story creation, year of adoption, performance characteristics, data on carriers, launchers, mass production and operation in the army.

Sections of this page:


PU complex BM-21 "Grad" (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

"KATYUSHA" BM-13. M-13

Multiple launch rocket system (name during operation in the army - guards mortar) with a solid propellant rocket. Along with the BM-8-24, the first domestic MLRS is widely known under the name "Katyusha".

The M-13 rocket was created on the basis of the RS-132 aircraft unguided rocket, developed at the Rocket Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleimenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. The direct development of a multi-charge launcher and a powder rocket for it began at NII-3 (successor to the RNII) in 1938. The first self-propelled launchers based on the ZIS-5 vehicle were manufactured in 1939. The decision on mass production and adoption Ground Forces PU-13 and M-13 rockets were adopted on June 21, 1941. On July 14, 1941, the BM-13 was used for the first time in battle near Orsha.

The maximum firing range is 8.5-16 km. Caliber – 132 mm. Flight speed – 355 m/s. The mass of the missile is 42.3 kg. The mass of powder bombs is 7.1 kg. The mass of the explosive is 4.9 kg. High-explosive fragmentation warhead. The PU has 8 guides. Projectiles weighing 57.6 kg and 42.4 kg were used. The system has been removed from service.


Multiple launch rocket system (name during operation in the army - guards mortar) with a solid propellant rocket. Along with BM-13, the first domestic MLRS. The M-8 rocket was created on the basis of the RS-82 aircraft unguided rocket, developed at the Rocket Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleimenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. The direct development of a multi-charge launcher and a powder rocket for it was carried out at NII-3 (the successor to the RNII). Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1941-1942.

The maximum firing range is 48 km. Caliber - 82 mm. Flight speed – 315 m/s. The launch weight of the rocket is 8 kg. Fragmentation warhead. The following modifications of launchers were produced: BM-8-8 - the launcher has 8 guides for projectiles. BM-8-24 – PU has 24 guides for projectiles. BM-8-48 – PU has 48 guides for projectiles. The system has been removed from service.


Multiple launch rocket system (name during operation in the army - guards mortar) with an improved solid propellant rocket. The M-13UK missile was developed at the Research Institute-3 of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition (successor to the RNII) based on the M-13. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1943. It has improved accuracy of fire (hit accuracy). The system has been removed from service.


Multiple launch rocket system (name during operation in the army - guards mortar) with an improved solid propellant rocket. The M-13DD rocket was developed at the Research Institute-3 of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition (successor to the RNII) based on the M-13. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1944. It has an increased firing range.

The maximum firing range is 12 km. Flight speed – 520 m/s. The launch weight of the rocket is 62.5 kg. The mass of the explosive is 4.9 kg. The length of the rocket is 2.12 m.

The system has been removed from service.

Missiles of the BM-21 "Grad" complex (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

"KATYUSHA" BM-13. M-20

Multiple launch rocket system (name during operation in the army - guards mortar) with an improved solid propellant rocket. The M-20 missile was developed in State Institute rocket technology (successor to the RNII) based on the M-13 rocket in 1941

BM-31. M-30

Solid propellant rocket for a multiple launch rocket system. Developed at the State Institute of Jet Technology (successor to the RNII) together with the design group of the Main Armament Directorate of the Guards Mortar Units in 1941-1943. Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1942. It has an above-capiber warhead, which made it possible to significantly increase the mass of the explosive. The M-31 and M-31UK missiles for the BM-31 launcher were created on the basis of the M-30.

The maximum firing range is 8 km. Caliber – 300 mm. Flight speed – 200 m/s. Starting weight – 72-76 kg. The mass of the explosive is 29 kg. Projectile length – 1.45 m.

BM-31. M-31

Multiple launch rocket system with an improved solid propellant rocket. The M-31 rocket was developed at the State Institute of Jet Technology (successor to the RNII) together with the design group of the Main Armament Directorate of the Guards Mortar Units in 1943 on the basis of the M-30 for the BM-31 launcher. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1942-1944. The projectile has an increased explosive charge. Firing range – 8-12 km. Caliber – 300 mm. Projectile weight – 92.5-94.5 kg.

The system has been removed from service.

BM-31. M-31UK

Multiple launch rocket system with an improved solid propellant rocket. The M-31 UK rocket was developed at the State Institute of Jet Technology (successor to the RNII) together with the design group of the Main Armament Directorate of the Guards Mortar Units in 1943 on the basis of the M-30 for the BM-31 launcher. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1944. The projectile has an increased explosive charge and improved firing accuracy (hit accuracy). The maximum firing range is 4 km. Flight speed – 245 m/s. Starting weight – 95 kg. The mass of the explosive is 29 kg. The projectile length is 1.76 m. The system has been removed from service.

BM-14. M-140F

Multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant turbojet projectile. The first post-war modification of the M-8 and M-13 missiles. The development of the M-14OF missile was carried out from 1949 to 1952 at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer A. Lifshits for the BM-14 (8U32) launcher with 16 guides on the ZIS-151 vehicle chassis and for the launcher BM-14-17 (8U36) with 17 guides on the chassis of the GAZ-63 car. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1952. M-14 shells were also used on RPU-14 towed launchers, on launchers of tank landing ships and river armored boats. The maximum firing range is 9.8-11 km. Caliber – 140 mm. Projectile weight - 39.6 kg. The mass of the MLRS installation is 7 tons. The system has been removed from service.

In 1967, the ZIF-121 naval jamming system, equipped with M14OF missiles and intended for the Project 1123 Moskva and Project 1134 Admiral Zozulya cruisers, was tested. There is no data on adoption.

In 1982, the A-22 “Fire” naval system, equipped with M-14OF missiles and intended for missile boats, was tested. It was not accepted into service.

BMD-20F. MD-20

Solid propellant finned rocket MD-20. Development was carried out from 1949 to 1952 at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer N. Zhukov for the launcher of the BMD-20F (8U33) combat vehicle on a ZIS-151 vehicle chassis with four guides. Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1952. Maximum firing range - 15 km. The system has been removed from service.

BM-24. M-24F

Multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant turbojet projectile. The development of the M-24F rocket was carried out from 1948 to 1951 at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer N. Gorbachev for the BM-24 launcher on a ZIS-151 vehicle chassis with twelve guides.

Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1951, the launcher had 12 guides for projectiles. The maximum firing range is 8-16.8 km. Caliber – 240 mm. Projectile weight – 109-151 kg. The mass of the MLRS installation is 7.1 tons. The system has been removed from service.

BM-24. M-24FOOD

Multiple launch rocket system with a modernized solid propellant turbojet projectile. The development of the M-24FUD missile was carried out from 1953 to 1955 at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer N. Gorbachev for the BM-24 launcher on the ZIS-151 chassis with twelve guides. Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1955. Maximum firing range - 8-16 km. Caliber – 240 mm. The system has been removed from service.

BM-24. MD-24F

Multiple launch rocket system with a modernized solid propellant turbojet projectile. The development of the rocket was carried out from 1956 to 1962 at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer N. Gorbachev for the BM-24 launcher. Adopted by the Ground Forces in 1962.

The maximum firing range is 20 km. Caliber – 240 mm. The system has been removed from service.

BM-21 "Grad"

"GRAD" BM-21. 9K51

Divisional multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant rocket. The launcher has 40 guide barrels and is placed on the chassis of a three-axle Ural-375D tractor. In this system, for the first time in the world, designers managed to solve the problem of large dispersion of MLRS shells. Development began in 1957 at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Ganichev. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1963. It is in service with the armies of more than 50 countries around the world. Serial production has been launched at the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin (JSC Motovilikha Plants).

Firing range - from 5 km to 20.5 km. Projectile weight - 66.5 kg. Caliber – 122 mm. Projectile length - 2.8 m. Warhead weight - 18.4 kg. The mass of the MLRS is 13.7 tons. The missiles used are M-21OF and 9M22U (high-explosive fragmentation), 9M22S (incendiary), 9M28F (high-explosive fragmentation with detachable warhead), 9M28K (cluster with anti-tank mines), 3M16 (cluster with anti-personnel mines) minami). Is in service.


Divisional multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant rocket with an extended firing range. Developed in 1998 by the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" together with the Perm OJSC "Motovilikha Plants" and the Kovrov Research Institute "Signal". Chief designer - Gennady Denezhkin. The automated control system was created by the Signal Research Institute. The system includes a Kapustnik-B fire control post, equipped with two Baget-41 computers, four radio stations, navigation systems (including satellite), a meteorological reconnaissance complex and life support equipment. The launcher has 40 guide barrels and is placed on the chassis of a three-axle Ural-375D tractor. The extended-range missile uses new mixed propellant and solid propellant charges developed in Federal Center dual technologies (Dzerzhinsky). The weight of the engine housing has been reduced from 20 to 9 kg. The maximum firing range is 40 km. Serial production has been launched at Motovilikha Plants OJSC.


Lightweight portable rocket system with solid propellant rocket. The number of guide pipes is 1. The system was developed at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" in 1965. The chief designer is Alexander Ganichev. The maximum firing range is 10.8 km. The mass of the missile is 46 kg. Caliber – 122 mm. The 9M22M (high-explosive lightweight fragmentation) projectile is used.

"GRAD – B"

Landing multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant rocket. The launcher has 12 guide barrels and is located on the GAZ-66 chassis. The system was developed at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" in 1967. The chief designer is Alexander Ganichev.

Firing range - from 5 km to 20.1 km. Projectile weight - 66.5 kg. Caliber – 122 mm. The length of the projectile is 2.8 m. The missiles used are M-21OF and 9M22U (high-explosive fragmentation), 9M28F (high-explosive fragmentation with detachable warhead), 9M28K (cluster with anti-tank mines), 3M16 (cluster with anti-personnel mines).

"GRAD – 1"

Regimental multiple launch rocket system with solid propellant rocket. The launcher has 36 guide barrels and is located on the ZIL-131 chassis. The system was developed at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" in 1976. The chief designer is Alexander Ganichev.

Firing range – from 1.55 km to 15 km. Projectile weight - 57 kg. Caliber – 122 mm. The missiles used are M-21 OF and 9M22U (high-explosive fragmentation), 9M28S (incendiary), 9M28F (high-explosive fragmentation with detachable warhead), 9M28K (cluster with anti-tank mines), 3M16 (cluster with anti-personnel mines).

"PRIMA" 9K59

Divisional multiple launch rocket system with a solid propellant rocket. Developed at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav". Chief designer - Alexander Ganichev. The launcher has 50 guide barrels and is located on the Ural-4320 chassis. Tests were completed in December 1982. The system was put into service in 1988.

Firing range - from 5 km to 20.5 km. Projectile weight – 70 kg. Caliber – 122 mm. The length of the projectile is 2.8 m. The missiles used are M-21OF and 9M22U (high-explosive fragmentation), 9M22S (incendiary), 9M53F (high-explosive fragmentation with detachable warhead), 9M28K (cluster with anti-tank mines), 3M16 (cluster with anti-personnel mines) minami). Serial production has been launched at the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin. The Prima MLRS is the first to use a rocket with a warhead detachable in flight and a parachute system.

"GRAD-M" A-215

Marine multiple launch rocket system with solid propellant missile M-21OF. The PU has 40 guide barrels. Development at the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav" began in 1966. Tests took place in 1972. The system was adopted by the Navy in 1978.

The maximum firing range is 20.5 km. Projectile weight - 66.5 kg. Projectile length - 2.8 m. Warhead weight - 18.4 kg. Is in service.

"Hurricane" (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

"URAGAN" BM-27. 9K57

Army multiple launch rocket system with solid propellant rocket. The launcher has 16 guide barrels and is located on the chassis of a four-axle ZIL-135LM tractor. Development was carried out in the 60s by the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise Splav and the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin (now JSC Motovilikha Plants). Chief designer - Alexander Ganichev. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1975. Firing range is from 8 to 34 km. Projectile weight – 280 kg. Caliber – 220 mm. Warhead weight – 100 kg. The missiles used are 9M27F (high-explosive), 9M27K (cluster with fragmentation warheads), 9M59 (cluster with anti-tank mines), 9M27K2 (cluster with anti-tank mines), 9M27K3 (cluster with anti-personnel mines). Serial production has been launched at the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin. The Uragan MLRS used rockets with cluster warheads for the first time.

Is in service.

"Tornado" (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

"Smerch" 9K58

Front multiple launch rocket system. The launcher has 12 guide barrels and is located on the chassis of a four-axle MAZ-543M tractor. Development was carried out in the 70s by the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise Splav and the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin (now JSC Motovilikha Plants). Chief designer - Gennady Denezhkin. The system was adopted by the Ground Forces in 1987. Serial production was launched at the Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin.

Firing range - 20-70 km. The mass of the missile is 800 kg. The length of the rocket is 7.6 m. Caliber is 300 mm. Warhead weight – 280 kg. The missiles used are 9M55K (cluster with fragmentation warheads), 9M55F (high-explosive fragmentation with a detachable warhead), 9M55K1 (cluster with Motiv-3M self-aiming warheads). In 1998, a rocket was developed with a maximum firing range of 90 km. Is in service.


Jet anti-torpedo protection system for ships with a solid-fuel rocket (unguided missile). Designed to destroy torpedoes in the near zone. The PU has 10 guide barrels. Development was carried out in the 80s in the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav". Adopted by the Navy in the 80s. Installed on Project 1144 nuclear cruisers "Admiral Nakhimov".

The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 232 kg. Rocket length – 2.2 m. Caliber – 300 mm. Is in service.

"DAM" BM-21PD. PRS-60

Self-propelled coastal multiple launch rocket system with solid propellant missile PRS-60. Designed to protect entrances to bases of ships and submarines, as well as to protect sections of the maritime border from sabotage groups. The BM-21PD launcher has 40 guides and is placed on the chassis of a three-axle Ural-4320 tractor. Development was carried out in the 80s in the Tula State Research and Production Enterprise "Splav". Adopted into service in the 80s. Firing range – from 300 m to 5 km. Rocket caliber – 220 mm. The mass of the missile is 75 kg. Explosive mass – 20 kg. Depth of use - from 3 m to 20 m. Is in service.

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