The Air Force of the Russian Federation. Air Force of the Russian Federation - Composition. Unmanned aerial vehicles

The Russian Federation is a powerful aviation power with its own history, military air force capable of resolving any conflicts that threaten our country. This was clearly demonstrated by the events of recent months in Syria, where Russian pilots are successfully fighting against the ISIS army, which poses a terrorist threat to the entire modern world.


Russian aviation began its existence in 1910, but officially the starting point was August 12, 1912 when Major General M.I. Shishkevich took control of all units in the Aeronautical Unit of the General Staff organized by that time.

Having existed for a very short time, military aviation Russian Empire became one of the best air forces of that time, although the aircraft industry in the Russian state was in its infancy and Russian pilots had to fight on foreign-made aircraft.

"Ilya Muromets"

Although Russian state bought planes from other countries, Russian land has never been poor talented people. In 1904 Professor Zhukovsky founded an institute for the study of aerodynamics, and in 1913 the young Sikorsky designed and built his famous bomber. "Ilya Muromets" and a biplane with four engines "Russian Knight", designer Grigorovich developed various hydroplane schemes.

The aviators Utochkin and Artseulov were very popular among the pilots of that time, and the military pilot Pyotr Nesterov amazed everyone by completing his legendary “dead loop” and became famous in 1914 by ramming an enemy aircraft in the air. In the same year, Russian pilots conquered the Arctic for the first time during flights to search for the missing pioneers of the North from the Sedov expedition.

The Russian air force was represented by Army and Naval aviation, each type had several aviation groups, which included air squadrons of 6-10 aircraft each. Initially, the pilots were engaged only in adjusting artillery fire and reconnaissance, but then with the help of bombs and machine guns they destroyed enemy manpower. With the advent of fighters, battles began to destroy enemy aircraft.


By the autumn of 1917, Russian aviation numbered about 700 aircraft, but then the October Revolution broke out and it was disbanded, many Russian pilots died in the war, and most of the survivors of the revolutionary upheaval emigrated. young soviet republic in 1918 she founded her own air force under the name of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Air Fleet. But the fratricidal war is over and about military aviation forgotten, only at the end of the 30s, with the course towards industrialization, did its revival begin.

The Soviet government intensively took up the construction of new enterprises in the aviation industry and the creation of design bureaus. In those years, brilliant Soviet aircraft designersPolikarpov, Tupolev, Lavochkin, Ilyushin, Petlyakov, Mikoyan and Gurevich.

For the training and education of flight personnel, flying clubs were founded as schools for the initial training of pilots. After receiving piloting skills in such institutions, cadets were sent to flight schools, and then distributed to combat units. More than 20 thousand cadets were trained in 18 flight schools, technical personnel were trained in 6 institutions.

The leaders of the USSR understood that the first socialist state was in dire need of an air force and took all measures to quickly increase the aircraft fleet. At the turn of the 40s, wonderful fighters appeared, built in the Yakovlev and Lavochkin Design Bureau - these are Yak-1 And LaG-3, Ilyushin Design Bureau commissioned the first attack aircraft, designers led by Tupolev created a long-range bomber TB-3, and the design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich completed flight tests of the fighter.


At the beginning of the summer of 1941, the aviation industry, on the verge of war, produced 50 aircraft per day, and three months later doubled the production of aircraft.

But for Soviet aviation the beginning of the war was tragic, most of the aviation equipment located at the airfields in the border zone was broken right in the parking lots without having time to take off. Our pilots in the first battles, having no experience, used outdated tactics and as a result suffered heavy losses.

It was possible to reverse the situation only in the middle of 1943, when the flight crew gained the necessary experience and aviation began to receive more modern technology, aircraft such as fighters Yak -3, La-5 And La-7, modernized attack aircraft with an air gunner IL-2, bombers, long-range bombers.

In total, more than 44 thousand pilots were trained and released during the war period, but the losses were huge - 27,600 pilots died in battles on all fronts. By the end of the war, our pilots had gained complete air superiority.

After the end of hostilities, a period of confrontation began, known as cold war. In aviation, the era of jet aircraft began, appeared the new kind military equipment - helicopters. During these years, aviation developed rapidly, more than 10 thousand aircraft were built, the creation of projects for fourth-generation fighters and Su-29, began the development of machines of the fifth generation.


But the subsequent collapse Soviet Union buried all undertakings that emerged from its composition, the republics divided all aviation among themselves. In 1997, the President of the Russian Federation, by his decree, announced the creation of the Russian Air Force, which combined the air defense and air force forces.

Russian aviation had to participate in two Chechen wars and the Georgian military conflict, at the end of 2015, a limited contingent of the air force was redeployed to the Syrian Republic, where it successfully conducts military operations against world terrorism.

The nineties were a period of degradation of Russian aviation, this process was stopped only in the early 2000s, by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, Major General A.N. Zelin in 2008 described the situation in Russian aviation as extremely difficult. The training of military personnel has significantly decreased, many airfields have been abandoned and collapsed, aircraft equipment has been serviced unsatisfactorily, training flights have practically ceased due to lack of finances.

year 2009

Since 2009, the level of preparedness of personnel has begun to rise, aviation technology underwent modernization and overhaul, the purchase of new machines and the renewal of the aircraft fleet began. The development of the fifth generation aircraft is nearing completion. The flight crew began regular flights and is improving their skills, the material well-being of pilots and technicians has increased.

The Russian Air Force is steadily conducting exercises, improving combat skills and craftsmanship.

Structural organization of the air force

On August 1, 2015, the Air Force organizationally merged into the military space forces, the commander-in-chief of which was Colonel-General Bondarev. The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces is currently Lieutenant General Yudin.

The Russian Air Force consists of the main types of aviation - these are long-range, military transport and army aviation. Radio engineering, anti-aircraft and missile troops are also included in the Air Force. The most important functions for ensuring intelligence and communications, protection against weapons mass destruction, rescue operations and electronic warfare perform special troops also part of the Air Force. In addition, the Air Force cannot be imagined without engineering and rear services, medical and meteorological units.

The Russian Air Force is designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Reflection of any attacks of the aggressor in the air and space.
  • Implementation of air cover for launchers, cities and all significantly important objects,
  • Conducting reconnaissance.
  • Destruction of enemy troops using conventional and nuclear weapons.
  • Close air support for ground forces.

Back in 2008, a reform of Russian aviation took place, which structurally divided the air force into commands, brigades and air bases. The command was based on the territorial principle, which abolished the Air Force and Air Defense armies.

To date, the commands are located in four cities - St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don. A separate command exists for long-range and military transport aviation located in Moscow. By 2010, there were about 70 former aviation regiments, and now these are air bases, in total there were 148 thousand people in the air force, and the Russian Air Force is second only to US aviation in numbers.

Military equipment of Russian aviation

Long-range and strategic aircraft

One of prominent representatives long-range aviation is the Tu-160, wearing affectionate name"White Swan". This machine was produced during the Soviet Union, develops supersonic speed and has a variable sweep wing. as conceived by the developers, it is capable of overcoming enemy air defenses at ultra-low altitude and inflicting nuclear strike. IN Russian Air Force there are only 16 such aircraft and the question is - will our industry be able to establish the production of such machines?

The aircraft of the Tupolev Design Bureau first took to the air during Stalin's lifetime and has been in service ever since. Four turboprop engines allow long-distance flights along the entire border of our country. Nickname " Bear"deserved because of the bass sound of these motors, is able to carry cruise missiles And nuclear bombs. In the Russian Air Force, 30 of these machines remained in service.

A long-range strategic missile carrier with economical engines capable of flying at supersonic speed, equipped with a variable sweep wing, the production of these aircraft was launched back in the last century in the 60s. Are in the ranks of 50 cars, a hundred aircraft Tu-22M mothballed.

Fighter aircraft

Front-line fighter released in Soviet time, refers to the first machines of the fourth generation, later modifications of this aircraft are in service, about 360 units in number.

On the base Su-27 a vehicle with electronic equipment was released, capable of identifying targets on the ground and in the air at a great distance and transmitting target designations to other crews. There are 80 such aircraft in total.

Even deeper modernization Su-27 became a fighter, this aircraft belongs to the 4 ++ generation, it has high maneuverability and is equipped with the latest electronics.

These aircraft entered combat units in 2014; the air force has 48 aircraft.

The fourth generation of Russian aircraft began with MiG-27, more than two dozen modified models of this machine were produced, in total 225 combat units are in service.

Another fighter-bomber that cannot be ignored is newest car, which is in service with the Air Force in the amount of 75 units.

Attack aircraft and interceptors

- this is an exact copy of the F-111 aircraft of the US Air Force, which has not been flying for a long time, its Soviet counterpart is still in service, but by 2020 all machines will be decommissioned, now there are about a hundred such machines in service.

Legendary Stormtrooper Su-25 Grach, which has high survivability, was developed in the 70s so successfully that after so many years of operation they are going to modernize it, since they do not yet see a worthy replacement. Today, 200 combat-ready vehicles and 100 aircraft are on conservation.

Interceptor develops high speed in seconds and is designed for a long range. The modernization of this machine by the twentieth year will be completed, in total there are 140 such aircraft in parts.

Military transport aviation

The main fleet of transport aircraft is the Antonov Design Bureau and several modifications of the Ilyushin Design Bureau. Among them are light transporters and An-72, medium duty vehicles An-140 And An-148, solid heavy trucks An-22, An-124 And . About three hundred transport workers carry out tasks for the delivery of goods and military equipment.

training aircraft

Designed after the collapse of the Union, the only training aircraft went into production, immediately gaining a reputation as an excellent training machine with an aircraft imitation program for which a future pilot is being retrained. In addition to him, there is a Czech training aircraft L-39 and an aircraft for training pilots of transport aviation Tu-134UBL.

Army Aviation

This type of aviation is represented mainly by Mil and Kamov helicopters, and even by the machine of the Kazan Ansat Helicopter Plant. After being discontinued, the Russian army aviation was replenished with a hundred and the same number. Most of the helicopters in combat units are proven and Mi-24. Eights in service - 570 units, and Mi-24- 620 units. The reliability of these Soviet machines is beyond doubt.

Unmanned aircraft

This type of weapon in the USSR was given little importance, but technical progress does not stand still, and in modern times, drones have found a worthy application. These aircrafts conduct reconnaissance and filming of enemy positions, carry out the destruction command posts without risk to the lives of people who control these drones. In the Air Force, several types of UAVs are "Pchela-1T" And "Reis-D", the obsolete Israeli drone is still in service "Outpost".

Prospects for the Russian Air Force

In Russia, several aircraft projects are under development and some are close to completion. Undoubtedly, the new fifth-generation aircraft will arouse great interest among the general public, especially since it has already been demonstrated. PAK FA T-50 passes the final stage of flight tests and will enter combat units in the near future.

An interesting project was presented by the Ilyushin Design Bureau, the aircraft and, developed by its designers, are replacing the Antonov machines and removing our dependence on the supply of spare parts from Ukraine. The newest fighter aircraft is put into operation, test flights of new rotorcraft are being completed and Mi-38. Started developing a new project strategic aircraft PAK-DA, they promise that it will be lifted into the air in 2020.

- (Air Force) a highly maneuverable branch of the armed forces of the state, designed to defeat independently and in cooperation with associations of other types of armed forces of the enemy’s aviation, land and sea groups, to undermine his military ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

Air Force- Air Force. 1) Aircraft Ilya Muromets. 2) Il 2 attack aircraft. 3) MiG 31 fighter. 4) An 124 Ruslan transport aircraft. MILITARY AIR FORCE (Air Force), a branch of the armed forces intended for independent action, as well as for ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Air Force) type of armed forces. The air forces of a number of large states consist of strategic, tactical, military transport and air defense aviation. In the United States, the Air Force also includes intercontinental ballistic missiles and military spacecraft... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

AIR FORCE- (Air Force) a type of armed forces intended for independent and jointly with other types of armed forces actions to defeat the enemy’s air, land and sea groupings, undermine its military and economic potential, ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

- (Air Force), a branch of the armed forces intended for independent operations, as well as for supporting other types of armed forces, landing (dropping) airborne assaults, conducting aerial reconnaissance and air transportation. The Air Force includes formations and units ... Modern Encyclopedia

air Force Encyclopedia "Aviation"

air Force- (Air Force) a highly maneuverable branch of the armed forces of the state, designed to defeat independently and in cooperation with associations of other types of armed forces of the enemy’s aviation, land and sea groups, to undermine it ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

- (Air Force) a type of the armed forces of the state, intended for independent actions in solving operational strategic tasks and for joint actions with other types of armed forces. According to their combat capabilities modern air force… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see BBC (meanings). 5th generation aircraft Sukhoi T 50 ... Wikipedia

- (Air Force) view of the armed forces of the State Wa; military name. aviation in the USSR, USA, etc.; from 1918 to 1924 owls. The Air Force was called Red Air Fleet. At 1 st world war Air Force support. branch of the armed forces, during the years of the 2nd World War turned into one of the main types ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • Demo material. Army of Russia. Air Force, Vohrintseva S.. The publication contains 6 highly artistic plot paintings of A 2 format. Designed for: viewing paintings; conducting interviews; writing stories; decorating a child's room; With…
  • A set of posters. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. GEF. GEF DO,. A set of 4 posters with methodological support. Armed forces RF. Ground troops Air force navy Types of troops Armed forces ...

The Air Force includes the following types of troops:

Aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter aircraft air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special),
- anti-aircraft missile forces,
- radio engineering troops,
- special forces
- units and institutions of the rear.

bomber aviation is armed with long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers various types. It is designed to defeat groupings of troops, destroy important military, energy facilities and communication centers mainly in the strategic and operational depth of the enemy’s defense. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles.

Attack aircraft designed for aviation support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects mainly at the forefront, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as combating enemy aircraft in the air.

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is the high accuracy of hitting ground targets. Armament: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aviation air defense is the main maneuvering force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attack. It is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from the defended objects.

Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

reconnaissance aviation Designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, can destroy enemy hidden objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. To do this, they are specially equipped with photographic equipment for day and night shooting at various scales, radio and radar stations with high resolution, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is subdivided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation designed to transport troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, airborne landings, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling aircraft in the air, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, providing management and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescue of crews in distress, evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile troops designed to protect the country's most important facilities and groupings of troops from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system (AD) and are armed with anti-aircraft guns. missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, with great firepower and high accuracy of defeating enemy air attack weapons.

Radio engineering troops- the main source of information about the air enemy and are intended to conduct it radar reconnaissance, control over the flights of their aircraft and compliance by aircraft of all departments with the rules for the use of airspace.

They issue information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile troops and air defense aviation, as well as information for managing formations, units and subunits of air defense.

Radio-technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar complexes capable of detecting not only air but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Units and divisions of communications are intended for the deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Units and subdivisions of electronic warfare designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation means of enemy air attack.

Units and divisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and subunits of the engineering troops, as well as units and subunits of radiation, chemical and biological protection are designed to carry out the most challenging tasks engineering and chemical support, respectively.

I was provoked to create this article by regular disputes and measurements of various "bodies" in topics about our aviation. In general, the audience of these discussions can be divided into those who believe that we are hopelessly behind, and those who, on the contrary, are subject to unprecedented enthusiasm and firmly believe that everything is wonderful. The argument basically boils down to the fact that “nothing flies here, but everything is cool with them.” And vice versa. I decided to single out a few theses around which frequent disputes flare up and give them my assessment.

For those who value their time, I give conclusions at the very beginning:

1) The US Air Force and the Russian Air Force, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, are approximately equal, with a slight advantage for the United States;

2) The trend for the next 5-7 years is to achieve almost complete parity;

3) PR, advertising and psychological wars- favorite and effective method US military operations. An adversary who is psychologically defeated (by disbelief in the power of his weapons, hands, etc.) is already half defeated.

So, let's begin.

Air Force/Navy/Guard USA is the most powerful in the world.

Yes this is true. The US Air Force strength as of May 2013 was 934 fighters, 96 bombers, 138 strike aircraft, 329 transport aircraft, 216 tankers, 938 trainers and 921 other aircraft.

For comparison, the strength of the Russian Air Force as of May 2013 is 738 fighters, 163 bombers, 153 strike aircraft, 372 transport aircraft, 18 tankers, 200 trainers and 500 other aircraft. As you can see, there is no “monstrous” quantitative superiority.

However, there are nuances, the main of which is that US aviation is aging, but it has no replacement.


In operation (total number)

Percentage of number operated

Average age (as of 2013)


F-22A 85 (141) 9,1% 5-6 years
Su-35S 18 (18) 2,4% 0.5 years
F-15C 55 (157) 5.9% 28 years
Su-27SM 307 (406) 41,6% 3-4 years
F-15D 13 (28) 1,4% 28 years
MiG-29SMT 255 (555) 34,6% 12-13 years old
F-16C 318 (619) 34% 21 years old
MiG-31BM 158 (358) 21,4% 13-15 years old
F-16D 6 (117) 0,6% 21 years old
F/A-18 (all mod.) 457 (753) 48,9% 12-14 years old
F-35 (all mod.) n/a (71) n/a 0.5-1 year
US total 934 (1886) ~ 17.1 years old
Total RF 738 (1337) ~ 10.2 years


B-52H 44 (53) 45,8% 50 years
Tu-95MS 32 (92) 19,6% 50 years
B-2A 16 (16) 16,7% 17 years
Tu-22M3 115 (213) 70,6% 25-26 years old
B-1B 36 (54) 37,5% 25 years old
Tu-160 16 (16) 9,8% 20-21 years old
US total 96 (123) ~ 34.2 years
Total RF 163 (321) ~ 31.9 years


A-10A 38 (65) 34,5% 28 years
A-10C 72 (129) 65,5% 6-7 years old
Su-25SM 200 (300) 100% 10-11 years old
US total 110 (194) ~ 13.4 years
Total RF 200 (300) ~ 10-11 years old

attack aircraft

F-15E 138 (223) 100% 20 years
Su-24M 124 (300) 81% 29-30 years old
F-111/FB-111 0 (84) 0% over 40 years old
Su-34 29 (29) 19% 0.5-1 year
US total 138 (307) ~ 20 years
Total RF 153 (329) ~ 24.4 years


E-3 24 (33) 100% 32 years
A-50 27 (27) 100% 27-28 years old

I also want to highlight the following point. Our country 20 years ago was part of the “democracy” with the Su-27 and MiG-29, which, thanks to a competent export policy, were able to survive and then increase their potential to the Su-35S and MiG-35. The United States entered the crisis with the F-22 out of production and the unfinished F-35, as well as a massive fleet of good, but already outdated F-15/16s. I lead my rhetoric to the fact that on this moment the United States does not have a relatively cheap backlog that would allow them to maintain a quantitative (and in some ways qualitative) superiority over the Russian Federation without multibillion-dollar investments in new developments.

At the same time, the aviation fleet of the Russian Federation will be actively modernized over the next 5-7 years. Including due to the creation of completely new aircraft. At the moment, until 2017, contracts have been concluded for the production / modernization of the MiG-31BM - 100 units; Su-27SM - 96 units; Su-27SM3 - 12 units; Su-35S - 95 units; Su-30SM - 60 units; Su-30M2 - 4 units; MiG-29SMT - 34 units; MiG-29K - 24 units; Su-34 - 124 units; MiG-35 - 24 units; PAK FA - 60 units; IL-476 - 100 units; An-124-100M - 42 units; A-50U - 20 units; Tu-95MSM - 20 units; Yak-130 - 65 units. By 2020, more than 750 new machines will be put into operation.

In fairness, I note that in 2001 the United States planned to purchase more than 2,400 F-35s by 2020. However, at the moment, all deadlines have been missed, and the commissioning of the aircraft has been postponed until mid-2015.

We only have a few 4++ aircraft and no 5th generation, while the US already has hundreds of them.

Yes, that's right, the US has 141 F-22A in service. We have 18 Su-35S. PAK FA - undergoing flight tests. But you need to consider:

a) F-22 aircraft have been discontinued due to 1) high cost ($280-300 versus $85-95 for the Su-35); 2) overlooked the issue of the tail unit (it fell apart during overloads); 3) glitches with the FCS (fire control system).

b) F-35, with all its PR, is very far from the 5th generation. Yes, and there are enough shortcomings: either the EDSU will fail, or the airframe will not work as it should, or the FCS will fail.

c) Until 2017, the troops will receive: Su-35S - 95 units, PAK FA - 60 units.

d) Comparison of individual aircraft out of context combat use, is not correct. fighting- this is a high-intensity and multimodal mutual destruction, where a lot depends on the specific topography, weather conditions, luck, training, coherence, morale, etc. Separate combat units don't decide anything. On paper, any conventional ATGM modern tank break, but in the conditions of battle everything is much more prosaic.

Their 5th generation is many times superior to our PAK FA and Su-35S.

This is a very bold statement.

a) If the F-22 and F-35 are so cool, why are they: 1) So carefully hidden? 2) Why are they not allowed to make EPR measurements? 3) Why are they not satisfied with demonstrative dogfights, or at least simple comparative maneuvering, as at air shows?

b) If we compare the performance characteristics of our and American machines, then we can find a lag in our aircraft only in terms of EPR (for the Su-35S) and detection range (20-30 km). 20-30 km in range is garbage in vegetable oil for the simple reason that the missiles that we have surpass the US AIM-54, AIM-152AAAM in range by 80-120 km. I'm talking about RVV BD, KS-172, R-37. So, if the F-35 or F-22 radars have the best range for inconspicuous targets, then how will they shoot down this target? And where is the guarantee that the "contact" will not fly "low"?

c) There is nothing universal in military affairs. An attempt to create a universal aircraft capable of performing the functions of an interceptor, bomber, fighter and attack aircraft leads to the fact that the universal becomes synonymous with the word mediocre. War only recognizes the best examples in its class, sharpened to solve specific problems. Therefore, if an attack aircraft, then - Su-25SM, if a front-line bomber, - Su-34, if an interceptor, - MiG-31BM, if a fighter, - Su-35S.

d) “America spent $400 billion in R&D to create the F-35, and $70 billion for the F-22. Russia spent only $8 billion to create the T-50. Doesn’t anyone realize that if Russia would spend $400 billion on a research project, they would probably produce an aircraft capable to conquer the world in a second ... ”(c) War is not a comparison of who has X longer. More importantly, who will have these X better in terms of price / quality.

The United States has a significant superiority in strategic air forces.

This is wrong. IN combat strength The US Air Force has 96 strategic bombers: 44 B-52H, 36 B-1B and 16 B-2A. B-2 - exclusively subsonic - from nuclear weapons carries only free-falling bombs. B-52N - subsonic and old, like a mammoth. B-1B - at the moment it is not a carrier of nuclear weapons (START-3). Compared to the B-1, the Tu-160 has a 1.5 times greater takeoff weight, 1.3 times greater combat radius, 1.6 times great speed and a large load in the internal compartments. By 2025, we plan to commission a new strategic bomber (PAK DA), which will replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160. The United States has extended the life of its aircraft until 2035.

If we compare their ALCMs (cruise missiles) with ours, then everything turns out to be quite interesting. AGM-86 ALCM has a range of 1200-1400 km. Our Kh-55s are 3000-3500 km, and Kh-101s are 5000-5500 km. That is, the Tu-160 can shoot at the territory or AUG of the enemy without entering the affected area, and then calmly leave on supersonic sound (for comparison, the maximum operating time at full thrust with afterburner for the F / A-18 is 10 minutes , for the 160th - 45 minutes). It also raises deep doubts about their ability to overcome the normal (not Arab-Yugoslav) air defense system.

Summing up, I want to note once again that modern air warfare is not about individual battles in the air, but the work of detection, target designation and suppression systems. And consider the plane (whether F-22 or PAK FA ) as a proud lone "wolf" in the sky - no need. There are a lot of nuances around in the face of air defense, electronic warfare, ground-based RTR, weather conditions, flares, LTC and other joys that will not even allow the pilot to reach the target. Therefore, there is no need to add up sagas and sing hymns to single fantastic winged ships that will bring laurels of victories to the feet of those who created them, and destroy everyone who dares to "raise a hand" against their creators.

The Air Force includes the following types of troops:

  • aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter aircraft of air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special),
  • anti-aircraft missile forces,
  • radio engineering troops,
  • special forces,
  • units and institutions of the rear.

bomber aviation It is armed with long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers of various types. It is designed to defeat groupings of troops, destroy important military, energy facilities and communication centers mainly in the strategic and operational depth of the enemy’s defense. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles.

Attack aircraft designed for aviation support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects mainly at the forefront, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as combating enemy aircraft in the air.

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is the high accuracy of hitting ground targets. Armament: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aviation air defense is the main maneuvering force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attack. It is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from the defended objects.

Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

reconnaissance aviation Designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, can destroy enemy hidden objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. To do this, they are specially equipped with photographic equipment for day and night shooting at various scales, radio and radar stations with high resolution, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is subdivided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation designed to transport troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, airborne landings, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling of aircraft in the air, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, control and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescue of crews in distress, evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile troops designed to protect the country's most important facilities and groupings of troops from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system and are armed with anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, which have great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio engineering troops- the main source of information about an air enemy and are designed to conduct its radar reconnaissance, control over the flights of its aviation and compliance with the rules for the use of airspace by aircraft of all departments.

They issue information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense aviation, as well as information for controlling air defense formations, units and subunits.

Radio-technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar complexes capable of detecting not only air but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Units and divisions of communications are intended for the deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Units and subdivisions of electronic warfare designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation means of enemy air attack.

Units and divisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and divisions of engineering troops, and units and divisions of radiation, chemical and biological protection are designed to perform the most complex tasks of engineering and chemical support, respectively.

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