Military planes and helicopters. Russian military aviation. Aircraft of the us navy

Designed to protect the centers, regions of the country (administrative, industrial and economic), groupings of troops and important objects from enemy strikes from air and space, ensuring the actions of the Ground Forces and delivering strikes against the enemy’s aviation, land and sea groupings, its administrative-political and military and economic centers.

The main tasks of the Air Force in modern conditions are:

  • opening the beginning of an attack by an air enemy;
  • notification of the main headquarters of the Armed Forces, headquarters of military districts, fleets, civil defense agencies about the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • gaining and maintaining air supremacy;
  • cover for troops and rear facilities from aerial reconnaissance, strikes from the air and space;
  • air support for the Ground Forces and the Navy;
  • destruction of objects of the military-economic potential of the enemy;
  • military and government controlled enemy;
  • the destruction of nuclear missile, anti-aircraft and aviation groups of the enemy and his reserves, as well as air and sea landings;
  • defeat of enemy ship groupings in the sea, ocean, on naval bases, in ports and basing points;
  • dropping military equipment and landing troops;
  • transportation by air of troops and military equipment;
  • conducting strategic, operational and tactical air reconnaissance;
  • control over the use of airspace in the border zone.

In peacetime, the Air Force performs the tasks of protecting the state border of Russia in the airspace, notifying about the flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

The Air Force includes air armies Supreme High Command strategic purpose and the Supreme High Command military transport aviation; Moscow Air Force and Air Defense District; armies of the Air Force and Air Defense: separate corps of the Air Force and Air Defense.

The Air Force includes the following types of troops (Fig. 1):

  • aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);
  • anti-aircraft missile troops;
  • radio engineering troops;
  • special troops;
  • units and institutions of the rear.

bomber aviation is armed with long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers various types. It is designed to defeat groupings of troops, destroy important military, energy facilities and communication centers mainly in the strategic and operational depth of the enemy’s defense. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles.

Attack aircraft designed for aviation support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects mainly at the forefront, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as orders to combat enemy aircraft in the air.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Air Force

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is the high accuracy of hitting ground targets. Armament: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aviation air defense is the main maneuvering force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attacks. It is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from the defended objects.

Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

reconnaissance aviation Designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, can destroy enemy hidden objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. To do this, they are specially equipped with photographic equipment for day and night shooting at various scales, radio and radar stations with high resolution, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is subdivided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation designed to transport troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, airborne landings, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling aircraft in the air, maintaining electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, management and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescue of crews in distress, evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile troops designed to protect the country's most important facilities and groupings of troops from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system (AD) and are armed with anti-aircraft guns. missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, which have great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio engineering troops- the main source of information about an air enemy and are designed to conduct its radar reconnaissance, control over the flights of its aviation and compliance with the rules for the use of airspace by aircraft of all departments.

They issue information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile troops and air defense aviation, as well as information for managing formations, units and subunits of air defense.

Radio engineering troops are armed with radar stations and radar systems, capable at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference, to detect not only air, but also surface targets.

Units and divisions of communications are intended for the deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Units and subdivisions of electronic warfare designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation means of enemy air attack.

Units and divisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and divisions of engineering troops, and units and divisions of radiation, chemical and biological protection designed to perform the most challenging tasks engineering and chemical support, respectively.

The Air Force is armed with Tu-160 (Fig. 2), Tu-22MZ, Tu-95MS, Su-24, Su-34, MiG-29, MiG-27, MiG-31 aircraft of various modifications (Fig. 3), Su -25, Su-27, Su-39 (Fig. 4), MiG-25R, Su-24MP, A-50 (Fig. 5), An-12, An-22, An-26, An-124, Il -76, IL-78; helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-17, Mi-26, Ka-31, Ka-52 (Fig. 6), Ka-62; anti-aircraft missile systems S-200, S-300, S-300PM (Fig. 7), S-400 "Triumph", radar stations and complexes "Opponent-G", "Nebo-U", "Gamma-DE", "Gamma-S1", "Casta-2".

Rice. 2. Strategic supersonic bomber Tu-160: wingspan - 35.6 / 55.7 m; length - 54.1 m; height - 13.1 m; maximum takeoff weight - 275 tons; maximum combat load - 45 tons; cruising speed - 960 km / h; range - 7300 km; ceiling - 18000 m; weapons - missiles, bombs (including nuclear); crew - 4 people

Rice. 3. Multipurpose fighter MiG-31F / FZ: wingspan - 13.46 m; length - 22.67 m; height - 6.15 m; maximum takeoff weight - 50,000 kg; cruising speed - 2450 km / h; range - 3000 km; combat radius of action - 650 km; ceiling - 20,000 m; armament - 23-mm six-barreled gun (260 rounds, rate of fire - 8000 rounds / min); combat load - 9000 kg (UR, bombs); crew - 2 people

Rice. 4. Attack aircraft Su-39: wingspan - 14.52 m; length - 15.33 m; height - 5.2 m; maximum speed near the ground - 2450 km / h; range - 1850 km; ceiling - 18,000 m; armament - 30 mm cannon; combat load - 4500 kg (ATGM with ATGM. RCC, NUR, U R. bombs - conventional, induced, cluster, nuclear)

Rice. 5. A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft: wingspan - 50.5 m; length - 46.59 m; height - 14.8 m; normal takeoff weight - 190,000 kg; maximum cruising speed - 800 km / h; range - 7500 km; ceiling - 12000 m; target detection range: air - 240 km, surface - 380 km; crew - 5 people + 10 people tactical calculation

Rice. 6. Combat attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator": rotor diameter - 14.50 m; length with rotating screws - 15.90 m; maximum weight - 10,400 kg; ceiling - 5500 m; range - 520 km; armament - 30-mm cannon with 500 rounds of ammunition; combat load - 2000 kg on 4 hardpoints (ATGM, unified containers with machine guns and cannon armament, NUR, UR); crew - 2 people

Rice. 7. Anti-aircraft missile system S-300-PM: hit targets - aircraft, winged and tactical missiles all types; affected area - range 5-150 km, height 0.025-28 km; the number of simultaneously hit targets - up to 6; the number of simultaneously aimed missiles at the target - 12; readiness for combat work from the march - 5 minutes

Military aircraft are aircraft used for military front-line or combat sorties, respectively, designed for high power without regard to economy, in contrast to civil aviation aircraft.

From military aircraft, first of all, a high rate of climb is required, as well as high speed, altitude and flight range. For the operational conduct of air warfare, long-range bomber aircraft and missile carriers are used to destroy military installations. Tanker aircraft, which have only fuel on board, have the ability to refuel combat aircraft directly in flight. Military aircraft include long-range reconnaissance aircraft with long range, altitude and airspeed. Tactical military aircraft include fighter (or fighter) aircraft, fighter-bombers, light bombers, and aircraft tactical intelligence. Modern military aircraft are often designed as multipurpose, i.e. they are intended for combat use as attack aircraft, fighter-interceptors and reconnaissance aircraft.

1) Fighter aircraft (fighters)

A fighter aircraft is a very fast one- or two-seat combat aircraft to destroy (search for) enemy combat aircraft, unmanned missiles, etc. All modern fighters, as a drive, are equipped with one or two air-jet engines. The speed exceeds the sound speed and is currently about 3,500 km/h, the rate of climb near the ground is over 200 m/s, and the maximum operating altitude is up to 30,000 m. .7 cm) and ballistic, radio-controlled or homing air-to-air missiles. In addition, for the most part, fighter planes have extensive electronic equipment such as radar, recognition device, etc.

Heavy fighter aircraft or fighter-bombers combine the flight power and flight qualities of fighters - high combat speed and rate of climb, high maximum flight altitude, good maneuverability - and the qualities of light and medium bombers - long flight range, good armament, high payload, extensive electronic and radar equipment. In their combat capabilities, they are highly versatile. Their intended purpose, among other things, includes actions to intercept and assault ground targets, search submarines, support for formations of ships and ground combat operations, combat use as an escort fighter or reconnaissance aircraft. Armament and equipment correspond to the tasks assigned. Radar installations are standard; armament consists, as a rule, of large-caliber guns and missiles (air-to-air or air-to-ground), as well as bombs and torpedoes as bomber weapons. Since there is no free space in the fuselage of these military aircraft, bombs, rockets and additional fuel tanks are suspended under and at the ends of the wings. The speed indicators of heavy bombers are between Mach 0.2 and 2, the maximum flight altitude is from 15,000 to 20,000 m, and the flight range is from 1,500 to 4,500 km.

Previously, there were special night fighters that were used specifically for combat operations at night, as they were equipped with devices for blind flight. Most modern fighter planes are all-weather, i.e. they can make sorties in bad weather conditions, as well as at night. Also, often all-weather fighter aircraft are called heavy fighters, since they are in most cases two-seat and equipped with two engines.

The essence of effective air defense is to “intercept” an incoming enemy and prevent him from completing his combat mission, and therefore destroy him. This requires fighter planes with good takeoff power, high speeds, with a large maximum flight altitude and good weapons, namely interceptor fighters. First of all, they are deployed in close proximity to the border of industrial centers and other protected objects.

The use of high-speed and high-flying combat aircraft (bombers) with a jet engine has significantly increased the requirements for rate of climb, speed and maximum height interceptor fighters. The following power characteristics follow from this: the maximum speed is from 2000 to 2500 km / h, the flight range is 2000-3500 km. Such indicators require, with an average takeoff weight of 7 to 12 tons, the use of engines with a thrust of 3000 to 5000 kgf, whose power can be increased by another 50% due to additional fuel combustion. For short-term acceleration, especially when climbing, additional rocket propulsion systems can serve.

2) Bomber planes (bombers)

Fighter aircraft are primarily used to solve defensive tasks, while for bombers, offensive operations are put in the foreground. A bomber is a large, heavy military aircraft with multiple turbojet engines (jet turbines or turboprops). On short runways or when overburdened, bombers are often equipped with auxiliary launch rockets.

Bombers are tasked with quickly and at high altitudes to attack distant targets with bursting charges in the form of bombs. Due to the great danger of approaching a target in an enemy area, more and more bombers are being upgraded to missile carriers, which launch missiles at a great distance from the target and remotely control it until it is hit, while the bomber itself is outside the area controlled by enemy forces. The take-off weight of modern bombers reaches 230 tons, and the total thrust is over 50,000 kgf, or, accordingly, the total power is approximately 50,000 hp. Bomb load depends on tactical range; it is up to 16,000 km without refueling, and even more with air refueling. The flight altitude reaches 20,000 m, and the crew can be 12 people. The speed of modern bombers exceeds 2000 km/h; on this moment bombers are being designed that will have more great speed. Defensive armament consists of missiles, machine guns and automatic cannons.

Like all types of aircraft, bombers can also be classified according to different aspects, for example, according to the bomb load and thus the take-off weight (light, medium and heavy bombers) or depending on their military purpose(tactical and strategic bombers).

Tactical bombers are aircraft that are designed to solve certain particular tasks of operational warfare, namely, tactical missions. This refers to such actions that change the situation on a certain sector of the front and subjugate the entire target, and therefore the destruction of enemy troops, assembly areas, firing positions, airfields, supply routes, etc. in a certain area of ​​​​concentration of enemy troops.

Proceeding from such a statement of the problem, it is possible to formulate the main requirements for tactical bombers: high combat speed, bomb load up to 10 tons, maximum flight range up to 6000 km. As a result of these requirements, design features, which can be summarized as follows: aircraft with one, two, three or four jet engines with a takeoff weight of 20 to 50 tons, with remotely controlled defensive weapons or air-to-air missiles, electronic and radar equipment, with a strong body capable of withstanding heavy loads when flying at low altitudes. From all this, it can be argued that tactical bombers have a certain similarity with heavy fighters, both in their tasks and in terms of parameters.

strategic bombers. Strategy is the science of waging war on a large scale. The word strategic means large-scale fighting. This also explains the combat mission of strategic bombers. These military aircraft are designed to perform combat missions deep behind enemy lines.

All bombers are equipped with radar devices to search for targets and determine the location of attacking fighter aircraft. A sortie is made in small groups or alone. Since modern bombers have almost the same speed as fighters, the same flight range as them, and also significant defense capability due to air-to-air missiles, fighter cover is often abandoned today.

For the first time, bombers began to be used during the First World War alone or in small groups. In the Second World War, "massive" sorties took place as part of large groups, which numbered several hundred bombers and flew under the cover of fighter planes. The then bombers had several engines, were relatively slow, designed for maximum bomb load and a large number of defensive weapons. Modern ones, on the other hand, are designed for long range, altitude, and flight speed. In most cases, reconnaissance aircraft flew ahead and were intended to search for a target. Unlike the bombers of the time, they were equipped with radar instruments. Thanks to luminous aviation bombs dropped by parachute, the target was designated. A dive bomber was considered a special type, which, with high altitude approached the target, then rammed it in a fast dive flight, and dropped one or more bombs from a short distance. After that, the bomber again leveled its position in flight. After design intercontinental missiles there was an opinion that strategic bombers were outdated. But thanks to their improvement to missile carriers and flying launchers in Lately they have regained their importance.

3) Reconnaissance aircraft (scouts)

These are multi-seat, lightly armed fighters or bombers (without bomb load), which are equipped with aerial cameras, radar instruments, often devices for transmitting television signals, or also shipborne aircraft for aerial reconnaissance, i.e. for reconnaissance of positions, objects, etc. of the enemy, territory and weather conditions in the interests of all parts of their own armed forces. Previously, depending on the maximum flight range and scope, short-range and long-range reconnaissance aircraft were distinguished. Today they talk, depending on the combat mission, about tactical and strategic intelligence officers. There are special reconnaissance aircraft for conducting artillery fire from the air, for reconnaissance of the area in the zone of fire of their own artillery thanks to visual reconnaissance or aerial photographs, as well as to control the camouflage of their own artillery. Such aircraft are called artillery aircraft. They refer to short-range reconnaissance or tactical reconnaissance.

4) Military transport aircraft

These are large aircraft that have from 2 to 8 engines and a flight range of 3000 km or more. They are lightly armed or not armed at all and are designed to transport supplies for the troops (food, fuel, ammunition, weapons, as well as guns, tanks, vehicles, etc.). Military transport aircraft are used for landing (landing) airborne troops, as well as the transportation of troops during regroupings. The fleet of military transport aviation vehicles consists of transport aircraft, cargo gliders and helicopters, which are suitably equipped.

See also:

  • Combat use of fighters
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  • Wings of Japan
  • (:en)Aviation fuel terms that…
  • supersonic passenger planes- yesterday Today Tomorrow
  • Wintering in Pattaya - experienced tips
  • Classification of aircraft by purpose
  • (:en)Private jet rental. What's stopping you...

The two strongest powers in the world have the most powerful air fleets. These are Russia and the United States of America. Both countries are constantly improving them. New military units are issued, if not annually, then every two to three years. Huge funds are allocated for development in this area.

If speak about strategic aviation Russia, then do not expect that you will be able to find somewhere accurate, statistical data on the number of attack aircraft, fighters, etc. in service. Such information is classified as top secret. Therefore, the information provided in this article may be subjective.

General overview of the Russian air fleet

It is included in the Aerospace Forces of our country. One of the important components of the WWF is aviation. It is subdivided to long-range, transport, operational-tactical and army. This includes attack aircraft, bombers, fighters, transport aircraft.

How many military aircraft does Russia have? Approximate number - 1614 units of military air equipment. These are 80 strategic bombers, and 150 long-range bombers, 241 attack aircraft, etc.

For comparison, you can give how many passenger aircraft in Russia. Total 753. Of them 547 — trunk and 206 - regional. Since 2014, the demand for passenger flights began to fall, so the number of operated cars has also decreased. 72% of them are foreign models ( and ).

New aircraft in the Russian Air Force are advanced models military equipment. Among them are Su-57. This 5th generation fighter with a wide range of functions. Until August 2017, it was developed under a different name - Tu-50. It began to be created as a replacement for the Su-27.

The first time he soared into the sky yet in 2010 year. Three years later, it was launched into small-scale production for testing. By 2018 batch deliveries will begin.

Another promising model is MiG-35. This is a light fighter whose characteristics are almost comparable with fifth generation aircraft. It was designed to deliver accurate strikes against targets on land and in water. Winter 2017 year, the first tests began. By 2020 first deliveries are planned.

A-100 Premier- another novelty in the Russian Air Force. Early warning aircraft. It should replace the outdated models - A50 and A50U.

From training machines can be brought Yak-152. It was developed for the selection of pilots at the first stage of training.

Among military transport models, there are IL-112 and IL-214. The first of them is a light aircraft, which should replace the An-26. The second was developed jointly with, but now they continue to design it, as a replacement for the An-12.

Of the helicopters, such new models are under development − Ka-60 and Mi-38. Ka-60 is a transport helicopter. It is designed to deliver ammunition and weapons to the zones of military conflicts. Mi-38 is a multifunctional helicopter. Its financing is provided directly by the state.

There is also a novelty among passenger models. This is IL-114. Turboprop aircraft with two engines. It accommodates 64 passengers, and flies to a distance - up to 1500 km. It is being developed to replace An-24.

If we talk about small aviation in Russia, then the situation here is extremely deplorable. There are only 2-4 thousand aircraft and helicopters. And the number of amateur pilots is declining every year. This is due to the fact that two taxes must be paid for any aircraft at once - transport and property.

Air fleets of Russia and the USA - a comparative analysis

The total number of aircraft in the United States - this is 13,513 cars. The researchers note that among them - only 2000- fighters and bombers. The rest - 11,000- these are transport vehicles and those used by NATO, the US Navy and the National Guard.

Transport aircraft are extremely important as they keep the air bases on alert and provide excellent logistics to the American forces. In this comparison, the US Air Force and the Russian Air Force clearly win the first.

The US Air Force has a large amount of equipment.

In terms of the pace of renewal of military air technology, Russia is pulling ahead. By 2020, it is planned to release another 600 units. The real power gap between the two powers will be 10-15 % . It is already noted that Russian S-27s are ahead of American F-25s.

If we talk about comparing the armed forces of Russia and the United States, then the trump card of the first is the presence of a special powerful systems air defense. They reliably protect the air latitudes of Russia. Modern Russian complexes Air defense S-400 have no analogues anywhere in the world.

Russian air defense is something like an “umbrella” that protects the skies of our country until 2020. By this milestone, it is planned to completely update almost all military equipment, including air.

Since the first use of aircraft on the battlefield, their role in military conflicts has been constantly growing. The role of aviation has become especially significant over the past thirty to fifty years. Warplanes year by year receive more and more advanced electronics, more and more powerful means of combat, their speed increases, their visibility on radar screens decreases. At present, aviation, even alone, can play a key role in today's regional conflict. Such in military history humanity has never existed.

During the aggression in Yugoslavia, the aviation of the NATO countries practically without resistance from the ground forces decided the course of the conflict. The same can be said about the first American company in Iraq. It was aviation that then played a decisive role in the defeat of the large army of Saddam Hussein. The US Air Force and its allies hunted with impunity for Iraqi armored vehicles, having previously destroyed combat aircraft Iraq.

There is an important nuance. Modern aircraft are so expensive (the cost of an Americanfifth generation aircraftF-22 is about $ 350 million) that only very rich countries can afford to build or buy them. The rest can only hope for a miracle or prepare for a guerrilla war.

With the advent of new high-precision munitions, communication systems and satellite navigation and target designation, the role and power of air force increased many times. Modern and advanced aircraft are also changing rapidly. Application modern materials, engines of new designs, the most sophisticated electronics - makes a modern combat aircraft the crown of scientific and technological progress.

At present, the leading aviation powers are engaged in the creation of a fifth generation fighter. The United States already has such fighters in service - the F-22 "Raptor" and the F-35 "Lightning". These aircraft have long passed the testing stage, launched into series and put into service. The Russian Air Force, China and Japan, in practice, are still lagging behind in this respect.

At the end of the 20th century, the USSR could compete on equal terms with the United States in the sky due to excellent machines fourth generation MiG-29 and Su-27. They roughly corresponded in their performance characteristics to the American F-15, F / A-18 and F-16 aircraft. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the development of new machines in Russia was suspended for several years. The work was practically not funded, and new developments were often created on the initiative of the aircraft manufacturers themselves and did not find support from the state. In the meantime, the United States did not waste time: in the 90s, the development of the fifth generation aircraft was actively carried out, and in 1997 a prototype was tested, which in the future received the designation F-22 "Raptor".

The United States is so far the only country that has a fifth-generation aircraft in service. Moreover, the F-22 is forbidden to sell even to allies. For deliveries abroad, the Americans created another F-35 Lightning aircraft (Lightning) - but, according to experts, it has weaker characteristics than the F-22. But what about Russia? What are the plans of the Russian aviation industry? Are there any promising developments that will replace fourth-generation aircraft in the future?

"Our answer to Chamberlain" - the latest Russian military aircraft

If you look at what the Russian aviation industry can now offer to the domestic air force, then we will mainly see modifications of the fourth generation Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft. They even came up with a new classification for them, the MiG-35, and they refer to the 4 ++ generation, thereby indicating that this is almost the fifth generation. There is no doubt, and the MiG-29 and Su-27 are really wonderful machines that were among the best in the world. But that was in the late eighties. The latest versions of these machines, of course, have been seriously modified, engines have been improved, new electronics and navigation systems have been installed, but will they be able to withstand the Raptor in battle?

A new generation aircraft has already been created in Russia - this is PAK-FA (a promising front-line aviation complex), aka T-50. With its futuristic shape, the new Russian aircraft is very reminiscent of the F-22. The aircraft first took to the air in 2010, and in 2011 it was shown to the general public for the first time at the MAKS air show. We have very little reliable information about this latest machine. Currently, the aircraft is being finalized, but in the near future it should go into series.

In order to try to compare the PAK-FA with its American counterpart F-22, you need to clearly understand what the fifth generation aircraft is and how it differs from previous machines. The military put forward clear requirements for the new generation car. Such an aircraft must have low visibility in all wavelengths, primarily in the radar and infrared, it must be multifunctional, extremely maneuverable, support supersonic cruising speed(go to supersonic speed without afterburner), be able to conduct all-angle close combat and carry out multi-channel firing of missiles at long range. The aircraft of the fifth generation must have "advanced" electronics, which would greatly facilitate the work of the pilot.

Experts are already comparing the F-22 and PAK-FA, using the meager information that is available today. The newest Russian aircraft has large dimensions, including wingspan, and therefore, most likely, it will be more maneuverable than its American counterpart. PAK-FA has a slightly higher maximum speed, but loses to the "American" in cruising. The Russian aircraft has a greater practical range and a lower takeoff weight. However, the PAK-FA loses to the F-22 in stealth.

It is not easy to compare these two aircraft, and above all because of the lack of information. There is one more nuance: modern aircraft- this is not only aerodynamics and weapons, but first of all electronics that controls all aircraft systems. The USSR has always lagged behind in this area, and Russia is doing the same for the time being. The radar of a Russian aircraft is not inferior to the best world analogues, but the onboard equipment leaves much to be desired.

In 2014, small-scale production of the PAK-FA began, the start of serial production of the aircraft is scheduled for 2019.

Here Comparative characteristics two aircraft.

The flight of the Berkut

Another very interesting car, created in the Sukhoi Design Bureau, is the Su-47. It is a pity that it is still at the prototype stage. This aircraft has a reverse swept wing, which provides the machine with unprecedented maneuverability and rate of climb. Composite materials were widely used in the Su-47, and the control interface in the cockpit was significantly improved.

The Su-47 was also created as a prototype of the fifth generation aircraft. But it still falls short of the requirements put forward for such machines. "Berkut" cannot fly at supersonic speed without afterburner. In the future, they plan to equip the aircraft with a new engine with a variable thrust vector, which would allow the Su-47 to overcome the supersonic barrier without afterburner.

Berkut made its first flight in 1997, only one such aircraft was built. It is currently being used as a test.

Here are the characteristics of the Su-47 Berkut aircraft.

Another new aircraft recently adopted by the Russian Air Force is the . In 2014, 12 such aircraft arrived in the VKS air regiments, in total, by the end of 2019, the Air Force will receive 48 Su-35s. This aircraft, developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau, belongs to the 4++ generation and has technical and combat characteristics almost at the level of the fifth generation aircraft.

It differs from PAK-FA only in the absence of stealth technologies and an active phased antenna array (AFAR). The aircraft is equipped with a new information and control system, phased array radar, new engines with thrust vector control, which can reach supersonic speed without afterburner. The airframe has also been strengthened.

With the adoption of this aircraft, Russian military pilots can fight back against the latest aircraft of the latest generation.

The main characteristics of the Su-35 aircraft:

All of the above aircraft have already left the design bureaus and factory floors and have long made their first flight. Currently, the Ilyushin Design Bureau is developing new lightweight transport aircraft, which should replace the obsolete An-26.

The first flight of the future transport aircraft is scheduled for 2019, and the start of its mass production is scheduled for 2019. The new machine will have a carrying capacity of up to six tons, it will be equipped with two turboprop engines. The IL-112 will be able to land and take off both from equipped runways and from unpaved airfields. In addition to the cargo modification of the aircraft, aircraft manufacturers plan to create a passenger version of the aircraft, which can be used on regional airlines.

"Mig" of the fifth generation

Sergey Korotkov, CEO RAC "MiG", told reporters that the specialists of the design bureau are working on a fifth-generation fighter. For the basis new car, most likely, they will take the MiG-35 (another Russian car generation 4++). According to the developers, new MiG will be very different from PAK FA and will perform completely different functions.

New strategic bomber

Russia is developing a new strategic bomber to replace the Tu-160 and Tu-95 aircraft. The development of the new PAK DA (a promising long-range aviation complex) was entrusted to the Tupolev Design Bureau, although it can be noted that the Tupolev team began work on this machine back in 2009. In 2014, a contract was signed between the Design Bureau and the Ministry of Defense for design work.

There is very little information about the future aircraft, but the leadership of the Russian Air Force has stated that the aircraft will be subsonic, will be able to carry more weapons than the Tu-160, and most likely will be made according to the "flying wing" design.

The readiness of the first machine is expected in 2020, and the start of mass production in 2025. It should be noted that work on the creation of a similar aircraft is now underway in the United States. As part of the Next Generation Bomber project, a subsonic aircraft with a low visibility level and a long range (about nine thousand kilometers) is being developed. According to media reports, the cost of one such machine can reach half a billion dollars.

After the collapse of the USSR, the aviation industry went through hard times. Many projects have been delayed for years and now is the time to catch up. A sixth-generation fighter is to be developed, but so far this is almost a fantasy.

Video: new Russian aircraft

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The air force is one of the most important components of the defense capability of each country. Every day, scientists around the world are working to create faster and more efficient combat aircraft. Our review today presents 19 of the most best models fighters who have already proven themselves in combat.

1. American attack fighter - Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

This model is a modernized version of a military aircraft. F/A-18. The sample weighs 14.5 tons, while one full tank will be enough to fly 3300 kilometers. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful F404 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed can reach 1915 km/h. The Super Hornet costs about US$67 million.

2. German monoplane fighter - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger

The presented model proved to be excellent in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Kurt Tank is the developer of a fighter called the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger, which was created specifically for the German Air Force. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1939.

3. American light fighter - Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon

This model was developed back in 1974, but was put into operation at the end of 1979. The length of the sample is 15 meters. The sample is equipped with a powerful General Electric F110 engine. Price General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is about 19 million US dollars.

4. Swedish multirole fighter - Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The presented model has been in service with the Swedish Air Force since 1997. The weight of this sample is 6622 kilograms, while the flight range from one full tank reaches 3250 kilometers. The creator of the aircraft is Saab AB. Costs Saab JAS 39 Gripen approximately 60 million US dollars.

5. Fighter - Su-30MKI (Flanker-H)

The upgraded aircraft model weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one full tank reaches 3,000 kilometers. This model made its first flight in 2000. The fighter is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine. Price Su-30MKI is 25 million US dollars.

6. Double fighter - McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle

This model was created on the basis of the F-15D combat training fighter. This aircraft can be used to patrol and provide cover ground forces. The sample is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F100 engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2655 kilometers per hour. Price McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle is approximately US$31 million.

7. French multirole fighter - Dassault Rafale

French company Dassault Aviation is the creator of a 15 meter fighter called - Dassault Rafale. The maximum speed of this model reaches 2130 km / h, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3700 kilometers.

8. Experimental aircraft - Sukhoi Su-35

This fighter weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,600 kilometers. The model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft reaches 2500 km/h. Costs Su-27M about 65 million US dollars.

9. Multirole fighter - Eurofighter Typhoon

This model was created by Eurofighter GmbH in 1986. The aircraft weighs 11 tons, while its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3790 kilometers. The maximum allowable speed of the aircraft is 1838 km/h.

10. Fighter-bomber - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

American company Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is the creator of a stealth fighter called - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. This model is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed can reach 1930 km / h, and the flight range is 2220 kilometers. The sample made its first flight in 2006.

11. American strike aircraft - Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

This model is the development of the company lockheed martin. This sample is designed to quietly penetrate the enemy's air defense system and destroy strategically important targets. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful General Electric F404 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 993 kilometers per hour. Price Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is about 100 million US dollars.

12. Multirole fighter - MiG 21

This model is equipped with a turbojet engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2175 kilometers per hour. The model made its first flight back in 1955. MiG-21 is one of the most common supersonic aircraft in the world.

13. English fighter - Supermarine Spitfire

This model is one of the best fighters of the Second World War. This sample is equipped with powerful engines such as: Rolls-Royce Merlin, Rolls-Royce Griffon, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can be 584 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1936.

14. Russian fighter - MiG-35

This model is equipped with a powerful RD-33 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2600 km/h. The sample made its first flight in 2007. One full tank of aircraft is enough for 2,000 kilometers.

15. Multirole fighter - Chengdu J-10

This model is the development of a Chinese company Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.
The presented sample is equipped with a turbofan engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed of the aircraft can reach 2327 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight in 1998. Price Chengdu J-10 is 28 million US dollars.

16. British fighter - Hawker Siddeley Harrier

This model is the development of Hawker Siddeley, which in 1960 created a fighter called Hawker Siddeley Harrier. The maximum allowable flight speed of this sample is 1175 kilometers per hour.

17. American fighter - North American P-51 Mustang

This model was created by designer Edgar Schmüd together with the company North American Aviation. This model is equipped with a powerful twelve-cylinder engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 703 kilometers per hour.

18. Russian fighter - Su-47 Berkut

This model is equipped with powerful engines such as AL-31F, D-30, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2650 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, while the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,300 kilometers. The Su-47 Berkut costs about 70 million US dollars.

19. Multirole fighter - Su-27

This model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2500 km/h. The sample weighs 16380 kilograms, while the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3530 kilometers. Costs Su-27 approximately US$30 million.

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