Top ten best military aircraft in the world. The best modern fighters in the world. Gripen - Swedish fourth generation fighter

More than a hundred years ago, humanity discovered the third dimension - the Wright brothers' plane took to the skies. Very little time passed, and the ocean of air turned into another battlefield - combat aviation became a significant factor seriously influencing the outcome of ground operations.

First combat aviation began to be used en masse during the First World War. At first, military aircraft were unarmed, they were mainly used to conduct aerial reconnaissance and bombing (if this term can be used to describe the manual dropping of various explosive objects on the enemy’s heads). The very idea of ​​air combat seemed absurd and impossible to many. However, machine guns were soon installed on airplanes, fighter planes appeared, and fierce battles unfolded in the skies.

The period between two world conflicts military aviation developed rapidly - combat aircraft became faster, more powerful, more deadly.

9. “Ilya Muromets”

In ninth place in the top 10 is the legendary multi-engine aircraft created in Russia on the eve of the First World War. After its start, Ilya Muromets became the world's first heavy bomber. This aircraft set several records for flight range and payload. “Ilya Muromets” became the first successful project of the brilliant Kiev resident Igor Sikorsky.

A total of 76 units of this aircraft of various modifications were built. After the outbreak of World War I, a special squadron was created, consisting of Ilya Muromets heavy bombers. The latest modifications of this aircraft could carry about 1,500 kg of bombs - unheard of power for that time. In addition to bombs, defensive weapons were also installed on the Ilya Muromets - from two to six machine guns.

The remaining countries participating in the First World War quickly appreciated Russia's successful experience - soon heavy multi-engine bombers appeared in service with France, Germany, and Great Britain.

Igor Sikorsky did not accept the revolution and emigrated from Russia to the USA.

8. Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka".

In eighth place in the top 10 is the single-engine German dive bomber Ju-87, one of the most famous combat aircraft of the Second World War. It became a symbol of the German Blitzkrieg in Western Europe and on the Eastern Front.

This aircraft had fixed landing gear ( soviet soldiers they called it “laptezhnik”), which significantly worsened its aerodynamics and reduced its speed, but the Ju 87 had no equal in bombing accuracy. Several innovative ideas were used in the design of the Stuka (air brakes, siren), thanks to which the aircraft became so effective. However, after the loss of air supremacy by German aviation, the Yu-87 became an easy target for enemy fighters.

7. IL-2

In seventh place in the top 10 is another legendary fighting machine period of the Second World War - Soviet attack aircraft Il-2. Luftwaffe fighter pilots called this attack aircraft the “concrete plane,” and the German infantry called it the “Black Death” or “plague.”

Serial production of the Il-2 began on the very eve of the Great Patriotic War, at the beginning of 1941. In total, Soviet industry produced more than 36 thousand units of this machine.

The IL-2 had several innovative solutions in its design, the main one of which was the inclusion of armor directly into the power circuit of the aircraft. Before this, armor was also used to enhance the protection of aircraft, but it was simply hung on top of the hull, which significantly made the structure heavier.

Despite the high security of the aircraft, the losses of these aircraft in the first months of the war were very significant. There is information that pilots were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union for ten successful combat missions on the Il-2 (according to another version, for thirty).

6. Hawker Siddeley Harrier

In sixth place in the top 10 is the British vertical take-off and landing aircraft Hawker Siddeley Harrier. This vehicle first took to the skies in 1966 and gave rise to a whole family of combat vehicles that are still in service with the US Navy and several other countries around the world.

In the 60s, the idea of ​​​​creating an aircraft that could take off and land without a run-up (VTOL) was very popular. However, developing and manufacturing such a machine turned out to be very difficult. The British turned out to be the most successful; their aircraft could not only operate without a runway, but also effectively perform the functions of a combat aircraft. Hawkers took part in the Falkland Islands War and showed their worth with best side. The main reason The success of the British was the magnificent engine of the Rolls-Royce company.

The USSR also built VTOL aircraft, but the Soviet Yak-38 turned out to be an unsuccessful machine.

5. MiG-15

This fighter is one of the most famous Soviet aircraft in the West. It was created in the late 40s, had a large number of modifications, produced under Soviet license in several countries around the world. The MiG-15 first appeared in the skies of Korea and created a real sensation in the West. Until this point, Soviet technology had been considered backward and outdated, but this fighter jet became a cold shower for Western strategists.

The Americans were preparing an armada of strategic bombers to attack nuclear strikes across the territory of the USSR, but acquaintance with the MiG-15 made it clear that the chances of breaking through the barrier Soviet fighters minimal.

The main enemy of the MiG-15 in the Korean skies was American fighter F-86 Saber, however, according to most experts, the Soviet machine was superior to its opponent.

4. B-17 “Flying Fortress”

In fourth place in the top 10 is another World War II aircraft – the American B-17 strategic bomber. It was developed in 1934 and almost immediately became a legend. It was the first American production all-metal strategic bomber.

He carried out bombing attacks on German cities and took part in military operations in Pacific Ocean. Four engines provided the B-17 with a speed of over 500 km/h and a service ceiling of over 10 km, and nine (later twelve) 12.7 mm machine guns made this bomber a very difficult opponent for any fighter.

In addition, the B-17 was distinguished by fantastic reliability. There are documented cases where a plane returned to base with one engine running, with huge holes in the fuselage or with virtually no tail.

3. Su-27

2. F-15 Eagle

In second place is the main potential enemy of the Su-27 - the American F-15 Eagle air superiority aircraft. This machine also applies to fourth generation fighters, but it took off about ten years before the Su-27. This aircraft is still in service with the US Air Force, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Japan. Having participated in several armed conflicts, the Eagle has over a hundred confirmed victories in aerial combat without a single loss - this is a real killer. The F-15 Eagle fought in the skies of Yugoslavia, Syria and Iraq. According to statements by the military of these countries, the Americans lost more than ten F-15 units. However, the problem is that no one has ever been able to provide the F-15 Eagle wreckage as evidence.

Several modifications have been developed on the basis of this fighter; the F-15E Stike Eagle is considered the most advanced.

1. F-22 Raptor

Our top 10 is headed by the first (and so far only) fifth-generation serial fighter - the American F-22 Raptor. This aircraft is capable of reaching supersonic speed without turning on the afterburner, it is made using stealth technology, has very advanced on-board electronics and a phased array radar.

It should be noted that the F-22 Raptor, part of the US Air Force, is superior to other fighters not only in its performance, but also in price: the cost of one vehicle is more than $146 million. Currently, only Americans can afford such expenses. Fifth generation fighters are being developed in both China and Russia. The projects are still at the testing stage.

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In the modern civilized world, military conflicts are rare, but if they arise, then a huge advantage will be on the side of the country that has more power aerial technology . This is not at all strange, because flying combat vehicles are capable of inflicting irreparable damage to the enemy. It is for this reason that the military aviation of each country equips its arsenal with aircraft capable of destroying ground threats instantly.

Millions aircraft designers compete with each other, who will create the best fighter in the world, paying great attention to even the smallest details. In order to understand which of the fighter aircraft existing today really deserves the title of best, you should pay attention to the criteria, which are put in front of the ideal combat aircraft.

Criteria for modern fighter aircraft

The decisive step in military operations, as the practice of the wars in Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and other countries shows, is aviation. In order to determine which fighter is capable of bringing victory to its country, it is necessary to take a more detailed look at the operational characteristics and features of each of the contenders.

It is possible to understand which fighter is better only by observing a real collision between them, but such a development of events is unlikely, since all problems and disagreements are resolved peacefully. There are, of course, a number of criteria that, according to experts, are the main ones. So, the important features of aircraft are:

  • fighter speed;
  • its survivability;
  • set of weapons;
  • maneuverability in the air;
  • detection protection;
  • flight length and duration.

The criteria that an ideal military aircraft must have are constantly changing, as each new model is modified and re-equipped. Unfortunately, in order to gain experience and understand what exactly is needed to create a powerful fighter, you have to pay - the size of human lives.

Features of the most famous cars of our time

As you know, each “air fighter” has several of its own characteristics, which we will now try to figure out, and at the end we will sum up the results and make assumptions about who can really be among the top 10 best fighters in the world. For comparison, we selected representatives of various manufacturing countries, but Russian and American developers are still in the lead in the top.

  • F-22 raptor;
  • Su-35S;
  • F-35 Lightnig;
  • T-50;
  • Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe";
  • Mig 25;
  • British Aerospace Sea Harrier;
  • Mitsubishi A6M;
  • F-16 Fighting Falcon;
  • German Typhoon;
  • Gripen;
  • Rafale;
  • F-15 Eagle.

F-22 Raptor

Let's start with the development of a well-known company called Lockheed Martin - the F-22 Raptor.

F-22 Raptor

This model is the most expensive fighter in the world. A total of 145 such combat vehicles were produced. This is the only multi-role aircraft of its kind that can reach speeds greater than Mach 1.5 without afterburner. It is equipped with two engines, so it has a large . As the saying goes: “Whoever finds the enemy faster wins the fight.” Thanks to the Stealth technology the fighter is equipped with, it is less noticeable in the air.

Video about the F-22 Raptor aircraft:

We identified the Su-35S as the second contender for the title of best.

This is a combat vehicle that most consider the most powerful development belonging to the 4++ class.


The only factor that separates the Su-35 from the fifth generation of aircraft is the lack of Stealth technology. But despite this, the fighter includes several types of weapons:

  • guided air-to-ground missile bombardment;
  • unguided rocket;
  • guided air-to-air missile;
  • small arms and cannon bombardment;
  • bomb.

In order for the fighter to operate autonomously in situations in which there is no connection with satellite navigation systems, and for the pilot to maintain contact with ground services, it is equipped with an inertial electronic navigation system BINS-SP2. A feature of this model, as experts note, is its maneuverability. It is capable of making a turn in a horizontal plane without significantly reducing flight speed. Maximum speed at high altitude is 2500 kilometers per hour. Flight range - 3600 kilometers.

Video about the Su-35S aircraft:

F-35 Lightning

This is a fifth-generation combat air vehicle, which is equipped with one Pratt & Whitney engine.

F-35 Lightning

The power plant for this model was developed by Rolls-Royce employees. There are three types of modifications to the F-35 Lightning fighter:

  • F-35A - standard development;
  • F-35B - a version of the fighter with a vertical landing and a significantly shortened takeoff;
  • F-35C is a version designed for carrier-based aviation, catapult-type takeoff, landing - aerofinisher.

A special feature of the F-35 Lightning is its unique pilot helmet. It is still under development, but its functionality is simply amazing. Thanks to modern innovative technologies, a pilot can see through the cockpit of a fighter even in and out of infrared range. The crew's visors receive the most necessary information navigation for combat. Capable of reaching speeds of 1900 km per hour.

Video about the F-35 Lightning aircraft:


It can claim a place in the line of the best, it is still in development, the start of its production is planned for 2015.


The main thing should be a large radius of destruction. The fighter's combat arsenal will include precision weapons and a radar with a phased array antenna. The take-off weight of the fighter is 20 tons. It reaches speeds of up to 2.5 M. average speed- 2600 kilometers per hour.

Video about the T-50 aircraft:

Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe"

This is the world's first combat fighter that was capable of reaching 900 km per hour.

Messershmitt Me.262

Its onboard weapons include four 30-mm cannons with hundreds of shells, as well as 24 unguided missiles.

Video about the Messershmitt Me.262 “Schwalbe” aircraft:

Mig 25

The development of Soviet scientists, which has come a long way to perfection and now belongs to the fifth generation.

Mig 25

This supersonic interceptor at one time set 29 records. In reconnaissance mode, the aircraft becomes much lighter and accelerates to 2.8 M. A special feature of the fighter is its ability to catch more than 2 tons of bombs in flight.

Video about the Mig 25 aircraft:

British Aerospace Sea Harrier

A vertical takeoff and landing fighter.

This aircraft has been in service for a long time now. Marine Corps in USA.

British Aerospace Sea Harrier in the sky

The secret to the development was the creation of a lifting rod, on which British aircraft designers worked for many years. The developers used a single power unit - Rolls-Royce Pegasus with deflectable thrust vector.

Video about the British Aerospace Sea Harrier aircraft:

Mitsubishi A6M

They call it a “mystery plane”, since the Mitsubishi developers managed to combine the incongruous - maneuverability and a record flight range for a fighter, amounting to 2600 km when equipped with 2.5 tons.

Mitsubishi A6M

Mitsubishi A6M is the embodiment of the samurai spirit, which with its appearance despises everything connected with her. This can be understood by the fact that the Japanese-made fighter is completely devoid of armor.

Video about the Mitsubishi A6M aircraft:

F-16 Fighting Falcon

It has a huge advantage in optical visibility, as it is equipped with a non-binding flashlight.

F-16 Fighting Falcon

The fighter's turn speed is 21.5 degrees per second. In a second, the fighter gains a height of 294 meters. This is a pretty good indicator. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is equipped with a huge set of weapons; it is capable of using unguided and guided missiles, as well as anti-radar missiles in combat.

Video about the F-16 Fighting Falcon:

F-15 Eagle

According to the BBC, this is a real “killer”; during its history, it brought 104 victories without a single defeat.

F-15 Eagle

No one managed to shoot down this air machine. None of the existing fighters today can boast of such a performance as the F-15 Eagle. The fighter model is capable of conducting active combat even in extreme conditions - in daytime or at night, in any unforeseen meteorological conditions, at low altitudes and high ones.

Video about the F-15 Eagle aircraft:


It should also not be ignored, since Chinese aircraft designers did their best.


This fighter is called the "duck" because of its specific design. The horizontal rudder of the fighter is moved more forward and is located almost in front of the wing. When the pilot needs to point the plane upward, instead of the usual lowering, the aircraft's layout raises its nose and thereby increases its rate of climb. The tailless system of the J-10, with all its features, is aerodynamically unstable, especially when it comes to supersonic speeds. The crew of a fighter can consist of one or two people. There is a refueling function in flight mode.

Video about the J-10 aircraft:

German Typhoon

It amazes with the variety of materials from which it is made.


Carbon composite ribs, carbon composites, titanium, and even aluminum-lithium alloys took part in the production. Stealth technology makes the aircraft visually invisible even at a short distance from the enemy. Armed with a Mauser VK27 cannon, as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles.

Video about the Typhoon aircraft:

Gripen - Swedish fourth generation fighter

Today it is one of the main air battles s cars of the country.


This fighter is capable of flawlessly performing several combat missions simultaneously, namely, being an attack aircraft and a reconnaissance aircraft. Equipped with a Volvo Aero RM12 turbofan, thanks to which it is capable of a flight range of 2800 kilometers.

Video about the Gripen aircraft:


It is a French combat aircraft that can perform a wide range of missions at short and long distances from the enemy, including flawlessly hitting its enemy both at sea and on land.


The French government allocated 3 million euros for the development of this fighter. In March 2007, NATO adopted this fighter. It is equipped with a two-circuit turbojet engine. It develops a speed of 1900 kilometers per hour, the combat radius is 1800 kilometers.

Video about the Rafale aircraft:

Each war and air combat conflict introduces its own rules and features of combat operations, therefore, reading the characteristics of all the above air fighters, it is quite difficult to determine at first who is the leader among them. So far, the F-22 raptor takes the lead, but each of the fighters is constantly undergoing modifications and updates, so it changes very quickly. Today there are five generations of aircraft, the sixth generation, which will have even greater innovations, is still under development and completely classified. How the sixth generation fighter will surprise the world, we can only guess.

Since the purpose of using aviation is not uniform, it would not be correct to name only one. We divide the concept of “best” into several categories: safe, expensive, fast and effective.

The best passenger aircraft

The Boeing 747 can easily be called the best passenger aircraft in history. This is not the safest, however, it is one of the most used and popular aircraft that still covers the airspace. Main features of the aircraft:

  • It appeared back in 1969 and became the first to fly on long-distance routes.
  • More than 1.5 thousand copies have already been released.
  • Cost - 260 million dollars.
  • A distinctive feature is the “hump” of the upper deck.

But the Boeing 777, or as it is also called “Three Sevens,” as if, in accordance with its lucky name, is recognized as the safest aircraft in the world. Unfortunately, such a plane did crash in Ukraine in 2014, however, the fault was not in its design. This is a wide-body aircraft, the main features of which are:

  • The longest flight in the air is 21,601 km of distance covered.
  • Equipped with the world's most powerful General Electric GE90 jet engines.
  • Costs about $300 million.
  • Accommodates up to 550 passengers.
  • Not a single passenger of the 3 Sevens died on board.

The most expensive planes in the world

Officially, the most expensive private jet is the Airbus A380, which rests in the hangar of Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. This is a somewhat controversial issue, since there are rumors about the cost of the Boeing 767 bought and converted by Abramovich, but let's trust the facts.

Main characteristics of the most expensive aircraft in the world:

  • its cost is over half a million dollars;
  • only 15-20 people can fit on board;
  • this is a real house on wings: there are bedrooms, a bathhouse, GYM's, banquet rooms, etc.;
  • maximum distance covered- 15.4 thousand km.
  • From these facts it is difficult to guess that this is also the most economical aircraft of similar size. Moreover, it is one of the most major representatives passenger carriers.

The most expensive military aircraft in the world

But the most expensive aircraft in the world is not a passenger aircraft - it is a bomber manufactured using stealth technologies. There are 20 of these in the world and all of them are in service with the United States. The main reason for creating the B-2 Spirit was Cold War, and if it had not ended, there would have been more than a hundred such deadly carriers of nuclear and simple weapons, as you see in the photo above. The unit cost is 2.1 billion dollars! Each plane is named after some geographical feature, and the first is called the Spirit of America.

The fastest plane in the world

The best planes can't help but fly fast. Of course, production samples will not soon reach record speeds, but individual experimental cases prove that humanity can do anything. Thus, developed in the USA, the X-15 rocket plane was able to reach a speed of 7272 km/h, piloted by Joe Walker. The active flight that day in 1963 was only 85.8 seconds, but this was enough to reach an altitude of more than 107 km. the main task This ultra-high-speed rocket is a study of the capabilities of winged vehicles on the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere and space.

Also owned by American developers is the X-43A, developed by NASA specialists. The maximum speed achieved by this drone is 11,200 km/h, which is this moment is the official record. It was possible to achieve such indicators only the third time. During the attempts, 2 planes sank in the Pacific Ocean to avoid collision with land.

The best military aircraft

The legend of the USSR, still in service in Russia, Kazakhstan and China, is the MiG-31. It is not always included in ratings of the best fighters, however, it is one of those models that has proven itself in practice, and not in theory. Main features of a supersonic interceptor:

  • flight range - from 2.2 to 2.48 km;
  • capable of intercepting missiles;
  • the only fighter that independently uses missiles that have a long range;
  • equally effective in any weather conditions and time of day.

Interestingly, 4 such interceptors are enough to control the air over a distance of 900 km. This device was used initially for testing, later for combat duty near Sakhalin Island and for combat purposes during Chechen war. More than 500 units have been produced so far.

A real threat to others aircraft creates a European fighter Eurofighter Typhoon, or Typhoon. Its main disadvantage is its helplessness in attacking terrestrial targets, however, as regards air defense, it is by far the best device for achieving such strategic tasks. The cost of eliminating air threats is $120 million and is currently equipping the air forces of England, Germany, Spain and Italy, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The high cost, in comparison with other fourth-class fighters, is associated with the use of radio-absorbing materials in the design.

Military experts are constantly debating which aircraft is better: the Typhoon or the Russian Su-35? In order not to offend either of these two masterpieces of aircraft construction, the Russian super-maneuverable crew is also included in the ranking of the best aircraft. Its advantage over the European fighter is its universal application: the Su-35 is ready to protect both the air and the ground. In addition, its turbojet engine allows it to reach supersonic speeds without using afterburner, which theoretically allows this device to enter the fifth generation. A total of 34 such fighters were produced. A very strong advantage of the presented lethal work of art is its maneuverability - vector engines literally allow the Su-35 to dance in the air, gliding and rotating in one place.

  • This is the only fifth-generation fighter in service (US Air Force).
  • This is the most expensive military aircraft - almost more than 146 million dollars.
  • Flies at supersonic speeds.
  • Covered with radio-absorbing materials.
  • Universal.

The leader of our rating was used in battle only once, in Syria. There are many rumors around the only representative of the fifth generation about his high cost, low adaptability to bad weather conditions, but there is no factual evidence of this.

Those who often fly on airplanes have repeatedly asked the question: “What are the best airplanes in the world?” As you know, there are military and passenger planes. Both among the first and among the second there are clear favorites. Technology is developing very quickly every year, and therefore aircraft production is improving.

First, let's identify the best military aircraft in the world, both around the world and in Russia. Which ones? ? ? Read on our website.

Among them, of course, the leaders are fighters. Military aircraft designed for air combat and escorting bombers, transport aircraft and others.

1 place

The fighter is stationed here F-15 Eagle. Him almost 104 victories in confirmed air battles and without any losses. It comes in different variations - F-15 E “Stike Eagle”, F-15 SE “Silent Eagle”.

The pride of the American air fleet, it can only compete with the Russian SU-27.

F-15 Strike Eagle.

2nd place

The American fighter is also in second place - F-4 “Phantom 2″. This is a versatile bomber that weighs about 20 tons.

Proven in battles in Vietnam, Pakistan, Iraq, and India, it is well equipped with both radio-electronic systems and other special technical innovations.

3rd place

Supermarine Spitfire- one of the true legends of the Second World War. It was thanks to these aircraft that Great Britain managed to stop the German invasion of its territory at the very beginning of the war.

The oval shape of the wings and 8 automatic cannons provided them with unsurpassed victories.

Supermarine Spitfire.

4th place

Messerschmitt ME 109 existed in different modifications. You could say he was the jewel in the crown of the German Luftwaffe.

Its advantages were excellent maneuverability and weapon power. Developed speed up to 560 km/h.

Messerschmitt ME 109.

5th place

P-51 Mustang also especially impressed many during the Second World War. It belonged to the Americans and could reach speed up to 700 km/h.

He won more than 5 thousand air victories and was a formidable opponent.

6th place

American engineers and aircraft designers have created many ingenious models. Among them we can mention McDonnell Douglas F-18 Super Hornet.

It is still in service with NATO. Equipped with two powerful engines, thanks to which it develops supersonic speed.

McDonnell Douglas F-18 Super Hornet.

7th place

Japanese model Mitsubishi A6M Zero showed itself in all its glory during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

From them they fired at the harbor with American warships stationed there. It could take off both from the ground and from aircraft carriers.

Mitsubishi A6M Zero.

8th place

Hawker Siddeley Harrier Jump Jet distinguished himself during the so-called Falklands War and largely helped the British defend these islands.

Could take off from anywhere and lift the load up to 2, 3 tons. An already improved model is still in service with the US Marine Corps.

Hawker Siddeley Harrier Jump Jet.

9th place

Messerschmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe" was also one of the stars of the Luftwaffe. It was the first jet aircraft in the entire world. His maximum speed reached 900 km/h.

They helped to win air victories Germans don't for a long time, since only about two thousand aircraft of this model were produced, and then by the end of the war.

Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwable.

10th place

Lockheed F-117 Stealth Nighthawk proved himself in battles in Panama, Iraq and Bosnia. Until now, some of its technical data are not available to the world community.

It is only known that thanks to the special design of the fuselage, it is invisible on radar, and can also carry more than 2 tons of various weapons on board.

F-117 Nighthawk Stealth.

Now let's look at the best military aircraft in Russia.

The best military aircraft of Russia

Fighters and bombers are in the lead here. Many of them are used not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world.

At the same time, new models continue to be designed and developed.

1 place

Undoubtedly it belongs to a fighter Su-27. He even develops higher speed than the American F-15 Eagle. Many countries purchased it. The combat radius reaches 750 km.

2nd place

Of course, he has the right to Mig-29. It is described in detail, as well as the opportunity to rise on this beauty into the stratosphere.

3rd place

A highly maneuverable fighter capable of performing many different missions. SU-35, of course, cannot compare with the SU-27.

However, thanks its combat radius of 1600 km and with a modified set of weapons, it has already become a worthy fighter.

4th place

T-50 (PAK FA) can develop speed up to 2600 km/h. This is a fifth-generation fighter, which is Russia’s answer to the American-made F-22 Raptor.

Multi-purpose and perfectly technically equipped, it is also a pride air force Russia.

5th place

TU-160- supersonic bomber, the combat radius of which is 7300 km. Incredible speed, maneuverability and multitasking are its advantages.

So far only Russia has such models. It is also planned to release its more advanced model soon.

6th place

Mig-21- one of the heroes Vietnam War, which is in service with almost 40 countries. The supersonic, Soviet missile carrier has been in use since the middle of the last century.

Mig-21 One of the best third generation jet aircraft

7th place

Mig-15, which made a real splash in the entire world aviation, changed the US's perception of Russian military aircraft.

The jet and single-seat aircraft largely showed their technical perfection at that time during the Korean War.

8th place

One more moment, but already 25. It is capable of carrying almost 2.2 tons of weapons. It was used, however, not as a fighter, but as a reconnaissance aircraft.

He proved to be first-class in this regard.

9th place

Again it takes Mig-35. It can reach almost 2600 km/h, and with a full tank it can fly almost 2,000 km.

Has an improved engine model. It first took to the skies in 2007.

10th place

Su-47 Berkut worth 70 million dollars and weighing 16,380 kg, of course, not as good as the rest of its brothers.

However, it is equipped with very powerful engines and with a full tank it flies almost 3,300 km. Reaches a speed of 2,650 km/h.

Su-47 Berkut.

We found out what are the best aircraft in the world among military models, but as for passenger airliners, how is the situation?

It must be said that for many, the synonym for “best” is “safe” among this class of models.

What are the safest, and therefore the best, passenger airliners you can find on our website.

The best Russian planes

And if you take Russian planes, that is, are there any worthwhile models among them?

In the 60s of the last century, there was a boom in passenger aviation in the Soviet Union. It was during this period that the best Soviet aircraft were produced.

In first place is TU - 104. Developed in the middle of the century, it held the title for two years as the first jet passenger aircraft, but quickly disappointed both its creators and passengers.

Too many disasters happened to him. Despite this, he flew domestic airlines until 1979.

Second place belongs to IL-18. Up to 2002 it was used not only by Russian but also by foreign airlines.

Comfortable, economical and roomy, for a long time it was the first airliner of the Soviet Union. Its speed reached 610 km/h.

In third place is TU-114. This is a turbojet airliner with 4 engines. It was used until 1976 and was the only one in Aeroflot’s fleet that was capable of flying all the way to the USA.

Took fourth place TU-134. By the way, it is still in use not only in Russia, but also in a number of foreign countries.

This is explained by the fact that it was modernized many times due to the introduction of newer equipment.

And in fifth place - IL-62. Excellent handling, stability during landing and in flight - all these and many other advantages made it an excellent airliner.

It could accommodate about 186 passengers and had a speed of 850 km/h.


And finally, we note that the coolest aircraft in the world is again considered to be the Russian fighter - the SU-35. He created a real sensation at the exhibition in Le Bourget.

A multi-role fighter that has almost perfect maneuverability. This is already the fifth generation of fighters.

People have long conquered the air. Now military force States are measured not only by weapons, but also by the supply of fighters. Fast planes civil aviation in a matter of hours they can transport you to the other side of the Earth. Some can even afford to buy such a vehicle and surf the skies. At all times, aviation has attracted the most different people. Some people love to fly, while others love to create ever more advanced machines for this.

It is not surprising that there are all kinds of ratings. After all, various transport ships differ from each other, some even in such a developed age evoke admiration and respect. The best aircraft in the world can be classified according to different parameters. But the common denominator still exists here, that is, they are unique in their industry.

For an airplane, the interior is not as important as its speed. After all, you can make any sofas and windows inside; the question of how to lift it all into the air is much more serious. The larger the plane, the more powerful it should be, and therefore the slower it should move. But not always. You can give the following ranking of the fastest aircraft:

  1. X-43A. Perhaps this is the best plane in the world, if main characteristic- speed. The only downside is that the model is still experimental, although it is supersonic. This unit reaches 11 thousand km per hour.
  2. X-15. And this is already the best military aircraft in the world, on which rocket engines were first installed. No comments needed – 7 thousand kilometers per hour.
  3. Black Bird. American military plane. Reaches 3500 km/h, can dodge missiles, and is considered very maneuverable.
  4. XB-70. In the USA it is also called Valkyrie. This is the real pride of the country, its symbol. Despite the fact that the speed here is lower than that of previous models (3100 km/h), this bomber is maneuverable, comfortable and looks simply gorgeous.
  5. MIG-25. Soviet planes are not inferior to Western ones, and in speed too. This unit is rightfully considered a masterpiece of engineering. Classification: fighter-interceptor. It reaches a speed of about 3000 km/h.
  6. The MIG-31 has a slightly slower speed, but has an amazing range. He is also not afraid of difficult weather conditions.
  7. TU-144. Civil aviation cannot be ignored either. After all, this plane is supersonic, but at the same time it is distinguished by comfort and a large number of seats. Speed ​​– up to 2500 km/h.
  8. Concodor. A civil aviation aircraft, which, due to its design (resembles an elongated arrow), develops supersonic speed. Over the entire period, only 6 copies were produced.

Of course, there are still many fast aircraft in civil aviation, but few of them reach supersonic speed.

Beautiful civil aviation aircraft

Among the planes that people fly every day, there are also celebrities. Some of them differ in size, others in characteristics, and others in convenience. The following list can be given:

  • "Ruslan". This heavy and spacious aircraft is designed for long-distance flights;
  • AN-22 is the world's largest turbine-propeller aircraft;
  • The Airbus A340 is the world's longest four-engine aircraft;
  • The An-225 is the largest unit in the world; it lifts a mass of 640 tons into the air.

About the last point we can also say that it is inactive, has 4 motors and the largest wingspan in the world.

The coolest planes in the world

The title of cool units is taken by the most expensive, luxurious and comfortable models. At all times, they are used by presidents, stars, and politicians. Such vehicles are prohibitively expensive, sometimes costing millions of dollars. The following list can be given:

  • Falcon 900 Ex. This model costs about 35 million, and the President of Ghana flies on it. The advantage of the vehicle is that it is equipped with hidden fuel tanks and can fly over distances of about 8,000 kilometers. Powerful engines, advanced electronics, speed of about 1000 km/h;
  • IL-96-300 - aircraft of the President of the Russian Federation. It has four turbo engines, security systems, various radars and electronics. The engineers tried to install all the most modern equipment on board. The special model exists in 1 copy. Although there may be more than 250 people on board, usually only the head of state flies there;
  • The Airbus A319 belongs to the President of Brazil. On board is a real mini-palace with luxurious seating and entertainment. Wherein vehicle It uses fuel very economically and emits a minimum of waste into the air;
  • Doomsday plane. This is what they call a special unit (there are 4 of them in the world) for the US President. This is, perhaps, also the most mysterious aircraft in the world, because about its characteristics and interior decoration nothing is known. Now all that is clear is that he can remain intact during a terrorist attack, nuclear explosion or a collision with an asteroid.

Doomsday plane

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