Combination of horoscopes by year and zodiac sign. For those who are looking for similarities in zodiac signs: qualities that unite different people

Today, synastric astrology has become incredibly popular. She determines the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by studying the location of the Sun, stars, Moon and other planets at the time of birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, you can create truly harmonious relationships, find an approach to any person, and build a strong family.

Astrologers advise studying the marital compatibility horoscope at the stage of meeting your prospective future spouse. It will definitely help you better understand the person who is next to you, recognize his strengths and weak sides, check how well you fit together.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes quite often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read and even study them before taking such an important step in life as marriage. Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage plays important role in future life together. However, you should not completely rely on the astrological forecast. It will be better if when making such an important decision in life as choosing a spouse, you trust your heart. Even the ideal compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage does not give us a complete guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most difficult zodiac signs in terms of compatibility can create ideal family and will demonstrate the best compatibility in marriage.

Now let's take a closer look...

Aries (21.03-22.04) is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They get along well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, but are in no way compatible with Capricorn and Pisces.

Taurus (04/21-05/21) is an Earth sign. These people are devoted to family, their spouse, eternal values ​​and ideals. An ideal partner for you could be Cancers, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Gemini (21.05-24.06) is an Air sign. These are windy and reckless people who always live somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing in common with Capricorns and Cancers. They feel the greatest attraction to the signs of their native element - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. The connection with Leos and Taurus will be strong. But they have no mutual understanding with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer (06/22-07/20) is a water sign. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them is their children. Cancers will be ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. But an alliance with Capricorns, Libra and Virgo will be unsuccessful.

Leos (07.23-08.25) are a less temperamental sign of Fire, compared to other representatives of this element. Leo will be a wonderful soul mate for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but a connection between Leo and Aquarius and Taurus is unlikely.

Virgos (08/24-09/20) are quite difficult individuals, especially men. You will need to learn to make concessions with them. Virgos will get along well with Virgos and Scorpios, but are incompatible with Aquarius, Libra and Cancer.

Libra (23.09-21.10) fully lives up to its name. They constantly doubt, carefully think about everything before making a choice, which is why they need self-confident travel companions for life. Libra is compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini. But relationships with Capricorns, Cancers and Taurus are almost impossible for Libra.

Scorpios (10.24-11.20) are extremely excitable, ambivalent and difficult people. They do not tolerate comments directed at themselves. It will be difficult for two Scorpios together; they will suffer from each other’s bites. Scorpios get along well with Virgos, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, but a marriage between Scorpio and Aquarius, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

Sagittarius (11.20-12.24) are hot, headstrong natures, always defending their opinion in everything. They are ideal for Cancers, Aries, Scorpios, Leo and Aquarius. He will be restrained by a partner-friend with a great sense of humor, a lover of life who recognizes the freedom of Sagittarius.

Capricorns (12.24-23.01) - constancy itself. Because of this, Leos will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorns are on the same level as Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios and Pisces. But they will not be able to get along in marriage with Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer and Aries.

Aquarians (21.01-21.02) are subtle natures, for whom in the first place they seek harmony in the internal ideals of the soul. They are not friendly with Pisces and Capricorns, who are very utilitarian in family life. An impeccable union will be with Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius. A deeply contradictory alliance with Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

Pisces (20.02-21.03) are very difficult natures. They combine well with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of one element will not give confidence in an ideal union. Pisces is suitable for Scorpios, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Today, checking the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is an integral step when getting married. So trust the knowledge ancient science astrology, and forward to a happy future!

Incredible facts

Do you want to know which zodiac couple is considered the happiest in love and friendship?

In this list you will find all possible combinations of couples by zodiac sign, and find out what your relationship will be like.

However, remember that this is only general description, and the compatibility of a particular couple can only be determined from a personal horoscope.

Clue: use the keys Ctrl+F to find your match.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in love

The happiest couples

1. Cancer + Scorpio

Many believe that this couple is the best in the entire Zodiac. These signs perfectly understand and complement each other, although from the outside they seem completely different. In this case, each partner in the relationship is strong where the other is weak. They are both interested in a strong relationship, and they both have similar goals in life that they want to work towards.

2. Pisces + Pisces

The combination of two Pisces can be very strong and compatible. They each find in each other the soulmate or missing link they are looking for in a partner. Such relationships begin instantly, which can initially frighten and push them away from each other. This happens when you find the ideal partner, but are afraid to ask yourself the question: how ready am I for this?

3. Aries + Sagittarius

Both of these zodiac signs love to have fun and can make each other laugh. The couple is full of jokes that only both of them understand, and their life together should be easy and joyful. They have big circle friends, and they are always up to something interesting.

4. Sagittarius + Pisces

Emotionally, such a couple will balance each other well. Both are quite romantic, do not hide their feelings and respect each other. They know how to empathize and capture each other's feelings, trying to be the partner that each of them needs in a relationship. The only problem they will have to face is strong emotions, which will sometimes run wild.

5. Virgo + Capricorn

This is a truly strong couple who know how to set goals for themselves and work hard. They may be a little conservative in their personal lives and will take some time before opening up to each other. However, their interests coincide so much that once this happens, they will become a perfect union.

6. Leo + Libra

Leo and Libra both love to be the center of attention, but they are great at not competing with each other. They would rather share their success with each other (which is quite rare for both) and allow each other to become happier.

7. Taurus + Cancer

This couple has every chance to become the best couple in the Zodiac. Taurus and Cancer are very similar in many ways, and their values ​​complement each other. They will enjoy building a happy life together and creating a comfortable home with the support of a devoted and caring partner. In addition, both will pamper each other with tender touches, delicious food and other signs of love.

8. Capricorn + Capricorn

This perfect couple, since Capricorn's values ​​are so important to them that a partner who fully supports their ideals will simply be their dream.

They will perfectly understand each other's needs and work as a team to achieve common goals. Additionally, both are unconditionally loyal and will protect their relationship.

9. Gemini + Pisces

In this pair, the partners also balance each other well. While Pisces is emotional and deep by nature, Gemini is sympathetic and quickly understands Pisces' needs. Pisces tends to follow their heart, while Gemini will play the role of the one who makes the logical choice. In this case, if the partners find a common language, they can give each other what the other lacks.

10. Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius gets along well with a representative of his own zodiac sign. Of course, in such a couple no one will take care of them so that they do not get into trouble, but it is not so important for both of them that everything is perfect. Both will have a lot of fun and fight a little. This will be a union of relaxed partners who always do what they want.

11. Aries + Gemini

Aries and Gemini make a delightful couple who are rarely at home and always find ways to have fun. These are not lovers of a calm home environment. Their feed in in social networks may be a little boring for others, but they enjoy an active lifestyle filled with adventure and new experiences.

12. Libra + Scorpio

This pair balances each other out, as Scorpio is emotional and strongly feeling, while Libra is easy-going and carefree. Although they both attract attention in their own way in society, they are independent of each other. Both are wonderful on their own, but together they can achieve so much more.

13. Taurus + Pisces

This is a wonderful union of a dreamer (Pisces) and a realist (Taurus). Both prefer a carefree lifestyle and understand that their partner needs support and love. They will have a happy married life and an unshakable bond.

14. Gemini + Libra

Both zodiac signs will make great friends and happy lovers. They have a natural compatibility and both prefer to spend time in the same way, in the company of people, or having fun. They are an outgoing couple that many others look up to.

15. Aries + Virgo

This union can also be called complementary. Aries will choose where to travel, and Virgo will plan everything. They will challenge and balance each other, making other people's lives better.

16. Scorpio + Capricorn

This relationship is made for family life. Scorpio is usually ready for marriage at a later age, when he has had enough time and wants something serious, and Capricorn is always ready for this. Scorpio may have high demands, but Capricorn is always ready to understand and give Scorpio personal space when needed. Scorpio's personality can change, but Capricorn will be the stable partner that Scorpio needs. This will make the couple feel satisfied and happy.

17. Taurus + Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. Both love beautiful things, purposeful and stable. They are perfect for each other and can become a very happy and strong couple.

18. Libra + Pisces

This is one of the strong couples who will be faithful to each other. They know how to empathize and are always ready to support each other. The good thing about this pair is that when one is behind, the other is in front and ready to pull the partner. They do not so much complement each other as reflect their influence on each other.

19. Aquarius + Aquarius

Aquarians get along well with their own sign. As a rule, they have a fairly high opinion of themselves and a relationship with the same partner will benefit both. Both will stimulate each other mentally and their romantic connection will be long-lasting due to the constant sparkle.

20. Scorpio + Pisces

When they say that opposites attract, this can be applied to this couple to some extent. Scorpio is outwardly cold and reserved; it is difficult for him to trust and let others in. They want to be leaders in relationships. Pisces, in turn, are usually passive and show their emotions, giving Scorpio all their love. Although gaining the trust of a Scorpio is difficult, once this happens, their union will be very strong and both will be devoted to each other.

Happy and compatible couples by zodiac sign

21. Gemini + Sagittarius

This couple is capable of falling deeply in love with each other and will remember their love all their lives. At first, their relationship may be quite balanced and mutual, but over time, Sagittarius will rely too much on Gemini, and they, in turn, will become indignant and may end the relationship. Even if they break up, both will respect each other.

22. Cancer + Libra

Cancer and Libra get along well with each other, and the only stumbling block will be the issue of spending time. Libra prefers to spend time with friends, while Cancer is an avid homebody. There is no strong chemistry here, but this means a less tragic and more harmonious relationship.

23. Scorpio + Sagittarius

Both signs are quite stubborn and will never stop fighting for each other. Although both have strong personalities, they can be a great team and will always support each other. Problems in this couple arise when one of them becomes too stubborn to apologize.

24. Gemini + Gemini

This couple may face problems from the outside, as both are not very practical and inattentive to details. However, their relationship can be full of happiness and joy, since both do not like to be too burdened and can be themselves with a person who will not try to subjugate them.

25. Libra + Aquarius

These partners will have a very strong psychic connection. They can make friends at yoga classes or over breakfast in a cafe. Their relationship will be light, but quite serious, and both will get along well with each other.

26. Scorpio + Aquarius

Scorpio can take a lot personally and be very picky towards other people, while Aquarius may not pay attention to some little things. He can always give Scorpio the necessary time alone so that he will return to him again. Aquarians will never tire them with excessive attention, and they themselves demand little, and Scorpio, in turn, can give them fidelity.

27. Leo + Virgo

Leo and Virgo can create a happy and harmonious relationship if both are emotionally mature and can appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses, rather than expecting their partner to be like them. Virgo will allow Leo to shine, which will please Leo. Both will balance each other out and support everyone's dreams and hopes.

28. Leo + Sagittarius

This is a wonderful couple who get along perfectly with each other and do not like drama. They understand and appreciate each other and prefer to do rather than talk. This is an always busy couple who doesn't spend much time at home.

29. Libra + Sagittarius

This is a sociable couple who have many friends. They will try a lot of new things, do common things and generally have a positive influence on each other. In this case, the lack of intellectual and emotional connection can make Libra feel a little lonely.

30. Sagittarius + Aquarius

This is a good match as both partners are curious and love to explore the world. They will not hold each other back and will be happy implementing their ideas and exploring the world together.

31. Cancer + Pisces

Cancer and Pisces understand each other on a basic level, but they are so similar that it will sometimes be difficult for them to work together. Both signs are best paired with a stronger partner who has their feet firmly on the ground rather than a fellow dreamer. Otherwise, they can be very happy and create a creative union.

32. Leo + Capricorn

Such a union is unlikely, but they can become a very strong couple. Leo and Capricorn love to be respected and appreciated, and both will guard their personal space and their reputation. Neither of them have a very fiery temperament, and although Capricorn can be shy, things tend to change behind closed doors, which is all Leo needs.

33. Libra + Libra

Libra is the zodiac sign that gets along very well with people like them. Since values ​​are important to them, a partner who has similar values ​​is already a guarantee of success. Together they can create a very happy, harmonious and healthy relationship, where each will support the other emotionally, both will be devoted to each other and will help their partner develop.

34. Capricorn + Pisces

This couple will most likely be friends at first, with each waiting to make the first move. But relationships that begin with friendship, as a rule, are very strong and long-lasting. These are those relationships when each partner enters the other's life when he is tired of games and disappointments. In such a union, both will feel safe.

35. Cancer + Capricorn

For both, such a relationship will present some difficulty in the beginning, when they need to adjust their values, but they cannot be called incompatible. Capricorn will seem a little superficial to Cancer until he explains to Cancer that their love for good things is because they want to create a cozy homely atmosphere. Both will be ready to work towards such a goal. Capricorn will appreciate Cancer's devotion, and both will benefit from this relationship.

36. Taurus + Virgo

What many call boring will be ideal for this couple. These partners are on the same page about many things, from finances to where they want to be in 5 years. They will support each other and feel confident in such a relationship.

37. Virgo + Pisces

This is the combination that all parents dream of for their children. This is a practical, down to earth and productive relationship. They may not be the most passionate couple, but their love will stand the test of time. If they make their choice regarding each other, they will remain faithful to each other.

38. Gemini + Leo

Gemini and Leo will be able to get a lot out of life. They always make big plans and make each other laugh. Little things will not worry either partner, since both are essentially children in this couple. They will simply enjoy each other's presence, ignoring the insults.

39. Aries + Aquarius

Both partners in this union can talk to each other for hours, staying up until the morning. They are on the same level, and both have many common interests that make them excited. They will be able to create a solid foundation of friendship on which to build a relationship.

40. Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo may find Aquarius a little crazy at first, but they may find that they are not so incompatible. Aquarius, for example, despite all the crazy ideas, is not as messy as Gemini, and can take care of itself. There will be a spark in this couple, since both partners are a kind of exotic for each other.

41. Taurus + Taurus

Values ​​are more important to Taurus than anyone else. A partner with the same values ​​(loyalty, constancy, comfort) helps start this relationship off on the right note. Both know how to take care of each other, and they have a strong foundation - knowing that you can completely trust your partner.

42. Aries + Aries

Two Aries have a good base for friendship and for fun. They will challenge their partner and be able to interest each other. But such a couple will lack the balance and depth that would appear with someone who complements them, and is not similar to them.

43. Leo + Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius get along well in the bedroom, where they are attracted to exciting and passionate relationships. Outside the bedroom, however, they have little in common, but if they make the effort to get to know each other better, they can form a strong union.

44. Virgo + Sagittarius

It's an opposites-attract relationship where strengths and weaknesses complement each other, but they're not so different that they drive each other crazy. Sagittarius will make Virgo relax and have fun, and Virgo will make sure Sagittarius doesn't do anything stupid.

45. Aries + Leo

Aries and Leo are natural allies and wonderful friends. Both love to try new things, go on adventures, have fun and challenge each other. This couple will be the envy of all Instagram followers.

46. ​​Gemini + Aquarius

Both of these partners get along better as friends than as lovers, but their relationship should be undisturbed. Both are interesting personalities, passionate about new ideas. They can talk to each other non-stop and keep each other interested, making their relationship more passionate.

47. Virgo + Scorpio

This is not the best combination, but not the worst either. The strength of such an alliance is that both will support each other. Both are hardworking, dedicated and goal-oriented. Relationships will not come first for them, but both partners will respect each other. After all, a healthy relationship is not always one where you are constantly crazy about each other.

48. Cancer + Cancer

Cancer and Cancer are a tough combination. They can get along very well and have a very deep relationship because they understand each other so well. But there will be times in this couple when both will be so caught up in emotions that there will be no one who can soften the situation and look at everything with ease. Both will want to get out and breathe some fresh air.

49. Aries + Libra

This is a relationship between two interesting personalities, where each partner will become a challenge for the other. However, if they find their footing, they will become a force to be reckoned with. This will be a very strong couple, with a large circle of friends whom they will adore.

50. Cancer + Virgo

There is potential for harmony in this couple, as both avoid conflict and try to make their partner happy by lending a shoulder to each other. Even if they lack chemistry somewhere, they will be able to make efforts to create a good union. These active and sociable partners can put the relationship first.

51. Virgo + Libra

Virgo and Libra can be a stable couple, where partners will make each other happy. There may not be a strong spark or constant travel between them, but they will support each other and will not be annoyed with their partner. They value harmony and do not like conflict for the sake of conflict. They will also be able to communicate well, making sure their partner is happy.

52. Taurus + Libra

There may be a reason for jealousy in this couple, but the union can work out if Libra pampers Taurus and assures him that he comes first for them. At first, Taurus may think that Libra is too showy, but once they get to know their gentle nature, they will win the heart of Taurus. Libra, in turn, will love the solid foundation that Taurus provides.

53. Leo + Pisces

In this pair, Leo will be a strong and stable partner, while Pisces will be more dependent. Since a lot of Pisces' lives depend on how they feel, they need a partner who understands and is willing to take care of them. Where Pisces lacks confidence, Leo will be the rock next to which they will feel support. When Pisces stumbles, Leo will be strong. This relationship can be good if both partners accept their role. However, problems will arise when Leo gets tired of being strong.

54. Cancer + Leo

Cancer may not enjoy playing second fiddle to Leo, not because they want to be the center of attention, but because they may view Leo's vanity as unnatural and superficial. However, this does not represent such big problem in a relationship after the partners have gotten to know each other better. There is potential for balance here, as the signs are different enough to complement each other.

55. Cancer + Sagittarius

It's hard to see how these zodiac signs could get together, as they have different values ​​and personalities, but both are quite laid-back and avoid conflict, so they won't fight as often. If they can find common ground, it will be an easy relationship, where Cancer will open up the lighter side of their character and Sagittarius will become deeper.

56. Virgo + Virgo

Virgo gets along well with another Virgo, but they are better off finding a partner who will complement them. With a fellow Virgo, they will lead a rather conservative lifestyle, rather than exploring the world or trying something new. However, they can settle very firmly together.

57. Gemini + Capricorn

Such a couple can work out even if they do not have natural compatibility. Gemini will be able to bring Capricorn out of his shell, and Capricorn will be able to restore order to Gemini so that they can show the best in themselves. If both are patient with each other and can accept their partner's differences, they will make a great couple.

58. Leo + Scorpio

In a relationship, Leo wants to be the center of attention, which Scorpio is unlikely to agree to. Although Scorpio knows how to defend their interests, both partners will have a power struggle in this relationship.

Difficult and incompatible couples by zodiac sign

59. Scorpio + Scorpio

Scorpio is that zodiac sign that, like no other, needs someone who will complement it, and not copy it. There's a reason you'll never hear a Scorpio say, "I married my best friend." Scorpio will always keep the other on the defensive, and both of them will not be very comfortable opening up to each other in order to create a loving relationship.

It’s not customary to talk about this out loud, it’s only for you and him. The subtle energy of the planets controls your secrets sexual desires. Find a partner who is perfectly compatible with your zodiac sign!

ARIES compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - ARIES

The fiery Aries girl demands, first of all, chivalrous behavior and worship from her chosen one.

  • Your energetic pressure will be perfectly withstood by an Aries just like you. It will be a tornado of fiery passions, a fireworks display of unforgettable impressions.
  • Libra's reasonable lover will be able to cool your ardor (which is also not bad) and will have a calming effect on your union. Soon you yourself will feel yourself drawn to him.
  • Cancers and Capricorns will completely fall under your influence and, enchanted by the heat of Fire, will voluntarily follow you to the ends of the earth.
  • Taurus and Pisces will create a relaxed atmosphere in the house. Not everything can burn, you need to be able to smolder quietly in anticipation of a hot night.
  • Give up your claims to a dominant role in an alliance with Leo or Sagittarius. A showdown can douse any flame, and then the passion will quickly fade away.

TAURUS Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - TAURUS

You are the owner of everything, including love. In a relationship, the main thing for you is decency and loyalty.

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius agree to voluntarily come under your subordination. Communication with Libra will bring harmonious love. Here respect is added to the passionate feeling.
  • Cancers and Pisces can ignite true passion in you. However, you will not find peace with them - you will always wait for the day when they “float away” from you forever.
  • It won't be easy for two Taurus. One of you will start to “butt heads”, the second will prove his superiority. To maintain a relationship, you need to adapt to each other.
  • Relationships with a Virgo partner promise anxiety. It is difficult for you to tolerate his desire to lead. Capricorn's indecisiveness will throw you off balance. With him, be prepared for the fact that you will have to decide everything yourself.

Compatibility GEMINI


Compatibility Horoscope - GEMINI

With your eloquence, it doesn’t cost you anything to “talk” anyone. And then imperceptibly and charm him.

  • An alliance with Aries, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will be successful. They are able to listen to you for hours, admiring your speeches and receiving true pleasure from them.
  • Two Geminis are already a whole harem. You deserve each other - freedom-loving, flighty, fickle. Harmony is possible if you learn to listen to each other. A similar situation awaits you in alliance with Pisces. Here there is mutual understanding at the level of feelings, but it is very difficult to make reasonable decisions.
  • Love relationships with Libra and Aquarius are easy at first, but over time there is a risk of mutual claims. The skirmishes will be very stormy. Bed is not the place for showdowns and intellectual battles. Remember this, and your union will be strong.

CANCER compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - CANCER

Under the mask of impregnable coldness lies a volcano of passions. The Cancer girl is very sensual and sexy.

  • A good match for you is Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and especially Capricorn. With such a man you will always feel desired. He will not be afraid of the avalanche of feelings and manifestations of reverent care with which you invariably surround the object of your passion. By the way, it is your excessive affection that can really “strain” representatives of other signs.
  • Doubts haunt you: he loves you - he doesn’t like you, he likes you - he doesn’t like what you do. This may cause a break with Scorpio and Pisces. A marriage with an Aries and explosive Aquarius will most likely be short-lived. Excessive emotionality can extinguish passion.
  • Cancer is a great lover. But only. Unfortunately, this hot macho man will not be able to become a good husband for you. Your ultimate goal in a relationship with a man is family.

LEO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - LEO

Leo is the central figure of the Zodiac. It is no coincidence that you feel like the center of attention all your life. You evaluate the situation and people according to one criterion - in relation to your person.

  • The Leo couple can only be described as brilliant. They will spend their whole lives demonstrating to others how strong their love is.
  • You will be drowning in compliments if you have an affair with Gemini, Libra, Taurus or Aquarius. These men understand how important external attention and gifts are for you. You will be the leader in such a tandem. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise your desire to dominate will lead to quarrels.
  • The fire of your element will be cooled over time cold water Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Two other Fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, may be too active lovers for you. And their lack of restraint and causticity will serve as a reason for quarrels and conflicts.

VIRGO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - VIRGO

A woman born under the sign of Virgo is incredibly attractive and charming. Sex brings you pleasure, because the range of your sensations is incredibly rich.

  • Oh, what fiery love awaits you with Aries, Sagittarius or Gemini! A good and even emotional union will develop with Cancer and Scorpio; strong feelings are likely in an alliance with Pisces.
  • The easiest way for you to find a common language is with Virgo. True, one cannot expect strong passion in this novel. But both of you will be quite happy with an even, respectful relationship.
  • It is difficult for you to penetrate the inner world of Leo or Libra, and even more so to live for a long time with such a man - he will only irritate you. It is difficult to understand and accept Taurus or Capricorn as a partner, although you can divide spheres of influence, that is, agree in advance on the rules of your cohabitation. Then the relationship will last a long time.

SCALE Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - LIBRA

Not a day without love is the motto of Libra! There is love - there is an incentive to live.

  • True harmony awaits with Cancers and Capricorns. It is with representatives of these signs that a long, reliable marriage is possible for you. An alliance with Aries promises ardent passion. At first you are drawn to each other, and then, after a loud showdown, you run away. This is the case when apart it’s boring, but together it’s cramped. You are comfortable with Leo and Sagittarius - provided that you yourself want to maintain this relationship.
  • Gemini and Aquarius will not give you peace. You are interested in being together, but you constantly quarrel, so it’s better not to even hope for a long-term relationship. But a short-lived but passionate romance is quite possible.
  • Virgo and Scorpio are attractive, but inaccessible. And for the better. Stay away from them. A romance between representatives of these signs and a Libra girl is very rare.

SCORPIO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - SCORPIO

You are very selective in your affections. You maintain friendly relations with many people, but you are friends only with a few.

  • Relationships with Taurus and Libra will work out well. You have the same sexual potential and common desires. Relationships can be complicated by mutual stubbornness. Leo and Aquarius will stroke your ego. It's nice to go out with them. In addition, their originality will give you a lot of unique sensations in bed.
  • A Pisces lover is not the best option for you. However, if you are more tactful and tolerant, Pisces will be a good match for you.
  • A meeting with Scorpio promises passionate love and no less passionate jealousy. Emotions run high and this greatly complicates relationships. Skirmishes are likely with Cancer. You act openly, while Cancer acts on the sly. And his touchiness can extinguish your desire.

Sagittarius Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - SAGITTARIUS

You are a tireless hunter, always on the move. Applicants for your favor must be prepared for unusual actions and exciting adventures.

  • Look for your other half among Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They are also active and temperamental. In bed you have complete harmony and mutual understanding.
  • You will find a common language with Virgos and Pisces. The latter can make a happy married couple with you if they overcome their natural melancholy and conservatism.
  • Sagittarius is a symbol of love of freedom. Anyone who tries to limit your freedom automatically becomes an enemy. More often than others, your independence will be encroached upon by Fiery Aries and Leos, pragmatic Taurus and Capricorns, as well as homebody Cancers. Of course, you can meet your love among them, but this will be a happy exception.

CAPRICORN Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - CAPRICORN

There is no more contradictory nature than Capricorn. You are sensual and amorous, but you are very strict with yourself and try to comply with all norms and decency.

  • The best match for you is Capricorn. This is one level of emotions, a similar perception of the world around us. You will easily come to an agreement with representatives of the Water element Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. And if you allow yourself to open up and not hide your feelings, a mind-blowing romance awaits you. You will get along well with Aries and Libra. With them you can experience true pleasure.
  • You develop passionate relationships with Gemini and Leo. Their ardor and readiness to easily break away do not give you peace and require effort. Their rhythm of life does not match yours, which you obviously don’t like. However, they are sexually attractive to you.
  • It won't be easy with Sagittarius and Aquarius. They see right through you and you feel uncomfortable.

AQUARIUS Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - AQUARIUS

The image of Aquarius is deceptive - you are sociable and witty, but bed pleasures are not very important for you. You value a lively, exciting conversation much higher than any sex.

  • Leo and Aquarius are a brilliant couple that shines thanks to the brilliance of the former and the originality of the latter. You will also feel great when paired with Aries, Pisces and Sagittarius. A very erotic union and good prospects for marriage.
  • A strong mutual attraction will arise with Scorpio and Taurus. The first one will charge you with his emotionality, the second one will take on the role of a leader (which you don’t always like). But Libra, with whom communication is always easy, can disappoint in bed.
  • Love with Gemini and Capricorn most likely will not work out. After a certain time, quarrels will begin based on the struggle for leadership. No one will want to give in, and this will inevitably lead to the complete collapse of the relationship.

PISCES Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - PISCES

As a romantic and slightly exalted person, you are capable of imagining any feeling for yourself.

  • The ideal lover for you is Pisces. You both know very well how to give each other sexual pleasure. In an emotional union with Gemini and Sagittarius, all your talents will be revealed. In alliance with Aries and Aquarius, a real fireworks display of emotions awaits you. It will be an incredibly sensual connection.
  • It will be difficult for you with Taurus and Capricorn; emotionally, the relationship will not bring much pleasure. However, representatives of these signs can be good lovers. It doesn't always work out smoothly with Scorpio. His sexual potential is much higher than yours.
  • Problems may arise with Cancer and Virgo. You either attract or repel a man. Understanding what you really want is not easy. Be consistent in your words and actions, this will strengthen your relationship.

Of course, a compatibility chart cannot guarantee a 100% result, since each person has unique character traits and his own worldview. However, the world experience of astrologers shows that a pattern does exist.

Intrasign relationships

As a rule, people of the same zodiac sign have good friendly relations. It is easy for them to communicate, because they have a lot in common. Aquarians understand each other especially well. However, opposite-sex Aquarius colleagues may be hindered by the emerging feeling of sexual attraction.

It is more difficult for two Aries to communicate, especially if they experience professional growth in their careers. In such a situation, Aries will try to get ahead, and rivalry will only harm their friendship. It’s another matter if Aries colleagues are working on a common project. This will strengthen their relationship.

Scorpios can certainly become good friends, but you cannot expect complete sincerity from them, because Scorpio does not always say what he thinks. For Gemini, communication is like running with obstacles. Their mood and plans are constantly changing, which, of course, keeps the friends interested in each other, but can interfere with the progress of their work together.

Colleagues Capricorns, connected by some kind of material interest, will become the most reliable support for each other, because betrayal is not typical for them.

Pisces are a kind of vest for each other, on which you can cry out all the problems associated with both your personal life and work. Pisces, like no one else, will understand the feelings of another Pisces if she has a conflict with management or other colleagues.

Virgo is a sign characterized by increased responsibility in everything. Two Virgo colleagues are capable of strong friendship, mutual assistance in work, and helping each other.

Sagittarians are real adventurers. This can be quite detrimental to their career growth. The friendship of two Sagittarius can lead to real chaos in production and greatly annoy those around them.

Taurus colleagues represent the most stable union. Their thoroughness in everything will strengthen their position in the team and help them successfully implement their plans. The appearance of such a friendship at work will make other colleagues nervous, because with Taurus friends everything goes just fine.

The friendship of two Libras and two Cancers is similar. Such relationships are built on trust and emotions. The main thing is that such unions do not fall apart, because both Libra and Cancer will lose all ability to work effectively, experiencing failure in their relationship with a colleague.

Leos are very loyal friends, but one Leo will always pull the blanket on himself in his friendship with another Leo. This applies to both the volume of work and responsibility.

Intersign relationships

As for the relationships between colleagues of different zodiac signs, Aries's financial sense will complement well the devotion and silence of Pisces. Taurus and Scorpio are capable of creating miracles at work. Both signs are very responsible and are able, based on each other’s experience, to create benefits where others will not see it.

The emotional stability of Gemini is well set off by the calm, reasonable character of Virgo, but it is better for Gemini not to mess with Sagittarius.

Colleagues Pisces and Cancer feel each other well on a psychological level. But in work they are completely different, so such friendship can last until the first mistake in the documents.

Colleagues under the signs of Leo and Libra develop good, tender relationships. They are decent and value each other's friendship. Leo and Aries can have a good creative union if only one can respect the opinion of the other.

If we're talking about about material things, Capricorn and Virgo can become good friends at work. These signs love money and are responsible for their work. Libra has a hard time getting along with other signs. On their own, they are capable of working to the point of exhaustion. Other signs can make them doubt themselves and harm the work environment.

Scorpio and Capricorn create more business relationships at work than personal ones. But friendship with Aquarius in a work environment is best avoided by all signs. Aquarians have their head in the clouds, forgetting all planned events and dates. Trusting such a sign at work can lead to a lot of problems.


  • Compatibility of Zodiac signs at work
  • Compatibility of Zodiac signs in friendship and work

Finding a true friend in life means finding true support and protection. Which zodiac signs are best to be friends with, and which ones should you avoid? Perhaps the answer lies in the compatibility of the signs, or perhaps it is buried in the characters that the stars endow the zodiac representatives with.


Friendly enthusiasts Aries, for example, can rightfully be considered excellent friends, because he is not capable of betrayal and will be with his best friend both in great sorrow and in great joy. However, being close to them, you need to prepare for submission, because these signs simply love to dominate and dominate.

Taurus, who do not like idle talk, are faithful and reliable comrades-in-arms, despite the fact that they cannot and do not know how to support with conversations, they will always provide material support and help out with money until salary.

Always full of new ideas, Gemini is a very funny and friendly friend, despite the fact that a strong partnership with him clearly will not work, he is able to defuse the situation, create an atmosphere of lightness and ease.

Sociable and requiring regular psychological participation in their lives, Cancers themselves are capable of becoming a “life jacket” for their neighbors. IN Hard time They will listen carefully and give practical advice.

In order to make friends with Leo, you need to be a fairly erudite and worthwhile person, because kings who adore noisy, outrageous parties must have people next to them who are obliged to extol and entertain them.

Responsible Virgos hate noisy events that attract unnecessary attention to their person, however, on ordinary days they will come to visit your home with great pleasure with pies and a sincere desire to help with cleaning.

Libras are friends for many years, susceptible to human passions and emotions, turning friendship into a cup filled with both conflicts and bright reconciliations.

Jealous Scorpios not only take a responsible approach to the choice of comrades, but also tenaciously dig into them with their “paws”, are jealous and absolutely cannot stand it when their own friend pays excessive attention to someone else.

For Sagittarius adventurers, one faithful friend in life is enough, with whom they can share the joy of adventures that come to their minds every now and then. Sagittarius are excellent partners for Leo and Gemini.

It is quite difficult to find a common language with silent Capricorns, but once you make friends with them, you will find a reliable and faithful half, who will always and everywhere come to the rescue in the most difficult moments. But friendly and sociable Aquarians, on the contrary, get along with people very easily and have hundreds of friends on social networks and in real life.

It is very difficult for Pisces to get along with others; in order to achieve their favor, you need to show considerable patience and spend a lot of effort so that the person becomes interested and begins to trust you.

Astrology is a science that helps to better understand the people with whom you communicate. Every person has their own zodiac sign. Constellations have a great influence on friendships. Sometimes, in order to get to know someone better, it is enough to ask under what constellation the person was born.


A man born under the sign of Capricorn has incredible ambition. He is calculating and can be very harsh. In marriage, he is a supporter of traditional family values. Often representatives of this zodiac sign try to cover their tender, vulnerable nature with a hard shell. Capricorn takes creating a family and choosing friends seriously and with all responsibility. There is no place for random people in his life.

Love and Romance

Capricorn man – Taurus woman. These two are simply made for each other. Complete mutual understanding serves as a solid foundation for a strong family. They will constantly develop and improve each other, which will bring them much closer over time. A wonderful and lasting union for many years.

Capricorn man – Leo woman. This is an alliance of two strong personalities. Happy marriage possible if both partners make concessions and begin to treat each other with respect and understanding.

Capricorn man – Virgo woman. Virgo brings constant novelty to their relationship and helps Capricorn to relax and open his soul and heart. Good psychological connection and strong family relationships.

Capricorn man – Libra woman. If feelings arose between them, then this couple must endure many tests in order to be together. The Capricorn man will always balance the woman’s unstable emotional state, which will contribute to their mutual spiritual development. A marriage can turn out to be long and happy, but it will be extremely difficult for these two to achieve complete harmony.

Capricorn man – Sagittarius woman. This is a union of two lovers who will have a very difficult time in family life. Capricorn and Sagittarius are simply created to experience the most vivid and unforgettable romantic adventure, but nothing more.

Capricorn man – Capricorn woman. They are completely suitable for each other. They have complete and mutual understanding. They are united by common interests, their goals completely coincide. Sturdy and long union, from which happy children will be born.

Friendship and business relationships

Capricorn and Taurus. These signs share similar concerns, interests and life priorities. Two materialists, they will always find a common cause. IN business sphere This is a wonderful and fruitful union. Love for work and a responsible attitude towards business firmly unites representatives of these signs.

Capricorn and Gemini. In business relationships, this is one of the most successful options. A talented performer Gemini and a wise leader Capricorn - it is in this ratio that you can achieve good results at work.

Capricorn and Cancer. Their life positions are largely similar. In friendship they complement each other perfectly. Capricorn's realism guides creative Cancers in the right direction. In business, everything works out successfully if Capricorn acts as a leader, and Cancer as his confidant.

Capricorn and Virgo. The friendship between these two signs will work out great. They have so much in common in all areas of life, in their outlook on life. Such friendship can last a lifetime. In the business sphere, this is a very effective and durable union of two equal professionals.

Capricorn and Libra. In business, constructive relationships can develop. Together they are able to conclude any contract. Diplomatic Libra and tough manager Capricorn.

Capricorn and Scorpio. They can be friends. This is a strong alliance where everyone can come to the aid of a friend at any time. They are united by a common goal, and spending time together is very interesting. In the business sphere, this tandem is almost impossible to resist, no matter which of them is the boss. They complement each other perfectly.

Capricorn and Aquarius. A strong partnership is ensured in the work. Innovation and fresh ideas Aquarius will be in demand by the cold and pragmatic Capricorn. This is a union of an inventor-theorist and a leader-practitioner.

Capricorn and Pisces. In friendship, these two will become a reliable support for each other. Pisces are always ready to help in difficult times and heal the emotional wounds of Capricorn, and he, in turn, can provide Pisces with practical support. Business relationships also develop harmoniously. Pisces will be simply irreplaceable when Capricorn needs to establish business connections and create a positive image for the company.


  • Zodiac sign Capricorn
  • Capricorn man compatibility

Tip 7: If a man wants a woman, he starts being friends with her. Why?

The desire for intimacy with a woman can make a man do the most unexpected things. For example, he may begin to be friends with her in order to ultimately achieve his goal. There is an explanation for such actions.

Most often, men know that a woman, perhaps taught by bitter experience, will be wary of expecting that the new gentleman only needs sex from her. Getting too close too quickly, open flirting and constant tactile contact can lead to the same thoughts. That is why men try, slowly, to gain trust and awaken a desire for intimacy in a woman, becoming for her a kind of knight, ready to simply be nearby, support and communicate on various topics.

Not all representatives of the fair sex believe in friendship between a man and a woman. But when a new companion suddenly begins to communicate in a friendly way, without demanding any romance in return, much less sexual relations, a girl can be truly surprised and even believe that in front of her is exactly the one she has been looking for for so long. It is worth that this way it will be much easier to influence her in the future and move from the friendly phase to the sexual one.
The fire elements include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fiery people are easily carried away by a new task, engage in it with passion, but have difficulty bringing it to the end. People of the fire element are initiative, active, and have leadership qualities. However, they can be overly aggressive, arrogant and irritable.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - are sociable, rational and intellectually developed. They have excellent abstract thinking. People under the protection of the air element have a lively mind and are easy-going. Because of their practicality, they often seem too emotionally superficial. To maintain vitality they need Fresh air, walks in the woods or at least in the park.

Representatives of the water element are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Water signs are characterized by increased emotionality. They are sensitive and sensitive, their intuition rarely lets them down. Due to their strong sensitivity to everything that happens, water signs are often touchy and tearful. At the same time, they have a special sexuality and magnetism.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn belong to the elements of Earth. They are characterized by hard work, a practical and realistic view of the world. Earth signs are distinguished by diligence, diligence, and special tenacity in achieving their goals. More often than representatives of other elements, they are slow and stubborn.

All four elements are represented in every person. It is important to determine not only the predominant, but also the least expressed element in order to most accurately understand a person’s character, determine his weak and strengths, find the key to communicating with him.

The zodiac sign reflects the personality characteristics, its type and willpower. It influences human behavior when building relationships, but does not play a decisive role. There is neither perfect compatibility in love nor absolute incompatibility. People build alliances themselves, and the stars only indicate possible directions for the development of relations. If a couple knows how to compromise, then even the lowest compatibility of zodiac signs can be successful.

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      Western zodiac horoscope

      The compatibility of people in astrology depends not only on the signs of the zodiac, but also on the elements to which they belong. For example, it is important not only that one partner is Sagittarius and the other is Taurus, but also that the element of the first is Fire, and the second is Earth.

      Elemental compatibility can be seen in the table:

      • People who belong to the same element usually have high compatibility, but there are some exceptions. The Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo and Aries) are similar in many ways, and their desires for sex, love and passion are the same, but it is in such unions that greatest number betrayal, jealousy and violent scandals. In addition, both partners want to be leaders, which makes it impossible to create strong and harmonious relationships.

        How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage


        Strong and purposeful Aries have difficulty in love relationships because of his stubbornness and selfishness. They need a partner who can appreciate their aspirations and completely refuse negative criticism towards them. The best compatibility in love and relationships is with the signs of Fire and Air. These include:

        • Sagittarius.
        • Aries.
        • Twins.
        • Scales.
        • Aquarius.

        Unfavorable relationships develop with Cancers, although they can provide proper emotional support. Capricorns are incompatible with Aries, who will never be able to understand the inner experiences and spiritual impulses of the fire sign. IN in rare cases Aries are able to build strong and lasting relationships with Taurus and Virgo, which will make them take things seriously and become more practical and resilient.

        In many ways, compatibility with Aries depends on the patience of partners. This zodiac sign is quite hot-tempered and childishly naive. He does not know how to admit his mistakes and accept other people's opinions. Fire signs with similar characteristics, or Libra and Gemini, may have a positive attitude towards this behavior.

        In relationships with Water signs, Aries may turn out to be a “slave” of his love. He will lose his inner freedom and will begin to depend on the person. The relationship between a man and a woman will develop rapidly and may leave serious emotional wounds. Nevertheless, Aries has every chance of finding true love among Scorpios and Pisces.


        Construction problem ideal relationship for Taurus lies in their demandingness towards their partner and jealousy. The best unions are possible with the signs of Water (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer) and Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo). The most vivid and memorable relationships for a lifetime are relationships with representatives of your own zodiac sign and Scorpios. Such alliances require long and difficult work, but are distinguished by their strength.

        Taurus is ideally compatible with Cancer, as both are homebodies. They have a similar worldview and interests, which allows them to create a long and strong union. Pisces will be able to charm a representative of this sign with their calmness and ability to adapt to any situation. Favorable relationships are possible with Capricorns and Aries, but on the path to happiness the couple will have to face loud scandals and emotional reconciliations.

        Taurus is completely incompatible with Gemini, who is too superficial and frivolous, as well as Aquarius. Taurus has a bad combination with Leo and Sagittarius. Conflicts of Taurus in relations with these signs will be pronounced and will negatively affect the psychological state.


        To create a family and love relationships, air signs are most suitable for them - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini and fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. A strong intellectual connection arises between Libra and Gemini, which becomes the beginning of a strong friendship that often develops into love. With representatives of their own sign, Gemini will be able to fully open up and plunge into a romantic atmosphere.

        They are connected with Aquarius by common life values ​​and worldview. However, in order to create a strong union, these signs should calm down their desire for affairs on the side. WITH fire signs– Leo, Aries and Sagittarius - rapid and passionate relationships are possible, which will be full of emotions and inner experiences.

        The lowest compatibility by date of birth is for Gemini with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. Short-term alliances are possible with Cancer and Virgo, which will not allow the partners to develop. Unpromising relationships await Gemini with Pisces, who only provide Negative influence to the air sign.


        In marriage and love relationships, Cancer is fully compatible with the Water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Good compatibility of zodiac signs by month with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Cancer needs a partner who can surround him with gentleness and romanticism. He will appreciate the desire to create a cozy family nest and will provide support. Completely incompatible with Libra and Aries.

        Cancers need a deep connection of mind, body and soul. For them, the partner’s feelings are important, not words. They value stable relationships and are not prone to cheating. Scorpios will be able to understand the representative of this zodiac sign. Their relationship will have a strong emotional connection, allowing partners to develop and achieve their goals.

        In a relationship with Pisces, Cancer will please their pride and turn dreams into reality. Pisces will bring romance into Cancer's life and become caring partners. They perfectly sense each other's mood and are highly emotional. Good relationships develop with Taurus, who have a similar worldview and need consistency.

        a lion

        The love horoscope is not always favorable. It is difficult for this sign to build strong and harmonious relationships due to their temperament. Such a bright and shocking nature can be understood by the signs ruled by the element of fire - Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, as well as the air triangle - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

        Relationships with Sagittarians start brightly and can last a long time. They suit each other and have a lot in common; they need new emotions and vivid impressions. Emotionally, Leo is best suited to Aries. Together these signs can achieve common goal and achieve high results in work. Selfishness of partners and unwillingness to make concessions can lead to conflicts. A harmonious union is possible with Gemini. They have common interests, but Leo's jealousy can become a reason for breaking off relations.

        Capricorns, Taurus and Scorpios are least suitable for Leos. Relationships with Capricorns can be stable, but they will not last long. The partners will not be able to compromise and will begin to “fight” for the position of leader. Relationships with Taurus will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings due to the self-centeredness of the signs. With Scorpio, the romance will be bright and fast-paced, but will leave a lot of negativity in the souls of both partners.


        Virgo has the best compatibility with the signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces. Relationships with Cancer are harmonious from the very beginning. The guy and girl of these signs have a common worldview and interests. They love order, share a love of stylish things and pay attention to great importance family values. Cancer allows Virgo to become the leader of the relationship and will rely on her for everything.

        In a relationship with Capricorn, Virgo will feel like a duck to water. She is attracted by her partner's thriftiness and discipline. This couple needs to ensure that passion does not fade away prematurely. Alliances with Taurus are favorable, since Virgo can quickly extinguish attacks of rage and aggression in a partner with an earth sign.

        Virgos have less favorable alliances with Scorpio and Aquarius. Relationships between these signs are possible, but partners will need to do a lot of work on themselves. Virgo in astrology is completely incompatible with the signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini. At best, a fleeting passion can flare up with these partners, which will not cause psychological trauma.


        They immediately attract members of the opposite sex, but relationships cannot be built with all fans who are not indifferent to them. They need reliable support and a strong rear, which can be provided by representatives of the following zodiac signs:

        • Aquarius.
        • Twins.
        • Aries.
        • Scorpion.
        • Sagittarius.

        Aquarians are compatible with Libra on an intellectual level. They can form a fruitful creative tandem, where Libra will inspire Aquarius to new exploits. They for a long time do not lose mutual interest and enjoy communicating with each other. Libra and Aquarius have perfect compatibility for marriage.

        Libra and Gemini have every chance of a memorable and long-lasting romance. They love fun and are constantly looking for new adventures. They are not interested in everyday problems; they give preference to quick pleasures rather than deep feelings. Despite the apparent frivolity in this couple, they understand each other perfectly and have every chance of creating a strong union.

        Romantic relationships await Libra and Sagittarius. This sign will bring variety and brightness to the life of Libra. Despite their frivolity and loving nature, Libra will be able to tame a partner and create a successful union.

        Libra's relationship with Scorpio will develop quite rapidly. In a pair of these signs, conflict situations may arise due to Scorpio’s jealousy, but they will be solvable. This sign will contribute to the development of Libra and make them more responsible. Favorable relationships are possible for Libra with Aries, but partners will have to make compromises and learn to solve everyday problems.


        Scorpios are difficult people who attract and repel at the same time. Relationships with them will be oversaturated with both positive and negative emotions.Scorpios can create a strong union with the following signs:

        • Fish.
        • Calf.
        • Virgo.
        • Capricorn.

        The relationship between Scorpio and Cancer is developing favorably. These signs find in each other what they need to see in their life partner. Cancers will be devoted to their partner and will not give a single reason for jealousy. Of all the zodiac signs, only Cancer is able to cope with the complex character of Scorpio and tame him like a kitten.

        Capricorn attracts Scorpio with his hard work and determination, and will bring an eternal holiday into his life. Under the influence of an emotional partner, Capricorn will be able to reveal his abilities and will put up with the jealousy and outbursts of irritability of his other half. The couple has every chance of building a long and strong relationship.

        Pisces and Scorpio are people who complement each other. In this union, Pisces will receive protection and support, and Scorpio will receive inspiration. They are able to understand each other perfectly, and there are practically no conflicts in their relationship. Problems can only arise if Scorpio wants to “remake” Pisces and begins to put pressure on them.


        Sagittarius can have harmonious and strong relationships with the same fire signs - Aries and Leo. They have similar energy characteristics and outlooks on life. There will be conflicts in their relationship, as both signs strive to take the role of leader, but mutual understanding in the couple is at high level. Despite belonging to the element of Fire, the union between two Sagittarius is rarely positive.

        Possible compatibility with air signs - Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Sagittarius and Gemini have similar views on life, love to travel and expand their horizons. They will be united by common interests and creative pursuits. The union of Libra with Sagittarius promotes the spiritual and social growth of partners. Aquarians will share their partner's craving for innovation and help him become even more passionate.

        Sagittarius has unfavorable relationships with Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Frequent conflicts with constant dissatisfaction with each other are possible with Scorpios and Cancers. Taurus will quickly get bored with active Sagittarius, although the beginning of the relationship is usually favorable. Sagittarius has practically nothing in common with Capricorn, and they life paths will disperse quickly.


        People of the Capricorn sign have good compatibility with Taurus and Virgo. Alliances with Pisces, Scorpios and Cancer can also be favorable. Couples consisting of Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by their strength. These signs have similar characters and outlooks on life. They will help their partner open up and achieve their goals together.

        Pisces and Capricorns complement each other perfectly. Capricorns act as a reliable support for dreamy partners who fascinate with their mystery. In a relationship with Pisces, Capricorn becomes more open to everything new. Quarrels rarely arise between these signs and there is a strong psychological connection.

        Capricorns have the most favorable relationships with Virgos. The similarity of life values ​​and worldview reduces conflicts between partners to zero. They are ideal for each other emotionally and intellectually and have a high chance of creating strong marriage. Signs that are not suitable for Capricorns for marriage and love are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


        Despite his ease of communication, Aquarius is not easy to create relationships. He needs a partner who will harmoniously complement him. Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are suitable for him. In relationships with Aquarius, partners respect each other's independence, which helps to avoid conflicts based on jealousy. Gemini is able to inspire Aquarius to new achievements.

        The ideal couple for love and marriage is Sagittarius and Aquarius. There will be no quarrels or conflicts in their relationship. These are two flighty people who cannot live without each other and have every chance of a long-term union. A delightful romance awaits Aquarius and Libra. These unions are based on equality and harmony. Partners try to get the best out of life, but they lack responsibility.

        Relationships with Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio are most often doomed to failure. In relationships with Virgo, conflicts will arise due to the irresponsibility of the partner, and Aquarius will not be able to pay enough attention to Pisces. Scorpio is not suitable for Aquarius because of his possessiveness and jealousy.


        Understand and appreciate all the wealth inner world Pisces will be able to Cancers and Scorpios. An alliance with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can be favorable. The difficulties of building relationships with Pisces lie in the impracticality of this sign. They need a person who will take full responsibility and solve everyday problems.

        The ideal partner for Pisces is Scorpio. In this union, the energy of the partners flows into each other and makes the partners feel like one. Pisces envelops Scorpio in a calming serenity, which helps avoid scandals and conflicts in relationships. Pisces, in turn, receive protection and support.

        Pisces and Cancers are well suited to each other, and they do not get bored spending time together, but the problem with relationships lies in the secrecy of these signs. Over time, their emotional connection will become less strong, and they will prefer to hush up and conceal pressing problems. Partners should have the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk and throw out the emotions that have accumulated in their souls.

        Relations with Taurus at the initial stage develop well. Taurus acts as a protector and reliable support for dreamy Pisces, but over time he notices that his “ideal” is completely unsuited to solving everyday problems and does not know how to perform household duties. Virgo is ideal partner for Pisces. They accept each other for who they are and go towards their goals together.

        Chinese horoscope

        The Chinese horoscope by year of birth is popular in both the East and the West. According to it, every year within the 12-year cycle passes under the symbol of a certain animal. Depending on the totem that belongs to a person, his behavior and fate are determined. Countdown Eastern year happens according to lunar calendarnew month begins with the new moon.

        Compatibility of zodiac signs Chinese horoscope can be seen in the table:



        In percentages







        The ratio between other signs is in the range of 40-60%.

        The most successful unions:

        • Rat and Dragon.
        • Bull and Snake.
        • Tiger and Horse.
        • Rabbit and Goat.
        • Dragon and Monkey.
        • Snake and Rooster.
        • Horse and Dog.
        • Goat and Pig.
        • Monkey and Rat.
        • Rooster and Bull.
        • Dog and Tiger.
        • Pig and Rabbit.

        Between these signs there is a coincidence of characters and complete harmony in relationships.

        Initially, the combination of the following signs is doomed to failure:

        • Pigs and Snakes.
        • Dogs and Dragons.
        • Rooster and Rabbit.
        • Monkey and Tiger.
        • Goat and Bull.
        • Horses and Rats.
        • Snakes and Pigs.
        • Dragon and Dog.

        Compatibility by date of birth

        Numerology calculates the compatibility of people through calculations. The initial data is the numbers of the date of birth. First you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and determine the numerological number. For example, the date 10/22/1991 is calculated as 2+2+1+0+1+9+9+1=25, after which you need to add the resulting numbers: 2+5=7.

        It is necessary to carry out calculations based on the numbers of the partner’s date of birth (10/10/1990 = 1+0+1+0+1+9+9+0=20=2+0=2). After the calculations have been carried out, it is necessary to add up the resulting numbers of the partners and determine the numerological number of the couple (7+2=9).

        Characteristics of future relationships by date of birth are presented in the table:

        Numerological number of the couple

        Nature of the relationship

        A strong relationship initially develops between partners, but difficulties cannot be avoided. Conflicts and disputes over leadership arise in the couple. In order to preserve the union, one of the partners must give in

        The relationship is reminiscent of a mutually beneficial partnership, where each partner tries to pull the blanket to their side. The union will not have vivid feelings and experiences, but it is quite strong

        Partners may have warm feelings for each other, but it will be difficult to avoid a breakup. In such a relationship there will be quarrels, betrayals, lies and betrayal.

        Calm and understanding reign between partners. They do not skimp on showing tenderness and love. The union has every chance of existing until old age

        There is strong passion and unbridled feelings between partners. Outwardly it may seem that the relationship is built on love, but in reality one of the partners is selfish and thinks only about himself

        Balanced relationships where partners are united not only mutual feelings, but also friendly support. In this union, quarrels and conflicts are excluded, and all problems are solved together

        In this union there is a strong emotional connection, and the partners understand each other perfectly. They have every chance of developing strong and long-lasting relationships if they do not start competing

        People are strongly attracted to each other, but one of the partners manipulates the other. In this union there may be high-profile scandals and quarrels that can undermine the strongest relationships

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