Characteristics of the year: what to expect from the Red Rooster. What will be the year of those born under the sign of the fiery bird

On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will give up. To answer the question: whose year is coming, that is, the year of which animal comes in 2017 according to, ─ let's look into the annals of Japanese and Chinese astrology. All animals came to the Buddha in turn and received gifts ─ guidance for years. He himself decided, ─ the year of which animal will be next. The list was opened by the Rat and completed by the Pig. The rooster was tenth. Each animal contributes something of its own to the characteristics of the year.

At the beginning of 2017, the Rooster is already importantly walking around waiting for his turn and is ready to replace the departing Monkey. His tail bristles, his eyes sparkle. He wants to see you in red outfits, "on Louboutins and in amazing pants." We add spurs to the boots, and the owner of the year is delighted with your image, more bright colors and stones, such as topaz or ruby.

60 years ago

The most big planet solar system- Jupiter. For 12 years, this giant makes its complete revolution around our main star. The nomadic peoples of Asia divided this path into equal parts and created a 12-year calendar cycle, which is included in the 60-year one. And since each animal ─ the patron of the year will meet us five times in 60 years, we also designated the color of the year. What's the matter here? The Chinese distinguished five elements in nature ─ fire (red), wood (green or blue), metal (yellow), water (white) and earth (black).

If we ask ourselves whose year is 2017, then we will find the answer that it is Tsutinoto-tori, i.e. Year of the Rooster. Red belonged to this year 60 years ago last time Fire Rooster came to Earth in 1957.

What did he remember the inhabitants of our country? Launched into orbit first artificial satellite Lands, virgin lands are being developed, the people are confidently building communism, promised by 1980.

How to please the owner of the year

When the Sun connects with the Moon in the sign of Aquarius, the stars announce to us the coming of the next astrological year according to the Eastern calendar. In 2017, there will be a merger of two luminaries in the ninth degree of Aquarius.

The Year of the Rooster is always an odd year. And odd-numbered years are considered female. The rooster is friends with people born in women's years. Calculating which year of which animal is favorable for the Rooster is quite simple. These are the years going through four - the Buffalo and the Snake enter into a friendly alliance with the Rooster, and another group of odd years ─ the Cat, the Goat, the Boar, ─ opposes them. By analogy, relations between even years are built. Tiger, Dog, Horse are good for each other, and Monkey, Rat and Dragon, get along with each other. Relations between even and odd years are neutral.

Luck does not tend to appear in an untidy house, so a general cleaning with a magical load will not hurt. Stomp and pat, tie bells to the case (well, or to the body). After household chores, it's time to clean up your person. Before the New Year, treat yourself and loved ones to a new thing.

The rooster advises planting beans and eating them. The owner of the year will love it summer rest on South. Make Peacock your talisman, love the bitter taste, go through fluorography. You can worship Mars if necessary, and from magic numbers prefer 7.

The Moon will rule the year paired with Mercury, do not forget to bless them too. For the Moon, take care of your neighbor, and Mercury will like any small things, but at least click the seeds in new year's eve. The rooster respects them too.

If on New Year's Eve you dream of a trip by sea or a sunrise, then the year is expected to be happy. On this night, even a snake, knives or swords will be a good omen in your dreams. Ice in a dream on New Year's Eve speaks of imminent marriage or marriage. It is good to see snow ─ fortunately, the moon ─ to glory. Only the rain is unfavorable, ─ troubles will be shed.

Under the wing of the Fire Rooster

The year promises new inventions and improvements. Deep thinkers and workaholics will be born. Such people are sometimes somewhat eccentric, stand their ground and are usually really right.

Self-confident individuals will demonstrate "without hesitation" an original way of life. Society is in a hurry. Someone will tend to be overweight, however, quite moderate. Volume does not spoil, it just adds charm. A smile, no doubt, will revive the faces of many Russians, even those who have forgotten that they can do it. You will want to teach others or choose the path of a missionary.

On the path you will find a magnificent sparkling shield, which will come in handy more than once in battle. Ambitions will be satisfied. Reward received. The hostess will feed the grain for the labors. The rooster will become widely known in certain circles and will be pointed at. Fame and fame will be taken for granted. The reputation will be impeccable. Seeing is not enough, you have to create.

We are waiting for the year of heroes ready for self-sacrifice. Shakespearean passions will flare up. Strait jackets are excluded. The struggle for the idea, restlessness and lack of self-preservation instinct will manifest itself all the time. Orders for awarding those who distinguished themselves will fall in bundles.

Cockfighting among citizens will be a reality in many in public places. Political figures will not want to leave the squares, stands and TV channels, their crowing will be heard from morning to evening. Willfulness and willfulness should be feared. It was in 1957 that Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was named "man of the year" by the American magazine TIME. Subsequently, Khrushchev was sent into retirement for voluntaristic attempts in politics.

If you are tired of everything, go on a trip. There you will find amazing slurred adventures that will not only disperse stagnation in your circulatory system, will give a blush to the cheeks, but will also cause revolutionary changes in life. Just remember that revolutions are not always good. Do not lean towards alcohol, drugs and immorality, you can guess what is fraught with.

The year of the Rooster is characterized by stupid enterprise, which causes various complications with loved ones. The humiliated and offended will be taken under the wing of the Fire Rooster.

Don't get stuck in your chicken coop, aim to get higher!

In our very difficult time, many people are trying to find at least some kind of outlet, relying on horoscopes, prophecies and fortune-telling. Oriental astrological predictions based on the twelve animals of ancient Chinese mythology are the most popular. Moreover, a certain cyclicity in historical events nevertheless exists.

Each sign of the eastern horoscope rules for exactly one year, after which it “rests” for the prescribed eleven years, waiting for its turn. In addition, any of the animal signs corresponds to a particular year of the Chinese lunar calendar, and also depends on the location of the planets in different periods time.

According to the Chinese calendar, it turns out that just the planets, stars and constellations affect the fate of people and the world order in general. Each year, one of the twelve animals sets the "tempo" for the entire year. And, in particular, the year of birth is directly related to the character and whole future life child.

2017 will be a common year, which means that it will consist of 365 days and it will begin on Sunday.

2017 is the year Red Fire Rooster. What does this mean and how can one or another animal affect the course of the whole year? Let's try to figure it out.

A large number of people follow the unspoken rules and laws of celebrating the New Year and behavior throughout the year, so that the owner of the current year “does not take offense” and does not throw a couple of dirty tricks as a reward for disobedience.

Therefore, it is important to know how to dress on New Year's Eve, what dishes should be on the festive table and what should not be there under any circumstances, etc. Having duly appeased the sign of the eastern horoscope that prevails in 2017, we can say with confidence that in the coming year we are not afraid of any troubles or hardships.

Characteristic of the year: what to expect from the Red Rooster

The rooster is the tenth eastern animal, which, as they say old legends, came to the Buddha in the sacred meadow at his call. A very bright, defiantly beautiful Rooster never sits idle - everything around him should boil and seethe!

The rooster, especially the Fiery one, symbolizes the Sun, since it is with his early morning singing that a new day begins.

In Eastern countries, this sign is directly associated with solar heat: The Japanese see the first light in him, the Indians call him the personification of the energy of the Sun.

The Chinese consider the Rooster a symbol of five basic virtues:

  • courage;
  • loyalty;
  • kindness;
  • dignity;
  • benevolence.

All these qualities we need to cultivate and actively cultivate throughout the year.

From the five qualities of virtue, the main character traits clearly follow - frankness and sincerity. True, the Rooster says everything that comes to mind, not particularly caring about the feelings of others. Sometimes, due to straightforward judgments, his openness can seem like tactlessness and even rudeness. The stars advise everyone in 2017 to control their speeches and emotions so as not to offend anyone with a harsh word.

Red Rooster extremely accurate, even pedantic, but very responsible. Therefore, in 2017 it is better to bring all things to the end and treat any work with diligence.

It is worth knowing that the Rooster is by nature a rare joker and rake, he is overly self-confident and sometimes allows himself to speak empty bravado. In this regard, in the coming year you need to be very careful in communication, sometimes even control yourself so that the eastern sign does not affect you in the most obscene way at the most crucial moment.

Interestingly, the Rooster likes to command and give advice interspersed with criticism right and left, and at the same time, he reacts very sharply to comments addressed to him. And you can win the heart of the Rooster with overt flattery and frank praise. This is due to the fact that, by its nature, the Rooster should always be in sight, in the center of attention. Otherwise, this motley sign will simply wither away without proper attention. This year, everyone needs to think about developing their leadership qualities and somehow stand out from the crowd (style of clothing, intelligence, originality, creativity, extravagance, even quirkiness).

The rooster loves to dress brightly and with taste, and this feature of him has made him a sign of a real expert on how to make a good impression almost from the first meeting. He loves work, if his duties include communicating with people. In any team, the Rooster will be deservedly considered an unusual and spectacular person.

Very many in 2017 will be lucky at work and they will be able to quickly move forward. career ladder.

The rooster is conservative and follows its own logic in everything. Despite his love of attention, the Rooster is sure that it is he who thinks sensibly, not accepting a different opinion. The rooster always relies only on its own strength, without resorting to the help of others. That is why stubborn and straightforward careerists in 2017 will find it easier for other employees to achieve their goals.

All Roosters are workaholics. They never have easy money. The rooster is always and everywhere trying to do everything that he is capable of and even more. Despite his outstanding qualities as the best worker, the Rooster also allows himself to be lazy in the workplace. Most likely this is due to the tendency of the Rooster to contemplation. If he does what he loves, the job of his dreams, then he will be able to achieve a lot: independence, prestige, wealth. This eastern sign in 2017 pushes everyone and everyone to find their true purpose in this life.

The rooster is a rather controversial sign, based on this, in 2017 you need to be able to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Otherwise, despite new acquaintances and frequent communication, the coming year will pass under the brand name of loneliness. The Year of the Rooster will give all active and energetic people the opportunity to achieve a lot both at work and in love and family life.

How to Appease a Red Fire Rooster

To make friends with this elegant colorful oriental sign horoscope, you need to carefully consider your New Year's outfit, makeup, hairstyle, gifts for guests, as well as table setting and a festive menu for New Year.

What to wear for the New Year 2017

In 2017, a dress, smart shirt, skirt, trousers or suit should be bright, catchy. The rooster will love to have a mention of him in clothing: whether it's a 2017 symbol brooch, a colorful soft feather boa, or a small feather accessory on a bracelet, bodice of a dress or on a hat. A drawing of a cockerel on one of the nails or a New Year's manicure in the style of a motley cock's tail will look great.

Despite the fact that the main color of 2017 is red, many girls are afraid to come to an unfamiliar company on New Year's Eve (for example, a spouse's corporate party on the occasion of the New Year) in a red dress. Agree, on this New Year's Eve everyone will want to shine in the favorite color of the Fire Rooster. And even if the styles of the dress differ, the same color will make all women's toilets the same. Therefore, it is better to choose any other shade of red.

In the New Year 2017, burgundy, coral, purple, orange, bright yellow, brown, golden will look great. Under no pretext should there be mention of predators in your outfit, especially such as a tiger or leopard.

Accessories and jewelry should favorably complement your image, by no means "outshout" your makeup.

New Year's makeup

Your face should not be fresh, rested. Do not be too lazy to make a mask so that the skin of the face is ready for experiments, because the Rooster is waiting for something extraordinary, enchanting from us. And New Year's Eve is a great time to stand out from the general crowd, using shiny mother-of-pearl shadows, sparkles, rhinestones, even sequins and all kinds of thematic drawings in your makeup.

Makeup in the style of art, of course, will appeal to the demanding handsome Rooster. The only thing in order to make such a makeup with high quality, you need to at least be able to draw. If owning a brush is not your forte, it is better to entrust this difficult task to professional makeup artists.

Hairstyle for New Year's Eve

Where you can show your imagination is in the New Year's hairstyle. The rooster is supportive of any decision: hair gathered in a ponytail, loose, wavy curls, tight curls, perfectly even long hair, all kinds of bows, shiny hairpins, headbands and more.

Whatever hairstyle you like, you should remember one thing - the Rooster does not accept slovenliness in anything and, in the hairstyle, in particular. Hair should look well-groomed and beautiful.

New Year's table

Best of all in red and white, but orange, yellow, white tablecloths are also great. It should be remembered about simple rule If the tablecloth is red, then the plates are white and vice versa.

The rooster will definitely like the "rustic" theme of New Year's serving: linen tablecloth and napkins, wooden or wicker baskets with buns, compositions from wheat spikelets, fruits, red pepper and onion pods, small bundles of straw, etc.

It is better that New Year's dishes are moderately simple and light. There should be no chicken on the table under any circumstances. Without fail, for the New Year, you need to offer guests pastries, since it is her Rooster who respects her very much. Greens and pickles are best laid out beautifully on a large plate, and sliced ​​\u200b\u200buse on small sandwiches.

Christmas tree gifts

As new year gift everything that can be used at carnivals, parades, incendiary parties and holidays is great. It can be interesting costumes, masks, flowers, cheerful toys, all kinds of souvenirs that lift your spirits.

In any case, the gift should be bright and memorable. And, also, a gift for the New Year 2017 should be unusual, so that, looking at it, the person you are giving, at least for the holidays, forgets about the daily routine, problems and other things that spoil the festive fun.

Since ancient times, mankind has been trying to find an explanation for events or incidents that are not clear to him. This is how legends, beliefs and entire religions are born. One of these beliefs is the parable of 12 animals that came to the Buddha and became symbols of the year - they were given the right to command the whole year, influencing people's lives. The symbol of 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster, which will come into its own on January 28th. The calculations in the eastern horoscope are focused on lunar cycles and therefore the year comes into its own not on the first of January, when we celebrate, but much later. This is especially important for those who were born at the beginning of the year, because this determines the animal that will patronize him throughout his life.

What symbol of the year will be in 2017: the color and elements of the year

The rooster is the tenth in a twelve year cycle Chinese horoscope, his order was determined all according to the same parable, it is on the tenth that he will come to say goodbye to the Buddha leaving the Earth. But the color and element of the year are already determined by astrologers, who carefully monitor the change of elements. So, there are five main elements:

  • Tree,
  • Water,
  • Metal,
  • Earth,
  • Fire.

And each of the elements has its own color, which is not difficult to determine. So, the tree corresponds green color blue for water, white for metal, yellow for earth, and red for fire. And although it is generally accepted that the cycle of the Eastern calendar is 12 years - the period when the sign will again dominate during the year - in fact full cycle is sixty years, when not only the year will return to rule, but also the elements.

The fiery sign means that the cycle ends and therefore every year that obeys this element is significant and defining not only for those who were born into it, but also for all of humanity as a whole. During this period, important events take place, scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, conflicts flare up, but also end too.

The red color will also be important throughout the year, as it is inherent in the symbol of 2017 according to the Rooster. This color will bring good luck to its owner, signal dangers and, on the contrary, push them to rash acts. When purchasing new things, be careful - do not overdo it with red, its excess is also unfavorable.

Next year 2017: what animal according to the horoscope

Each year-symbol has its own characteristic, that is, a number of qualities that will become inherent in everyone at the same time, since the totem of the year will exert its influence not only on those born in the year of the Rooster, but also on everyone else.

It is important to remember that the Rooster is, first of all, a hardworking bird - therefore great success Only those who are ready to work to achieve and fulfill their dreams will be able to achieve this year. As the Rooster gets up at dawn to start a new day, so you will have to plan your affairs well in advance, as the symbol of 2017 does not like surprises and spontaneous decisions. But at the same time, this bird is a big boaster: he loves to boast of his achievements and skills, exposing everything that he can do. Perhaps this trait will manifest itself in you most of all during the entire period. Remember: you can only brag about what you already have, and not about future plans, otherwise you will get the glory of idle talk if your plan is not realized on time. In general, try to keep your dreams and goals to yourself, and share them as little as possible. It is better to work more towards their achievement.

The Rooster loves praise not only for his achievements, but also for his qualities and appearance. He carefully chooses outfits, picks up makeup, hair and accessories - he is neat by nature and should always look perfect. Another trait that will show up brightly throughout the year in many people. However, do not rush to completely update your wardrobe. The symbol of the year does not tolerate waste, but is always happy with useful purchases: purchase multifunctional transformer items that can be supplemented with belts and beads. You will not spend too much and will always look original and unusual. The desire to stand out from the crowd, to draw attention to oneself is a feature inherent in the totem of the year.

When wondering which animal is 2017 according to the eastern calendar, also keep in mind that the Fiery Red Rooster will endow you special qualities entrepreneur, even if you don’t have such a vein. Your intuition will sharpen and allow you to make the right decisions in controversial issues, but still try to rely more on a cold mind, and not on a warm heart that tends to make mistakes. The rooster is foolishly thrifty, at times it even borders on stinginess, it is this trait of his that will save you from rash acts. Unless you are no longer exposed to his other trait - eccentricity and impulsiveness. Then you are guaranteed rash purchases, loud promises and public confessions.

The Red Rooster - the symbol of 2017, whose photo you have seen at least once in your life, also has one more not the most positive trait- directness. He is always sure that he is right, even if the facts say otherwise, you will not be able to convince him otherwise. He is also selfish and therefore often does not notice how he hurts the feelings of others by doing certain things. This is what later becomes the cause of scandals and strife with friends, relatives and acquaintances. Try to minimize the influence of these particular traits on your character and focus on improving your own character.

As for amorous affairs, the Rooster is very loving. He knows how to charm and make a great first impression on anyone, so he almost always gets his way. But often it is also his weakness: he cannot stop in time and in a toga becomes a victim of his own charm. When, for example, he starts an affair with several people at the same time. After all, he does not know how to keep many important things a secret - including his love affairs. On the other hand, the Rooster is a homebody, and if he has already managed to find a mate, it doesn’t go beyond flirting. It’s just important for him to sometimes remind himself that he is still in great shape - as an athlete who has completed his career. Therefore, the year is suitable for an excellent and stormy romance or for strengthening already existing connection, but if you are in search, there is nothing to reassure you. It is unlikely that you will notice in a kaleidoscope of meetings and casual relationships who will make you a couple for the rest of your life.

If you know what the next year is 2017 of what animal, then you can try to prepare for it. That is, to plan your actions in advance or prepare the ground for the changes that will occur next year. Be sure that you cannot avoid serious trials, because it is through them that the Rooster will teach you diligence and endurance, diligence and diligence, patience and the ability to wait. Throughout the year, you will constantly feel the burden of responsibility for each decision, but believe - you are going to personal success and rise above your former self. This is how the stars are formed in 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster.

2017 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope: those born in the year of the Fire Rooster

Especially important is the characteristic of newborns, because astrologers, when compiling a horoscope, certainly take into account the time and date of birth, pay attention to the patron of the year and his element at the time of birth. To know exactly what year 2017 is - the year of which animal, the photo of which can be viewed on the network - use the hint in the eastern horoscope. Astrologers have already calculated this information for several years ahead. It is known that 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Red Rooster.

Little Roosters are very curious by nature, it is difficult to keep track of them and generally somehow curb their temper, which will begin to manifest itself from the first days of life. Take it for granted that fidget has appeared in your house: you won’t be able to tie it to the bed, but you’ll have to secure it as much as possible. Therefore, immediately put plugs on sockets, wrap everything with sharp corners soft cloths and lock the closet securely.

The rooster is very emotional and does not always know how to control outbursts and mood swings, which leads to the fact that over time he is considered an eccentric petty tyrant. In fact, he's just very impulsive. You need to teach the child to direct his exuberant energy to useful deeds: Rooster likes to do only what he loves and the sooner you find out the interests and tastes of your child, the better. If you yourself are the same Fire Rooster, then you probably already managed to determine with your own priorities and preferences.

Determining the year 2017 of which animal, futurologists also noted the features of those who were born that year, focusing on the fact that most often these people have problems in communication and in their personal lives due to irascibility and jealousy, which manifests itself very violently. No one knows how to arrange such scenes as the Fire Rooster. But you need to be wary of his excessive enthusiasm for someone. Having chosen an object for adoration, he will constantly show signs of attention, call, write a hundred times a day and be interested in whether he liked the gift, the flowers sent or the past date. In such an uncomplicated way, he begs for compliments and praise, if you yourself do not scatter in gratitude. Or the Rooster thinks that what you say is not enough.

Getting older, the Roosters show their egoism not only in relation to others, but also in study and work. Having set a goal, for example, universal adoration and reverence for their merits, they will stop at nothing on the way to the top. Therefore, it is often said about Roosters that they go over their heads. Imagine how this quality will be enhanced by the fiery element. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and often achieve great success in their careers, but on the condition that they like the work. Being an ordinary employee and doing something they do not like, they often fall into depressive states and withdraw into themselves. But this is quickly cured by a change of scenery and activities.

Symbols of the New Year 2017: how to celebrate the year of the Red Rooster

There are a number of traditions and superstitions about how exactly you need to celebrate the holiday of the change of year. This applies to clothing, festive table, gifts. This is done in order to appease the animal coming into its own and protect itself from the troubles that can happen if, for some reason, the symbol of the year is dissatisfied.

You already know which animal will be the symbol of 2017, so you can make sure that you have everything ready for the meeting of the owner of the year. It’s worth starting with offerings, namely the correct preparation of dishes for the New Year’s table. The first and most important rule is no bird on the table. Not in any way. Replace chicken with pork or beef in meat recipes, and choose the same types of meat for cuts. Put more vegetables on the table, especially green ones, and don't forget about the greens themselves. Use dill, parsley and green onions as a decoration for salads, spread sandwiches on lettuce leaves. And make the salads themselves as simple as possible: complex dishes are contraindicated for this New Year's table. Use cabbage and cucumbers in cooking. It’s good if the main components of a bird’s dinner are present on the table: millet (wheat), rice, corn, seeds (sesame seeds are also suitable). Choose cabbage rolls as a hot dish, because you use both cabbage and grain (rice) in them. Also, be sure to make sure that there is fresh bread on the table (buns are possible) and pastries (cakes, cake).

When preparing for the holiday, remember what animal the new year is 2017 - your outfit should contain the color-symbol of the year: a red dress, shirt, or at least a bracelet. Choose different shades of red and wine so as not to merge with guests, use this color for table setting (napkins or plates, for example). It is best to combine red with white or black, like the plumage of the Rooster itself. As for accessories, it's time to get out the family jewelry - this bird does not like jewelry, only warm and bright gold and stones. Also put on something with a feather: a hat, headband, bracelet, boa. You will not imitate the symbol of the year, but respect it with your choice. Keep in mind that the Rooster loves neatness in everything, so think carefully about your image: everything from hair and manicure to shoes and accessories should look harmonious and complement the image, and not oversaturate it. Make sure your nails are evenly painted and makeup is applied with special care, choose bright lipstick or pearly shadows for the holiday, neatly style your hair - your hair should look hair to hair, no crow's nest on your head!


Many pleasant and not so pleasant surprises await most of the animals eastern horoscope in 2017. The Fire Rooster is the owner of 2017, quite unpredictable and emotional. Those born under the sign of the Rooster will be the most driven during this period. The patron of 2017 will help all Roosters finally feel peace of mind and move up the career ladder. Those who do not yet know which animal 2017 should be as careful as possible, because the patron of this period, the Rooster, is very unpredictable.


“An interesting fact is that which animal chooses its mood this year will spend 2017. Most of all in 2017, the Rat will be lucky. People born under this sign will be full of strength and energy. Whether they want to tie the knot or learn new skills, etc., they can do it! Following the horoscope, Rats will be able to fulfill their plans.

The stars advise the Rats not to anger the animal of the year and moderate their pride. In the case when colleagues or relatives ask for help, they need to lend a helping hand to them. If the Rats are still lonely, then it's time for them to pay attention to the Ox and the Tiger. The second half of the year will be most productive for career achievements.


Regardless of the year in which a person was born, he needs to remember that surprises are not only good, but also bad. Tensions with the second half will unpleasantly surprise the Bulls at the beginning of the year. The horoscope recommends showing maximum diplomacy and turning a blind eye to the partner's shortcomings more often.

Which animal according to the eastern calendar will refuse to make his dream come true? So it is the Bull who will be lucky in the middle of 2017 with the execution cherished desire. The Ox does not need to think about who he will be really lucky in the year, since the Rooster is able to become a reliable patron for him! According to the horoscope, it is the Ox who should take a closer look at his health this year.


A good incentive to act for the Tiger will be the animal of the year - the Rooster! The owner of the year will help the temperamental Tiger take a different look at his life. The tiger will decide in 2017 to devote time to self-development or get a second education. If the Tiger does not yet know which animal is suitable for a relationship, then he should pay attention to the Dragon and the Boar.

In the case when the Tiger begins to act according to the horoscope, he will be able to improve the quality of his life. The animal of the year will help the Tiger become more persistent in achieving the goal.


If the Rabbit is lonely and cannot understand the year of which of the animals will suit him for a relationship, then it's time to pay attention to the Dog and the Horse. It is with these signs that relations will develop the most harmonious. The animal of the year will favor the Rabbit in career matters. If the Rabbit finds an approach to leadership and starts to work harder, then his efforts will be noticed.

Judging by the horoscope, in 2017 the Rabbit should devote time to arranging his abode. If the Rabbit lives in a well-equipped apartment, he will be able to attract good luck and wealth.

The Dragon

During this period, it will be important for the Dragon to decide to open a new business. After all, the year 2017 will bring real luck to the Dragon (which animal would not choose this sign as a partner for its business - everything will work out). Working in pairs will allow you to count on maximum results in the future. But in his personal life, the situation will be quite tense. The dragon will have to work hard to find common ground with a loved one.

If the Dragon does not know which animal is capable of bringing bad luck in 2017, then it's time to be wary of the Goat and the Rabbit. The horoscope strongly does not recommend lending money - it is likely that they will not be returned.


For family Snakes, 2017 will be full of events and vivid impressions. In the case when the Snake doubts whose year is best for traveling, then better option than 2017 she will not find. Lonely signs need to devote more time to finding their soulmate, since in the middle of the year there is a high probability of meeting their destiny.

If the Snake acts according to the horoscope, it will be able to truly get rich. Which animal according to the eastern horoscope would not offer her profitable option with work - you need to agree. The animal of the year warns the Snake that she should be careful in showing her emotions.


Many problems fall on the shoulders of the Horse at the beginning of 2017. Regardless of the year of which animal the Horse will offer help, she should agree. Huge prospects for career development not scheduled during this period. Judging by the horoscope, Horses should rest more often and just enjoy life.

  • spend more time with your significant other;
  • try to diversify intimate life paired with;
  • singles should choose which animal will be most attractive to them and start acting (call the object of their attention on a date).


You should not think about the year of whom is most likely to be suitable for the implementation of your plans. It is in 2017 that the determination of the Sheep will bring what you want. The animal of the year promises to favor in his personal life, conflicts with a loved one will be resolved by themselves. If a lonely Sheep acts according to the horoscope and pays attention to nice colleagues and acquaintances, then love relationship add up.


In the case when a lonely Monkey is eager to find out which animal suits her best for a relationship, then she should pay attention to the Dragon and the Dog. You should not think about the year of whom the Monkey will help to take the desired position, since 2017 is exactly that ideal time. The animal of the year recommends that this sign moderate the consumption of alcohol and nicotine, as well as pay more attention to sports.

Acting according to the horoscope, the Monkey will avoid many problems. The horoscope advises her to have less conflict and be friendlier during this period.


Whatever animal the Rooster would not come across, on the way to achieving his goal, he will be able to “plug” everyone in the belt. The time has come to stop doubting whom the year will help to realize the plans, since your own year is what you need! What animal in 2017 this sign would not choose for a relationship - everything will work out. Lonely Roosters during this period are most likely to marry.

Family animals will want maximum peace and tranquility in 2017. The animal of the year will try to avoid quarrels and squabbles.


Following the horoscope, the Dog will come to the desired - complete independence. The heavenly bodies indicate that the time has come to decide to open your own business, doubts aside! Which animal would not decide during this period to connect its personal life with the Dog - it will greatly regret it. The wayward Dog will not be ready to be faithful to one partner.

No need to think about the year of whom according to the eastern calendar is suitable for moving. If the Dog has long wanted to move to live in another house or even a city, then it's time to act!


The animal of the year advises the Pig to decide in 2017 to change his profession. Which animal would not offer a good option for starting a career - the Pig should agree. Judging by the horoscope, during this period this sign will have a tense relationship with a loved one, so the time has come for the Pig to become kinder and more responsive. A lonely Pig does not need to think about the year of whom it will be the most suitable for a relationship, since in 2017 this animal is not ready to enter into a serious relationship.

Determining which animal belongs to the eastern calendar coming year, trying to figure out what the next 365 days promise to be. We suggest reading this article to find out which animal is 2017 and how to celebrate the New Year in accordance with the preferences of the symbol of the next year.

Host of the Year Preferences

The owner of 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be the Red Fire Rooster. Like all famous roosters living in chicken coops, the zodiac Rooster loves comfort and order in his habitat. Therefore, if you want to earn the favor of a sign, save throughout the year full order both at home and in the workplace. For this reason, it is better to meet the coming year at home, surrounding yourself with relatives and close friends. It is preferable if you think over all the nuances of the holiday in advance. Make up, buy groceries, think about decorating your home.

Surrounding ourselves with BEAUTIFUL

Considering that next year's host will be the representative fire element, in interior decoration it is worth using the colors of flames. Hang red curtains, lay an orange tablecloth, add yellow napkins and gold-plated glasses. Here everything depends only on imagination.

Choice of holiday attire

Concerning appearance, then here the Rooster throws aside all his modesty and will be glad if you put on an outfit that will allow you to stand out, because the rooster itself is a very spectacular and bright bird. Suitable for a female image on New Year's Eve bright colors red, red, blue, green and gold - all the colors available in the plumage of a bird. But the Rooster will not find fault with the length and style of the dress, because every fashionista can choose a dress to her taste: from a short fitted dress to a spacious and flying floor-length dress. Of course, do not forget about.

Note! Jewelry should be combined with the main outfit.

Men also have their own rules. The rooster - the symbol of 2017 according to the horoscope - will be extremely grateful to those who prefer a businesslike and elegant formal suit with a classic cut. However, those who are used to celebrating the New Year in cozy jeans should not despair. In this case, the favor of the bird of the year can be earned with a shirt, jumper or T-shirt in shades of the fire element.

Everything in the oven...

Particular attention should be paid to the festive table. In order not to upset the Rooster, it is better to forget about poultry and egg dishes. The most appropriate on the festive table will be canned and fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, because this is not only healthy, nutritious and, with proper preparation, tasty food, but also a treasured delicacy for the symbol of the year. Vegetables are best used in different forms, that is, not only as side dishes, but also in the form of decorations for other dishes. Note that the Rooster will not express any displeasure if meat or seafood appears on the table. Meat, regardless of whether you chose beef, lamb or pork, is best served not in portions, but whole. Believe me, the Rooster will not appreciate this complexity.

Note! Oddly enough, but it is seafood that is one of the favorite treats of the zodiac Rooster, so for his joy, take the trouble to put at least a small plate of shrimp, mussels or squid. By the way, they are very diverse in preparation.

For happiness in the coming year, sweet tooth should remember the rooster's love for grains and cereals, so decorate your table with purchased or better self-baked cookies, cakes, pastries with the addition of cereals. Traditional champagne and wine get the approval of the host of the year, but anything stronger is better to stay away.

Remember, the Rooster will be the master of the year for the whole 12 months, so take the time and meet him in the right way.

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