Legend-parable. (1) There is an old Ukrainian legend. (2) The mother had an only son. (3) Zhenya ... Perform morphemic analysis

There is an old Ukrainian legend. Was with mother The only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl's heart was black, unkind. The son brought his young wife to native home. The mother-in-law disliked the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway.” The son settled the mother in the passage, forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in front of her eyes. As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the passage, the mother hid under the bed.
But this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. Moved her to the shed." The son moved his mother to the barn. Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.
A young beauty was resting one evening under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” The filial heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: "Let's go, mom, we swim in the river." Go to the river rocky shore. Mother tripped on a stone. The son got angry: “Why are you stumbling, mom? Why don't you look down at your feet? So we will go to the river until the evening.
They came, undressed, bathed. The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it in a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's heart flutters. The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot mother's heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: “My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.
The son sobbed, grabbed the warm mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured bitter tears over him. He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and unselfishly as own mother.
And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. They went together through the steppes and became two mounds. And every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of the mounds with its first rays...
Such is the legend created folk wisdom. There is no love stronger than maternal, there is no tenderness more tender than maternal caress and care, there is no anxiety more disturbing sleepless nights and maternal unclosed eyes.
Filial gratitude... How many bitter thoughts and mournful minutes are experienced by the mother's and father's heart, feeling that the son or daughter is indifferent, heartless, that they have forgotten about the good done for them by their mother and father. And there is no higher joy for a person who feels the approach of the twilight of his life than joy, the source of which is the gratitude of children for the good and good created by parents in the name of the good and good of children. An ungrateful son, an ungrateful daughter - in the treasury of popular morality, this is perhaps the sharpest, most profound condemnation of human vices ...

1) There is an old Ukrainian legend. 2) My mother had an only son. 3) He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. 4) But the girl's heart was black, unkind. 5) The son brought his young wife to his home. 6) The mother-in-law did not like the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway.” 7) The son settled the mother in the hallway, forbade her to enter the hut. 8) The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in the eyes. 9) As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the hallway, the mother hid under the bed.

10) But it seemed to the daughter-in-law that this was not enough. 11) She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. 12) Moved her to the barn. 13) The son moved the mother to the barn. 14) Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.

15) One evening a young beauty was resting under a flowering apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. 16) The wife became furious, ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” 17) The filial heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. 18) He says to his mother: "Let's go, mom, we swim in the river." 19) They go to the river with a rocky shore. 20) Mother stumbled on a stone. 21) The son got angry: “Why are you stumbling, mom? 22) Why don't you look under your feet? 23) So we will go to the river until the evening.

24) They came, undressed, bathed. 25) The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it in a maple leaf, carries it. 26) A mother's heart trembles. 27) The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot mother’s heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: “My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? 28) Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.

29) The son sobbed, grabbed his mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured bitter tears over him. 30) He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.

31) And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. 32) After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. 33) Mother did not return home either. 34) Together they went to the steppes and became two mounds. 35) And every morning the rising sun with its first rays illuminates the tops of the barrows...

36) Such is the legend created by folk wisdom. 37) There is no love stronger than maternal, there is no tenderness more tender than maternal caress and care, there is no anxiety more disturbing than sleepless nights and unclosed maternal eyes.

38) Filial gratitude ... 39) How many bitter thoughts and mournful minutes are experienced by the mother's and father's heart, feeling that the son or daughter is indifferent, heartless, that they have forgotten about the good done for them by their mother and father. 40) And there is no higher joy for a person who feels the approach of the twilight of his life than joy, the source of which is the gratitude of children for the good and good created by parents in the name of the good and good of children. 41) An ungrateful son, an ungrateful daughter - in the treasury of folk morality, this is perhaps the sharpest, most profound condemnation of human vices.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

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In this text, V.A. Sukhomlinsky raises the problem of maternal love.

The author refers to the current moral problem. An outstanding teacher tells an old Ukrainian legend. He describes the story of young man who killed his mother for the love of his beautiful wife. But the son came to his senses only after he dropped his mother's heart. His mother did not condemn him for his cruel act, but, on the contrary, advised him to sit down and rest. It was then that the son "understood that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother." V.A. Sukhomlinsky notes that “mother's love was huge and inexhaustible.” The mother's great desire to see her son happy helped her return to life and reunite with her son.

I fully share the opinion of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Our mothers are ready for any sacrifice for the sake of their children, their love is so pure and sincere that in Hard time They will help without asking for anything in return. A mother will never betray, she will always take care of her children, worry about their failures and madly rejoice,


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
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1) There is an old Ukrainian legend. 2) My mother had an only son. 3) He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. 4) But the girl's heart was black, unkind. 5) The son brought his young wife to his home. 6) The mother-in-law did not like the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway.” 7) The son settled the mother in the hallway, forbade her to enter the hut. 8) The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in the eyes. 9) As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the hallway, the mother hid under the bed.

10) But it seemed to the daughter-in-law that this was not enough. 11) She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. 12) Moved her to the barn. 13) The son moved the mother to the barn. 14) Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.

15) One evening a young beauty was resting under a flowering apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. 16) The wife became furious, ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” 17) The filial heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. 18) He says to his mother: "Let's go, mom, we swim in the river." 19) They go to the river with a rocky shore. 20) Mother stumbled on a stone. 21) The son got angry: “Why are you stumbling, mom? 22) Why don't you look under your feet? 23) So we will go to the river until the evening.

24) They came, undressed, bathed. 25) The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it in a maple leaf, carries it. 26) A mother's heart trembles. 27) The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot mother’s heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: “My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? 28) Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.

29) The son sobbed, grabbed his mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured bitter tears over him. 30) He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.

31) And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. 32) After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. 33) Mother did not return home either. 34) Together they went to the steppes and became two mounds. 35) And every morning the rising sun with its first rays illuminates the tops of the barrows...

36) Such is the legend created by folk wisdom. 37) There is no love stronger than maternal, there is no tenderness more tender than maternal caress and care, there is no anxiety more disturbing than sleepless nights and unclosed maternal eyes.

38) Filial gratitude ... 39) How many bitter thoughts and mournful minutes are experienced by the mother's and father's heart, feeling that the son or daughter is indifferent, heartless, that they have forgotten about the good done for them by their mother and father. 40) And there is no higher joy for a person who feels the approach of the twilight of his life than joy, the source of which is the gratitude of children for the good and good created by parents in the name of the good and good of children. 41) An ungrateful son, an ungrateful daughter - in the treasury of folk morality, this is perhaps the sharpest, most profound condemnation of human vices.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

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In this text, V.A. Sukhomlinsky raises the problem of maternal love.

The author addresses an actual moral problem. An outstanding teacher tells an old Ukrainian legend. He describes the story of a young man who killed his mother for the love of his beautiful wife. But the son came to his senses only after he dropped his mother's heart. His mother did not condemn him for his cruel act, but, on the contrary, advised him to sit down and rest. It was then that the son "understood that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother." V.A. Sukhomlinsky notes that “mother's love was huge and inexhaustible.” The mother's great desire to see her son happy helped her return to life and reunite with her son.

I fully share the opinion of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Our mothers are ready for any sacrifice for the sake of their children, their love is so pure and sincere that in difficult times they will help without asking for anything in return. A mother will never betray, she will always take care of her children, worry about their failures and madly rejoice,


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
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Speech development lesson in grade 7.

Detailed presentation. (2 hours)

"Mother's Heart".


    educational : teach using copyright language tools, transmit the original text in detail; pay close attention to the word.

    Educational : develop the ability to determine the topic, the main idea, work on drawing up a plan.

    Educational : to promote the formation of a sense of responsibility to the mother, love for the mother.

There is the most beautiful creature in the world

to whom we are indebted is the mother.

A. N. Ostrovsky

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson. Making notebooks.

    introduction teachers.

    Reading a poem about mother (any).

    Legend teacher's story:

“Once upon a time, a beauty named Cornelia Grak lived in the world. And she was very beautiful and rich. Many admired her beauty. Most famous artists fought for the right to paint her portraits. Everyone respected and revered her, but no one had ever seen her riches.

And then one day, admirers of her beauty asked to show them her main jewels. Then Cornelia Grak went out to the people in her most ordinary dress, and by the hand she led her three children. And then everyone realized that the jewels of Corneli Grak are her children.

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the legend? Why are children a mother's wealth? What is the most important thing for a mother?

Listen to a song about mother.

    Work with the epigraph for the lesson.

Teacher: Why are we always indebted to mothers?

The whole meaning of a mother's life is her children. And how are you

Do you treat your mothers? Is it always fair?

Let's listen to S. Plotov's poem about mother.

    Reading a poem

The easiest way is to offend the mother,

She will not respond with resentment.

And it will only repeat:

"Don't catch a cold, it's windy today."

It's easy to hurt your mother.

Years will pass, we will rise above

And someone, squeezing his lips, again

Take a piece of paper and write:

"The easiest thing is to offend the mother."

And maybe they will hear it

S. Plotov.

Teacher: In what lines is expressed the main idea poems?

    Reading text.

A wonderful teacher - Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky in one of his letters to his son told him old legend.

“My mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl's heart was black, unkind.

The son brought his young wife to his home. She disliked her mother-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let her mother not go to the hut, put her in the hallway.” The son settled his mother in the hallway, forbade him to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in front of her eyes.

But this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: "They moved the mother to the barn." The son moved his mother to the barn. A young beauty was resting one evening under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife got angry, ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take her heart out of your chest and bring it to me!”

The filial heart did not tremble; the beauty of his wife bewitched him. He killed his mother, took her heart out of his chest, put it on a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's heart flutters. The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee; the hot mother's heart fell on a stone, became bloody, started up and whispered: “Son, my dear, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.

The son sobbed, grabbed the hot mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, put his heart into his torn chest, poured hot tears over him. He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother. And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest.

    Text analysis.

Teacher: What is the topic of this text? (The power of motherly love).

Main thought? (No one ever loves so sincerely

and selflessly, like a mother).

What is the legend about?

Why is it called a legend? (Human test

ness). Who survived the test? My son got through this.


How is the son's wife described?

What is humanity?

What style does the text belong to?

Determine the type of speech. (Narrative).

Conclusions are drawn from the text.

    Dividing the text into parts. Planning.


      The legend told by V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

      A beautiful wife with a black soul.

      Wife's requirements.

      Inhuman act of the son.

      The unselfish love of a mother.

    Elements of linguistic text analysis.

1.Explain lexical meaning words legend?

A legend is a narrative, a story with elements of the miraculous, fantastic and unusual characters or images.

In folklore, a story about the miraculous, which has become part of the tradition of the people, is perceived by the narrator and the listener as reliable.

2. What epithets are used to create images of the hero of the legend?

The only (son), amazing, unprecedented (beauty), black, unkind (heart), hot, maternal (heart), huge, inexhaustible, maternal (love), etc.

3. What is the meaning of the word "unkind"? Choose synonyms for it. (evil, callous, rude, cruel).

4. Pay attention to the epithet "the only one", why is it important to keep this word in the presentation?

5. How differently did the hearts of two relatives “behave” in relation to each other? Find in the text words that describe the “behavior of hearts”: “did not flinch” - filial and “trembling, startled, bloodied, whispered” - maternal.

7. Why is the mother's heart "hot" and the son's tears of repentance are also "hot"?

Choose synonyms. (loving, sincere, sensual, emotional).

8. What does "selfless" mean?

VII. Retelling the text in parts using key words and points of the plan.

VIII. working on spelling and punctuation.

On the board: Disliked, pissed off, old, the only, black, bewitched, no one, never, wife - daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law, told, beautiful wife, inhuman, disinterested love, etc. (depending on the class).

Repetition of punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members, in sentences before conjunctions "what, to, like, etc."

IX. Complete retelling of the text.

X. Re-reading.

XI. Writing a presentation.

There is an old Ukrainian legend. The mother had an only son. He married a girl of unprecedented beauty, brought her to his home. The mother-in-law disliked the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let the mother not come into the rooms, put her in the hallway.” The son settled his mother in the hallway. The mother was afraid to show herself to the evil daughter-in-law. As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the passage, the mother hid under the bed.

But this daughter-in-law seemed not enough. She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house! Moved her to the barn. The son moved his mother to the barn. Only at night did she come out of her hiding place.

A young beauty was resting one night under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.”

The son did not flinch, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: "Let's go, mom, we swim in the river." Go to the river rocky shore. Mother tripped on a stone. The son got angry: “Why are you stumbling, mom? Why don't you look down? So we will go until the evening.

They came, undressed, bathed. The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it on a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's little heart flutters. The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: “My dear son, didn’t you hurt yourself painfully?”

The son sobbed, grabbed the hot mother's heart, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured hot tears over him. He realized that no one had ever loved him as ardently, devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.

And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. Together they went through the steppes and valleys, went out into a wide expanse and became two high barrows.

Such is the legend created by folk wisdom.

Filial gratitude... How many bitter thoughts and mournful minutes the mother's and father's heart goes through, feeling that the son or daughter is indifferent, heartless, that they have forgotten about all the good done for them by their mother and father. And there is no higher joy for a person who feels the approach of the twilight of his life than joy, the source of which is the love and gratitude of children ...

Every day begins for me with childlike joy. I see in children's eyes admiration for the beauty of an opening rose, amazement at something unusual in the world around - amazing shape a cloud in the blue sky, a motley butterfly among the leaves - the pleasure of a gift received from parental hands, the pleasure of a fun game.

We do everything to make children happy. And at the sight of joyful, serene children's faces, my heart is filled with satisfaction. But for some reason anxiety also creeps in.

The question that worries me is: does our torch of love for children kindle reciprocal sparks of gratitude in their hearts? Does the child feel that the blessings of his life are the result of the great work of his parents, the care of many “not relatives”, but people who love him? After all, without them, without their work and cares, he simply could not live in the world. But how often does it never occur to him!

There is a great danger here - to raise a selfish person who believes that everyone should work for him, that the main thing is his personal needs, and everything else is secondary. To prevent such a danger, it is important to awaken and develop in the child a sense of gratitude and gratitude.

How to achieve this? I see only one way: to teach children to do good for us - parents, educators, in general, people of older generations. For kindness, the child must pay with kindness!

Children's happiness is selfish in nature: the benefits created for the child by the elders, he perceives as a matter of course. It seems to him that mother and father exist in order to bring him joy and pleasure.

Often we are faced with a fact that is paradoxical at first glance: in a good working family, where parents do not have a soul in children, give them all the strength of their hearts, children sometimes grow up indifferent, heartless. But there is no paradox here: this happens because the child knows only the joys of consumption. And they cannot by themselves develop a moral sense. It arises only when we introduce children to the highest human joy - the joy of doing good for other people. Only this truly disinterested and therefore truly human experience is a force that ennobles the young heart.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is to teach a child to see and feel, understand and experience with all his heart that he lives among people and that the deepest human joy is to live for people.

upbringing in younger age- from 6 to 10 years - I would call a school of cordiality. Our teachers strive to instill in every child of this age a heartfelt sensitivity to the environment, to everything that a person creates, that serves him, and, of course, first of all, to the person himself. It starts with childish care for the creation of beauty. Everything beautiful carries within itself a miraculous upbringing power. And it is important that the creation of beauty and the creation of goodness merge in children into a single act.

Children crossed the threshold of the school, became first graders. From the first days school life We attach exceptional importance to communication with parents. Weekly we teachers primary school and the director of the school, we talk with mothers and fathers, we advise and we ourselves listen to people who are wiser by life experience. Together we think what a child should do so that his heart becomes sensitive to the environment, so that he learns to live for people. We are negotiating with the parents of first-graders about the autumn Rose Festival (pupils in grades 2-4 already know about it). This is both a family and at the same time a school holiday. But it has a feature that is characteristic of many of our children's holidays: they are not held at school.

They do not have excessive splendor, behind which, unfortunately, there is sometimes little sincere childish feelings and a lot of artificial. Our children's holidays are held mainly in the family, but we prepare children for them at school.

The Autumn Rose Festival is the day when every first grader plants at home on personal plot rose bush. We give a child a rose seedling - take it, plant it, take care of it, create beauty, bring joy to mother, father, grandfather, grandmother.

In general, this work is not difficult: in two years you need to bring several buckets of water, transfer several shovels of earth from one place to another. But the main thing is memory, constant care, perseverance in achieving a good, beautiful goal. And all this must be taught.

A first grader is planting a rose bush. Often you have to remind him: cover the fields, cover from the cold, loosen the earth ... Monotonous work is not very pleasing, and the result - a fragrant flower - is unimaginably far away in a child's imagination. The child does not yet know how to wait patiently, persistently preparing and paving the way for the solution of the task.

But then the first green leaves appeared on the bush - lights of joy light up in children's eyes. A long period of new monotonous labor begins. Again and again you have to water and loosen the earth, collect fertilizers.

Finally, unexpectedly for the child, the first bud appears. Then the second, third ... They open, scarlet, pink, blue, blue petals glisten in the sun. The sparks of joy in children's eyes flare up even more. And she is incomparable to anything. This is not the joy that a parent's gift brings, cheerful leisure, anticipation of the pleasures of the upcoming excursion.

This is the joy of doing good for the dearest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. And such kindness is especially touching because it is at the same time beauty. The child can't wait for the bud to bloom. And if it happened that someone plucked a flower, - for baby heart No more grief. But that one is not real man who has never experienced such grief...

For me, the greatest happiness is to see the shining eyes of children in those moments when the baby cuts a rose and brings it to his mother. The childish gaze is illuminated by the pure radiance of humanity.

Children acquire a new vision of the world. In the flowering branches of the apple tree, in the ripening bunches of grapes, in the thoughtful flowers of the chrysanthemum, they see the embodiment of human labor, worries, feelings of goodness and beauty. They will not raise a hand to break a branch, to pick a flower simply, in vain.

Two years of school life have passed. A bush, planted in the first school year, flourished luxuriantly. A few more shrubs have been planted. A good tradition was born in the family - on the birthday of their mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, children present flowers to them. It's good if the birthday falls in spring, summer or early autumn. And if for the winter - then you have to grow a flower in a school greenhouse or make a greenhouse at home by the stove. How many excitements a child has to go through until a bud appears, until he opens his petals. . .

Teachers strive to ensure that children are captured by caring for the living and the beautiful, for the blooming and flourishing. Let the child think of a little apple tree that is cold under the gusts autumn wind. Let him be worried: isn’t a gray hare sneaking up to the apple tree on a cold winter night, is it chewing on the bark? At dawn, he will go into the garden, feel the thin trunk of an apple tree, wrap it with straw. He will be worried that a spring frost has damaged the flowers of peach trees, that a storm has broken a branch on an apple tree.

In such care - a living source of human sensitivity, responsiveness, compassion. We strive to ensure that each of the children has their own home beauty corner. In summer, spring, autumn - in the garden, in winter - in the room. Parents first work together with their children, helping them create their own corner, and then gradually, as it were, step aside, only children work.

Ivan Ivanovich, a worker at a repair and technical station, has three children, students in grades 5-8. Mother and father advised them to create a beauty corner in the orchard. A small plot planted with wild grapes. Its thickets formed a shady gazebo. Asters and chrysanthemums bloom nearby. Around the gazebo is a lilac alley. The whole summer in the corner of beauty everything blooms. The children are happy to meet their parents returning from work in their corner. Here is a wonderful place for them to rest. And the children are proud: it was they who created the conditions for recreation.

One or two years after the start of training, the student planted a gratitude garden. Plants apple trees - mother, father, grandparents; grape bushes - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Seedlings for the garden are received at the school - several thousand seedlings are grown here every year. It is not easy to encourage children to take care of fruit trees. The success of the business depends on the perseverance and vital wisdom of the parents, on the unity of the efforts of the school and the family. Two or three years pass, and on the trees, planted, as it seems to the child, a very, very long time, the first fruits are tied. He knew that someday there would be fruits, but their appearance is always a joyful surprise. Now neither teachers nor parents have to remind the schoolchild that it is necessary to water, feed the plants - he himself does not forget about it. Looking forward to the day when apples and grapes will ripen, when you can pick the fruits and carry them to your happily excited mother.

For us, teachers, it is a great joy to see how children develop the consciousness that mother and father, tired at work, need rest. That silence, peace, cleanliness and beauty in the house - this is what gives the necessary rest and experience of good joy. Children feel not only in their minds, but also in their hearts, that their bad behavior, their poor progress in learning causes pain to their mother and father, and this is tantamount to an evil, heartless act.

“I need to study perfectly in all subjects,” said Kolya B., a 4th grade student, “my mother has a sick heart.” The child wants the mother to be calm. He knows that with his work he will help protect his mother's heart.

The desire of children to study well (especially small children) often has its source in the desire to bring joy to mother and father. And it awakens only when the child has already experienced the joy of doing good for parents on something else.

How important it is for children to learn to feel the state of mind of a comrade, to recognize someone else's grief, to experience it as their own. This heartfelt sensitivity depends on the same thing: on the kindness done by a child for a comrade. We teach young children to do good to their comrades. First grader Serezha did not come to school today. The teacher knows that Serezha's grandmother is seriously ill, and tells the students about it. Sympathy and pity awaken in children's hearts. Comrades go to his house, help him complete the task, go to the pharmacy for medicines for his grandmother. Every child receives dozens of such lessons of sensitivity, responsiveness, compassion.

Childhood should become for the child a natural school of cordiality. This is one of the most complex and subtle educational tasks of the family and school. We are called to ennoble the heart of a new citizen, to spiritualize his impulses and desires with the highest human beauty - sensitivity, responsiveness, compassion. From the first steps of conscious life little man we must remember that he will become not only a producer of material and spiritual values, but also the son of elderly parents, a husband, a father.

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