Early autumn description. Lesson summary “Golden Autumn. Match objects to signs

Autumn nature has inspired many creative people: writers, artists, musicians, sculptors. A miniature essay on the theme “Autumn” can describe not only the beauty of nature, but also mood characteristics associated with changing weather, as well as the impact of changing seasons on the life of forest animals and plants.

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Golden autumn time

With the onset of autumn, nature transforms. The trees are clothed in gold, purple, and crimson robes. The sky becomes faded, but still remains warm, thanks to the glow of the last rays of the setting sun. But it is precisely these colors that give autumn its unique beauty, special atmosphere and mood.

This time of year is the season of harvesting from fields and vegetable gardens. This is another reason to consider it a truly golden time, because in ancient times food was literally worth its weight in gold.

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

The beginning of autumn is the most beautiful and bewitching time. It creates a special mood: both solemn and sad.

The riot of colors amazes the imagination, but it is so fleeting. Because we know it won't last long. The trees will shed their variegated leaves and soon the harsh winter.

The middle of the season is accompanied by long, heavy rains, the days gradually shorten and the length of the night increases. The last golden leaves are falling from the trees.

The end of this time of year is gloomy and frosty. Fallen golden, crimson, brown foliage is bound by frost. But this does not prevent autumn from retaining its charm and sad charm.

Important! Remember that the nature of early and late is sometimes different, so the narrative may contain a variety of descriptions. Primary school students are encouraged to write an essay on the topic “ Golden autumn", and for high school students it is better to touch upon the relationship between mood and autumn weather.

The smell of autumn

Autumn is an amazing time. Everything about it is special: nature, weather, atmosphere, and even creates some special mood. Emotional condition man also changes along with nature.

The smell of autumn is special. It smells like fallen, rotting leaves, soil damp from heavy rains, wet asphalt. But at the same time, its aroma is fresh, invigorating and frosty.

How to write an argumentative essay correctly

Firstly, it is worth paying special attention to describing the features of this time of year:

  • How does nature and human life change?
  • Autumn mood, what is it like?
  • You can refer to the narrative in an artistic style, give examples from literature.

Secondly, stable phrases, epithets and metaphors should be used:

  • leaden clouds;
  • gold, amber, crystal;
  • beauty-autumn;
  • a harsh, weeping, dull, long, hard, ringing, red, deep, gloomy, severe, stormy, fiery, flowery, painted, damp, dark, warm, icy, wonderful, transparent, vigorous, dreary autumn has arrived, etc.

Using these simple tips, you can create a beautiful and accurate text describing this amazing, wonderful time of year. It is quite easy to write an essay on the theme of autumn, since you can choose any narrative style.


Why is autumn considered the most interesting, unique time of the year? This question is easy to answer by looking out the window in the autumn era.

What will we see on the other side of the glass? A wonderful, amazing combination of bright colors and colors, a heavy, cloudy, faceless sky, which look so harmonious and balanced together.

We will see people who are engaged in agriculture. What a rich harvest they reaped! Fruits and vegetables picked from the garden add even more color to the fall landscape.

Another one distinguishing feature dull and motley season - migratory birds. They gather in large and small flocks and fly away to warmer climes for the winter.

After the birds have left our region and the last leaves have fallen from the trees, winter is just around the corner.

Description of trees

Everything is beautiful here, especially the autumn nature. The trees are transformed, the color of the foliage changes. The leaves acquire a thick, deep, bright shade: light green, yellow, orange, burgundy, marsh, brown.

What a pity that this beauty is short-lived, because the leaves need sunlight. Meanwhile, the days are getting shorter and shorter, so the leaves from the trees will soon fall off. After the branches are completely exposed, it will become completely dreary and sad.

Attention! Descriptions of trees are an integral part of a descriptive essay or an argumentative essay on an autumn theme.

Autumn mood

IN autumn time everything changes, even your mood. When the “Indian summer” lasts, the soul rejoices in the last hot days. Life is easy and serene, we are overwhelmed positive emotions.

When the weather starts to get colder, we feel a little dreary and sad. The beauty of nature is slowly fading away. You look at this sad landscape, and you yourself involuntarily indulge in gloomy thoughts.

We can conclude that autumn nature affects a person’s mood.

It is better to write a text-argument on this topic. The description of autumn in an artistic style better conveys the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Description in artistic style

Autumn is an impressionable and amazing time of year, which is why it attracts the attention of creative people.

For Alexander Pushkin, this season appears as a “dull time”, for Boris Pasternak – “a fairy-tale palace, open for everyone to see”, for Alexei Pleshcheev – a “boring picture”. Ivan Bunin admired the beauty of the autumn forest: “The forest looks like a tower, painted, lilac, gold, crimson, a cheerful, motley wall stands above a bright clearing.”

There are many paintings that depict delightful autumn nature. These are paintings by Levitan, Polenov and other authors. This season is the most wonderful time. She deserves to be dedicated to the most beautiful works of art in the world.

How to write an essay

Essay on the topic: “Autumn in the forest”


We can conclude that autumn is the most amazing, bewitching, stunning and enchanting time of the year. This season is special: cozy, making you think about something deep, eternal. It is also worth noting the extraordinary beauty of fading nature. A text describing “autumn is an amazing time of year” can be written in a short time, inspired by the landscape outside the window, beautiful picture or a photograph.


Description of the autumn forest. Essay on the theme of forest in autumn

Do you like the forest in autumn? If you love nature and are not indifferent to its beautiful landscapes, then you will probably answer positively.

Description of the forest in autumn

Walking through the autumn forest, it is impossible not to admire its majestic beauty. Everything around is replete with bright, cheerful colors. The air smells of rotten leaves, mushrooms and autumn flowers. The trees are elegant and unrealistically beautiful. They changed into colorful autumn outfits, as if preparing for a big holiday. The leaves, as if painted orange with a magic brush, slowly swirl in the air and fall to the ground with a quiet rustle. The main color of autumn is yellow-golden. No wonder this time of year is called golden.

But not all weather changes are pleasant. It gets cold, it rains often and the wind blows sharply. These unchanging attributes of autumn always evoke sad thoughts. But, as one famous song says, “you can’t hide from autumn, you can’t hide”... Such are the laws of nature.

There are also warm, fine days, especially in September-October, when it is “Indian summer”. How nice it is to be in the forest during this period! The gentle rays of the sun break through the thinning leaves of the trees. Elusive sunbeams playfully jump along the dark trunks, and crimson-golden rugs spread at the foot.

Autumn is gradually coming to an end. On the calendar, October gives way to November, and the vibrant life of the autumn forest slows down, although it does not stop. Rustling with fallen leaves, a prickly hedgehog peeks out from behind the stumps. He prepares a winter bed for himself - he collects dry leaves and thin twigs. A hardworking squirrel scurries here and there. By dragging pine cones and mushrooms into the hollow, she makes provisions for the winter. Insects hide in the ground and bark of trees. Nimble lizards and snakes are looking for a cozy place. You can hear every sound in the autumn forest.

Migratory birds They have already flown to warmer climes, and those that remained to spend the winter behave quietly, especially compared to life in the spring. The forest peace is only occasionally disturbed by the sad melodies of tits, the chatter of a white-sided magpie, and the chirping of sparrows. Sometimes, unexpectedly, a woodpecker knocks with its beak on a tree trunk, and this knock echoes throughout the forest.

If you go out into a large clearing, you can admire a beautiful natural “herbarium”. Forest herbs, untouched by wind or man, froze in silent anticipation. Dry and lifeless, they have long since faded and scattered seeds on the ground, and now they rustle sadly underfoot.

Frosts are just around the corner, so nature has already begun to prepare for a long winter sleep.

Other stories and writings:

Essay “Autumn Forest”

Short essay about autumn, grades 2-3-4-5

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

Essay on the topic “Autumn has come”

An essay about " Late fall" A story describing autumn

Essay on the topic “Forest” grades 3-4-5-6

Essay about excursion to autumn forest


Essay describing nature in autumn

It’s still very warm, but already sad from the smell of the past summer, multi-layered, spicy and sour. Trees are shedding leaves that have been scorched over the summer. It seems that the trunks are darkening, they are tired and want to sleep. Restless small spiders weave webs with incredible speed, and you, without seeing, break their traps. For some reason the birds are especially joyful. Some are getting ready to go on the road, others, having eaten well over the summer, are preparing for winter, and the young broods are unusually active, fluttering and fighting. They do not yet know what winter is and do not expect intrigues from it.

On the slopes, in the tall grass, lizards rush rapidly. Only the rustling and swaying of the grass betrays their presence. Bees are still flying. There are few of them, but their flight is difficult and blissful. A lonely butterfly sways on a heavy burdock flower. She can sit with her wings folded for so long that it seems she will never fly again.

And the sky is piercingly blue, high, with the sun going up. This festive autumn watercolor will not last long, then the colors will change to cooler tones, swell and become gloomy. In the meantime, it’s warm, light, everything is surviving, in a hurry, and it’s sad that you can’t take the warmth into the winter.

The maples dressed in scarlet. They stand, thoughtful, at the edge of the forest, as if they are sad that October has come. Sometimes they quietly drop their carved leaves. A sudden gust of wind mercilessly tears away the autumn beauty from the sad maples. How tender the golden birches look among the green pines. They lowered their branches and are sad that the cold will soon come. Yellow-green oaks stand looking like huge giants, with their branches spread out.

High in the sky, cranes are crowing loudly. They gather in flocks and fly south. Somewhere in the heights wild geese call to each other. It becomes very cold in their native land, and they are forced to fly to where it is warm. Only sparrows fly around and chirp loudly, because they have nowhere to hurry.

It so happened that autumn became my favorite time of year thanks to the famous painting by the artist Levitan. One autumn, our teacher brought a reproduction of his painting “Golden Autumn” to a literature lesson, and we had a general discussion of this masterpiece. After the discussion, the whole class went on an excursion to Vorontsovsky Park, very similar to real forest. The gold of the foliage and the blue of the pond, in which the white cold clouds were reflected, were reunited in my imagination with the painting of the great artist, and I fell in love with autumn forever.

The teacher and I walked through the October Park. The leaves rustled underfoot, and flocks of wild ducks flew over the pond every now and then. They seemed to be preparing to fly to distant lands and gathered in flocks. Of course, ducks from Moscow have not flown anywhere for a long time, because the microclimate of the huge city helps them winter well in their homeland. But I want to believe that they will still fly away for the winter southern countries to return to their homeland in the spring. It's better, more poetic. There is some beauty of life and harmony of nature in this.

Autumn helped me understand the feeling of a creative person. Perhaps the beauty of nature is the moment that awakens inspiration in their hearts. Fascinated by the music of nature, they take up their brushes, write poetry, compose music...

I came home from school, but the feeling of some kind of uplift in my soul did not leave me. I wanted to somehow express my feelings. They overwhelmed me and rushed out. I sat by the window. Outside the window, as if in a giant aquarium, passers-by and cars floated. On the opposite side of the street, a gaggle of girls stood on the steps of a store, squinting in the sun, the girls smiled at passersby. So they noticed me in the window. One waved her hand at me friendly, as if warming up my romantic mood. I moved away from the window, took a sheet of Whatman paper and colored pencils. I had a feeling that now I would get a good drawing. I began to draw the first thing that came to mind: a pond, trees, a church with a golden dome, birds in the sky, an airplane, a store with girls on the steps, and even a dog. On the dog, the pencil broke, and I, taking advantage of the forced break, looked critically at the drawing. I immediately realized that it was a terrible mess of objects, people, birds and animals. But I wasn't upset.

And I felt even more acutely how wonderful real artists are who paint in such a way that the picture comes out better real life. This whole wonderful day passed for me under the golden sign of autumn. It seems to me that it was from that moment that I fell in love with the world of art: poetry, painting, music. And not only the world of art, but also the world of quiet good people with clear eyes and sad smiles. It seems that they alone can create paintings like Levitan’s “Golden Autumn” and write poetry like Boris Pasternak:

October is silvery-walnut, the shine of frost is pewter. Autumn Twilight by Chekhov, Tchaikovsky and Levitan. This stanza from Pasternak’s poem “Winter is Coming” seems to tell us: “Put things aside, go admire the fall, listen to its music. There's still time. Take a look at all this, and your life will become more joyful..."

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Essay on the topic Forest in autumn (Autumn forest)

Sunday walk in the forest in autumn (essay)

Autumn is a wonderful and very amazing time of year! There are trees around with yellowed and half-fallen leaves, and under your feet lies a huge carpet, full of a crazy variety of all bright and rich shades. And it’s even better if such wonderful landscapes are accompanied by the autumn sun, which no longer burns like in summer, but only slightly caresses and warms.

In such weather it would be unforgivable to sit at home; the best thing to do would be to take a walk. And the best day for a walk will be Sunday. A day off when you don’t need to rush or rush anywhere, but can take a measured and sedate walk through the autumn forest.

Such a walk evokes romantic images and is suitable for both a child and an old man. It would be best to take a walk alone to think about life, reflect on your worldview and admire the beauty of nature falling asleep for the winter. It’s still warm, there’s no cold or frost, but a slight chill has already forced people to put on jackets and scarves. The walk will be very captivating and will be remembered for a long time. The sky may not be overcast, but delight with its blueness and small clouds. Migratory birds are already flying south in their schools.

What deep thoughts about life are evoked by autumn nature, painted in different colors. There are so many divine shades here! There is yellow, and orange, and red, and even remnants of green. And all this abundance of flowers, a riot of colors surrounds us on all sides. It’s these cozy walks in silence and solitude that will help you relieve stress, focus on something important to yourself, and take a break from the hustle and bustle. big city and be alone with yourself.

Sunday walks in the forest, of course, can be carried out at any other time of the year, but autumn gives them a special charm and splendor, because autumn is the sunset of nature, which follows before its long winter sleep.

Essay Forest in autumn.

The forest is especially beautiful in autumn. For some reason, many people think that the most colorful time of the year is summer. They are completely wrong. Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. It is in the forest that you can see many colors that you will never see in the summer. Even the smell of the autumn forest is completely different.

When you walk along the paths, you will never get lost. Walking deep into the forest, you may accidentally wander into a clearing and discover a sweet surprise. Many berries grow in the forest, and they are a thousand times tastier than other berries. When you approach the clearing you can already feel their sweet aroma. In the forest you feel special, even the air you breathe seems so heavy at first, all this happens because people are used to breathing dirty air.

The autumn forest will also help creative people find your inspiration, you just have to walk into it, lie down on the ground and look up. Various colors will flash before your eyes: red, orange, yellow, green. Such colors can warm the soul of even the most sad man on the ground, give strength and free your head from unnecessary thoughts. When everything in the head gets rid of unnecessary thoughts, a person will be able to calmly reflect on his ideas; it is at such moments that they come and turn out to be correct.

There is still something bewitching in the autumn forest, something that can make you come to it again and again. It seems to me that people go there to just be themselves, because the forest will accept you as you are and you don’t need to put on masks in front of the trees, with whom you can talk like friends.

Essay reasoning Forest in autumn

On one of the rainy days autumn days when I'm bored with social networks and computer games, I decided to take a walk in the forest. Fortunately, there were plenty of forests in the Moscow region, and one of them was located a few kilometers from my house.

After my grandmother equipped me with a lot of things that were unnecessary, in my opinion, I finally left the house. I hadn’t even walked halfway when it began to drizzle. The last rays of the sun hid behind the clouds and it became completely dreary.

When I reached the right place, the world seemed to change. The forest began to sparkle with different colors. Green gave way to colors ranging from gold to ruby. The trees began to look like the work of a jeweler, each one unique and irresistible. Walking further along the path, I saw mushrooms hiding under fallen leaves. I carefully cut a few of them with a folding knife and put them in a bag. Suddenly something ran along my legs.

Lowering my head, I saw a small hedgehog. Maybe? hunger forced him to approach the man. I took out the cutlet and lowered it to the floor. The hedgehog grabbed the cutlet with his teeth and disappeared behind the trees. After wandering along the path a little more, I headed towards the house.

Returning home, I made tea, sat down at the table and hastened to write down everything that happened on one rainy day. spring days

6th grade, 5th and 4th grade, 3rd grade. Forest in autumn description, 10-12 sentences

Essay on the topic Autumn forest

The forest is beautiful at all times of the year! But trees can boast of special charm in the fall.

Bright multi-colored leaves make the most seemingly familiar trees and shrubs from childhood unrecognizable and unusual. The leaves of the beautiful white birch tree turn yellow. The giant maple tree turns its robe into a red cloak. Try not to pay attention to such a handsome man! The oak tree becomes covered with brown leaves and looks like an ancient elder. Elm combines the beauty of all trees. Its leaves shimmer in all colors: yellow, red and brown. Well, isn't this a miracle!

Coming out to the edge of the forest, the eyes themselves find a delightful sight - mountain ash! The leaves of these thin trees are red in autumn, and the berries are even brighter. They burn like fire, but do not burn. And only the fir trees and pine trees do not change either in winter or in summer. Proud impatiens stand in their green robe and scare away uninvited guests with their prickly needles.

The autumn forest is very generous to those who like to leisurely walk through it and carefully look around and at their feet. Each tree is ready to give you a special gift. Look under a birch tree, you will find boletus, under an aspen tree - boletus. Don’t be lazy to walk through a young pine planting, and the boletus will ask to be put in your wallet.

But the autumn forest will share more than just mushrooms with you. There are many treasures to be found in it! If you look into the hazel grove, you will stock up on tasty and healthy nuts for the winter. Rowan and viburnum berries will not be superfluous in your home medicine cabinet. Many herbs will become tasty and fragrant tea for you.

Oh, how great it is to go on a family hike in the forest! Fresh air and silence will fill you and cleanse you of problems and worries. The forest will seem a little empty compared to summer time. You can’t hear the endless chirping of birds in the forest, you can’t hear the huge abundance of insects that scurried under your feet in the summer, you can’t smell the aroma of flowering herbs. The forest is preparing for winter, and that’s why he put on his best outfit to be remembered by us for a long time.

It is not in vain that poets sing of the beauty of the autumn forest, artists paint pictures and composers compose music. Only the most indifferent person can pass by such beauty given to us by Mother Nature.

Other writings:

Forest in autumn (Autumn forest)

Several interesting essays


Description essay “How beautiful is the autumn birch tree”

Option 1

With the arrival of autumn, the birch tree becomes even more beautiful and elegant. Just as slender, with a white slender trunk, now she, like a real fashionista, dresses in new golden-yellow clothes. Its thin and flexible branches sway in gusts of cool wind, rustling slightly dry carved leaves. On their smooth surface, the rays of the dim autumn sun sparkle with soft light. When birch leaves are just beginning to turn yellow, their core and veins retain their bright green, and then, gradually, autumn turns them entirely golden. But not all birch leaves acquire the same color - among them there are brown, brown, reddish, and even emerald green leaves that do not give up in autumn.

The grass at the roots of the tree gradually dries out and becomes covered with fallen leaves. At some point, the caps of boletus and porcini mushrooms poke through it, and the birch no longer looks sad, since it now has friends. Against the background of a clear blue sky, the graceful silhouette of a birch tree resembles the figure of a slender girl with a shock of golden hair.

And when beautiful birch trees gather in company, they create a truly magical corner of nature. Birch Grove in autumn it is a surprisingly bright and sunny place, where even the air seems more transparent than in other places. You stand among the white birch trunks, and around you there is an autumn variety of delicate leaves,

you raise your head, and there is the deep blue of the sky. And this such ordinary and such incredible beauty is simply breathtaking!

Option 2 Essay “Autumn Birch”

Birch is a tree of endless inspiration for poets and artists; its beauty leaves no one indifferent. What is so special about it that sets it apart from the variety of other beautiful trees and makes it sing in songs and captured in paintings?

Birch is not as powerful and mighty as oak or beech, not evergreen like pine or spruce, its leaves are not like the “stars” of maples and chestnuts, and does not stretch into the sky like poplars. However, birch has a special fragile, delicate and graceful beauty that makes people’s hearts tremble. Its smoothly curved trunk, white bark with black spots, thin flexible branches, lacy leaves... Especially beautiful birch becomes with the onset of autumn.

Autumn is an artist at heart, and her favorite palette is sunny. Birch leaves generously get warm yellow color and golden shades from it. The golden branches of the autumn birch look like hair falling to the ground. And even when the foliage falls off, the graceful figure and arched branches will preserve that delicate beauty of the birch tree that sinks into people’s souls. Birds will rest on high branches. Slender and defenseless, she will sleep until spring under a heavy cover of snow.

And while autumn is still in full swing, golden-haired birches are whispering about something in the forests and parks, catching the wind and sunbeams with their flexible branches, and dropping dry carved leaves onto the cooling ground. People admired by their beauty will try to preserve it in paintings and photographs in order to warm themselves with its golden warmth during the approaching winter frosts.


Description of autumn - Essays

Description of autumn

3.5 (70%) 2 votes

Early autumn is a wonderful golden time. If you look at the forest from a bird's eye view, it seems that the artist spilled yellow and red paints on the paper. And then I painted green fir trees and pine trees. Autumn in the city means falling leaves, under which you just want to dance. The leaves slowly spin in a waltz and, rustling, cover the cooling ground. But soon autumn will reveal the trees, and they will become gray and sad, and it will drizzle. Suddenly a cloud began to cry and washed the ground with fine cold rain. This is the first autumn rain. He wet trees, streets, houses and ran away from the scene to do his “wet business” in another place. The wind flew by and picked a bunch of wet yellow leaves for its collection. Through the window we can see our gray yard, which is getting wet in the rain. Occasionally people in gray raincoats run by. And everything around is gray and sad. But let's not think about it. After all, it was early autumn, beautiful in its own way. This means there will still be a snow-white winter, a ringing spring and warm summer.

A multi-colored alley, unique in its beauty, opened up in front of me. It shimmers with colors from dark green to orange and crimson red. Now it is filled with life: the trees rustle their crowns, slowly and playfully dropping their colorful leaves. And above all this beauty there is a blue sky with white curly clouds. Underfoot is a fluffy carpet of leaves of unprecedented beauty. I just want to grab my hands full of leaves and throw them to the sky. Some time will pass and the alley will be empty. The trees will shyly stand naked in the hope of a snow-white robe soon. The sky won't be blue and beautiful either. It will age and become gray and gloomy. And it will rejoice in the rare bright but cold rays of the sun. And suddenly a prickly north wind blows and brings in a large gray cloud. No one will be angry, because the cloud will give the trees new clothes, the earth a warm duvet, and people - real winter. You can't help but love autumn!

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Description essay “Autumn”. Description of autumn | Create in the wild with those

Autumn. Multi-colored, varied. At first it is lush, golden and sunny, and then sad, rainy, cold. It's beautiful in autumn. The foliage of the trees constantly changes color, and then completely falls to the ground, covering it with a rustling carpet.

In the middle of autumn there is a magical island of warmth and sunny weather called Indian summer. Its special decoration is a silvery fine lace of cobwebs, sparkling in every corner.

Variegated autumn flowers are blooming everywhere - asters, geogynes, chrysanthemums. After the rain there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Berries are ripening on the bushes. It’s also harvest time in the gardens – apples, pears, nuts, and grapes are ripe. It's so great to pluck a poured sweet apple right from the branch! It is sweet and fragrant, very tasty.

Autumn is often bad weather. The sky is hidden behind thick clouds, it's raining- sometimes small, annoyingly drizzling, sometimes strong, cold, which can go on without stopping all day, or even several days in a row.

The riot of colors gives way to transparency and grayness at the end of autumn. Only the clear blue sky does not lose its brightness. They harvest in fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens. Then dry leaves are removed from yards and streets. The trees stand bare, it often blows strong wind, it's raining. It's getting colder. People are increasingly rushing to hide in houses and apartments. With farewell cries, the birds fly away to warmer lands. It feels like winter is coming soon.

Essay describing autumn
(option 2)

One morning you go outside and feel especially cool. Here it is autumn. Although the sun is still shining brightly, it is no longer baking like summer. And the wind sways the trees somehow differently. And the sky changed - as if it had become closer. sunlight softened, turned yellow, it no longer blinds the eye.

But the autumn outfits of nature are pleasing to the eye - yellow, crimson, golden foliage of trees and bushes, variegated flowers, soft straw-like dry grass. Here are bright, bright red rose hips, bunches of rowan, bunches of grapes completely strewn with sweet berries, rosy apples and golden pears in the gardens, funny mushroom umbrellas under the trees in the forest...

And the air changed. Now it is filled with new autumn aromas - the smell of dry grass, fallen leaves, dampness, ripe apples, autumn flowers, grapes. The forest smells of pine needles and mushrooms. The air seemed to become cleaner - the smell of hot asphalt had disappeared and the dust had settled after the rain. Feels fresh and cool.

Autumn has a special sound. The wind rustles, the rain rings, the fallen leaves rustle. You can no longer hear the summer songs of crickets, but bees and wasps are still buzzing, feasting on ripe pears and grapes. The serene summer chirping of birds gave way to alarming cries. Soon the birds will flock in large flocks to places where it is warm even in winter.

Autumn is a beautiful, changeable and fun time.

It’s still very warm, but already sad from the smell of the past summer, multi-layered, spicy and sour. Trees are shedding leaves that have been scorched over the summer. It seems that the trunks are darkening, they are tired and want to sleep. Restless small spiders weave webs with incredible speed, and you, without seeing, break their traps. For some reason the birds are especially joyful. Some are getting ready to go on the road, others, having eaten well over the summer, are preparing for winter, and the young broods are unusually active, fluttering and fighting. They do not yet know what winter is and do not expect intrigues from it.

On the slopes, in the tall grass, lizards rush rapidly. Only the rustling and swaying of the grass betrays their presence. Bees are still flying. There are few of them, but their flight is difficult and blissful. A lonely butterfly sways on a heavy burdock flower. She can sit with her wings folded for so long that it seems she will never fly again.

And the sky is piercingly blue, high, with the sun going up. This festive autumn watercolor will not last long, then the colors will change to cooler tones, swell and become gloomy. In the meantime, it’s warm, light, everything is surviving, in a hurry, and it’s sad that you can’t take the warmth into the winter.

The maples dressed in scarlet. They stand, thoughtful, at the edge of the forest, as if they are sad that October has come. Sometimes they quietly drop their carved leaves. A sudden gust of wind mercilessly tears away the autumn beauty from the sad maples. How tender the golden birches look among the green pines. They lowered their branches and are sad that the cold will soon come. Yellow-green oaks stand looking like huge giants, with their branches spread out.

High in the sky, cranes are crowing loudly. They gather in flocks and fly south. Somewhere in the heights wild geese call to each other. It becomes very cold in their native land, and they are forced to fly to where it is warm. Only sparrows fly around and chirp loudly, because they have nowhere to hurry.

It so happened that autumn became my favorite time of year thanks to the famous painting by the artist Levitan. One autumn, our teacher brought a reproduction of his painting “Golden Autumn” to a literature lesson, and we had a general discussion of this masterpiece. After the discussion, the whole class went on an excursion to Vorontsovsky Park, which is very similar to a real forest. The gold of the foliage and the blue of the pond, in which the white cold clouds were reflected, were reunited in my imagination with the painting of the great artist, and I fell in love with autumn forever.

The teacher and I walked through the October Park. The leaves rustled underfoot, and flocks of wild ducks flew over the pond every now and then. They seemed to be preparing to fly to distant lands and gathered in flocks. Of course, ducks from Moscow have not flown anywhere for a long time, because the microclimate of the huge city helps them winter well in their homeland. But I want to believe that they will still fly to southern countries for the winter and return to their homeland in the spring. It's better, more poetic. There is some beauty of life and harmony of nature in this.

Autumn helped me understand the feeling of a creative person. Perhaps the beauty of nature is the moment that awakens inspiration in their hearts. Fascinated by the music of nature, they take up their brushes, write poetry, compose music...

I came home from school, but the feeling of some kind of uplift in my soul did not leave me. I wanted to somehow express my feelings. They overwhelmed me and rushed out. I sat by the window. Outside the window, as if in a giant aquarium, passers-by and cars floated. On the opposite side of the street, a gaggle of girls stood on the steps of a store, squinting in the sun, the girls smiled at passersby. So they noticed me in the window. One waved her hand at me friendly, as if warming up my romantic mood. I moved away from the window, took a sheet of Whatman paper and colored pencils. I had a feeling that now I would get a good drawing. I began to draw the first thing that came to mind: a pond, trees, a church with a golden dome, birds in the sky, an airplane, a store with girls on the steps, and even a dog. On the dog, the pencil broke, and I, taking advantage of the forced break, looked critically at the drawing. I immediately realized that it was a terrible mess of objects, people, birds and animals. But I wasn't upset.

And I felt even more acutely how wonderful real artists are, who paint in such a way that the picture comes out better than real life. This whole wonderful day passed for me under the golden sign of autumn. It seems to me that it was from that moment that I fell in love with the world of art: poetry, painting, music. And not only the world of art, but also the world of quiet, kind people with clear eyes and sad smiles. It seems that they alone can create paintings like Levitan’s “Golden Autumn” and write poetry like Boris Pasternak:

October is silvery-walnut, the shine of frost is pewter. Autumn Twilight by Chekhov, Tchaikovsky and Levitan. This stanza from Pasternak’s poem “Winter is Coming” seems to tell us: “Put things aside, go admire the fall, listen to its music. There's still time. Take a look at all this, and your life will become more joyful..."

September-Khmuren. The weather begins to gloomy, which is why the month has such a name - Khmuren. Autumn is slowly approaching. There will still be many sunny days, but at times it will rain. The tops of the trees are covered with a light gilding, yellowed leaves fall and the glorious time of warm days begins - Indian summer.

September: first colors

Description of the nature of autumn (I - II week)
Somehow Princess Autumn approached quietly and stealthily. This is not to say that she was not expected. After a long season of growth, by the arrival of autumn, nature was out of breath. The plants are tired of climbing up, the grass has dried up and turned yellow over the summer from the scorching rays of the sun, the trees are rustling with their drooping leaves, and the whole living world has tiredly fled to their places. Birds in flocks cluster higher and higher towards the sky, seeing off the soft rays of the passing warm days. Tired nature in the fall tends to sleep, but we still have to prepare well for rest. Cool rains, cold winds and the long, tedious time of winter are not over the horizon.

September is a transition period from summer warmth to autumn coolness. The temperature does not drop sharply, but gradually. The nights become cool, sunny, temperate days give way to rainy ones with glimpses of the sun. Sometimes in the absence of the sun it blows cold wind, but weather changes from warm to cold days are not sharp, so the average daily temperature in the early autumn period is +11 ° C.

Autumn embraced nature, slowly picking up canvas and brushes to begin painting the drooping vegetation in variegated colors with the trepidation of an artist. Never does nature look as delightful and touching as nature does in autumn. September begins to paint the forest, first leaving the gilding on the tops of the trees, and adding shades to the bushes, painting the autumn nature in bright colors. Then October will cover all the trees with gold, the wonderful time of golden autumn, and November will remove the colors behind them and erase all the painting.

And yet, the earth still has something to feed and delight us with. Dry branches can be pampered with late black berries, blackberries. If you go deeper into the autumn forest and search, you can find whole bunches of lingonberries. Haven't bloomed yet medicinal herbs. The chamomile is in bloom, the cornflowers and celandine have not yet wilted. And a knowledgeable herbalist can look for medicinal roots, all sorts of herbs for tea leaves and tart ripe berries for jam.

September in the folk calendar

"Ivan the Flight came, but stole the red summer"

The days are still warm, sometimes it will be rainy, the winds are not so cold, and it seems that summer will not go away. But the days are getting shorter and the sun is shining less hot. What descriptions of autumn have not been given by the people. Autumn nature is reflected in both poetry and signs. On the first days of September we looked at what the winter would be like. The first frosts do not take long to appear and appear from September 5th - “Luppovsky” frosts. And if you look into the sky and see a flock of cranes flying away, then this is a sign - winter will come early.

It's time to mow the oats exactly on September 8 - Natalya-Ovsyanitsa, together with Peter-Paul-Rowanberry. Rowan branches should be broken off and hung under the roof, and some should be left for winter birds. On September 11, Ivan Lent comes, as he was called - the godfather of autumn, they also called him Ivan the Flyer - and takes the warmth with him. From that day on, Ivan chases flocks of birds overseas to seek warmth. By the way, the cranes fly away within a couple of days. So to speak, September 13 is the official day of departure of the cranes. And the first cool days will not last long, because a gentle time is ahead - Indian summer.

Autumn in Russian poetry

Great Russian poets sincerely admired autumn, came up with various images for it, and tried to highlight it against the background of other seasons. Nature in autumn, first of all, conveys general mood person and the environment: most often it is sadness, some memories, comprehension of the essence. But it cannot be said unequivocally that autumn in Russian poetry is only a sad time, by no means.

Autumn is imbued with tenderness, sophistication and, in a sense, wisdom. Russian poets praised this time of year and saw a certain zest in it. A striking example- Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...”. The emphasis here is on how special this time of year is, that it is a “wonderful time”, that the evenings are “radiant” here.

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

The greatest poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also paid great attention to autumn. It may seem to some that the description of autumn in Pushkin’s poems has a rather pessimistic connotation, and as proof they cite the poem “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”, where the poet wrote that it is a “boring time.” But let's take a look at other poems by Alexander Sergeevich, in which the image of this time of year is completely different. For example, the poet once admitted to his reader: “...Of the annual times, I am glad only for her,” he even compared autumn with an unloved child in the family, to whom he is strongly attracted.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often.
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

September: Indian summer

Description autumn nature September (III - IV week)
Nature in the fall on the eve of October has not yet acquired an elegantly variegated hue, it is not immediately noticeable, but there are more gilded tops and in some places red shades are increasingly appearing in the foliage. The first rains have passed and the time has come for the short return of summer - Indian summer. Warm autumn days will most likely continue until the first days of October. Summer will stay a little longer, delight you with its former warmth, and then leave.

On the 20th of September, warm, almost summer weather with moderate sun sets in. The leaves of trees and shrubs change color to yellow and yellow-red and begin to noticeably fall off by the end of the month. Most often this happens at night, when the air temperature is low, and also when exposed to stronger but still warm daytime winds.

With almost summer warmth, September pleases with sweet apples. Antonovka crumbled, the gardens were filled with a fragrant, ripe aroma. Autumn apples are crunchy, sour and bitter, but some are as simply sweet as honey. It would be nice to collect more apples and save them for the whole winter. For better preservation of the apples, it is better not to be too lazy to wrap each one in paper, then the taste will not go away. And after the apples, the final touch of natural kindness and outgoing warmth will be the sprawling flower gardens. Asters, dahlias, hydrangeas - these are the flowers that change the mood of September from variegated tones to bright and golden ones in October.

The second half of September in the folk calendar

"The bird flies away to the warmth, autumn is heading towards winter"

And now comes the first day of autumn - September 14th. The day on which autumn was celebrated was not accidental. On this day, according to the old calendar - September 1, together with autumn, we celebrated New Year. Semyon the Summer Conductor spent the summer, and the peasant finished all his work. By winter, food, packing, the hut are ready, it’s time to relax and have fun from the heart. Decorated girls in bright dresses sang songs and buried the flies they caught in the ground, thereby saying goodbye to the summer, and the boys looked after them and chose a companion for themselves.

On Semyon-Letoprovedts the weather sets warm days, then summer will change its mind and return. The days are clear, the sun is velvety, gently warms, but as soon as you go behind the cloud, a cool breeze blows from out of nowhere. Here are the Mikhailovsky matinees - on September 19th they bring cool air in the mornings. The grass is covered with dew, wet and cold. The sun does not rise high, and it does not pamper you with warmth as in summer, and on September 21 they begin to welcome autumn for the second time. Autumn begins. You still have to work, you need to remove the onions, and quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to make it by the 24th day of autumn - Fedora is ending summer.

On Fedora, the Indian summer may end, inclement weather may set in, but you can also extend the pleasure of bright days a little longer, but not as warm as recently. And now the ground begins to freeze - September 26 - Corniglia. And now the third meeting of autumn falls on Vozdvizhenye. Cold displaces heat. Somewhere far away, a bear lies down in a den, and it’s quiet in the forest, the birds fly away, and the remaining living creatures hibernate, except for those animals that spend the winter in the forest, they just change their clothes to warmer ones. The flight of the goose is September 28, women are pulling turnips, removing the tops, trimming the roots, men are shearing sheep, there is time to felt warm boots for the winter, there is still a lot of preparation to be done to meet the cold days. Colorful October arrives and leaves the warmth in September.

Autumn in Russian painting

When is nature at its most beautiful? Many people, especially artists, believe: autumn. It’s not for nothing that autumn is also called an artist - it very quickly and brightly repaints the grass and leaves, choosing the most impressive colors and tones from one palette. In one of the songs, the poet Bulat Okudzhava wrote: “Painters, dip your brushes...so that your brushes are like leaves, like leaves by November.” These lines evoke the views of forests and plains in that autumn season, which we call golden. And the most expressive and memorable paintings by Russian landscape artists on the theme of autumn also come to mind.

Just as the description of nature in autumn in poetry is varied, filled with many different moods, so the autumn landscapes of Levitan, Polenov, Vasiliev, Savrasov, Krymov, Kustodiev contain joy, sadness, romantic thoughtfulness, and despondency. This, of course, depends on what period of autumn the artist chose as the theme for his painting. If we talk about golden autumn, then in these works one can always feel the painter’s delight at the possibilities of autumn to paint nature in different colors.

(Painting by I. I. Shishkin “Early Autumn”)

Even more cheerfulness shines through in the cheerful and bright painting by I. I. Shishkin “Early Autumn”. Although the alleys among the yellow trees are deserted, the bright colors only evoke a romantic mood. Autumn is diverse and changeable: everyone perceives it in their own way - we see this in Russian painting dedicated to autumn.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love nature's lush withering...

Alexander Pushkin

The climatic boundaries of autumn are outlined by the average daily temperature from +15 to 0 degrees. As a rule, these values ​​fall within 75 days, from August 25 to November 10. However, it is difficult to force nature into the rigid framework of the calendar and often these deadlines fluctuate.

Meteorological autumn is divided into the following subseasons:

Beginning of autumn

Cool mornings and thick fogs

Summer has passed

Autumn has arrived.

In the fields and groves

Empty and sad.

Alexey Pleshcheev

The beginning of autumn is characterized by the transition of the average daily temperature through +15 and a reduction in daylight hours to 14 hours. During this period, the frequency increases cloudy days, and although it no longer rains, the moisture that falls does not evaporate as quickly as in summer. Puddles can last much longer. Mornings become cool, night fogs become more frequent.

Everything freezes

We didn't notice the bug

And the winter frames were closed,

And he's alive, he's alive for now,

Buzzing in the window

Spreading my wings...

Agniya Barto

Nature subtly senses these changes and ends its active summer activities. Yellowness appears in the tree crowns, and the beetles become half-asleep.

Towards the middle of the month, due to increasing temperature contrasts between the cooling Arctic and the still warm south, cyclonic activity intensifies. The weather becomes more unstable, sometimes very warm, sometimes very cold. The change in weather is accompanied by heavy bad weather, with heavy rains and the wind. As a rule, bad weather is replaced by arctic cold snaps, threatening the first frosts.

Golden autumn

Returns of summer heat

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Fedor Tyutchev

After the first serious cold spells, a long lull and warming often occur, associated with the spread of the cores of the Azores anticyclone to the east. As a rule, during this period there is a large diurnal cycle temperatures: fresh at night, warm during the day, in the sun the air can easily warm up to +20. In this case, we say that Indian summer has arrived.

Multi-colored vernissage

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Ivan Bunin.

The next turning point of the season is the transition of the average daily temperature through +10. For a photosynthesis factory, this is a critical temperature. She slows down and stops her work. Chlorophyll disintegrates and ceases to mask with its green other pigments involved in photosynthesis. This is how crimson, gold and gray color appear. The different combinations of the three pigments create a color symphony.

deep autumn

Farewell to the Motherland

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

Konstantin Balmont

Each degree of temperature drop from +10 to +5, which lasts from the end of September to mid-October, is a criterion for departure certain type birds. Nature here has everything strictly regulated so as not to create a crowd in air traffic.

An important step in the period is when the average daily temperature reaches +8, when heating is turned on in houses.

Golden autumn ends on October 14 - on the holiday of Intercession. People have long noticed that the first snow falls on this day. In deep autumn, which lasts almost until the end of the month, night frosts become a regular occurrence, and during the day the temperature rarely exceeds +10.


Deserted Forest

Late fall. The rooks have flown away

The forest was exposed, the fields were empty.

Nikolay Nekrasov

There's already a golden leaf covering

Wet soil in the forest...

I boldly trample my foot

The beauty of the spring forest.

Apollo Maykov

A sign of this time is leaf fall. When the temperature passes through 0, the moisture contained in the cutting freezes and it breaks off. The leaf makes a quiet farewell flight...

It's a busy time for motorists to change their tires. Summer tires at temperatures below +5 lose their properties and do not provide proper grip. As snow events become more frequent, deep autumn resigns its powers.

snow powder

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

Alexander Pushkin

The average date for the formation of temporary snow cover is October 28, and it also opens the gates to the pre-winter. The weather becomes chilly and windy. Snow falls, lies a little, but still melts. The streets are getting slushy.

First winter

First snowstorms

The dug-up road sleeps.

Today she dreamed

Which is very, very little

All we have to do is wait for the gray winter...

Sergey Yesenin

Climatic autumn usually ends on November 10, when the average daily temperature steadily passes through 0. The first winter is the time of the first snowfalls and the first daytime “minuses”. Snow cover is becoming more and more stable and the long-term average falls on November 28th. However, in recent history there have been cases when it remained lying until spring from October 31st, and sometimes appeared only after the New Year.

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