Venus retrograde for zodiac signs. What is the general mood of the people? Less significant planets in retrograde

Venus governs beauty, love and finance. Since March 4, the planet begins to reverse movement, which means that it is these spheres that in one way or another are capable of overshadowing people's lives. But he who is forewarned is forearmed. Even with Venus retro, you can get the most out of knowing what to do and what to give up for a while. The planet will actively move backward from March 4 to April 12. In the periods from 2 to 4 March and from 12 to 17 April, it is stationary, that is, it stands still. Such stops are just as unfavorable as backward movement.

The influence of retro Venus on the beauty industry

Since the planet of beauty will be in the fiery, categorical sign of Aries, many representatives of the beautiful article will have an irresistible desire to change beyond recognition. And just this is impossible to do with Venus retrograde, so you will have to restrain yourself with all your might. plastic surgery, tattoos, piercings, haircuts and painting - all this will disappoint in the future, and possibly sadden.

It is recommended to engage in beauty in the second half of April. Until that time, it is pointless to change the image, to experiment with your appearance. They will either not bring results, or only harm. Since March 4, it is only recommended to maintain your beauty. For example, no one forbids making nourishing masks for the face, body and hair, cleansing the skin with gentle means, and going for massages.

It makes no sense to go on a diet in March and in the first half of April. Lost kilograms will return, taking with them "friends". But you can try to return external image which was several years ago. It will be useful to take courses that will help you properly monitor your appearance, maintain beauty and youth.

Effects of retro Venus on love relationships

Most of the time, Venus will be moving backwards through Aries, the sign of her exile. It means that main reason cooling feelings will become an emotional component. Many will have a desire to close for a while, to save themselves from participating in the life of the second half. Lack of care, attention, warmth will especially affect sensitive individuals who, in the coldness of a partner, can see betrayal, a desire to break off relations. That's why high-profile scandals, quarrels from scratch, jealousy is a common occurrence during Venus retro in Aries.

The main advice is not to rush to sort things out. The coldness, detachment of the second half is explained by the backward movement of the planet. As soon as Venus becomes direct, passion, adoration will return to the house again. Before blaming a partner for something, it is worth analyzing your actions. Perhaps we ourselves are not as sinless as we seem at first glance. In some cases, it is useful to step over pride and take steps towards reconciliation on your own. Retro Venus is not suitable for engagements, marriages. It is also pointless to part at this time, anyway, relations will improve soon.

Effects of retro Venus on finances

In the field of finance, from March 4, increased caution should be exercised. It is not recommended during this period to start work on new projects, register a business, invest money in something. At best, the result will be zero, at worst, negative. It is also not worth looking for new partners, because in the future they will not justify hopes or they will let you down at the most crucial moment.

It is recommended to limit yourself in purchases, especially expensive ones. Jewelry, artwork, furs, appliances, cars, real estate - all this is prohibited. The acquisition of luxury goods can disappoint, worsen the financial situation. There is a high probability of buying a marriage, a fake, a low-quality product.

At the same time, Venus retrograde is good for paying off debts. Closing loans will clear the financial channel. March and April are also suitable for renewing lost ties, returning to old partners. You should not refuse investments if there is a risk of losing money due to inflation.

All these recommendations are exactly the opposite relevant for people who have Venus retrograde in their natal chart. For them, the period from March 4 to April 12 is favorable in the field of love, finance and beauty. Such people can open a new business, marry and even change their image.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

Retrograde planets express themselves in different ways, depending on their nature and zodiac sign. Moving in the opposite direction, they give us time to think, reconsider our plans, return to the topics of the past. To understand exactly how their influence will affect you, you need to look at which house natal chart there is a retrograde loop, with which personal planets and points of the horoscope it forms aspects.

Mercury retrograde

There are three or four retro Mercury cycles each year, each lasting about three weeks. Among all the planets, this is the only one whose retrograde effect is felt by most people. Most often, communications suffer during periods of retro Mercury, because in astrology it is a messenger planet. Another common topic is problems with transport and means of communication (telephones, computers, etc.).

There are four periods of Mercury retrograde in 2017 (the first of them begins in 2016). The degrees of stationarity of the planet are given in parentheses:

As we can see, in 2017 Mercury makes loops of retrograde movement in the signs of the elements of Earth and Fire.

During these periods, be careful, evaluate what you say, write and to whom. There is a tendency - everything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. If the points of stationarity make an aspect to personal planets and significant points of your natal chart, it is better not to sign important documents on retro Mercury, do not make large purchases and do not go on trips, except for urgent ones.

However, Mercury in reverse motion has its advantages. This is a favorable period for returning to unfinished projects and correcting mistakes made in the past. There is something that was not clear or went wrong, see what and where you can improve.

Retrograde Venus

The planet of love and beauty, Venus begins a period of backward movement on March 5, 2017 at 13° Aries, going back to 26° Pisces, where it stops and on April 16, 2017 resumes its movement in a straight line.

When Venus moves back, you may find that the world takes on different colors, you notice beauty where you have not seen before. However, at this time, anxiety due to love and personal relationships is not ruled out. Some people will feel like there's not enough love, or what close person doesn't pay enough attention. Changes in relationships are possible, and they will not necessarily be pleasant. There are also positive manifestations of the Venus retro cycle - the old love that you considered already gone may return. There are chances that interrupted in the past love relationship or friendship will be renewed. If there are such plans, pay attention to the spring of 2017.

Retrograde Jupiter

The planet goes retrograde February 5, 2017 at 23° Libra. Jupiter's retrograde motion continues until June 9th, when it becomes stationary at 13° Libra, before moving into a forward motion.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn begins its retrograde journey on April 5, 2017 at 27° Sagittarius and remains retrograde until August 26, when it turns direct at 21° Sagittarius.

Retro Saturn can bring a feeling of heaviness, as if something burdensome is preventing you from turning around. You may feel that you are in control, as if you are controlled by some external force. Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius is a great time to reconsider your own philosophy of life, to rethink your relationship with those who, in one way or another, control your life. When Saturn moves back, he loses the ability to hold boundaries, which he does very well in the direct direction. Do not rush to agree to tempting offers, otherwise you may lose power over your life.

Another theme of this period is the attitude to work. You may come to the conclusion that you need to become more responsible and disciplined. Saturn always rewards those who work hard, so the time can be productive, both in terms of career development and finances. However, do not expect quick results, because Saturn does not like haste. Be patient, it may happen that you will return to the project again and again. This is the right time to evaluate your victories and failures, learn from your mistakes. When the planet resumes moving in a straight line, you will feel that you have become wiser.

Retrograde Uranus

The period of the reverse movement of Uranus begins on August 3, 2017 at 28° Aries and continues until January 2, 2018. At 24° Aries, the planet resumes direct movement.

Retrograde Uranus in Aries good time to reevaluate ideas and projects you are already working on. Although retro Uranus may bring unforeseen plot twists, they give a taste of life, the feeling of routine leaves and exhilarating adventures begin. You will discover how your personality and behavior have changed so much that others don't know what to expect from you. This probability increases significantly if in your natal chart personal planets and important points are located at 24 - 28 degrees of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

Retrograde Neptune

Neptune's retrograde cycle begins on June 14, 2017 at 14° Pisces and ends on November 23 at 11° Pisces.

During Neptune retrograde in Pisces, you may feel confused, as if you have to navigate your way through thick fog. On the other hand, at this time intuition is sharpened, dreams can be prophetic. Most of all, its influence will be reflected in the affairs of that house of the natal chart, where retro Neptune transits. His influence can also be seen in various dependencies and the desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another person.

In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of fantasy and illusion, but during the period of reverse movement, it can show us that not everything is so cloudless. It's time to reevaluate your ideals and take a closer look at the people around you. This is especially true if at 11 - 14 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) of your natal chart there are personal planets and important points.

Retrograde Pluto

The planet begins its reverse motion cycle on April 19, 2017 at 19 degrees Capricorn and continues until September 29. At 16° Capricorn, Pluto reverses and moves into a direct motion.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn draws attention to the structures and relationships that have power over you. Most likely, you will reconsider your habits regarding interaction with them. Pluto is the planet of transformation and sometimes brings up painful topics. It helps us to see our own shadow, i.e. realize true motivation and deep needs, although this is not always pleasant. Some will find themselves driven by a craving for power and money. Let the repressed emotions come to the surface, then you can heal on an existential level.

What is retrograde?

The retrograde of the planet means that from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it moves in the opposite direction, as if moving backwards. Venus goes retrograde every year and a half. Venus makes a loop in 2017 in Aries and Pisces. During the entire cycle of the reverse motion of Venus from March 5 to April 3 is in sign Aries, and for the period from 3 to 16 April looks at the sign Fish.

How does Venus retrograde affect?

Venus has the strongest influence on those whose planet is strongly manifested in natal chart, including for people signs Taurus and Libra because Venus is the ruling planet for these signs.

The main influence of retro Venus is directed to reveal the real value and dignity of people and things in your life. It is with these themes that the signs are associated Taurus(values, money) and Scales(relationship). In addition, since Venus makes a loop in Aries and Pisces, the period is important for representatives of these signs of the Zodiac.

It is known that Venus in astrology is considered the planet of love, which is why its influence affects love and relationships. Retro Venus accents themes loyalty and devotion in love, material and financial interests of the spouses, questions of values. During the period of retrograde, problems may arise that originate in the past.

This is not a time for active action, this is a time for reassessment, not direct action. If during this period in love appear friction or disagreement, this is a reminder that you need to pay attention to why you are together, what are your values ​​with a partner?

IN first half of April Venus squares Saturn in Sagittarius (April 8), which can be a very busy time. Probably the origin of unpleasant events, disappointments, obstacles in love and financial difficulties, issues of debts and loans can be serious.

What is the general mood of the people?

Many people will feel unloved, undervalued, there will be a feeling that they should receive more from the relationship. Maybe a loved one break their promises. Only after Venus passes in direct motion, you can take action if you see fit.

For example, if you come to the conclusion that rupture of relations, then it is better to do this when the Venus retrograde cycle ends - after April 16. It is important to understand that if problems arise in a relationship at the very beginning, then they will always remain in them, and over time they will only get worse. Check them out during Venus retrograde and determine what you can accept and tolerate and what you can't.

Is it possible to get acquainted during the period of retro Venus?

That is why you should not get to know each other and start a relationship during the Venus retro period, these relationships may not be long. Love and Relationships Started with Venus Retrograde spring 2017, can be contradictory. The reverse movement of the planet of love changes the usual point of view, often you are not able to see the obvious, something that would be easily noticed at another time.

This does not mean that retro Venus implies cheating, but distorted look on the relationship is present in one form or another, erroneous assumptions are quite likely. These assumptions may cause misjudgment and disappointment in the future, when you discover that the person of your dreams is not what you thought.

What is Venus Retro Period good for?

  • During this period, old friends may appear or lost love may return. Time from March 5 to April 16, 2017 good for rebuilding relationships that existed in the past and were torn apart. But only if there are serious intentions. If there are difficulties in an existing relationship, there will be opportunities for reconciliation.
  • Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces financial benefits those who know how to use them. Retrograde period is good for selling unnecessary things and stale goods, as well as real estate for which there is no buyer for a long time. At this time, many people make inappropriate purchases, so it is good to sell what cannot be sold at other times. It is quite possible that someone will see the inner beauty of a stale thing or feel that they cannot live without it.
  • Great time to buy antiques and any used goods. During the retrograde motion of Venus, many people manage to make good deals on things like this. It may be that you know the real value of the goods, but the seller does not.
  • Favorable time for renegotiations relating to finances, for example, a bank loan agreement. It is good to deal with legal issues that have a long origin.
  • The Venus retro period is favorable for changing beliefs and subconscious programs related to finances, partners and relationships.

Why is Venus retro NOT good for?

  • Venus retrograde period from March 5 to April 16, 2017 not suitable for marriage. Wait for the planet to go into direct motion so that the perspective marriage union were more expected. You can find out the most favorable period for a wedding by contacting an astrologer.
  • Venus is the ruler of the second house (the house of money and values), so she has a certain power in financial affairs. This is not the right time to invest and business start which is directly related to financial activities. In the future, it may turn out that the cost of a product or goods was overestimated or their value does not match the expected value. When the planet becomes direct, may occur damages due to financial actions taken during the retrograde motion of Venus. If you want to open your own business, then by contacting an astrologer you will choose the most favorable period for the business to be profitable and successful.
  • Venus retro time is not conducive to acquisition luxury goods. The item may be misjudged. For example, it may turn out that a thing that looked very attractive in a store will lose its charm in the future. Not recommended to buy real estate or a car, because these items will not serve you, you will have to spend a lot of additional finance on them.

Let retro Venus bring you only favorable events!

Ksenia Glebova.

One of the retrograde planets in 2017 is Jupiter, which will make many people philosophize, think about the most important things in life and pay attention to traditions. Foreign trips must be canceled, as they will not work. Studying in institutions will become tense, and gaining prestige in society is possible only with great efforts. You can correct the mistakes of the past and change your views on important aspects of life.

Saturn retrograde 2017: April 7-August 24

During retrograde Jupiter you should do the main work and analyze what has already been done over the past period. If you decide to learn a new profession or scientific field then the time is right for that. It is not worth taking on large-scale projects, but it is better to complete old cases.

Uranus retrograde in 2017: August 5-December 31

Uranus is one of the retrograde planets in 2017. It will limit the freedom of speech and action, as well as make it dependent on negative personalities. A good period for meetings with old friends, astrology and esoteric studies.

Neptune retrograde 2017: June 20-November 19

Retrograde Neptune will lead to the search for new discoveries in the spiritual realm. Faith in the best will intensify, and the experience gained in the past will help to look more optimistically into the future. Possible exacerbation of drug and alcohol addiction in weak individuals.

Pluto retrograde in 2017: April 24-September 25

Among the retrograde planets in 2017 is Pluto, so mass events and demonstrations must be canceled. It is recommended to isolate yourself from places where there are a lot of people. IN difficult situations you can turn to psychics for help. Spiritual practices must be used.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

The planet Mercury is also in retrograde in 2017. It helps to focus on communication, study and work with documents. You can plan trips and innovate. Mercury will go into retrograde three times in 2017:

At this time, it is necessary to avoid signing documents, signing contracts, profitable deals and travel to any distance. You need to be as careful as possible on the road! It is not recommended to start training, because new information will be poorly digested. But, especially stubborn and persistent individuals can achieve results in this area.

During the period of retrograde Mercury, any quarrels and conflicts should be excluded. Otherwise, they will drag on for a long time. It is advisable to carefully select words in communication so as not to offend a person. It will be especially difficult to experience this moment for those who are born in numbers that fall on the back of Mercury. To mitigate the situation in all spheres, this planet will help people who have Mercury in the same state in their birth chart (natal). They just need to become more patient in order to calmly get through this turbulent period.

The retrograde planet in 2017 Mercury is not as "harsh" as many people think. At this time, you can safely conclude deals, engage in promising work and buy a new car. But only the car should be an "old" brand. It's good to finish the book you started, scientific work and other literature.

Venus retrograde in 2017

Venus retrograde is quite rare (1 time in a year and a half), which is considered the planet of Beauty and Love. In 2017, its backward movement is observed:
- from March 4 to April 15.

During this period, feelings and relationships will “slow down”, as well as temporary alienation and misunderstanding.

It is not advisable to plan weddings and marriages during Venus retrograde. The wedding will be very expensive financially, and the marriage itself will not last long. Romantic relationships during this period will be short-lived and will bring a lot of disappointment.

If Venus was on the list of retrograde planets in 2017, then you should not radically change the external image. Eliminate cosmetic surgery, haircuts and hair coloring. All these procedures will bring grief and negative emotions. For large shopping is also an unfavorable time. During the retrograde Venus, many purchases will turn out to be of poor quality and “faceless”, but it is unlikely that they will be able to return them to the store.

The beautiful Venus has her own positive sides during retrograde. It is possible that past relationships with lovers (wives, husbands) will be renewed and become even more beautiful. Although, decide for yourself whether the “game of candles” is worth it? If you wait for the moment when Venus goes on a straight path, then the reunion with your beloved will be successful.

During the period of retrograde Venus, you can successfully complete needlework (knitting, sewing, embroidery), renovate the interior of the room and look for gifts for loved ones in the future.

Retrograde movement or movement back is not a real, but a path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs due to the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. If we don’t have to get used to the retrograde (R) of Mercury, it is retrograde 3-4 times a year for 20 days, then the retrograde of Mars is more a rare event, it is retrograde every 2 years, for 80 days. Social planets - Jupiter and Saturn and higher planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto go retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Below are all the retro periods of the planets in 2017, but in order to more accurately interpret them, you need to understand the specifics of retrograde periods and their phases.

When we interpret the transit of a retrograde planet, we are not only dealing with the retrograde phase itself, but we are considering the entire retro period, which is called the “retrograde loop”. Retrograde loops of planets are longer periods of time than the distance from point R to point D. They cover the entire segment of the Zodiac in degrees, in which the planet passes the retrograde path. The countdown of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when the direct planet enters the degree of the sign to which it will return in its extreme point retrograde to turn back to direct movement - D.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet slows down to stationarity (stop - SR), and slowly turning around, returns along the recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, stop again - (SD) and turn to the direct line (D) movement along a path already traveled twice.

Retrograde periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Therefore, with the retrograde of fast planets: Mercury, Mars and Venus, the beginning of fundamentally new business and projects designed for the future is not recommended, such an undertaking comes with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result that a person is counting on. At times like this change external conditions, laws, circumstances, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they have not yet been determined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not have all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. It is not safe to draw final conclusions and make decisions at such a time - the situation, circumstances will change, and decision may be erroneous.

During periods of retrograde, often long-overdue cases are launched, which for various reasons were postponed and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop, but occurs after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the most “safe” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation.Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls to look for ways to solve it - during retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that same plot (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to go into conjunction with the Sun. The conjunction of retrograde Mercury or Venus with the Sun is the "inferior conjunction" - HC. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - the time of awareness of ongoing events on the topic of the planet, their behavior, their mental and communication approaches(Mercury), or their emotional reactions, values ​​and attachments (Venus). If during this period there are repetitions of already former troubles, it is necessary to consider their cause, and at the point of "lower connection" the answer will come, the new way solutions to problems on the theme of the planet, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “bottom connection” to the return to directness (SD) - all forces must be directed to solving old cases, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro loop - from the beginning of directivity to the exit from the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas on Mercury or awareness of emotional preferences, values ​​​​and ways to achieve inner harmony, ethical principles on Venus. At this stage, you need to complete unresolved problems, relationships that need to end, as unresolved problems and imperfections will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the "upper conjunction" - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.

When the outer planets - Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to go into opposition with the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun - "consciousness, individuality" and the principle of the planet, at this time are divorced at the poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of the themes and situations of this cycle, the period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, the revision and definition of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planetary principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

On retro periods, repetition of the action can be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and remarried on Mercury retrograde. Since then, for 21 years they have been living in a strong marriage.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro-planet on the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. fast planets are in "subordination" to the slow ones. A personal planet can realize the tasks set by the parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. against the background of social conditions created by the loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., an opportunity is created for the event to be realized on a personal level.

It is important to observe during what exact transits of slow planets the aspect of a personal planet goes in a retro-loop to the natal chart. Look at which house of your natal chart Mercury or Mars retrograde is transiting. Is there a connection with the natal planet, ASC or MC? What aspects will the planets make while in the loop and what events will take place in your life? All this will help you to understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars more personally for you personally, and will be a good practical experience in studying transits and in mastering forecasting techniques.

● Below are the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2017. Dates and times indicate when a planet enters a retrograde loop, when it turns retrograde (SR), when it returns to direct motion (SD), and when it exits a retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are days of stop. The important aspects of the planets during the year are also given.

● GMT time. For Kyiv we add +2 in winter and +3 in summertime, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde periods of the planets in 2017

Mercury Retrograde Periods 2017

There are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury every year, and in 2017 there are 3-plus of them. The beginning of 2017 will be the end of the retrograde period of Mercury, which began on December 19, 2016. The planet will move backward from Capricorn to Sagittarius and on January 08 at 09:38 will move to a direct motion. There will be three more Mercury retrogrades during the following months of the year. Now more about the dates of the beginning of retrograde and the transition to directness, as well as the dates of entry and exit from retro loops (in the table, the designation R-loop).

April 20 at 5:38 pm Mercury retrograde returns to Aries
May 03, 2017 at 04:29 PM Mercury Goes Direct at 24°16" Aries - SD
May 21, 2017 exit of Mercury from the R-loop

August 13, 2017 at 01:56 Mercury retrograde at 11°38" Virgo - SR
September 05, 2017 at 11:24 Mercury direct at 28°25" Leo - SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2017:

Important aspects of Venus in 2017:

March 25 - retro-Venus in conjunction with the Sun -"bottom connection"

Mars won't be retrograde in 2017

next period retrograde Mars will be in 2018 from June 26, 2018 at 09°12" Aquarius until August 27, 2018 at 28°36" Capricorn.

Important aspects of Mars in 2017:

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