Midheaven (MC) in the natal chart. Aspects of the planets in the horoscope of partners

Ascendant- the most individual point of the entire horoscope. This is the point on the ecliptic that rises at the time of birth in the eastern part of the sky. Since the earth rotates, each point earth's surface passes the entire zodiac circle in a day, so that the ascendant is in each sign of the circle every day. Its position in a certain place depends on the time of birth. It symbolizes the "second of peace" at the moment of birth with all its planetary positions that determine life path, which is entered by the born.
For this reason, a person is only born under the sign of Taurus when his ascendant is not the Sun! - located in the sign of Taurus of the zodiac circle.
The firmament in daily rotation passes almost a whole degree every 4 minutes, but due to the inclination of the ecliptic, the ascent of the signs of the circle occurs in different ways. Distinguish quickly and slowly rising signs. Fast ascending signs include Capricorn to Gemini, slow ascending signs from Cancer to Sagittarius. In the northern hemisphere, slowly rising signs on the ascendant are more common than fast rising ones.
The value of the influence of the ascendant it will be easier to understand if we agree to consider that at this point all influence begins. The ascendant gives information about how a person as a whole reacts to all the stimuli of the outside world and how his continuous dispute with the influences of this world manifests itself. Surrounding man the world is endowed with certain properties, and with everything that happens in the world, a person has to reckon with it in the course of his life and adapt to one degree or another.
A person's attitude to the world around him can be either more active or passive, and sometimes he is in a position of rest. property to be in constant readiness to the reaction is determined exclusively by the ascendant: it affects more strongly than all the constellations, and determines the sum of all influences perceived by a person.
From the moment of his birth, a person is formed and changed under the influence of environment, and its physical, mental and spiritual functions are constantly changing. How these changes occur, as well as the effectiveness of the modes of adaptation, the overall amount of the ability to respond and, perhaps, sort out the impact, all this is determined by the ascendant point.
Not a single person on earth is born with a ready-made character. Only the various attitudes that can be developed are inherited and innate. Whether they actually develop depends on living conditions.
Let's illustrate this statement. Suppose a person goes to a gardener and buys a particular variety of rose bush from him. The gardener says that when the bush blooms, the flowers will be yellow. If we draw an analogy with a person, then we are talking about predetermination, that is, the sum of innate attitudes. Nothing can be changed here, and having bought a certain kind of rose, one must expect a certain development. The basis for development is, first of all, the sum of hereditary factors.
Here the bush gets from the gardener to the new owner, he plants it in his garden so that it grows and develops. Time and place now determines new owner bush, and now it depends on his experience and his knowledge of the conditions for the development of roses whether the new habitat is suitable for this plant or not.
We clearly understand that the plant cannot influence the moment of planting in a new place. Likewise, a person who was born in a certain place and at a certain time cannot take part in determining this moment. Being born, he comes into contact with a certain environment and in it - and only in it - he has to develop. It is this moment of birth, appearance in a new living environment, shows the ascendant and with it the horoscope built on its basis.
The rose from the example above can now evolve. If she is placed on good location, where it is light enough, not damp and not dry, it will grow and bloom well. According to its location, the bush will use for itself from the environment as much as it can give.

This example shows that three components matter in development:
The amount of hereditary installations.
The moment at which they are born with these hereditary attitudes.
The environment in which these attitudes develop over the course of life.
In astrological terminology, we can formulate this as follows:
Significance has an innate plasmatic predetermination (innate attitudes).
Determined by the ascendant, the sum of the possibilities of reaction to the world and life itself, dependent on the eternal variability of the aspects of the planets and other celestial influences, whereby great diversity arises.

Naturally, not all life events and influences have a noticeable impact. The human senses perceive all possible stimuli, but only partially consciously, while most of all information is not registered by either thoughts or feelings and leaves no trace. And yet, during life, a unity of the functions of the body, soul and spirit arises, which reacts in a quite definite and typical way to the environment and - from the point of view of astrology - is determined by the ascendant.
We could consider these provisions further, but this would lead too far, since again it turns out that only with the help of astrological practice can an accurate assessment of the ascendant be worked out. We speak in detail about the meaning of the ascendant in individual signs of the transdiacal circle within the framework of the zodiacal synthesis.
But first you need to deeply understand the meaning of the ascendant. To explain this concept to a non-astrologer is extremely difficult. The reason for this amazing fact that most people do not have the slightest idea of ​​what character actually is and how it is formed. From this ignorance flow the difficulties that arise everywhere in the education of young people. On the one hand, educators cannot or do not want to recognize the importance of hereditary or innate attitudes, on the other hand, they overestimate the influence of the environment. And this - and here follows a surprising conclusion - is conditioned politically.
There are political trends that consider it their main position that a person is formed solely as a result of his life in society, which is the most favorable social relations provide the most positive character development. Hereditary - innate - abilities supposedly do not play any role, and only the correct "social order" is able to guarantee a person's positive development and happiness.
On the other hand, experience proves that under the most favorable conditions for development, a good result is very often absent, since negative attitudes are dominant. Conversely, even in an absolutely bad environment, in the presence of strong and favorable attitudes, the development of an outstanding personality can occur.
In our time, astrology is not universally recognized, although it can indicate the possibilities of personal development and show how one can come through the development of character to success or failure. It can tell you which people are predisposed to success in life from birth, that is, they have an attitude to rise above others and succeed in life. In countries where the policy is that all citizens should be as similar as possible to each other (equalization), where everything is decided by the state, and where everyone, within the framework of social structure performs the functions prescribed by the state, it is impossible to reckon with the basics of astrology, including the predestination of the ascendant.
When calculating the influence of the sign of the zodiac circle, it is of decisive importance which decade the ascending degree belongs to. The first decade (from 0 to 10 degrees) is called cardinal, the second is constant, and the third is adaptive.
If the ascendant falls on the first decade, then we state the always overly accentuated properties of the sign. In the second decade, the properties appear moderately, in the third, their weakening is already noticeable. For example: 1st decade: "doubled" Virgo; 2nd decade: typical Virgo; 3rd decade: adaptable Virgo.

If a planet is located near the ascendant at a distance of 5 degrees before or after, then it overlaps or modifies the indications of the sign of the ascendant. In addition, aspects to it also affect the indicators of the ascendant.
The planet, the ruler of the ascendant, is the very “lucky star”. Which most people have no idea about. How exactly this will manifest itself in a person’s life will tell the position of the ruler in the sign, house and its aspects. All this either strengthens or weakens the ruler. All aspects of symbolic directions, secondary progressions, transits concerning the ascendant play an important role in a person's life.

Target Medium

The point on the ecliptic that reaches its highest position in the sky (that is, the upper culmination) in the daily rotation at the time of birth is called the middle of the sky by astrologers. In the classification of houses, these points mean highest point 10 at home.
When passing at 12 noon, the MC coincides with the position of the Sun. After the ascendant, this is the second most important point in the horoscope, and it is unlikely that two individuals will have the same position of the stars in relation to the position of the stars, although they were born in the same place and at the same time. The reason is that the MC changes within 4 minutes by one degree.
From the point of view of psychology, MC means "self-awareness". This refers to the consciousness of one's own "I" - the transition of the general consciousness into the individual consciousness of the personal "I". "I" (ego) is the mental center of the whole personality and, with certain reservations, can be considered as its highest layer and control instance. A person can express himself with the help of feelings, desires and aspirations, but all conscious actions are always controlled by "I".

Own "I" is tied to the development of the individual. In a child who still feels only th, satiety, pain, joy, we still cannot talk about the consciousness of his own "I". The child himself initially speaks of himself in the third person. In the first "stubborn age" (3-4 years) decisive transformations take place. Own "I", which until then only registered events, not realizing itself, becomes the subject of experience. At the same time, the symbolic unity of the child and the world is resolved: the first separation of the “I” from the “not I” takes place. By "I" - conscious aspirations, we must understand the aspirations directed by the "I" to achieve certain goals in life. For this reason, it is necessary to apply various settings and properties to help these aspirations.
Feelings of desire or unwillingness are necessary to give the individual an emotional driving force, the will must also take part in this, there must be a certain attitude towards other people.
The stronger the connection of the MC with other points of the horoscope, the stronger the individual stands out from total weight. A prerequisite for a correct interpretation here is correct definition and date of birth.
MC in separate sectors of the zodiacal circle (division into decades, as in the ascendant) is considered within the framework of astrological synthesis.
The MC gives fundamental ideas about the original purpose of a person, that is, about his vocation, which should not be confused with his profession, since this does not always coincide. The MC expresses the goal that everyone wants to fulfill in the world around him, his individual
aspiration for which he lives. In essence, the MC reflects a passionate desire for the fulfillment of which a person feels born.

You will fully strive to discover the purpose of your life. Your life will be an example for others and you will be remembered for a long time in generations. But you can carry evil. Politician or creative person. P.Globa

Sun conjunct MC - Learning how to lead a proper lifestyle is essential to the development of your personality. Career has a lot for you great importance, even if you do not work for income, you are engaged in voluntary charity or find some other way to express yourself in society. People will follow you as you dominate, so take care to become a worthy leader. Praises and success are very important to you, and with a sufficient number of squares and oppositions in this conjunction, you can achieve significant success in any field of activity. You know how to take responsibility, but you can hardly bear the role of a subordinate. Therefore, achieve the best results in independent work when you can distinguish yourself as an individual. It may be that a man will have a significant impact on your life, especially in your youth.

Trine (trine), sextile Sun - MC

The ability of the leader, glory in a career. Good for politics social activities communication with superiors. Professional success ensures the expansion of the domestic sphere, the basis of happiness in marriage. F. Sakoyan

Sun trine sextile MC - you easily assume the role of leader, and with the help of squares and oppositions acting along with this aspect, you can become an exceptional director, manager or administrator. Success in the office comes easily, and you rarely come into conflict with people in order to achieve your goals. Your parents are a beneficial influence on you and you have developed the awareness dignity, Congenital laziness can cause some difficulties. Since success is in your hands, it seems to you that there is no point in making any effort, and you can go along the line of least resistance.

Opposition, square Sun - MS

The will and potential of forces are attached to the home and family. They like to occupy important persons, since the influence of the sun must penetrate the whole Earth. They have to overcome many obstacles in order to fully show their personality. If the Sun in the IV house is not strongly affected, old age will be secure and happy. F. Sakoyan

Sun in frame-opposition-quickonce with MC - each of these aspects means that success often eludes you or you achieve it through great effort and considerable perseverance. Progress and self-affirmation are of great importance to you and you are trying to achieve this at any cost, but you will have to compromise. It is difficult for you to decide what you will do in life. Often there are conflicts with parents - you feel the need to do things your own way and not pay attention to benevolent help and advice. When you learn to control the subjective approach to life and overcome the feeling of internal limitation, you can achieve the desired goals.

So let's figure it out house values natal chart details.

I house or Ascendant of the natal chart

- "I myself." The main character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, attitudes relate to first home natal chart. This also includes events with active personal participation, events that greatly change lives, including those affecting changes physical body, change of attitudes.

This is a very important house. Ascendant And planets in 1st house often appear stronger than the sun sign, and at least outwardly these features are more noticeable. Sign at the top 1st house (ascendant) gives a style of perception that is most convenient for a person, for example, Gemini gives quick and mental perception, and Capricorn - serious and practical.

II house of the natal chart

- "my". Second house of the natal chart- this is all that I have, material living conditions, property, money, even a supply of vitality. Events are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, shopping.

However, the situation 2nd house this does not end there. Here, a person often has the next of kin, whom he loving heart considers it his full property and denies them a self-sufficient being, different from the plant, not to mention the freedom of will. This is especially typical for women in relation to their husbands and children (the Moon culminates in the 2nd house).

III house of the natal chart

- "my immediate environment." Third house of the natal chart- people equal or almost equal with whom I interact in Everyday life- brothers and sisters, colleagues (but not superiors and not subordinates), neighbors. Sources of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, conversations, gossip.

Events related to the listed people, as well as short trips, obtaining information, business contacts, vehicles. Important aspect 3rd house- this is learning, more precisely, socialized learning, i.e. with the help of a teacher or an equivalent figure.

IV house or IC of the natal chart

- my roots. fourth house- this is your own home, family, place of rest, nature, small homeland, parents. Usually one of the parents is represented in the map 4th house, the second - 10th. The parent of the 4th house is the one with whom the child is closer emotionally, spends more time, who takes care of him more in everyday life. Parent X at home is more authority and protection in society, in the outside world.

With the traditional distribution of roles in the family according to IV house the mother is more often represented, and by X the father. IV house can also denote a place of energy flow, calm. Including natural death as the end of a certain stage. Events of the fourth house: all changes in the house, family, its composition, moving.

V house of the natal chart

- "my art". Any free, spontaneous manifestations of a person. Games, theater, sports - if it's for pleasure, and not for a career or money. Passion, hobbies. Love. It is love as a feeling, not marriage and not sex. Although sex for pleasure is related to fifth house.

By 5th house children come as a result of human creativity and, of course, as its object, i.e. under the house is the actual upbringing of children (not necessarily their own; the 5th house is above the kindergarten? except for the nursery) and, of course, the 5th house is included not only in the raising parent, but also in the child being raised, since in childhood these are not just continuous joys and outrages , but also moments of reckoning for them.

VI house of the natal chart

- “my functioning”. Job, daily activities. A person serves society, receiving for this the means necessary for his life. These are also practical skills and abilities. They are acquired in the III house, and are used in sixth house natal chart.

Ability to work, both with hands and head, but concretely. The functioning of the body and disease as its violation. Subordinates and servants. Events: work, its change, illness, treatment, relationships with subordinates.

VII house or Descendant of the natal chart

- "my partner". People who are my peers, with whom I have personal one-on-one relationships. These are no longer the current everyday relationships of the III house, but longer, more important and significant relationships. It can be business relationship(contracts) or love, personal (including marriage). In relationships for seventh house there is always a contract, even if it is verbal.

7th house is also our outlet external world, popularity in society, among the people, dependence on him, interaction with him. Events of the 7th house: marriage, partnerships, contracts, agreements, termination of contracts and divorces, although the latter are also related to the 8th house, interaction with external factors, as well as the fight against open enemies and competitors, civil lawsuits.

VIII house of the natal chart

- “I cross the border”, “the energy of my partner (or opponent)”. 8th house natal chart- the house of extreme borderline states, including death. Violence, crime. Surgical operations, especially emergency ones. Performing risky or prohibited activities. Other meaning 8th house- partner's energy, energy exchange.

Other people's money, husband's (wife's) money, taxes, loans, insurance, banking. Someone else's property. Loss of one's money (property) or acquisition of someone else's. Loss of a partner (his death or divorce). Sex is like an exchange of energy between two partners. The first sexual experience is always in the 8th house, as this is an irreversible crossing of the “before” and “after” border.

Criminal offenses, criminal court - according to the VIII house. Events: death of one's own or someone in the environment, loss of money, property, partner. Someone else's money. Sex. Criminal proceedings. Risk. Crossing various boundaries, irreversible transition to a new state.

IX house of the natal chart

- "my aspiration to the distance." ninth house natal chart- the house of expanding horizons, higher education, long-distance travel, meeting people of other cultures. This also includes philosophy as general knowledge about the world, ideology, religion, teaching, distant relatives. Events: long journeys, higher education(admission, graduation), acquaintance with foreigners, with other cultures, philosophical systems.

X house or MC of the natal chart

- "my goal". Here comes the aspiration upward. This is a very important house. MS and planets V tenth house show what are the goals and calling of man, his destiny by the Cosmos. As well as the status he will achieve. The X house is followed by the second parent (see IV house).

Chiefs. The person himself in the role of the boss, will he be one, and if so, how and when. Achievements, titles, positions, awards. Attitude to the law, the state. Profession, selected by 10th house, it's a profession vocation. Events: professional changes; events related to the achievement of the goal or any change in the status of a person (position, marital status, etc.).

XI house of the natal chart

- "my friends". Collective creativity, communication with like-minded people, people of their circle of interests. Eleventh house natal chart means ideal plans, dreams and their implementation, as well as release from rigid formal structures. Events: interaction with friends, implementation of plans, collective affairs.

XII house of the natal chart

- "my imprisonment." Everything that is connected with deprivation, exile, imprisonment. Getting into prison, hospital, exile, monastery. Or loneliness, a feeling of abandonment, withdrawal from business, withdrawal into oneself. Often a person avoids showing himself in the area planets located in twelfth house unless she's right in front of Ascendant. In this case, it manifests itself, but as if from within, from the depths. Events that are not pleasant are listed above.
  As mentioned earlier, the signs, and accordingly the houses in which these signs are located, are ruled by the planets.

Houses symbolize circumstances.

Circumstances are neutral, and only the way they gain experience gives them flavor. Life gives us innumerable possibilities. The system of twelve houses gives only the basic rules of interpretation. Signs of the Zodiac in which certain houses are located increase the existing possibilities. Those in the houses planets place emphasis on way, which this person perceives a certain situation. Each person's impressions regarding this situation are very different, each experience is unique and unrepeatable.

At the time of birth, the sign rising on the eastern horizon indicates the Ascendant or the beginning of the first house. Thus, a system of dividing signs depending on the houses arises. The Ascendant can be in any of the 360 ​​degrees of the Zodiac. The sign on the Ascendant determines, day by day, how we begin each of our activities.

Depending on the place in the Zodiac, the Ascendant determines the place of other signs in the houses.

Thanks to the sign in which the house is located, the meaning of the house is enriched. Traditionally, each of the signs owns a certain house in accordance with the order of the Zodiac. Thus, the 1st house belongs to Aries, the 2nd to Taurus, etc. The position of the signs in the houses depends on the Ascendant. The sign, occupying this house, at the same time gives additional meaning to its symbolism.

Planets in a house signify specific experiences related to the circumstances it symbolizes. If Mars is in the 1st house, this means that it will exert its influence in the initial phase of each new venture. When the first house is occupied by Venus, it gives a friendly and gentle accent to the person.

The house where it is Sun, determines the circumstances in which we allow our personality to express itself more fully. The house where it is located Moon, means circumstances favorable to the development of our reflexive capabilities. The house where it is Mercury, symbolizes the circumstances in which we find topics for conversation. The house where it is located Venus, represents our favorite activities. House Mars means the circumstances in which we show the most energy, and the house where Jupiter, represents the circumstances in which our temperament is revealed. The house where it is located Saturn, indicates the areas of our greatest responsibility, and the house in which it is located Uranus, makes it possible to spiritually meet with people close to us. Position Neptune in houses indicates circumstances in which we are aware space measurements life. Position Pluto in homes determines the area of ​​our greatest development.

A person creates for himself such a situation in which he is the master of the situation, the central figure that attracts energy. The one who is born is capable of social sphere advancement into a situation far superior to his birth state. He is able to do brilliant career, acquire an honorary profession, gain power. He is promoted by the support of his superiors, life sends him people who influence fate. In the female horoscope, this position of the planet may indicate a strong influence of the father, or evolution through the support of the husband.

Moon in 10th house

Social position tends to remain subject to conditions or dependence. Status, position in the hierarchy are emotionally significant for a person. An emotional commitment to the social or spiritual realm can be observed. A person may strive to achieve high status for the safety of the family. We can talk about a woman occupying a high position in the structure, it can be a mother who, with her position in society, forces a person to fulfill his social duty, we can talk about the instability of a career, about her capricious, changeable character, about dependence promotions from women.

Mercury in 10th house

Provides a career with a tough intellect, an excellent politician (due to flexibility) and a speaker. Inclined to comprehend their place in the hierarchy. Place of work is used as a channel of information. Removes doubts and ambiguities through rules and instructions. Builds an algorithm and through it enters the structure, a way of intellectual work on the algorithm. Makes a logical prediction. Evaluation of superior people according to the principle: smarter - dumber than me. A person tends to plan life and work, adapt to changing circumstances and change what was planned in advance is difficult for him. There may be a specialist in the field of management systems, a sociologist, a creator of job descriptions.

Venus in 10th house

The social situation is closely related to feelings. Possible artistic career, success in entrepreneurship. Venus provides a positive social success factor. A person is supported by loved ones or those who express their favor to him. Of considerable importance for success is personal charm and attractiveness. Probably a strong emotional influence of the mother in the male horoscope and the father in the female.

Mars in 10th house

The social situation requires action, activity. A career in industry is possible, a profession may be associated with iron, fire, where energy costs, struggle are required. Social promotion requires considerable effort and excites rivalry, provokes enmity. The man is in the position he deserves. His success depends on his own initiative and will. Strong emotional influence (often negative) of the father in the female chart and the mother in the male.

Jupiter in 10th house

Helps to take a brilliant position, inspires ambition, expands the boundaries of power, raises prestige. A person is inclined to choose an administrative career, a liberal profession, to take a leadership position, a leading position. Honors, success, luck await him on the path of his career. A man can take his social status through support, patronage, recommendation of an influential person (relative). Social position is associated with the official, legal place of service. Success through a hierarchical path of development. Promotions are favorable at the age of 24, 36 and 48 years.

Saturn in 10th house

The social position of a person is determined by fate. Through difficult overcomings, he ensures a more or less high position in the structure, but inspires great ambitions. Temporary support is possible (for some time). The evolution of this person knows the reverse side of the medal, ups, downs, disgrace, when his development takes the road of honor and respect, especially if this development was too fast (proximity of the planet to the MC).

Saturn is favorable for receiving a responsible post. A native can achieve his social position through old people. Success comes to him through perseverance and caution, he can be expected by the age of 29-30 or by 58-59. It usually does not last long, after which the person comes to the need to retreat, to leave. If this desire is resisted, the fall can be fatal.

Uranus in 10th house

A career is associated with the latest modern professions, it is possible through personal accumulation of experience in this area or at the expense of the intellectual capital of society. A person is characterized by an original position in the structure, he is inherent in the spirit of reformism, innovation. Its evolution experiences leaps and bounds, ups and downs, while always remaining unreliable. A person receives his social situation unexpectedly, not without risk and audacity, in emergency conditions. Original concepts will succeed and save your career from unexpected disruption. The social position of a person can provoke scandalous situations. The decisive phase of development develops by the age of 42.

Neptune in 10th house

Intuitive movement in the structure, an indefinite intricate, mysterious way up, associated with semi-understandable, semi-spoken circumstances, often overlapping each other, the general atmosphere remains rather vague and unclear. Success is not accompanied by beaten paths, a person is looking for his own path, sometimes wandering into reprehensible areas. He receives his social position, thanks to the patronage of people unknown to him or anonymous, often finds himself in a difficult situation when he takes on someone else's responsibility. A career can take place in the chemical industry, psychology, speculation, often multiple, immunology, oceanology, hidden areas of society. At times, a person can find himself in a situation of chaos, where he alone of all intuitively finds a way out.

Pluto in 10th house

A career needs knowledge of the psychology of people, potential energy to manage them, it can be of a secret nature or develop a destructive direction, or generate ideas for radical reforms. Born tends to secret service, nuclear physics, forensic science, banking, tends to keep a low profile, play the role" gray cardinal"On the path of his development, he is forced to submit to profound changes. A person can reach his culminating position when society requires radical changes. A person will be successful in the legal field (as a prosecutor), in criticism and expert activities, sometimes through the game of secret patronages , where the patron with decisive influence will be in the shadows.

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