Health horoscope for the lioness. Lion in the year of the Rooster: a characteristic of a man and a woman in love and business relationships

2017 will be a mixed year for the Leo woman. Everything will depend only on you. Throughout the period will be accompanied by widespread chores in various areas of life.

The horoscope does not advise the Leo woman this year to accept any important life issues. If there is time, then you should wait, especially for the beginning of the year.

Dedicate your time to unresolved minor problems. You will occasionally be visited by thoughts of loneliness. Try to pull yourself together and not get depressed.

Long-distance trips, both business and leisure, will benefit. You will gain experience and make new friends. Be careful with paperwork. A minor mistake can cause a lot of trouble.

love horoscope

love horoscope for 2017, Leo predicts a lot of trouble. Constant jealous outbursts from a loved one will be annoying.

Try to take these situations calmly. In no case should you provoke, this can adversely affect your future relationship, up to a break. If you manage to survive the first half of the year calmly, then in the summer your relationship will become more romantic and calm.

The Leo woman needs to take the initiative: arrange a romantic dinner for her beloved, or a pleasant unexpected surprise. This will only benefit your relationship.

Family horoscope

The family for the representative of this Sign plays a big role in life, but due to your nature, you try not to show it. Do not close in yourself, show tenderness to your family, give them more time.

Take care of home improvement together. The Year of the Rooster is just for this very favorable. All your ideas will come true. You and your household will be satisfied with the result.

Financial horoscope

In financial terms, the horoscope for 2017 promises stability to Leo. No big spending and purchases are foreseen. But gifts of fate in the form of a monetary reward should not be expected.

Avoid unnecessary spending, do not succumb to useless seasonal sales. It is worth thinking carefully before buying something.

But the year of the Rooster - great time to pay off old debts. If there is no way to return, then at least try not to take it again. In short, the fiscal year will be even if you don't create problems for yourself.

Leo career

On the line of Career, a woman born under the sign of Leo, everything will turn out well. Praises will often be heard in your direction, colleagues will turn to you for help and, for their part, will not refuse.

Talking to your boss about a promotion wages will end well. By the end of the year there will be an opportunity to travel on a business trip. It will bring a lot of information and useful acquaintances. The main thing is not to overdo it at the beginning of the year, try to distribute your forces for all twelve months.

Health Horoscope

Leo woman in 2017 may be disturbed by chronic diseases. From the very beginning of the year, do not be lazy, take care of your health.

Fitness, gym or swimming pool will be very useful. Pay attention to your diet, in the diet should be more vegetables, fruits and cereals. Do not give up dairy products.

Skin and hair also require constant nutrition. In spring and autumn, be sure to make nourishing masks. And, most importantly, do not forget to walk and get enough sleep.

Monthly horoscope

Summing up, the year of the Rooster for a woman in the sign of Leo will be relatively successful.

Already with January It is worth pulling yourself together and making plans for the coming year.

IN february there will be an unexpected pleasant meeting.

March cause some health problems. Do not dismiss this, you may even have to go through all the doctors.

April it's a great time to take care of your beauty, go to the hairdresser, maybe you want to change your hairstyle.

May will pass in family chores, but they will be pleasant.

June July good time for vacation. Try to get some good rest during these months.

IN august a great time to take care of both your health and the health of your loved ones. Joint lesson sports will bring together and help improve health. Add more seasonal fruits and vegetables to your family's diet.

September is the perfect month to try something new.

October- a calm time for a Leo woman, try not to drive yourself into depression.

IN november a pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

December will bring quite a few pleasant surprises, including monetary ones.

2017 is a good period for such a zodiac sign as Leo. Whatever the Lions think, it will work out, as if by magic. The Year of the Rooster will be calm for them, so representatives of this sign can relax.

All the things started by the Lions will be successful, the authority will increase, the influence on friends and acquaintances will increase. But you always need to be on the alert! If Leo is too arrogant, then the Universe can take everything good. Modesty is the main trend for Leo this year.

Very important in the year of the Rooster is self-development and advanced training. You should sign up for seminars, trainings, courses to get a lot of useful information. Read new books, study interesting articles on the Internet, it's all for your benefit.

A change of scenery will be very necessary for Lviv, you can travel short and long distances. It is also important to meet and communicate with new people, to be interested in various issues, which will only bring a good result.

Career for Leo in the Year of the Rooster

The professional sphere of this sign will be marked by grandiose shifts, because the Lions are very stubborn and work hard. The authorities will treat you favorably, deservedly encourage you. During this period, it would be very appropriate to ask for a salary increase, do not be afraid and shy.

Colleagues will also give you their shoulder at the right moment. But do not be too proud and avoid colleagues, keep good relations with everyone. If you make every effort, then the result will not keep you waiting. The result will not be lightning fast, but if you try to do everything perfectly, then it will definitely come.

In the second half of the year, Lviv can expect an unexpected business trip. It will certainly be successful, you will complete all the tasks, and there will be time for entertainment.

Lions will need to be creative, responsible, attentive at work in order to achieve promotion and respect.

Some will get a chance to change jobs, but before that you need to think carefully and weigh everything, maybe a bird in your hands is better. If the Lions need to hold an important business meeting, then it is better to transfer it to autumn or winter.

Financial sphere for 2017

The monetary condition this year for Lviv will be stable, the Rooster does not like to spend much, and special profit You are not expected. You should not scatter money left and right, be thrifty. Especially need to be wary of extra costs in the spring and summer. Men will be able to pay off old bills, repay debts.

It is better to refrain from loans during this period, and if you really need to take it, then it is better in the second half of the year. If relatives ask for a loan, find a way to refuse them, otherwise you risk losing them. Be careful and circumspect, do not follow the lead of others, carefully analyze and check everything.

Lion women should not spend money on expensive jewelry, wear beautiful jewelry. Be humble and reserved in the Year of the Rooster.

Love predictions for Leo

Leos are very demanding, in 2017 this can especially manifest itself in relation to their loved ones. Do not forget to praise your relatives, compliment them, rejoice in their successes and do not judge strictly for failures. Men should forget their silence and speak out loud more, secrecy can become a reason for quarrels and conflicts.

Immediately tell your loved ones about what is bothering you, do not be intrusive, solve everything diplomatically. Do not dwell on yourself, forgive, forget insults. Children in the family will need to be given more freedom, do not put pressure on them.

Leo women this year will face jealousy from a loved one. They can be jealous of work, hobbies, girlfriends, other men, you need to be prepared for this. Pay more attention to your loved ones, do not sit for a long time near the TV or on the phone.

Autumn is the most favorable time for you to bring comfort to your home. You can do repairs, transform your home, discover your design talent. Do not be afraid to experiment, the result will definitely be excellent.

Health for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Leo's chronic diseases may worsen. Particular care should be taken by people with a weak cardiovascular system.

Do not take risks, go to the doctor, do prophylaxis, the stars do not warn in vain. It will be useful for men to actively engage in sports, it is better if it is yoga or swimming.

Proper nutrition is the key to your health, do not forget about it. This year there will be great chances for those who want to lose weight. Eat little and often, eat protein foods, and you will achieve good results.

Women may experience stomach problems. Not worth it new year holidays overload your body too much, otherwise at the end of spring it may turn into a disease, and you will spend a lot of money on treatment. Go to dances, aerobics, fitness, go out into nature more often, walk in the park. It will be useful if you walk several stops every day to work.

Horoscope for women

If you are a director or head of a company, then in 2017 count on luck. Although you are a Leo woman, you are still a weak half, you should not immediately solve a lot of things, leave some time for yourself. It will be very useful to go to the spa, have a relaxing massage, visit your favorite hairdresser or stylist. In the summer, be sure to relax on the sea, breathe in the healthy air. In general, Fortune will give Lionesses a lot of smiles.

Predictions for men

Leo men this year will have to monitor their behavior more, you need to try to control your quick-tempered and passionate character.

This also applies to family relationships. Appreciate your woman, wife, do not stare at others. Lonely Lions will be lucky - in the first half of the year there may be small love affairs. The girls will be located towards you, but the connections will not last long. But everything will go very rapidly, and you will get a lot of positive emotions.

In this video - some more forecasts for Lviv for 2017.

The year promises a lot of changes for Leo: both favorable and not so good. You will need perseverance and struggle, in particular with yourself and your habits. for Leo claims that you will have to learn how to work in a team, not as its leader, but as part of it. Be patient to avoid possible conflicts with colleagues.

Horoscope for Lviv for 2017

Lions should postpone all important matters for the second half of the year, because the first will be marked by some stagnation and even problems in business area. You will need to solve them right away, so you will need all your stubbornness and diligence: not everything will work out the first time.

You need to be more careful in making financial decisions. The first quarter of the year will be especially risky for investments. You will be able to really start improving your financial situation closer to autumn, then the stars will be favorable to you.

Try to stay away from scandals, quarrels and even further - from intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. They will try to use you in someone else's game, which will put you in a bad light and leave you to blame for the situation. The horoscope for the Leo zodiac sign warns against overindulgence in parties and the bohemian lifestyle. It is better for you to spend more time at home - you will be more whole.

In love affairs, unpleasant surprises and disappointments await you. Accept that it will be very difficult to find "your" person and try to focus on a more promising occupation.

Horoscope Leo: for men

Due to problems in the work area, the beginning of the year will be "hot" and very busy. Almost all the forces will be spent on resolving the current difficult situations. You will need to take breaks from time to time. The family will be a good outlet. Make it a rule: spend the weekend at home, being distracted from work. So you kill two birds with one stone: you can forget about work for a while, and you won’t make new problems, but already at home. Since your family can express dissatisfaction with your regular absence quite sharply.

You will not be able to bring romance into your life, but you are quite capable of helping your soul mate in this: do not resist if you are invited to a romantic evening, going to the cinema or a walk. This will be the first thing you need. As for romances on the side, avoid them, these relationships will not lead to anything good, and the marriage can be destroyed.

Success in business will come to you in the second half of the year. Starting in July, you will feel how everything around you is changing. First of all, this will concern the working area. And due diligence will settle other areas of your life. The horoscope for men recommends that you fill your mouth with water during scandals: this will save you from many problems. Do not argue with superiors, colleagues and soulmates.

Horoscope Leo: for women

It's no secret that Lioness women are among the most emotional in the entire zodiac. This character trait, enhanced by the eccentricity of the Rooster, will become a real rock for the women of this sign in 2017. You need to learn diplomacy and master the art of dialogue, otherwise you run the risk of quarreling with colleagues and household members.

As the horoscope for women says, you should not expect anything supernatural from your work: career, which you are so striving for, will not be as swift as you planned at the beginning of the year. But do not work carelessly. You will be required to mobilize all your forces in early September. Until then, you can successfully work on your reputation.

Lionesses' love affairs will be very tightly intertwined with work affairs. An office romance that started this year can lead you not only to a promotion, but also to strong marriage. Take a closer look at your colleagues, perhaps your betrothed is among them.

Financial horoscope for Lviv for 2017

Your financial situation will depend entirely on your own efforts. The beginning of the year does not promise any salary increases, but by the end of winter, there is a high probability of unexpected income. However, you always have your main job, which will bring a steady income throughout the year.

The 2017 horoscope for the zodiac sign Leo promises rapid career growth in the middle of spring. But you shouldn't brag about it or put it on display, your colleagues will envy you too much, which will ruin your relationship with them.

In general, the year will be stable in terms of income, but you will have to save and spend money wisely. You will be remembered by the creditors to whom you owe money and will demand reimbursement. Try to pay off all your bills. The stars say that this will allow you to avoid problems in the future and significantly improve your financial situation, although the situation will immediately seem reversed.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

From men, the year will require diligence and the ability to work in a team. You will have to forget about your own "I" for a long time, guided by a collective decision. Try to join the team and become part of it. This will be difficult at first, as your natural craving for leadership will push you to pull the blanket over yourself, but still you should not do this.

Your ideas will be enthusiastically received by your superiors and colleagues, but don't expect to receive much reward for this, or anything more substantial than a "thank you very much." Financially, your initiative will pay off only by the end of the year, or even at the beginning of the next. In general, you should be more careful with money: do not invest in risky activities, and do not spend money on unnecessary things.

Also beware of new loans. Loans taken this year will drive you into a debt hole for a long time, from which it will be difficult to choose. In general, try to get rid of all debts as soon as possible.

Financial horoscope for women

Charismatic Lionesses, accustomed to shining in expensive jewelry and fashionable outfits, the stars have prepared an unpleasant surprise. You will have to tie up with serious expenses, and tighten the belt on the old dress, because it will be problematic for you to buy a new one this year. Try to keep your costs as low as possible, otherwise you will not be able to buy anything other than new shoes.

If this condition is met, you will not live in poverty for years, just live within your means. There is nothing to worry about, consider that this is how you gain new experience. A kind of adventure.

The horoscope recommends that you show diligence and creativity at work, your efforts will be appreciated and replaced, albeit at the end of the year. When you are completely desperate and want a change, you will receive an unexpected job offer. Don't make impulsive decisions. Consider the pros and cons before agreeing. Perhaps the prospect is not as good as the employer makes it out to be.

Love horoscope for Lviv for 2017

Lviv is waiting for a real hurricane of passion throughout the year. And if the first half of the year will be characterized by a storm of emotions and an overabundance of impressions, then the second will explode from a volcano of jealousy. Surrounded by everyone's attention, Lions will flirt and flirt recklessly, which will cause resentment and jealousy attacks from their partners. Expect scandals in the second half of the year.

In family matters, moderation is good: you need to learn how to balance between severity and gentleness. Problems in the work area will lead to the fact that you will come off at home. Of course, this will cause a backlash. Try to remind yourself more often that your spouse and children need not only your severity, but also affection.

For single Lions, the horoscope for 2017 predicts many new acquaintances, pleasant meetings and short novels. Among a string of people, do not lose the most important person you have been looking for for so long. If you miss this chance now, you will be left alone for a long time.

  • A love horoscope for men promises a deterioration in family relations if the Lions do not make concessions. You will have to surrender the leading role and stay on the sidelines. The situation is not pleasant, but this is the only opportunity for you to find mutual understanding with the household. Direct conversation and sound dialogue will be the key to harmony in the family. Unless you succumb to the influence of the symbol of the year and make a scandal out of nothing.

There is also a high probability of a new romance or falling in love. If you are sure that this is serious, you should not deceive your spouse, it is better to immediately resolve the issue of marriage, and if this is just an affair, try to finish it faster or not even start.

  • The love horoscope for women is not very favorable. After all, scenes of jealousy and accusations of infidelity await you. Do you want to avoid this? Don't give reasons. Give your chosen one more free time, show that he is still in the first place for you, and you will be able to avoid the storm or mitigate its harmful effects. In general, when communicating with your family, try to show more gentleness, loyalty and understanding - this is what is expected of you.

The intensity of passions awaits you even if you are not married. Two men will fight for you at once and the choice will not be easy, because both of them will seem worthy to you.

Children's horoscope for Lviv for 2017

The Year of the Rooster will be favorable and positive for Leo-children. They will discover new talents in themselves and show you new facets of their personality.

The coming year of the Rooster will be very lucky for people born under the Leo zodiac sign. It is this year that long-standing plans and dreams can be realized. Horoscope for 2017 Leo says that in your life comes white stripe. Any undertakings will be successful, old problems will be settled, and a period of prosperity will come in the family. Difficulties may arise with the personal life of family lions, but these problems can be solved if you look at things sensibly.

The health of the Lions in 2017 of the Rooster will be just enviable. You are not threatened by sudden illnesses and ailments. All year long you will be cheerful and full of energy. This will allow you to carry out all your plans, good spirits and good health will help you move any mountains.

However, despite the really lion's health, you should not test yourself for endurance. By the end of autumn, severe fatigue from continuous vigorous activity may set in. At this moment, the stars advise the Lions to stop and rest. Ideally, you can go to a sanatorium or southern resort. If this is not possible, sign up for massage sessions, take a break from work.

The only warning from astrologers about the health of Leo is the advice to be careful with food. Do not eat stale food, you are at risk of poisoning in 2017. To avoid problems with the digestive tract, eat right, healthy and balanced.


Family Lions in 2017 of the Rooster will finally be able to appreciate what it means to have true happiness. There will be only positive changes in the family. You no longer want to quarrel, your loved ones love you, and you reciprocate. Long-standing grievances and problems will go into the past, family life acquire new meaning and content.

Also in the Lviv family, long-distance family ties. Perhaps you will regain relatives with whom you have lost contact.

Do not interfere with family reunification, in this case, you will have completely new opportunities.

The horoscope for 2017 Leo says that the time of family prosperity is coming for you. This means that no storms will destroy your hearth. You can not be afraid for the children, there will be no conflicts with them either, older relatives will support you, and the spouses will give you a lot of good emotions.


For Leo, who has not yet found his companion in life, the year of the Rooster will not be so successful. Both enthusiastic novels and bitter love disappointments await you. Do not worry about this, let life go on as usual, it will put everything in its place.

The stars warn that free Leos can make many love mistakes in the coming year. Many will have a desire to succumb to feelings and have an affair with an unfree partner. This connection will not bring you happiness. You will not be able to break someone else's family, and you will be left with only pain and disappointment. Therefore, you should think carefully before giving in to this temptation.

Also, the stars are more attentive to the choice of a partner. The love horoscope says that in 2017 there is a high probability that Leo will meet an insincere and deceitful person who will use him. In general, in the year of the Rooster, the Lions seem to be drawn by a magnet to unclean lovers. Be careful, choose worthy people.


Career Leo in 2017 will rapidly go up. You will implement a lot of ideas, bring to life interesting projects and conclude long-term contracts.

This year may be the beginning of the development of your own business.

Moreover, a non-standard approach and extraordinary solutions will help you establish a business without significant investments.

If you work in a team, this year there is a high probability of conflicts with employees or superiors. You should restrain your emotions and statements. In 2017, you may face betrayal at work. Remember that you should only trust yourself.

Business trips and various business trips are not desirable in 2017. You should stop traveling abroad. However, at home you can find stable partners, you just need to trust your intuition.


Regarding finances, Leo can absolutely not chew in the year of the Fire Rooster. The financial situation will be stable, with a clear upward trend. At the beginning of the year, you can invest in the development of your own business, they will quickly pay off, and the business will begin to bring a stable and good income.

Lions can safely take out loans or mortgages in 2017. Your monthly financial income will allow you to pay off your debts ahead of schedule. However, avoid unnecessary and inappropriate spending, so as not to frighten off the favor of the Red Rooster.

At the end of 2017, Lviv may have significant financial investments in the education or treatment of relatives. At this moment, there is no need to be greedy, all the money spent will be more than returned in the shortest possible time. Also, do not forget to give gifts to family and friends. You can do charity work, remember that all the funds spent this year for the benefit of other people will return to you many times over.


The year 2017 for Lions - women promises to be eventful. During this period, you will have the opportunity to show everyone your strength and power. You can achieve a lot both at work and in love. Beware of partners who are younger than you. They can bring pain and disappointment into your life.

However, the stars warn that a Leo woman should beware office romances. In the year of the Rooster, personal relationships and work are completely incompatible for you.

Married Lionesses should not think about flirting on the side at all, you can be deceived and betrayed, and the family will already be destroyed.

In the family, relationships will be cloudless if you allow your spouse to fall in love with you again. This period can become your second honeymoon, and feelings will flare up between you with renewed vigor.

The rest of the year is quite stable. Financial difficulties are not expected, conflicts may arise, but will be quickly resolved. Children will delight, and older relatives will provide strong support. This year you will be able to achieve many goals.


Stars advise men in 2017 to rapidly move towards their goal. Do not be afraid to open a new business, do not bury interesting ideas. Everything will turn out well for you if you gain confidence in yourself.

Hard work awaits you from the first days of the new year. Fortunately, the state of health and emotional mood will allow you to easily cope with this workload. You will feel the results of your work by spring.

In the Leo family, a man will find peace and prosperity. The wife will support any of your undertakings and provide a reliable rear. For your part, it will not be superfluous for you to show more attention and love to her. Do not succumb to the charms of strangers, this can bring discord into your happy family.

Lions, and especially men, are not indifferent to expensive and flashy things. The stars warn that in 2017, moderate your spending on unnecessary and expensive things. The best investment in the year of the Rooster will be the fate of other people. Help relatives or friends, the universe itself will pay for these investments. Also great option investing funds can become the education and health of children. Be sure that in a few years you will understand how you did the right thing in the year of the Rooster and sent your child to a prestigious university.

Despite the fact that Leo, as a representative cat family refers to the enemies of the Rooster, the ruler of the next year shows respect for him. The rooster, as a true philosopher, prefers to be friends with the enemy, and until the Leo crosses his path, he will show favor. Do not tease the Fire Rooster, do not show aggression towards people, do good and kind deeds. In this case, you will remain among the friends of the Rooster and get everything you dreamed about. And don't put on New Year clothes with cat prints, be modest.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the rooster 2017 zodiac sign Leo - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In general, 2017 will not be an easy year for representatives of the Leo sign. The Bully-Rooster, although he is afraid of the formidable king of animals, does not miss the opportunity to peck him, so you can’t count on an easy life.

Famous Lions

  • Selena Gomez
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Mick Jagger
  • Bernard Show
  • Stanley Kubrick
  • Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Ivan Aivazovsky
  • Laurence Fishburne
  • Edita Piekha
  • Andy Warhole

Forecast for the zodiac sign Leo for 2017

Most high risks this sign of the zodiac is expected in the business and professional field, so carefully read and check any contracts and agreements. The stars warn of possible mistakes that will lead to loss of time and may reduce profits. In winter, the stars do not recommend Leo to agree to risky adventures and succumb to sudden impulses. The risk will be unjustified - in the spring you will greatly regret what you have done.

Relations with family and neighbors will be tense in 2017. Before you say anything, think twice. Do not get into quarrels, even if you are sure that you are right - all the same, the Rooster will not let you prove anything, and the risk of remaining guilty in the end is very high. Peacefulness should become your attitude in life, and calmness should be the main feature. If you learn how to conduct a dialogue, avoiding a raised tone and accusations, then you will be able to take any conflict situation under control.

In 2017, Lions should not go on adventures!

The Year of the Fire Rooster will not bring prospects for the development of relationships with the opposite sex. Even a very promising meeting is likely to end with only a short romance. So the best strategy will limit the circle of acquaintances and communicate only with trusted people. For you in 2017, the best will definitely be the enemy of the good. Avoid noisy companies and parties, spend most of the weekend at home doing your favorite hobby, go to the gym or take a walk in the park.

In winter, they may try to drag you into behind-the-scenes games. The straightforward and honest Leo is not strong in intrigue, so you should not participate in such a business. Listen to the voice of reason: the analytical mind and prudence are the trump cards that you should use in the year of the Fire Rooster. Before you start a new business, think critically about what is happening and keep your plans a secret. Your habit of trumpeting to the whole world about grandiose projects planned can put everything in jeopardy.

By the way, career development at the beginning of the year will noticeably slow down. Plan any business trips and business trips for the summer and autumn - during this period the situation will change in your favor. But the trips associated with the rest will be successful and will bring only pleasant impressions. Real estate transactions will be profitable. If you are in the home sales business, then you can prepare not just a wallet, but a large bag to collect money. Also, success awaits Lviv, employed in legal and notarial activities - operations with documents will certainly bring income.

  • Forecast for men. Leo men need to remember that the passion and ardor of nature sometimes needs to be controlled. This warning applies to those who have already started a family. Do not chase chimeras - your wife is still better than any other woman. Single lions can afford several love affairs - in the first half of the year you are promised increased attention from the opposite sex. Novels will be short-lived, but stormy.
  • Forecast for women. Leo women in leadership positions can count on good luck in the second half of the year. But do not forget that you are the weaker sex. Don't get caught up in everything and don't try to embrace the immensity - set aside time for a visit to a beauty salon and a course of relaxing spa treatments in the summer.

Love horoscope for 2017

In 2017, many Leos will begin to make very high demands on their pets. Do not expect that your soulmate and children will definitely justify them - learn to enjoy any results, even not very significant ones, and also be generous with praise. Your family needs additional motivation, and not just your formidable roar.

Try to be more affectionate and kinder to loved ones

Leo men need to learn how to voice their desires aloud. Don't expect others to read your mind. In winter, excessive secrecy on the part of Leo can lead to quarrels and conflicts in the family. If you are unhappy, then voice it right away. Just do not start with unfounded accusations, but diplomatically express your wishes and suggestions. Forget about your dominant position in the house - let others lead a little. If you focus only on yourself, then resentment is inevitable. Pay attention to the children and give them a little more freedom. If your offspring have already grown up and live separately, then in the summer be sure to visit them or invite them to stay with you.

Stars warn Leo women of the threat of jealousy from a lover. Moreover, a jealous attitude will concern not only other men, but also your work, hobbies and girlfriends. Give your loved one some of your regal attention, turn off your work phone at home and do not answer calls - this will be properly appreciated. The autumn period will favorable time for home comfort. You will discover the talent of a designer and there will be an irresistible desire to modernize your home. You can afford this experiment - the result will be excellent.

Health Horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster will bring the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is especially true for Lviv with diseases of cardio-vascular system. Do not neglect this warning from the stars and take a preventive course in advance!

In the year of the Rooster, Lions should go in for sports and swimming

Leo men are advised by astrologers to go in for sports. The choice is yours, but it's best to sign up for swimming or yoga. Don't forget about proper nutrition A well-balanced diet is the key to your health. Those who decided to lose weight in 2017 should not follow a too strict diet. You can achieve great results if you eat fractionally or use a protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Leo women are at risk of exacerbating stomach problems. Do not overload it during January holidays, otherwise lay out a tidy sum at the doctor's at the end of spring. Stars advise in 2017 to do aerobics or dancing, get out into nature more often and take long walks. Teach yourself to get off the transport a couple of stops from home, because you have been moving very little lately.

Money horoscope for 2017

The financial sector in 2017 will delight Leo with stability. The Rooster does not portend you any special expenses. True, he will not give you big profits either. Tighten your belt and forget about the regal manner of showering loved ones with gifts with or without occasion. If you ever feel like updating your wardrobe, first sit down and write down all your purchases on a piece of paper. Moreover, strictly indicate the color and style of clothing, otherwise you will buy a bunch of extra things that will lie in the closet for a long time. The temptation to throw money down the drain will be especially great in the spring and summer.

In the coming season, money needs to be saved, not thrown away!

Leo men, get ready: it's time to pay old bills. If you managed to get into debt for last year, then, without putting it off, start giving them away. And be sure to remember if you forgot about any financial obligations. Lenders will not wait - from the beginning of the year they will begin to besiege your doors. Resist the temptation to take on new loans. Even if the situation seems critical, just wait a while. Be patient and you will see that the second half of the year will bring you the necessary amounts without having to go into debt.

The heavenly bodies are also not advised to Leo women to take loans. And in no case do not lend money to relatives, otherwise you will not see any more money. Get ready to live within your means all year - there's nothing wrong with going to a party in a dress you've already been seen wearing. Limit spending on new ones jewelry. Learn to wear jewelry - gold and gems Of course, they are beautiful, but you can’t afford such expenses in the year of the Rooster.

Career horoscope for 2017

The beginning of the year will be marked by long-awaited career shifts. And no wonder, because all last year you plowed like an ox. Management looks in your direction with favor - you successfully perform the lion's share of duties. Colleagues are also on your side - they remember how you came to their aid in difficult times. However, do not wear a crown, bragging and pride do not suit you - ruin your relationship with others.

Leos can get promoted if they work hard enough

Leo men will show themselves with better side which will be rewarded in cash. True, this will happen only at the end of the year. Remember that the reward will be proportional to the effort expended. Follow the rule: if you can do well, then do well! Don't expect lightning-fast success, even though you're used to quick results.

The second half of the year will bring Leo women an unexpected business trip. If you treat the task responsibly, then not only complete the assigned tasks, but also have time to have fun. In general, the stars talk about the opportunity to strengthen the position at work. The main thing is not to miss the suddenly presented opportunity. Be attentive, creative, responsible - and in the winter you will be able to rest on your laurels. 2017 will bring a long-awaited chance to change jobs, but no need to dive into the pool with your head - evaluate the offer with a share of healthy criticism. Perhaps it is not as attractive as it seems at first glance.

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Horoscope Leo for 2017 Rooster

Leos will have to accept the fact that 2017 is not going to be a very smooth one. Almost in all areas, especially in the first half of the year, there will be barriers. But strong and proud representatives of this sign will cope with everything easily. This will require high energy costs. Therefore, the horoscope advises to plan an extended vacation or a course of preventive treatment for the second half of the year.

There may be problems with paperwork. It is necessary not only to carefully read what they wrote themselves, but also the papers submitted to them for signature. It is possible that when working with documents in banks or government agencies there will be an error that will take a long time to correct. Distraction for rework is not an effective cost at all.

To the great joy of hardworking people, there will be a lot of work in 2017. Its main fruits are at the end of the year. Therefore, finances should be distributed with the same calculation.

You should not waste your energy on sorting out relations with relatives, neighbors or business partners. This may cause them to break. The Lions themselves will lose from this. Therefore, emotions should be taken under control.

Representatives of this sign will be less interested in the sphere of personal life. The horoscope shows that love will fade into the background, and only in the autumn period will you again want warmth and comfort. The absorption of work issues may cause the postponement of the planned marriage in 2017. The Year of the Rooster can be a test for those who have already registered their relationship. In order not to aggravate the situation, family representatives of the horoscope should attend less noisy parties and clubs.

Long trips should be avoided, especially long distances. In this regard, it is better to spend a vacation outside the city or without leaving it.

The stars will be especially favorable for important negotiations or the signing of a contract at the end of the year. Then the probability of their successful implementation increases. This needs to be carefully prepared.

Leo love horoscope for 2017

Those who have a partner or spouse will have to face a wall of misunderstanding and bouts of jealousy. It is not surprising, because representatives of the summer constellation will practically not pay attention to loved ones. Many will attribute this behavior to the lack of love or the presence of an object on the side.

The opposite will also be present: the Lions themselves will be jealous. This will corrode them from the inside and reduce self-esteem. To avoid such problems, it is enough to introduce new traditions with a partner or spouse: spend one day off together, go regularly to the cinema, restaurant or theater. The situation will come to naught on its own.

During the year, the thought may come that it is useful for them to enter into numerous new acquaintances, including for flirting. Actually it is not. The Leo horoscope generally recommends refraining from any new acquaintances until July. It is even possible to meet with scammers who want to take advantage of the loving nature of these people.

The mood for romance in a relationship will help return the vacation. During this period, Leo can make an offer to his trusted partner. For family representatives of the sign, a joint vacation will become an analogue of a honeymoon.

Children, if any, will also need love. It's no secret that Leos are prone to selfishness, so they need to make an effort to show their feelings to children and give them an opportunity to speak out. In the second half of the year, the younger generation will please with their successes.

Money horoscope for 2017

The year of the Rooster is a period of fruitless troubles. Outwardly, everything seems to be all right: favorite work, full load, interesting projects. But you will have to redo a lot, to persuade demanding customers or demanding bosses. The situation will change after July. Until that time, hobbies or training will help distract you from problems at work.

Career in 2017 will develop more slowly than we would like. It should be understood that during this period you need to work for the future. The authorities are closely watching bright and extraordinary, strategically thinking people.

Those employed in the creative industry need to be wary of fighting competitors. Own ideas, thoughts and projects should not be disclosed until they are fully implemented. After all, they are guaranteed commercial success, as the stars say.

Those who are most successful in the business sphere will be those who are employed in manufacturing or in the sector information technologies. They may have interesting projects that are better to start no earlier than May 2017. It is recommended to accept offers from foreign companies. Some have a chance to thoroughly gain a foothold in foreign soil.

In the previous year, the representatives of the sign managed to make good money and save money. This money should not be invested in one project. It is better to reasonably distribute them between different budget items. Make large purchases only when necessary.

The horoscope hints that it is better to abandon the idea of ​​lending, and also try not to resort to borrowing. Give away cash will be problematic.

In the summer, be careful about your wallet, there is a risk of financial loss.

Real recognition, as well as a large reward, awaits after November. Leos must be patient in order to enjoy well-deserved rewards at the end of the year.

Leo Health in 2017

Health will please in the year of the Rooster the most. Even those who have chronic diseases are protected by the stars. But this does not give the right to forget about preventive measures.

There is a risk of poisoning, as well as poor health due to alcohol abuse. Considering that Leos like to be in society, they have plenty of reasons to drink. In 2017, you need to limit yourself in this habit.

Representatives of the fire sign really like to take care of themselves. The procedures for cleansing and rejuvenation of the star are recommended to be scheduled for August-September. It's better to go on a diet spring period, but do not limit yourself severely, otherwise you will feel a lack of energy.

Leo's health will be strengthened for future accomplishments if connected to ordinary life yoga, classes gym or running. For older people, it is best to walk in the fresh air.

Vaccinations should be done not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. This type of prevention will give protection on long trips.

Given how much energy they have to spend at work, it is very important for them to get enough sleep. Although many in the spring will have to face insomnia due to nervous strain. You should not resort to taking medications to relieve stress - everything will be decided by itself.

Leo woman horoscope

This year will be favorable for those who decide to devote themselves to self-development. Preparing for future childbirth is also included in the list of desirable.

Lionesses should focus on themselves and their appearance as much as possible, which will allow them to escape from everyday and work problems.

Suddenly, they will feel the need for creativity or reading books. But the stars do not recommend starting new projects or trying themselves in another business.

The Leo woman will be the center of attention as always. But she should be wary of jealousy from a partner or spouse, as well as the envy of friends and colleagues. Light flirting will restore energy balance. Any other revealing relationship risks harming the reputation or the family.

Those seductresses who want to get married are advised by the stars to postpone registration until the end of the year. Moreover, magnificent celebrations are not necessary. It is much more profitable to invest these funds in recreation or new project. Those who are prone to over-purchases may run into financial problems. The female representatives of this constellation should master personal finance management, as well as time management. This will improve your quality of life and prepare for important life starts.

If bright ladies already have a family and children, then it is worth planning a joint vacation program. You can put new family traditions that will strengthen the marriage and improve mutual understanding.

Leo Man Predictions for 2017

This period will be a serious test for pride for male representatives of the sign. It will seem to them that they cannot be the center of attention, although they will make an effort to do so. In fact, they are closely watched by superiors, partners and potential spouses.

The men of this sign will sometimes be bored by the lengthening of the work cycle. But it makes it possible to double-check everything without haste. The horoscope shows that it is better not to proceed with the performance of work under the contract without prepayment. There is a risk of long-term collection of receivables.

You should resist the temptation to turn to gambling to cheer you up. This will not improve your personal budget at all, but it will bring a lot of other problems.

The spirit of change will enter the lives of these restless and energetic comrades from the end of July, when reinforcements from the forces of the stars will come. To prepare for this period, they are best to contact educational programs attending training events.

The horoscope advises brutal people to be careful about their own words. This will influence career development decisions. It is useful to attend trainings in public speaking. After all, they love to speak in public.

For those who often have to do this, such trainings will help to cope with provocations that envious colleagues can arrange without any problems. It is better to carry out any defense of plans, research results, reports, presentations, projects for fiery persons together with someone. This will be evidence that they know how to work in a team. This fact will give a few bonus points from the authorities.

A good source of energy for men of this sign will be trips out of town or running along park paths.

Less time should be spent behind the wheel, since in spring and early summer problems in this area are not ruled out - minor accidents or breakdowns on the road. Especially the stars do not recommend exceeding the speed limit.

Those who already have a family or a serious relationship should try to spend more time together. You need to understand that this is hope and support, and not an obstacle to the implementation of plans. Making joint decisions will not only save you from possible mistakes, but also give you confidence.

At the end of the year, the Leo man can really relax. Both a well-deserved rest and a major purchase for yourself will be appropriate here. No matter how hard it gets during the year fiery rooster, you need to remember that this is just a stepping stone to future peaks.

Horoscope for 2017 for Lviv

Love horoscope for 2017 for Leo

Leo career in 2017

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo women

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    Each predictor or astrologer interprets this or that dream in his own way. If the interpretations of some of them are very different, then the interpretation of other dreams is almost the same. So, why are thoughts and predictions from Vanga, Miller and Nostradamus collected in our online dream book?

    Miller's dream book

    It is generally accepted that the interpretation of Miller's dreams is particularly deep and accurate. Gustav Miller was a famous American psychologist. He lived at the end of the nineteenth century. Miller believed that dreams should never be ignored. After all, they are encrypted information about the present or future time. In order for a person to understand what awaits him, the subconscious sends signals in the form of dreams.

    According to other interpreters, main disadvantage interpretation of dreams is associated with his age. After all, many interpretations for people living in the new time are irrelevant. This is due to the emergence of new items and things. But, despite this, many interpretations of dreams from Gustav Miller are quite reliable.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    A blind woman living in a small Bulgarian village became famous all over the world due to the fact that she could predict the future. A line of well-known figures, politicians and ordinary people. Vanga herself admitted that invisible beings help her predict the future.

    The soothsayer gave special importance to dreams. So, according to her, they occupy an important place in human life. Unfortunately, Vanga's dream book cannot boast of a huge variety of interpretations of certain dreams. But this is compensated by a huge number of situations, in each of which one or another subject is considered.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Nostradamus was a rather versatile person. He is not only a famous astrologer, but also a mystic and a soothsayer. Repeatedly he declared that not a single dream should be missed, as it is a sign that comes from above. Perhaps the dream book of Nostradamus is great for those people whose intuition is developed at the highest level.

    The interpreter of dreams according to Nostradamus is characterized by interpretations of distant future events. A famous soothsayer interpreted dreams associated with political processes as well as social phenomena.

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