Alexander Chistyakov and his wives. Glucose husband. Joint yoga classes

Yesterday, the richest businesswoman in Russia, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina lost last hope sue the ex-deputy chairman of the board in the High Court of London for €70 million FGC UES, owner of Hermitage Construction & Management Group Alexandra Chistyakova. On the one hand, the judge agreed that the husband singers Glucose did not fulfill all of its obligations to build a hotel in Morocco, but questioned whether a woman with a fortune of $1 billion was so incompetent that she allowed herself to be fooled by her own business partner. British justice quite accurately determined the essence of what happened: Chistyakov and Baturina invested in an initially adventurous project, understanding all its risks, and its collapse was quite expected.

In a statement of claim filed in 2013, Baturina claimed that she was the victim of a major fraud: in 2007, Chistyakov misled her about the prospects of a real estate construction project in Morocco and failed to fulfill his obligation to joint project, as a result, she suffered damage of almost €100 million. In 2008, Baturina and Chistyakov entered into an agreement, according to which the parties pledged to provide 65 and 35% of investments in the project, receiving corresponding shares in it. Chistyakov was to lead the project. Construction never began, and in 2012 Baturina initiated an audit. It turned out that only a small part of the loans provided for the project by Baturina’s structures went to the account of the Moroccan company Andros Bay, which was supposed to be involved in the project. The rest of the money turned out to be transferred to offshore companies, including €5 million to a company registered in the British Virgin Islands(BVI) Ridgegrove Investments Ltd, the beneficiary of which was Chistyakov. The businessman himself did not provide financing, Baturina pointed out. In a lawsuit filed in the High Court of London, she asked to terminate the agreement and return almost €98 million to her, including damages and interest. Later, Baturina reduced the amount of claims to €74 million, waiving interest. Chistyakov lost a claim against the BVI for €5 million, in which Baturina accused Chistyakov of withdrawing this money to offshore companies associated with him. Now this money is being recovered from Sylmord Trade Inc., which received financing, which, in turn, is in the process of liquidation. She is also the owner land plots in Marocco.

Previously, according to representatives of Luzhkov’s wife, Chistyakov insisted that the trial take place in Russia, however, due to the fact that last years Elena lives in London and is a UK taxpayer; it was decided to move the litigation to the capital of Foggy Albion. At the same time, Chistyakov ignored the fact that he himself is the chairman of the board of RusPetro, whose shares are listed on the British Stock Exchange.

Chistyakov denied all accusations. The money contributed by Baturina was used to buy out land plots and compensate for investments already made in the project by other participants, the businessman told Vedomosti. According to him, although the agreement with Baturina talked about 35% in the joint venture, he personally owned only 8.5%, and the rest was owned by his three partners - Andrei Krupnov, who was involved in development in Morocco, and two Moroccan businessmen. The reason for the failure of the project was the economic crisis, problems with attracting bank loans, the Moroccan government’s refusal to create infrastructure, etc., Chistyakov believes.

The judge of the High Court of London agreed that Chistyakov did not fully fulfill his obligations under the contract with Baturina, but did not come to the conclusion that these actions made it impossible to implement the project. The losses incurred by Baturina cannot be calculated based on the materials presented, the judge decided. She dropped charges of fraud against Chistyakov, noting that Baturina and Chistyakov are experienced players who decided to jointly undertake a highly speculative foreign real estate project, but did not receive the expected profit: “It was an inherent risk.”

Baturina is satisfied with the establishment of the fact that the ex-partner failed to fulfill key obligations under the contract in terms of financing the project, but is upset that the court was unable to determine the amount of damage to be compensated, said her lawyer Michel Duncan. Now, according to him, others are being considered possible options compensation for the losses it has suffered. The fact of partial non-fulfillment of obligations by Chistyakov does not automatically mean that Baturina suffered losses, argues the Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Moscow and the Moscow Region, Oleg Sukhov: the court considered that the presence of other unfavorable circumstances and the recency of the events do not allow us to establish whether Baturina suffered losses, and if they did, then in what size.

As the agency previously reported "Ruspres", Chistyakov’s surname was mentioned in the context of the “Panamanian scandal”. Journalists from the French Le Monde and the Swiss Le Matin Dimanche, working with the archives of the Mossack Fonseca company, indicated that at least €13 million from the “Moroccan project” was directed by Alexander Chistyakov to the accounts of three offshore companies registered through this company, all of which were managed by one and the same provider company based in Geneva. One of the three companies - Joyton International SA - is also mentioned in connection with "suspicious" documents used to further conceal at least €5 million in the accounts of two more companies - this time Cypriot ones. Authorized representative Joyton International is Vladimir Shestakov, a formerly famous judo athlete, and now Chernyakov’s colleague in the energy business (heads Novo-Ryazan Thermal Power Plant LLC). Two more offshore companies, Englobe and Rogers, which cost €8 million, are considered related to former owner chain of St. Petersburg fitness clubs, and now co-owner of the Podium chain Vadim Raskovalov. His wife Yana Raskovalova, a designer and fashion jeweler, is better known to the general public. It is significant that the Chistyakovs and Raskovalovs have been family friends for many years - Chistyakov’s wife is a singer Natalia Ionova (Glucose) was an honorary witness at the tenth anniversary of the Raskovalovs’ wedding. Those. in this case, we are also hardly talking about a simple coincidence; the money really went to “the same” Raskovalov.

Glucose (singer)

Glucose (Gluk'oZa). Real name is Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova. Born on June 7, 1986 in Moscow. Russian singer, songwriter, film and voice actress, TV presenter.

Some sources call the singer’s birthplace Syzran, but according to the singer herself, this is not true. The myth of Syzran was part of Gluk’oZa’s PR company and the legend of the emergence of a new artist on the music market.

Father - Ilya Efimovich Ionov.

Mother - Tatyana Mikhailovna Ionova.

In some interviews, Natalya claimed that they were both programmers by profession, in others - that her father was a design engineer, and her mother was a graduate of State Technical University with a specialty in “salesman-controller-cashier”.

She has elder sister Alexandra Sidorova is a pastry chef.

Grandmother - Lidia Mikhailovna. Great-great-grandfather - artisan Kirill Afanasyevich Ionov.

Natalya Ionova in childhood

She says about herself that she "very changeable by nature". As a child, I imagined myself either as a teacher or as a doctor: “I always wanted the best and different things”. “And my sister and I, when we played something, always said: “We’ll find a grandfather in America, he’ll die of old age and leave us his inheritance.” I always lived with the feeling that I had to achieve something in this life. And, first of all, I always relied on myself, realizing that my parents would not be able to help me.", - said the singer.

In 1993, at the age of seven, she entered a music school to study piano, and dropped out at eight. As a child, I attended many school clubs, from chess to ballet. Natalya entered Moscow secondary school No. 308, where she studied until the 9th grade.

In 2001, she transferred to Moscow evening school No. 17 as a full-time student, where she completed grades 10 and 11.

At the age of 11, Natalya auditioned to participate in the children's television magazine “Yeralash” on Channel One. Over the following years, Natalya participated in several series of the television magazine, including “Toadstool” in 1997.

Yeralash - Toadstools

In 1999, she starred in the film “The Princess's War,” which was released 14 years later in 2013.

In 2002, Natalya participated in the crowd for the video “Childhood” by Yuri Shatunov.

Back in 2001, Natalya recorded her first single "Suga", which she and her family published on the Internet.

On the set of the film "Triumph" Natalya met the producer Maxim Fadeev, who wrote the music for this film and organized the group “Gluck’OZA”, where Ionova became a soloist. “There I met a daring, arrogant, drunken girl. She vomited from the balcony on the director’s lower balcony.”, - Max Fadeev talked about meeting the future star.

According to Fadeev, he “pulled out” Natasha at the moment when she began to sniff glue and drink port wine. The singer herself does not hide the truth about her turbulent youth. To prevent Gluk’oZa from suddenly breaking down and going into all serious troubles, Fadeev made a cunning move: he hired a female FSB officer as an administrator, who was constantly next to the violent artist.

On Christmas Eve from 2001 to 2002, at the Elf production center, which deals with the administrative affairs of Maxim Fadeev, a disk appeared on which was written in marker: Gluck’:za “Suga.” The song was broadcast on several metropolitan radio stations, but in Moscow no one paid attention to the new song. Meanwhile, “Suga” entered the “top ten” of the Kyiv “Our Radio”, where no one even knew the name of the project. Belatedly, Moscow labels began to look for Glucose to offer a contract. Monolith Records turned out to be the most agile of the capital's labels; the company's managers found out that the project had the most direct relation to Maxim Fadeev. In March 2002, a contract was signed with the label.

“I Hate” is Glucose’s debut video, which will be followed by a whole animated series.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - I hate

It was only in June 2003 that listeners were able to see Glucose. The appearance of the singer general public took place during the final concert of “Star Factory”, produced by Maxim Fadeev.

Glucose's songs took first place in the national charts, and the singer herself was awarded numerous music awards. The animated Gluk'oZa became the Rambler Internet portal's Character of the Year in 2003. Based on the project idea, a computer game, whose characters are members of the group.

At the end of May 2003, Glucose's debut album entitled "Gluk'oZa Nostra", which included ten songs. The second album “Moscow” was released in 2005; the work also included 10 songs and a video clip for the song "Schweine". Both albums were successful, and songs from them are still in rotation on radio stations.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - Schweine

After her marriage, Natalya left the stage for a short time.

At the end of 2007, Glyuk’oZa returned to musical activity and, together with Maxim Fadeev, opened the Glucose Production company.

In January 2008, Gluck'oZa recorded a song "Butterflies", for which the video was shot.

In the spring of 2008, a new song “Dance, Russia!” entered the charts.

In July 2008, at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, Glyuk’oZa presented his new composition "Sicily", recorded as a duet with Maxim Fadeev.

At the end of 2008, Gluk’oZa’s video “Daughter” was included in the rotation of music TV channels.

In the new animated video, an updated Gluk’oZa appeared, as well as little Glyu, the prototype of which was Natalya’s one and a half year old daughter, Lida, at that time. According to the plot of the video, brave blondes save the Earth from alien invaders.

A book was published in 2008 "Glukoza and the Prince of Vampires"(the author of the book is Anna Gurova).

In the summer of 2009, a new single Gluk’oZa was released "Money", which, according to the singer, became a “fat comma” in her work. Already in the fall, Natalya openly announced a change in image. Jeans, T-shirts, massive boots, as well as songs performed in a humorous manner are a thing of the past. Fans saw a new Gluk'oZa - feminine, exciting, matured. At the end of the year, several different publications noted Gluk’oZu among the most stylish, beautiful and bright stars domestic show business for 2009.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - Money

In March 2009, the cartoon “Monsters vs. Aliens” was released on wide screens. main role in which the role of Gigantika (Susan Murphy) was voiced by Natalya, for whom this was the first experience of dubbing a cartoon.

Natalya voiced the first four games in the Nancy Drew series, released in Russia: The Curse of Blackmoor Manor, The Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Secret of the Ancient Clock, Last train to the Moon Gorge.

The song premiered in March 2010 "That's what love is like". The sound and provocative lyrics, which were completely unexpected for Gluk'oZa, instantly drew attention to the new song.

In the summer of 2010, the singer shot a video for the song "High sign". This song for Gluck'oZa was written by German authors. The Russian-language version of this song is called “Vzmakh”, the lyrics for it were written by Natalia’s husband, Alexander Chistyakov.

In the fall of 2010, Gluk’oZa shot a video for the song “Like in childhood.”

In February 2011, a video for the song “Vzmakh” was released. On April 18, 2011, another single was released - “I Want a Man (Bitch Gaga).” The author of the words for this composition was also Alexander Chistyakov.

In April 2011, Gluk’oZa’s solo concert entitled “NOWBoy” took place at the B2 club. Her show, filmed in 3D format, was also presented there. On May 30, 2011, a video for the song “I Want a Man” was included in the rotation of music TV channels and the Internet. The leading male role was played by a famous comedian.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - I want a man (Bitch Gaga)

On September 10, 2011, the song premiered on Russian Radio "Traces of Tears", the text of which was written by Gluck’oZa herself. The author of the music was Artyom Fadeev.

On November 24, 2011, after the singer’s long absence from the stage, an open presentation-concert took place, at which Gluk’oZa performed her already favorite hits, as well as completely new tracks from the new album "Trans-FORM".

In January 2012, the premiere of the video for the song took place "My Vice" on the ELLO video channel on YouTube. Having created a lot of noise even before its premiere, “My Vice” became one of the singer’s most provocative works. According to the plot of the video, the singer is in the center of a closed space, which is visible from all sides of the room through secret windows. A variety of freaks appear in these windows and watch the beauty.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - My vice

In April 2012, Gluck’oZa presented a new video for the song “Ko$ka”. The director of the video is Alan Badoev, who previously shot a video for the song “Butterflies”.

Glucose Growth: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova:

As Natalya said, she always liked men who were older than her. “When I was 16, I dated a 24-year-old. At 18, my boyfriend was 30.”, she said.

With her future husband - Alexander Chistyakov (co-owner oil company Ruspetro, former top manager of JSC FGC UES) - met when she was 19 and he was 33 (Chistyakov was born on January 25, 1973).

“We met Sasha on the plane when we were flying to Chechnya. And at first I mistakenly took his sofa (laughs). I was 19 years old then, and this was the very first concert in the Chechen Republic after the war. After the wedding, Sasha told me, that he liked me even when he first saw me on TV, and it was after that that he decided to invite me to participate in a Chechen concert. And at first he wanted to invite Borya Moiseev. So now I make fun of him, saying, if he hadn’t known me then chose, would be married to Bor. Then in Chechnya we went on excursions together, and upon returning to Moscow we began to correspond by SMS. And after a month and a half I moved to his Vacation home" , - said Natalya.

She also proposed to Alexander to get married: “I myself told Sasha: “Take me as your wife, you won’t find anything better.” He didn’t expect such impudence, and the next morning we forgot everything. But a week later my future husband officially proposed to me".

Before that, Alexander had common-law wife, with whom he has a son.

On June 17, 2006, the couple got married. On May 8, 2007, in Spain, Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. On September 8, 2011 (ibid.) she gave birth to a daughter, Vera.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov with children(far left is Chistyakov’s son from his first marriage)

The singer's husband Alexander Chistyakov was involved in a scandal with money he owed to Elena Baturina, the wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov. The company Inteco Beteiligungs, controlled by Baturina, demanded about 100 million euros from Chistyakov.

In 2007, Alexander Chistyakov approached Elena Baturina with a proposal to take part in a development project in the north of Morocco for the construction of commercial and residential real estate with an area of ​​more than 2 million square meters. m. We were talking about the construction of a large recreational complex, which was supposed to be part of Baturina’s hotel empire, which at that time had hotels in Russia, Austria and the Czech Republic, and has now also been replenished with a hotel in Ireland.

In 2008, Baturina entered into an agreement with Chistyakov, after which she provided financing for the project in the form of loans to his company Sylmord Trade Inc. As the court later found out, the project was not implemented, and Chistyakov did not return the money received.

In January 2013, the court ruled in favor of Inteco Beteiligungs, obliging Chistyakov’s company to return the funds he received along with interest. Moreover, the court ordered Sylmord to pay the costs of Baturina’s structure for lawyers in this case. Chistyakov's side unsuccessfully tried to challenge the decision twice.

Discography of Glucose:

2003 - Glitch "oZa Nostra
2003 - Gluck’oZa Nostra (deluxe edition)
2005 - Moscow
2005 - Moscow (gift edition)
2011 - Trans-FORM

Glucose Singles:

2002 - I Hate
2003 - Bride
2003 - Baby
2004 - Karina
2004 - I wanted a groom (feat. Verka Serduchka)
2004 - Oh-oh
2004 - It's Snowing
2005 - Schweine
2005 - Yura
2005 - Moscow
2006 - Wedding
2006 - Sashok
2007 - Butterflies
2008 - Dance, Russia!
2008 - Daughter
2009 - Money
2010 - This is such love
2010 - Like in childhood
2011 - Swing
2011 - I want a man
2011 - Traces of Tears
2012 - My vice
2012 - Ko$ka (Cat)
2012 - Take my hand
2013 - Butterflies (feat. Smokey Mo)
2013 - Do you want to hurt me?
2014 - Why?
2015 - Sing to me, wind
2015 - Warm
2016 - I will be a secret
2016 - Without you
2017 - I smell only you (feat. Artik & Asti)

Video clips of Glucose:

2002 - “I Hate”
2003 - “Bride”
2003 - “Gluk’oZa Nostra”
2004 - “Oh-oh” (“Love Between Us”)
2004 - “It’s Snowing”
2005 - “Schweine”
2005 - “Moscow”
2006 - “Wedding”
2008 - “Butterflies”
2008 - “Dance, Russia!!!”
2008 - “Daughter”
2009 - “Money”
2010 - “This is such love”
2010 - “Like in childhood”
2011 - “Wave/High sign”
2011 - “I Want a Man”
2011 - “Traces of Tears”
2012 - “My Vice”
2012 - “Ko$ka (Cat)”
2012 - “Take My Hand”
2013 - “Butterflies” (feat. Smokey Mo)
2013 - “Do you want to hurt me”
2014 - “Why”
2015 - Anthem RU TV feat Stars
2015 - “Sing to me, wind”
2016 - “Warm”
2016 - “I will be a secret”
2016 - “Without You”

Filmography of Glucose:

1997-2000 - Yeralash
2000 - Triumph (remade film Princess War) (Triumph: The Red One) - Tina
2007 - Rude and Sam - Masha
2008 - Antalya - Svetlana
2009 - m/f Monsters vs. Aliens - Susan Murphy / Gigantika (voice)
2013 - Princess War Princess Tina War
2015 - m/f Savva. Heart of a Warrior - Pusik (voice)
2017 - Have a brilliant life petal
2017 - - Lyuba
2018 - Dead Lake

Under the pseudonym Glucose is none other than Natalya Ionova. The girl's biography is very rich. At 28 years old, she has already established herself as a singer, actress and TV presenter. Natasha Ionova was born on June 7, 1986 in the Volga region (Syzran). At the age of eight she entered a music school to study piano. But the girl did not have much zeal or love for her studies, so a year later she quit her lessons without even learning. Later, her family future singer moved to Moscow, where Natasha later received her first, although not large, roles. She participated in the filming of the children's television magazine "Yeralash", and these were her first steps towards a career as an actress. Natalya Ionova studied at several schools in the capital and at the same time managed to star in the film “Triumph” and in the video for the song “Childhood” by Yuri Shatunov.

Meeting Ionova and Fadeev

At the same time, she managed to perform songs of her own composition, as well as other compositions with her friends. Some time after filming, Natalya and her friends recorded her song “Suga” on a home tape recorder. Having received the recording in mp3 format, the girl posted it on the Internet. This track interested the famous producer and composer Maxim Fadeev. For the next two years, Maxim and Natalya Ionova communicated via Email, and in the end the girl received an invitation to come to Moscow. After which the guys began work on their debut album, which was released in May 2003. The album "Glucose Nostra" included ten songs. In 2005, the Glucose project released the next album, “Moscow,” which also included ten songs plus a video clip for the song “Schweine.” Both the first and second albums became successful, these songs are still played on radio stations to this day.

Wedding of Natalia Ionova and Andrei Chistyakov

The next year after the release of her second album, the singer married a businessman. Natalya Ionova and Andrei Chistyakov have been married for eight years. The couple got married on June 17, 2006. The newlyweds extended their wedding over three whole days. On the first day, the couple officially registered their relationship at the Kutuzovsky registry office (of those invited there were only witnesses). Natalya behaved confidently and calmly, unlike her husband, who was noticeably worried during the ceremony. After registration, the newlyweds went to one of the capital's restaurants, where they celebrated the joyful event in a close circle. In the evening happy bride went to the cinema to watch the cartoon “Cars”, and Natalya Ionova’s husband took up the final preparations for the upcoming feast.

They celebrated the second day at a country residence in Barvikha. The bride and groom invited their relatives and friends, as well as mutual friends, to the celebration. Thus, there were about 200 people. And on the third day, the couple rushed home to Chistyakov in St. Petersburg.

Creative life of Glucose after the wedding

At the end of 2007, Natalya Ionova returned to musical activity and, together with Max, opened the Glucose Production company.

In January next year, the song is released, followed by a video for it, “Butterflies.” At the same time, Natalya tries herself as a co-author and then host of the television program “Children’s Pranks”.

In the spring of the same year, a new track “Dance, Russia!!!” appeared in the charts, which very quickly became a national hit. Ionova’s numerous concerts are sold out, and the young singer’s new album is the most anticipated music release of the year.

Next, Natasha recorded her new composition called “Sicily” in a duet with Fadeev, which was presented at the “New Wave” festival in Jurmala.

At the end of 2008, music TV channels began broadcasting Ionova’s new video “Daughter”. The animated video featured the updated Glucose and little Glu - the prototype of Natalya Lida's daughter (then she was only 1.5 years old).

Ionova is an actress, singer, TV presenter, and now also an understudy!

In the spring of 2009, television viewers were presented with a new cartoon “Monsters vs. Aliens”, where the main role - Gigintika - was voiced by Natalya Ionova. Glucose tried herself as an understudy for the first time, and it must be said that her debut was quite successful. Also in the spring of that year, Ionova extended her contract to star in the TV show “Children’s Pranks” and continued her career as a TV presenter.

Big changes in the singer’s work

In the summer of 2009, Natasha’s new song “Money” was released, which, as the singer herself stated, became a “fat comma” in her creative activity. And already with the onset of autumn, Ionova dramatically changed her image. She left T-shirts, jeans, heavy boots in the past, and with them songs performed in a humorous way. A new Natalya Ionova appeared before Glucose fans - matured, feminine and exciting. At the end of the year, various publications immediately included the singer in the list of the most beautiful, stylish and prominent representatives domestic show business.

March 2010 was remembered for the premiere of the song “That’s Such Love.” A completely different sound and, unexpectedly for the singer herself, a provocative text immediately attracted a curious audience to the new product. However, Natalya Ionova herself, whose biography is very interesting to many fans of pop music, did not go unnoticed.

In the summer of the same year, Glucose made a video for the single High sign, which was written especially for the singer by German authors. This song in the Russian variation is called “Vzmakh”; Natasha’s husband himself worked on the text.

A little later, Ionova shot a video for the track “Like in childhood,” and some time later, on January 31, 2011, the premiere of the aforementioned High sign was released on

On April 18, the singer released her next composition called “I Want a Man.” The words to this song were again written by the singer’s husband Andrei Chistyakov. A video was shot for this track with the participation of the popular comedian Timur Batrutdinov, who played the main male role in it.

Natalya is the first in everything!

October 2011 was distinguished by the fact that Blu-ray and DVD with a recording of the NovBOY concert appeared in specialized stores. This was the first concert in the history of Russian music when the viewer could see the show in 3D format. Ionova has long positioned herself as a pioneer and lover of innovations in music.

In November 2011, the singer’s long-awaited third album “Trans-FORM” was released, and fans were very happy about this gift.

January 2012 surprised me with Glucose’s scandalous video clip for the song “My Vice.” The premiere took place on the largest ELLO channel on YouTube.

Children of Natalia Ionova

Natalya Ionova is currently raising three children. She has two daughters: the youngest was named after her grandmother Vera, now she is 3 years old; the eldest is Lydia, she turned 8 years old in May. The third child is the boy Sasha, the son of her husband from his first marriage.

Natalya Ionova and her husband went through a lot together, but it did not affect their mutual love and respect for each other. Natasha is proud of her chosen one, although the couple is older (thirteen years old), which does not prevent them from getting along well.

The couple spend a lot of time traveling, but Natalia Ionova’s children do not go unnoticed. They spend all their time with nannies, of whom they have ten. The singer came up with her own system of control over hired workers, so she goes on tour without worrying about her children. She has many built-in cameras at home. In addition to transmitting images, they also reproduce sound perfectly.

What is she like - Natalya Ionova?

A slender, green-eyed blonde who loves children, dogs, friends and the Internet - that’s all Natalya Ionova. Photos of the singer from Bali beaches prove that Natasha takes very good care of her figure. Glucose does not hide the fact that sports are not her thing favorite direction, and yoga helped her get rid of the extra pounds that the girl gained after her first pregnancy. Now the singer adheres to proper nutrition. Natalia's curves allow her to wear any clothes, even rather revealing ones. She chooses her own outfits, making a choice in favor of convenience, and likes to change clothes often. Natalya Ionova and her children love to take part in photo shoots. They are happy to transform and try on different images.

Alexander Chistyakov- millionaire businessman, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, former top manager of RAO UES, husband famous singer Glucose.

Alexander Chistyakov. Biography

Alexander Nikolaevich Chistyakov born January 25, 1973 in St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky to the Faculty of Marketing and Finance. In 1995, he received a degree in economics at the Interserting Institute of Economics and Finance (St. Petersburg).

In 2001, he began working at JSC United Energy Systems of Russia as head of the Investment Policy Department. Then he became a member of the board of directors, and then the owner of 48% of the company's shares. In agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Chistyakov transferred to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES. Also for about seven years he was the first deputy general director of IDGC Holding OJSC. Alexander Chistyakov was involved in the formation of investment policy, organized asset flows, monitored the implementation of new technologies and controlled the regional branches of the JSC FGC UES corporation.

Since 2011, Alexander Chistyakov has been a co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro. In 2014, he sold a 13% stake in the company Alexander Rappoport, and in the summer of 2014 Ruspetro left the London Stock Exchange.

In addition to business, Alexander Chistyakov is engaged in creative activity. So, in 2015, he wrote the script for the animated film “Savva. Heart of a Warrior" and acted as the producer of the project. After the success of the project, Chistyakov, Fedor Bondarchuk and Dmitry Rudovsky produced full-length adventure cartoon“Baba Yaga. Start ". The music for the animated film was written by Maxim Fadeev.

Alexander Chistyakov. Personal life

Alexander Chistyakov met my future wife) on a plane flying to Chechnya. Glucose was flying to a concert, and Alexander was on a business trip. Ksenia Sobchak introduced the future spouses to each other. Ionova was 19 years old at that time, and her future husband was 33 years old. The age difference did not prevent the couple from getting married six months after they met. For Alexander, marriage with Natalya was the second. He has a son born in his first marriage.

Natalia and Alexander have two children: daughters Lida (born in 2007) and Faith(born in 2011). The family lives very friendly. Alexander does not limit Natalya in her professional activity, understands the need to attend social events and communicate with fans.

Rumors about problems in the family of Chistyakov and Ionova arose periodically in the media, but the couple each time refuted the journalists’ speculations, demonstrating an idyll. In 2019, news appeared in the press that Alexander Chistyakov was seen in a restaurant in New Riga with a bright-looking girl. The media again began to vigorously discuss the topic of the crisis in the marriage of the singer and businessman. But almost at the same time) she admitted that she and her husband were thinking about adding to the family.

Singer, film actress, presenter and MTV award winner - Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova (pseudonym Glyuko'za) was born in 1986 in Moscow.

From the age of seven I attended many different clubs, some constantly, and others I abandoned almost immediately. At the age of eleven she passed the casting for the program “Yeralash” and participated in the filming until 1997. At the end of 1999, she starred in the film “The Princess's War,” which was released only fourteen years later. In 2001, she released her first single, after which she entered into a contract with the Fadeevs and later with the Monolit company.

Over the course of her career, she has released five studio albums, two compilations and thirty-one singles. She took part in television shows, acted in films, and voiced cartoons, the latest of which was “Savva. Heart of a warrior."

Personal life

In 2006, she signed with Alexander Nikolaevich Chistyakov, a businessman and co-owner of the Ruspetro company. Ten years after the wedding, according to OK magazine, the Ionov-Chistyakovs were called “the couple of the decade.”

The couple has two children: Lydia, born in 2007, and Vera, born in 2011. Natalya gave birth to both girls in Spain.

Where does Glucose live?

From the Ionov-Chistyakov family a large number of real estate, both abroad and in Russia: apartments in the capital, St. Petersburg and a house in the Moscow region.

Apartment in St. Petersburg

Alexander completely thought through the situation in St. Petersburg, the wife only expressed special wishes, and the husband and the designer took care of everything else. Actually, there were only two wishes: a transparent dressing room and a separate bathroom.

Living space 213 sq. meters is located in a historical building.

The kitchen is designed in a monochrome style and is combined with a spacious dining room. The set was brought from England, and in the dining room, above the dining table and velor chairs, hangs an original crystal chandelier, a wedding gift.

The dining area is adjacent to a glassed-in balcony - one of Natalia’s favorite places. It’s nice to drink coffee and a croissant here in the morning and admire the golden spire of the Engineering Castle. Large curtains hang on the windows - this is also one of GlukoZa’s whims.

The walls and floor of the bathroom are framed with black marble and mosaics. By removing the partition between the master and guest bedrooms, the architects were able to accommodate the second bathroom with sauna that Glucose wanted.

In the guest room, stylized in the Chinese style, next to the entrance there is a mirror, striking in its beauty and size, framed in a carved gilded frame.

The soft living room is adjacent to the study; at the intersection there is a sculpture of a samurai, the work of Dasha Namdakov, V.V.’s favorite master. Putin.

The guest bedroom looks very warm and calm.

The second bedroom is sunnier due to the yellow walls.

Apartment in Moscow

The living space is located on the twenty-third floor in the famous “House on the Embankment” (Serafimovicha Street). Rooms: front door, kitchen-dining room, living room and bedroom.

The overall design is in white, gray and black colors with red accents. Brick walls are painted with plaster.

For variety, the interior contains unusual elements: a huge scarab or a magnificent aquarium in the living room.

The kitchen is also done in black and white with lots of cabinets. In the dining room, the emphasis is on chairs in red tones.

In the bedroom, along with black and light, there is a red accent in the bedside tables and chest of drawers on the entire wall.

The bathroom is completely decorated in black design with marble.

The family practically does not use the capital’s living space; now Ionova’s grandmother lives there.

According to CIAN, prices for three-room housing at 2 Serafimovicha Street start at 40 million rubles.

House in the Moscow region

The family lives permanently in country cottage in one of the elite villages of the Moscow region. The environment here is completely different from urban housing. There are a lot of colors here, bright and warm shades, but the beloved red is still present in these interiors.

In addition to Glucose, her husband, two children together and the eldest son Alexander from his first marriage, the owners’ beloved pets live here.

Since two children live together, their playroom is spacious and bright with plenty of interesting toys, games and books.

Like most modern musical figures, the owners have a small white grand piano in their front door. In addition to the owner herself, her children also love to play music on it.

The large original wood-burning fireplace with granite cladding attracts attention.

The kitchen is implemented in a warm milky white design. The entrance is framed by floor-to-ceiling white columns, and airy curtains hang on the windows.

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