Symbol of mutual love. Paired symbols. Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

The double infinity sign is a tattoo that is much less common than the classic inverted eight. In double infinity, two signs can be depicted parallel to each other, as if crossing. Often there is an option when one symbol overlaps another. Depending on the location of these elements, the meaning of the tattoo may change.

Double infinity is a rather rare symbol, which is essentially a combination of two such sketches. However, this is not only a mathematical symbol. Jews consider eight to be the number of the Lord himself, the Chinese - a symbol of good luck, and Pythagoras compared infinity with stability and harmony.
The double infinity sign can be found among the ancient Indians. For them, it meant the unification of the feminine and masculine principles, complete harmony.

What does double infinity mean?

If two symbols are arranged to form a cross, the tattoo usually carries religious overtones. It means a person’s desire to get closer to God, to comprehend his plans, which, of course, is impossible. Also, such a sign can be interpreted as the eternity of knowledge, a person’s constant desire to improve and comprehend the world.

Has a tattoo double infinity and another meaning: the infinity of time and space.

For couples, double infinity usually signifies the eternity of love and romantic relationships. It is not difficult to guess that each of the symbols symbolizes the life path of the couple that they go through together.

Where to get a tattoo?

The double infinity design is often tattooed on the wrist, a popular and traditional way to place the design. Less commonly, the image is applied to the area under the collarbone, on the ribs, on the side of the foot or on the toes. Variations of the pattern can be found on the neck, shoulders, lower back, and ankle.

What colors are used to draw double infinity?

Most often, the double infinity symbol is a simple and small symbol, so it looks best in the traditional black color. Creative people Sometimes the design is depicted in bright colors, for example, in blue or red. If double infinity is combined with a heart or a feather, it is appropriate to complement the sketch with pink, green, and yellow tones.

Double infinity for guys and girls

This sign can be considered universal. Its meaning does not change depending on the gender of the person who wears the tattoo. The only difference is that girls usually decorate their sketches with additional elements: inscriptions, ornate patterns and other popular designs. Guys often prefer a classic, strict, no-frills option.

Double infinity and other symbols

Double infinity is already a rather intricate sign, so experts do not recommend combining it with additional elements. Otherwise, the tattoo may look rough or even tacky. If you still want to combine this symbol with an inscription, date or other elements, before printing you need to clearly know where exactly all parts of the sketch will be located. It is best to discuss such details with the master.

Bottom line

If a simple infinity seems too boring for a tattoo, then a double infinity is a much more unusual sign with a deeper meaning. For some, it symbolizes freedom and the absence of boundaries, while for others it reminds that it is impossible to fully understand human existence. Even if it is just a symbol of love, such a sign looks elegant and original.

For those who want to improve relationships or attract new love It is recommended to study the signs and symbols of love according to Feng Shui. When these objects are correctly positioned, they will become a powerful magnet to attract good luck, wealth, prosperity, love and happiness into the home.

Attracting love with feng shui

Before you start using the ancient Chinese technology you need to sort yourself out, make sure you are ready for new serious relationship, want to settle down and start a family. Feng Shui does not consider one-night stands. Otherwise, instead of a romantic relationship, you will have sexual problems.

If you feel like a self-sufficient person, you understand that relationships are not needed for enjoying each other, but for joint development, then you can begin to create a space of love.

As you understand, the space of love should not be dirty, so first of all, clean and remove all objects that interfere with the creation of romance. Get rid of old things that are associated with ex-love. So, if you keep letters from your former partners, some memorable souvenirs, photographs together, jewelry - all of them need to be thrown away. Otherwise, they will become an obstacle and create a negative background in the love zone.

Good bedroom feng shui is equally important to attract love. If you sleep on a single bed, urgently change it to a wide double bed to show that you are waiting for your person in this life. It is advisable to place the bed so that it is not near the wall itself and can be approached from both sides. Then the Chi energy will have more ways to fill you with its beneficial power, which means the Feng Shui symbols will work more productively.

At easy help Formulas determine your Gua number and directions that are favorable for you. You should sleep with the headboard in the direction of Yan-nian Love, which helps create a happy personal life.

Place something on the nightstand next to the bed that your partner might like or be interested in. If you are a woman, let it be a couple or three men's magazines. You can also hang some attribute of men's clothing in a prominent place as a symbol.

Symbols and signs of love in Feng Shui

Use meaningful paired love symbols that mean something to you. After all, if you personally do not associate a pair of swans with love, then it would be better to put a pair of hearts that evoke such an association.

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui is a pair of mandarin ducks, which help to get married successfully and create a family where love and fidelity will reign. It is these birds that have become a sign of love in China, because they find a mate once and for life, and if they lose a partner, they often do not find another. Ducks bring a couple to singles, and add stability and happiness to married ones.

Rose quartz is another popular symbol that brings good luck in love. It helps you find your life partner, harmonize your current relationships and adds romance to your life. This stone also helps develop self-love, which is the foundation of all relationships.

Peonies – national symbol China. For many centuries, these flowers have been used to attract love and create romance in relationships.

Double symbol of happiness - this chinese sign symbolizes eternal happiness and is widely used in Feng Shui practice. For those who want to meet their soul mate, the double symbol will help you meet the right partner, for married couple, this element will add mutual understanding, improve the physical and emotional aspects of love.

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Feng Shui love symbols

Paintings with peonies They are considered a very powerful love talisman in Feng Shui. If you are alone, they should be placed at the entrance to the bedroom. If you are already married or are married, then peonies in the bedroom will make your partner more loving.

Paired pieces symbolize the natural union of two principles - male and female. The most striking paired symbols of Feng Shui are a pair of mandarin ducks, a pair of frolicking fish or footprints symbolizing the footprints of Buddha. However, you can place any symbols that in your mind symbolize love - swans, doves, figures of men and women...

love angle, as you enter the room - on the far right. It should be clean, light and, preferably, there should be paired items: two armchairs, two chairs, a picture of a couple. If you have a dream of meeting love, you can materialize it in a painting depicting a loving couple or a symbol thereof, and place it on the wall opposite the door.

Bedroom. Do not place flowers in pots under any circumstances. A bouquet - if only for the occasion, and then it’s not necessary. But it’s good to hang pictures of flowers on the walls, beautiful scenery, but not at sunset or autumn. You can pair birds and animals. You can have cubs if you want children.

Bed You need a double bed so that you can approach from both sides, there are no shelves above the bed, so that nothing hangs over at all, not even a chandelier. Two pillows, one blanket. Under the bed should be empty and there should be fewer sharp corners - make sure that they are not pointed at the bed sharp corners cabinet, shelves The bed should not have its feet facing the door or its head facing the window. When you wake up, you need to see something beautiful, such as a painting, a vase, etc.

Family is social institution, an equal union of a man and a woman, a fortress in which we feel protected. But it still needs to be built, and the relationship in marriage needs to be made truly strong and happy. There are certain symbols whose meaning we will consider here.


Currently, in our country, the sign of pure love is chamomile; in addition, it also signifies fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. White color it represents purity, and the yellow center represents home. The petals seem to unite into one whole - into strong family. This flower has become a symbol of love and fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects a pure and great feeling. Recommended in summer period keep bouquets of daisies at home, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home, consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

Open palms are also a symbol of family, implying the unity of relatives and the warmth they give each other.

Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the making of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they provided certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Colard, Bunny, Svadebnik. They grant protection. Let's consider them in more detail.

Solard - marks prosperity, wealth. The Colard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps strengthen family union, and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the home, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and is a truly feminine amulet, for example, it gives protection from the evil eye. For married women takes on the importance of protecting the family hearth, well-being and prosperity in the home. Often the pair of this amulet was the Kolyadnik, who was the personification of male power. In those days, the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of women, and the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of men. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage bonds, and, of course, true love.

The bunny personifies renewal and is considered a family talisman. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign; it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, sunny energy.

Powerful family symbol

The wedding party is considered a strong talisman. It means the fusion of masculine and feminine principles, two genders into one whole. Since ancient times the Slavs great importance attached to the wedding ceremony and the institution of marriage. This sign was usually given by parents to newlyweds. It is intended exclusively for married couples. The image of this symbol is a combination of four rings of red and of blue color as a sign of infinity.

Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

In Feng Shui practice, a figurine of mandarin ducks is considered a symbol of inseparability and devotion for a married couple. As a rule, it is placed in the southwestern part of the home. Also in this teaching, trees are signs of family. Among them are bamboo, cypress, pine, and plum. In addition, a dragon figurine can contribute to well-being. It brings good luck and protects all family members.

Framed photographs of household members are also a kind of talismans. They should be located in the eastern part of the home. Frames should be rectangular and made of wood. It is advisable to choose green or blue color.

Icons protecting family well-being

Also, the image with which parents bless the newlyweds is a symbol of family and brings happiness.

Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, figurine of a house, linen, horseshoe, donut, chain. Onion is a talisman against tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the home. Sunflower seeds promise health for children. Corn - family cohesion, procreation, protection from disease, mutual understanding. Female and male figurine tied with strings - inextricability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

Wedding symbols

A sign of love and family well-being also is a pair of pigeons. It’s not for nothing that there is such a wedding tradition as releasing these birds into the sky.

Wedding rings are symbols of family, an unbreakable union between a man and a woman entering into marriage. By exchanging rings, spouses transfer part of their energy to each other. It is recommended not to take them off in the first months after the wedding and not let anyone try them on.

Veil - gives the bride protection from the evil eye. The custom of wearing it at a wedding came from Poland. It creates a kind of energy shield that reflects negativity directed towards the bride. At the same time, after the wedding, it is necessary to carefully store the veil; it will serve as a talisman that can protect the young family.

The bride's bouquet is another important attribute. According to legend, the girl who catches him should soon get married, this happens because she begins to emit special energy, and the wreath seems to come to her. It is better to have white flowers in the bouquet: they are a sign of purity and eternity.

A magical symbol for a family is a loaf. Only in order for it to become such, it must be baked correctly. The mother, relative or godmother of the bride, that close woman who has a good relationship, should work on its production. It must be baked so that it has a neat shape, without cracks.

Family symbols are laid out on the loaf, which give protection to the young couple. Flowers, birds, viburnum, mint and rye are often used as them. The loaf is distributed to all guests, so that the energy of the two families merges together.

Towel - the bride must embroider it herself, in secret from everyone. She should be alone and in complete silence. First, the girl reads a prayer. When embroidering, her thoughts should be positive and filled with ideas about her future family life. Work must begin on Thursday. It is embroidered on a clean and whole canvas. The towel is a symbol of life path, which the family must go through together.

Parents bless the newlyweds on it, and no strangers should be at home. The towel has male and female halves, so it is important to stand on it correctly during the blessing. From this moment on, this attribute takes on the meaning of a talisman. The ceremony must certainly take place on Sunday.

Parental blessing is an important symbol family happiness. The attributes for the bride are the icon of the Mother of God, and for the groom - the icon of Christ the Savior.

Stones that are a symbol of family happiness

These include:

  • Beryl is a sign of family, loyalty and love.
  • Aquamarine - protects the happiness of spouses.
  • Sapphire is a stone of love, family and fidelity.
  • Carnelian - preserves home peace, happiness and protects against evil spells.

Thus, we have determined that there are many different designations for the institution of marriage, and interpreted the meaning of the symbols of family and love. They have been used since ancient times, when they firmly believed that the mysterious forces of nature could help in building happiness. Be that as it may, we should not forget that the basis of true well-being in a family is sincere love, respect and loyalty.

IN ancient China Symbolic things have always been important at all times. According to Chinese experts, it is necessary to know the purpose and meaning of each thing, and even more so the one you have chosen as your talisman. The correct placement of an object or its correctly defined purpose according to Feng Shui will bring great benefits not only to you, but also to the people around you, bringing good luck and prosperity to your home, and love and joy to your life. That's why this is so important.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that when using love symbols, you can soon meet your loved one.

One of the Feng Shui love symbols that has been used for many years is the tangerine duck. They are considered a very strong symbol of love and have a good marriage, the basis of which will be love, sincerity and honesty, since these amazing birds stay together for life. Another peculiarity of mandarin ducks is that when they lose a partner, they do not look for more than another, since they equate this with the loss of their other half.

The talisman of mandarin ducks is highly valued in Feng Shui. They say that it will give a single person the one and only love of a lifetime, and for those who are already married or have a husband, it will keep him stable and prosperous.

No less important and popular is another symbol of love according to Feng Shui called rose quartz, which has an unheard of connecting power with love and luck. Whoever owns it will soon meet a delightful and only life partner. This talisman makes relationships harmonious and sincere, thereby eliminating existing disagreements in marriage. Rose Quartz simultaneously promotes the development of self-love, as it is an integral part of a balanced and calm relationship.

The double symbol of happiness is a special talisman, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, means eternal, never-ending happiness. This badge will help you meet a faithful and caring partner, and for marital relations will become a symbolic amulet and a great benefit. The double sign also improves the physical condition of both partners and makes expressions of love more emotional.

A number of lucky talismans according to Feng Shui have a symbol called a magic knot. For centuries this talisman has been used to gain in relationships endless love. The sign of the magic knot symbolized a long and eternal connection between two lovers.

The last symbol of love according to Feng Shui that I wanted to talk about is the peony. In addition to being the national flower of China, the peony is also an ancient symbol of attracting love and has been used for many centuries. In its homeland, the second name of this flower sounds like “flower of wealth and glory.” In China, the peony is revered in a special way.

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