Malinin's wife Emma year of birth. The dark past of Emma, ​​the wife of Alexander Malinin, is revealed. Alexander Malinin in the program "Alone with everyone"

Alexander Malinin, the singer, who is called the king of romances, found his happiness on the third attempt. He broke up with his first wife through the fault of the second - he went to the singer Olga Zarubina, leaving his wife with a small child Nikita.

The second one herself left him, left for America, taking her daughter Kira with her, convincing the artist that he had nothing to do with the birth of the girl.

And only the spectacular blonde Emma managed to seriously and permanently capture the heart of the artist, as well as everything that was attached to this heart.

Love you can't hide from

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Emma Malinina began to receive education at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute. In her first year, she married for great love the son of a professor of medicine., and in the third year she gave birth to a son, Anton.

She did not take academic leave, and therefore she was terribly tired, combining motherhood with her studies. She remembers how at six in the morning she went for draft milk with a three-liter enamel can, and then ran to the first pair.

Her parents just at that time moved to live in Moscow, so Emma completed her internship at the 1st Medical Institute. Emma moved to the capital with her husband. According to her, their relationship had already outlived itself at that time.

Emma disappeared at the institute, during operations and on duty. The husband worked in shifts, and did not strain much for the good of the family. Emma had outgrown him, so it seemed to her at the time. She also felt that she was dragging, like a locomotive, a heavily loaded train on herself.

She rented an apartment next to her parents' house. Experienced joy and relief after breaking up with her husband which became a burden to her. The first husband tried to return his wife, prevented a divorce. Emma worked hard at two jobs to provide for herself and her son.

It was during this period, when she was officially married, that Emma met Alexander. A friend invited her to a Malinin concert, with whom she was familiar. She remembers the impression that the performance made on her and the artist himself: courageous, with long tail on the back of his head, in a red shirt and black leather trousers, he literally bewitched the girl.

After the concert, they went to dinner with a friend. From the first meeting, Emma felt that this was her man.. People from different worlds, she is a doctor, he is an artist, but sparks literally sparkled between them.

That evening, Malinin presented an autographed photograph as a memento, writing “ I love you Emma". The girl was embarrassed and asked to write something neutral. " Emily with love!”, he signed the second version. This autograph is still kept in the Malinin family archive.

Malinin began to care for Emma, ​​but they did not immediately begin to live together. At first they interfered everyday problems: Malinin lived in a small room with an old mother, whom he moved from the village after her divorce from Alexander's father.

Later, when the singer acquired a fifteen-meter odnushka, to which he attached a bedroom on the mezzanine (the ceilings were high), Emma balked. She made a condition that she would move in with him only as a wife.. Malinin did not want to tie himself with new bonds of marriage; he experienced his previous divorce too painfully.

But for the sake of Emma, ​​he took this step. They signed and began to live together - the newlyweds, the son of Emma Anton and the son from his first marriage, Nikita. Emma had a good, warm relationship with her first wife, Inna.

Interesting Notes:

Later they managed to buy an apartment on Kutuzovsky, a former communal apartment that Emma settled, they have already equipped to their liking, and each family member has his own room, his own corner.

Emma desperately wanted children, but Alexander was not ready. Only many years later, he himself asked Emma for a child, and soon twins appeared in their family - daughter Ustinya and son Frol.

In the time free from storage of the hearth

In addition to family and household chores, Emma has always pursued a career and successfully took place in the profession. She established her own medical center "Clinic of Dr. Malinina", coordinates a network of pharmacies.

She is the developer of the Balyan line of hygiene products, based on the active ingredient of Australian tree oil. The network of its business structures is extended also abroad, in particular, in Germany and France.

beauty, wife and mother of many children, successful business- wumen, she never avoided publicity. With pleasure she starred in her husband's videos and in commercials. At 52, she starred in an advertisement for Chanel, demonstrating a flawless body.

Her openness and accessibility to the press does not always play her advantage. Not so long ago, she gained a reputation as a scandalous person.. The story is connected with the sudden appearance of Malinin's second wife, singer Olga Zarubina. She suddenly returned from the USA with adult daughter Kira, and began to give interviews in which she accused Malinin of abandoning the child in early childhood.

According to Emma, ​​the singer's mother said that Zarubina left Alexander after he had an accident, due to severe injuries lost his voice, too.

Bye Malinin for a long time was in the hospital, she began to live with her future husband, and upon her return, Alexandra declared that her daughter was not from him, went to America, and registered Kira with her new husband.

After the death of her husband, she returned to Russia and began to draw attention to her own person., appearing on various programs with various interviews.

Since Emma often appears with her husband on a TV show, she spoke very sharply against Zarubina, creating a bitchy image for herself.

Although it can be understood. It was because of the betrayal of his second wife that Malinin was in no hurry to call Emma to the registry office. Because of separation from his daughter, he did not agree to have children, and Emma had to wait a long time for the happiness of motherhood. She felt that this woman was trying to hurt her loved one again, and she protected the family.

Ustinya Malinina is a Russian aspiring singer, daughter of the People's Artist of Russia Alexander Malinin.

Childhood and family

Ustinya was born on November 23, 2000 in the family of composer, singer and artist Alexander Malinin and his wife Emma Valentinovna, a gynecologist and owner of a network of pharmacies. The girl has a twin brother Frol, an artist.

Malinina also has half brothers Anton (businessman, Emma's son from his first marriage) and Nikita (singer and composer, from his father's first marriage to Inna Kurochkina, violinist of VIA "Singing Guitars"), as well as stepsister Kira from her father's marriage to singer Olga Zarubina (Malinin recognized his daughter only a few years ago).

Ustinya Malinina studied at one of best schools Bavaria. Parents always had girls different views on future profession daughters: Alexander dreamed that his daughter would become a singer, while Emma Valentinovna saw a doctor in Ustinya. As a result, the girl nevertheless decided to follow in the footsteps of her father. She, the owner of a beautiful soprano, was accepted into the Bavarian State Opera without any problems.


WITH early years Ustinha, together with her brother, studied music - she played the piano, sang, studied musical notation and musical literature. At the age of 4, the girl wrote her first song.

Alexander Malinin said in an interview that he always wanted to see his children as musicians, but never put pressure on them. As a result, Frol became an artist, while Ustinya more emerged in the world of music.

In November 2015, Ustinya prepared a surprise for her father's birthday by debuting with a song of her own composition dedicated to dad. In September 2016, Alexander and his daughter recorded their first joint song "Show", with which they later performed in the holiday entertainment program " New year's night on the first".

At the end of 2016, Malinina recorded her first album, all the songs of which she wrote on her own - both lyrics and music. It is noteworthy that the girl writes songs in English and Russian. In an interview, Malinin admitted that he was very proud of his daughter and wished Ustinya success in this difficult task.

As a creative pseudonym, Malinina chose the name Usty.M, although later the girl often performed under her real name. The album's title track "Break the Pain" soon became available for free download.

Ustinya Malinina - "Barefoot"

In the spring of 2017, listeners were able to get acquainted with the songs of the singer "VAE" and "Barefoot", and in early summer, the father and daughter of Malinina recorded a new song "Please" (in Russian).

Alexander and Ustinya Malinin - "Pliz"

Personal life of Ustinya Malinina

It is difficult to judge whether Ustinya's heart is busy or not - judging by the girl's page on social networks, she devotes all her time to creativity, study and travel.

Her hobby is fishing. Malinina says that she often goes fishing with her father when he returns from tour. “It means a lot to me,” the singer shares.

The personal life of Alexander Malinin is of great interest to the audience and journalists. The singer's wife Emma rarely communicates with the media, the artist also does not comment on their relationship. This year, the performer of romances turns 59 years old, in honor of his birthday celebrity couple decided to talk about how she keeps love and loyalty to each other. The couple is raising twins Frol and Ustinya. The young man is fond of painting, and the girl tries her hand at the stage.

Alexander and Emma met by chance at one of the artist's performances. The singer immediately confessed his feelings to his chosen one, and she, in turn, considered Malinin too frivolous.

“I just signed the photos:“ With Best wishes”, “With respect”, a friend - “With love. A. Malinin. And she - "Emmy, I love you!" She thought: what a frivolous man! - shared Alexander.

The artist said that from an early age he was very loving. Malinin was married twice before meeting Emma. “I conquered the girls on every visit to the pioneer camp, then in the army. In general, if I take a guitar and sing - all my girls! Even Emma's friends are in love with me at such moments, ”said Alexander. In his opinion, a real man should think, first of all, about the family and relatives.

The singer shared that his wife is much more emotional than him. “It was especially difficult at first: she could not adapt to the frantic conditions of my work. She returns home tired, and we have guests whom she sees for the first time. Much annoyed her, although I warned: now you probably want to leave, I will feel bad, but I will not run to catch up with you. Three years later it became easier, ”the artist recalled.

Behind long years life together the singer's wife learned to smooth sharp corners and got used to the strange habits of a famous husband. For example, Malinin can give his beloved flowers that his fans presented to him. The artist is easy on money, he is ready to easily spend the entire fee in one day.

“His frankness strikes on the spot, and you already think: directness is better than lies. Recently I had a birthday, and he flew in from a tour at night. In the morning I'm going to work, but I'm wondering whether I'll wake up or not? Before that, he got up, gave flowers. And then I bought a whole package of butterflies ... I say: “Well, Sash, this is not my hobby! “And I want you to do it too.” Everything was turned into a joke. After all, I know: if there is an opportunity, he will give me the gift that I want. If he doesn't get up in the morning, he will buy flowers in the evening. Definitely,” Emma shared.

Malinina supports the famous spouse in everything. A few years ago, the artist was seriously ill and even briefly left the stage, loving wife was always there.

“I was seriously ill - I didn’t work for two months, I recovered - appendicitis happened. Everything is fine - he suddenly gets into an accident, in which he miraculously remains alive. Then - again ... And so for ten months. I tried not to provoke depression, I said: they get sick worse, they crash more, and the car is God bless her, ”Emma shared.

Emma's ex-husband for the first time - about the main tragedy of his life

In the 2000s, the name of Alexander MALININ seemed to disappear forever from the covers of newspapers and magazines. The singer did not indulge the audience with hits. He did not participate in the iconic national concerts. They stopped calling him to star parties. Dull Malinin romances disappeared from the air of popular radio stations and TV channels. Exalted single ladies 40+, who make up the main audience of Alexander, found other idols. And here on you. Andrey MALAKHOV, in his talk show, for two evenings in a row in prime time, shook the whole country with dirty Malininsky linen. And aroused an unprecedented interest in this family. The public was especially intrigued by the singer's wife, gynecologist Emma. By the number of requests in Runet, this woman entered the top five. Therefore, today many of you are in for a pleasant surprise. "Express newspaper" tracked down the first husband of Emma MALININA!

Marriage Alexandra Malinina with his third wife, Emma, ​​has been going on for 22 years. In all interviews, the married couple repeated the same romantic story of acquaintance. We met by chance at a concert, when both were free from family obligations, immediately fell in love with each other. Now they are exemplary husband and wife: he is a People's Artist of Russia, she is a doctor, a successful businesswoman.

I'm with Emma Zalukaeva (maiden name Malinina. - A.K.) had the dubious happiness of studying at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, - she told us ex girlfriend Victoria. - For some reason, she herself hides that she studied in the provinces, and says that she graduated from a Moscow university. Yes, and about the first husband - the son of a professor Isaev- does not mention at all. Years have passed, but Emma still remains " snow queen"- as cold, arrogant and calculating as we all knew her. As a child, her grandmother taught her: “Marry only a person of our circle!” Her father was a big nomenclature bigwig in Ulyanovsk. In the student fraternity, she had a nickname: “Zalukaeva - show-off is more expensive than money!”

At the institute, Emma did not have enough stars from the sky: she was interrupted from threes to fours. In the first year, she drew attention to the tall and broad-shouldered son of a professor at the Department of Surgery Alexandra Isaeva. In the third year, their son Anton was born. Then Emma's father was transferred to Moscow. The family followed him.

Emmochka herself says that she met Malinin on his solo album when she already broke up with her husband. But she began to twist the novel, while still Isaev's wife. Between spouses scandals began. Neighbors complained that Emma's screams shook the walls in the entrance. As a result, she divorced, went to her lover and took her son with her. The woman mentioned Isaev only once in an interview with a glossy publication:

Even before meeting with Malinin, I decided to leave my first husband. It would seem that he was a professor's son, a successful start, a very wealthy family. Everyone asked me why I do it. They looked at me like I was crazy: you have a child! But how to live with a person if you feel good when he leaves the room?

Son Anton, who was later adopted by Malinin, also admitted to reporters that he considers the father not at all the one who gave him life. That is why the 29-year-old guy bears the name of the famous stepfather.

Forged documents?

Express Gazeta tracked down Alexander Isaev in Samara. He gave up medicine a long time ago and reluctantly recalls the years he lived with Zalukaeva.

We met in 1979, both were students medical faculty. In the second year they played a wedding, when we were 20 years old, a son appeared. In order not to sit on the neck of my parents, I worked as a nurse in the hospital. So we always had money. Parents helped, of course: my father loved Antoshka without memory - he constantly drove him fishing throughout the Samara region, worked out, developed the guy.

- Emma never talked about marriage in Samara, assuring that she had been living in Moscow since the age of 14.

Some people generally shift their focus in relation to the past over the years: they remember only what they want, and the rest is safely forgotten.

- Why did you break up?

Complex issue. - After graduation, we went to Moscow. Lived with her parents. And they are very unique people. Dad is a high-ranking official, mom is some kind of boss at the Kazan railway station. My parents devoted their whole lives to medicine: my mother is also a doctor of the highest category. Emma and I were brought up differently, and we had different approaches to life. Quarrels and conflicts began out of the blue.

- Who took the first step towards divorce?

I. In Moscow, I began to lose myself. I never got used to the bustle of the capital, in which Emma felt great. Returning to Samara, he got a job as a doctor of the Russian national cycling team. He was not going to leave his son, so he tried his best to improve relations with his wife. But she immediately moved, leaving no new address. It was useless to ask relatives - she ordered everyone to keep their mouths shut. While I was looking for her, Emma did a great job of turning her son against me. She inspired that dad was bad: he betrayed, ran away, mocked. I don’t know what else she said to him, since he didn’t want to communicate with me. By separating us from her son, she took revenge on me.

Immediately after your departure, Emma married Alexander Malinin, and after a while Anton took the name of his stepfather. Isn't it embarrassing?

Not offensive, but strange: Malinin is a pseudonym, but his son made him his last name. The adoption story is an interesting one. According to the documents, it appears that I abandoned the child. But I didn't! Emma called and in an orderly tone (she only spoke in this way) said that the documents that I had to sign would come one of these days. An envelope arrived containing a waiver of parental rights to Anton. Naturally, I did not sign anything! Emma somehow pulled this off on her own. Deprived me of paternity without my participation! I wrote to Anton in one of social networks so that he does not believe in all this, but the son did not want to communicate with me.

- And you decided to retreat.

I am a peaceful person, against any conflicts. I wanted to communicate with Anton. But when a child has been taught for so many years that dad is evil, it is clear why he moved away. I tried to reason ex-wife, establish contact with the child, but to no avail. Let it be on her conscience.

Alexander Malinin - Russian singer, composer, teacher, National artist Russian Federation and Ukraine. He returned the tradition of performing romances to the stage, and is the author of concert programs that take place in the form of a ball.

Childhood and youth

Singer Russian stage Alexander Malinin was born on November 16, 1957 in the capital of the Middle Urals. The sign of the zodiac, which turned out to be the patron of the future singer, is Scorpio. The boy's parents, Nikolai Stepanovich Vyguzov and Angelina Anatolyevna Malinova, were simple railway workers. Alexander has younger brother Oleg.

The family broke up when the boys were still small, and the children stayed with their mother. Later, Alexander Malinin developed a strained relationship with his father, who remarried after a divorce from his mother. Since childhood, the mobile Sasha Vyguzov visited a large number of clubs and studios. He was fond of hockey, skating, music.

Thanks to the activities of the teacher Nikolai Petrovich Sidorov, who organized the Young Lazarev detachment in the Railway Worker's House, Sasha Vyguzov joined the performances on stage. The team of young musicians was named after the pilot-cosmonaut Lazarev, who was from Sverdlovsk. The Vyguzov brothers were taken to the creative team as buglers. Together with a mentor, a group of guys traveled with concerts almost the entire Soviet Union. Each time, arriving in Moscow, the team members visited the Museum of Cosmonautics and the family.

In addition to the horn, Alexander mastered the horn, which was useful to him later in the army. After the 9th grade, the young man decided to follow in his father's footsteps and entered the railway technical school. But his studies lasted only 4 days. During this time, Sasha realized that music for him has become a matter of life.

Not without the help of Sidorov, at the age of 16, the young man entered the pop performance studio, which operated at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. There he studied classical and folk manners of singing. After 4 years of study, he was taken as a soloist in the Ural Academic Choir, but Alexander did not work there for long: it was time for him to join the army.

In the military registration and enlistment office, a talented young man was assigned to the regiment, which was formed to hold army musical events. After returning to civilian life, the matured Alexander decides to move to Moscow.


In the first years of his stay in the capital, Vyguzov appeared as part of the VIA "Sing guitars", "Fantasy", "Metronome", he also worked in the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. Four years after his arrival, he became an artist of the State Concert, as well as a musician of the group. Alexander did not forget about professional growth: in parallel with his work in popular groups, he studied at the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College.

1986 was a turning point in the singer's biography: he got into a terrible accident and miraculously survived. The doctors did everything they could, but their prognosis sounded disappointing. Alexander, according to doctors, now only "shone" disabled carriage and singing was out of the question. At 28, the artist seemed to have lost everything: his job, wife, friends, talent. He turned to God and was baptized in Orthodox Church. Creativity also helped him, the songs of which he listened to for days on end. And a miracle happened: Alexander began to walk again and, most importantly, to sing.

Within a year, the perked-up artist received an offer from an American friend, composer David Pomeranz, to come to the US to record a solo album. Alexander changed his surname Vyguzov to Malinin and already performed with it at the end of the year at Rock Panorama with the songs Black Raven and Coachman, Don't Drive Horses, which he performed solo to the accompaniment of his own guitar.

Alexander Malinin - "Coachman, don't drive the horses"

A year later, at Jurmala-88, the artist made a splash among the public: his songs “Corrida”, “Love and Separation”, “Beware, the doors are closing” became the discovery of the year, and Alexander Malinin was awarded the main prize of the festival. The artist immediately distinguished himself with a special style of performance: he remade folk music in the manner of rock ballads, which made the songs have a new unique sound. The singer's repertoire was enriched with romances, ballads for poetry, as well as popular folk songs.

Alexander Malinin - "Corrida"

Now he has the opportunity to fulfill the dream of a solo program, which he called "Alexander Malinin Balls." The new producer of the singer Sergey Lisovsky helped Malinin to realize this idea. During the first concerts at the Olimpiysky, the artist broke all attendance records: 350 thousand spectators visited his show in 3 weeks of work.

The original format of performances has become calling card singer, and after the first concert he gave more than 10 similar ones. Among them, the most popular were "Easter Ball of my Soul", "Alexander Malinin's Christmas Ball", "Ninth Ball", "Star Ball" and "Shores of My Life". In the late 90s, his wife Emma became the general producer of Alexander Malinin.

For 30 years of his solo career, Alexander Malinin created such vocal masterpieces that were especially remembered by the audience. First of all, these are “Vain Words”, “Lieutenant Golitsyn”, “ White horse”, “Lady Hamilton”, “Shores”.

Alexander Malinin - "Shores"

With tours, Malinin traveled not only throughout Russia, but also near and far abroad. He recorded more than 20 solo albums, which were released in large numbers. Among the discs, the most popular among the public were "Love's Desired Time", "Wedding", "Cursed Nights", "I still love you".

At performances, the artist sings without a phonogram. He prefers to reinforce his fame with new hits, rather than gossip and constant participation in talk shows.

Alexander Malinin - "Lieutenant Golitsyn"

In 2016, a grandiose concert "Silver Ball" was held for fans of Malinin's work, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of his marriage to Emma. It began with a beautiful spectacular imitation of a snowstorm. Through the lace of snowflakes, the silhouettes of churches, noble estates, ladies and gentlemen dancing waltzes were guessed.

Alexander Malinin - "In the Cape Town Port"

At the concert hits "In the Cape Town Port", "If it weren't for you", "Lieutenant Golitsyn", "White Horse" and musical compositions from the latest disc "Choose You". Performed by Alexander Malinin in a duet with the song "Horses". The new concert program "Petersburg Ball" appeared on the musician's tour list in the first half of 2017.

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander was popular with girls, so the singer could never complain about the disorder in his personal life. Tall (the singer's height is 177 cm), athletic, charming young man made an impression on classmates and the first admirers of his talent.

Immediately after the army, Alexander married a young instrumentalist from the VIA "Singing Guitars" Inna Kurochkina. Soon the newlyweds had a son, who was named Nikita.

The young man decided to follow in his father's footsteps and already in the early 2000s he became the winner of the Star Factory-3 rating project. Now he continues to write music for Russian representatives show business. Numerous photos show that the eldest son looks like Alexander Malinin in his youth.

Soon, the loving Alexander left his wife and met a new darling - a talented singer. The second marriage lasted two years, after which the artist left Alexander and left for the USA. There she had a daughter from Malinin - Kira Evdokimova. The girl was adopted immediately new husband singers, and she did not communicate with her father for a long time.

Some time ago, Olga decided to arrange a meeting between her daughter and Alexander Malinin on the air of the “Let them talk” program. The show was attended by last wife singer, and part-time director Emma Malinina. There was a verbal conflict between the women over Zarubina's request to pay for her daughter's education. But soon the parties came to a compromise, and the quarrel was settled.

Alexander has been in his third marriage since 1990. Emma Malinina, who is a gynecologist by training, managed to create the necessary family comfort for Alexander, which he greatly values.

10 years after the wedding, the couple had common children - son Frol and daughter Ustinya. The son is a professional painter, and the daughter recorded the first music album, which her father is very proud of. The girl grows up as a talented performer with a unique timbre of voice, she writes songs in English and German.

Alexander devotes a lot of time to his relatives and even takes them with him on tour. The couple's first grandchildren Plato and Arianna are growing up - these are the children of Anton, Emma's son from his first marriage.

The artist maintains physical fitness and ideal weight (70 kg) thanks to cycling, running and yoga. And Alexander Malinin remains an avid collector. The walls of his house are decorated with a collection of rare beetles and butterflies. According to the artist, he lives like in a herbarium.

In 2017, Alexander Malinin was again attacked by Olga Zarubina, his own father and his current wife. The wife of Nikolai Vyguzov spoke to the reporters of the talk show "Live" with accusations against Malinin. The woman assured that the artist never asked about the state of health of Nikolai Stepanovich, who was hospitalized. During the transfer, it turned out that the diagnosis of a stroke in Vyguzov Sr. was not confirmed, and Alexander, together with his brother Oleg, transferred a round sum to his father's account.

Alexander Malinin and Olga Zarubina in the project "Let them talk"

The answer to the ex-wife, who again made claims to Alexander Malinin for unpaid alimony, was a lawsuit to protect honor and dignity. The artist was looking forward to monetary compensation 1 million rubles Olga did not give in, but hired lawyers and attended every court hearing. As a result, the judge rejected the singer's claim.

Alexander Malinin now

Alexander Malinin is glad that musical career develops in his daughter. The girl has already presented the first video for the song "Leo Tolstoy", which was filmed in Amsterdam. The singer himself released a program for the anniversary ball, for which he used forgotten pieces of music from his repertoire. At the gala concert music festival"Slavic Bazaar" Alexander performed with, performing a duet hit "Two Souls".

Elena Vaenga, Alexander Malinin - "Two Souls"

Among the projects of the year are a concert performance in Jurmala with the songs “Vain Words”, “Love and Separation”, the new album “Love is Alive”, shooting a video for the hit “Sometimes they talk about love”. The video was created in the interiors of the Mir Castle. By posting backstage shots of the filming process in your "Instagram", Alexander Malinin received a lot of positive feedback. Some fans called the video "a future classic."

Ustinya Malinina - Leo Tolstoy

Another significant event of the year for the Malinin family is the participation of Alexander and daughter Ustinya in the recording of the Russian-language version of the hit "Moskau" by composer and producer Ralf Siegel for the 2018 World Cup. British Jay Khan worked on the English and German versions of the single, while Mexican tenor Jorge Jimenez and his duet partner Marifer Medrano sang in Spanish.


  • 1990 - "Restless"
  • 1991 - "Alexander Malinin"
  • 1991 - "Ball"
  • 1994 - "Love is the desired time"
  • 1996 - "I still love you"
  • 1998 - "Wedding"
  • 2000 - Cursed Nights
  • 2001 - "Shores"
  • 2003 - "Old Russian romances"
  • 2004 - "If not for you"
  • 2008 - "Oh, my soul"
  • 2010 - "I declare love to you"
  • 2014 - I choose you
  • 2018 - "Love is alive"
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