Riddles about water and natural phenomena. Riddles: Not a horse, but running Not a forest, but making noise. Between the mountains, between the valleys A white horse runs. Between the mountains between the valleys runs

From the book Gods of the New Millennium [with illustrations] author Alford Alan

WATER, THIS IS THE ESSENCE! While I was pondering the possibilities of burning hydrogen and how mines should be sealed so that gas could be transported through them, fate, in the form of Channel 4 of the Equinox program, gave me the last clue to unraveling this

From the book About Three Whales and Much More author Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich

Living water Composers who lived in different time and in different countries world, listened to the music of their people and studied it in the same way that we all learn our mother tongue. They loved the folk song, absorbed its life-giving juices, relied on it in an effort to make their own music.

From the book of Nature beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

Water 1 Not a horse, but running, not a forest, but making noise. 2 Between the mountains, between the valleys, a white horse runs. 3 It grew, it grew, it crawled out of the beard, the sun became, nothing became. 4 Clean and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he gives birth to her. 5 In a new wall, in a round window, during the day

From the book Winged words author Maksimov Sergey Vasilievich

From the book Samurai Cookbook or Damn Te What, not a book about Japan author Carlson Kitya

Water of life Oh! Hot water You are living water. Once upon a time, our planet was a young planet of fire, then water and life cooled the earth, then people appeared under the green cover of the forest near cold rivers, but somewhere in the depths, where only the deepest streams reach, from heat

From the book Myths of Armenia author Ananikyan Martiros A

Water If the fire had a feminine essence, then the water had a masculine one. As we have already mentioned, they are very closely related to each other and are associated with brother and sister in the Armenian fire cult. Probably, the idea of ​​kinship was inspired by trees, luxuriously green along the banks of rivers and lakes.

From the book The Chinese Art of Tea Drinking by Lin Wang

Water Now let's talk about the relationship between water and the art of tea making. Imagine babbling springs, the rustling of river waves, the misty surface of lakes, and sweet and clear well water. The relationship between water and tea is the same as the relationship between wine and

From book Slavic mythology author Belyakova Galina Sergeevna

FIRE AND WATER Opposition of fire and moisture (water) is closely connected with world religions. The constant motif of confrontation and merger is especially clearly manifested in it. In Russian fairy tales, epics, conspiracies, fire is personified in the form of a fiery serpent - a dragon, then

From the book Pre-Christian Viruvannia of the Ukrainian People the author Ogienko Ivan

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writing and Mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

From the book of the Deities of the ancient Slavs author Famintsyn Alexander Sergeevich

From the book We are Slavs! author Semenova Maria Vasilievna

From the book The Origin of the Fork. The history of good food author Rebora Giovanni

Water and salt Just one short chapter - and immediately about two irreplaceable ingredients. Water supply is still Ancient Rome was a serious problem and required large financial investments (the remains of Roman aqueducts can still be seen throughout Europe), but in

From the book Nature and Power [ The World History environment] author Radkau Joachim

From the book How to Speak Correctly: Notes on the Culture of Russian Speech author Golovin Boris Nikolaevich

From the book of the Mystery of Cooking. Gastronomic splendor of the ancient world author Sawyer Alexis Benoist

Lesson plan: What is a river? What is a river? Parts of a river Parts of a river Parts of a river valley Parts of a river valley Factors influencing rivers Factors influencing rivers River regime River regime Main types of river feeding Main types of river feeding Rapids and waterfalls Rapids and waterfalls Most major rivers world The largest rivers in the world Tasks for knowledge of the topic Tasks for knowledge of the topic Conclusion. Lesson grades. Conclusion. Lesson grades. Homework Homework

Rapids and waterfalls Read the definitions on pages 92 and 93 Read the definitions on pages 92 and 93 The highest waterfall in the world is ANGEL on the Orinoco River in South America, its height is 1054 m The highest waterfall in the world - ANGEL on the Orinoco River in South America, its height is 1054 m NIAGARA FALLS - one of the most powerful in the world, is located in North America NIAGARA FALLS - one of the most powerful in the world, located in North America FIND THE COORDINATES OF THESE WATERFALLS! FIND THE COORDINATES OF THESE WATERFALLS!

The largest rivers in the world: Nile (Africa) - the most long river world 6671 km Nile (Africa) - the longest river in the world 6671 km Mississippi (N. America) - 6420 km Mississippi (N. America) - 6420 km Amazon (S. America) - the most deep river 6400 km Amazon (South America) - the most full-flowing river in the world 6400 km Yangtze and Huanghe (Eurasia) Yangtze and Huanghe (Eurasia) Amur - the longest river in Russia 4440 km Amur - the longest river in Russia 4440 km Ob, Lena, Volga - rivers of Russia Ob, Lena, Volga - rivers of Russia Yenisei - the most full-flowing river of Russia Yenisey - the most full-flowing river of Russia Congo, Niger (Africa) Congo, Niger (Africa) Yukon, Mackenzie, St. Lawrence (N. America) PUT THESE RIVERS HOUSES ON THE OUTLINE MAP!

Tasks: Determine the source of the Nile and Indus rivers Determine the source of the Nile and Indus rivers Determine the mouth of the Volga, Angara, Ob rivers Determine the mouth of the Volga, Angara, Ob rivers Determine what tributaries are the Kama, Irtysh, Angara rivers Determine what tributaries are the Kama, Irtysh, Angara rivers We measure the length of the OB and YENISEY rivers We measure the length of the OB and YENISEY rivers Determine the rivers’ nutrition: Amazon, Volga, Yenisei, Syrdarya Determine the rivers’ nutrition: Amazon, Volga, Yenisei, Syrdarya

Comparison plan Plain rivers mountain rivers 1. The excess of the source above the mouth The source is 250 m above the mouth The source is more than 5 km above the mouth 2. The flow velocity is less than 1 m/s less than 1 m/s More than that of the plain 3. Width and depth of the valley Wide, shallow valley Narrow, deep valley

Homework: Paragraph 30 (retelling, learn ALL definitions) Paragraph 30 (retelling, learn ALL definitions) Apply to the c / c of the river and vdp Apply to the c / c of the river and vdp Str (in writing in a notebook the Neva river) Str (in writing in a notebook Neva river) Questions-riddles: Questions-riddles: 1) What Siberian river consists of a pronoun and a preposition? 1) What Siberian river consists of a pronoun and a preposition? 2) What river name is in your mouth? 2) What river name is in your mouth? 3) What river Western Siberia is called a dish? 3) What river of Western Siberia is called dishes?

Two brothers
Looking into the water
Century will not converge.

(Answer: Shores)

An invisible shepherd of white lambs drives along a mountain glade.

(Answer: Wind and Clouds)

The gray cloth stretches out the window.

(Answer: Evening)

I break everything, I tear everything down, there is no mercy for anything and no one.

(Answer: Whirlwind)

Why not roll up the hill
Do not carry away in a sieve
And not to hide in your hands?

(Answer: Water)

That's such a miracle!
That's so amazing!
How did he break
off the cliff,
So already
What year
Will not fall.

(Answer: Waterfall)

Between the mountains
Between dol
The white horse is running.

(Answer: Waterfall)

He flies down the cliff
breaks on stones.
He roars louder than the beast
and turns into foam.

(Answer: Waterfall)

There is an invisibility: it does not ask for a house,
And before people runs, in a hurry.

(Answer: Air)

What can't you see in the room?

(Answer: Air)

Walking on the sea, walking
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear.

(Answer: Wave)

White curls -
Cheerful lambs.
They are behind the rain in the woods
They walk along the lake
But just step on the sand -
take a breath
And they will fall.

(Answer: Waves)

While the mountain is sleeping - silent
How to wake up - roar

(Answer: Volcano)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird,
Howls all the time, but not a wolf.

(Answer: Blizzard)

Where is the end of the world?

(Answer: Where the Shadow Ends)

The woman wears a snow hat,
The stone sides are wrapped in clouds.

(Answer: Mountain)

Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.

(Answer: Horizon)

The edge is visible, but you won’t reach it.

(Answer: Horizon)

He is both in summer and in winter -
Between heaven and earth.
Even if you go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.

(Answer: Horizon)

Without arms, without legs, and the window breaks out.

(Answer: Hail)

Flying from heaven unbidden
Cold peas.

(Answer: Hail)

There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky.
Inna ate six peas, she now has a sore throat.

(Answer: Hail)

crumbled peas
For seventy roads
Nobody will pick it up.

(Answer: Hail)

crumbled peas
For seventy roads.
Falling like peas
Jumping on paths.

(Answer: Hail)

Oblique, but not a hare. It comes not from the earth, but from the sky.

(Answer: Thunderstorm)

Bass and serious, he has a cool character:
He will growl very menacingly - they will immediately save everyone!

(Answer: Thunder)

He knocks loudly, shouts loudly, and what he says - do not understand and never be known to the wise.

(Answer: Thunder)

An ox roared for a hundred villages, a hundred rivers.

(Answer: Thunder)

The bear roared over all the mountains, over all the seas.

(Answer: Thunder)

A raven croaked at a hundred villages, at a thousand lakes.

(Answer: Thunder)

The horse is running
The earth is trembling.

(Answer: Thunder)

The duck quacked - sensitively to the whole world.

(Answer: Thunder)

It will knock in the sky, but it will be heard on the earth.

(Answer: Thunder)

The gray stallion neighs in all kingdoms.

(Answer: Thunder)

No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears.

(Answer: Thunder And Lightning)

Malanya passed - a flame was lit;
Pahom came - the house shook.

(Answer: Thunder And Lightning)

It will flash, blink, call someone.

(Answer: Thunder And Lightning)

The tour goes through the mountains, the turkey - through the valleys, the tour whistles, the turkey blinks.

(Answer: Thunder And Lightning)

The king will call, the king will blink - he will call someone.

(Answer: Thunder And Lightning)

The brother goes to visit his sister, and the sister hides in the forest.

(Answer: Day and Night)

Walked, lanky, got stuck in the ground.

(Answer: Rain)

One pours, the other drinks, the third turns green and grows.

(Answer: Rain, Earth, Grass)

Father is hot and red
Sometimes he is dangerous
And the son will fly like a bird -
He will not return to his father.

(Answer: Smoke)

The red girl looks in the mirror.

(Answer: Dawn)

crumbled peas
For a thousand roads.

(Answer: Stars)

The golden zeno crumbled in the night,
Looked in the morning - there is nothing.

(Answer: Stars)

Fireflies in the blue sky
Don't reach out to them
One big firefly
Curled up like a worm.

(Answer: Stars And Moon)

The carpet is spread
scattered peas,
Do not lift the carpet
No peas to collect.

(Answer: Stars in the Sky)

She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.

(Answer: Earth)

Two standing on two lying, two quarrelsome, two robber-destroyers.

(Answer: Earth And Sky, Sun And Moon, Fire And Water)

She didn’t suffer, she didn’t get sick, but she put on a white shroud.

(Answer: Earth and Snow)

And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove the trees.

(Answer: Hoarfrost)

Just outside the window
Let the frost
Icicles flowed
Beads of tears.
Well, and you, my friend,
Answer now -
under my window
What is ringing? …

(Answer: Capel)

They have oval sides
Slightly oblong.
They come from lotion
From beer, tea, from broth,
From honey, alcohol, kerosene,
syrup, milk, gasoline,
From the juice of apples and quince ...
But more often - from plain water.

(Answer: Drops)

Without boards, without axes, the bridge over the river is ready.
The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light.

(Answer: Ice)

It does not burn in fire, nor sinks in water.

(Answer: Ice)

Fish live warmly in winter: the roof is thick glass.

(Answer: Ice)

The water itself, but floats on the water.

(Answer: Ice)

flow, flow
And lay down under the glass.

(Answer: Ice)

Doesn't sink in water
Does not burn in fire.

(Answer: Ice)

Without arms, without legs, but with horns,
And he walks under the sky.

(Answer: Month)

was young -
shone brightly,
Under old age became -
Began to fade.

(Answer: Month)

On the high road
There is a steep-horned bull,
He sleeps during the day
And looks at night.

(Answer: Month)

I twist, grumble, I don’t want to know anyone!

(Answer: Snowstorm, Blizzard)

Near the village the horse is cheerful.

(Answer: Snowstorm, Blizzard)

Loudly they gave the command -
Sabers flashed in the sky.

(Answer: Lightning)

A fire arrow flies
No one will catch her
Neither king nor queen
Not a pretty girl.

(Answer: Lightning)

An eagle bird flies, carries fire in its teeth, in the middle of it is human death.

(Answer: Lightning)

The eagle bird is flying
Carries fire in his teeth
Shoots fire arrows
Nobody will catch her.

(Answer: Lightning)

Noisy, thundered, washed everything and left.
I watered the gardens and orchards of the entire neighborhood.

(Answer: Lightning)

I have neither fire nor heat, but I set fire to everything.

(Answer: Lightning)

Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village.

(Answer: Lightning)

Shine first,
Behind the brilliance Crack,
Behind the crack -

(Answer: Lightning, Thunder, Rain)

Around the water
And drinking is a problem.

(Answer: Sea)

Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

(Answer: Frost)

Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut.

(Answer: Frost)

Without arms, without legs, he can draw.

(Answer: Frost)

What master put it on the walls
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?

(Answer: Frost)

Not fire, but burning.

(Answer: Frost)

He does not knock, does not ring, but runs under the bench.

(Answer: Frost)

The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged away,
Doesn't run on his own
Doesn't tell you to stand.

(Answer: Frost)

Old joker:
On the street does not order to stand,
Pulls home by the nose.

(Answer: Frost)

I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance.

(Answer: Frost)

Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, he paved the bridge across the river,
And she came young - she swept the whole bridge.

(Answer: Frost And Spring)

Armless, legless old man across the river the bridge continued.

(Answer: Frost, Ice)

A bridge was built without hands, without an ax handle.

(Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

Grandpa is building a bridge without an axe.

(Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

Samson himself made the bridge: without an ax, without wedges, without hewing.

(Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

The blue tent covered the whole world.

(Answer: Sky)

Carpet is laid
Scattered peas.
Do not lift the carpet
Do not collect peas.

(Answer: Sky, Month, Stars)

The bird flapped its wings
Covered the whole world with one feather.

(Answer: Night)

Look out the window
A black cat is walking.

(Answer: Night)

black cow
The whole world has overcome.

(Answer: Night)

Bulan horses are running, all the bridles are torn,
Neither sit down, nor stroke, nor hit with a whip.

(Answer: Clouds)

They fly without wings
Running without legs
Sailing without a sail.

(Answer: Clouds)

The horses are running. Do not catch up with them, do not get them, because they can fly.

(Answer: Clouds)

On the blue sea
White geese are swimming.

(Answer: Clouds)

Fluffy cotton
Floats somewhere.
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain is.

(Answer: Clouds)

Fluffy white animals are swimming somewhere.

(Answer: Clouds)

At first, slowly, barely
They flew through the air
Then they swam faster, faster,
What are their names, do you remember?

(Answer: Clouds)

Is it not the sun's fault that cotton wool is hanging in the sky?

(Answer: Clouds)

White cotton wool floats somewhere.
Though catch, do not catch - you will not catch.

(Answer: cloud)

White cotton
Float somewhere.

(Answer: cloud)

The sieve is large, the sieve is blue.
It sows and blows white fluff on houses, people, on the meadow.

(Answer: Cloud And Snow)

That's what a glutton is: everything in the world can eat.
And when he drinks water, he will definitely fall asleep.

(Answer: Fire)

If there is no water nearby -
I'm ready to make trouble.

(Answer: Fire)

Meek prisoner for years
I live inside the oven
And I cook soups with borscht,
I bake rolls.
I give warmth to the house,
But always in me, believe me
More terrible than thunder
Bloodthirsty hidden beast.

(Answer: Fire)

What in the world has no measure, no weight, no price?

(Answer: Fire)

There are three brothers:
One eats - does not eat,
The other drinks - does not get drunk,
The third walks - does not work up.

(Answer: Fire, Earth, Water)

Runs through the snow, There is no trace.

(Answer: Drift)

In the new wall
In the round window
Broken glass during the day
Inserted overnight.

(Answer: Hole)

Fur coat is new
There is a hole at the bottom.

(Answer: Hole)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror,
Blue glass, green frame.

(Answer: Pond)

Get up and reach the sky.

(Answer: Rainbow)

The red yoke hung across the river.

(Answer: Rainbow)

A painted yoke hung across the river.

(Answer: Rainbow)

For a minute, a multi-colored miracle bridge has grown into the ground.
The miracle master made a high bridge without a railing.

(Answer: Rainbow)

Gates went up
Beauty all over the world.

(Answer: Rainbow)

The gates have risen, the beauty of the whole world.
The sun ordered: “Stop, the seven-colored Bridge is steep!”
A cloud hid the light of the sun. The bridge collapsed - and there are no chips!

(Answer: Rainbow)

The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!”
The cloud hid the sun light -
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips.

(Answer: Rainbow)

multi-colored yoke
It hung over the river.

(Answer: Rainbow)

Spread golden bridge
For seven villages, for seven miles.

(Answer: Rainbow)

Through the fields
Through the meadows
There was an elegant arc.

(Answer: Rainbow)

White cat
Flying through the window.

(Answer: Dawn)

It pours into it, it pours out of it,
It floats on the ground itself.

(Answer: River)

Hiding in the winter
I appear in the spring
I have fun in the summer
I go to bed in the fall.

(Answer: River)

Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy.
Slightly trembling in space, -
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.

(Answer: River)

Treats in the summer heat
He is the key water.

(Answer: Spring)

Crystal beads
Scattered across the grass.

(Answer: Rosa)

Flies to the ground in the evening
Stays on earth at night
And in the morning it flies away again.

(Answer: Rosa)

That's so marvelous leprosy -
Diamonds are burning on the grass.
Millions of them, but still
You will not collect in chests.

(Answer: Rosa)

Zarya lost her keys
The month went - did not find,
The sun rose -
The keys were not found.

(Answer: Rosa)

Dawn-dawn walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
I saw the moon, the sun rose,
And the earth is buried.

(Answer: Rosa)

In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tangled up,
And let's go look for them in the afternoon, -
Searching, searching, not finding!

(Answer: Rosa)

Who runs on the mountain slopes,
Talking to himself
And in the thick green grass
Hiding a blue ponytail?

(Answer: Creek)

Between the mountains, between the valleys
The white horse is running.

(Answer: Creek)

The sun shines brightly
In the sky blue.
small river
Hidden in the grass.
Stop, weary traveler!
Come on, bend over.
On a long journey
Gain strength.

(Answer: Creek)

Get in the window
Stretch like cloth
You will not drive away with a pestle,
Neither a whip, nor a sixth.
It's time to come -
He himself will leave.

(Answer: Light)

Who enters a window without opening it?

(Answer: Light)

Invisible mischievous entered our room.
The curtains danced, the calendar began to dance.
It's good that immediately with a bang
The door slammed shut for us.

(Answer: draft)

White bedspread
On the ground lay
Summer has come,
It's all gone.

(Answer: Snow)

White flies sat on the field.

(Answer: Snow)

In the courtyard of a mountain
And in the hut with water.

(Answer: Snow)

Dressed in winter, undressed in summer.

(Answer: Snow And Earth)

Gray geese flew, dropped white fluff.

(Answer: Snow And Clouds)

What kind of stars are see-through on a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut, and take it - water in your hand?

(Answer: Snowflake)

This lace flew
The village on the nose and disappeared.

(Answer: Snowflake)

A red girl walks in the sky.

(Answer: Sun)

Look in the morning
To the east - you will see a red bun.
And in heaven he is not lazy
Rolling west all day.

(Answer: Sun)

What is higher than the forest
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

(Answer: Sun)

Hanging outside the window
Ice cube.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring.

(Answer: Icicle)

(Answer: Icicle)

It grows upside down in winter.

(Answer: Icicle)

What grows upside down?

(Answer: Icicle)

The white dog looks into the doorway.

(Answer: Snowdrift)

Gray cloth
Stretches out the window.

(Answer: Twilight)

See with your eyes, but do not take with your hands.

(Answer: Shadow)

I drive, I drive - I will not drive out,
I carry, I carry - I can not bear,
It gets dark - she leaves.

(Answer: Shadow)

She's not too lazy to wander
Next to you every day.
It's worth the sun to set
How can you not find it.

(Answer: Shadow)

Lies on the ground: neither paint over, nor scrape off, nor fill up.

(Answer: Shadow)

Meta, meta - I will not sweep,
I carry, I carry - I can not bear,
It gets dark - she leaves.

(Answer: Shadow)

In the morning - a sazhen, at noon - from the palm of your hand, and in the evening - enough across the field.

(Answer: Shadow)

How many do not go along it -
will run ahead.

(Answer: Shadow)

You fell under my feet, stretched out along the road.
And you can not lift, and you can not drive away.
You look so much like me, as if I'm walking lying down.

(Answer: Shadow)

You have, I have
At the oak - in the field, at the fish - in the sea.

(Answer: Shadow)

Walks without legs
Sleeves without hands
Mouth without speech.

(Answer: Shadow)

Chase her all day, you won't catch her.

(Answer: Shadow)

What can you not lift from the ground?

(Answer: Shadow)

What a ghost on a clear day
Suddenly fell on our wattle fence?
Here I climbed over the wattle fence,
And my companion disappeared.

(Answer: Shadow)

What lies on the water, but does not sink?

(Answer: Shadow)

What can't you pick up from the ground?

(Answer: Shadow)

She is very strange:
Not seen or heard.
You talked about her
Immediately, her trail disappeared.

(Answer: Silence)

In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.
And as the wind attacks, this velvet will fall.

(Answer: Fog)

Lots of this goodness
Near our yard
And you won't take it with your hand
And you won't bring it home.
Tanya walked in the garden
Collected, collected
I looked into the box, -
It is empty and only wet!

(Answer: Fog)

Milk floated over the river, nothing was visible.
Dissolved milk - it became visible far away.

(Answer: Fog)

Over the river, over the valley hung a white canvas.

(Answer: Fog)

He is always friends with the rain,
Gray mist will cover the house.
You and I will go together
And we will find each other.

(Answer: Fog)

The gray-haired grandfather at the gate,
Shut everyone's eyes.

(Answer: Fog)

Gray boars covered the whole field.

(Answer: Fog)

What is a trap cloud?
The whole village hid in it.

(Answer: Fog)

He does not know trouble, but he cries, then he sobs.

(Answer: Cloud)

Without wings, but flying, no one beats her, but cries.

(Answer: Cloud)

He does not know grief, but sheds tears.

(Answer: Cloud)

The eagle flies
Through the blue sky
Wings spread,
The sun has darkened.

(Answer: Cloud)

A black bird flies
One wing covers the whole earth,
Sprinkles with rain.

(Answer: Cloud)

Above you, above me
Flew a bag of water
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared.

(Answer: Cloud)

No legs, but walking
No eyes, but crying.

(Answer: Cloud)

A woman came from a high city, how she began to cry - all the people rejoiced.

(Answer: Cloud)

Runs through the grove - Washes and rinses,
She ran along the meadow - The shepherdess bathed.

(Answer: Cloud)

He came from the sky, he went to the earth.

(Answer: Cloud)

Stronger than the sun
Weaker than the wind
No legs, but walking
No eyes, but crying.

(Answer: Cloud)

I'm huge in autumn
I'm not welcome anywhere.
No one is waiting for me anywhere
I fly everywhere.

(Answer: Cloud)

Burning without fire
Flying without wings
Runs without legs.

(Answer: Thundercloud)

Fuck it!
A woman rides in the mountains
Batog knocks,
Grumbles all over the world.

(Answer: Thundercloud)

A bird without a wing flies
Beats a hunter without a gun,
The cook fries without fire,
The ram eats without a mouth.

(Answer: Cloud, Thunder, Sun And Earth)

Approached, rumbled
Threw arrows to the ground.
We thought it was in trouble.
Turns out it came with water.
Came and spilled
- Plenty of arable land got drunk.

(Answer: Cloud, Lightning)

The forest has grown white whole: do not enter on foot and do not enter on horseback.

(Answer: Pattern On Glass)

Everything turned white during the night, and we have a miracle in our apartment!
Outside the window, the yard disappeared. A magical forest grew there.

(Answer: Pattern On Glass)

Leaky sacks roam the heavens in a horde,
And sometimes, water flows out of the bags.

(Answer: Cold)

He lives without a body, speaks without a language, no one sees him, but everyone hears him.

(Answer: Echo)

Lives without a body
Speaks without language
Nobody sees him
But everyone hears it.

(Answer: Echo)

Who talks to everyone, but you can't see him?

(Answer: Echo)

Not alive, but speaks all languages.

(Answer: Echo)

I cry without grief, I laugh without joy, no one can see me, but everyone can hear me.

(Answer: Echo)

What kind of teaser is this?
I call: "Natasha!"
And he shouts: "Ashka!"
I call "Seryozha"!
And he shouts: "Hedgehog!"
I'm screaming "Aw!"
And he growls: "Whoo!"

(Answer: Echo)

I bark with every dog
I howl With every owl,
And every song of yours
I sing along with you.
When the steamboat is away
A bull will roar on the river,
I also roar: “Whoo!”

In this section, we have collected riddles about water and about natural phenomena. Try to solve these riddles together with the children. Here are interesting riddles about a river and a stream, about icicles and snow, about a swamp. You can also find the necessary riddle of manifestations of nature, such as thunder, wind, dew, sun rays, clouds and others. If your child can't guess the answer, the correct answer is given in parentheses.

Hanging outside the window
Ice cube.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring.

Two brothers
Looking into the water
Century will not converge.

Not the sea, not the land.
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

Flying - silent
Lies - is silent.
When he dies
Then it will roar.

Who runs on the mountain slopes,
Talking to himself
And in the thick green grass
Hiding a blue ponytail?

I'll run to my mother-river,
And I can't be silent.
I am her son,
And I was born in the spring.

Riddles about natural phenomena

The horse is running
The earth is trembling.

Large, fractionally frequented
And watered the whole earth.

Thin threads hung from the sky,
They stretch, water, sew the earth with the sky.

It darkened in the sky, thundered, rushed about,
It hung, became limp and parted with the sky.

Black cloth climbs through the window.

In the south it is both black and long,
In the north it is white.

Above me
flew over you
water bag
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared.

The clouds will catch up, howling, blowing.
It roams the world, sings and whistles.

Every day he comes to the house
So quiet that sometimes we don't notice it
But we begin to see with difficulty
And go to bed or turn on the light.

red rocker
It hung across the river.

What a miracle beauty
painted gate
Showed up on the way
Do not enter or enter them.

red maiden,
Walked through the meadows
Dropped the keys.
Brother got up
Picked up the keys.
(dew and sun)

In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tucked in.
And let's go look for them in the afternoon,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find!

The carpet is scattered
scattered peas,
Do not lift the carpet
Do not collect peas.
(stars on the sky)

In the blue sky like a river
White sheep are swimming.
Keep the path from afar
What are their names?

Fireflies in the blue sky
Don't reach out to them
And one big firefly
Curled up like a worm.

blue handkerchief,
Red gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
People smile.
(sun in the sky)

From window to window
golden spindle.
(the lights of a sun)

The duck quacked all over the world sensitively.

A white blanket lay on the ground, summer has come, it has all gone.

They often ask me, they wait, but as soon as I show myself, they will begin to hide.

No arms, no legs
Roaring across the field
Sings and whistles
breaks trees,
Bends the grass to the ground.

Stronger than the sun
Weaker than the wind
No legs, but walking
No eyes, but crying.

A fire arrow flies
No one will catch her
Neither king nor queen
Not a pretty girl.

Riddles about water

Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy.

Fluffy cotton
floating somewhere
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain is.

Runs, runs does not run out.
Runs without a leash.

Between the mountains, between the valleys
The white horse is running.

It has grown, it has grown
Came out of the beard
The sun has become
Nothing happened.

Flowers are not planted with hands, not watered, but grow.
(frost on the windows)

Pure and clear like a diamond
There are no roads
He was born from his mother
He gives birth to her.

In the new wall
In the round window
Broken glass during the day
Inserted overnight.

There was a lanky, stuck in the ground.

White flies fell to the ground.

Grandpa builds bridges without an axe.

No arms, no legs, but he can draw.

The white tablecloth covered the whole earth.

Walks in the field, not on a horse,
Flying high, not a bird.

Without wings, but flying
Without roots, but growing.

Flying, not a bird.
A howl, not a beast.
Who is this?

I look out the window
There is a long Antoshka.

He is like a stone - very hard,
And transparent as glass
He doesn't sink in water at all.
It's easy to slide on it.

Can't hold it in my hands
And do not overtake on a horse.

At the bottom where it's quiet and dark
A mustachioed log lies.

White Tikhon
Shot from the sky -
Where does it run
Covers with carpet.

Flashes, flashes
Someone will call.

Milk floated over the river
Nothing was visible.
Dissolved milk -
It became visible far away.

A golden bridge is stretched across the water,
Do not walk on it, do not drive.
(moonlight on the water)

SOLUTIONS: I. Stars in the sky. 2. Stars, month. 3. Sky and sun. 4. Rays of the sun, light. 5. Wind. 6. Dew. 7. Cloud. 8. Lightning. 9. Thunder. 10. Rainbow. 11. Snow. 12. Rain.



Not a horse, but running
not a forest, but noisy.

Between the mountains, between the valleys
running white horse.

It has grown, it has grown
came out of the beard
the sun has become
nothing happened.

Pure and clear like a diamond
there are no roads
he was born from his mother
he gives birth to her.

In the new wall
in the round window
broken glass during the day
put in overnight.

in the middle of the field
lies a mirror
blue glass,
green frame.

SOLUTIONS: 1. River. 2. Creek. 3. Icicle. 4 Ice. 5. Ice hole. 6. Pond.

river dwellers


I have wings - I don't fly
I don't have legs, but I walk
I don't walk on earth
I don't look at the sky
I don't count the stars
I avoid people.

The master sewed a fur coat for himself,
I forgot to take out the needle.

What is it at the checkbox:
thread on a stick
wand in hand
thread in the river

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker
tailor is not a tailor,
holds stubble in mouth
in the hands - scissors.

The city is full of holes, full of holes,
to go in, so do not go back.

Here on the yellow path
jumping, legs outstretched,
this fat Taras
scream loudly.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Fish. 2. Ruff. 3. Fishing rod. 4. Cancer. 5. Network, seine. 6. Frog.



fluffy flies,
flies for sweets.

Not the sun, not the fire
but it shines.

They cut a lot of grunts,
cut down a hut without corners,
no count of axes.

hanging egg,
stuck to the cramp,
who will move him
he will run away.

He digs the earth, and he howls,
six legs without hooves,
there are horns, not a bull.

Neither animal nor bird
and the nose is like a needle,
flying - screaming
and sits - is silent,
who will kill him
will shed his blood.

Black crest
stuck in the ceiling.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Bee. 2. Firefly. 3. Anthill. 4. Wasp nest. 5. Beetle. 6. Mosquito. 7. Fly.



The hut is new, there is no tenant,
tenant will appear
the hut will fall apart.

There is a clock in the village
not dead but alive
walk without a factory,
they are avian.

red paws,
Long neck,
pinching at the heels,
run without looking back.

The boy in the gray coat
snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
sleeps through the fields
steals cannabis.

On the sixth palace
singer in the palace

Mother, father I don't know
but I often call
children will not know
I'll sleep with someone else.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Egg. 2. Rooster. 3. Goose. 4. Sparrow. 5. Starling. 6. Cuckoo.



In the middle of the yard
worth a mop,
fork front,
broom behind.

crochet tail,
snout snout,
two rows of buttons.

Mokhnatenka, mustachioed,
sit down and sing a song.

Under the floor, floor
wiggles its tail.

I live in the forest and in the meadow,
I spoil the beds in the garden
and run away without looking back.

Under the bushes, under the trees
a ball of needles rolls.

Has a nest in a tree
jumps and flies through the branches,
not a bird.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Cow. 2. Pig. 3. Cat. 4. Mouse. 5. Hare. 6. Hedgehog. 7. Squirrel.



On two stakes a barrel,
bump on the barrel,
and on a hummock there is a forest.

The potty is smart
seven holes in it.

Between two lights
I am alone in the middle.

Two Yegorkas
live near the hill
live together
but they don't look at each other.

Behind the white birches
the nightingale whistles.

At Aunt Felitsa's
there are four sisters
two of them boast:
- We do a lot!
Others boast:
- We walk a lot!

SOLUTIONS: 1. Man. 2. Human head. 3. Nose. 4. Eyes. 5. Language. 6. Hands and feet.

In the forest


In winter with a gray beard,
in the summer a new one grows,
disappears in autumn.

Little Red Matryoshka,
white heart.

Girls in the meadow
in white shirts
in green coats.

Demolished birds
blue testicles,
hung on a tree:
soft shell, sweet protein,
and bone yolk.

Worth Egor
in a red yarmulke,
whoever gets through
every bow is given.

Page of the book "Red yoke hung across the river."


Mal babes
walked through the dungeon.
Standing in front of the sun
removed the cap.

Old men are standing
they have white caps
not sewn, not washed, not knitted.

SOLUTIONS: 1. deciduous forest. 2. Raspberry. 3. Birches. 4. Plum. 5. Strawberries. 6. Mushroom. 7. Stumps in the snow.

On the grain field


Not the sea, but worried.

Curve yes long
wormwood bitterness.
In an open field lies
guards the old.

He walks the field from end to end,
cuts a black loaf.

I don't go to the waterhole
I don't ask for oats
if you want, I'll pop
if you want, I'll shut up.

Grew up in the field house
the house is full of grain,
the walls are gilded,
the shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a gold pillar.

Small, hunchbacked
will cover the whole field,
will run home -
will last a whole year.

She is long, her nose is long,
and the handles are small.

Lying man
in a golden coat
belted, not a belt,
if you don't lift it, it won't get up.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Niva. 2. Border. 3. Plow. 4. Tractor. 5. Rye, stems, ears. 6. Sickle. 7. Spit. 8. Sheaf.



The caftan on me is green
and the heart is like a kumach,
tastes like sugar, sweet,
looks like a ball.

Worth Matryoshka
on one leg
wrapped up, confused.

Ignatka is sitting in the garden
all in patches.
Who will touch him
he will pay.

Passed through the earth
I found a red hat
took off his hat
put the children to bed.

Fire burns underground
and you can see the smoke from outside.

What's red outside
white inside,
with a green tuft on his head?

golden sieve
full of black houses
how many black houses
so many white people.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Watermelon. 2. Cabbage. 3. Bow. 4. Mac. 5. Carrots. 6. Radish. 7. Sunflower.

Village. Yard. Hut.


The horn lies on its side,
ends in the forest and in the river,
if this horn stood up,
so it would reach the sky.

There is a pig -
cut back,
who will fit
he will poke.

fuck fuck
there is a house on the mountains.
The water is running
the whole house is trembling.

There is a bullock -
Barrels are pierced.

Daria and Marya look,
won't fit.

wooden road,
she goes up gently,
no matter what step
then a ravine.

The horses are laid up
do not drink, do not eat,
and the cheerful ones are standing.

SOLUTIONS: 1. The road. 2. Well. 3. Mill. 4. Hut. 5. Floor and ceiling. 6. Staircase. 7. Windows.

Heating, lighting, home decoration


Grandpa old all white
summer will come - do not look at him,
winter will come - hug him.

Black, anklebone,
bend a lot.

Shivering pig -
golden bristles.

Mother is fat
red daughter,
son of the brave
gone under the sky.

I brought the sun
for your window
hung on the ceiling
it was fun at home.

four legs,
one hat,
needed when it becomes
family dine.

Who walks the night
and the day goes by
not knowing,
what is laziness?

SOLUTIONS: 1. Furnace. 2. Smoke. 3. Fire. 4. Furnace, fire, smoke. 5. Light bulb. 6. Table. 7. Clock.

Dishes, clothes

Come on guys
who can guess:
for ten brothers
Are two coats enough?

I was on the dig
I was on topan
was on fire
was at the market.
was young -
how many souls fed
how many years did you endure
did not eat anything
and how fell
so it disappeared.

Two ticks
sit on one stick.

Goose is swimming
does not get out of hand
often looks at the shore.

Four legs,
two ears,
one nose and belly.

Pout don't pout
stick over your head,
dance day by day
and you will go to rest.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Mittens. 2. Pot. 3. Buckets on the rocker. 4. Bucket. 5. Samovar. 6. Shirt.


They beat me with sticks
press me with stones,
keep me in a fiery cave,
cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love.

From under the linden bush
the blizzard is thick.

I will plow, I will plow the open field,
I will catch up, I will catch up with white cattle.
The white cattle have a golden shepherd.

Between Pechora Mountains
the bull is baked,
in the belly the poppy is crushed,
a knife is embedded in the side.

What a freak: leg and mouth
I don't see anything
I drag slurry with my mouth
I don't swallow, I pour out.

Miroshka sits on a spoon,
dangling legs.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Bread. 2. Sow flour. 3. Bread in the oven. 4. Loaf. 5. Spoon. 6. Noodles.

Movement - ride


What kind of houses in a row
are they on wheels?
Ran up to them on its own
samovar with a pipe,
grabbed, rolled
and the trace is gone.

The canvas, not the track,
a horse is not a horse - a centipede
crawling along that path,
the whole convoy is carrying one.

Two wheels in a row
twirl their legs
and upside down
the owner himself crocheted.

moose runs,
hold up your sock.

Four brothers
agreed to race.
No matter how they run
will not overtake each other.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Train. 2. Railway. 3. Bicycle. 4. Ship or boat. 5. Wheels.

Objects of labor

In the forest bows, bows,
And when he comes home, he will stretch.

Scurrying back and forth
What will take in the teeth
It will chew into two parts.

Titus went to work
everyone heard.
Hammer knock-knock,
Sticking in the wall of bitches
Knock again -
Will not be seen.

The pig is running
golden back,
steel toe,
And a linen tail.

I am fluffy, soft, round,
there is a tail, but I'm not a cat,
I often jump hard
I'll roll under the chest of drawers.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Ax. 2. Saw. 3. Hammer. 4. Nail. 5. Needle and thread. 6. A ball of thread.

diploma, letter


Smart Ivashka,
all my life in one shirt,
on a white field will pass -
every trace will understand it.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
not a shirt, but sewn,
not a person, but tells.

Dove is white
flew into the hut,
what I saw in the world
told about everything.

black ink,
how are they strung?
Foma looked -
got crazy.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Pencil. 2. Book. 3. Newspaper. 4. Letters.



Every year they come to visit us:
one gray
another young
the third is jumping
and the fourth is crying.

She was white and gray
came green, young.

The old man came out
waved his sleeve
and twelve birds flew.
Each bird has four wings
each wing has seven feathers.
Each feather is black on one side,
and on the other - white.

The bird flapped its wings
and covered the whole world with one feather.

That black canvas
that white canvas
closes the window.

He does not know the days
and points to others.

SOLUTIONS: 1. Seasons. 2. Winter and spring. 3. Year, months, weeks, days of the week, night, day. 4. Night. 5. Night and day. 6. Calendar.

beauty of nature

This book has stuck with me all my life.
Forty-seven years passed bitterly from the idea to its birth.
Even in high school, I dreamed of compiling a kind of collection of fascinating stories in Russian folk proverbs, sayings, proverbs, signs and riddles about the forest, about individual trees (oak, pine, spruce ...), about individual forest inhabitants (bear, wolf ...), about individual birds, about all twelve months, about various phenomena nature (sun, wind, lightning ...), about the relationship of man with his environment.
And I began to write down folk wisdom.
To do this, I did not need to ride a hundred lands on some kind of folklore expedition. Until the age of twenty, I lived in the village of Nasakirali, in Georgia, and my "narrators" were nearby. This is my mother, Sanzharovskaya Pelageya Mikhailovna, nee Dolzhenkova. This is my aunt Anna Mikhailovna Kravtsova. These are friends of our family: Nastya and Peter Serbin, Fedora and Dmitry Solyony, Pelageya and Ivan Klinkov, Maria and Ivan Shkiri...
Later, I began to jump out on a bicycle to other villages nearby where Russians lived - Melekeduri, Laituri, Anaseuli ...
I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Rostov University and worked in various newspapers and magazines for almost forty years.
I spent considerable time on business trips around our vast country, and I always had a cherished notebook with me. I met a lot of new talented storytellers. This is Anna Fedorovna Blinova, a knitter of the famous Orenburg downy shawls from the village of Zheltoye, and Taisiya Vasilievna Zakourtseva, a well-known certified doctor who talentedly treated people with herbs, and a resident of the Ural town Gai Nina Alekseevna Cherkass, and the Altai scientist biologist Gennady Mikhailovich Sviridonov...
Needless to say, journalism gave me a lot to collect my proverbs about nature. But often, on a business trip of the heart, I came to my “narrators” in the Sobatsky farm, in the villages: Novaya Kriusha, Evdakovo, Kamenka, Nizhnedevitsk, Shchuchye, Bolshiye Peski, Blue Lipyagi, Voronezh region;
in the villages: Poltavka, Spasskoye, Pokrovka, Kalinovka, Kameikino, Oktyabrskoye, Orenburg region;
in the villages: Bilka, Dorobratovo, Transcarpathian region;
in the villages of Chernsky, Belevsky, Odoevsky, Suvorovsky, Efremovsky, Dubensky, Yasnogorsky districts Tula region;
in the Kuban villages: Garkusha, Zaporizhzhya, Kuchugury;
in Alatyrsky, Poretsky districts of Chuvashia;
in the Tankhoi district of Buryatia;
in Listvyansky, Nizhneudinsky districts Irkutsk region;
in Biysk, Rubtsovsky districts Altai Territory;
in Solnechnogorsk, Zagorsk districts of the Moscow region;
in Starodubsky, Pogarsky, Pochepsky districts of the Bryansk region;
in Valdai, Krestetsky districts Novgorod region and etc.
The collection is based on recordings made by me in the named regions of the country.
Collected folk wisdom teaches love and careful attitude to the forest, to everything that lives in it, to native nature.
I was lucky with publication in newspapers and magazines.
"Young naturalist" from issue to issue under the heading "ABC folk wisdom” printed me for four whole years: 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978. Forty-eight issues in a row! The circulation of the magazine is 2.6 million copies. We multiply. One hundred twenty-five million copies! Thumbs up...
But other publications were also published.
The popular colorful yearbook Forest and Man willingly provided me with its pages in 1973, 1974, and 1975. In the 1974 issue alone, thirteen of my large selections on pages: 14, 24, 37, 49, 65, 70, 81, 97, 115, 142, 145, 161, 177. And in 1975, nine materials were published on pages: 14, 31, 37, 51, 70, 103, 116, 130, 156.
Much of what I collected was placed in the books of the Young Guard publishing house: Komsomol and Nature Protection (1978), The Book of a Young Naturalist (1981).
Throughout 1977, I led on the pages of the Moscow newspaper " timber industry» rubric «Months in proverbs and sayings».
In the Kemerovo almanac “Kuznetskaya Land (1978) my“ Seasons ”are published.
My proverbial calendar for 1979 was also published in Kemerovo.

Calendar „1979. Seasons in Russian folk proverbs. (Kemerovo, 1978.)

My proverbs were already published in Ukrainian in the children's yearbook in Kiev "Veselka" ("Rainbow").
Almost all of my collection was published in periodicals.
But the main thing is to publish a separate book.
This is where it started...
On the one hand, my texts were favorably treated by a doctor of philological sciences, professor, head of the department of Russian folk art Moscow University named after M. Lomonosov V.P. Anikin, Doctor of Philology, Professor V. M. Sidelnikov, Candidate of Philology L. Shuvalova...
On the other hand, it didn't move me towards the book.
And the devil pulled me to seek support from the communist gods. I think since they are talking in every way about environmental protection, maybe they will help publish the collection?
Help in the cube!
I sent the manuscript to Brezhnev, and Andropov, and Chernenka, and Gorbachev...
They politely did not enter into correspondence with me.
Every time my manuscript was kicked off to hell, and I received standard tsidulki already from the State Committee for Publishing of the Union or Russia.
Thus, the deputy editor-in-chief of the main editorial office of fiction and children's literature of Roskomizdat V. Nesmachny wrote:

“On behalf of the directive bodies, your letter was carefully considered in the Main Editorial Board of Fiction and Children's Literature and we report the following.
You should apply with an application and a manuscript directly to the editorial and publishing board of any publishing house, at your discretion.
We return the manuscript.
Application: mentioned".
And all mentioned communist help.
The wife warned:
- Don't mess with the communist tsars. They are just losses!
And she croaked.
I took the parcel to the two-browed eagle Brezhnev on a bicycle to the post office (Molostov Street). I left the bike outside, leaning it against the low post window. I enter. There are two steps to the window. I wrote down the address and every second I looked vigilantly at my treasure. Guard. And still scandalously yawned! I missed a second, did not look - the bike was briskly omitted.
To whom shall we sing my sorrow?
No book, no bike...
So what is next...

Ringing changes jumped in the air.
I resurrected and sent the manuscript to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, to the Committee for Environmental Protection and rational use natural resources.
Soon I received this paper.

As you can see, this is a copy. The original went to Efimov.
Efimov was in no hurry to please me, and I, with the Salykov conclusion and the second copy of the manuscript, staggered to the Cheka of the CPSU. I think I’ll take a look at the “directives” at least once, otherwise they will disperse them and I won’t find out to whom I have been writing for almost thirty years.
I was received by some heavy damessa.
She solemnly said:
- You will be with the book! It's too late today. But tomorrow morning... The courier will deliver the manuscript to the Forest Industry publishing house.
Indeed, on the second day the manuscript was in the publishing house, but this did not make it a book. There was no money for me.
This was the end of the standard ostentatious Soviet circus.

The book was first published in Moscow by the publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1981. Circulation 750,000 copies.
Later, in 1983 and 1989, it was twice reprinted in Izhevsk with a circulation of six hundred thousand copies. The total circulation of the book amounted to about one and a half million copies.

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