Who was before Sobyanin. Sergei Sobyanin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Work in Western Siberia. All-Union Komsomol construction

Sergei Sobyanin is the current mayor of Moscow, one of the key figures in the United Russia party, and a first-class state adviser.


Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was born in the family of the chairman of the village council and an accountant. Information about the origin of Sergei Sobyanin varies: according to official data, the ancestors of the current mayor of Moscow on the father's side were Ural Cossacks, and Sobyanin's great-grandfather moved to the Mansi village of Nyaksimvol before the revolution; according to another version, Sergei Sobyanin entered many encyclopedias and scientific works devoted to the Mansi as one of the famous representatives of this people.

Sergey himself calls himself Russian and denies his Mansi origin. There is also a version that there are Komi-Zyryans among Sobyanin's ancestors, but this information has not yet been confirmed by any authoritative sources. Sergei's grandfather on his father's side - Fedor - was an Old Believer, lived for more than a hundred years. Father, Semyon Fedorovich, was born in Nyaksimvol. Complete high school didn't finish. In the early 1950s, he became chairman of the Nyaksimvolsky village council of the Berezovsky district, and in 1967 the family moved to the regional center. My father works in Berezovo as the director of an oil refinery before the start of perestroika.

Sergey's maternal grandfather is from Chelyabinsk. He fought in the Russian-Japanese company and the First World War, became a full cavalier of George. During the revolution, he enthusiastically took the side of the Reds, fought under the command of Budyonny, rose to the rank of platoon commander. Then he returned to his native village, where he became a fairly prosperous and respected person. In the early 1930s he was dispossessed and sent with his family into exile in Nyaksimvol.

The mother of Sergei Sobyanin worked all her life with her husband, first as an accountant for the village council, and later as an economist at the oil plant. Sergei Sobyanin - younger son in family. He has two sisters - the eldest Natalya and the middle Lyudmila.


In 1975, Sergei Sobyanin graduated from high school in the district center of Berezovo. At the end of school, Sergei moved to Kostroma, where by this time Sergei's sister, Lyudmila, was already living. In Kostroma, Sobyanin enters the mechanical faculty of the Technological Institute (specialty "Technology of metal-cutting machines and tools"). In 1980 he graduated with honors.

Soon Sobyanin decides to get a second higher education and enters the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Legal correspondence institute, which he graduated in 1989. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the legal status of autonomous regions within the Russian Federation.

Labor activity

There is no reliable information about the beginning of Sobyanin's labor activity. According to one version, Sergei Semenovich moved to Kostroma and studied full-time at the Technological Institute, after which he was assigned to the Kostroma woodworking machine plant, from where he moved to Chelyabinsk.

The second version is the opposite - after graduating from school, Sobyanin moved to Chelyabinsk and got a job at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, and entered the Kostroma Technological Institute in absentia. After graduating from the institute in 1980, Sergei Semenovich became a foreman of turners and a shop foreman. He led the Komsomol organization of the plant. In 1982, he began working as the head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Leninsky district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Administrative and leadership positions

In 1984, Sergei Sobyanin received from the city committee of the Komsomol in the city of Chelyabinsk a direction to the village (later the city) of Kogalym (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). For four years he worked in Kogalym in senior positions - deputy chairman of the Kogalym district council, then head of the housing and communal services department of the city of Kogalym, for the last two years he was secretary of the city executive committee of the city of Kogalym.

At the end of 1988, he moved to work in the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, where he worked until 1990. After the demise Soviet Union was appointed head of the Kogalym tax inspectorate, later (December 1991) - head of the Kogalym city administration. He led the city until 1993. During the leadership of the city, he established relations with Kogalymneftegaz LLC, the city-forming enterprise of Kogalym. November 1993 was marked by the appointment of Sobyanin as the first deputy head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for economic issues.

Sergei Sobyanin resigns

Political career

On March 6, 1994, Sergei Sobyanin was elected a deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Duma, and a month later became its chairman. Thanks to this, in 1996 Sobyanin became a member of the Federation Council. Since July 1998, he has been chairman of the committee for resolving judicial and legal issues. Since 2000, he moved to Yekaterinburg in connection with his appointment as First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals District. A year later he is elected governor Tyumen region. In 2004, he became a member of the supreme council of United Russia.

Work in federal authorities

In November 2005, Sergei Sobyanin was appointed head of the Presidential Administration, in connection with which he resigned his powers as a governor and moved to Moscow. Career in the capital is impetuous - since February 2006 he becomes a member of the Commission on military-technical cooperation, in 2008 he leads the campaign headquarters of Dmitry Medvedev. In 2009, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Channel One. Since January 2010, he has been a member of the Commission for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, becoming a member of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo project.

Mayor of Moscow - Sergei Sobyanin

In October 2010, Sergei Sobyanin is included in the list of candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow. On October 15, a vote takes place in the Moscow City Duma, as a result of which Sobyanin's candidacy is approved almost unanimously. At the same time, giving an interview before the vote, Sobyanin noted that he did not have a work program as mayor, but there was a vision of problematic issues that needed to be resolved as soon as possible. Sobyanin called traffic jams and corruption the main such moments.

On October 21, Sobyanin officially becomes the mayor of Moscow. Soon Sergei Sobyanin was re-introduced to the Security Council of Russia, thus becoming the first mayor of the capital to receive such an appointment. November 23 Sergei Semenovich is elected to the supreme council of the Moscow organization "United Russia".

Some of the tasks that Sergei Sobyanin plans to solve as mayor of Moscow in the medium and long term, he called the creation of an automated public transport management system, an annual increase in the capital's GDP and the salaries of Muscovites by 4%.

Sergei Sobyanin. Yesterday Live

Speaking at a press conference dedicated to the first year of work as mayor of Moscow on October 19, 2011, Sergei Sobyanin said that in a year he managed to change the development strategy of the capital, having stopped the destruction of the historical part of the city, as well as successfully combat illegal and spontaneous trade, modernize work public transport and make the budget more transparent.

In 2013, Sobyanin informed the president of his resignation from the post of mayor of the capital for own will and run for early elections in 2013. Vladimir Putin signed this statement and appointed him acting. mayor. Political scientists linked Sobyanin's actions with his desire to prove the legitimacy of his position in the eyes of Moscow residents. According to the results of the voting, which took place on September 8, 2013, Sobyanin won, receiving a little more than half of the votes. Oppositionist Alexei Navalny took second place.

In early 2016, Sergei Sobyanin gave permission for the demolition of the so-called "squatter building" near metro stations. On the night of February 9, workers demolished more than a hundred trade pavilions. In the press, this event was called the "Night of the Long Buckets", many doubted the legitimacy of these actions. Sergei Sobyanin commented on this situation as follows: "The truth, heritage and history of the country are not sold in Russia."

Personal life of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergei Sobyanin married in 1986 in Kogalym Irina Iosifovna Rubinchik, a cousin of former Minister of Energy A. Gavrin. Irina Iosifovna got to Kogalym by distribution after graduating from the university with a degree in civil engineering. Later she worked in Tyumen as a teacher of collage and floristry, and together with her husband moved to Moscow, where, according to Sobyanin, “she works as an educator in kindergarten and has never been involved in any business. In early 2014, the couple divorced.

Sergei Sobyanin won the 2018 Moscow mayoral election

Why did Sobyanin divorce his wife? May 1st, 2018

Let's delve a little into history. In 2014, 55-year-old Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin divorced his wife Irina Sobyanina (Rubinchik) after 28 years. life together. As reported in the media, the decision to divorce the spouses made "weighted and jointly." Other details of the divorce were not specified.

The mayor of Moscow himself confirmed this information as follows. "We decided to divorce. This is our decision with Irina. We respect each other and maintain good relations. We hope for understanding and ask you to respect our right to privacy," he said.

Sergei Sobyanin and Irina Rubinchik got married in 1986. Irina Sobyanina is a civil engineer by education. She met her future husband after college in Kogalym. They have two daughters from their marriage: Anna, born in 1986, and Olga, born in 1997. Eldest daughter graduated from the Mukhinskoye school, works as a designer, the youngest is a schoolgirl.

According to the declaration, in 2012 Sobyanin received an income of 5.32 million rubles, his wife only 42,043 rubles. The couple jointly own an apartment of 118 square meters. m. Their youngest daughter, in 2013, 16-year-old underage schoolgirl Olga, already owned an apartment with an area of ​​308.1 square meters. m.

In 2011, when in Moscow, on the initiative of Sobyanin, a massive replacement of asphalt with tiles began, a number of media reported that the spouse metropolitan mayor owned a company that supplied curbs and paving slabs in Tyumen. Sobyanin himself categorically denied the assumption that his wife is related to the tile, which replaces the asphalt in Moscow. “My wife is an educator, a teacher, she doesn’t do tiles,” the mayor of Moscow said on the air of the Vesti FM radio station, and this happened in September 2011.

The last time the family of Sergei Sobyanin was in the spotlight was in the summer of 2013, shortly before the election of the mayor of Moscow. Sobyanin's main competitor, oppositionist Alexei Navalny, has published several investigations into the property of the official's daughters. In particular, Navalny demanded to explain the origin of the 308.1 sq. m, recorded for the youngest daughter of Sobyanin, 16-year-old schoolgirl Olga. The oppositionist also asked the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee to conduct an audit against Sobyanin's eldest daughter, whose company, according to Navalny, was engaged in the repair and supply of furniture for the Russian president's meeting room, the reception house of the Ministry of Defense and several administrative buildings in Khanty-Mansiysk. Sergei Sobyanin denied all Navalny's accusations, stating that all the property of his family was declared.

In the same 2014, after the divorce of Mayor Sobyanin, reconstruction began in the historical district of Zaryadye on the site of the Rossiya Hotel, which was demolished in 2006, and the territory was turned into Zaryadye Park. The construction of the park was carried out in the period 2014-2017 according to the project of a consortium led by the New York architectural bureau Diller Scofidio + Renfro with landscape architects Hargreaves Associates (New York) and Moscow urbanists Citymakers, who won in 2013 international competition for the development of a landscape-architectural concept of the territory. The project was fully financed from the city budget and, according to 2017 data, was estimated at 22–27 billion rubles. The park was inaugurated on the city day on September 9, 2017 with the participation of Putin and Sobyanin.

Zaryadye Park has its own diamond-shaped tiles, unique in design and shape, which have no analogues in the whole world, and the entire park area is paved with sidewalk and curb tiles. Of course, the park area and Zaryadye Park itself need constant maintenance and replacement of paving slabs that are wear-resistant and unique in their shape.

So why are people who, in theory, should be equal to society and who, by their personal example, are obliged to show everyone their social status And family well-being, Russian officials, are getting divorced, and this is taking on a massive, endemic character in a state where there is always a shortage of money?

Maxim Novikovsky
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Sergei Sobyanin is a Russian statesman and politician who broke into politics from the working class. Thanks to his professionalism, tough character and hard work, in 2010 he was elected mayor of Moscow, and in 2018 he was re-elected to this post again. Prior to the post of mayor of the capital of Russia, he was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and before that he headed the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

The attitude towards the activities of an official among colleagues and the population is ambiguous - some consider him a statesman and a human-computer capable of performing difficult work. Others, representatives of the opposition movement, constantly criticize Sergei Semenovich, accusing him of fraud and corruption.

Childhood and youth

Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich was born on June 21, 1958 in the Tyumen region, in the village of Nyaksimvol. According to the zodiac sign Gemini. Father Semyon Fedorovich worked as the chairman of the village council, and later became the director of the oil plant. Mother Antonina Nikolaevna was an economist and worked as an accountant under the guidance of her husband, first in the village council, and then at the butter factory. The future mayor of Moscow was youngest child in the family, he has two older sisters, Natalia and Lyudmila.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of who Sergei Sobyanin is by nationality. Official data says that his male ancestors were Ural Cossacks. In his autobiography for the election commission for the post of governor of the Tyumen region, Sobyanin called himself Russian and denied the information that he was a representative of the Mansi people, as written in some reference books and encyclopedias.

The childhood of Sergei Sobyanin was no different from other children. He was a diligent student and child, successfully graduated from Berezovskaya secondary school and in 1975 moved to Kostroma, where he entered the local Institute of Technology to study. In 1980, having received a red diploma as a mechanical engineering technologist, he immediately got into the workforce and worked as an engineer at the Kostroma plant for the production of woodworking machines.

Later, he decided to expand his higher education and entered the correspondence department of the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. In 1989, Sergei Semenovich received a law degree, and 10 years later he defended his dissertation and received a PhD in law.


The future Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation got into politics from Komsomol organization Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, where he worked as a foreman. In 1982, the biography of Sergei Sobyanin received a political direction, and he became the head of the organizational department of the Leninsky District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Chelyabinsk. After 2 years, he was sent to the city of Kogalym, where he first took the position of head of the housing and communal services, and later became the head of the city's tax inspectorate.

Since 1991 career Sergei Semenovich rapidly began to gain momentum - at first he was appointed head of the administration of Kogalym, and after 2 years he became the first deputy head Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. This post opened the way for Sobyanin to the District Duma of Khanty-Mansiysk, which he headed in 1996.

In 2001, the future mayor of the capital of Russia was elected governor of the Tyumen region, and a few months after his appointment he received membership in the supreme council of the All-Russian United Russia party. In 2005, Sergei Sobyanin got into the administration of the President of Russia and was appointed head. Therefore, Sergei Semenovich moved to Moscow and relieved himself of gubernatorial duties.

The political career in the capital also developed rapidly - in 2006 he was a member of the Commission for Military-Technical Cooperation, in 2008 he led the election campaign former president RF, and in 2009 becomes the head of the board of directors of Channel One.

In 2005, Sergei Sobyanin headed the Administration of the President of Russia

After winning the presidential elections Medvedeva Sergey Semenovich receives the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and becomes the head of the government headed by Vladimir Putin, as well as a member of the Commission for Economic Development of the Russian Federation and is a member of the Skolkovo Board of Trustees.

In the fall of 2010 after the resignation former mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin became one of four candidates for the post of mayor of the capital from United Russia. After he was approved as mayor of Moscow, the powers of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation were removed from him, and Sergei Semenovich immediately began to solve the problems of the city, which, in his opinion, were traffic jams and corruption.

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin. Inauguration of the new mayor of the capital on Poklonnaya Hill

The achievements of Sergei Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow a year later were duly appreciated by his colleagues and the country's leadership. He managed to stop the destruction of historical Moscow, organize the fight against organized crime and illegal trade, achieve the development of public transport, ensure the transparency of the city's budget, and modernize the city's education and healthcare systems.

In 2012, after the adoption by Medvedev of the law on the return of direct elections of heads of regions, Sergei Sobyanin resigned and decided to run for the post of mayor of the city in the status of a self-nominated candidate. The oppositionist became his main competitor in this fight. The man stated that Sergei Semenovich was illegally participating in the upcoming elections, to which the Moscow City Electoral Committee made an official statement that the registration of a candidate for the post of mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, was carried out in full accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

September 8, 2013 Sergei Semenovich in the first round of voting was re-elected to the post of mayor of Moscow. Sobyanin won more than 51% of the vote, while the main rival Alexei Navalny received support from 27% of the population.

As mayor, Sobyanin takes care of the restoration of architectural monuments. Preservation cultural heritage, according to Sergei Semenovich, one of the priority areas in the work of the Moscow City Hall. He noted that under his leadership in the fall of 2015, 6 hundred objects, 4 thousand facades of buildings were restored historical significance and about 200 buildings that were previously in the demolition plan were saved. Under Sobyanin, the procedure for recognizing buildings of historical significance as monuments of culture and architecture was simplified.

However, opposition forces believe that under Sobyanin the practice for which Yury Luzhkov was criticized continued. We are talking about the destruction of historical buildings in favor of the construction of new ones. In particular, according to Rustam Rakhmatullin, coordinator of the Archnadzor movement, with Sobyanin and his team coming to power, the attitude towards monuments changed at the level of declarations. And Rakhmatullin connected the decrease in the level of construction activity in the city center with “many years of public demand” and the outflow of money due to the crisis.

In early 2016, the mayor of the city allowed the demolition of the so-called "squatter" located near metro stations. In winter, workers demolished more than 100 shopping pavilions in one night. The press dubbed the event "The Night of the Long Dippers". There were doubts about the legitimacy of the actions of the Moscow authorities. To this, Sobyanin remarked that "truth, heritage and history of the country are not sold in Russia."

Former rival Sobyanin Alexei Navalny in early 2017 accused the mayor of overspending on the purchase of decorations for Moscow streets. According to Navalny, the city government purchased jewelry worth 2,241,630 rubles, while the price from the supplier was 475,000. A few days later, Sobyanin proposed removing the city's public procurement data from the federal government procurement portal, which drew criticism from lawyers from the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

In 2017, the renovation of the capital's housing stock continues. Part of the renovation is the Khrushchev demolition program, which has caused concern among the residents of these houses. Sobyanin assured that only those houses, more than half of which would vote for resettlement, would be demolished. In a 2016 interview, when asked about the constant construction and the sounds of repairs that are heard even in the city hall, Sobyanin replied: “For me, these sounds are pleasant.” According to the mayor, they say that the city is developing, there is movement, there is no stagnation.

Also in the spring, the mayor approved the launch of a new project called Moscow Doctor. Its essence lies in conferring such a title on specialists who will be able to prove that their qualifications, experience and professional level are higher than the basic requirements and meet international standards.

Personal life

The personal life of Sergei Sobyanin remained stable and, at first glance, happy until 2014, when the mayor of Moscow announced a divorce from his wife Irina Rubinchik. With the support of his wife, Sergei Semenovich went through a career path and lived in marriage for 28 years. The reason for the divorce of the mayor of Moscow from his wife is unknown - he asked not to interfere in his personal life, noting that they parted on a good note and support friendly relations.

Rumor has it that the reason for the separation of the spouses lies in the relationship of Sergei Semenovich with a comrade-in-arms. She, at a young age in the late 90s, began working with Sobyanin and went with him, as an assistant, from the head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma to the mayor of the capital. Tight work in conjunction and gave rise to talk about the fact that they are connected not only by a working relationship. They say that the father of the daughter Rakova, who was born in 2010, is Sergey Sobyanin.

Sobyanin has children from his marriage to Irina - Anna and Olga, born in 1986 and 1997, respectively. The eldest daughter of the mayor of Moscow - creative person, she graduated from the children's art school of Khanty-Mansiysk, and after that she received her higher education at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry. A. L. Stieglitz. She married businessman Alexander Ershov, a resident of the cultural capital of Russia. ABOUT youngest daughter Sergei Sobyanin, Olga, less is known. She lives in Moscow, studied at a regular school, showed interest in playing music and drawing.

According to official data, Sergei Sobyanin's income for 2017 amounted to 6 million 531 thousand 129 rubles. This is 75 thousand rubles. more than in 2016. Thus, his salary is about 550 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, he owns a 26-meter garage, but does not own a car. Also, the mayor of Moscow has an apartment with an area of ​​​​308 square meters.

The eldest daughter of Sergei Sobyanin with her husband Alexander

In 2013, a scandal erupted around this apartment and his youngest daughter. All the same Alexey Navalny published an investigation in which he said that these elite apartments, located in the center of Moscow, belonged at that time to his minor daughter Olga. The approximate cost of such a property is 173 million rubles. Judging by the declarations provided by the politician, this price exceeds Sobyanin's possible income for 10 years by more than 6 times.

Sergei Sobyanin is a great lover of literature and classical music, but his main hobby is hunting. As the mayor of Moscow himself admits, he first went to the beast in the taiga as a 15-year-old boy, and since then he has been so imbued with it that hunting has become one of his favorite types of recreation. Going hunting, Sobyanin prefers to personally drive a jeep or snowmobile.

The man tries to keep healthy lifestyle life. He doesn’t smoke, he prefers wine to vodka, if not hunting, but now he doesn’t have free time for basketball and volleyball, which he once loved. Nevertheless, for his age (in 2018 Sergey Semenovich turned 60) he looks great. With a height of 175 cm, its weight is about 73 kg.

Sergei Sobyanin now

In mid-June 2018, in the center of Moscow, on Pokrovka, in the Central House of the Entrepreneur, the election headquarters of Sergei Sobyanin was opened. He announced his intention to participate in the election of the mayor of Moscow on May 26 at the celebration of the birthday of the Active Citizen project in the park.

In addition to Sergei Semenovich, four more candidates applied for the post of mayor of the capital - the head of the Tagansky municipal district, Ilya Sviridov (from " Just Russia”), State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev (from the Liberal Democratic Party), former State Duma deputy Vadim Kumin (from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), as well as non-partisan businessman Mikhail Balakin.

On September 9, 2018, Sergei Sobyanin in the election of the mayor of Moscow again achieved victory and recognition of the inhabitants of the capital. According to the exit poll, 70.17% of the population of Moscow voted for him.

The current mayor has done a lot for Moscow, but he has a lot of unrealized projects, which, in fact, consisted of his election program. He plans to create 160 km of new lines and 79 metro stations by 2020, as well as organize conditions for convenient movement of pedestrians and motorists around the city. The program of renovation and improvement of the capital will be continued.

Sobyanin has an official website on which the latest Moscow news is published with enviable frequency and efficiency. Sergei Semenovich has his own official account in "Instagram", where new photos also appear regularly. In 2015, it was officially confirmed that the account was real and that the mayor of the city would personally maintain it. The head of Moscow is present and

By nationality, Sergei Sobyanin is a Vogul (or Mansi). A native of the village of Kogalym, which in translation means a dead place. Which way did Sobyanin go to the post of mayor of Moscow?

1. Nationality
Mansi - the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The total number of 11432 people. (According to the 2002 census). The closest relatives of the Khanty. They speak the Mansi language, about 60% use colloquial Russian.

Believers are formally Orthodox, but traditional shamanism, the cult of patron spirits, ancestors, and the bear (bear holidays) are preserved.

The name of Sergei Sobyanin as a famous Mansi got on the pages of several sites dedicated to the history of the Mansi people. However, Sobyanin himself in his biography called himself Russian.

2. Parents
Sobyanin Sr. - was the chairman of the village council, then worked as the director of the oil plant. Avid hunter. My mother worked as an accountant all her life.

3. Education
In 1980 he graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Institute of Technology, in 1989 - All-Union Law Correspondence Institute.

4. Labor activity
In 1975, at a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, Sergei Sobyanin went from a locksmith to a foreman. In 1982-1984 - head. department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol (Chelyabinsk). Since 1984 - deputy. chairman of the Kogalym village council, head of the housing and communal services department, secretary of the Kogalym city executive committee. In 1988-1990, he was deputy head of the organizational department of the district committee of the CPSU KhMAO. In 1990, he headed the tax inspectorate of Kogalym.

5. Rise to power
In December 1991, he was elected mayor of Kogalym. From November 1993 - First Deputy Head of Administration of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. On March 6, 1994, he was elected to the KhMAO Duma and became chairman of the district parliament. In January 1996 he became a member of the Federation Council. On October 27, 1996, he was re-elected as a deputy and chairman of the KhMAO Duma. In July 1998, he headed the committee of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation and judicial and legal issues. On July 12, 2000, he was appointed First Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President in the Urals federal district. On January 14, 2001, he was elected governor of the Tyumen region.

After the announcement of the election results, some media reported that 30,000 "illegal" voters participated in the elections, recruited at the expense of workers temporarily staying in the region, who cast their votes for Sergei Sobyanin. The deputy also expressed doubts about the election results State Duma Russian Federation Alexander Saliy, who said that he did not understand where the 12,000 "additional voters" in the North came from.

6. Governor of Tyumen
Introduction of a new structure local government, transition to per capita normative financing of schools, reduction in the number medical institutions- all this was carried out by Sobyanin in Tyumen long before the same reforms began in the rest of Russia. By the way, as well as the monetization of benefits, which took place in Tyumen even before the adoption of the relevant law in 2005.

The opposition cursed Sergei Sobyanin on all corners, but few people heard this: the governor had total control over the media in the region. When the rebellious pensioners blocked the traffic in Tyumen, not a word was written in the local press about it.

Sergey owns the phrase: "I do not think that a journalist can be free by definition, and the press cannot be free in our country."

After Natalya Yemelyanova, a popular TV presenter in Tyumen, ridiculed the governor's idea of ​​buying a special breed of cows from France, Drozdinsky, the owner of the local television company TRTR, was asked to fire her. Drozdinsky refused - and after a while he lost both the television company and the rights to publish the regional edition of MK in Tyumen, as well as the rights to broadcast Russian Radio and Europe Plus.

7. Friendship with Putin
Sergei Sobyanin was a partner of Putin and his colleague Gennady Timchenko in the St. Petersburg oil business back in the 1990s. In early 2000, Sobyanin joined the initiative group to nominate Putin for the presidency, and in 2001 he proposed extending the presidential term to seven years. He was one of the first governors to join United Russia, the first to support the abolition of the election of heads of regions after Beslan.
Openly and directly defends the interests of the prime minister - in any situation.

There is a lot in common between him and Putin. His personal life is completely closed, even at official events his wife was almost invisible, there are practically no photos of his two daughters in the media. No one knows how much money he really has.

8. Reviews about Sergei Sobyanin
« A strong character. Very rational and pragmatic. Extremely focused. Ruthless even." "Absolutely technocratic leader, tough, demanding manager, clearly a statesman, not a liberal." Former election loser to Sobyanin Tyumen Governor Roketsky spoke briefly about Sobyanin: "Always achieves his goals."

Sobyanin's political opponents in Tyumen called him a "robot" and a "man-computer." However, not everyone thinks so: one famous politician in conversation with The New The Times noted, speaking of Sobyanin, that under the guise of external equanimity, "remarkable passions and incredible ambitions doze in him."

9. Family
The wife of Sergei Sobyanin Irina Iosifovna (nee Rubinchik) - cousin former mayor of Kogalym Alexander Gavrin, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2000-2001. Owns the Tyumen road company "Ira curb". Two daughters - Anna and Olga.

10. Is Sobyanin the mayor of Moscow?
A source in the administration of the Tyumen region says that now many Tyumen officials "are literally sitting on their suitcases." “Rumors that Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin could take a position identical to the post of mayor of Moscow appeared regularly. And since he does not have his own team in Moscow, he will most likely use Tyumen personnel,” he explained.

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